UTL_FILE directories limitation

Is there any limit for number of directories to be added to the UTL_FILE_DIR in init.ora. I believe oracle stores these directories in V$PARAMETER in value field which is 512 bytes. That means we cannot add directories if the total directories size exceeds 512 bytes.
Any way to overcome this.

Sorry, I misunderstood your question. I think that you you described yourself very well the intrinsec limitation for UTL_FILE_DIR, which is the reason for which Oracle has actuually stopped developing UTL_FILE_DIR a long time ago.
The replacement is described in http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/appdev.920/a96612/u_file.htm#998101
"In the past, accessible directories for the UTL_FILE functions were specified in the initialization file using the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter. However, UTL_FILE_DIR access is not recommended. It is recommended that you use the CREATE DIRECTORY feature, which replaces UTL_FILE_DIR."
You can find many info about this in http://asktom.oracle.com.

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  • Usage of UTL_FILE

    Hi Guys,
    I am new to UTL_FILE. I am using system user account. I wrote two stored procedures using this. Compilation is OK. But when I execute I have following error:
    SQL> exec write_file
    BEGIN write_file; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 98
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 157
    ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.WRITE_FILE", line 9
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Line 9 is
    9 lft_file_hdle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(ls_file_path, ls_file_name, 'W');
    The Stored Procedure is:
    2 lft_file_hdle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    3 ls_bfr_line VARCHAR2(1000);
    4 ls_file_path VARCHAR2(75) := 'c:\';
    5 ls_file_name VARCHAR2(75) := 'Results_';
    7 Begin
    8 ls_file_name := ls_file_name| |to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yyyy')| |'.txt';
    9 lft_file_hdle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(ls_file_path, ls_file_name, 'W');
    10 UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(lft_file_hdle, 'abc');
    11 UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(lft_file_hdle);
    12 End;
    13 /
    Procedure created.
    1000 thanks in anticipation

    Define valid utl_file directories in init.ora e. g. for UNIX:
    utl_file_dir = /usr/oracle/utlfile/,/cqddata_10/exports/
    Separate them by commmas, include the last '/' after the path.
    You can check to see what directories are valid:
    SQL> select name, value from v$parameter where name like '%utl%';
    /usr/oracle/utlfile/, /cqddata_10/exports/

  • If you need to FTP with PL/SQL...

    If you need to perform FTP from within PL/SQL and your database version has the UTL_TCP package, here is a free package you can use. The source code is hopefully documented well enough for you to tell what's going on and how to use the functions. Suggestions on improving the code are welcome, and I can provide limited support via email for what I've written, but I would encourage anyone who uses the code to modify/fix it according to their needs. If you modify the code, I respectfully request that you leave intact the authorship and note comments at the beginning of the package.
    Please note that I have not rigorously tested this code, but it has successfully transferred files in both directions in the limited tests that I have performed.
    -- Copy the code below and run it in your favorite SQL editor --
    Simplified FTP client API using UTL_TCP package
    Author: Alan Wessman, Brigham Young University
    Note: This FTP client attempts to adhere to the protocol and advice found at:
    No warranties are made regarding the correctness of this code.
    1. Most of these functions will raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if the connection
    is not open or is reset during the network transaction. They will also
    raise VALUE_ERROR if the server response is ill-formed or a buffer is
    too small to hold data. (Most buffers in this package are defined as
    VARCHAR2(32767) to avoid size limitations; reduce this if memory overhead
    is a concern.)
    2. "Verbose mode" can be enabled/disabled by changing the default value of
    the vDebug variable in the package body. Setting vDebug to TRUE will
    cause a session transcript to be output to DBMS_OUTPUT.
    3. The following is an example of how this package might be used:
    c utl_tcp.connection;
    vresp varchar2(32767);
    vbuf varchar2(32767);
    vresp_code number;
    vremote_host varchar2(32) := 'some.hostname.com';
    vusername varchar2(8) := 'username';
    vpassword varchar2(8) := 'password';
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Opening session...' );
    vresp_code := ftp.open_session( c,
    5 );
    vresp_code := ftp.put( c,
    vresp );
    vresp_code := ftp.remote_command( c, 'CHMOD 660 remote.test' );
    vresp_code := ftp.chdir( c, '/home/somebody/subdir' );
    vresp_code := ftp.pwd( c );
    vresp_code := ftp.get( c,
    vresp );
    vresp_code := ftp.close_session( c );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Closed session.' );
    when others then dbms_output.put_line( sqlcode || ':' || sqlerrm );
    Function: Open_Session
    Description: Begins an FTP session with the remote server.
    conn OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be passed
    in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    host Name or IP address of remote server
    username User ID to use for login
    password Password to use for login
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies
    timeout_secs Number of seconds for TCP timeout. Pass in NULL to disable
    timeout (wait forever for responses). Pass in 0 (zero) for
    no wait.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if host parameter is incorrect or if
    some other networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    FUNCTION Open_Session( conn OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    host IN VARCHAR2,
    username IN VARCHAR2,
    password IN VARCHAR2,
    response OUT VARCHAR2,
    timeout_secs IN NUMBER DEFAULT 60 ) RETURN NUMBER;
    Function: Get
    Description: Retrieves a file on the remote server and stores its contents in
    a VARCHAR2 buffer.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    buf OUT parameter; buffer for retrieved file contents
    remote_path Pathname (including file name) indicating location of remote
    file to be retrieved
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed or buf is
    too small for file contents.
    FUNCTION Get( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    buf OUT VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    Function: Get
    Description: Retrieves a file on the remote server and stores its contents in
    a local file. Assumes an open file handle and does not close it.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    local_file IN OUT parameter; UTL_FILE file handle for input file. File
    is assumed to be open for writing.
    remote_path Pathname (including file name) indicating location of remote
    file to be retrieved
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed or buf is
    too small for file contents.
    May raise any of the UTL_FILE exceptions if file write operations
    fail. See UTL_FILE documentation for additional details.
    FUNCTION Get( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_file IN OUT UTL_FILE.File_Type,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    Function: Get
    Description: Retrieves a file on the remote server and stores its contents in
    a local file. Opens and closes local file automatically.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    local_path Pathname of local directory in which to store the retrieved
    file's contents
    local_filename Name of local file in which to store retrieved file's contents
    (creates new file or overwrites existing file)
    remote_path Pathname (including file name) indicating location of remote
    file to be retrieved
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed or buf is
    too small for file contents.
    May raise any of the UTL_FILE exceptions if file open, write, or
    close operations fail. See UTL_FILE documentation for additional
    FUNCTION Get( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_path IN VARCHAR2,
    local_filename IN VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    Function: Put
    Description: Stores data as a file on the remote server
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    buf IN parameter; contains data to upload
    remote_path Pathname (including file name) indicating location of remote
    file to be created/overwritten
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    FUNCTION Put( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    buf IN VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    Function: Put
    Description: Uploads a local file to the remote server. Assumes an open file
    handle and does not close it.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    local_file IN OUT parameter; UTL_FILE file handle for input file. File
    is assumed to be open for reading.
    remote_path Pathname (including file name) indicating location of remote
    file to be created/overwritten.
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    May raise any of the UTL_FILE exceptions if file read operations
    fail. See UTL_FILE documentation for additional details.
    FUNCTION Put( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_file IN OUT UTL_FILE.File_Type,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    Function: Put
    Description: Uploads a local file to the remote server. Opens and closes local
    file automatically.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    local_path Pathname of local directory in which file to upload exists.
    local_filename Name of local file to upload.
    remote_path Pathname (including file name) indicating location of remote
    file to be created/overwritten.
    response OUT parameter; buffer for server replies.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    May raise any of the UTL_FILE exceptions if file open, read, or
    close operations fail. See UTL_FILE documentation for additional
    FUNCTION Put( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_path IN VARCHAR2,
    local_filename IN VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    Function: Remote_Command
    Description: Sends an arbitrary command to the server via the SITE command.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    command Command and parameter(s) to send to the server, e.g.
    'CHMOD 600 foo.txt'
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    FUNCTION Remote_Command( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    Function: Chdir
    Description: Changes current working directory on remote server to specified
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    remote_path Path on remote server to change to.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    FUNCTION Chdir( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER;
    Function: Pwd
    Description: Prints current working directory (on remote server) to debugging
    output if debugging is turned on.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    Return value: 0 (zero) if operation is successful; FTP error code if operation
    is not successful.
    Exceptions: May raise UTL_TCP.NETWORK_ERROR if some networking error occurs.
    May raise VALUE_ERROR if server response is ill-formed.
    Function: Close_Session
    Description: Closes the TCP connection to the remote server.
    conn IN OUT parameter that contains the connection info; to be
    passed in to subsequent commands to maintain session state.
    Return value: 0 (zero)
    Exceptions: None raised.
    FUNCTION Close_Session( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection ) RETURN NUMBER;
    Function: Close_All_Sessions
    Description: Closes all currently open TCP connections.
    Parameters: None.
    Return value: 0 (zero)
    Exceptions: None raised.
    FUNCTION Close_All_Sessions RETURN NUMBER;
    END FTP;
    vDebug BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    IF vDebug THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line( msg );
    END IF;
    END Debug;
    FUNCTION Get_Response( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    vLen NUMBER;
    vCode NUMBER;
    vResp VARCHAR2(32767);
    vLen := UTL_TCP.READ_LINE( conn, vResp );
    Debug( vResp );
    -- If TO_NUMBER below fails, let the exception propagate to calling proc
    vCode := TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( vResp, 1, 3 ) );
    vResp := SUBSTR( vResp, 4 );
    buf := buf || SUBSTR( vResp, 2 );
    IF SUBSTR( vResp, 1, 1 ) = '-' THEN
    vLen := UTL_TCP.READ_LINE( conn, vResp );
    Debug( vResp );
    vCode := TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( vResp, 1, 3 ) );
    vResp := SUBSTR( vResp, 4 );
    IF SUBSTR( vResp, 1, 1 ) = ' ' THEN
    buf := buf || SUBSTR( vResp, 2 );
    END IF;
    END Get_Code;
    buf := buf || vResp;
    END IF;
    RETURN vCode;
    END Get_Response;
    FUNCTION Do_Command( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    cmd IN VARCHAR2,
    vResult NUMBER := 0;
    vResult := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE( conn, cmd );
    vResult := Get_Response( conn, response );
    RETURN vResult;
    END Do_Command;
    FUNCTION Parse_Port_Number( port_string IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS
    vResult NUMBER;
    vNew_Port_String VARCHAR2(32767);
    -- This stuff parses out the port number encoding from the server reply
    -- Reply is in the format xyzh1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2xyz
    -- xyz = possible character data (server-dependent, may not exist)
    -- h1-h4 = server IP elements; ignore since we know the host already
    -- p1,p2 = port number encoding (port number = p1 * 256 + p2 )
    vNew_Port_String := TRANSLATE( port_string, '0123456789', '0000000000' );
    vNew_Port_String := SUBSTR( port_string,
    INSTR( vNew_Port_String, '0' ),
    INSTR( vNew_Port_String, '0', -1 ) -
    INSTR( vNew_Port_String, '0' ) + 1 );
    vNew_Port_String := SUBSTR( vNew_Port_String,
    INSTR( vNew_Port_String, ',', 1, 4 ) + 1 );
    vResult := 256 * TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( vNew_Port_String,
    INSTR( vNew_Port_String, ',' ) - 1 ) );
    vResult := vResult + TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( vNew_Port_String,
    INSTR( vNew_Port_String, ',' ) + 1 ) );
    RETURN vResult;
    -- Allow VALUE_ERROR to propagate
    END Parse_Port_Number;
    FUNCTION Open_Session( conn OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    host IN VARCHAR2,
    username IN VARCHAR2,
    password IN VARCHAR2,
    response OUT VARCHAR2,
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vGarbage NUMBER; -- For calling functions when we don't care about return val
    conn := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION( host,
    tx_timeout => timeout_secs );
    vResp_Code := Get_Response( conn, response );
    IF vResp_Code = 220 THEN
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'USER ' || username, response );
    IF vResp_Code IN ( 331, 332 ) THEN
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'PASS ' || password, response );
    IF vResp_Code NOT IN ( 202, 230 ) THEN
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'TYPE I', response );
    Debug( 'Logged into ' || conn.remote_host || ' at port ' || conn.remote_port );
    RETURN 0;
    Debug( 'Fatal error opening session:' );
    Debug( ' Code: ' || vResp_Code );
    Debug( ' Response: ' || response );
    vGarbage := Close_Session( conn );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END Open_Session;
    FUNCTION Get( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    buf OUT VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    vResp VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vNew_Conn UTL_TCP.Connection;
    vNew_Port NUMBER;
    -- do PASV
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'PASV', response );
    IF vResp_Code = 227 THEN
    vNew_Port := Parse_Port_Number( response );
    vNew_Conn := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION( conn.remote_host,
    tx_timeout => conn.tx_timeout );
    Debug( 'Data connection: ' || vNew_Conn.remote_host || ':' || vNew_Conn.remote_port );
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'RETR ' || REPLACE( remote_path, CHR(12), CHR(0) ), response );
    IF vResp_Code <> 150 THEN
    END IF;
    vResp := vResp || UTL_TCP.GET_LINE( vNew_Conn, FALSE );
    END Get_Download;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    vResp_Code := Get_Response( conn, response );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 400 AND 599 THEN
    END IF;
    Debug( SQLERRM );
    END Switch_Port;
    END IF;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    buf := vResp;
    RETURN 0;
    Debug( 'Fatal error getting ' || remote_path || ':' );
    Debug( ' Code: ' || vResp_Code );
    Debug( ' Response: ' || response );
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    Debug( vResp_Code || ': ' || SQLERRM );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END Get;
    FUNCTION Get( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_file IN OUT UTL_FILE.File_Type,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    vResp VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code NUMBER := -1;
    vNew_Conn UTL_TCP.Connection;
    vNew_Port NUMBER;
    -- do PASV
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'PASV', response );
    IF vResp_Code = 227 THEN
    vNew_Port := Parse_Port_Number( response );
    vNew_Conn := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION( conn.remote_host,
    tx_timeout => conn.tx_timeout );
    Debug( 'Data connection: ' || vNew_Conn.remote_host || ':' || vNew_Conn.remote_port );
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'RETR ' || REPLACE( remote_path, CHR(12), CHR(0) ), response );
    IF vResp_Code <> 150 THEN
    END IF;
    vResp := UTL_TCP.GET_LINE( vNew_Conn, FALSE );
    UTL_FILE.Put( local_file, vResp );
    END Get_Download;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    vResp_Code := Get_Response( conn, response );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 400 AND 599 THEN
    END IF;
    Debug( SQLERRM );
    END Switch_Port;
    END IF;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    RETURN 0;
    Debug( 'Fatal error getting ' || remote_path || ':' );
    Debug( ' Code: ' || vResp_Code );
    Debug( ' Response: ' || response );
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    Debug( vResp_Code || ': ' || SQLERRM );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END Get;
    FUNCTION Get( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_path IN VARCHAR2,
    local_filename IN VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    vFile UTL_FILE.File_Type;
    vResult NUMBER := -1;
    vFile := UTL_FILE.FOPEN( local_path, local_filename, 'w' );
    vResult := Get( conn, vFile, remote_path, response );
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE( vFile );
    RETURN vResult;
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE( vFile );
    END IF;
    END Get;
    FUNCTION Put( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    buf IN VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    vResp VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vNew_Conn UTL_TCP.Connection;
    vNew_Port NUMBER;
    -- do PASV
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'PASV', response );
    IF vResp_Code = 227 THEN
    vNew_Port := Parse_Port_Number( response );
    vNew_Conn := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION( conn.remote_host,
    tx_timeout => conn.tx_timeout );
    Debug( 'Data connection: ' || vNew_Conn.remote_host || ':' || vNew_Conn.remote_port );
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'STOR ' || REPLACE( remote_path, CHR(12), CHR(0) ), response );
    IF vResp_Code <> 150 THEN
    END IF;
    vResp_Code := UTL_TCP.WRITE_TEXT( vNew_Conn, buf );
    UTL_TCP.FLUSH( vNew_Conn );
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    vResp_Code := Get_Response( conn, response );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 400 AND 599 THEN
    END IF;
    Debug( SQLERRM );
    END Switch_Port;
    END IF;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    response := vResp;
    RETURN 0;
    Debug( 'Fatal error putting ' || remote_path || ':' );
    Debug( ' Code: ' || vResp_Code );
    Debug( ' Response: ' || response );
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    Debug( vResp_Code || ': ' || SQLERRM );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END Put;
    FUNCTION Put( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_file IN OUT UTL_FILE.File_Type,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    vResp VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vNew_Conn UTL_TCP.Connection;
    vNew_Port NUMBER;
    vNew_Port_String VARCHAR2(32767);
    -- do PASV
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'PASV', response );
    IF vResp_Code = 227 THEN
    vNew_Port := Parse_Port_Number( response );
    vNew_Conn := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION( conn.remote_host,
    tx_timeout => conn.tx_timeout );
    Debug( 'Data connection: ' || vNew_Conn.remote_host || ':' || vNew_Conn.remote_port );
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'STOR ' || REPLACE( remote_path, CHR(12), CHR(0) ), response );
    IF vResp_Code <> 150 THEN
    END IF;
    UTL_FILE.Get_Line( local_file, vResp );
    vResp_Code := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE( vNew_Conn, vResp );
    END Get_Download;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    vResp_Code := Get_Response( conn, response );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 400 AND 599 THEN
    END IF;
    Debug( SQLERRM );
    END Switch_Port;
    END IF;
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    RETURN 0;
    Debug( 'Fatal error putting ' || remote_path || ':' );
    Debug( ' Code: ' || vResp_Code );
    Debug( ' Response: ' || response );
    vResp_Code := Close_Session( vNew_Conn );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    Debug( vResp_Code || ': ' || SQLERRM );
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END Put;
    FUNCTION Put( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    local_path IN VARCHAR2,
    local_filename IN VARCHAR2,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2,
    vFile UTL_FILE.File_Type;
    vResult NUMBER;
    vFile := UTL_FILE.FOPEN( local_path, local_filename, 'r' );
    vResult := Put( conn, vFile, remote_path, response );
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE( vFile );
    RETURN vResult;
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE( vFile );
    END IF;
    END Put;
    FUNCTION Remote_Command( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vResponse VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'SITE ' || command, vResponse );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 500 AND 599 THEN
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END IF;
    RETURN 0;
    END Remote_Command;
    FUNCTION Chdir( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection,
    remote_path IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER IS
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vResponse VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'CWD ' || REPLACE( remote_path, CHR(12), CHR(0) ), vResponse );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 500 AND 599 THEN
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END IF;
    RETURN 0;
    END Chdir;
    vResp_Code NUMBER;
    vResponse VARCHAR2(32767);
    vResp_Code := Do_Command( conn, 'PWD', vResponse );
    IF vResp_Code BETWEEN 500 AND 599 THEN
    RETURN vResp_Code;
    END IF;
    RETURN 0;
    END Pwd;
    FUNCTION Close_Session( conn IN OUT NOCOPY UTL_TCP.Connection ) RETURN NUMBER IS
    IF conn.remote_host IS NULL THEN
    RETURN 0;
    END IF;
    Debug( 'Closing connection on ' || conn.remote_host || ':' || conn.remote_port );
    UTL_TCP.Close_Connection( conn );
    RETURN 0;
    END Close_Session;
    RETURN 0;
    END Close_All_Sessions;
    END FTP;

    Here's another PL/SQL package that will FTP ASCII text files. It assumes that you have proper permissions on the remote host and simply want to transfer one or more text files, not perform any other miscellaneous commands.
    Also, from what I have read, in 9i UTL_FILE supports reading and writing of binary data so an FTP client could be written to transfer either ASCII or BINARY files.
    * PL/SQL FTP Client
    * Created by: Russ Johnson, Braun Consulting
    * www.braunconsult.com
    * This package uses the standard packages UTL_FILE and UTL_TCP to perform
    * client-side FTP functionality (PUT and GET) for text files as defined in
    * the World Wide Web Consortium's RFC 959 document - http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc959/
    * The procedures and functions in this package allow single or multiple file transfer using
    * standard TCP/IP connections.
    * Currently the API is limited to transfer of ASCII text files only. This is
    * primarily because UTL_FILE only supports text I/O, but also because the original
    * design was for creating text files from data in the Oracle database, then transferring the file to a remote host.
    * Furthermore, the API does not support SSH/Secure FTP or connection through a proxy server.
    * Keep in mind that FTP passes the username/password combo in plain text over TCP/IP.
    * DB versions - 8i (8.1.x) and above. 8.0.x may work if it has the SYS.UTL_TCP package.
    * Note: Since UTL_FILE is used for the client-side I/O, this package is also limited to
    * transfer of files that exist in directories available to UTL_FILE for read/write.
    * These directories are defined by the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter in the init.ora file.
    * USAGE
    * Three functions are available for FTP - PUT, GET, and FTP_MULTIPLE. FTP_MULTIPLE takes
    * a table of records that define the files to be transferred (filename, directory, etc.).
    * That table can have 1 record or multiple records. The PUT and GET functions are included
    * for convenience to FTP one file at a time. PUT and GET return true if the file is transferred
    * successfully and false if it fails. FTP_MULTIPLE returns true if no batch-level errors occur
    * (such as an invalid host, refused connection, or invalid login information). It also takes the
    * table of file records IN and passes it back OUT. Each record contains individual error information.
    * Transfer multiple files - 1 GET and 2 PUT from a Windows machine to a host (assuming UNIX here).
    * Display any errors that occur.
    *      v_username      VARCHAR2(40) := 'rjohnson';
    * v_password      VARCHAR2(40) := 'password';
    * v_hostname      VARCHAR2(255) := 'ftp.oracle.com';
    * v_error_message      VARCHAR2(1000);
    * b_put           BOOLEAN;
    * t_files      BRNC_FTP_PKG.t_ftp_rec; -- Declare our table of file records
    * BEGIN
    * t_files(1).localpath           := 'd:\oracle\utl_file\outbound';
    * t_files(1).filename           := 'myfile1.txt';
    * t_files(1).remotepath           := '/home/oracle/text_files';
    * t_files(1).transfer_mode      := 'PUT';
    * t_files(2).localpath           := 'd:\oracle\utl_file\inbound';
    * t_files(2).filename           := 'incoming_file.xml';
    * t_files(2).remotepath           := '/home/oracle/xml_files';
    * t_files(2).transfer_mode      := 'GET';
    * t_files(3).localpath           := 'd:\oracle\utl_file\outbound';
    * t_files(3).filename           := 'myfile2.txt';
    * t_files(3).remotepath      := '/home';
    * t_files(3).transfer_mode      := 'PUT';
    * b_put := BRNC_FTP_PKG.FTP_MULTIPLE(v_error_message,
    * t_files,
    * v_username,
    * v_password,
    * v_hostname);
    * IF b_put = TRUE
    * THEN
    *     FOR i IN t_files.FIRST..t_files.LAST
    *     LOOP
    * IF t_files.EXISTS(i)
    * THEN
    *      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(t_files(i).status||' | '||
    * t_files(i).error_message||' | '||
    * to_char(t_files(i).bytes_transmitted)||' | '||
    * to_char(t_files(i).trans_start,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')||' | '||
    * to_char(t_files(i).trans_end,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS'));
    * END IF;
    *      END LOOP;
    * ELSE
    *      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_error_message);
    * END IF;
    * THEN
    * END;
    * The W3C's RFC 959 that describes the FTP process.
    * http://www.w3c.org
    * Much of the PL/SQL code in this package was based on Java code written by
    * Bruce Blackshaw of Enterprise Distributed Technologies Ltd. None of that code
    * was copied, but the objects and methods greatly helped my understanding of the
    * FTP Client process.
    * http://www.enterprisedt.com
    * 1.0 11/19/2002 Unit-tested single and multiple transfers between disparate hosts.                                    
    * Exceptions
    ctrl_exception     EXCEPTION;
    data_exception     EXCEPTION;
    * Constants - FTP valid response codes
    PWD_CODE          CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 257;
    CWD_CODE          CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 250;
    * FTP File record datatype
    * Elements:
    * localpath - full directory name in which the local file resides or will reside
    * Windows: 'd:\oracle\utl_file'
    * UNIX: '/home/oracle/utl_file'
    * filename - filename and extension for the file to be received or sent
    * changing the filename for the PUT or GET is currently not allowed
    * Examples: 'myfile.dat' 'myfile20021119.xml'
    * remotepath - full directory name in which the local file will be sent or the
    * remote file exists. Should be in UNIX format regardless of FTP server - '/one/two/three'
    * filetype - reserved for future use, ignored in code
    * transfer_mode - 'PUT' or 'GET'
    * status - status of the transfer. 'ERROR' or 'SUCCESS'
    * error_message - meaningful (hopefully) error message explaining the reason for failure
    * bytes_transmitted - how many bytes were sent/received
    * trans_start - date/time the transmission started
    * trans_end - date/time the transmission ended
    TYPE r_ftp_rec IS RECORD(localpath           VARCHAR2(255),
                   filename           VARCHAR2(255),
                   remotepath      VARCHAR2(255),
                   filetype           VARCHAR2(20),
                   transfer_mode      VARCHAR2(5),
                   status           VARCHAR2(40),
                   error_message      VARCHAR2(255),
                   bytes_transmitted      NUMBER,
                   trans_start     DATE,
                   trans_end          DATE);
    * FTP File Table - used to store many files for transfer
    TYPE t_ftp_rec IS TABLE of r_ftp_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    * Internal convenience procedure for creating passive host IP address
    * and port number.
                   p_pasv_host OUT VARCHAR2,
                   p_pasv_port OUT NUMBER);
    * Function used to validate FTP server responses based on the
    * code passed in p_code. Reads single or multi-line responses.
                   p_code      IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_reply      OUT VARCHAR2)
    * Function used to validate FTP server responses based on the
    * code passed in p_code. Reads single or multi-line responses.
    * Overloaded because some responses can have 2 valid codes.
                   p_code1      IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_code2     IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_reply      OUT VARCHAR2)
    * Procedure that handles the actual data transfer. Meant
    * for internal package use. Returns information about the
    * actual transfer.
                   p_localpath IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_filename IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_pasv_host IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_pasv_port IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_transfer_mode IN VARCHAR2,
                   v_status OUT VARCHAR2,
                   v_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
                   n_bytes_transmitted OUT NUMBER,
                   d_trans_start OUT DATE,
    d_trans_end OUT DATE);
    * Function to handle FTP of many files.
    * Returns TRUE if no batch-level errors occur.
    * Returns FALSE if a batch-level error occurs.
    * Parameters:
    * p_error_msg - error message for batch level errors
    * p_files - BRNC_FTP_PKG.t_ftp_rec table type. Accepts
    * list of files to be transferred (may be any combination of PUT or GET)
    * returns the table updated with transfer status, error message,
    * bytes_transmitted, transmission start date/time and transmission end
    * date/time
    * p_username - username for FTP server
    * p_password - password for FTP server
    * p_hostname - hostname or IP address of server Ex: 'ftp.oracle.com' or ''
    * p_port - port number to connect on. FTP is usually on 21, but this may be overridden
    * if the server is configured differently.
                   p_files IN OUT t_ftp_rec,
                   p_username IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_password IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_hostname IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_port IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 21)
    * Convenience function for single-file PUT
    * Parameters:
    * p_localpath - full directory name in which the local file resides or will reside
    * Windows: 'd:\oracle\utl_file'
    * UNIX: '/home/oracle/utl_file'
    * p_filename - filename and extension for the file to be received or sent
    * changing the filename for the PUT or GET is currently not allowed
    * Examples: 'myfile.dat' 'myfile20021119.xml'
    * p_remotepath - full directory name in which the local file will be sent or the
    * remote file exists. Should be in UNIX format regardless of FTP server - '/one/two/three'
    * p_username - username for FTP server
    * p_password - password for FTP server
    * p_hostname - FTP server IP address or host name Ex: 'ftp.oracle.com' or ''
    * v_status - status of the transfer. 'ERROR' or 'SUCCESS'
    * v_error_message - meaningful (hopefully) error message explaining the reason for failure
    * n_bytes_transmitted - how many bytes were sent/received
    * d_trans_start - date/time the transmission started
    * d_trans_end - date/time the transmission ended
    * p_port - port number to connect to, default is 21
    * p_filetype - always set to 'ASCII', reserved for future use, ignored in code
    FUNCTION PUT(p_localpath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_filename IN VARCHAR2,
              p_remotepath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_username IN VARCHAR2,
              p_password IN VARCHAR2,
              p_hostname IN VARCHAR2,
              v_status OUT VARCHAR2,
              v_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
              n_bytes_transmitted OUT NUMBER,
              d_trans_start OUT DATE,
    d_trans_end OUT DATE,
              p_port     IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 21,
              p_filetype IN VARCHAR2 := 'ASCII')
    * Convenience function for single-file GET
    * Parameters:
    * p_localpath - full directory name in which the local file resides or will reside
    * Windows: 'd:\oracle\utl_file'
    * UNIX: '/home/oracle/utl_file'
    * p_filename - filename and extension for the file to be received or sent
    * changing the filename for the PUT or GET is currently not allowed
    * Examples: 'myfile.dat' 'myfile20021119.xml'
    * p_remotepath - full directory name in which the local file will be sent or the
    * remote file exists. Should be in UNIX format regardless of FTP server - '/one/two/three'
    * p_username - username for FTP server
    * p_password - password for FTP server
    * p_hostname - FTP server IP address or host name Ex: 'ftp.oracle.com' or ''
    * v_status - status of the transfer. 'ERROR' or 'SUCCESS'
    * v_error_message - meaningful (hopefully) error message explaining the reason for failure
    * n_bytes_transmitted - how many bytes were sent/received
    * d_trans_start - date/time the transmission started
    * d_trans_end - date/time the transmission ended
    * p_port - port number to connect to, default is 21
    * p_filetype - always set to 'ASCII', reserved for future use, ignored in code
    FUNCTION GET(p_localpath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_filename IN VARCHAR2,
              p_remotepath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_username IN VARCHAR2,
              p_password IN VARCHAR2,
              p_hostname IN VARCHAR2,
              v_status OUT VARCHAR2,
              v_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
              n_bytes_transmitted OUT NUMBER,
              d_trans_start OUT DATE,
    d_trans_end OUT DATE,
              p_port     IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 21,
              p_filetype IN VARCHAR2 := 'ASCII')
    ** Create the passive host IP and port number to connect to
                   p_pasv_host OUT VARCHAR2,
                   p_pasv_port OUT NUMBER)
         v_pasv_cmd     VARCHAR2(30) := p_pasv_cmd; --Host and port to connect to for data transfer
    n_port_dec     NUMBER;
         n_port_add     NUMBER;
         p_pasv_host := REPLACE(SUBSTR(v_pasv_cmd,1,INSTR(v_pasv_cmd,',',1,4)-1),',','.');
         n_port_dec := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(v_pasv_cmd,INSTR(v_pasv_cmd,',',1,4)+1,(INSTR(v_pasv_cmd,',',1,5)-(INSTR(v_pasv_cmd,',',1,4)+1))));
         n_port_add := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(v_pasv_cmd,INSTR(v_pasv_cmd,',',1,5)+1,LENGTH(v_pasv_cmd)-INSTR(v_pasv_cmd,',',1,5)));
         p_pasv_port := (n_port_dec*256) + n_port_add;
    ** Read a single or multi-line reply from the FTP server and validate
    ** it against the code passed in p_code.
    ** Return TRUE if reply code matches p_code, FALSE if it doesn't or error
    ** occurs
    ** Send full server response back to calling procedure
                   p_code      IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_reply      OUT VARCHAR2)
         n_code           VARCHAR2(3) := p_code;
         n_byte_count      PLS_INTEGER;
         v_msg          VARCHAR2(255);
         n_line_count     PLS_INTEGER := 0;
         v_msg := UTL_TCP.GET_LINE(p_ctrl_con);
         n_line_count := n_line_count + 1;
         IF n_line_count = 1
              p_reply := v_msg;
              p_reply := p_reply || SUBSTR(v_msg,4);
         END IF;
         EXIT WHEN INSTR(v_msg,'-',1,1) <> 4;
         END LOOP;
    IF to_number(SUBSTR(p_reply,1,3)) = n_code
         RETURN TRUE;
         RETURN FALSE;
         END IF;
    p_reply := SQLERRM;
    ** Reads a single or multi-line reply from the FTP server
    ** Return TRUE if reply code matches p_code1 or p_code2,
    ** FALSE if it doesn't or error occurs
    ** Send full server response back to calling procedure
                   p_code1      IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_code2     IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_reply      OUT VARCHAR2)
         v_code1      VARCHAR2(3) := to_char(p_code1);
         v_code2      VARCHAR2(3) := to_char(p_code2);
         v_msg          VARCHAR2(255);
         n_line_count     PLS_INTEGER := 0;
         v_msg := UTL_TCP.GET_LINE(p_ctrl_con);
         n_line_count := n_line_count + 1;
         IF n_line_count = 1
              p_reply := v_msg;
              p_reply := p_reply || SUBSTR(v_msg,4);
         END IF;
         EXIT WHEN INSTR(v_msg,'-',1,1) <> 4;
         END LOOP;
    IF to_number(SUBSTR(p_reply,1,3)) IN(v_code1,v_code2)
         RETURN TRUE;
         RETURN FALSE;
         END IF;
    p_reply := SQLERRM;
    ** Handles actual data transfer. Responds with status, error message, and
    ** transfer statistics.
    ** Potential errors could be with connection or file i/o
                   p_localpath IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_filename IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_pasv_host IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_pasv_port IN PLS_INTEGER,
                   p_transfer_mode IN VARCHAR2,
                   v_status OUT VARCHAR2,
                   v_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
                   n_bytes_transmitted OUT NUMBER,
                   d_trans_start OUT DATE,
    d_trans_end OUT DATE)
         u_data_con          UTL_TCP.CONNECTION;
         u_filehandle          UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_tsfr_mode          VARCHAR2(3) := p_transfer_mode;
         v_mode               VARCHAR2(1);
    v_tsfr_cmd          VARCHAR2(10);
         v_buffer          VARCHAR2(32767);
         v_localpath          VARCHAR2(255)      := p_localpath;
         v_filename          VARCHAR2(255)      := p_filename;
         v_host               VARCHAR2(20)      := p_pasv_host;
         n_port               PLS_INTEGER      := p_pasv_port;
         n_bytes               NUMBER;
         v_msg               VARCHAR2(255);
         v_reply               VARCHAR2(1000);
         v_err_status          VARCHAR2(20) := 'ERROR';
         /** Initialize some of our OUT variables **/
         v_status          := 'SUCCESS';
         v_error_message          := ' ';
         n_bytes_transmitted     := 0;
         IF UPPER(v_tsfr_mode) = 'PUT'
         v_mode      := 'r';
         v_tsfr_cmd      := 'STOR ';
         ELSIF UPPER(v_tsfr_mode) = 'GET'
         v_mode     := 'w';
         v_tsfr_cmd := 'RETR ';
    END IF;
         /** Open data connection on Passive host and port **/
         u_data_con := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION(v_host,n_port);
         /** Open the local file to read and transfer data **/
         u_filehandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(v_localpath,v_filename,v_mode);
         /** Send the STOR command to tell the server we're going to upload a file **/
         n_bytes := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,v_tsfr_cmd||v_filename);
         RAISE ctrl_exception;
         END IF;
         d_trans_start := SYSDATE;
         IF UPPER(v_tsfr_mode) = 'PUT'
              WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
              n_bytes := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_data_con,v_buffer);
              n_bytes_transmitted := n_bytes_transmitted + n_bytes;
         END LOOP;
         ELSIF UPPER(v_tsfr_mode) = 'GET'
              v_buffer := UTL_TCP.GET_LINE(u_data_con,TRUE);
              /** Sometimes the TCP/IP buffer sends null data **/
    /** we only want to receive the actual data **/
              IF v_buffer IS NOT NULL
              n_bytes := LENGTH(v_buffer);
              n_bytes_transmitted := n_bytes_transmitted + n_bytes;
              END IF;
         END LOOP;
         END IF;
         /** Flush the buffer on the data connection **/
         d_trans_end := SYSDATE;
         /** Close the file **/
         /** Close the Data Connection **/
         /** Verify the transfer succeeded **/
         IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,TSFR_END_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
         RAISE ctrl_exception;
         END IF;
    WHEN ctrl_exception
         v_status := v_err_status;
         v_error_message := v_reply;
         IF UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN(u_filehandle)
         END IF;
    WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_path
         v_status      := v_err_status;
         v_error_message := 'Directory '||v_localpath||' is not available to UTL_FILE. Check the init.ora file for valid UTL_FILE directories.';
    WHEN UTL_FILE.invalid_operation
         v_status := v_err_status;
         IF UPPER(v_tsfr_mode) = 'PUT'
         v_error_message := 'The file '||V_filename||' in the directory '||v_localpath||' could not be opened for reading.';
         ELSIF UPPER(v_tsfr_mode) = 'GET'
         v_error_message := 'The file '||V_filename||' in the directory '||v_localpath||' could not be opened for writing.';
         END IF;     
         IF UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN(u_filehandle)
         END IF;
    WHEN UTL_FILE.read_error
         v_status := v_err_status;
         v_error_message := 'The system encountered an error while trying to read '||v_filename||' in the directory '||v_localpath;
         IF UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN(u_filehandle)
         END IF;
    WHEN UTL_FILE.write_error
         v_status := v_err_status;
         v_error_message := 'The system encountered an error while trying to write to '||v_filename||' in the directory '||v_localpath;
         IF UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN(u_filehandle)
         END IF;
    WHEN UTL_FILE.internal_error
         v_status := v_err_status;
         v_error_message := 'The UTL_FILE package encountered an unexpected internal system error.';
         IF UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN(u_filehandle)
         END IF;
         v_status := v_err_status;
         v_error_message := SQLERRM;
         IF UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN(u_filehandle)
         END IF;
    ** Handles connection to host and FTP of multiple files
    ** Files can be any combination of PUT and GET
                   p_files IN OUT t_ftp_rec,
                   p_username IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_password IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_hostname IN VARCHAR2,
                   p_port IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 21)
         v_username           VARCHAR2(30)      := p_username;
         v_password           VARCHAR2(30)      := p_password;
         v_hostname           VARCHAR2(30)      := p_hostname;
         n_port               PLS_INTEGER      := p_port;
         u_ctrl_con          UTL_TCP.CONNECTION;
         n_byte_count          PLS_INTEGER;
         n_first_index          NUMBER;
         v_msg               VARCHAR2(250);
         v_reply               VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_pasv_host          VARCHAR2(20);
    n_pasv_port          NUMBER;
         invalid_transfer     EXCEPTION;
         p_error_msg := 'FTP Successful'; --Assume the overall transfer will succeed
         /** Attempt to connect to the host machine **/
         u_ctrl_con := UTL_TCP.OPEN_CONNECTION(v_hostname,n_port);
         IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,CONNECT_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
         RAISE ctrl_exception;
         END IF;
         /** Send username **/
         n_byte_count := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,'USER '||v_username);
         IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,USER_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
         RAISE ctrl_exception;
         END IF;
         /** Send password **/
         n_byte_count := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,'PASS '||v_password);
         IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,LOGIN_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
         RAISE ctrl_exception;
         END IF;
         /** We should be logged in, time to transfer all files **/
         FOR i IN p_files.FIRST..p_files.LAST
         IF p_files.EXISTS(i)
              /** Change to the remotepath directory **/
              n_byte_count := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,'CWD '||p_files(i).remotepath);
              IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,CWD_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
                   RAISE ctrl_exception;
              END IF;
              /** Switch to IMAGE mode **/
              n_byte_count := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,'TYPE I');
              IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,TYPE_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
                   RAISE ctrl_exception;
              END IF;
              /** Get a Passive connection to use for data transfer **/
              n_byte_count := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,'PASV');
              IF VALIDATE_REPLY(u_ctrl_con,PASV_CODE,v_reply) = FALSE
                   RAISE ctrl_exception;
              END IF;
              /** Transfer Data **/
              IF UPPER(p_files(i).transfer_mode) = 'PUT'
              ELSIF UPPER(p_files(i).transfer_mode) = 'GET'
                   RAISE invalid_transfer; -- Raise an exception here
              END IF;
              WHEN ctrl_exception
              p_files(i).status := 'ERROR';
              p_files(i).error_message := v_reply;
              WHEN invalid_transfer
              p_files(i).status := 'ERROR';
              p_files(i).error_message := 'Invalid transfer method. Use PUT or GET.';
         END IF;
         END LOOP;
         /** Send QUIT command **/
         n_byte_count := UTL_TCP.WRITE_LINE(u_ctrl_con,'QUIT');
         /** Don't need to validate QUIT, just close the connection **/
         RETURN TRUE;
    WHEN ctrl_exception
         p_error_msg := v_reply;
         RETURN FALSE;
         p_error_msg := SQLERRM;
         RETURN FALSE;
    ** Convenience function for single-file PUT
    ** Formats file information for FTP_MULTIPLE function and calls it.
    FUNCTION PUT(p_localpath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_filename IN VARCHAR2,
              p_remotepath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_username IN VARCHAR2,
              p_password IN VARCHAR2,
              p_hostname IN VARCHAR2,
              v_status OUT VARCHAR2,
              v_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
              n_bytes_transmitted OUT NUMBER,
              d_trans_start OUT DATE,
    d_trans_end OUT DATE,
              p_port     IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 21,
              p_filetype IN VARCHAR2 := 'ASCII')
         t_files      t_ftp_rec;
         v_username     VARCHAR2(30)      := p_username;
         v_password     VARCHAR2(50)      := p_password;
         v_hostname     VARCHAR2(100)      := p_hostname;
         n_port          PLS_INTEGER      := p_port;
    v_err_msg     VARCHAR2(255);
         b_ftp          BOOLEAN;
         t_files(1).localpath          := p_localpath;
         t_files(1).filename           := p_filename;
         t_files(1).remotepath          := p_remotepath;
         t_files(1).filetype          := p_filetype;
         t_files(1).transfer_mode     := 'PUT';
         b_ftp := FTP_MULTIPLE(v_err_msg,
         IF b_ftp = FALSE
         v_status := 'ERROR';
         v_error_message := v_err_msg;
         RETURN FALSE;
         ELSIF b_ftp = TRUE
         v_status                := t_files(1).status;
         v_error_message           := t_files(1).error_message;
         n_bytes_transmitted      := t_files(1).bytes_transmitted;
         d_trans_start           := t_files(1).trans_start;
         d_trans_end           := t_files(1).trans_end;
         RETURN TRUE;
         END IF;
         v_status      := 'ERROR';
         v_error_message := SQLERRM;
         RETURN FALSE;
    END PUT;
    ** Convenience function for single-file GET
    ** Formats file information for FTP_MULTIPLE function and calls it.
    FUNCTION GET(p_localpath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_filename IN VARCHAR2,
              p_remotepath IN VARCHAR2,
              p_username IN VARCHAR2,
              p_password IN VARCHAR2,
              p_hostname IN VARCHAR2,
              v_status OUT VARCHAR2,
              v_error_message OUT VARCHAR2,
              n_bytes_transmitted OUT NUMBER,
              d_trans_start OUT DATE,
    d_trans_end OUT DATE,
              p_port     IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 21,
              p_filetype IN VARCHAR2 := 'ASCII')
         t_files      t_ftp_rec;
         v_username     VARCHAR2(30)      := p_username;
         v_password     VARCHAR2(50)      := p_password;
         v_hostname     VARCHAR2(100)      := p_hostname;
         n_port          PLS_INTEGER      := p_port;
    v_err_msg     VARCHAR2(255);
         b_ftp          BOOLEAN;
         t_files(1).localpath          := p_localpath;
         t_files(1).filename           := p_filename;
         t_files(1).remotepath          := p_remotepath;
         t_files(1).filetype          := p_filetype;
         t_files(1).transfer_mode     := 'GET';
         b_ftp := FTP_MULTIPLE(v_err_msg,
         IF b_ftp = FALSE
         v_status := 'ERROR';
         v_error_message := v_err_msg;
         RETURN FALSE;
         ELSIF b_ftp = TRUE
         v_status           := t_files(1).status;
         v_error_message      := t_files(1).error_message;
         n_bytes_transmitted := t_files(1).bytes_transmitted;
         d_trans_start      := t_files(1).trans_start;
         d_trans_end      := t_files(1).trans_end;
         RETURN TRUE;
         END IF;
         v_status      := 'ERROR';
         v_error_message := SQLERRM;
         RETURN FALSE;
    END GET;

  • Reading and Writing to a Text File

    Hello all,
    I was wondering if it is possible to write from forms to a text file and if possible what is the best way to do it.

    Use the TEXT_IO built-in functionality in forms or from the database utl_file. TEXT_IO seems to be more flexible because you can read and write to any server/directory you have access to whereas UTL_FILE is limited to the server where the database is located. Hope this helps.

  • XBMC freezes with free Radeon driver and VDPAU (Mesa 3D 9.2)

    I am currently setting up a HTPC with AMD A4-5300 with the integrated Radeon HD 7480D. To avoid the trouble with the fglrx driver, I would like to use the free xf86-video-ati driver.
    I thought this would be no problem since the update to Mesa 3D 9.2 (Package version 9.2.0-1) yesterday. This should have brought support for the UVD in the GPU when at least kernel 3.10 is installed (3.10.9-1 is).
    According to this Gentoo Wiki page, the Aruba GPU should use TAHITI_uvd.bin as the UVD firmware, the file exists in /usr/lib/firmware/radeon.
    But now to the problems with XBMC (12.2-5). When I boot up the system, select a for example x264 encoded video file it plays fine most of the time. Low CPU load indicates that hardware decoding actually is used. When I then stop the video and simply select it again in the file list, XBMC freezes. Restarting works most of the time to workaround the problem, so after a reboot XBMC manages to play the video most of the time.
    Sometimes it even freezes on the first attempt to start the movie. After just restarting X11, XBMC was never able to play a video file.
    Here is a portion of the logfile where a film is played, then stopped and then selected again, causing a freeze:
    19:14:30 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
    19:14:34 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:14:34 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv
    19:14:34 T:139965115230144 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:14:34 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
    19:14:34 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    19:14:34 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(1920x1080, 28)
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: vdp_device = 0x00000001 vdp_st = 0x00000000
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: VDPAU Decoder capabilities:
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: name level macbs width height
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: MPEG1 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: MPEG2_SIMPLE 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: MPEG2_MAIN 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: H264_BASELINE 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: H264_MAIN 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: H264_HIGH 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: VC1_SIMPLE 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: VC1_MAIN 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: VC1_ADVANCED 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: MPEG4_PART2_ASP 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_NOISE_REDUCTION
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_SHARPNESS
    19:14:35 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (VDPAU acceleration)
    19:14:35 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: Thread CVideoReferenceClock start, auto delete: false
    19:14:36 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Creating video thread
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
    19:14:36 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
    19:14:36 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86020
    19:14:36 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
    19:14:36 T:139963227039488 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
    19:14:36 T:139963227039488 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
    19:14:36 T:139963227039488 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86020, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenWidth:0 vidWidth:1920 surfaceWidth:1920
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenHeight:0 vidHeight:1080 surfaceHeight:1088
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: Creating 1920x1080 pixmap
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Total Output Surfaces Available: 2 of a max (tmp: 2 const: 4)
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Creating the video mixer
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: fps: 23.976024, pwidth: 1920, pheight: 1080, dwidth: 1920, dheight: 1080
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: Display resolution ADJUST : HDMI-0: 1920x1080 @ 24.00Hz (21) (weight: 0.001)
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: CVDPAU::OnLostDevice event
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: (VDPAU) FiniVDPAUOutput
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: GL: Using VDPAU render method
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
    19:14:36 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: CVDPAU::OnResetDevice event
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: Attempting recovery
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: vdp_device = 0x00000001 vdp_st = 0x00000000
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenWidth:1920 vidWidth:1920 surfaceWidth:1920
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenHeight:1080 vidHeight:1080 surfaceHeight:1088
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: Creating 1920x1080 pixmap
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Total Output Surfaces Available: 2 of a max (tmp: 2 const: 4)
    19:14:36 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Creating the video mixer
    19:14:37 T:139965115230144 ERROR: CWinSystemX11::XErrorHandler: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter), type:0, serial:12680, error_code:9, request_code:152 minor_code:8
    19:14:57 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
    19:14:57 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
    19:14:57 T:139963227039488 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Closing audio device
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: Closing video stream
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
    19:14:57 T:139963235432192 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: deleting video codec
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
    19:14:57 T:139964276774656 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
    19:14:57 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
    19:14:57 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Close
    19:14:57 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: (VDPAU) FiniVDPAUOutput
    19:14:57 T:139965115230144 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
    19:14:58 T:139963387606784 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
    19:14:58 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:14:58 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
    19:14:58 T:139965115230144 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:14:58 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    19:14:58 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
    19:15:09 T:139965115230144 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv
    19:15:09 T:139965115230144 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:15:09 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
    19:15:09 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    19:15:10 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    19:15:10 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
    19:15:10 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
    19:15:10 T:139964285167360 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(1920x1080, 28)
    Here a debug log from a similar action (play, stop, play, crash)
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: smb://xxx.mkv
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL::PreInit - precision of luminance 16 is 16
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-51-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-51-x86_64-linux.so
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swscale-2-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/swscale-2-x86_64-linux.so
    19:21:23 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
    19:21:23 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    19:21:23 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CSmbFile::Open - opened xxx.mkv, fd=10001
    19:21:23 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: ScanForExternalSubtitles: Searching for subtitles...
    19:21:23 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: OpenDir - Using authentication url smb://ANDI/Filme
    19:21:23 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: ScanForExternalSubtitles: END (total time: 639 ms)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-53-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-53-x86_64-linux.so
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-53-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-53-x86_64-linux.so
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Open - probing detected format [matroska,webm]
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Open - avformat_find_stream_info starting
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info finished
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv':
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Duration: 01:27:57.02, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 13143 kb/s
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Stream #0:0(ger): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Stream #0:1(ger): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s16, 1536 kb/s (default)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Metadata:
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: title : German
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Stream #0:2(eng): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s16, 1536 kb/s
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: Metadata:
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 INFO: ffmpeg[A5FFB700]: title : English
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CDVDFactoryCodec: compiled in hardware support: CrystalHD:no OpenMax:no VDPAU:yes VAAPI:yes
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: - Opening
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swresample-0-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/swresample-0-x86_64-linux.so
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avfilter-2-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avfilter-2-x86_64-linux.so
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(1920x1080, 28)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: vdp_device = 0x00000001 vdp_st = 0x00000000
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: VDPAU Decoder capabilities:
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: name level macbs width height
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: MPEG1 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: MPEG2_SIMPLE 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: MPEG2_MAIN 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: H264_BASELINE 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: H264_MAIN 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: H264_HIGH 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: VC1_SIMPLE 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: VC1_MAIN 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: VC1_ADVANCED 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: MPEG4_PART2_ASP 16 9216 2048 1152
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: ------------------------------------
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_NOISE_REDUCTION
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Mixer feature: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_SHARPNESS
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (VDPAU acceleration)
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: ff-h264_vdpau-vdpau - Opened
    19:21:24 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: Thread CVideoReferenceClock start, auto delete: false
    19:21:24 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Setting up GLX
    19:21:24 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: GL_VENDOR:x.org, not using nvidia-settings
    19:21:24 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Using RandR for refreshrate detection
    19:21:24 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: 50 hertz
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Creating video thread
    19:21:24 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
    19:21:24 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86020
    19:21:24 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: FFmpeg - Opening
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: FFmpeg - Opened
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
    19:21:24 T:139991888455424 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
    19:21:24 T:139991888455424 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: ReadEditDecisionLists - Checking for edit decision lists (EDL) on local drive or remote share for: smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv
    19:21:24 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 3
    19:21:24 T:139991896848128 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
    19:21:25 T:139991888455424 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86020, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
    19:21:25 T:139991888455424 INFO: CSoftAE::MakeStream - AE_FMT_S16NE, 48000, FL,FR,FC,LFE,SL,SR
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenWidth:0 vidWidth:1920 surfaceWidth:1920
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenHeight:0 vidHeight:1080 surfaceHeight:1088
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv)
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GetMovieId (smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=17
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Building didl for object 'smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv'
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(167000.000000, 0)
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: Creating 1920x1080 pixmap
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CSoftAE::LoadSettings - Stereo upmix is enabled
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - sink incompatible, re-starting
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: Found 60 fbconfigs.
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: Using fbconfig index 0.
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Total Output Surfaces Available: 2 of a max (tmp: 2 const: 4)
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Creating the video mixer
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: fps: 23.976024, pwidth: 1920, pheight: 1080, dwidth: 1920, dheight: 1080
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: OutputPicture - change configuration. 1920x1080. framerate: 23.98. format: VDPAU
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: Display resolution ADJUST : HDMI-0: 1920x1080 @ 24.00Hz (21) (weight: 0.001)
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Clock speed 100.100000%
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: GL: Using VDPAU render method
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12005
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: OnLostDevice - notify display change event
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Flush - flushing renderer
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: CVDPAU::OnLostDevice event
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GLX: Destroying glPixmap
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GLX: Destroying XPixmap
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: (VDPAU) FiniVDPAUOutput
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 INFO: XRANDR: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 0x4a
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "@"
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "surround51"
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S24NE4
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Request: periodSize 2400, bufferSize 9600
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Got: periodSize 2400, bufferSize 9600
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Setting timeout to 200 ms
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - ALSA Initialized:
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Output Device : Default (Xonar DX Multichannel)
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 48000
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S24NE4
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Channel Count : 6
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR,BL,BR,FC,LFE
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Frames : 2400
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Frame Samples : 14400
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Frame Size : 24
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 5.1
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 57600
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: AERemap: Downmix normalization is disabled
    19:21:25 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 4 times.
    19:21:25 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: AERemap: Downmix normalization is disabled
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::CSoftAEStream - Converting from AE_FMT_S16NE to AE_FMT_FLOAT
    19:21:25 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: synctype set to 2: resample
    19:21:25 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:4139.147000, should be:99.419667, error:-4039.727333
    19:21:25 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(10000.000000, 1)
    19:21:25 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CSoftAE::LoadSettings - Stereo upmix is enabled
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - keeping old sink with : AE_FMT_FLOAT, FL,FR,FC,BL,BR,LFE, 48000hz
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 5.1
    19:21:25 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 57600
    19:21:25 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: detected 1 vblanks, missed 2, refreshrate might have changed
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 INFO: GL: Maximum texture width: 16384
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoFullScreen.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: CVDPAU::Check waiting for display reset event
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: GL: Using VDPAU render method
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CheckDisplayEvents: Received RandR event 89
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CheckDisplayEvents - notify display reset event
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: CVDPAU::OnResetDevice event
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: Attempting recovery
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: vdp_device = 0x00000001 vdp_st = 0x00000000
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - video decoder was flushed
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CVDPAU::FFReleaseBuffer - ignoring invalid buffer
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenWidth:1920 vidWidth:1920 surfaceWidth:1920
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) screenHeight:1080 vidHeight:1080 surfaceHeight:1088
    19:21:25 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: Creating 1920x1080 pixmap
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: Found 60 fbconfigs.
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: Using fbconfig index 0.
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Total Output Surfaces Available: 2 of a max (tmp: 2 const: 4)
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Creating the video mixer
    19:21:25 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Clock speed 104.270833%
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:21:25 T:139993780455360 ERROR: CWinSystemX11::XErrorHandler: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter), type:0, serial:19101, error_code:9, request_code:152 minor_code:8
    19:21:26 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:597724.273333, should be:497666.666667, error:-100057.606667
    19:21:26 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Received RandR event 89
    19:21:27 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: 24 hertz
    19:21:27 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:941996.125667, should be:782833.402667, error:-159162.723000
    19:21:27 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Clock speed 100.100000%
    19:21:27 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:1096842.754667, should be:1310812.627000, error:213969.872333
    19:21:27 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:1410874.922000, should be:1543306.990333, error:132432.068333
    19:21:27 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:1692760.338333, should be:1830683.329000, error:137922.990667
    19:21:27 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:1931490.324000, should be:2062739.533667, error:131249.209667
    19:21:27 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:2212469.159667, should be:2347929.139333, error:135459.979667
    19:21:30 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33, frameduration: 41708.333333
    19:21:31 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
    19:21:31 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
    19:21:31 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling player.getactiveplayers
    19:21:31 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling application.getproperties
    19:21:36 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
    19:21:36 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetProperties","params":{"playerid":1,"properties":["audiostreams","canseek","currentaudiostream","currentsubtitle","partymode","playlistid","position","repeat","shuffled","speed","subtitleenabled","subtitles","time","totaltime","type"]}},{"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":1,"properties":["album","albumartist","artist","director","episode","fanart","file","genre","plot","rating","season","showtitle","studio","imdbnumber","tagline","thumbnail","title","track","writer","year","streamdetails","originaltitle"]}}]
    19:21:36 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling player.getproperties
    19:21:36 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling player.getitem
    19:21:38 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: ae, sym: 00b2, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
    19:21:38 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: OnKey: stop (f0bc) pressed, action is Stop
    19:21:38 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
    19:21:38 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
    19:21:38 T:139991888455424 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
    19:21:38 T:139991888455424 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio 139991888455424 terminating
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Closing audio device
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::~CSoftAEStream - Destructed
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: Closing video stream
    19:21:38 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
    19:21:38 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
    19:21:38 T:139993337231104 INFO: CSoftAE::LoadSettings - Stereo upmix is enabled
    19:21:38 T:139993337231104 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - sink incompatible, re-starting
    19:21:39 T:139991896848128 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
    19:21:39 T:139991896848128 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo 139991896848128 terminating
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: deleting video codec
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CSmbFile::Close closing fd 10001
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
    19:21:39 T:139992949044992 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayer 139992949044992 terminating
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Close
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GLX: Destroying glPixmap
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GLX: Destroying XPixmap
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: (VDPAU) FiniVDPAUOutput
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: OnLostDevice - notify display change event
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Flush - flushing renderer
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 INFO: XRANDR: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 0x47
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "@"
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "surround51"
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S24NE4
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Request: periodSize 2205, bufferSize 8820
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Got: periodSize 2204, bufferSize 8820
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Setting timeout to 200 ms
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - ALSA Initialized:
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Output Device : Default (Xonar DX Multichannel)
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S24NE4
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Channel Count : 6
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR,BL,BR,FC,LFE
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Frames : 2204
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Frame Samples : 13224
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Frame Size : 24
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 5.1
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 52896
    19:21:39 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: AERemap: Downmix normalization is disabled
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 5 times.
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 INFO: GL: Maximum texture width: 16384
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CheckDisplayEvents: Received RandR event 89
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CheckDisplayEvents - notify display reset event
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (videodb://1/2/)
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ParentPath = [videodb://1/2/]
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: RunQuery took 8 ms for 357 items query: select * from movieview
    19:21:39 T:139992126953216 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
    19:21:39 T:139992126953216 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 139992126953216 terminating
    19:21:39 T:139992126953216 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
    19:21:39 T:139992126953216 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 139992126953216 terminating
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ClearProperty(BrowseActors,home)
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ClearProperty(BrowseActors,home)
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
    19:21:39 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
    19:21:39 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Cleaning up GLX
    19:21:39 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: Thread CVideoReferenceClock 139992957437696 terminating
    19:21:39 T:139991938168576 DEBUG: DoWork - Saving file state for video item smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv
    19:21:39 T:139991938168576 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
    19:21:39 T:139991938168576 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 16, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
    19:21:40 T:139993069709056 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"properties": ["title", "originaltitle", "playcount", "year", "genre", "studio", "country", "tagline", "plot", "runtime", "file", "plotoutline", "lastplayed", "trailer", "rating", "resume", "art", "streamdetails", "mpaa", "director"], "limits": {"end": 20}, "sort": {"order": "descending", "method": "lastplayed"}, "filter": {"field": "inprogress", "operator": "true", "value": ""}}}
    19:21:40 T:139993069709056 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling videolibrary.getmovies
    19:21:40 T:139993069709056 DEBUG: RunQuery took 1 ms for 1 items query: select * from movieview WHERE (movieview.idFile IN (select idFile from bookmark where type = 1))
    19:21:40 T:139993069709056 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"properties": ["title", "originaltitle", "playcount", "year", "genre", "studio", "country", "tagline", "plot", "runtime", "file", "plotoutline", "lastplayed", "trailer", "rating", "resume", "art", "streamdetails", "mpaa", "director"], "limits": {"end": 20}, "sort": {"order": "descending", "method": "dateadded"}, "filter": {"field": "playcount", "operator": "is", "value": "0"}}}
    19:21:40 T:139993069709056 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling videolibrary.getmovies
    19:21:40 T:139993069709056 DEBUG: RunQuery took 9 ms for 183 items query: select * from movieview WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount = 0))
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: OnPlayMedia smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers(smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv)
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: system rules
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: system rules
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtv
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: hdhomerun/myth/mms/udp
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: lastfm/shout
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtmp
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtsp
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: streams
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvd
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdimage
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: sdp/asf
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: nsv
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: radio
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: matched 0 rules with players
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding videodefaultplayer (1)
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=0
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=1
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding player: DVDPlayer (1)
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: added 1 players
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL::PreInit - precision of luminance 16 is 16
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CSmbFile::Open - opened xxx.mkv, fd=10001
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: ScanForExternalSubtitles: Searching for subtitles...
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: OpenDir - Using authentication url smb://ANDI/Filme
    19:21:43 T:139993780455360 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: ScanForExternalSubtitles: END (total time: 648 ms)
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: Open - probing detected format [matroska,webm]
    19:21:43 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: Open - avformat_find_stream_info starting
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info finished
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'smb://ANDI/xxx.mkv':
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Duration: 01:27:57.02, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 13143 kb/s
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Stream #0:0(ger): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p, 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Stream #0:1(ger): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s16, 1536 kb/s (default)
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Metadata:
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: title : German
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Stream #0:2(eng): Audio: dts (DTS), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s16, 1536 kb/s
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: Metadata:
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 INFO: ffmpeg[A67FC700]: title : English
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: CDVDFactoryCodec: compiled in hardware support: CrystalHD:no OpenMax:no VDPAU:yes VAAPI:yes
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: - Opening
    19:21:44 T:139992957437696 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(1920x1080, 28)
    19:21:46 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
    19:21:46 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
    19:21:46 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling player.getactiveplayers
    19:21:46 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling application.getproperties
    19:21:47 T:139992823219968 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /image/image%3A%2F%2Fhttp%253a%252f%252fcf2.imgobject.com%252ft%252fp%252foriginal%252frbrQPjl2n4gTPsPXim9ckpRuycg.jpg%2F
    19:21:48 T:139992823219968 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
    19:21:48 T:139992823219968 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
    19:21:48 T:139992823219968 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling player.getactiveplayers
    19:21:48 T:139992823219968 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Calling application.getproperties
    19:21:48 T:139992932259584 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /image/image%3A%2F%2Fhttp%253a%252f%252fcf2.imgobject.com%252ft%252fp%252foriginal%252frbrQPjl2n4gTPsPXim9ckpRuycg.jpg%2F
    19:21:53 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
    19:21:53 T:139993337231104 DEBUG: Suspended the Sink
    Playing Live TV with xvdr (0.9.8-1, self compiled and packaged from github) fails every time with a freeze:
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyPVR.xml) ------
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 INFO: Loading skin file: MyPVR.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CGUIWindowPVRCommon - OnMessageFocus - focus set to window 'tv'
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CGUIWindowPVRChannels - UpdateData - update window 'tv'. set view to 11
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/)
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
    19:48:04 T:140438627669760 DEBUG: CPVRDirectory::GetDirectory(pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle)
    19:48:04 T:140439491426048 NOTICE: Thread PVR Channel Window start, auto delete: false
    19:48:04 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CGUIWindowPVRCommon - OnMessageFocus - focus set to window 'tv'
    19:48:05 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:48:05 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0
    19:48:05 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers(pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/0.pvr)
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: system rules
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: system rules
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtv
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: hdhomerun/myth/mms/udp
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: lastfm/shout
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtmp
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtsp
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: streams
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvd
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdimage
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: sdp/asf
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: nsv
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: radio
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: matched 0 rules with players
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding videodefaultplayer (1)
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=0
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=1
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding player: DVDPlayer (1)
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: added 1 players
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/0.pvr
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL::PreInit - precision of luminance 16 is 16
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-51-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-51-x86_64-linux.so
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swscale-2-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/swscale-2-x86_64-linux.so
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 NOTICE: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: PVRManager - OpenLiveStream - opening live stream on channel 'Das Erste HD'
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: opening live stream for channel 'Das Erste HD'
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR XVDR Client: Possible leak caused by workaround in GetLanguageCode
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 INFO: AddOnLog: VDR XVDR Client: Logged in at '1377798483+7200' to 'VDR-XVDR Server' Version: '0.9.9' with protocol version '4'
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 INFO: AddOnLog: VDR XVDR Client: Preferred Audio Language: deu
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VDR XVDR Client: changing to channel 1640430212 (priority 50)
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 INFO: AddOnLog: VDR XVDR Client: sucessfully switched channel
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: PVRFile - Open - playback has started on filename pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/0.pvr
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamPVRManager::Open - stream opened: pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/0.pvr
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-53-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-53-x86_64-linux.so
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/0.pvr)
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: Building didl for object 'pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV-Kanäle/0.pvr'
    19:48:06 T:140440470034368 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::RequestStreams(): added/updated stream 0:5101 with codec_id 28
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::RequestStreams(): added/updated stream 1:5106 with codec_id 86019
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::RequestStreams(): added/updated stream 2:5102 with codec_id 86016
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::RequestStreams(): added/updated stream 3:5103 with codec_id 86016
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::RequestStreams(): added/updated stream 4:5105 with codec_id 94209
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::RequestStreams(): added/updated stream 5:5104 with codec_id 94215
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: CDVDFactoryCodec: compiled in hardware support: CrystalHD:no OpenMax:no VDPAU:yes VAAPI:yes
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: - Opening
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swresample-0-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/swresample-0-x86_64-linux.so
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-53-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-53-x86_64-linux.so
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avfilter-2-x86_64-linux.so)
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avfilter-2-x86_64-linux.so
    19:48:06 T:140438879053568 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(1280x720, 28)
    19:48:16 T:140440026806016 DEBUG: Suspended the Sink
    With Hardware Acceleration disabled in XBMC none of the problems described above occurs.
    So does anybody here know how to approach this problem? I'd really like to use Arch on the HTPC. Is this a problem with Arch or shall I look for the cause more on the XBMC side?
    Last edited by And1G (2013-08-29 18:05:38)

    And1G wrote:OK, for everyone who is interested, this problem is most likely caused by XBMC relying on the OpenGL extension GL_NV_vdpau_interop which is not available with the Radeon driver.
    I'll go over to the XBMC forums with the issue, I hope they can help.
    I followed your from the heise newsticker to here, as you have some fully wrong information.
    xbmc implements as the first at all the GL vdpau interop. Which is used to use surfaces in both the decoder, vdpau and the presenter OpenGL. But - we still have all the "pixmap code" in place. So on Radeon vdpau, where this interop is not supported, we render into a pixmap and transfer that result afterwards back to OpenGL.
    This works perfectly fine with e.g. mplayer - as the pixmap is the finished result, no need to transfer it any further. Xbmc is something special, cause we are fully 3D - radeon driver (be it GL part or whatever) is damn slow here, cause performance currently just sucks when rendering to pixmap and from there back to OpenGL.
    We are in contact with all the AMD OSS devs to find a solution here.
    Btw. nvidia ION-2 is fast enough for 1080p50 _with_ the pixmap approach, so you can imagine, that we currently search the issue somewhere else - especially in the AMD drivers.
    Edit: On my current radeon vdpau oss tests with xbmc - mesa fills up with memory, leaks and dies after 20 minutes .... not a good situation to start anything.
    Last edited by fritsch (2013-09-17 15:20:49)

  • UTL_FILE_DIR problem..

    I got the error below in the midst of executing my simple procedure for FTP files.
    ERROR | Directory ATTACH_FILES is not available to UTL_FILE. Check the init.ora
    ile for valid UTL_FILE directories. | 0 | |
    And When I execute the command below
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified
    My oracle database 9i resides in Windows NT system.
    Could someone suggest the solution?

    Directory objects should be created as SYS.
    The grant that allows other Oracle users/schemas to create directory objects should not be given without an excellent reason. This priv is a SYSDBA priv and should not be used by application and user schemas.
    After the directory object has been created by SYS, SYS must grant read and write access to that directory object to the applicable schemas that need to use that object.
    E.g. SYS creates directory object PLSQL. SYS grants read,write on directory PLSQL to the Oracle schema SCOTT.
    The application schema (e.g. SCOTT) must use the directory object name in its code - it cannot refer to the physical o/s filesystem path that the directory object points to.
    E.g. SCOTT must use 'PLSQL' as the directory and not 'C:\PLSQL'.

  • Utl_file limitation of 2 GB?

    I have files which have more than 10 million records which needs to be written to flat file and saved off. I have a routine which uses UTL_FILE functionality to write the file out of Oracle 8i database. But, somehow the files stop at 2 GB limit? Where can I set this limit to write to more than 2GB file? OS does not have the 2GB limit. Is there a better way to extract the files without UTL_FILE?
    Also, using the avg_row_len I have set the linesize but some columns which occupy about 256 bytes - how do I calculate the linesize for these columns?
    Please help.

    Depending on your file system
    Solaris size limits are:
    Release Max file-system size Max OS File size
    Solaris 2.6 1Tb (UFS) 2Gb
    from and after
    Solaris 2.6 1Tb (40 bits) 1Tb
    Hope this helps
    Bye Alessandro
    Edited by: Alessandro Rossi on 24-set-2008 11.29

  • Director 12 limitations for iOS

    This thread is about what isn't mentioned in Adobe's Director 12 iOS limitations.
    Non-functional inks include:  Reverse and Background Transparent
    I am getting some code issues - I'll try to isolate them and post.

    iOS really doesn't like long repeat loops - like repeat while the mouse down as the user drags stuff about or whatever.
    The workaround is exitFrame scripts in the sprites or frames.
    on exitFrame
      if _mouse.mouseDown AND _mouse.mouseMember = sprite("actionSprite").member then...
    Text Line Heights / fixedLineSpace - the line heights of text members is a pixel greater in iOS.
    if gSys.platform = "iPhone OS" then member("field").fixedLineSpace = 37
    Cast member by name not found error. Took me a while to work this out but it seems to be a cast preload issue.
    I just put the members that would be used off screen on the go from frame.
    This can also speed up performance. EG: lay out all your cast members under an introduction or splash screen where speed isn't required.

  • How do we refer Sub directories using UTL_FILE command

    Hi Gurus,
    I have created a DIRECTORY My_project using CREATE DIRECTORY COMMAND. This directory is linked to my OS D:\My_project folder.
    There are several sub directories under My_project folder such as D:\My_project\Outfile folder which I would like to refer while using UTL_FILE command to process files.
    When I try to run the following PLSQL
    out_file utl_file.file_type;
    l_line VARCHAR2(100);
    out_file :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('My_project\Outfile','abc.txt','w');
    l_line := 'HELLO TESTING';
    WHEN no_data_found then
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20912, 'Others ' ||sqlerrm);
    I get
    ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    As there are many directories involved under My_project folder and there will be new directories created in the future as well, so I was wondering if there is a way to read files from any sub directory of My_project directory
    Please advise. Thanks for all your help.

    Hi Anto!
    Try it like this:
    out_file :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('My_project','Outfile\abc.txt','w');I hope this helps!
    your sincerely
    Florian W.

  • UTL_FILE limitation

    I am implementing an EDI process which requires that acknowledgments I will send back be one long text file. How can I write my CLOB to a text file without line breaks? The CLOB is over 32K, which seems to be a limitation using UTL_FILE.
    I'm running version

    I am implementing an EDI process which requires that acknowledgments I will send back be one long text file. How can I write my CLOB to a text file without line breaks? The CLOB is over 32K, which seems to be a limitation using UTL_FILE.
    I'm running version

  • Error Using Directories and UTL_FILE package

    Dear All, I have a problem using UTL_FILE package...
    When I'm trying to write into a directory I get the following error message:
    ORA-29283: invalid file open
    I have a Directory named "TMPDIRPD". I checked the permissions over this directory and found that
    'OPS$PDRVBPP' user has OS permissions over it. I supposed that it was the user used to validate permissions.
    Plus, I verified that user "OPS$PDRDVBPP" has read/write permission into directory with this query:
    SELECT TP.grantee,
    FROM dba_tab_privs TP,
    dba_role_privs RP
    WHERE TP.table_name = 'TMPDIRPD'
    AND TP.grantee = RP.granted_role
    AND rp.grantee = 'OPS$PDRDVBPP';
    But I'm getting the same error message.
    Then I saw that 'OPS$PDRDVBPP' user calls UTL_FILE package through another package, and isn't the owner of it...
    This package - who belongs to another database user - is using the OS user who owns the Oracle Installation instead 'OPS$PDRVBPP'. Isn't it?
    I also checked that operative system user has read-write permissions, and asked it to the OS Administrator. He told me that oracle user has read-write permissions over this directory too... I don't know what more else can be wrong.
    Have anyone some idea to fix this?

    Roman, I sorry about missed info.
    This is the version:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    It's running over a Unix server (I really don´t know the exact version but it's a suse Linux).
    I though in ORACLE Directory object named TMPDIRPD, and its directory_path defined like /companyFiles/thishost/proj/pdrdvbpp/appfiles/tmp (OS Directory).
    I wrote into a OS directory using one of the procedures or functions inside the UTL_FILE package (SYS.UTL_FILE.FOPEN(parameter_path,parameter_file,parameter_io)).
    Here it goes an example of code.
    v_AbroLog := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('TMPDIRPD','log_prueba_utl.'||to_char(sysdate,'mmddy
    yyy'), 'a');
    SQL> @test_utl.sql;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29283: invalid file open
    some other generic error messages
    This error happens when the file doesn't exists.

  • Help needed in utl_file

    I have two groups in data model of my report. I am using utl_file in a formula column of report last group.it's working fine.
    but my problem is if customer has more than one invoice lines
    then all that lines not comes under only particular customer only at a time.
    For example my output is coming like this:
    Invoice Lines: 0001000402106-JUL-07INV 10.47
    Invoice Lines: 0001000402713-JUL-07INV 10.77
    But I am trying to get output like this:
    Invoice Lines: 0001000402106-JUL-07INV 10.47
              0001000402713-JUL-07INV 10.77
    I am using fallowing code in my formula column:
    function CF_UTL_FILEFormula return Char is
    v_file_data utl_file.file_type;
    Please help me how can I do this?

    What's the source of your Summary Column? It's not allowed to choose here the formula column in whcih you reference the summary column back. But another column should work.
    As alternativ add a formula column in the upper group with
    and remove the same line out of the other formula column.

  • I am unable to insert frames in the Director timeline via the menu pulldown.

    I have been using Director in my career since 1990 and have taught it at the college level. But in my newly purchased version 12, I am unable to insert frames in the Director timeline via the menu pulldown. Unfortunately this was after I couldn't get it to open up in the first place, giving me the error message Ive pasted in below. Creating a new user login on the same Mac Pro (10.8.2), it will now open - but I can't insert frames in the timeline. Everything else works great though!
    Not to bore you, but this is the long-time interactive project I began decades ago that I work on daily now that I am retired as a 100% disabled veteran:
    Having used the greatest multimedia application on earth for so many years, I want to thank Adobe for so kindly keeping Director alive after too many years of not knowing if 11.5 was going to be the last version. Thank you, thank you, thank you
    Error message in my original user login:
    Process:         Director [43376]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/MacOS/Director
    Identifier:      com.adobe.director_12_0.application
    Version:         12.0.0r111 (12.0.0r111)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [15590]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2013-03-27 10:32:32.984 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.2 (12C60)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          1853328 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           1558
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  3658 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID:                      C1706384-C52D-D59B-9B70-7023EE048A23
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000060000020
    VM Regions Near 0x60000020:
        CoreServices           000000001ba6a000-000000001be92000 [ 4256K] rw-/rwx SM=COW 
        __TEXT                 000000008fe64000-000000008fe97000 [  204K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
    Application Specific Information:
    objc_msgSend() selector name: _getCString:maxLength:encoding:
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x919a6a87 objc_msgSend + 23
    1   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x97877513 CFStringGetCString + 115
    2   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f4ae55 0x10f00000 + 306773
    3   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f48b1c 0x10f00000 + 297756
    4   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f47928 0x10f00000 + 293160
    5   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f0da48 0x10f00000 + 55880
    6   com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework          0x008209de 0x798000 + 559582
    7   com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework          0x0081ef65 0x798000 + 552805
    8   com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework          0x0081f03a MoaCreateInstance + 107
    9   com.adobe.director_12_0.DPLib.framework          0x0063502a 0x5a4000 + 593962
    10  com.adobe.director_12_0.DPLib.framework          0x0060a5b1 MoaSrv_GetIMoaTextManager + 104
    11  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0017922d 0x1000 + 1540653
    12  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00176409 0x1000 + 1528841
    13  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x001792d1 0x1000 + 1540817
    14  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x001df0bd 0x1000 + 1958077
    15  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031c518 0x1000 + 3257624
    16  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031c722 0x1000 + 3258146
    17  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031ad61 0x1000 + 3251553
    18  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00101312 0x1000 + 1049362
    19  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0010163d 0x1000 + 1050173
    20  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00171b9f 0x1000 + 1510303
    21  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00171df4 0x1000 + 1510900
    22  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00171ede 0x1000 + 1511134
    23  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00172d32 0x1000 + 1514802
    24  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x001a49c4 0x1000 + 1718724
    25  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031b0f6 0x1000 + 3252470
    26  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00091183 0x1000 + 590211
    27  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x000e7173 0x1000 + 942451
    28  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00002c29 0x1000 + 7209
    29  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00002b58 0x1000 + 7000
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x92f9e9ae kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x9001ec71 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 993
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x9001e7a9 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x01aebc90  ebx: 0x01aebc90  ecx: 0x9103905b  edx: 0x60000000
      edi: 0x978774ae  esi: 0xbfffee0c  ebp: 0xbfffeb18  esp: 0xbfffeac8
       ss: 0x00000023  efl: 0x00010206  eip: 0x919a6a87   cs: 0x0000001b
       ds: 0x00000023   es: 0x00000023   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x0000000f
      cr2: 0x60000020
    Logical CPU: 8
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -   0x533ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.application (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <3DE93BB6-90B9-357D-B8D2-7CAA4C46F658> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/MacOS/Director
      0x5a4000 -   0x761ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.DPLib.framework (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <943A7E95-F61B-3BA5-957E-F73EE3089650> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/DPLib.framework/Versions/A/DPLib
      0x798000 -   0x846ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <E5E485FB-F840-3BBC-9993-663960BB1027> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/IMLLib.framework/Versions/A/IMLLib
      0x87f000 -   0x964ff7 +com.adobe.amtlib (amtlib - <7446627B-5FDD-8E54-8400-C8BB6C0BC434> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/amtlib.framework/Versions/A/amtlib
      0x971000 -   0x9a0ff7 +com.adobe.headlights.LogSessionFramework ( <D370B9DC-033A-2AA4-51CF-7F15025B621C> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/LogSession.framework/Versions/A/LogSession
      0x9c9000 -   0x9daffb +LogTransport2 (1) <835B7B84-5A67-370B-AB39-8E448AA81FA0> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/LogTransport2.framework/Versions/A/LogTransport2
      0x9e4000 -   0xa8ffff  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib (106) <041B3399-5033-3395-9A71-6693F3A33D94> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x1fde000 -  0x1fecfff  libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib (61) <60899F9C-A79F-3BC2-855E-DC5C78B98FEB> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
    0x4738000 -  0x474affd  libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib (61) <519CAA3F-715E-3CAE-B158-57EC95D916B1> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib
    0x47b2000 -  0x47b3ff8  ATSHI.dylib (341.1) <7FD74F4D-E42A-30CB-8863-1832BFADFE5D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framew ork/Versions/A/Resources/ATSHI.dylib
    0x47b8000 -  0x47bcffb  libFontRegistryUI.dylib (100) <10CAC446-A500-3291-A144-7FAFA57D6720> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Resourc es/libFontRegistryUI.dylib
    0x47c4000 -  0x47c5ffd  com.apple.ironwoodcore (1.1.1 - 1.1.1) <098CE576-3239-3B41-9141-A5BE6E476C84> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechObjects.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Dictation ServicesCore.framework/DictationServicesCore
    0x47f4000 -  0x47f6ff3  com.apple.LiveType.component (2.1.4 - 2.1.4) <D60E2537-3B47-EA99-0077-6CE394378D07> /Library/QuickTime/LiveType.component/Contents/MacOS/LiveType
    0x573f000 -  0x5753fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.actorcontrol (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <29253385-1074-326D-BE7A-3AD4DF00E0DD> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Actor Control
    0x575a000 -  0x5767fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.firecaster (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <CA1AC9E1-85B0-3550-AC25-D6F7EA2A2A0A> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Fireworks Import PPC
    0x576b000 -  0x576eff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.lz77cmpr (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <860CA841-3532-371C-B8EC-9F9C73935864> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/LZ77 Compression PPC Xtra
    0x5786000 -  0x5789ffb +com.divx.divxtoolkit (1.0 - 1.0) /Library/Frameworks/DivX Toolkit.framework/Versions/A/DivX Toolkit
    0x578e000 -  0x5796ff7 +com.ecamm.vdig.iGlasses3Driver (3.3.3 - 3.3.3) <406CFFD6-24A1-3719-BC66-E747E0118757> /Library/Components/*/iGlasses3
    0x579e000 -  0x57acfff +info.v002.Syphon (1.0 - 1) <A192CC34-59CA-337B-A8E3-CBD1041682E2> /Library/Components/*/Syphon.framework/Versions/A/Syphon
    0x57ec000 -  0x57f3ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixlrg (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <4035C6AC-54AB-32C6-BE91-7AB16175AD74> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/LRG Import Export
    0x57f7000 -  0x57f9ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixbitd (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <886705FD-8033-3E5E-BAC1-72F18631A9EB> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/BitdReader
    0x8bb6000 -  0x8bc7fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.qtexportxtra (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <3B1FEFB2-D718-32B8-A19A-7C1C7EE9B5AE> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/QTExportXtra
    0x8bce000 -  0x8bd8ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.burner (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <0E0D13E7-D62E-34EA-BB81-AECA08C025C1> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Squish Files PPC Xtra
    0x8bdb000 -  0x8bddfff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixbmp (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <DACD35F8-3157-3046-A415-10351630FA5E> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/BMP Agent
    0x8be0000 -  0x8be2fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixflash (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <48A94379-BFC2-3381-8201-F5A6D7C97FBA> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Flash Agent
    0x8be5000 -  0x8be7fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixgif (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <D46CFBBB-A36F-3445-8984-CD48CC982DD4> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/GIF Agent
    0x8bea000 -  0x8bf4ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.miximagehelp (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <DCB52E65-B3E2-3A6C-970D-063D7B026A4D> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Image Translator Helper
    0x8bf8000 -  0x8bfafff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixjpeg (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <6BE5F628-626E-3DC7-A11D-F29F71CB3CB1> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/JPEG Agent
    0x8e00000 -  0x8e64fe2  com.apple.LiveType.framework (2.1.4 - 2.1.4) <7AABA687-4323-E5B9-BA04-8F61C217E6FD> /Library/Application Support/ProApps/*/LiveType.framework/Versions/A/LiveType
    0x8e84000 -  0x8edcfff +com.DivXInc.DivXDecoder ( - 6.8.4) <26A406B3-E4BC-C6FF-8F28-A99FFEB5CF2D> /Library/QuickTime/DivX Decoder.component/Contents/MacOS/DivX Decoder
    0xf100000 -  0xf1cafff +net.sourceforge.webcam-osx.common (0.9.2[+4][+3] - 0.9.2[+4][+3]) /Library/QuickTime/macam.component/Contents/MacOS/macam
    0xf356000 -  0xf36fff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixjpegexpt (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <CFCE5AD1-33A9-35A9-8410-C3A5FAA6E0A5> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/JPEG Export
    0xf373000 -  0xf391ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixservices (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <870F8430-DDA6-357A-967B-E43811A24575> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Mix Services
    0xf399000 -  0xf39fff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixpshop3 (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <DE7123F5-8514-3CFC-83C5-71659B5245B8> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Photoshop 3.0 Import
    0xf3a2000 -  0xf3a4fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixpict (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <0BE3A495-140E-369F-821A-19441080EC85> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Pict Agent
    0x101a9000 - 0x101bcfff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixmpeg3 (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <16F480D1-53FE-35E8-9301-C73B800F5262> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/MPEG 3 Import Export
    0x101c0000 - 0x101ebff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixpng (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <048DFDDE-C687-3733-A905-6A242FC37C7E> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/PNG Import Export
    0x101ef000 - 0x101f1fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixqt (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <0242D124-EBEE-3F20-9CDD-5779CE741077> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/QuickTime Agent
    0x101f4000 - 0x101f6ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixscript (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <5F180E8A-3993-30D4-B9E6-ABD675FD81AF> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Script Agent
    0x10e26000 - 0x10e6affb +com.adobe.AAM.AdobeUpdaterNotificationFramework (UpdaterNotifications - <6989AFA6-1F49-462F-2EBF-A41B162B8B67> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/Frameworks/UpdaterNotifications.framework/Versions/A/UpdaterNoti fications
    0x10e83000 - 0x10eadfff +com.adobe.director_12_0.swacmpr (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <11318431-F589-3988-8943-275A7A4B34C1> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/SWA Compression Xtra
    0x10f00000 - 0x1100efff +com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <142CC03D-7903-372D-B420-8B13D058F3E4> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/TextXtra PPC
    0x11048000 - 0x11068ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixsound (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <D5CF882F-708E-366D-98C4-3358F05EC439> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Sound Import Export
    0x1106e000 - 0x11076ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixau (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <4AFEF010-C43F-38B2-B81B-0E0256D2C321> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Sun AU Import Export
    0x1107a000 - 0x11084ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixswa (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <0610D25E-96D0-33F6-BBA1-A0A855AFA867> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/SWA Import Export
    0x11088000 - 0x1108effb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixtarga (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <EED90E83-2745-317E-BD4E-BE5CA8A77A2D> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Targa Import Export
    0x11092000 - 0x110ddff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixtiff (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <EE14F916-CF44-3D7B-B358-999D5B217AF4> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/TIFF Import Export
    0x110e3000 - 0x110e7fff +libgif.4.dylib (6.6) /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/libgif.4.dylib
    0x110ec000 - 0x110f7fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.ineturl (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <227E7742-892D-35F7-9161-91B9FCED8950> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/InetUrl PPC Xtra
    0x11200000 - 0x1136aff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixcollada (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <89653AF9-87FF-3813-9D52-C78C7C234C47> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/MixCollada
    0x11383000 - 0x11529ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.w3dexportsdk (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <F9D6B9DB-31E7-3359-9BD2-3FA22526F74B> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/W3DExportSDK.framework/Versions/A/W3DExportSDK
    0x115d9000 - 0x1161aff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixskp (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <B92AA723-EB6D-3CE6-8B81-9A242FC69C7D> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/MixSkp
    0x11626000 - 0x117ccffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.w3dexportsdk (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <F9D6B9DB-31E7-3359-9BD2-3FA22526F74B> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/W3DExportSDK.framework/Versions/A/W3DExportSDK
    0x1187c000 - 0x11a94fc7 +Xerces (1) /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Xerces.framework/Versions/A/Xerces
    0x11cdc000 - 0x11cedfd2 +com.yourcompany.yourcocoaframework (1.0) /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/ALUtils.framework/Versions/A/ALUtils
    0x11d07000 - 0x11e56ff3 +SketchUpReader (1) <14731269-16ED-43B2-AE81-CB163F161B13> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/SketchUpReader.framework/Versions/A/SketchUpReader
    0x1204b000 - 0x12064feb +libjpeg.62.dylib (63) /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/libjpeg.62.dylib
    0x1206b000 - 0x12290ff7 +libModel.dylib (1) <E200684A-9FF9-44EC-9B72-0E798EC95720> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/libModel.dylib
    0x12492000 - 0x124c8fff +libpaintlib.1.dylib (2) <B1DEB760-6104-0065-A6B3-8BBF48F7A2A2> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/libpaintlib.1.dylib
    0x124ee000 - 0x1250bfe7 +libpng12.0.dylib (29) /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/libpng12.0.dylib
    0x12513000 - 0x1255e02f +libtiff.3.dylib (12.2) /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/libtiff.3.dylib
    0x1256b000 - 0x125a1fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.netfile (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <F29F222C-00F5-39CC-A20A-96C7C05C60B8> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/NetFile PPC Xtra
    0x125a8000 - 0x125c6ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.bitmapfilters (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <EE0FB3AF-D581-3B34-9407-775B36E0CDD8> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/BitmapFilters
    0x125ca000 - 0x125e1ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.3dauth (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <2E31AD89-7A80-3C6C-A7A5-C801840BB272> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/3D Auth Xtra
    0x125e8000 - 0x125f1ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.agifasset (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <E35C8763-CFC9-3F23-A53C-CA2893AA70B2> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Animated GIF Asset
    0x125f5000 - 0x12617ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.agifauth (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <57DAC4E3-74CB-351A-99B1-6101741213A0> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Animated GIF Options
    0x12620000 - 0x12645ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.audiofilters (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <6E237092-369E-3932-ABB7-A2F76BD09AC4> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/AudioFilters
    0x1264c000 - 0x1268fff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.audiomixer (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <8546E185-2868-3E8E-A078-A2E7E0D9D428> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/AudioMixer
    0x1416f000 - 0x14174ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.coreaudiomix (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <108F935E-0C88-384F-80CE-703742638805> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/CoreAudioMix
    0x14177000 - 0x1418bff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.cursorasset (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <DBD5CAEB-8223-33D8-8AE5-10CCF74E7AC2> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Cursor Asset
    0x14192000 - 0x141b9ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.cursorauth (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <EBA850E5-6F00-3782-8454-CEA3A87FF747> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Cursor Options
    0x141c1000 - 0x141d9ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.dvdasset (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <5B9B3052-FC48-3B57-BC07-084371A1633E> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/DVD Asset
    0x141e1000 - 0x141f1ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.dvdauth (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <BD90AF2E-58FD-34D3-ABD6-84DDE33D5206> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/DVD Authoring
    0x141f8000 - 0x14505ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.dynamiks (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <6357B6FE-7ACC-3A42-94E4-2CA271D4CBFF> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Dynamiks
    0x1453b000 - 0x14861ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.dynamiks_320 (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <FC0D8C60-D426-35FA-8FC4-5B6F05A67AF5> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Dynamiks_320
    0x1488c000 - 0x149d6fe7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.f4vasset (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <2D4FEED8-657A-36BD-B5E9-1323ECABB6F3> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/F4VAsset
    0x1657b000 - 0x165d4ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.flvasset (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <82306C0E-7833-3E19-9824-A9DEC2657A8A> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/FLVAsset
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    0x1a042000 - 0x1a079647 +com.mainconcept.mcaacaenc (7.6 - /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/mcaacaenc.framework/Versions/7.6/mcaacaenc
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    0x970fa000 - 0x970fafff  com.apple.ApplicationServices (45 - 45) <677C4ACC-9D12-366F-8A87-B898AC806DD9> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices
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    0x9783b000 - 0x97a23ff3  com.apple.CoreFoundation (6.8 - 744.12) <E939CEA0-493C-3233-9983-5070981BB350> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
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    0x989a5000 - 0x989a5fff  com.apple.Accelerate (1.8 - Accelerate 1.8) <4EC0548E-3A3F-310D-A366-47B51D5B6398> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
    0x989a6000 - 0x98a8fff7  libxml2.2.dylib (22.3) <015A4FA6-5BB9-3F95-AFB8-B9281E22685B> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
    0x98a90000 - 0x98a97ff3  com.apple.NetFS (5.0 - 4.0) <1F7041F2-4E97-368C-8F5D-24153D81BBDB> /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
    0x98a98000 - 0x98a9bff9  libCGXType.A.dylib (324.6) <3004616B-51F6-3B9D-8B85-DCCA3DF9BC10> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphi cs.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGXType.A.dylib
    0x98aa0000 - 0x98aa4fff  com.apple.OpenDirectory (10.8 - 151.10) <A1858D81-086F-3BF5-87E3-9B70409FFDF6> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
    0x98aa5000 - 0x98b3cff7  com.apple.ink.framework (10.8.2 - 150) <D90FF7BC-6B90-39F1-AC52-670269947C58> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework/Versions/ A/Ink
    0x98b3d000 - 0x98b50ff9  com.apple.MultitouchSupport.framework (235.28 - 235.28) <5C8CFA21-D4FC-32E8-B199-0F7155E6ED9A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/Versions/A/MultitouchSuppor t
    0x98b51000 - 0x98b51fff  libSystem.B.dylib (169.3) <81C58EAB-0E76-3EAB-BDFD-C5A6FE95536F> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x98b54000 - 0x98c8fff7  libBLAS.dylib (1073.4) <FF74A147-05E1-37C4-BC10-7DEB57FE5326> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Ve rsions/A/libBLAS.dylib
    0x98c90000 - 0x98cd4fff  libGLU.dylib (8.6.1) <06BAFDCA-800C-35E3-B1A3-F05E105B86AB> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
    0x98cd5000 - 0x98cf7fff  libc++abi.dylib (24.4) <06479DA4-BC23-34B6-BAFC-A885814261D0> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x98cf8000 - 0x98f50ff1  com.apple.JavaScriptCore (8536 - 8536.26.7) <75629E05-65FE-3699-8CDC-80C95015CF42> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
    0x98f8e000 - 0x98f8effd  com.apple.audio.units.AudioUnit (1.8 - 1.8) <4C13DEA2-1EB0-3D06-901A-DB93184C06F0> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x98f8f000 - 0x98fe6ff3  com.apple.HIServices (1.20 - 417) <561A770B-8523-3D09-A763-11F872779A4C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices .framework/Versions/A/HIServices
    0x98fe7000 - 0x99004fff  libCRFSuite.dylib (33) <C9D72D0C-871A-39A2-8AFB-682D11AE7D0D> /usr/lib/libCRFSuite.dylib
    0x99291000 - 0x99319fff  com.apple.PDFKit (2.7.2 - 2.7.2) <7AE7BAE9-4C21-3BFB-919E-5C6EEBBDFF75> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PDFKit.framework/Versio ns/A/PDFKit
    0x993c2000 - 0x99f7effb  com.apple.AppKit (6.8 - 1187.34) <06EDB1D1-3B8A-3699-8E3A-D8F50A27AB7C> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
    0x99f7f000 - 0x99fc0ff7  com.apple.framework.CoreWiFi (1.0 - 100.10) <944B3FAE-F901-3276-A676-9D52295DA817> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWiFi.framework/Versions/A/CoreWiFi
    0x99fc1000 - 0x9a025ff3  libstdc++.6.dylib (56) <F8FA490A-8F3C-3645-ABF5-78926CE9C62C> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x9a026000 - 0x9a027fff  liblangid.dylib (116) <E13CC8C5-5034-320A-A210-41A2BDE4F846> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
    0x9a028000 - 0x9a069ff7  libcups.2.dylib (327) <F46F8703-FEAE-3442-87CB-45C8BF98BEE5> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x9a06a000 - 0x9a06efff  com.apple.IOSurface (86.0.3 - 86.0.3) <E3A4DB0A-1C1A-31E3-A550-5C0E1C874509> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
    0x9a06f000 - 0x9a1f8ff7  com.apple.vImage (6.0 - 6.0) <1D1F67FE-4F75-3689-BEF6-4A46C8039E70> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.framework/Ve rsions/A/vImage
    0x9a1f9000 - 0x9a22fffb  com.apple.DebugSymbols (98 - 98) <9A9ADA0A-E487-3C8F-9998-286EE04C235A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbols
    0x9a230000 - 0x9a247ff4  com.apple.CoreMediaAuthoring (2.1 - 914) <37C0A2C7-73B3-39BC-8DE1-4A6B75F115FC> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaAuthoring.framework/Versions/A/CoreMediaAuthor ing
    0x9a279000 - 0x9a2bbfff  libcurl.4.dylib (69.2) <8CC566A0-0B25-37E8-A6EC-30074C3CDB8C> /usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib
    0x9a3ba000 - 0x9a3c3ffd  com.apple.audio.SoundManager (4.0 - 4.0) <ABC5FE40-B222-36EB-9905-5C8C4BFD8C87> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/V ersions/A/CarbonSound
    0x9a3c4000 - 0x9a3d9fff  com.apple.speech.synthesis.framework (4.1.12 - 4.1.12) <DE68CEB5-4959-3652-83B8-D2B00D3B932D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechSynt hesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
    0x9a3da000 - 0x9a532ffb  com.apple.audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox (1.8 - 1.8) <9205DFC2-8DAE-354E-AD87-46E229B5F2F1> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x9a533000 - 0x9a533fff  com.apple.Accelerate.vecLib (3.8 - vecLib 3.8) <908B8D40-3FB5-3047-B482-3DF95025ECFC> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Ve rsions/A/vecLib
    0x9a534000 - 0x9a583ff6  libTIFF.dylib (845) <989A2EB9-3A49-3157-8E9C-B16E6005BC64> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x9a584000 - 0x9a5a8fff  com.apple.PerformanceAnalysis (1.16 - 16) <18DE0F9F-1264-394D-AC56-6B2A1771DFBE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/PerformanceAna lysis
    0x9a5a9000 - 0x9a604ff7  com.apple.AppleVAFramework (5.0.18 - 5.0.18) <4BA2AAEA-4936-375C-B4D8-4BBE2EDC7FF5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleVA
    0x9a605000 - 0x9a610fff  libcommonCrypto.dylib (60026) <A6C6EDB8-7E69-3827-81F3-9A74D0935461> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
    0x9a611000 - 0x9a636ff7  com.apple.quartzfilters (1.8.0 - 1.7.0) <F6A88D89-AB4A-3217-9D65-C2C259B5F09B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuartzFilters.framework /Versions/A/QuartzFilters
    0x9a637000 - 0x9a641fff  libCSync.A.dylib (324.6) <D2E8AC70-C6D1-3C40-8A82-E50422EDCFBF> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphi cs.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib
    0x9a642000 - 0x9a65ffff  libxpc.dylib (140.41) <1BFE3149-C242-3A77-9729-B00DEDC8CCF2> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
    0x9a660000 - 0x9a66cffe  libkxld.dylib (2050.18.24) <48A75AF6-9D5A-3552-948E-30A1682D3664> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0xb0000000 - 0xb001afe3 +com.adobe.ahclientframework ( - <928D8FAD-DEE7-F1D0-FE17-FA7F4E4C1E48> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/ahclient.framework/Versions/A/ahclient
    0xba100000 - 0xba101fff  libArabicConverter.dylib (61) <B9510526-1C60-34ED-AE6C-310DC30FD04E> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libArabicConverter.dylib
    0xba300000 - 0xba301fff  libCyrillicConverter.dylib (61) <76630B89-A9CE-376B-B836-B55D8543717B> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libCyrillicConverter.dylib
    0xba500000 - 0xba501ffd  libGreekConverter.dylib (61) <8420F227-2783-36D9-997E-39110328F77C> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libGreekConverter.dylib
    0xba700000 - 0xba700fff  libHebrewConverter.dylib (61) <3E708D3C-2332-3B4F-A79B-D7DF7B0F7C85> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libHebrewConverter.dylib
    0xba900000 - 0xba91cffd  libJapaneseConverter.dylib (61) <A3F2F55D-E491-3532-A8F6-8D3F2455704F> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libJapaneseConverter.dylib
    0xbab00000 - 0xbab21ffc  libKoreanConverter.dylib (61) <39F6BEE7-AE54-3423-B920-2A3573BC9A1A> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libKoreanConverter.dylib
    0xbad00000 - 0xbad01fff  libLatin2Converter.dylib (61) <5893A6EA-B555-3635-8D03-66FA478CD304> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libLatin2Converter.dylib
    0xbaf00000 - 0xbaf01fff  libLatin5Converter.dylib (61) <E9E8057A-2240-3721-A8A5-7258096B00E8> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libLatin5Converter.dylib
    0xbb100000 - 0xbb103ffd  libLatinSuppConverter.dylib (61) <A1318F1F-8E3E-3A9B-92A1-4749F4CBCE1B> /System/Library/CoreServ

    Hi Milky_au!
    I appreciate your response. I believe I've discovered what the problem is with not being able to insert multiple frames from the pulldown menu - and it appears to be a limitation in Director's score that'll actually be easy to avoid as I continue building my project.
    My background sprite channel and ten other channels I was using for navigation buttons had stretched well over six thousand frames (undoubtedly from a lot of copy and paste between DIR files of reused sprite channels over the past eighteen years that I've been working on this personal project that's been as much fun as using Director) while the sprites for the rest of the project had only reached just under three thousand frames.
    On the phone with Rajeev Saini at Adobe for a good half hour with him in control of my screen to test what I had done, he had discovered that a new DIR file had no problem inserting frames via the pulldown. Although the Command+] shortcut would still add one frame at a time in my working DIR, I wasn't seeing that as a viable solution to my wanting to add, say, a hundred frames in one shot so I could build an animation in that area of the score.
    I deleted three thousand frames that were being used by the background and those ten navigation buttons - and now inserting frames via the pulldown menu works exactly the way its supposed to now!
    I can now see that I have to keep an eye on that background and those button channels so they don't grow so far beyond where I'm actually building my project.
    I will pass this on to Adobe because it does seem like there's a definite limitation in the score. Luckily, that's easy to work around.
    Thanks again Milky_au for your kind response!


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-11
    This article describes "2Gb" issues. It gives information on why 2Gb
    is a magical number and outlines the issues you need to know about if
    you are considering using Oracle with files larger than 2Gb in size.
    It also
    looks at some other file related limits and issues.
    The article has a Unix bias as this is where most of the 2Gb issues
    arise but there is information relevant to other (non-unix)
    Articles giving port specific limits are listed in the last section.
    Topics covered include:
    Why is 2Gb a Special Number ?
    Why use 2Gb+ Datafiles ?
    Export and 2Gb
    SQL*Loader and 2Gb
    Oracle and other 2Gb issues
    Port Specific Information on "Large Files"
    Why is 2Gb a Special Number ?
    Many CPU's and system call interfaces (API's) in use today use a word
    size of 32 bits. This word size imposes limits on many operations.
    In many cases the standard API's for file operations use a 32-bit signed
    word to represent both file size and current position within a file (byte
    displacement). A 'signed' 32bit word uses the top most bit as a sign
    indicator leaving only 31 bits to represent the actual value (positive or
    negative). In hexadecimal the largest positive number that can be
    represented in in 31 bits is 0x7FFFFFFF , which is +2147483647 decimal.
    This is ONE less than 2Gb.
    Files of 2Gb or more are generally known as 'large files'. As one might
    expect problems can start to surface once you try to use the number
    2147483648 or higher in a 32bit environment. To overcome this problem
    recent versions of operating systems have defined new system calls which
    typically use 64-bit addressing for file sizes and offsets. Recent Oracle
    releases make use of these new interfaces but there are a number of issues
    one should be aware of before deciding to use 'large files'.
    What does this mean when using Oracle ?
    The 32bit issue affects Oracle in a number of ways. In order to use large
    files you need to have:
    1. An operating system that supports 2Gb+ files or raw devices
    2. An operating system which has an API to support I/O on 2Gb+ files
    3. A version of Oracle which uses this API
    Today most platforms support large files and have 64bit APIs for such
    Releases of Oracle from 7.3 onwards usually make use of these 64bit APIs
    but the situation is very dependent on platform, operating system version
    and the Oracle version. In some cases 'large file' support is present by
    default, while in other cases a special patch may be required.
    At the time of writing there are some tools within Oracle which have not
    been updated to use the new API's, most notably tools like EXPORT and
    SQL*LOADER, but again the exact situation is platform and version specific.
    Why use 2Gb+ Datafiles ?
    In this section we will try to summarise the advantages and disadvantages
    of using "large" files / devices for Oracle datafiles:
    Advantages of files larger than 2Gb:
    On most platforms Oracle7 supports up to 1022 datafiles.
    With files < 2Gb this limits the database size to less than 2044Gb.
    This is not an issue with Oracle8 which supports many more files.
    In reality the maximum database size would be less than 2044Gb due
    to maintaining separate data in separate tablespaces. Some of these
    may be much less than 2Gb in size.
    Less files to manage for smaller databases.
    Less file handle resources required
    Disadvantages of files larger than 2Gb:
    The unit of recovery is larger. A 2Gb file may take between 15 minutes
    and 1 hour to backup / restore depending on the backup media and
    disk speeds. An 8Gb file may take 4 times as long.
    Parallelism of backup / recovery operations may be impacted.
    There may be platform specific limitations - Eg: Asynchronous IO
    operations may be serialised above the 2Gb mark.
    As handling of files above 2Gb may need patches, special configuration
    etc.. there is an increased risk involved as opposed to smaller files.
    Eg: On certain AIX releases Asynchronous IO serialises above 2Gb.
    Important points if using files >= 2Gb
    Check with the OS Vendor to determine if large files are supported
    and how to configure for them.
    Check with the OS Vendor what the maximum file size actually is.
    Check with Oracle support if any patches or limitations apply
    on your platform , OS version and Oracle version.
    Remember to check again if you are considering upgrading either
    Oracle or the OS in case any patches are required in the release
    you are moving to.
    Make sure any operating system limits are set correctly to allow
    access to large files for all users.
    Make sure any backup scripts can also cope with large files.
    Note that there is still a limit to the maximum file size you
    can use for datafiles above 2Gb in size. The exact limit depends
    on the DB_BLOCK_SIZE of the database and the platform. On most
    platforms (Unix, NT, VMS) the limit on file size is around
    Important notes generally
    Be careful when allowing files to automatically resize. It is
    sensible to always limit the MAXSIZE for AUTOEXTEND files to less
    than 2Gb if not using 'large files', and to a sensible limit
    otherwise. Note that due to <Bug:568232> it is possible to specify
    an value of MAXSIZE larger than Oracle can cope with which may
    result in internal errors after the resize occurs. (Errors
    typically include ORA-600 [3292])
    On many platforms Oracle datafiles have an additional header
    block at the start of the file so creating a file of 2Gb actually
    requires slightly more than 2Gb of disk space. On Unix platforms
    the additional header for datafiles is usually DB_BLOCK_SIZE bytes
    but may be larger when creating datafiles on raw devices.
    2Gb related Oracle Errors:
    These are a few of the errors which may occur when a 2Gb limit
    is present. They are not in any particular order.
    ORA-01119 Error in creating datafile xxxx
    ORA-27044 unable to write header block of file
    SVR4 Error: 22: Invalid argument
    ORA-19502 write error on file 'filename', blockno x (blocksize=nn)
    ORA-27070 skgfdisp: async read/write failed
    ORA-02237 invalid file size
    KCF:write/open error dba=xxxxxx block=xxxx online=xxxx file=xxxxxxxx
    file limit exceed.
    Unix error 27, EFBIG
    Export and 2Gb
    2Gb Export File Size
    At the time of writing most versions of export use the default file
    open API when creating an export file. This means that on many platforms
    it is impossible to export a file of 2Gb or larger to a file system file.
    There are several options available to overcome 2Gb file limits with
    export such as:
    - It is generally possible to write an export > 2Gb to a raw device.
    Obviously the raw device has to be large enough to fit the entire
    export into it.
    - By exporting to a named pipe (on Unix) one can compress, zip or
    split up the output.
    See: "Quick Reference to Exporting >2Gb on Unix" <Note:30528.1>
    - One can export to tape (on most platforms)
    See "Exporting to tape on Unix systems" <Note:30428.1>
    (This article also describes in detail how to export to
    a unix pipe, remote shell etc..)
    Other 2Gb Export Issues
    Oracle has a maximum extent size of 2Gb. Unfortunately there is a problem
    with EXPORT on many releases of Oracle such that if you export a large table
    and specify COMPRESS=Y then it is possible for the NEXT storage clause
    of the statement in the EXPORT file to contain a size above 2Gb. This
    will cause import to fail even if IGNORE=Y is specified at import time.
    This issue is reported in <Bug:708790> and is alerted in <Note:62436.1>
    An export will typically report errors like this when it hits a 2Gb
    . . exporting table BIGEXPORT
    EXP-00015: error on row 10660 of table BIGEXPORT,
    column MYCOL, datatype 96
    EXP-00002: error in writing to export file
    EXP-00002: error in writing to export file
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
    There is a secondary issue reported in <Bug:185855> which indicates that
    a full database export generates a CREATE TABLESPACE command with the
    file size specified in BYTES. If the filesize is above 2Gb this may
    cause an ORA-2237 error when attempting to create the file on IMPORT.
    This issue can be worked around be creating the tablespace prior to
    importing by specifying the file size in 'M' instead of in bytes.
    <Bug:490837> indicates a similar problem.
    Export to Tape
    The VOLSIZE parameter for export is limited to values less that 4Gb.
    On some platforms may be only 2Gb.
    This is corrected in Oracle 8i. <Bug:490190> describes this problem.
    SQL*Loader and 2Gb
    Typically SQL*Loader will error when it attempts to open an input
    file larger than 2Gb with an error of the form:
    SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (bigfile.dat)
    SVR4 Error: 79: Value too large for defined data type
    The examples in <Note:30528.1> can be modified to for use with SQL*Loader
    for large input data files.
    Oracle 8.0.6 provides large file support for discard and log files in
    SQL*Loader but the maximum input data file size still varies between
    platforms. See <Bug:948460> for details of the input file limit.
    <Bug:749600> covers the maximum discard file size.
    Oracle and other 2Gb issues
    This sections lists miscellaneous 2Gb issues:
    - From Oracle 8.0.5 onwards 64bit releases are available on most platforms.
    An extract from the 8.0.5 README file introduces these - see <Note:62252.1>
    - DBV (the database verification file program) may not be able to scan
    datafiles larger than 2Gb reporting "DBV-100".
    This is reported in <Bug:710888>
    - "DATAFILE ... SIZE xxxxxx" clauses of SQL commands in Oracle must be
    specified in 'M' or 'K' to create files larger than 2Gb otherwise the
    error "ORA-02237: invalid file size" is reported. This is documented
    in <Bug:185855>.
    - Tablespace quotas cannot exceed 2Gb on releases before Oracle 7.3.4.
    Eg: ALTER USER <username> QUOTA 2500M ON <tablespacename>
    ORA-2187: invalid quota specification.
    This is documented in <Bug:425831>.
    The workaround is to grant users UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege if they
    need a quota above 2Gb.
    - Tools which spool output may error if the spool file reaches 2Gb in size.
    Eg: sqlplus spool output.
    - Certain 'core' functions in Oracle tools do not support large files -
    See <Bug:749600> which is fixed in Oracle 8.0.6 and 8.1.6.
    Note that this fix is NOT in Oracle 8.1.5 nor in any patch set.
    Even with this fix there may still be large file restrictions as not
    all code uses these 'core' functions.
    Note though that <Bug:749600> covers CORE functions - some areas of code
    may still have problems.
    Eg: CORE is not used for SQL*Loader input file I/O
    - The UTL_FILE package uses the 'core' functions mentioned above and so is
    limited by 2Gb restrictions Oracle releases which do not contain this fix.
    <Package:UTL_FILE> is a PL/SQL package which allows file IO from within
    Port Specific Information on "Large Files"
    Below are references to information on large file support for specific
    platforms. Although every effort is made to keep the information in
    these articles up-to-date it is still advisable to carefully test any
    operation which reads or writes from / to large files:
    Platform See
    ~~~~~~~~ ~~~
    AIX (RS6000 / SP) <Note:60888.1>
    HP <Note:62407.1>
    Digital Unix <Note:62426.1>
    Sequent PTX <Note:62415.1>
    Sun Solaris <Note:62409.1>
    Windows NT Maximum 4Gb files on FAT
    Theoretical 16Tb on NTFS
    ** See <Note:67421.1> before using large files
    on NT with Oracle8
    *2 There is a problem with DBVERIFY on 8.1.6
    See <Bug:1372172>

    I'm not aware of a packaged PL/SQL solution for this in Oracle - however it is very easy to create such a program...
    Step 1
    Write a simple Java program like the one listed:
    import java.io.File;
    public class fileCheckUtl {
    public static int fileExists(String FileName) {
    File x = new File(FileName);
    if (x.exists())
    return 1;
    else return 0;
    public static void main (String args[]) {
    fileCheckUtl f = new fileCheckUtl();
    int i;
    i = f.fileExists(args[0]);
    Step 2 Load this into the Oracle data using LoadJava
    loadjava -verbose -resolve -user user/pw@db fileCheckUtl.java
    The output should be something like this:
    creating : source fileCheckUtl
    loading : source fileCheckUtl
    creating : fileCheckUtl
    resolving: source fileCheckUtl
    Step 3 - Create a PL/SQL wrapper for the Java Class:
    NAME 'fileCheckUtl.fileExists(java.lang.String) return int';
    Step 4 Test it:
    SQL> select file_check_utl('f:\myjava\fileCheckUtl.java') from dual
    2 /

  • I am trying to create a single exe. The build creates directories NI_HTML,NI_report,NI_Standard Report

    The build keeps telling me that I have 3 sets of files the same name from NI report
    The VI's are creating 3 times the files I require
    It also tells me to select renaming files
    Can any body tell me how you do that
    Go to Solution.

    This is a (current?) limitation of the executable structure. Since you use the report generation (or any auto-dispatching class) LabVIEW needs to distribute these files outside of the executable, not something to worry about, however you need to make sure these directories stay with the executable.
    See here for a KB article
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
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    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

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  • Data integrator for HP-UX missing data quality and data profiling

    Hi All, I have installed ODI from odi_unix_generic_10. in HP unix 11.23. Data quality and data profiling is missing in that zip ? Could anyone please help me how to get installer of data quality and data profiling for Oracle da

  • Issue with SSRS Expression

    Hi all,  I am facing some issue with ssrs expression.  I used below expression to show sum of budget.  =Sum(  CDbl(Fields!Budget.Value)) When I preview the report it shows #Error in that textbox.  Please help me to fix this one , I am not getting whe

  • Illustrator.exe - No Disk Error

    Hello, I've been getting this error with a handful of documents that I migrated from an old computer.  When opening one of the offending files the following error pops up. Illustrator.exe - No Disk There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk

  • Error Message when creating Purchase Requisition

    Hello, We are on SRM 4 version in classic scenario. We are creating a limit shopping but when he has been approved we got an error from the backend system : Shopping Cart XXXXX3 (Purch. Requisition XXXXX): ME020 Item category X not allowed with docum

  • How to add attachments in PMS..??

    In the performance appraisal through NWBC..Is there any way we can add attachments..?? We are using appcreate, phap_admin, to work with pms..?? Regards, Namsheed.