Where can we find the methods of the classes in OLE Interface

Hi All,
I am developing the code to download the file into multiple sheets of excel file.
got many links and sample codes from this forum.
but my doubt is where can we find the methods in applications.
add, cells, range etc are the methods in the object excel.application.
I want to find all other methods in this same object.
Please help me.
thanks in adv.

see this demo program which is in DWDM
*& Report  DEMOEXCELINTEGRATION                                        *
INCLUDE rdemoexcelintegrationtop.
DATA: control TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control.
DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
DATA: link_server TYPE REF TO i_oi_link_server.
DATA: table_coll TYPE REF TO i_oi_table_collection.
DATA: retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string,
      document_type TYPE soi_document_type
                                       VALUE soi_doctype_excel_chart,
      document_format TYPE soi_document_type.
DATA: doc_url TYPE t_url.
DATA: usa_sales TYPE i VALUE 1000,
      europe_sales TYPE i VALUE 2000,
      japan_sales TYPE i VALUE 1000,
      asia_sales TYPE i VALUE 100,
      america_sales TYPE i VALUE 100,
      africa_sales TYPE i VALUE 100.
DATA: total_sales TYPE i VALUE 0.
DATA: BEGIN OF test_line, region(50), sales TYPE i, END OF test_line.
DATA: test_table LIKE TABLE OF test_line.
DATA: wa_test_table LIKE test_line.
      CLASS c_excel_document DEFINITION
CLASS c_excel_document DEFINITION.
    DATA: proxy TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy.
    DATA: document_type TYPE soi_document_type.
    DATA: data_table TYPE sbdst_content,
          data_size TYPE i,
          doc_url TYPE t_url.
    METHODS: constructor
              IMPORTING control TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control
                        document_type TYPE soi_document_type.
    METHODS: on_close_document
              FOR EVENT on_close_document OF i_oi_document_proxy
              IMPORTING document_proxy has_changed.
    METHODS: on_custom_event
              FOR EVENT on_custom_event OF i_oi_document_proxy
              IMPORTING document_proxy event_name param_count
                        param1 param2 param3.
    METHODS: create_document
                  IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                  EXPORTING retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    METHODS: open_document
                  IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                            open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                  EXPORTING retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    METHODS: open_document_url
                  IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                            open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                            doc_url TYPE t_url DEFAULT ' '
                  EXPORTING retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    METHODS: retrieve_document
                 IMPORTING documents TYPE document_list
                 EXPORTING document_format TYPE soi_document_type
                           doc_url TYPE t_url.
    METHODS: close_document
                  IMPORTING do_save     TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                  RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    DATA: control  TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control.
DATA: l_fcode LIKE fcode.
DATA: document TYPE REF TO c_excel_document.
DATA: bds_instance TYPE REF TO cl_bds_document_set.
*&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
  retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
  IF control IS INITIAL.
    DATA: b_has_activex.
              return = b_has_activex.
    IF b_has_activex IS INITIAL. MESSAGE e007. ENDIF.
    CALL METHOD c_oi_ole_control_creator=>get_ole_container_control
                      IMPORTING control = control
                                retcode = retcode.
    CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                  EXPORTING type = 'E'.
    CREATE OBJECT container
              EXPORTING container_name = 'CONTAINER'.
    CALL METHOD control->init_control
                        EXPORTING r3_application_name =
                                              'Demo' "#EC NOTEXT
                                  inplace_enabled = 'X'
                                  inplace_scroll_documents = 'X'
                                  parent = container
                                  register_on_close_event = 'X'
                                  register_on_custom_event = 'X'
                        IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
    CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                  EXPORTING type = 'E'.
    CALL METHOD control->get_link_server
                       IMPORTING link_server = link_server
                                 retcode = retcode.
    CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                  EXPORTING type = 'E'.
    CALL METHOD link_server->start_link_server
                      IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
    CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                  EXPORTING type = 'E'.
    CALL METHOD control->get_table_collection
                    IMPORTING table_collection = table_coll
                              retcode = retcode.
    PERFORM refresh_sales.
    CREATE OBJECT document
              EXPORTING control = control
                        document_type = document_type.
    CALL METHOD table_coll->add_table
                    EXPORTING table_name = 'SALES_IN'
                              table_type = table_coll->table_type_input
                    IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                    CHANGING  data_table = test_table.
  IF bds_instance IS INITIAL.
    CREATE OBJECT bds_instance.
ENDMODULE.                             " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
*&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
  l_fcode = fcode.
  CLEAR fcode.
  CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
  CASE l_fcode.
    WHEN 'EXIT'.                       "Zurück
      IF NOT document IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD document->close_document.
        FREE document.
      IF NOT link_server IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD link_server->stop_link_server
                                       IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        FREE link_server.
      IF NOT table_coll IS INITIAL.
        FREE table_coll.
      IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD control->destroy_control
                                            IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        FREE control.
      IF NOT bds_instance IS INITIAL.
        FREE bds_instance.
      IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
        document->data_size = 0.
        CLEAR document->data_table.
        CALL METHOD document->create_document.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
      IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
        DATA: documents TYPE document_list.
        DATA: descr TYPE document_descr.
        CLEAR documents.
        descr-document_name = 'Car Sales Chart'(do1).
        descr-document_id = 'DEMOEXCELCHART1'.
        APPEND descr TO documents.
        descr-document_name = 'Car Sales Chart 2'(do3).
        descr-document_id = 'DEMOEXCELCHART2'.
        APPEND descr TO documents.
        descr-document_name = 'Car Sales Sheet'(do2).
        descr-document_id = 'DEMOEXCELSHEET1'.
        APPEND descr TO documents.
        CLEAR doc_url.
        CALL METHOD document->retrieve_document
                    EXPORTING documents = documents
                    IMPORTING document_format = document_format
                              doc_url = doc_url.
        IF NOT doc_url IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD document->close_document.
          CALL METHOD document->open_document_url
                            EXPORTING open_inplace = 'X'
                                      doc_url = doc_url
                            IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
          CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
          MESSAGE e010.
    WHEN 'OPEN'.
      IF document->data_size NE 0.
        IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD document->open_document
                            IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
          CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e005.
      IF document->data_size NE 0.
        IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD document->open_document
                            EXPORTING open_inplace = 'X'
                                      open_readonly = 'X'
                            IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
          CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e005.
      IF NOT document IS INITIAL AND NOT document->proxy IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD document->proxy->save_as
                          EXPORTING prompt_user = 'X'
                          IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e000.
      IF NOT document IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD document->close_document
                      EXPORTING do_save = 'X'.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e000.
      IF NOT link_server IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM refresh_sales.
        CALL METHOD link_server->execute_copy_link_dialog
                 IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e004.
      IF NOT link_server IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM refresh_sales.
        MESSAGE e004.
      IF NOT document IS INITIAL AND NOT document->proxy IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD document->proxy->execute_macro
                      EXPORTING macro_string = 'R3StartupMacro'
                                param_count = 1
                                param1 = 10
                      IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
                     CHANGING  retvalue = usa_sales.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e000.
      IF NOT document IS INITIAL AND NOT document->proxy IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD document->proxy->print_document
                       EXPORTING prompt_user = 'X'
                       IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        MESSAGE e000.
ENDMODULE.                             " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
CLASS c_excel_document IMPLEMENTATION.
CLASS c_excel_document IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD: constructor.
             IMPORTING control TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control
                       document_type TYPE soi_document_type
    me->control = control.
    me->document_type = document_type.
  METHOD create_document.
                IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
      CALL METHOD me->close_document.
    CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
             EXPORTING document_type = document_type
             IMPORTING document_proxy = proxy
                       retcode = retcode.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
    CALL METHOD proxy->create_document
                        EXPORTING create_view_data = 'X'
                                  open_inplace = open_inplace
                        IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
    SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy.
    SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy.
  METHOD open_document.
                IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                          open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
      CALL METHOD me->close_document.
    CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
             EXPORTING document_type = document_type
             IMPORTING document_proxy = proxy
                       retcode = retcode.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
    CALL METHOD proxy->open_document_from_table
                           EXPORTING document_table = data_table
                                     document_size  = data_size
                                     open_inplace = open_inplace
                                     open_readonly = open_readonly
                           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
    SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy.
    SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy.
    CALL METHOD proxy->update_document_links
                           EXPORTING update_manual_links = 'X'
                           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
  METHOD close_document.
                IMPORTING do_save TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    DATA: is_closed TYPE i, has_changed TYPE i.
    DATA: doc_url(256).
    IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
      CALL METHOD proxy->is_destroyed IMPORTING ret_value = is_closed.
      IF is_closed IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD proxy->close_document
                     EXPORTING do_save = do_save
                     IMPORTING has_changed = has_changed
                               retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
      IF NOT has_changed IS INITIAL.
        CALL METHOD proxy->save_document_to_table
                      IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                      CHANGING  document_table = data_table
                                document_size = data_size.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
      CALL METHOD proxy->release_document
                                   IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
      SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy ACTIVATION ' '.
      SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy ACTIVATION ' '.
      retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_document_not_open.
  METHOD open_document_url.
                IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                          open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                          doc_url TYPE t_url DEFAULT ' '
                RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
    IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
      CALL METHOD me->close_document.
    CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
             EXPORTING document_type = document_type
             IMPORTING document_proxy = proxy
                       retcode = retcode.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
    me->doc_url = doc_url.
    CALL METHOD proxy->open_document
                           EXPORTING document_url = doc_url
                                     open_inplace = open_inplace
                                     open_readonly = open_readonly
                           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
  Document shall also be available in ITAB for respective operations:
    CALL METHOD proxy->save_document_to_table
                      IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                      CHANGING  document_table = data_table
                                document_size = data_size.
    IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
    SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy.
    SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy.
    CALL METHOD proxy->update_document_links
                           EXPORTING update_manual_links = 'X'
                           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
  METHOD retrieve_document.
             importing documents type document_list
             exporting document_format type soi_document_format
                       doc_url type t_url.
Tables and WAs:
    DATA: doc_signature TYPE sbdst_signature,
          wa_doc_signature LIKE LINE OF doc_signature,
          doc_components TYPE sbdst_components,
          wa_doc_components LIKE LINE OF doc_components,
          doc_properties TYPE sbdst_properties,
          wa_doc_properties LIKE LINE OF doc_properties,
          doc_uris TYPE sbdst_uri,
          wa_doc_uris LIKE LINE OF doc_uris.
    DATA: doc_classname TYPE sbdst_classname VALUE 'SOFFICEINTEGRATION',
          doc_classtype TYPE sbdst_classtype VALUE 'OT',
        doc_object_key TYPE sbdst_object_key VALUE 'SOFFICEINTEGRATION',
          doc_mimetype TYPE bapicompon-mimetype.
    DATA: field_desc TYPE TABLE OF rsvbfidesc.
    DATA: wa_field_desc TYPE rsvbfidesc.
    DATA: l_nr LIKE sy-tabix.
    CLEAR: field_desc, wa_field_desc.
    wa_field_desc-fieldnum = 1.
    wa_field_desc-display = 'X'.
    APPEND wa_field_desc TO field_desc.
    l_nr = 0.
              left_upper_col = 5
              left_upper_row = 5
              pagesize       = 10
              title          = 'Select document'(sdc)
              linenumber     = l_nr
              field_desc     = field_desc
              value_tab      = documents
              OTHERS         = 1.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND l_nr NE 0.
      READ TABLE documents INDEX l_nr INTO descr.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        CLEAR: wa_doc_signature, wa_doc_components, wa_doc_uris.
        CLEAR: doc_signature, doc_components, doc_uris.
        wa_doc_signature-prop_name = 'DESCRIPTION'.
        wa_doc_signature-prop_value = descr-document_id.
        APPEND wa_doc_signature TO doc_signature.
        CALL METHOD bds_instance->get_info
                      EXPORTING classname = doc_classname
                                classtype = doc_classtype
                                object_key = doc_object_key
                      CHANGING components = doc_components
                               signature = doc_signature
                      EXCEPTIONS nothing_found = 1
                                 error_kpro = 2
                                 internal_error = 3
                                 parameter_error = 4
                                 not_authorized = 5
                                 not_allowed = 6.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND sy-subrc NE 1.
          MESSAGE e016.
        IF sy-subrc = 1.
          MESSAGE e017.
        CALL METHOD bds_instance->get_with_url
                           EXPORTING classname = doc_classname
                                     classtype = doc_classtype
                                     object_key = doc_object_key
                           CHANGING uris = doc_uris
                                    signature = doc_signature
                      EXCEPTIONS nothing_found = 1
                                 error_kpro = 2
                                 internal_error = 3
                                 parameter_error = 4
                                 not_authorized = 5
                                 not_allowed = 6.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND sy-subrc NE 1.
          MESSAGE e016.
        IF sy-subrc = 1.
          MESSAGE e017.
        READ TABLE doc_components INTO wa_doc_components INDEX 1.
        READ TABLE doc_uris INTO wa_doc_uris INDEX 1.
        doc_mimetype = wa_doc_components-mimetype.
        doc_url = wa_doc_uris-uri.
        CASE doc_mimetype.
          WHEN 'application/x-rtf' OR 'text/rtf'.
            document_format = soi_docformat_rtf.
          WHEN 'application/x-oleobject'.
            document_format = soi_docformat_compound.
          WHEN 'text/plain'.
            document_format = soi_docformat_text.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            document_format = soi_docformat_native.
  METHOD on_close_document.
             FOR EVENT on_close_document OF c_oi_ole_container_control
             IMPORTING document_proxy has_changed.
    DATA: answer, do_save.
    IF has_changed EQ 1.
                titlebar              = 'Office Integration Demo'(oid)
                text_question         = 'Save Document?'(sav)
                display_cancel_button = ' '
                answer                = answer.
      IF answer EQ '1'.
        do_save = 'X'.
        do_save = ' '.
      CALL METHOD me->close_document
                    EXPORTING do_save = do_save.
      CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                  EXPORTING type = 'E'.
  METHOD on_custom_event.
             FOR EVENT on_custom_event OF i_oi_document_proxy
             IMPORTING document_proxy event_name param_count
                       param1 param2 param3.
    IF event_name EQ 'ON_SERIES_CHANGE'.
      CALL METHOD table_coll->get_table
                    EXPORTING table_name = 'SALES_IN'
                    IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                    CHANGING  data_table = test_table.
      CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                  EXPORTING type = 'E'.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
      READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 1.
      usa_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
      READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 2.
      europe_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
      READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 3.
      japan_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
      READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 4.
      asia_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
      READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 5.
      america_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
      READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 6.
      africa_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
      CLEAR wa_test_table.
    CALL METHOD control->set_focus.
FORM refresh_sales.
FORM refresh_sales.
  DATA: BEGIN OF item_line,
             sales TYPE i,
             date  TYPE d,
             time  TYPE t,
             weight TYPE f,
             amount TYPE p DECIMALS 3,
             id(10) TYPE n,
        END OF item_line.
  DATA: sales_table LIKE TABLE OF item_line.
  DATA: wa_sales_table LIKE item_line.
  DATA: fields_table TYPE TABLE OF rfc_fields.
  DATA: wa_fields_table TYPE rfc_fields.
  DATA: ind TYPE i.
            data   = sales_table
            fields = fields_table.
  READ TABLE fields_table INDEX 1 INTO wa_fields_table.
  wa_fields_table-fieldname = 'Region'."#EC NOTEXT
  MODIFY fields_table FROM wa_fields_table INDEX 1.
  CLEAR wa_fields_table.
  READ TABLE fields_table INDEX 2 INTO wa_fields_table.
  wa_fields_table-fieldname = 'Sales'. "#EC NOTEXT
  MODIFY fields_table FROM wa_fields_table INDEX 2.
  CLEAR: sales_table, wa_sales_table.
  wa_sales_table-region = 'USA'(usa).
  wa_sales_table-sales = usa_sales.
  APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
  CLEAR wa_sales_table.
  wa_sales_table-region = 'Europe'(eur).
  wa_sales_table-sales = europe_sales.
  APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
  CLEAR wa_sales_table.
  wa_sales_table-region = 'Japan'(jap).
  wa_sales_table-sales = japan_sales.
  APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
  CLEAR wa_sales_table.
  wa_sales_table-region = 'Asia'(asi).
  wa_sales_table-sales = asia_sales.
  APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
  CLEAR wa_sales_table.
  wa_sales_table-region = 'America'(ame).
  wa_sales_table-sales = america_sales.
  APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
  CLEAR wa_sales_table.
  wa_sales_table-region = 'Africa'(afr).
  wa_sales_table-sales = africa_sales.
  APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
  CLEAR wa_sales_table.
  LOOP AT sales_table INTO wa_sales_table.
    ind = sy-tabix.
    wa_sales_table-date = sy-datum + ind.
    wa_sales_table-time = sy-uzeit + ind.
    wa_sales_table-weight = 100000 * ind.
    wa_sales_table-amount = 11111 * ind.
    wa_sales_table-id = ind.
    MODIFY sales_table FROM wa_sales_table INDEX ind.
  CALL METHOD table_coll->add_table
                    EXPORTING table_name = 'SALES_OUT'
                              table_type = table_coll->table_type_output
                    IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                    CHANGING  data_table = sales_table
                              fields_table = fields_table.
  CALL METHOD link_server->add_table_item2
           EXPORTING item_name = 'Sales'    "#EC NOTEXT
                     item_title = 'Car Sales Figures'(sal)
           IMPORTING retcode = retcode
           CHANGING  data_table = sales_table
                     fields_table = fields_table.
  CALL METHOD link_server->add_string_item
           EXPORTING item_name   = 'ChartTitle'
                     item_title  = 'Chart Title'(ti0)
                     item_value  = 'Car Sales by Region'(ti1)
                     no_flush    = 'X'
           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
  CALL METHOD link_server->add_string_item
           EXPORTING item_name   = 'ColumnTitle1'
                     item_title  = 'Column Title 1'(ti2)
                     item_value  = 'Region'(ti3)
                     no_flush    = 'X'
           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
  CALL METHOD link_server->add_string_item
           EXPORTING item_name   = 'ColumnTitle2'
                     item_title  = 'Column Title 2'(ti4)
                     item_value  = 'Sold Cars'(ti5)
                     no_flush    = ' '
           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.

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    If you install the Oracle client it should have it (look for a jdbc dir.)
    There is some place to download it from the otn site as well.

  • Where can I find the detail document about certain method of a class?????

    Moved to correct forum by moderator
    Hi everyone,
    where can I find the detail document about certain method of a class?????
    e.g.  the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID , when I was going through the class and looking
    at the methods, sometimes the method description is just like the method name,
    and I cannot know what the method does. 
      so, I am wondering  where I can find the detail information about the class???
    Edited by: Matt on Dec 4, 2008 11:55 AM

    Most of the times the SAP itself provides the documentaion of the CLASS. when you click on the METHOD name the METHOD DOCUMENTATION button you can see on the application tool bar.
    more over the names of the methods suggest what it is going to do.
    SET_ATTRIBUTE( sets the attribute)
    GET_ATTRIBUTE( gets the attribute value that is provided to the method)
    like this
    Ramchander Rao.K

  • Where can i find the theory for session and call transaction method

    where can i find the theory for session and call transaction method

    check this link
    lsmw, bapi, bdc- session, bdc-calltransaction
    u can get it in help.sap.com also

  • Where can I find the deployed EJB files in Oracle 10g AS(904)

    Hello All,
    Where can I find the deployed ejb files, stubs and skels in the Oracle 10g (904)
    When I try to run my ejb application I m getting following exception:
    com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Error (de-)serializing object: org.apache.log4j.Logger
    I am not sure what is causing this error. I am not using any logging in my EJB. But the logging framework is configured in the application server.
    Your input would be a great help to me
    Thank you

    Thanks Carty,
    I am not creating Connection from EJB. I have a POJO called DBManager that looks for the DB Connection and return that to either EJB or other POJO that requests for Connection.
    I am having a private method that get the connection from the DBManager because while writing UnitTest cases I can mockup getting Connection as my Unit test case will be a POJO again..
    I have a question here regarding making DBManager as Singleton class. In my current project, I have configured my database in the application server as getting the connection by lookup for datasource through JNDI. It internally maintains all logical connection and always have one physical connection. In such scenario how implementing singleton will be beneficial?
    Thank you for answering all my questions.

  • Where can i find the created group in portalcontent of content admin?

    Hi all,
    I have created a group with name Group1.  I assigned some users to the group one by one.  Is there any method to add 5 users at a time?
    How can i store the created groups in the folder & where can i find the Group1in the portalcontent?
    thanks & regards,

    You can assign multiple users to a group by using the User Data Import option. Navigate to User Adminstration --> Import.
    Create a file with the following entries and upload it for group assignments
    To know the users assigned to a group,
    1. Navigate to User Administration --> Identity Management.
    2. Put your group name and search.
    Prasanna Krishnamurthy

  • Where can i find the implementation of "floatToIntBits"??

    Where can i find the implementation of "floatToIntBits"??
    Or at least the algorithm or an explanation about it?
    I need to implement something similar in a script language where I dont have pointers nor any special memory handling methods...

    public static native int floatToIntBits(float value);I see. Well, I doubt Sun distributes the native source code, as for one thing, they'd have to distribute each and every platform's specific code, though I fail to see why this method's implementation would be platform-specific. So the same exact code, written in C/C++/whatever, is contained in each platform build of the VM.

  • Fire Fox sent not all the data in text form. Reached only piece of information. Where can I find the cache of sent text?

    Fire Fox sent not all the data in text form. Reached only piece of information. Where can I find the cache sent the text?
    For example, I posted an article on a news site, but found that only a small part of my article was posted.

    I'm not sure whether Firefox saved that information. There is a chance that it is in the session history file, especially if you haven't closed that tab yet. To check that:
    Open your currently active Firefox settings folder (AKA your Firefox profile folder) using
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > "Show Folder" button
    Find all files starting with the name sessionstore and copy them to a safe working location (e.g., your documents folder). In order to read a .js file, it is useful to rename it to a .txt file. Or you could drag it to Wordpad or your favorite word processing software.
    The script will look somewhat like gibberish, but if you search for a word in your article that doesn't normally appear in web pages, you may be able to find your data.
    Any luck?
    For the future, you might want to consider this add-on, although I don't know how long it saves data after you submit a form: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/lazarus-form-recovery/].

  • HT201272 Where can I find the app password saver by yonglin wang.  i wanted to restore my iphone and i had purchased this app and it is not anywhere in my purchases to reload.  Why is it not on my list of purchases?

    Where can I find the app "password Saver" by yonglin wang?  while updating my iphone the app was dropped for some reason.  I went to reload from my purchased apps and it is not available.  The history shows my purchase but I can not find the app to reload.  I've lost some critical info and need to retreive if possible.  Any suggestions?

    You tried what ? If the app is no longer available in the store (can you find it in the main part of the store ?) for re-downloading then you would need to have a copy of it somewhere e.g. on your computer's iTunes, on a backup of your downloads.

  • On installation of Firefox 4 beta, it tells me that it won't run on my Mac. When I go to system requirements, it takes me to a page for Firefox3.6 requirements. Where can I find the requirements for the beta?

    The link to system requirements for Firefox 4 beta takes you to a page that gives you the requirements for Firefox 3.6 instead. I assume that the requirements for the beta are different as I can't seem to install the beta on my Macs. Where can I find the beta system requirements?

    I never expected Mozilla to neglect the users of Apple's PowerPC (PPC) computers, while still supporting much older operating environments such as Windows XP. So, I should just throw away a $6,000 system, which is still fast and functional, and contribute masses of heavy metals to land-fills because…?
    I'm hurt and confused after supporting Firefox for many years — installing and using it not only on my own computers but on most of my customers' computers. Now I have to tell my customers with PPC Macs they can't have a secure cross-platform browsing experience from Mozilla. They'll have to learn to use some other browser, or buy a new computer.
    If one doesn't buy a new computer every year, one doesn't deserve Firefox 4. This is sort of sounding more like a Microsoft™© doctrine. (But wait, I can still have Firefox 4 on a ''SERIOUSLY CRAPPY WINDBLOWS XP pile of rubbish?!'') Please open your eyes Mozilla. This just doesn't make sense.

  • Where can I find the Start up disk and how can I delete file from it.

    where can I find the Start up disk on theMac Book Air?
    How can I delete files from it?

    The startup disk is the internal SSD in your MBA.  You may delete files by draging the file  to Trash (or clicking on them and then execute COMMAND+Delete).  Then empty Trash.

  • HT1657 I rented a movie on Itunes last night and I watched half of it before falling asleep. Today I tried to open the movie and watch the last half but I cannot find it. It has been less than 24 hours since I rented it. Where can I find the movie?

    I rented a movie on Itunes last night and I watched half of it before falling asleep. Today I tried to open the movie and watch the last half but I cannot find it. It has been less than 24 hours since I rented it. Where can I find the movie?

    I found my answer in another Thread and it worked... so for anyone who needs it, here it is:
    Had the same problem and spoke with Apple Support. They had me reset the System Management Controller:
    Shut down the computer. With the computer off, on the left hand side of the keyboard press shift+control+option along with the power button simultaneously and release. Wait 5-10 seconds and restart the computer.
    This solved my problem and I was immediately able to purchase, download, and play an HD movie from iTunes w/o any error message.

  • Where can I find the no-no list?

    As I am learning more and more about app development, it seems a lot of time can be wasted if you don't follow the rules Apple has set forth. I find post here and there about what not to do, such as using private API's, and tried searching in the Dev Center for something. As I learn I want to learn the, your app has more chance of not being rejected way, where can I find the "no-no" list Apple has?

    The obvious document would be the App Store Review Guidelines for iOS and OSX.
    iOS: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/
    Mac (OSX): https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/mac/
    Note that iOS apps can only be distributed via the App Store while OSX apps can be distributed directly by the developer.
    Creating a non-App Store app in OSX has several advantages and disadvantages:
    The App Store handles a number of practical issues for you: like setting up a download page and processing payments. It also (supposedly) gives you access to a larger customer base and is the "default" location for getting apps that Apple pushes new users to. The App Store is also more convenient when re-downloading apps, safer and more convenient as users don't have to keep track of activation codes for purchased apps. 
    You don't need to sandbox your app, this is helpful for certain apps that need to access data from other apps or needed to call other apps e.g. via AppleScript.
    You can use private APIs, although this is generally not recommended as these classes are not documented and may change/disappear between OS releases. But poking around in private APIs and other internals may sometimes be the only way to access certain information or to get certain features.
    Not being a App Store app will also mean that you can't use certain APIs - I think that iCloud is one of these.

  • I need to go back to Firefox 3.5-3.6 because 90% of my extension do not work. Where can I find the download to Firefox 3.5-3.6? Thank you for the link.

    I need to go back to Firefox 3.5-3.6 because 90% of my extension do not work. Where can I find the download to Firefox 3.5-3.6? Thank you for the link.

    You are a "life saver". Thank you very much.

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