Vala texteditor with tabs

Hi all,
I've been cooking up a new text editor written in Vala in the line of Leafpad, but I want mine to have Tabs support. The problem is that implementing Tabs with Vala is not easy (at least for me), so any help from you vala gurus would be extremely apreciated.
Multipad - A simple Gtk text editor with tabs
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
Written by António Godinho ( using Vala 0.11.2
Compile with valac --pkg gtk+-2.0 multipad.vala
using Gtk;
class MainWindow : Window
//public DocumentTab tab {get; set;}
//public DocumentTextView view {get; set;}
private DocumentNotebook note_book;
private FileChooserDialog file_chooser_dialog;
private File file_name {get; default = null; set;}
/* TODO - Fallback defaults go here */
stdout.printf ("MainWindow constructed\n");
private MainWindow ()
title = "Multipad";
position = WindowPosition.CENTER;
set_default_size (700, 500);
note_book = new DocumentNotebook ();
var h_box_main = new HBox (false, 0);
h_box_main.border_width = 6;
var v_box_body = new VBox (false, 0);
v_box_body.pack_start (create_menu_bar (), false, true, 0);
v_box_body.pack_end (h_box_main, true, true, 0);
h_box_main.pack_start (note_book, true, true, 0);
add (v_box_body);
note_book.add_tab ("123");
private Widget create_menu_bar ()
var menu_file = new Menu ();
var image_menu_item_new = new ImageMenuItem.from_stock (Stock.NEW, null);
image_menu_item_new.activate.connect (on_new_clicked);
menu_file.add (image_menu_item_new);
var image_menu_item_open = new ImageMenuItem.from_stock (Stock.OPEN, null);
image_menu_item_open.activate.connect (on_open_clicked);
menu_file.add (image_menu_item_open);
var image_menu_item_save = new ImageMenuItem.from_stock (Stock.SAVE, null);
//image_menu_item_save.activate.connect (on_save_clicked);
menu_file.add (image_menu_item_save);
var image_menu_item_save_as = new ImageMenuItem.from_stock (Stock.SAVE_AS, null);
//image_menu_item_save_as.activate.connect (on_save_as_clicked);
menu_file.add (image_menu_item_save_as);
var separator_menu_item = new SeparatorMenuItem();
menu_file.add (separator_menu_item);
var image_menu_item_quit = new ImageMenuItem.from_stock (Stock.QUIT, null);
//image_menu_item_quit.activate.connect (on_quit_clicked);
menu_file.add (image_menu_item_quit);
var menu_item_file = new MenuItem.with_mnemonic ("_File");
menu_item_file.set_submenu (menu_file);
var menu_bar = new MenuBar ();
menu_bar.add (menu_item_file);
return menu_bar;
public void on_new_clicked ()
note_book.add_tab ("321---2nd");
private void on_open_clicked ()
file_chooser_dialog = new FileChooserDialog ("Open file", this, FileChooserAction.OPEN, Stock.CANCEL, ResponseType.CANCEL, Stock.OPEN, ResponseType.ACCEPT);
if ( () == ResponseType.ACCEPT)
file_name = file_chooser_dialog.get_file ();
//document_text_view.text_buffer.open_file (file_name);
file_chooser_dialog.destroy ();
public static int main (string [] args)
Gtk.init (ref args);
var window = new MainWindow ();
window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
window.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();
return 0;
class DocumentTextBuffer : TextBuffer
public DocumentTab tab;
private File file_name {get; default = null; set;}
/* TODO - Fallback defaults go here */
stdout.printf ("DocumentTextBuffer constructed\n");
public DocumentTextBuffer ()
/* TODO - send file_name to update tab label with new file_name */
notify["file-name"].connect (() =>
stdout.printf (file_name.get_uri () + "\n");
/* TODO - Use GIO instead (File.load_contents ()) */
public void open_file (File file_name)
this.file_name = file_name;
string text;
FileUtils.get_contents (file_name.get_basename (), out text);
this.set_text (text);
catch (Error e)
stdout.printf ("ERROR: %s\n", e.message);
/* TODO - Use GIO instead (File.replace_contents ()) */
public void save_file (File file_name)
string text;
TextIter start_iter, end_iter;
this.get_bounds (out start_iter, out end_iter);
text = this.get_text (start_iter, end_iter, true);
FileUtils.set_contents (file_name.get_basename (), text, -1);
this.file_name = file_name;
catch (Error e)
stdout.printf ("ERROR: %s\n", e.message);
class DocumentTextView : TextView
/* TODO - Fallback defaults go here */
stdout.printf ("DocumentTextView constructed\n");
public DocumentTextView (DocumentTextBuffer doc = new DocumentTextBuffer ())
this.buffer = doc;
class DocumentTab : HBox
public Label label_notebook;
public Button button_notebook_close;
private Image image_button_notebook_close;
public signal void on_button_notebook_close_clicked ();
/* TODO - Fallback defaults go here */
stdout.printf ("DocumentTab constructed\n");
public DocumentTab (string tab_label)
Gtk.rc_parse_string ("""
style "my-button-style"
GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0
GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
widget "*.my-close-button" style "my-button-style"
button_notebook_close = new Button ();
button_notebook_close.set_relief (Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE); = "my-close-button";
image_button_notebook_close = new Image.from_stock (Stock.CLOSE, Gtk.IconSize.MENU);
button_notebook_close.add (image_button_notebook_close);
button_notebook_close.tooltip_text = (" Close document ");
button_notebook_close.clicked.connect (() => this.on_button_notebook_close_clicked ());
label_notebook = new Label (tab_label);
this.pack_start (label_notebook, true, true, 0);
this.pack_end (button_notebook_close, true, true, 0);
this.show_all ();
class DocumentNotebook : Notebook
public DocumentNotebook ()
this.set_tab_pos (PositionType.TOP);
this.set_scrollable (true);
this.page_added.connect (() =>
stdout.printf ("NB: New Page added: " + (this.get_n_pages () -1).to_string () + "\n");
this.page_removed.connect (() =>
stdout.printf ("NB: Page removed: " + (this.get_current_page () + 1).to_string () + "\n");
this.switch_page.connect ((page, page_num) =>
stdout.printf ("NB: Page switched: " + (this.get_current_page () + 1).to_string () + "\n");
this.page_reordered.connect (() =>
stdout.printf ("NB: Page reordered to: " + this.get_current_page ().to_string () + "\n");
public void add_tab (string tab_label)
var tab = new DocumentTab (tab_label);
var view = new DocumentTextView ();
tab.on_button_notebook_close_clicked.connect (() => this.on_button_notebook_close_clicked ());
var v_box_text_editor_body = new VBox (false, 3);
var scrolled_window = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);
scrolled_window.set_policy (PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
scrolled_window.shadow_type = ShadowType.ETCHED_IN;
scrolled_window.add (view);
v_box_text_editor_body.pack_start (scrolled_window, true, true, 0);
var v_box_notebook_body = new VBox (false, 0);
v_box_notebook_body.border_width = 2;
v_box_notebook_body.add (v_box_text_editor_body);
this.append_page (v_box_notebook_body, tab);
this.child_set (v_box_notebook_body, "tab-expand", false, null);
this.set_tab_reorderable (v_box_notebook_body, true);
this.show_all ();
this.set_current_page (this.get_n_pages () - 1);
public void on_button_notebook_close_clicked ()
var note_book_page = this.get_nth_page (this.get_current_page());
Many thanks,

The edittext control is very limited, it doesn't really live up to its name. It would be hopeless to attempt to do an editor in ScriptUI.

Similar Messages

  • Leaving JTextField with TAB

    A simple question really ... I have a JTextField that I would like to have the user exit from with TAB and get
    the same action as if they had left the field with the
    ENTER key, i.e., I'd like to be able to use the getText
    method to retrieve what the user entered. Currently, with
    no modifcations whatsoever to the JTextField, when I
    invoke getText after the user leaves the field with a TAB,
    getText returns NULL. I've tried just about everything,
    but can't get any of it to work (removeKeyStrokeBinding(), extending JTextField, etc.).
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    As you have niticed this is not such a simple question at all.
    After some experimentation I decided to make the enter key cause the text field to loose focus.
    addKeyListener (new KeyAdapter()
    public void keyPressed (KeyEvent evt)
    int key = evt.getKeyCode();
    if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)
    transferFocus ();
    Then give the text field a focus listener
    class TextListener extends java.awt.event.FocusAdapter
    public void focusLost (FocusEvent e)
    // evalutate the text using getText()
    Which gets the field's content, validates it and then save it in the appropriate place.
    The advantage to this approach is the whole field edits are always done in the same place (the focus adapter), and the enter and tab actions appear the same to the user.
    The disadvantage is that, unless you know the initial value, you won't be able to tell if the value has changed.
    hope this helpds some.

  • Office Web Apps Server 2013 - Word Web App - Problem with Tab space

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    Has anyone noticed this?  Is this a bug?

    Yes, currently the Word Web App does not support
    Tab Keyboard shortcut for editing document content .
    For more information, you can have a look at
    the article:

  • Fire fox opens with tabs from preveous session not home page in tools under options and tab general I have start up with home page but all tabs from previous session open instead

    fire fox opens with tabs from preveous session not home page in tools under options and tab general I have start up with home page but all tabs from previous session open instead

    It is possible that there is a problem with the files [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    Delete [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    If you see files sessionstore-##.js with a number in the left part of the name like sessionstore-1.js then delete those as well.
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups to get lost, so you will have to create them again (make a note).

  • How to count number of documents in a page with Tabs

    We have a page with Tabs and sub tabs for each Tab. There is no limit for the Tabs and Sub Tabs. I mean a Tab can have several child tabs and each child tab can have n number of Sub Tabs. We have documents laoded on Tab level and sub Tab level also.
    I want to display the count and size of the documents loaded on a page. That is If Page1 has 2 tabs and each tab has 2 sub tabs and on each sub tab there are 2 documents of 10 MB then I should be able to display like this.
    Page1 - number of documents: 8 , documents total size 80 MB.
    By linking documents table and apges table I am able to get the results by tab not by page.
    Any advice is appreciated.

    Hi Satya -
    It seems you should be able to get the information you are after in the "wwsbr_all_items" view. The folder_ID is the page ID. The content mangement views are documented here:
    Hope this helps,

  • Issue with tabbed block in selection screen

    Hi All,
    I have created a report program with the following code.
                      TAB (20) button1 USER-COMMAND push1,
                      TAB (20) button2 USER-COMMAND push2,
                      END OF BLOCK mytab.
      button1 = 'Selection Screen 1'.
      button2 = 'Selection Screen 2'.
      mytab-prog = sy-repid.
      mytab-dynnr = 0100.
      mytab-activetab = 'PUSH1'.
      CASE sy-dynnr.
        WHEN 1000.
          CASE sy-ucomm.
            WHEN 'PUSH1'.
              mytab-dynnr = 100.
            WHEN 'PUSH2'.
              mytab-dynnr = 200.
    Execute the program and click on the second tab-page. Now, click on the 'Execute' button or press F8 (there is no specific functionality coded here).
    The issue now is that the first tab-page is displayed, instead of the second tab remaining displayed. I require the navigation to remain within the second tab-page after the EXECUTE button is clicked.
    Could someone help me out with this issue?
    Edited by: Dinup Sudhakaran on Feb 18, 2008 1:40 PM

    Go through below document with example code.
    It will help you.
    Tabstrip Controls on Selection Screens
    As with screens, you can now use tabstrip controls on selection screens. To do this, you must define a tabstrip area and the associated tab pages, and assign a subscreen to the tab pages. You do not have to (indeed, cannot) declare the tabstrip control or program the screen flow logic in your ABAP program, since both are automatically generated.
    To define a tabstrip area with tab pages, use the following statements in your selection screen definition:
                      TAB (<len>) <tab1> USER-COMMAND <ucom1>
                                  [DEFAULT [PROGRAM <prog>] SCREEN <scrn>],
                      TAB (<len>) <tab2> USER-COMMAND <ucom2>
                                  [DEFAULT [PROGRAM <prog>] SCREEN <scrn>],
                      END OF BLOCK <tab_area>.
    This defines a tabstrip control <tab_area> with size <n>. The tab pages <tab1>, <tab2>… are assigned to the tab area. <len> defines the width of the tab title. You must assign a function code <ucom> area to each tab title. You can find out the function code from the field SY-UCOMM in the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event.
    For each tab title, the system automatically creates a character field in the ABAP program with the same name. Before the selection screen is displayed, you can assign a text to the field. This then appears as the title of the corresponding tab page on the selection screen.
    You must assign a subscreen to each tab title. This will be displayed in the tab area when the user chooses that title. You can assign one of the following as a subscreen:
    A subscreen screen defined using the Screen Painter.
    A selection screen subscreen, defined in an ABAP program.
    You can make the assignment either statically in the program or dynamically at runtime. If, at runtime, one of the tab titles has no subscreen assigned, a runtime error occurs.
    Static assignment
    Use the DEFAULT addition when you define the tab title. You can specify an ABAP program and one of its subscreens. If you do not specify a program, the system looks for the subscreen in the current program. When the user chooses the tab title, it is activated, and the subscreen is assigned to the tabstrip area. The static assignment is valid for the entire duration of the program, but can be overwritten dynamically before the selection screen is displayed.
    Dynamic assignment
    For each tab area, the system automatically creates a structure in the ABAP program with the same name. This structure has three components – PROG, DYNNR, and ACTIVETAB. When you assign the subscreens statically, the structure contains the name of the ABAP program containing the subscreen, the number of the subscreen, and the name of the tab title currently active on the selection screen (and to which these values are assigned). The default active tab page is the first page. You can assign values to the fields of the structure before the selection screen is displayed, and so set a subscreen dynamically.
    If you assign a normal subscreen screen to a tab title, the dialog modules containing its flow logic must be defined in the current ABAP program. If the subscreen is a selection screen, user actions will trigger the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event and its variants (see Selection Screen Processing). This includes when the user chooses a tab title. If one selection screen is included on another, AT SELECTION-SCREEN will be triggered at least twice – firstly for the "included" selection screen, then for the selection screen on which it appears.
    REPORT demo_sel_screen_with_tabstrip.
    DATA flag(1) TYPE c.
    PARAMETERS: p1(10) TYPE c,
                p2(10) TYPE c,
                p3(10) TYPE c.
                q2(10) TYPE c OBLIGATORY,
                q3(10) TYPE c OBLIGATORY.
                      TAB (20) button1 USER-COMMAND push1,
                      TAB (20) button2 USER-COMMAND push2,
                      TAB (20) button3 USER-COMMAND push3
                                       DEFAULT SCREEN 300,
                      END OF BLOCK mytab.
      button1 = text-010.
      button2 = text-020.
      button3 = text-030.
      mytab-prog = sy-repid.
      mytab-dynnr = 100.
      mytab-activetab = 'BUTTON1'.
      CASE sy-dynnr.
        WHEN 1000.
          CASE sy-ucomm.
            WHEN 'PUSH1'.
              mytab-dynnr = 100.
              mytab-activetab = 'BUTTON1'.
            WHEN 'PUSH2'.
              mytab-dynnr = 200.
              mytab-activetab = 'BUTTON2'.
        WHEN 100.
          MESSAGE s888(sabapdocu) WITH text-040 sy-dynnr.
        WHEN 200.
          MESSAGE s888(sabapdocu) WITH text-040 sy-dynnr.
    MODULE init_0100 OUTPUT.
        IF screen-group1 = 'MOD'.
          CASE flag.
            WHEN 'X'.
              screen-input = '1'.
            WHEN ' '.
              screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      MESSAGE s888(sabapdocu) WITH text-050 sy-dynnr.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'TOGGLE'.
          IF flag = ' '.
            flag = 'X'.
          ELSEIF flag = 'X'.
            flag = ' '.
      WRITE: / 'P1:', p1,'Q1:', q1,
             / 'P2:', p2,'Q2:', q2,
             / 'P3:', p3,'Q3:', q3.
    This program defines two selection screens – 100 and 200, as subscreens, and places a tabstrip control area with three tab pages on the standard selection screen. A subscreen screen 300 (from the same program) is assigned statically to the third tab page.
    The layout of screen 300 is:
    The input/output fields P1 to Q3 are defined by using the parameters from the ABAP program The pushbutton has the function code TOGGLE.
    The screen flow logic for screen 300 is as follows:
      MODULE init_0100.
      MODULE user_command_0100.
    Both dialog modules are defined in the ABAP program.
    When you run the program, the standard selection screen appears. In the INITIALIZATION event, the texts are defined on the tab titles, the subscreen selection screen 100 is assigned to the tab area, and the first tab title is activated.
    User actions on the selection screen are processed in the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event block. In particular, it is here that the subscreens are assigned and tab titles activated when the user chooses one of the first two tab titles. This is not necessary for the third tab title, since the dynamic assignment (screen 300) is always placed in the structure MYTAB when the user chooses it.
    Before the subscreen screen is displayed, the PBO module INIT_100 is executed. User actions on the subscreen screen trigger the PAI module. This includes when the user chooses a tab title. After that, the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event is triggered.
    Messages in the status line show where an action has been processed.

  • Item Level Security not working with Tabs

    I've Portal
    This issue is with Item Level Security with Tabs. Here is what I've have:
    Page Group: MyPagegroup (Privs: portal => Manage All)
    Page: MyTestPage (Privs: portal => Manage All,
    testUser => View)
    There is a tab called MyTab on page MyTestPage which has two items (simple images) image1 and image2. The tab's access privs have been set NOT to inherit from the page. The public check box has not been checked for the tab. I've specifically assigned access privs to the tab.
    Now here are the two scenarios that I'm having problem with:
    1) MyTab (portal => Manage All, testUser => view)
    image1 (ILS enabled: portal => Manage All)
    image2 (ILS enabled: portal => Manage All,
    testUser => View)
    When logged in as "testUser", I still see both the images on MyTab although image2 doesn't have view priv to testUser. My expected result is to see just image2 on the tab.
    2) MyTab (portal => Manage All)
    image1 (ILS enabled: portal => Manage All,
    testUser => View)
    image2 (ILS enabled: portal => Manage All)
    When logged in as "testUser", I still see NO images on MyTab although image1 has view privs to testUser. I would expect to see image1 on the tab.
    Question: In both the above cases, the tab privs seem to be dictating what the user sees regardless of what the item level privs are set to. Is this normal behavior or a bug? If a bug, is there a patch? Is there any way so that even after setting the tab privs, I still have finer control of what the user can access through item level privs?
    If I don't put the items under a tab, then things work as expected.
    Lalit Agarwal
    Vienna, VA
    703-521-5200 x3610

    This is a known problem with the 9.0.2 release - fixed in

  • Web Templates with Tabs

    Hi, We have quite a few reports we have developed for users that have around 5 or 6 tabs.  When we adding or remove any functionality we have to maintain each of these reports.   Does anyone else have/had this issue and what is a good strategy to move away from Web Templates with tabs?

    to my knowldge, we don't have any option... we need to maintain every time.
    I can think how complex it is...if you have 5 or 6 tabs... it 's very complex. Going forward... for small change.. like adding new tab etc... you need to be very careful.
    On every call... try to reset to initial every time you call a tab... then try to pass values as per the requirement. ex: Title, Filters, settings, table etc.
    Initial view we will disble every thing... we will one by one... with multiple commands...
    Nagesh Ganisetti.

  • Pasting in Numbers cell with tabs and returns

    I am converting my old Appleworks SS files to Numbers and it works fine when I just open the .cwk file with Numbers.  But when I try to paste in to a cell text with tabs and returns, unlike AW, it puts as much of the text as will fit in one cell, truncating the remainder.
    Is there some way to change Numbers preferences (or any other technique) to push text separated with tabs to the next cell right and for returns to push to the next row?

    I just figured out what I did wrong.  The text I was pasting in was enclosed in quote marks.  Once I removed those, it pasted in perfectly, just like AW.

  • Problem with Tabbing Order in LiveCycle

    I have a two page form.  The last field on the second page is an image field (the user can attach a graphic).  The problem is it won't tab back to the first page after this field.

    I, too, am having problems with tab order.
    I have a two-page form created in LiveCycle Designer. There are 66 fields on the 1st page of the form, and 65 fields on page 2. When I use Window > Tab order to examine the tab order, all is as it should be (except for one thing, discussed later). However, when I go into the Preview PDF tab (or load the form in Acrobat X Pro), field 4 on page 1 tabs to field 42 (on page 1). Additionally, tabbing from field 41 on page 1 takes me to field 43 on page 2.
    I can use Action Builder to ensure that the tab goes to the appropriate field, but that seems a rather kludgy way to go about it.
    And that additional problem: I've got three text fields on page 1 that are of type Protected. According to the documentation, "The protected field is not included in the tabbing sequence and it does not generate events.", yet all three fields are in the tab order.
    What (if anything) am I doing wrong?

  • How to create a stage with tabs?

    I tested this code to create a stage with tabs:
    public void GeneralConfiguration()
            Stage configurationStage = new Stage();
            configurationStage.setTitle("General Settings");
            Group grid = new Group();
            TabPane tabPane = new TabPane();
            //Create Tabs
            Tab tabA = new Tab();
            tabA.setText("Main Component");
            tabA.setClosable(false); // da se mahne opciqta da se zatvarq tab
            //Add something in Tab
            StackPane tabA_stack = new StackPane();
            tabA_stack.getChildren().add(new Label("Label@Tab A")); // dobavq se tuka accordion
            Tab tabB = new Tab();
            tabB.setText("Second Component");
            tabB.setClosable(false); // da se mahne opciqta da se zatvarq tab
            //Add something in Tab
            StackPane tabB_stack = new StackPane();
            tabB_stack.getChildren().add(new Label("Label@Tab B"));
            Tab tabC = new Tab();
            tabC.setText("Last Component");
            tabC.setClosable(false); // da se mahne opciqta da se zatvarq tab
            //Add something in Tab
            StackPane tabC_vBox = new StackPane();
            tabC_vBox.getChildren().add(new Label("Label@Tab C"));
            // Configure dialog size and background color
            Scene Scene = new Scene(grid, 800, 600, Color.WHITESMOKE);
    Can you tell me how I can fill the stage with the tabs body. Now I get this result:

    Use some kind of managed layout pane instead of a group for the root. I like to use a BorderPane or AnchorPane as the root container:
    // Group grid = new Group();
    BorderPane grid = new BorderPane();
    // grid.getChildren().add(tabPane);
    Message was edited by: James_D (Figured out how to post code!)

  • Problem with tabbed panel

    I have a problem with tabbed panel...this panel has 3 columns, I copied to each of them a diffrent text (diffrent height)...I expected to obtain diffrent working area of column, for example  1st column-height 7500 px, 2nd-1500 px, 3rd-2500 px, but I received one height 7500 px, each column has been formatted to this size....below a text I have “empty space”- (it is a diffrence between working area and text area)...I put the text to the 1st column for example 7200 px height, empty space below this text is 300 px I received 7500 px of working area in this column, here the problem doesn`t exist but….2nd column i have height of text for example 1300 px, below this text i have 6200 px empty space...It should be height 1300 px of text and maybe 200 px of empty the working area could have at 1500 px not 7500 px of height....I try to change it (to for example 1500 px) but it still  return to the basic 7500 px height and can`t do  it...The solution is to use another form like. the accordion form..but it is a row form….when you put a diffrent sized text (height) you will receive diffrent size of working  area (height), you obtain 7200px text +300 px empty space=7500 working area in 1st row.. 1200 px text + 300 px empty space=1500 workin area px in 2nd row and 2500 working area px in 3rd row…everything is fine in this form…each row has been formatted to the different size of height…but I prefer to use a tabbed panel (column form) instead a accordion form.…I don`t to waste the time to correct the code in html text editor like PSPad…
    Best Regards

    A couple of threads here that should answer your query.

  • Call report selection screen in module pool program with tab strip control

    Could anyone explain in detail to call report selection screen in module pool program with tab strip control.

    Refer std program:
    Call your program with SUBMIT stmt form module program.
    Reward points if this Helps.

  • JTable's Cell navigation with TAB

    Dear ALL
    I have face one problem in JTable's cell navigation with TAB. The problem as describe bellow.
    I have two columns NAME and ADDRESS. Set focus on ADDRESS column's first cell. now if i am press tab key then focus controll comes on second cell which is the ADDRESS column. At the end of row controll comes on first row second column that means focus on ADDRESS column's first cell.
    Please give me some hints.
    Thanks in advance.

    Your description doesn't make any sense (to me at least) so I don't know what your problem is or what you are asking to be changed.
    The normal tab order is Left to Right, Top to Bottom. So if the focus is at the top/left normal tabbing would be:
    Row 0, Column 0 (name 0)
    Row 0 Column 1 (address 0)
    Row 1, Column0 (name 1)
    Row 1, Column 1 (address 1)
    Row 2, Column 0 (name 2)
    Row 2, Column 1 (address 2)
    Your question seems to imply that your tab from address to addreass, which doesn't make sense.
    "Set focus on ADDRESS column's first cell. now if i am press tab key then focus controll comes on second cell which is the ADDRESS "

  • Will I be able to select the URL bar by pressing F6 with tabs on top again?

    In previous versions of FF (lo, with tabs on bottom) I could select the URL bar's text simply by pressing F6. With tabs on top I press F6 and select the tab itself, not the URL bar.
    Is there a setting I can change where the functionality will be returned to what it once was?

    There is an open bug report concerning this behaviour, it is not blocking the release of Firefox 4 so it may not get fixed prior to the release of Firefox 4. An alternative keyboard shortcut is Control+L

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error while uninstalling and then re installing sharepoint 2013 on same server(windows server 2012)

    Hi All, I have installed SharePoint 2013 prerequisites successfully on windows server 2012. While installing SharePoint 2013, system struck on for several minutes. I have restart my system manually. Later I then installed prerequisites which showed a

  • Mac Mail 'Sent' Folder Column Settings get lost after exiting application

    In Mac Mail, I have set the columns I'd like to view in my 'Sent' folder to "To", "Subject" and "Date." Those are the only fields I need to see in that folder. It is NOT a smart folder. If I exit Mail with the 'Sent' folder open, when I come BACK to

  • Use of PI sheet

    Dear Gurus Can u explain what is the use of PI sheet?, where we want to maintain in configuration for that?, How we can view PI sheet? (I created a process order and manully done the control recipe, now status is CRCR & how can i view that control re

  • Intel High Definition Audio

    Is the built in sound card capable of handling 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound? I've been thinking of installing one of those two in my room but I'm not sure if I would have the surround sound effect. MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2 GHz; 2 Gb memory; 1

  • AVI to MOV Help!

    Got some avi files from a client yesterday and I am only able to hear the audio. The video portion is all white. I have tried playing the file with RealPlayer, VLC, QT Pro and Flip4Mac but nothing. I tried converting the file with Cleaner 6.5 and Div