Validator not returning the results.

Hi All,
I have extended the StringValidator class in order the create a username validator. When a new user is being registered, the username is validated on the server to check if it exists.
The code is not throwing errors and i know the remoteobject calls work. The push sets the message, but the problem is that the result is not returned.
Is the flow correct?
public class PosUsernameValidator extends StringValidator {
          private var userServiceRO:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
          private var validatorResults:Array = new Array();
          public function PosUsernameValidator(){
               userServiceRO.destination = "UserService";
               userServiceRO.getUserByUserName.addEventListener("result", getUserByUserNameRH);
               userServiceRO.getUserByUserName.addEventListener("fault", getUserByUserNameFH)
          override protected function doValidation(value:Object):Array {
               validatorResults = super.doValidation(value);
               return doForUserName(value);
          private function doForUserName(value:Object):Array{
               return validatorResults;
          private function getUserByUserNameRH(r:ResultEvent, t:Object = null):void{
               var user:User = r.result as User;
                    validatorResults.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "Username error","Username already taken!"));
          private function getUserByUserNameFH(f:FaultEvent, t:Object = null):void{

At first glance I would say that trying to combine your client-side and server-side validation into a single class like that is not a good idea. In doForUserName() you are making an asyncronous server call. The validatorResults will get returned immediately, so by the time your handler method executes it is already too late. Rather than trying to do both sets of validation at once, remove the server-side code from this class and use it as a normal flex validator. Then in your component (or better yet in your controller class if you follow an MVC pattern) call your service method after the client side validator returns a valid result.

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    Hi Jorgen,
       Thank you for that - very helpful because I actually knew nothing about sub-select queries.  So now the overall logic makes sense, but unfortunately the only examples I've been able to find don't cover exactly what I want to do.
    The overall examples I have found work like this;
    - Create a query to find computers with a particular application installed
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    kind regards,
    Thomas Robier

    close (not answerdeD)

  • TABLE(CAST()) function not returning the correct results in few scenarios.

    I am using TABLE(CAST()) operation in PL/SQL and it is returning me no data.
    Here is what I have done:
    1.     Created Record type
    target__id          NUMBER(10),
    target_entity_id NUMBER(10),
    dd           CHAR(3),
    fd           CHAR(3),
    code      NUMBER(10),
    target_pct      NUMBER,
    template_nm VARCHAR2(50),
    p_symbol      VARCHAR2(10),
    pm_init          VARCHAR2(3),
    target_name     VARCHAR2(20),
    targe_type     VARCHAR2(30),
    target_caption     VARCHAR2(30),
    sort_order      NUMBER (4)
    2.     Created Table type
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE target_arr AS TABLE OF target_rec
    3.     Created Stored procedure which accepts parameter of type target_arr and runs the Table(Cast()) function on it.
         Following is the simplified form of my procedure.
         PROCEDURE get_target_weights
         p_in_template_target IN target_arr,
         p_out_count          OUT NUMBER,
              SELECT count(*) into p_out_count
         FROM TABLE(CAST(p_in_template_target AS                     target_arr)) arr;
    I am calling get_target_weights from my java code and passing p_in_template_target with 10140 records.
    Scenario 1: If target_pct in the last record is 0, p_out_count returned from the procedure is 0.
    Scenario 2: If target_pct in the last record is any other value(say 0.01), p_out_count returned from the procedure is 10140.
    Please help me understand why the Table(Cast()) is not returning the correct results in Scenario 1. Also adding or deleting any record from the test data returns the correct results (i.e. if keep target_pct in the last record as 0 but add or delete any record).
    Let me know how can I attach the test data I am using to help you debugging as I don’t see any Attach file button on Post Message screen on the forum.

    I am not able to reproduce this problem with a small data set. I can only reproduce with the data having 10140 records.
    I am not sure if this is the memory issue as adding a new record also solves the problem.
    This should not be the error because of wrong way of filling the records in java as for testing purpose I just saved the records which I am sending from java in a table. I updated the stored procedure as well to read the data from the table and then perform TABLE(CAST()) operation. I am still getting 0 as the output for scenario 1 mentioned in my last mail.
    Here is what I have updated:
    1.     Created the table target_table
    CREATE Table target_table
    target_id          NUMBER(10),
    target_entity_id NUMBER(10),
    dd           CHAR(3),
    fd           CHAR(3),
    code      NUMBER(10),
    target_pct      NUMBER,
    template_nm VARCHAR2(50),
    p_symbol      VARCHAR2(10),
    pm_init          VARCHAR2(3),
    target_name     VARCHAR2(20),
    target_type     VARCHAR2(30),
    target_caption     VARCHAR2(30),
    sort_order      NUMBER (4)
    2.     Inserted data into the table : The script has around 10140 rows. Pls let me know how can I send it to you
    3.     Updated procedure to read data from table and stored into variable of type target_arr. Run Table(cast()) operation on target_arr and get the count
    PROCEDURE test_target_weights
         v_target_rec target_table%ROWTYPE;
         CURSOR wt_cursor IS
         Select * from target_table;
         v_count NUMBER := 1;
         v_target_arr cws_target_arr:= target_arr ();
         v_target_arr_rec target_rec;
         v_rec_count NUMBER;
         OPEN wt_cursor;
              fetch wt_cursor into v_target_rec; -- fetch data from table into local           record.
              exit when wt_cursor%notfound;
              --move data into target_arr
              v_target_arr_rec :=                     cws_curr_pair_entity_wt_rec(v_target_rec target_id,v_target_rec. target_entity_id,
              v_target_arr(v_count) := v_target_arr_rec;
              v_count := v_count + 1;
         end loop;
         close wt_cursor;
         -- run table cast on target_arr
         SELECT count(*) into v_rec_count
         FROM TABLE(CAST(v_target_arr AS target_arr)) arr;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('p_out_count ' || v_rec_count);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_count ' || v_count);
    Output is
    p_out_count 0
    v_count 10140
    Expected output
    p_out_count 10140
    v_count 10140

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        [BNUM] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
        [CNAME] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
        [CNUM] [int] NOT NULL,
        [ITNAME] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
        [ITEM#] [int] NOT NULL,
        [QTY] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [UNIT] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
        [PRICE] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [BASIC] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [DISCOUNT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [FRQTY] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [BADDR] [varchar](300) NULL,
        [CADDR] [varchar](300) NOT NULL,
        [BDATE] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (sysdatetime()),
        [BILLBY] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [ROUTE] [varchar](200) NULL,
        [AMT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [VAT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [VAT AMT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [AMT_AF_DISC] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [AMT_AF_VAT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [TOT_DISC] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [ROUND_OFF] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [TOT_VAT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [AMT_UNDER_VAT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [NETT] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [TOS] [varchar](30) NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [CDISC] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        [SDISC] [float] NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
    insert into #BILL_PRINT SELECT [BNUM]
          ,[VAT AMT]
    IF @COUNT1=2
        SET FRQTY+=@FQTY
    --SELECT *FROM sales_details
    SELECT *FROM #BILL_PRINT where bnum=@bnum
    Please help me out in this.
    Shreyas M

    This is a forum for Reporting Services (SSRS). If you're using Jasper reports then you should be posting in relevenat forums. I'm not sure there would be enough people with Jasper report experience here to help you out!
    Anyways in SSRS when  we use Temp tables in procedure it will throw exception in editor but when you save and run it will still work fine. Did you try saving it and executing report? Did the error still persisted?
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • HttpServletRequest.getHeaders("accept") does not return the correct results

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    Is there anything to keep Iplanet from breaking apart the header value?
    I am running Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.15 B04/19/2012 21:52
    Thanks In Advance,
    Edited by: MartyJones2 on Aug 30, 2012 2:44 PM

    You will have to use the full DN for the member and uniquemember e.g.
    (...(uniquemember=cn=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, uid=itkychan, ou=xxxu_ITS, o=The xxx University, c=HK)...)

  • Avoid JDBC sender error: Execute statement did not return a result set

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    Is there a parameter to be set on the JDBC adapter that I can use, so the red flag is avoided?
    Thanks for any input!
    Oeystein Emhjellen

    Hi Oeystein Emhjellen.
    The problem is Store Procedure that has to generate always a ResultSet (or cursor). If it doesn't have a output, you have to generate an Empty ResultSet.
    Like a SELECT Statement:
    If there are data, SELECT get an output result but if it get nothing the SELECT Statement get a empty ResultSet.
    Ask to your database team.
    I hope it helps you.

  • Bing based federated result sources not returning any results for non-English languages

    I have a result source with this query:{?searchterms}  language:fr{startIndex}
    This used to give me 40-50 results for common terms like download, blog etc.
    From today (7/14) IST, this source does not return any results. There are no results if I execute this query directly in IE either.
    Same behavior observed for: language:es, language:de etc.
    I do however get results as expected for language:en.
    Any idea what the issue might be?

    Hi Swapnil,
    According to your description, my understanding is that no results returned when searching with non-English in the Result Source query.
    I tested the same scenario per your post and I got the same results as you got.
    I recommend to change the language:fr in the Result Source query to be lang=fr to see if the issue still occurs.
    More references:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Custom Search Portlet not getting the results as expected.

    Hi All,
    I am using CustomSearchPortlet and I am having following problems. I created an itemtype IT with attributes A1,A2.Then I configured my custom search portlet to search based on A1,A2 attributes only. I have created 3 instances of items Item1,Item2,Item3 based on itemtype IT as follows
    and when I search for value11, I get Item1,Item3 as results. Till here it was nice and behaving as expected. Suddenly after some time, it stopped working and i am not getting the results I used to get before. The only thing i remember to have changed in the meanwhile was to change the A2 attribute values of some of these items. my searchtext remained the same as value11. I was confused as to why the custom search portlet is not getting these results that it was getting before...Thanks for any help in solving this.

    If Oracle Text is enabled in your portal, the updated items need to be synchronised before they can be returned in the Search. Since you updated those items, though not changing values for this particular attribute, it will be in the queue for indexing and hence will not be returned until it is indexed.

  • Xquery does not return any results on, does work on

    I have a Xquery statement that works as expected on Oracle but does not return any results on Oracle
    Is this the result of a badly written query? A bug in
    Is there a way to rewrite the query so that is does work on
       l_xml xmltype;
       -- Select layers with TileMatrixSet EPSG:28992
       cursor c_layer(p_xml xmltype) is
          select t.*
            from xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default ''
                                       ,'' as "ows"
                                        ,'' as "gml"
                                        ,'' as "xlink"
                                        ,'' as "xsi")
                          ,'for $d in //Layer[TileMatrixSetLink/TileMatrixSet="EPSG:28992"] return $d' passing
                          p_xml columns title varchar2(100) path 'ows:Title'
                          ,format varchar2(100) path 'Format'
                          ,style xmltype path 'Style') as t;
       l_xml := xmltype.createxml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Capabilities xmlns=""
    xmlns:gml="" xsi:schemaLocation=""
        <Style isDefault="true">
        <TileMatrixSetLink>      <TileMatrixSet>EPSG:28992</TileMatrixSet>
        </TileMatrixSetLink>  </Layer>
        <Style isDefault="true">
        <TileMatrixSetLink>      <TileMatrixSet>EPSG:28992</TileMatrixSet>
        </TileMatrixSetLink>  </Layer>
        <Style isDefault="true">
        <TileMatrixSetLink>      <TileMatrixSet>EPSG:28992</TileMatrixSet>
        </TileMatrixSetLink>  </Layer>
       for r_layer in c_layer(l_xml)
       end loop;
    end;Result on

    This one's strange indeed.
    I can reproduce on and one of the following seems to fix it :
    1) Specifying the column list in the SELECT, instead of t.* :
       -- Select layers with TileMatrixSet EPSG:28992
       cursor c_layer(p_xml xmltype) is
          select t.title, t.format,
            from xmltable(or,
    2) Using an extended FLWOR expression :
    for $d in //Layer
    where $d/TileMatrixSetLink/TileMatrixSet = "EPSG:28992"
    return $dMaybe you've already noticed but the problem only occurs within a PL/SQL context.
    The same query run from SQL is OK.

  • OraDynaSet not returning the correct number of records.

    Hello All, I am writing VB code in Excel 2007 and retrieving records from a Oracle 9i database. When I run my query from TOAD or any other sql app I get 56 records returned for certain query. However, when I do it from VB in excel and write the values to the excel file, it will not return the last 3 records, any suggestions? Here is part of my code:
    Worksheets("Report").Range("A3").Value = ""
    Worksheets("Report").Range("B3").Value = "Period"
    Worksheets("Report").Range("C3").Value = "Budget"
    Worksheets("Report").Range("D3").Value = "Projected"
    strSQL = "select group_name,period_name,budget_value,budget_value project from nlas_bdgt_loading_stg where plant = " & plant & " and group_number = 1 order by group_number, period_num"
    Set OraDynaSet = objDataBase.DBCreateDynaset(strSQL, 0&)
    If OraDynaSet.RecordCount > 0 Then
    'Loop the recordset for returned rows
    For i = 4 To OraDynaSet.RecordCount
    'Put the results in columns
    ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1) = OraDynaSet.Fields(0).Value
    ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 2) = OraDynaSet.Fields(1).Value
    ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 3) = OraDynaSet.Fields(2).Value
    ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 4) = OraDynaSet.Fields(3).Value
    Next i
    End If

    It's a bit weird. It works for me. If you have a look at oo4o help:
    CopyToClipboard Method
    Applies To
    Copy the rows from the dynaset to the Clipboard in text format.
    OraDynaset.CopyToClipboard(NumOfRows ,colsep [optional],rowsep [optional] )
    NumOfRows     Number of rows to be copied to the dynaset ,
    colsep     Column separator in CHAR to be inserted between columns
    rowsep     Row seperater in CHAR to be inserted between Rows
    This method is used to facilitate transfer of data between Oracle Object for OLE’s cache (dynaset) and Windows applications such as Excel or Word. CopyToClipboard copies data starting from current position of the dynaset up to the last row.
    Default column separator is TAB (ASCII 9).
    Default row separator is ENTER (ASCII 13).
    Can it be that you don't have all the References needed?

  • Basic NOT EXISTS query not returning any results

    DB Version: 10gR2
    One of our tables in the test schema is having less number of columns than the PROD shema.
    To determine which are missing columns in this table in Test schema i did the following.
    -----In Test Schema
    (COL1 NUMBER);        ----------only one column
    Table created.--- In the prod schema
      2  (COL1 NUMBER,
      3  COL2 NUMBER       ----------- same table name with an extra column
      4  );
    Table createdAnd from the PROD schema i execute the following SQL to determine what are the columns that are missing in the TEST schema
    select column_name from User_Tab_Cols  outer
    where table_name='XYZ2'
    and not exists (select 1 from TEST_SCHEMA.tables_test_list inner where outer.TABLE_NAME=inner.TABLE_NAME )But the above query is not returning any results. Any idea why?

    Actually, the example from the link I posted earlier:
    [email protected]> (
      2  select 'IN T1, NOT T2', column_name,data_type,data_length
      3    from user_tab_columns
      4   where table_name = 'T1'
      5  MINUS
      6  select 'IN T1, NOT T2', column_name,data_type,data_length
      7    from user_tab_columns
      8   where table_name = 'T2'
      9  )
    10  UNION ALL
    11  (
    12  select 'IN T2, NOT T1', column_name,data_type,data_length
    13    from user_tab_columns
    14   where table_name = 'T2'
    15  MINUS
    16  select 'IN T2, NOT T1', column_name,data_type,data_length
    17    from user_tab_columns
    18   where table_name = 'T1'
    19  )
    20  /

  • Table-Valued Function not returning any results

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fGetVendorInfo]
    @VendorAddr char(30),
    @RemitAddr char(100),
    @PmntAddr char(100)
    @VendorInfo TABLE
    vengroup char(25),
    vendnum char(9),
    remit char(10),
    payment char(10)
    insert into @VendorInfo (vengroup,vendnum)
    select ks183, ks178
    from hsi.keysetdata115
    where ks184 like ltrim(@VendorAddr) + '%'
    update @VendorInfo
    set remit = r.remit
    @VendorInfo ven
    (Select ksd.ks188 as remit, ksd.ks183 as vengroup, ksd.ks178 as vendnum
    from hsi.keysetdata117 ksd
    inner join @VendorInfo ven
    on ven.vengroup = ksd.ks183 and ven.vendnum = ksd.ks178
    where ksd.ks192 like ltrim(@RemitAddr) + '%'
    and ks189 = 'R') r
    on ven.vengroup = r.vengroup and ven.vendnum = r.vendnum
    update @VendorInfo
    set payment = p.payment
    @VendorInfo ven
    (Select ksd.ks188 as payment, ksd.ks183 as vengroup, ksd.ks178 as vendnum
    from hsi.keysetdata117 ksd
    inner join @VendorInfo ven
    on ven.vengroup = ksd.ks183 and ven.vendnum = ksd.ks178
    where ksd.ks192 like ltrim(@PmntAddr) + '%'
    and ks189 = 'P') p
    on ven.vengroup = p.vengroup and ven.vendnum = p.vendnum
    Hi all,
    I'm having an issue where my Table-Valued Function is not returning any results.
    When I break it out into a select statement (creating a table, and replacing the passed in parameters with the actual values) it works fine, but with passing in the same exact values (copy and pasted them) it just retuns an empty table.
    The odd thing is I could have SWORN this worked on Friday, but not 100% sure.
    The attached code is my function.
    Here is how I'm calling it:
    SELECT * from dbo.fGetVendorInfo('AUDIO DIGEST', '123 SESAME ST', 'TOP OF OAK MOUNTAIN')
    I tried removing the "+ '%'" and passing it in, but it doesn't work.
    Like I said if I break it out and run it as T-SQL, it works just fine.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Why did you use a proprietary user function instead of a VIEW?  I know the answer is that your mindset does not use sets. You want procedural code. In fact, I see you use an “f-” prefix to mimic the old FORTRAN II convention for in-line functions! 
    Did you know that the old Sybase UPDATE.. FROM.. syntax does not work? It gives the wrong answers! Google it. 
    Your data element names make no sense. What is “KSD.ks188”?? Well, it is a “payment_<something>”, “KSD.ks183” is “vendor_group” and “KSD.ks178” is “vendor_nbr” in your magical world where names mean different things from table to table! 
    An SQL programmer might have a VIEW with the information, something like:
    CREATE VIEW Vendor_Addresses
    SELECT vendor_group, vendor_nbr, vendor_addr, remit_addr, pmnt_addr
      FROM ..
     WHERE ..;
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • ADDT not returning correct results

    SELECT tblTraders.trader_company AS trader_ref, tblTrades.trade_name AS trade_ref, tblT2t.t2t_id
    FROM (tblT2t LEFT JOIN tblTraders ON tblT2t.trader_ref = tblTraders.trader_id) LEFT JOIN tblTrades ON tblT2t.trade_ref = tblTrades.trade_id
    WHERE {$NXTFilter_rstblT2t1}
    ORDER BY {$NXTSort_rstblT2t1}
    With reference to the above SQL statement generated while using dynamic list wizard, the SQL does not return the correct results.
    Sadly the SQL does not retrieve the field "trade_ref" and is blank when the "test" button is used.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Hi Paul,
    does this query return the correct results when loading the page in a browser ?

  • cm:search is not returning any result when logical operator '!' is used.

    <cm:search is not returning any result when logical operator '!' is used.
    I am using BEA 9.1 content management services API. When I run the following query I am not receiving any results. Also no error or exceptions are seen in the weblogic or cmspi log.
    The query is <cm:search id="docs" query="!(object_name like 'Sport*')" />

    HI cam 
    Thanks for your reply, but i found the problem it was because my server administrator password has changed by network guys... and because of it crawler unable to access the content 
    I wrote my solution here i hope it will help other people

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