What would be SharePoint Administrator's job responsibilities ?

Could you please describe in details. Do not say it depends. 
I would like to know as per the best practice in a Medium large organization (10000 Employee), what should be SP Admin job responsibility? Also need to know what does not belong to? 
As per my understanding, SP Admin is supposed to be involved in Infrastructure Management Activities ( Like Farm, Central Admin, and aware of OOB functionalities) but not in Custom code /Template fixes.
Because sometimes it creates confusion Employer hires people as a SP Admin and later due to BAD code practice or development activities, they are being forced to resolve custom code related issues?  My question is this fair as per the Microsoft Recommended

Hi Srabon,
I'm always wary of these sorts of questions in technical forums as each answer given is entirely subjective and based on each poster's experiences.
I'd agree with both John and Alex. You can question ANY SharePoint job description as soon as it's given to the market.  Boundaries get blurred and expectations on what an admin / developer / IT professional / whoever should be doing gets obsecured.
Lets turn this round.  What angle are you approaching this from?  Someone with an SP Admin job, or someone that's applying for one?
Steven Andrews
SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
My Wiki Articles:
CodePlex Corner Series
Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

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  • What is Thread Safety in timer jobs on SharePoint?

    Hi All,
    What is Thread Safety in timer jobs on SharePoint?
    Thanks in advance!

    thread safety in timer jobs means the same as in other code: it should be possible to run multiple instances of the same job simultaneously. If job uses some shared resource, access to this resource should be synchronized. But the tricky moment is that it
    is not enough to just use standard .Net thread synchronization mechanisms here (e.g. lock), because in most cases Sharepoint runs on the server farm and the same job instance may be executed on different servers while standard synchronization mechanisms work
    within single process memory space (it is possible to guarantee that jobs are running on the same server by assigning preferrable server for timer jobs in Central administration > Content databases > content database, but often it is left to Sharepoint
    to decide on what server jobs are executed). In case of timer jobs you need to store some flag that job is started in some shared storage, e.g. in SPWebApplication.Properties:
    if ((bool)web.AllProperties["jobstarted"])
    web.SetProperty("jobstarted", true);
    It is just idea and there is still minor possibility that 2 jobs instances may run at the same time (if 2nd job instances set jobstarted flar after 1st jobs checked it in AllProperties, but before 1st jobs set it), but it will solve most of the problems in
    reality. In order to make the code more secure you may use timestamps instead of flag.
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  • ExceptionMessage: 'Access denied. Only machine administrators are allowed to create administration service job definitions of type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SharePoint.WebAccess.ApplyWebConfigModificationsJobDefinition

    I am getting error "Access Denied" when my code tries to get "SPWebService.JobDefinition" with an AppPool account of content site. The same core runs correctly for the AppPool of CentralAdmin site.
    Lemme provide some background of the servers
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    - We have UAC (User Access Control) set as high on each server
    - My site is internet site
    Lines of Code are following
    SPWebServiceservice =
    varsyncTimerJob =
    == "MyJob"
    I am running the above code with in SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges so the above code is running with APP POOL account. I m getting
    the error in the 2nd line where I have a LINQ query. And I m assuming this is because of "service.JobDefinition" line. Can anyone help me?
    Detailed Error:
    An exception has occurred.   ExceptionType: 'TargetInvocationException'   ExceptionMessage: 'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.'   StackTrace: ' 
    at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)     
    at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)     
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    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPersistedObjectCollection`1.get_Item(Guid objId)     
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPersistedObjectCollection`1.<GetEnumeratorImpl>d__0.MoveNext()     
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()     
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)     
    at Project1.SharePoint.Common.UtilityHelper.IsSyncSchedulingDisabled(StringBuilder logMessage)'   Source: 'mscorlib'   TargetSite: 'System.Object InvokeMethod(System.Object, System.Object[], System.Signature, Boolean)'   ------------------------------------------------------------  
    Inner exception:   ------------------------------------------------------------    ExceptionType: 'SecurityException'    ExceptionMessage: 'Access denied.  Only machine administrators are allowed to create administration
    service job definitions of type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SharePoint.WebAccess.ApplyWebConfigModificationsJobDefinition, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SharePoint.WebAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a.'    StackTrace:
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAdministrationServiceJobDefinition..ctor(String name, SPService service, SPServer server, SPJobLockType lockType)      
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SharePoint.WebAccess.ApplyWebConfigModificationsJobDefinition..ctor()'    Source: 'Microsoft.SharePoint'    TargetSite: 'Void .ctor(System.String, Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPService, Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServer,
    Any help will be appreciated.

    The bottom of your stack trace begs to differ:
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SharePoint.WebAccess.ApplyWebConfigModificationsJobDefinition..ctor()'   
    Source: 'Microsoft.SharePoint'    TargetSite: 'Void .ctor(System.String, Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPService, Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServer, Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPJobLockType)'
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    You can get the completed information from below links.

  • Sharepoint 2013 Upgrade Job failed.

    Hello everybody,
    I would like some help with a litle problem that occured after I installed November CU on all of Sharepoint 2013 servers, 1 app, and 2 WFE. I'm unable to get Timer Job Service working on my app server, and that is a big problem. Everytime I restart Timer
    Job Service I get this error - Upgrade Job Appserver :00:00 Failed 12/16/2014 1:33 PM.. And in Event viewer - 
    [ Name]
    Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Foundation
    [ Guid]
    [ SystemTime]
    [ ActivityID]
    [ ProcessID]
    [ ThreadID]
    [ UserID]
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    And, also from Sharepoint Log file -
    Updating SPPersistedObject SPUpgradeJobDefinition Name=job-upgrade. Version: -1 Ensure: False, HashCode: 16745860, Id: 13096a33-a91b-4c73-ae6c-e0ba750c5d4e, Stack:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPJobDefinition.Update()    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerStore.CheckEnterUpgradeMode(SPFarm farm, Object& jobDefinitions, Int32& timerMode)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerStore.InitializeTimer(Int64& cacheVersion, Object&
    jobDefinitions, Int32& timerMode, Guid& serverId, Boolean& isServerBusy)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPNativeConfigurationProvider.InitializeTimer(Int64& cacheVersion, Object& jobDefinitions, Int32& timerMode,
    Guid& serverId, Boolean& isServerBusy)
    Updating SPPersistedObject SPUpgradeJobDefinition Name=job-upgrade. Version: 2925660 Ensure: False, HashCode: 16745860, Id: 13096a33-a91b-4c73-ae6c-e0ba750c5d4e, Stack:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPJobDefinition.Update()    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerStore.CheckEnterUpgradeMode(SPFarm farm, Object& jobDefinitions, Int32& timerMode)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerStore.InitializeTimer(Int64& cacheVersion, Object&
    jobDefinitions, Int32& timerMode, Guid& serverId, Boolean& isServerBusy)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPNativeConfigurationProvider.InitializeTimer(Int64& cacheVersion, Object& jobDefinitions, Int32& timerMode,
    Guid& serverId, Boolean& isServerBusy)
    Created upgrade job definition id 13096a33-a91b-4c73-ae6c-e0ba750c5d4e, mode InPlace, entering timer upgrade mode
    Queued timer job Upgrade Job, id {13096A33-A91B-4C73-AE6C-E0BA750C5D4E}
    Updating SPPersistedObject SPUpgradeJobDefinition Name=job-upgrade. Version: 2925663 Ensure: False, HashCode: 6922919, Id: 13096a33-a91b-4c73-ae6c-e0ba750c5d4e, Stack:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPJobDefinition.Update()    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpgradeJobDefinition.Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAdministrationServiceJobDefinition.ExecuteAdminJob(Guid targetInstanceId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerJobInvokeInternal.Invoke(SPJobDefinition
    jd, Guid targetInstanceId, Boolean isTimerService, Int32& result)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerJobInvoke.Invoke(TimerJobExecuteData& data, Int32& result)
    The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpgradeJobDefinition (ID 13096a33-a91b-4c73-ae6c-e0ba750c5d4e) threw an exception. More information is included below.  Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    And after that it all fails and Timer Jobs ain't working on App server, on WFE servers eveyrthing is allright and working as it needs to be.
    I searched a lot of forums and different, but none of offered solutions ain't working, and that is not good.
    PS. On development server eveything worked fine, looked through log files and this job run without any errors - Dev server is one in all installation, though.
    If there is somebody who can help me with this, I would appreciate your help.

    TY for your response,
    I used the script to update timer job config, but that isnt helping, and, also, this isnt a timer job that is already in timer job definitions. Its the one, that's created and after execution gets deleted, because its grayed out in timer job history page
    and I cant access it. if you look closer at log files I have pasted, you will see that the timer job that is created gets deleted almost immediatily and isnt executed and after that all timer jobs on my App server aint working and this happens every time after
    I restart Timer Service on App server, event ID is 6398, but timer job config cache isnt the problem.
    And, as much as I cant tell from logs - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - I recieve this error because there is no timer job with ID, that is shown in error, because of this:
    Deleting the SPPersistedObject, SPUpgradeJobDefinition Name=job-upgrade.
    Maybe this information cansomehow help:
    The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpgradeJobDefinition (ID 910fbcdc-2691-490e-a9e9-563ae767612e) threw an exception. More information is included below.  Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    After previous error:
    Exception stack trace:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpgradeJobDefinition.Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAdministrationServiceJobDefinition.ExecuteAdminJob(Guid targetInstanceId)
        at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerJobInvokeInternal.Invoke(SPJobDefinition jd, Guid targetInstanceId, Boolean isTimerService, Int32& result)
    And after that Upgrade timer job gets deleted and thats it, App server aint working like it nedds to and no Timer job are executed.
    I hope this can help to narrow this problem down to a specific component or help resolve this error.

  • Administrative vs Operational responsibilities

    I have been working my way through the WebLogic Administrators course material. This is a course I have delivered a number of times in the past but this time I am compiling a list of questions for each module.
    In module 2, section Why use Domains three examples of what domains can separate are given, these are:
    <li>Development, test and production applications.</li>
    <li>Administrative and operational responsibilities.</li>
    <li>Organizational or business divisions.</li>
    1 and 3 I understand and have seen implemented on many sites but 2 seems bogus to me. While I suppose one can separate Administrative and Operational responsibilities there must be a large overlap between these and more to the point I fail to understand why anyone would want to create domains along these lines.
    Can anyone explain what the thinking behind this is?
    Hussein Badakhchani,</br>

    Operational Reporting:
    Involves OLTP systems like a SAP R/3 System
    Your reporting needs are mostly informational
    You do 2 dimensional analysis here
    Systems are write optimised. so, reporting is limited in nature
    For day to day operations
    Ex: You view revenue and you have customer & region as references
    Analytical Reporting:
    Involves OLAP systems like a SAP BW System
    Your reporting needs are for processing
    You do multi dimensional analysis here
    Systems are read optimezed. so, reporting is flexible in nature.
    For Long term informational requirements / decision support
    Ex: You view revenue & you can have many characteristics as references

  • 'Uninstall app for SharePoint': Could not load type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppInstanceErrorDetails' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint

    Hi there,
    I am new to developing with SharePoint and would like to create my first app for SP13 with VS12.
    To run SP13 and VS12 on the same virtual machine. The SP Tools Developer I have also installed.
    My problem:
    I select the Project Wizard from VS12 to create a new app SP13 using provider hosted option. After the project is created I want to directly deploy (F5), and yet I always get the following error:
    Error 1
    Error occurred in deployment step 'Uninstall app for SharePoint': Could not load type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppInstanceErrorDetails' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c'.
    0 0
    Does anybody advice?

    Please have a look at the below thread
    My Blog- http://www.sharepoint-journey.com|
    If a post answers your question, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful

  • What would be the reason for sql server agent [MSSQLSERVER] service terminated unexpectedly?

    What would be the reason for sql server agent [MSSQLSERVER] service terminated unexpectedly?
    only below details found in error log
    07:26:44.170 spid60      
    FILESTREAM: effective level = 3, configured level = 3, file system access share name = 'MSSQLSERVER'.
    07:26:45.720 spid51      
    Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
    07:26:45.730 spid51      
    FILESTREAM: effective level = 3, configured level = 3, file system access share name = 'MSSQLSERVER'.
    07:28:57.840 spid64      
    Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
    07:28:57.840 spid64      
    FILESTREAM: effective level = 3, configured level = 3, file system access share name = 'MSSQLSERVER'.
    and below error on agent log
    2014-01-01 07:26:28 - ? [131] SQLSERVERAGENT service stopping due to a stop request from a user, process, or the OS...
    2014-01-01 07:26:43 - + [188] Scheduler engine timed out (after 15 seconds) waiting for 1 jobs(s) to stop
    2014-01-01 07:26:44 - + [098] SQLServerAgent terminated (forcefully)

    What would be the reason for sql server agent [MSSQLSERVER] service terminated unexpectedly?
    only below details found in error log
    07:26:44.170 spid60      
    FILESTREAM: effective level = 3, configured level = 3, file system access share name = 'MSSQLSERVER'.
    07:26:45.720 spid51      
    Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
    07:26:45.730 spid51      
    FILESTREAM: effective level = 3, configured level = 3, file system access share name = 'MSSQLSERVER'.
    07:28:57.840 spid64      
    Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
    07:28:57.840 spid64      
    FILESTREAM: effective level = 3, configured level = 3, file system access share name = 'MSSQLSERVER'.
    and below error on agent log
    2014-01-01 07:26:28 - ? [131] SQLSERVERAGENT service stopping due to a stop request from a user, process, or the OS...
    2014-01-01 07:26:43 - + [188] Scheduler engine timed out (after 15 seconds) waiting for 1 jobs(s) to stop
    2014-01-01 07:26:44 - + [098] SQLServerAgent terminated (forcefully)
    Can you post the output of below query
    select @@version.
    If you are using SQl server express edition ,SQL server agent feature is not available.It seems from errorlog that you can start it but actually you cannot.But first confirm what is version and edition of your SQL server
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • What would be the simplest way to view and take control over the internet?

    Hi All:
    Can some one tell me what would be the best and simplest way to connect from my laptop to another laptop through the internet?
    I have DYNdns running on the second laptop and have a host name assigned to that system for it to update the IP since the system uses different internet connections. The services that I would like to be able to have are the viewing and controlling of the system. I've read some where in this NG that if I have a copy of ARD admin. installed on that system also, it would be one way to do it... can some one verify this and please let me know if there are any specific settings I need to have on either one of the systems.
    I can connect to the second laptop while in my home network with no problem and perform all tasks. when trying to connect through the internet.. the system shows offline .
    Both systems are identical in hardware an software, Intel 2.16, 2G's RAM, OS X ver 10.5.2 all up to date and ARD 3.2
    Yes, I'm new to ARD and yes I'm searching the NG and the net. but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask since time is limited.
    All help greatly appreciated ..
    Oscar A.

    To be able to connect to a workstation from outside it's network, the ports that ARD uses must be open on both ends of the connection. ARD uses ports 3283 and 5900 so those must be open.
    If your workstations get their addresses from an NAT device rather than being "real", the ports also need to be forwarded in the router to the workstation's internal IP address. ARD uses port 3283 for the reporting and updating function, so if your Macs are getting their IP addresses through NAT, since you can only forward a port to a single workstation, you can only get reports, push package/files to etc. for a single workstation.
    ARD uses the VNC protocol for observation and control, though, and there are a range of IP addresses for that protocol, starting with 5900. ARD uses 5900 by default, so that port would be forwarded to the first workstation. You would, I believe, need to install VNC servers on the systems (since the ARD client cannot listen on any port other than 5900 while VNC servers can be set for other ports such as 5901, 5902, etc. You would then forward 5901 to the second workstation (and on to 5902, 5903, etc.). You can then use the following information:
    Remote Desktop 2: How to specify a port number for a VNC client
    to connect.
    The only other options are: 1) to run the ARD administrator on a workstation on the network, and then take control of that system from outside, either via VNC or another copy of ARD, or 2) set up a virtual private network (VPN) so that when you connect from outside, your admin system is officially part of the local network.
    Hope this helps.

  • Whate would be necessary hardware requirement for installation of SP 2013 Enterprise for 3000+ Users

    Whate would be necessary hardware requirement for installation of SP 2013 Enterprise for 3000+ Users. kindly share MS Article on this.

    In addition, here is the reference for Sizing and Capacity Planning for SharePoint 2013 :
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • What would be the best way to trigger a series of cascading SPD workflows ?

    I have a request to have security setup on a series of folders..
    but the start of the security has to wait until the new site workflow is completed,  then once the site is available then the next workflow sets the security on the 1st folder  then once the security WF on the 1st folder is completed, then the
    2nd workflow starts,  and sets up the security for the 2nd folder, then once that workflow  is done then the 3rd folders security workflow is triggered and security is setup , then the 4th WF starts once the 3rd WF is completed, and then the security
    is set on the 4th WF, and then once it is completed then the 5th WF is started... this pattern continues until the last folder security is setup and then the WF to email me is triggered..
    basically they go like this
    1WF  > 2WF > 3WF > 4WF > 5WF > 6WF > 30Wf completed cycle of Security Setup
    What would be the best way to set this up to have the series of workflows trigger after a WF is completed

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to trigger a series of cascading SharePoint workflows.
    You need to set parameter: Processed = No/false in each workflow to trigger the next one.
    It is similar to the For Each loop workflow in SharePoint 2010.
    For more information, you can refer to:
    How-To: For Each loop with SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflows to update multiple items
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • What Would you like to see changed in FC?

    Hello everybody,
    just  a little introduction, as announced flash catalyst would solve the  problem of many designers to publish their work without one line of  code, well, here begins a death foretold. At  some point things to go well but then the problems begin a dependence  to have a programmer on the left arm in addition to the program is  rather limited. Flash is already incorporating the AS3 language, now wonder why launch a program with a new language, rather confusing, no? as  a designer I do not want to worry about programming, but concentrate on  the aesthetic aspect of my layout, which is why I found interesting the  coming of the catalyst. it was all a lie, or say one more death will be announced shortly birth. but we believe that all this will change and enable designers to express their skills as designers and media .... without a single line of code. otherwise the flash is fine and the catalyst becomes an obsolete program. finally,  each monkey on its branch and rethink that, besides confusing the  catalyst does not become functional in the optical designer.
    What would you like to see changed in Catalyst?
    - Most states
    - can apply Form Email etc
    - better handling of text
    - No dependence with programmers, or if it is not possible to incorporate code changes in the proper catalyst
    more there, and hopefully remember me
    I  want to thank The Adobe team that created the opportunity to open new  horizons to the class of designers, I still think that the catalyst has  great potential ,.... but not the way it is.
    Thank you for your attention
    and say what they liked to see

    Well the forms for sure. At least an email form. This really just needs to be there. Ultimatley I think there just needs to be some training right now if they want this product to get used the way they intended. I am sure I will have a ton more to add to this list as I dig deeper into my first live job using it.
    Not sure on the AS3 thing, it has been out since 2006, although I may have just misread what you were saying.
    A way to change the loading bar would definitly be nice now that I am thinking about it.

  • What would be the impact for disabling admin$, IPC$, Admin Share$

    Can any one update,
    what would be the impact by disabling admin$, IPC$, on Members server.
    we have windows server 2008 r2.
    Only we need to disable memebrs server not on domain controller.
    D.K Konar. NMS

    Disable Administrative Shares permanently disable: IPC$, ADMIN$, C$, D$, E$
    Batch Script Code:
    REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters” /f /v AutoShareWks /t REG_DWORD /d 0
    REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters” /f /v AutoShareServer /t REG_DWORD /d 0
    REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa” /f /v restrictanonymous /t REG_DWORD /d 1@echo.
    net share admin$ /delete
    net share C$ /delete
    net share D$ /delete
    net share E$ /delete
    net stop LanmanServer
    sc config LanmanServer start= disabled
    Auto Share Disable Script Download: http://siberblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/AutoShareAllDisabled.rar
    Auto Share Enable Script Download: http://siberblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/AutoShareAllEnabled.rar
    Site Link: http://siberblog.org/index.php/windows-yonetimsel-gizli-paylasimlari-devre-disi-birakma/

  • Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefination failed 3 times in a row.

    Hi all,
    I got an log file in SharePoint server which was showing me two warning.
    Fast revocation part of the Execute method of the app upgrade/killbit timer job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row. This failure requires on-call engineer attention from both SharePoint and
    SharePoint Store teams.
    product: SharePoint Foundation
    Event ID:8333
    The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition (ID 66bd473c-9b16-4473-8285-a51259c4fc40) threw an exception. More information is included below.  Sorry, we can't seem to connect to the SharePoint
    Store. Try again in a bit.
    product: SharePoint Foundation
    Event ID:6398
    please help me out, it's an urgent 

    Do you have any devices between the SharePoint server and the Internet (even a host-based firewall) blocking outbound TCP/80? SharePoint must be able to connect to the store.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row

    Hi, we have had the following critical error come up on our (SP Server 2013) application server :
    “Fast revocation part of the Execute method of the app upgrade/killbit timer job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row. This failure
    requires on-call engineer attention from both SharePoint and SharePoint Store teams.” (Task Category is App Deployment)
    This was followed immediately by the following critical error:
    “The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition (ID 881a2c17-39e5-4e86-89c5-f7e7289ca448) threw an exception. More information is included
    Sorry, we can't seem to connect to the SharePoint Store. Try again in a bit.” (Task Category is Timer)
    I'm not seeing anything in the Central Admin Health Analyzer issues that relate to this - also appears to be the first time is has happened.
    I have had a look online but can’t seem to find anything similar.

    Hi, we have had the following critical error come up on our (SP Server 2013) application server :
    “Fast revocation part of the Execute method of the app upgrade/killbit timer job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row. This failure
    requires on-call engineer attention from both SharePoint and SharePoint Store teams.” (Task Category is App Deployment)
    This was followed immediately by the following critical error:
    “The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition (ID 881a2c17-39e5-4e86-89c5-f7e7289ca448) threw an exception. More information is included
    Sorry, we can't seem to connect to the SharePoint Store. Try again in a bit.” (Task Category is Timer)
    I'm not seeing anything in the Central Admin Health Analyzer issues that relate to this - also appears to be the first time is has happened.
    I have had a look online but can’t seem to find anything similar.
    If these errors are occurring around 3am and the server does not have access to the Internet, the cause could be the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) failing to contact the CEIP servers.  Disable CEIP at the farm level in  CA->System
    Settings->Configure Privacy Options. 
    Also, disable this in each web application including the SharePoint Central Admin web application. 
    Then, just to make sure, disable the CEIP Data Collection timer job.  With the June CU the problem may recur even with the CEIP options disabled in CA.
    Credit for this find goes to
    Ian Ankers's SharePoint Blog post. 

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