Using a function in a report query

Why can't I call a function (basically a query) in a report query like I can from from SQL?
Consider the following:
Select MyFunctionName(arg) from dual;
From SQL, it works great! No problem:
In a report query, [Application/Shared Components/Report Queries] It doesn't work. I get an XML error:
XML Parsing Error: not well formed
<MyFunctionName('arg')>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
Looks like APEX is not even executing the function...
See I have a table with a CLOB field that contains properly formatted HTML. I cannot simply query for that content, since Oracle escapes the tags in the conversion to XML. I have to (somehow) tell Oracle to keep it's grubby mitts off my CLOB content. As far as I can tell, using DBMS_XMLGEN.setConvertSpecialChars is the only way to keep Oracle from escaping the html stored in the table--in fact, the DBMS_XMLGEN documentation states that it why this functionality exists in the first place!
This is why I am trying to use a function. Simply queries don't work. The function I wrote works beautifully in SQL, but not in a report query...
Edited by: Vorlon on Aug 5, 2010 1:20 PM

Note from the first post:
"In a report query, [Application/Shared Components/Report Queries]" Let me clarify: This report query is used in a BI Publisher report. Getting the information to the screen isn't the problem. I have that working. :-) It's just when I try to get the report to print that I see APEX has escaped the output before reaching BI Publisher--so BI Publisher is not the issue. I have a xsl template that will process the embedded HTML, but APEX is escaping my data before I can act on it. In other words:
It seems Apex is not creating the XML properly, since it escapes everything. Even when the function passes back data correctly.
Has anyone else seen this? Ideas for a workaround?

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    When you are doing the infoset for the query (SQ02) you can add coding by clicking the coding tab. You can chose in wich event you want your coding and there is Pattern Button for  you to easy use.
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    Hi Jayesh,
    Please have a look at the below attachment.
    Warm regards,
    Murukan Arunachalam

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    I don't think what your trying to do is available "out of the box", we have used a workaround to do what you want:
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    Post Author: mewdied
    CA Forum: .NET
    'EXPORT to EMAIL        ''' Code for exporting the report to Mapi (.Net Windows application)        ''' *For a Web application you must export to disk as a PDF file first.
            crReportDocument.Load(Application.StartupPath + "\World Sales Report.rpt")        crMicrosoftMailDestinationOptions = New MicrosoftMailDestinationOptions        With crMicrosoftMailDestinationOptions            .MailCCList = "[email protected]"            .MailToList = "[email protected]"            .MailSubject = "Attached exported report"            .UserName = "admin"            .Password = "password"        End With
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    Hi Ashishsingh,
    According to your description, you want to know how to use MAX function in SQL Server Analysis Services MDX Query, right? In this case, please refer to the link below which describe the syntax and sample of MDX function.
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    TechNet Community Support

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         pbl_apprv_lst.activity_result_display_name AP_Process_Result
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         ap_invoice_payments_all d,
         ap_invoices_all c,
    ap_expense_report_headers_all a,
         ap_credit_card_trxns_all cc,
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    from wf_item_activity_statuses_v ias1,
    (select c1.invoice_num
         from ap_checks_all e1,
         ap_invoice_payments_all d1,
         ap_invoices_all c1
         where trunc(e1.check_date) between nvl(:From_Date, trunc(e1.check_date))
         and nvl(:To_Date, trunc(e1.check_date))
    and e1.org_id = 141
    and e1.void_date IS null
    and d1.check_id = e1.check_id
         and c1.invoice_id = d1.invoice_id) inv_lst1
    where ias1.item_type = 'APEXP'
    and ias1.user_key = inv_lst1.invoice_num
    and ias1.activity_name = 'AP_MANAGER_APPROVAL_PROCESS') mgr_apprv_lst,
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    from wf_item_activity_statuses_v ias2,
    (select c2.invoice_num
         from ap_checks_all e2,
         ap_invoice_payments_all d2,
         ap_invoices_all c2
         where trunc(e2.check_date) between nvl(:From_Date, trunc(e2.check_date))
         and nvl(:To_Date, trunc(e2.check_date))
    and e2.org_id = 141
    and e2.void_date IS null
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         and c2.invoice_id = d2.invoice_id) inv_lst2
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    and ias2.user_key = inv_lst2.invoice_num
    and ias2.activity_name = 'AP_PAYABLES_APPROVAL_PROCESS') pbl_apprv_lst
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    and nvl(:To_Date, trunc(e.check_date))
    and e.org_id = 141
    and e.void_date IS null
    and d.check_id = e.check_id
    and c.invoice_id = d.invoice_id
    and a.invoice_num = c.invoice_num
    and a.source = 'CREDIT CARD'
    and a.employee_id = nvl(:Emp_id,a.employee_id)
    and a.report_header_id = b.report_header_id
    and cc.trx_id = b.credit_card_trx_id
    and pap.person_id = a.employee_id
    and pap.effective_start_date <= trunc(sysdate)
    and pap.effective_end_date >= trunc(sysdate)
    and k.code_combination_id = b.code_combination_id
    and k.segment2 between nvl(:From_Cost_Center,k.segment2)
    and nvl(:To_Cost_Center,k.segment2)
    and substr(a.invoice_num,1,9) = l.invoice_num
    and substr(c.invoice_num,1,9) = mgr_apprv_lst.user_key
    and substr(c.invoice_num,1,9) = pbl_apprv_lst.user_key

    If I understood correctly your logic, and if the columns involved are of type varchar2, you can use the like operator:
    and a.invoice_num like l.invoice_num || '%'
    and c.invoice_num like mgr_apprv_lst.user_key  || '%'
    and c.invoice_num like pbl_apprv_lst.user_key  || '%'In this case, Oracle will be able to use the indexes. If they are numeric, you need to do something like:
    and a.invoice_num between l.invoice_num * 1000000
                                and l.invoice_num * 1000000 + 999999I hope this makes sense...

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    Hi Dan,
    Are you referring to user-defined SQL functions? If yes, then these are not accessible in Crystal Reports.
    You would need to create a stored procedure which calls the function and does the processing and use this procedure in CR.
    - Abhilash

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         distinct '<input class="radio_report_search_photos" name="radio_selected_photo" type="radio" />' as "Sel",
         '<img alt="" id="thumb_'||phot_id||'" class="clickable_thumb" src="#OWNER#.show_photo?v_id_photo='||phot_id||'" />' as "Thumb",
         substr(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(kw_text, ', '),3) keyword_list
              count(*) OVER(partition by phot_id ) cnt,
              ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by phot_id order by kw_text) seq
              phot_id = pkw_phot_id
              and pkw_kw_id = kw_id
              and contains(kw_text,nvl(:P0_SEARCH_PHOTO_KW,'%')) > 0
         seq = cnt
    start with
         seq = 1
    connect by prior
         seq+1 = seq
    and prior
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    Why ?
    Details :
    url :
    Error :
    Fri, 22 Jul 2011 09:25:38 GMT
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

    OK I now use xmlagg & xmlelement instead of connect by.
    Sorry for not providing any solution.

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    I need to create a sap query like using SELECT MAX(begda) statement.
    Please teach me how...
    Thank u in advance..

    Hi Ella,
    You can very well use the aggregate functions in sql which is usually a performance tuning technique.
    A calculation that is made on several records or cells of data. SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN and COUNT are examples of aggregate functions that are used in spreadsheets and database programs.
    SELECT ( ( ] ...
    MAX: returns the maximum value of the column
    MIN: returns the minimum value of the column
    AVG: returns the average value of the column
    SUM: returns the sum value of the column
    COUNT: counts values or lines as follows:
    · COUNT( DISTINCT ) returns the number of different values in the column.
    · COUNT( * ) returns the total number of lines in the selection.
    Ex:    DATA: fldate LIKE sbook-fldate,
          count  TYPE i,
          avg    TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
          max    TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
    SELECT fldate COUNT( * ) AVG( luggweight ) MAX( luggweight )
           FROM sbook
           INTO (fldate, count, avg, max)
           WHERE carrid = 'LH' AND
                 connid = '0400'
           GROUP BY fldate.
      WRITE: / fldate, count, avg, max.
    For further info:
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: SRIKANTH P on May 27, 2009 9:41 AM

  • Using stored function in the Report Trigger

    I have faced this problem in Reports6.0.
    When a stored function is called in the after form trigger as
    val := func1(abc,def);
    the report is hanging
    If I write like this i.e.,
    select func1(abc,def) into val
    from dual;
    it is working fine . Is this a bug ? Or Is there any reason
    behind it . Please Clarify !
    ThanX in Advance !
    Rajesh Mudiganti

    You can define your own PF-STATUS and in that assign the function code for BACK button anything except 'BACK'.
    The code would somewhat look like this:
    write : itab-col1,
    in the PF-STATUS 'TEST', assign the function code to BACK button as 'BCK'.
    Now in your program you can use the event AT USER-COMMAND.
    In this you can handle the functionality of BACK button.
    Hope this helps.

  • Using concatenate function to write report comments

    Hi am a high school teacher and have just got my first iPad - lovinging it!!! and am using Numbers and Pages on both my Mac at home and my iPad, but have hit a bit of a snage with using the concatenate funtion in my report generating spreadsheet.
    We use a 5 grade descriptor at our school for student outcomes (A-E for simplicities sack here) which I use as the basis for generating comments to explain the students performance at each outcome - this actually saves me hours and gives me more original reports across a whole class - the problem that I am having is that when I use the traditional bracketed IF queries to return the various strings matched to the outcomes Numbers will only let me address the outcome source cell in the first case, whenever i hit the cell again the orignal reference just "highlights"
    Any clues as to what I am doing wrong?
    Here is the start of the equation:
    =CONCATENATE(B1, " ",IF(Ranks and Grades :: Effort 'Nada '="O", Comment Phrases :: B9,(if when i get to here i go to hit Ranks and Grades :: Effort 'Nada' and it just highlights the original entry
    Help!!!!! these need to be in yesterday!!!!

    Thanks for the help Barry - don't try and author stuff like this on the iPad, just use it for record keeping, viewing and editing, author in the Mac, unfortunately your reply came just a little too late for me no not have laready resorted to using Excel (grumble grumble) but I will be doing the rest of my junior classes on Numbers - is just a nicer environment ot work with, especially with the descriptor cell addresses!!!!
    And yes they were typos, working on reports while not beina able to breath (asthma) and writing questions while brain tired from low O2 (yes I'm a science teacher) not a good combo
    Thanks again for the help
    PS can you shed any light as to why numbers operates in this manner, it seems a little Byzentine...

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    Faisal Vakil
    Edited by: Faisal Vakil on Nov 5, 2010 11:12 PM

    =MonthNumberOfYear([Order Date])+"/"+DayNumberOfMonth([Order Date])+"/"+FormatNumber(Year(CurrentDate());"####")
    =FormatDate([Order Date];"M/d/")+FormatNumber(Year(CurrentDate());"####")

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