Windows Server backup script won't do differential/incremental

What follows is a script that doesn't seem to do backups on an incremental basis so it is creating full backups each time.
function prepare-disk($checkDiskCriteria,$diskOrVolume){
    if($diskOrVolume -eq 'disk'){
    $disks = Get-WBDisk
    $selected = $disks|?{$_.DiskName -match $checkDiskCriteria}
    elseif($diskOrVolume -eq 'volume' ){
    $allVolumes = Get-WBVolume -AllVolumes
    $selected = $allVolumes|?{$_.MountPath -match $checkDiskCriteria}
return $selected
function add-volumeMountPoint($policyAdd,$mountPoint){
    $matchVolumes = Get-WBVolume -AllVolumes
    $correctVolume = $matchVolumes | ?{ $_.MountPoint -eq $mountPoint}
    Add-WBVolume -Policy $policyAdd -Volume $correctVolume;
    return $policyAdd
function add-VMToWB($policyAdd,$vmName){
$vmObject = Get-WBVirtualMachine |?{ $_.VMName -eq $vmName}
$vmobject='PCLaw';'2012CORPEXCHANGE';'File Server';'DC1'
Add-WBVirtualMachine $policyAdd -VirtualMachine $vmObject
return $policyAdd
function remove-policy(){
$policy = get-wbpolicy -editable
$policy|export-clixml 'backup.xml'
remove-wbpolicy $policy -force
function restore-policy($wbBackupTarget){
$policyRestore = import-clixml 'backup.xml'
$global:newPolicy = new-wbpolicy
Set-WBSchedule -Policy $newPolicy -Schedule $policyRestore.Schedule
$VolumeBackupLocation = New-WBBackupTarget -Volume $wbBackupTarget
Add-WBBackupTarget -Policy $newPolicy -Target $VolumeBackupLocation
if($([string]$policyRestore.VssBackupOptions) -match 'VssFullBackup' ){Set-WBVssBackupOptions $global:newPolicy -VssFullBackup;write-host 'foundFull'}
else{Set-WBVssBackupOptions $global:newPolicy -VssFullBackup;write-host 'FoundCopy'}
$newPolicyBound = $policyRestore.VolumesToBackup|%{add-volumeMountPoint $global:newPolicy $_.MountPoint;}
$global:newPolicy = $newPolicyBound[-1]
if($policyRestore.BMR){Add-WBBareMetalRecovery $global:newPolicy}
if($policyRestore.SystemState){Add-WBSystemState $global:newPolicy}
$newPolicyBound = $policyRestore.ComponentsToBackup | %{ add-VMToWB $global:newPolicy $_.VMName}
$global:newPolicy = $newPolicyBound[-1]
write-host -fore cyan 'Final Policy'
Set-WBPolicy $global:newPolicy
function rename-WIB($pathWIB,$dateOfBackup){
if(test-path $pathWIB){
    $newName = "WIB_"+$dateOfBackup
    rename-item $pathWIB -newName $newName
Add-WBBackupTarget -Policy $newPolicy
Set-WBPolicy $newPolicy
$scriptStorageLocation = 'C:\Techbase\WindowsBackupRecreationScript';}
$volCheck = $volLetter+":";
$pathNew = $volLetter+":\WindowsImageBackup";
$dateOfBackup = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y_%m_%d";
$volName = $volLetter+":";
if(!(test-path "$scriptStorageLocation\WBfile.txt")){
$diskOrVolumeInput = Read-host 'Are you using a disk or a volume (type d or v)?'
$diskOrVolumeInput = $diskOrVolumeInput.ToLower();
    if(($diskOrVolumeInput -eq 'v') -or ($diskOrVolumeInput -eq 'd')){
        New-Item "$scriptStorageLocation\WBfile.txt" -type file
        Add-content "$scriptStorageLocation\WBfile.txt" $diskOrVolumeInput        
            if($diskOrVolumeInput -eq 'd'){
                $diskNum= Read-host 'Please select the disk number ?'
                Add-content "$scriptStorageLocation\WBfile.txt" $diskNum
            elseif($diskOrVolumeInput -eq 'v'){
                $allVolumes = Get-WBVolume -AllVolumes;
                $allVolumes|Select  *;
                $diskVol= Read-host 'Please type in the letter of the Mountpath you would like to use (Only type in the letter)?'
                $diskVol = $diskVol.ToUpper();
                Add-content "$scriptStorageLocation\WBfile.txt" $diskVol
        Write-host -fore red 'Sorry the input was not an available option.'
write-host 'Your configuration file was ready when this script is executed.';
$info = gc "$scriptStorageLocation\WBfile.txt"
        write-host -fore cyan $info[1]
        $WB_Volume = prepare-disk $info[1] 'volume'
        $locationOfWIB = $info[1] +":\WindowsImageBackup";
        rename-WIB  $locationOfWIB $dateOfBackup
        restore-policy $WB_Volume
        $WB_Disk = prepare-disk 'WD My Book 1230 USB Device' 'disk'
Also what follows is the most recent backup policy.
- <Objs Version="" xmlns="">
- <Obj RefId="0">
- <TN RefId="0">
- <Props>
- <Obj N="Schedule" RefId="1">
- <TN RefId="1">
  <T>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.DateTime, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]</T>
- <LST>
- <Obj N="BackupTargets" RefId="2">
- <TN RefId="2">
  <T>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Microsoft.Windows.ServerBackup.Commands.WBBackupTarget, wsbcmdlet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]</T>
- <LST>
- <Obj RefId="3">
- <TN RefId="3">
- <Props>
  <S N="Label">3TB USB</S>
  <Nil N="WBDisk" />
  <S N="WBVolume">3TB USB (F:)</S>
  <S N="Path">\\?\Volume{7f5bcfe6-a050-44be-80c9-b056f0121819}</S>
  <S N="TargetType">Volume</S>
  <B N="InheritAcl">true</B>
  <B N="PreserveExistingBackup">true</B>
- <Obj N="VolumesToBackup" RefId="4">
- <TN RefId="4">
  <T>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Microsoft.Windows.ServerBackup.Commands.WBVolume, wsbcmdlet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]</T>
  <LST />
- <Obj N="FilesSpecsToBackup" RefId="5">
- <TN RefId="5">
  <T>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Microsoft.Windows.ServerBackup.Commands.WBFileSpec, wsbcmdlet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]</T>
  <LST />
- <Obj N="FilesSpecsToExclude" RefId="6">
  <TNRef RefId="5" />
  <LST />
- <Obj N="ComponentsToBackup" RefId="7">
- <TN RefId="6">
  <T>System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Microsoft.Windows.ServerBackup.Commands.WBApplicationComponent, wsbcmdlet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]</T>
- <LST>
- <Obj RefId="8">
- <TN RefId="7">
- <Props>
  <S N="VMName">PCLaw 2008 R2</S>
  <S N="ComponentName">0E91F216-553D-4C7C-8178-A09E5D081020</S>
  <S N="LogicalPath" />
  <S N="Caption">Backup Using Saved State\PCLaw 2008 R2</S>
  <G N="WriterId">66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de</G>
  <G N="InstanceId">b0f4f239-bcc6-408f-9db6-b66d5de9458d</G>
- <Obj RefId="9">
  <TNRef RefId="7" />
- <Props>
  <S N="VMName">2012CORPEXCHANGE</S>
  <S N="ComponentName">12DCBB00-87D9-4660-82E1-E01245A5E011</S>
  <S N="LogicalPath" />
  <S N="Caption">Backup Using Saved State\2012CORPEXCHANGE</S>
  <G N="WriterId">66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de</G>
  <G N="InstanceId">b0f4f239-bcc6-408f-9db6-b66d5de9458d</G>
- <Obj RefId="10">
  <TNRef RefId="7" />
- <Props>
  <S N="VMName">File Server</S>
  <S N="ComponentName">8A769D3A-4B21-419A-8BA2-584EC3168C51</S>
  <S N="LogicalPath" />
  <S N="Caption">Backup Using Saved State\File Server</S>
  <G N="WriterId">66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de</G>
  <G N="InstanceId">b0f4f239-bcc6-408f-9db6-b66d5de9458d</G>
- <Obj RefId="11">
  <TNRef RefId="7" />
- <Props>
  <S N="VMName">DC1</S>
  <S N="ComponentName">A912807A-04FE-4AB6-981B-01D6489865D6</S>
  <S N="LogicalPath" />
  <S N="Caption">Backup Using Saved State\DC1</S>
  <G N="WriterId">66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de</G>
  <G N="InstanceId">b0f4f239-bcc6-408f-9db6-b66d5de9458d</G>
  <B N="BMR">false</B>
  <B N="SystemState">false</B>
  <B N="OverwriteOldFormatVhd">false</B>
- <Obj N="VssBackupOptions" RefId="12">
- <TN RefId="8">
Script does everything perfect except for the backup not being incremental/differential - it just creates a different folder each iteration that it puts the backup into.
I would appreciate if someone could go through and let me know what we might be doing wrong - why we are not able to get this job to be incremental/differential.
Thanks in advance.

Hre are all of the options for Windows Backup:
If you can find an incremental backup naywhere in the options then I will admit I have missed something.
The old Windows Backup, pre-2008, could do incremental backups.  The newer backup system is minimal and serves different purposes.
The question about how to use a subsystem of Windows is NOT a scripting question.  It is a "how-to" for a Windows component.
If you do not understand the scrip tyou posted then I recommend finding someone with sufficient understanding of Windows and the new backup Cmdlets to help you top understand how they work.
Here is the Microsoft description of Windows Server Backup:
Windows Server Backup consists of a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, command-line tools, and Windows PowerShell cmdlets that provide a complete solution for your day-to-day backup and recovery needs. You can use Windows Server Backup to back
up a full server (all volumes), selected volumes, the system state, or specific files or folders—and to create a backup that you can use for bare metal recovery. You can recover volumes, folders, files, certain applications, and the system state. And, in case
of disasters like hard disk failures, you can perform a bare metal recovery. (To do this, you will need a backup of the full server or just the volumes that contain operating system files, and the Windows Recovery Environment—this will restore your complete
system onto your old system or a new hard disk.)
You can use Windows Server Backup to create and manage backups for the local computer or a remote computer. And, you can schedule backups to run automatically.
Windows Server Backup is intended for use by everyone who needs a basic backup solution—from small business to large enterprises—but is even suited for smaller organizations or individuals who are not IT professionals.
It specifically states that only a full server or selected file,device backup is possible.  There is no statement of incremental backup.  Windows Server backup is intended for server recovery.
If you type "help Set-WBVssBackupOptions
-full" you will see that there are only two options "full" and "copy".
Please post your issues in the WS2008 or the WS2012 forum to get more information on how the Windows Server backup service works.

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    You can use PowerShell in conjunction with the Windows Backup command line utility, wbadmin.exe. The code below should help get you started. I have included the date in order to help maintain multiple back ups, but if you do more than one back up per day,
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    $Date = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy'
    $Path = "\\server\share\$Date"
    New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
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    Can you please help me ? 

    Hello Frank,
    Last two days, I tested Windows Server Backup from Wizard.
    When I chose only one volume (F drive), it was successful.
    However, I started three volumes(C: D, F), the backup stopped with error code 2155348001.
    Today, I am going to test this procedure below:
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    - Create a new Registry value of type DWORD with name "CreateTimeout"
    - Change value to 12000000(2*10*60*1000 = 20 mins) in decimal
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    Thank you,

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    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18247, time stamp: 0x521eaf24
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    Faulting application path: C:\Windows\system32\wbengine.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: e99a55c8-15e4-11e4-9ab5-a01d48c77640
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    Loading control script C:\Program Files\DebugDiag\scripts\CrashRule_Process_wbengine.exe.vbs
    DumpPath set to C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\wbengineLogs
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] Process created. BaseModule - C:\Windows\system32\wbengine.exe. BaseThread System ID - System ID: 7940
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll loaded at 0x77780000
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll loaded at 0x77560000
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\VssTrace.DLL loaded at 0xfc1a0000
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll loaded at 0xfc9f0000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll loaded at 0xfd130000
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll loaded at 0xfd760000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll loaded at 0xfd5d0000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\vss_ps.dll loaded at 0xfa2f0000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\taskschd.dll loaded at 0xf4b20000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\SspiCli.dll loaded at 0xfd390000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\spp.dll loaded at 0xeec40000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\dsrole.dll loaded at 0xfb630000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\System32\msxml3.dll loaded at 0xf89b0000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll loaded at 0xff200000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\System32\ES.DLL loaded at 0xfb5b0000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\SXS.DLL loaded at 0xfd430000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\PROPSYS.dll loaded at 0xfad60000
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] C:\Windows\system32\samcli.dll loaded at 0xfa670000
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] Thread created. New thread system id - System ID: 7428
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] Initializing control script
    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] Clearing any existing breakpoints
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:48 AM] Current Breakpoint List(BL)
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    [8/20/2014 9:23:55 AM] C:\Windows\system32\blbres.dll loaded at 0x73050000
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    [8/20/2014 9:24:03 AM] First chance exception - 0XE06D7363 caused by thread with System ID: 7640.  DetailID = 1
    [8/20/2014 9:24:03 AM] Thread exited. Exiting thread system id - System ID: 7640. Exit code - 0x00000000
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    [8/20/2014 9:24:09 AM] First chance exception - 0XE06D7363 caused by thread with System ID: 7784.  DetailID = 2
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    [8/20/2014 9:25:21 AM] C:\Windows\system32\blbsrv.dll loaded at 0xe6240000
    [8/20/2014 9:25:25 AM] First chance exception - 0X80000003 caused by thread with System ID: 992.  DetailID = 3
    [8/20/2014 9:25:25 AM] First chance exception - 0XC0000374 caused by thread with System ID: 992.  DetailID = 4
    [8/20/2014 9:25:25 AM] Second chance exception - 0XC0000374 caused by thread with System ID: 992
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    [8/20/2014 9:25:25 AM] Process exited. Exit code - 0xffffffff
    DetailID = 1
    Count:    1
    Exception #:  0XE06D7363
    Call Site
    DetailID = 2
    Count:    1
    Exception #:  0XE06D7363
    DetailID = 3
    Count:    1
    Exception #:  0X80000003
    DetailID = 4
    Count:    1
    Exception #:  0XC0000374
    | Count | Exception  |
    | 2     | 0XE06D7363 |
    | 1     | 0X80000003 |
    | 1     | 0XC0000374 |
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Similar post:

  • Mount vhdx file from Windows Server Backup 2012

    We have a 2012 server with a network share that other servers backup to using Windows Server Backup.  To view the files from a windows 2008 r2 backup .vhd file all I have to do is open it in windows explorer and it mounts as a drive and opens.  When
    I try to do the same with a 2012 backup (.vhdx) it tells me "you don't have permission to mount the file" but if I open disk management I can see the volume, and if I right click on it and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths" and add
    a drive letter, then I can browse it.  I get the same issue using mount-vhd in powershell.

    Hi Adm1nMikeW,
    Please try to use disk management --> action --> attach VHD (this way will  avoid  the error message).
    The root cause is the attribute "nodefaultdriveletter" of the backup vhd was not set to "no".
    You can try following setps :
    1. in cmd prompt type diskpart
    2. recognize the problematic volume you want to set via list volume
    3. run command select volume "volume number"
    4. run command attributes volume clear nodefaultdriveletter
    then detach it and reattach the disk again .
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • [Windows Server 2008 R2] [Windows Server Backup] How to remove an old backup set

        long time ago I made a backup of some files of a server on a network location running manually a command like this one:
    "wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:\\Server1\Backup\MyServer\wbadmin_Effe -include:F: -user:DOMAIN\myself -password:******** -quiet"
    Now this network location is no more available because that machine is definitely broken.
    I have no problems to run and create backups on a local drive or on other network locations.
    My only problem is that now, in the main window of Windows Server Backup, when i click "View details" under "All Backups", I can still see that backup as the oldest available... that's a bit annoying.
    It appears also if I run the command "wbadmin GET VERSIONS".
    Does anybody know how can I remove this backup version set from my server?

    Hi Alex,
    The command will remove all backups existed on your server. If you cannot get Shadow Copy ID and there are "good" backups existed on you server, you could not remove the old backup versions.
    How to completely delete the backup file from network share and clean up the backup version for the server?
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How to schedule multiple backup job through windows server backup in windows server 2008 R2

    hi expert,
    need your help, In my small  environment I am using windows 2008 R2 as a domain controller. and installed windows server feature for backup.
    Now i want to create backup at a different time.
    1. System state backup at 5.00 PM on saturday only
    2.  finance and hr data backup on daily basis at 5.00 PM.
    so how i create different job schedule through windows server backup.
    Regards, Triyambak

    Scenario #1
    The following command will create a Task Scheduler task named
    DailyFolder1Backup with the start time of 23:00.
    This task will run DAILY with the HIGHESTprivileges. It will run the Windows Server Backup CLI to backup
    g:\folder1 to target volume
    DailyFolder1Backup /RL HIGHEST /ST 23:00/TR
    "wbadmin start backup –backupTarget:F: -include:g\folder1
    -vsscopy -quiet"
    Scenario #2
    The following command will create a Task Scheduler task named
    DailyFolder2Backup with the start time of 24:00.
    This task will run DAILY with the HIGHESTprivileges. It will run the Windows Server Backup CLI to backup
    h:\folder2 to target volume
    DailyFolder2Backup/RL HIGHEST /ST 24:00/TR
    "wbadmin start backup –backupTarget:F: -include:h:\folder2
    -vsscopy -quiet"
    Please feel free to let us know if you have any question or concern.
    Please VOTE as HELPFUL if the post helps you and remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading
    the thread.

  • Can Windows Server Backup spread a single backup job across multiple disks if they are not set up as a virtual disk?

    This may be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find any definitive information after having done many, many searches.  Short question is - can Windows Server Backup spread a single backup job across multiple disks if they are not in a storage
    pool or some other RAID/JBOD structure?
    I'm running Server 2012 Essentials with all Windows Updates installed.  I have been backing up approx 2.8TB of data (Bare Metal Recovery, C:, S: (shared folders), and system reserved) for the past year+ onto a storage pool made up of two-2TB external
    USB drives.  Backup is slow (takes approx 1.5 days to complete), but generally works.  Not surprisingly I was constantly getting capacity low messages so I decided to increase my backup storage pool by adding a 3TB drive and another spare 750GB drive
    for a total of 7.75TB.  Instead of having four separate external USB enclosures, I bot a 4-bay enclosure - model #S3540BU33E to simplify this (or so I thought!).
    The first problem I had was adding the two new drives to the existing storage pool. I think that is because the Startech uses a JMicron USB controller that reports identical uniqueid's for all drives so only one shows up in the GUI interface for creating storage
    pools. After doing research on this, I set up a new storage pool and virtual disk using all four drives via Powershell and thought I was good. However, when the backup ran, it failed after filling the first drive, saying there was no remaining capacity. In
    reality there were three remaining empty drives and there storage pool reported almost 5TB of avail capacity. I assumed this was due to the identical uniqueid issue so I decided to try a different tactic.
    Instead of using a storage pool that combines all four disks into one virtual disk, I just added each of them to Windows Server Backup as individual drives thinking it would manage them collectively. I.e., when a drive filled up during a particular backup,
    it would just start using the next drive and so on. Apparently this was a foolish assumption because the backup failed again as soon as the first disk filled up.
    So now I don't know if this is still an issue with the identical uniqueid's or if Server Backup actually can't spread a single backup across multiple individual drives that aren't in a pool or other virtual disk implementation. Hence, my original question.
    My guess is that it does *not* spread them across individual disks, but I just wanted to get confirmation.

    Thank you for following up on my question.
    Unfortunately the article you referenced doesn't address what I am trying to accomplish.
    The article focuses on saving the same backup job to multiple disks and rotating the disks between on and offsite for enhanced protection.  However, it still requires that an individual backup job fits on a single disk.
    What I am trying to determine is if a single backup job can span across more than one physical disk (during the backup process) without those physical disks being in some type of virtual disk implementation (e.g., storage pool, RAID, etc.).

  • Server 2008 R2 Windows Server Backup. "Error in backup of Hyper-V.vhd during read: Error [0x80070001] Incorrect function.

    We are currently using Windows Server Backup to backup three Hyper-V guests running on a Windows 2008 R2 host.  Two guests are running Server 2008 R2 and one is running Windows 7.  I have the backups going to a dedicated external disk drive.
    WSB backs up the two 2008 R2 Hyper-V guests just fine.  However, when attempting to backup the Windows 7 Hyper-V guest, I receive the following error:
    Error in backup of <Windows 7.vhd> during read: Error [0x80070001] Incorrect function.
    I ran a "vssadmin list writers" and all the VSS writers showed "Stable" with no errors.  I have plenty of space on the external drive as well.  I've read this article: except that doesn't seem to be what I'm experiencing here.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    As the other 2 guests could be backed up correctly, the issue should not be the Windows Server Backup feature.
    First please refer to this article:
    Backing Up and Restoring Virtual Machines
    Please check if all following requirements are met. Specifically please check if Integration Service is installed. 
    Backup (volume snapshot) Integration Service is installed and running in the child VM. The service name is "Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor".
    Windows 2000:  Backup Integration Service is not supported.
    The child VM must be in the running state.
    The Snapshot File Location for the VM is set to be the same volume in the host operating system as the VHD files for the VM.
    All volumes in the child VM are basic disks and there are no dynamic disks.
    All disks in the child VM must use a file system that supports snapshots (for example, NTFS).
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • Lost Windows Server Backup, historical backups. Backup seems to have restarted from a fresh full backup. How can I get to those old backups?

    Scenario with very bad outlook:
    Friday-16th, early AM.  Win2008 SBS Server crashes due to RAID5 issues, bad disk.  Found that server was NOT configured with hot spare and for some reason the controller had marked a 2nd disk bad..which turned out not to be the case.
    Had a single external USB backup drive being fed by Windows Server Backup.  Obtained support from vendor and was able to regain the RAID and start the server. 
    Soon became apparent that Exchange was having serious issues - edb was corrupt and not mountable.  Restore edb from backup, repaired and was eventually able to mount.  Then found it had Hub Transport issues.  Researching that when it was noticed
    NTFS events being logged at a high rate.  Restarted system to repair the filesystem, which was successful.
    After the FS repair, found the Exchange edb, new edb I had created to migrate mailboxes to, and public edb all 0k in size.
    Restored the edb again and commenced repair, which eventually read Clean Shutdown again...but could not get it to mount.  Exchange was having various issues seemingly with AD.
    Changed backup time to avoid a backup that day, as did not want to back up while RAID was rebuilding - had inserted a replacement for the failed drive.
    Monday/19th, was advised that much of the data was corrupt.  This is an accounting firm and relies heavily on their data, especially since the last time their ext USB was rotated was Nov6 2013.  They now have no year end backup, nor a backup from
    post tax season 2014.
    Is it possible to recover any of the historical backups prior to the full backup/restart?
    Oh, and all Shadow Copies for the impacted volume/drive are gone.
    Thank you.

    Please use the “Wbadmin get versions” command to check the backup versions on the server. If there is only latest shadow copy, you may not recover any of the historical backups prior to the full backup.
    Backup Version and Space Management in Windows Server Backup
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • [Forum FAQ] Cannot perform a backup schedule via Windows Server Backup and receive "The system cannot find the path specified." Error

    Symptom One
    You attempt to
    schedule a backup every day via Windows Server Backup on Windows Server 2008 R2. At the beginning, the backup works without issue. But after a few days it failed and you receive the error “Windows Server Backup:
    The system cannot find the path specified.”
    The issue may occur if there is
    no shadow copy storage space available on the backup volume.
    You can use the List ShadowStorage command to check if you have enough storage space to store the newly created shadow copy. If you've reviewed the size of the backup snapshot and discovered
    that there is no allocated space for the storage association, you need to resize shadowstorage.
    You could run the command below to create shadow copy storage space on the backup volume:
    vssadmin resize
    shadowstorage /for=<ForVolumeSpec> /on=<OnVolumeSpec> [/maxsize=<MaxSizeSpec>]
    More Information
    Vssadmin resize shadowstorage
    Symptom Two
    When you add
    another external hard drive to backup schedule via Windows Server Backup on Windows Server 2012, it fails and you receive the error “The System cannot find the path specified.”
    The issue is due to the
    Original Destination Disk was not attached to the server.
    You could check the disk status in Disk Management to see if the Original Destination Disk is offline or removed.
    You need to attach
    Original Destination Disk to the Server then choose another external hard drive as backup target. After that, you could remove the Original Destination Disk.
    To work around this issue, please use the WBADMIN command line tool to add disk.
    WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget :{ DiskID}
    The AddTarget parameter takes disk ID as parameter. It can be retrieved by running "WBADMIN GET DISKS" command.
    -addtarget :{ aa123d14-bba0-1dd9-0d93-80aaaa6bbb63}
    More Information
    Wbadmin enable backup
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.


  • Backed up files partially disappear after restore (Windows Server 2008 R2 - Windows Server Backup)

    Dear all,
    I am experiencing a problem with "Windows Server 2008 R2", using Windows Server Backup.
    Here's my setup:
    Server: RAID 5 Disk setup
    By using Windows Server Backup (within Windows Server 2008 R2), C: and D: were fully backed up, with "System State" and "Baremetal Recovery" options selected. Backup went okay without any errors.
    By using Windows Recovery Environment  (booted from Windows Server DVD), C: and D: were fully restored to the original partitions with "System Recovery" option found within Windows RE (without re-formatting partitions during restore). Restore
    went OK without any errors. Rebooted, and system has been running fine. 
    After the restore, the system itself seems running OK; no BSOD, no crash, no visible errors.
    However, our client insisted some files (around 6 to 7) which are related to the propriety software has "disappeared" right after System Recovery.
    Since Windows Server Backup is using "Volume Shadow Copy" technology which enables "live backup" of the running system, is it possible that some files will disappear (=restore error) after
    System Recovery?
    I cannot really find any errors or warnings related to Windows Server Backup in the event log, through. No Windows-backup errors. No VSS errors, too.
    Do anybody have experienced this kind of problem in the past?  Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your reply, Ms. Mandy.
    To make things clear, let me explain to you briefly:
    1. The "missing data" was backed up with "full system backup".
    2. After a system restore from the above backup image, as you mentioned, partitions has been overwritten with the partions' backup data in the Backup Data Set taken by Windows Server Backup. No error with backup. No error after restore, and reboot - system
    has been running fine.
    3. Although there was a report that the affected files(about 7 java exectables) were missing after the above restore operation, other aspect of system was running fine at the time of the report.
    4. I have checked the original backup data set - and voila, there ARE files which seems to gone after restore.
    5. When I used Windows Server Backup "on" Windows Server 2008 R2 normal environment (= NOT Recovery environment from DVD) and selectd ONLY these affected files to restore, these files could be RESTORED successfully, without any errors. SO... data
    was property backed up.
    > The recovery will overwrite the partitions so files created after the backup point will be missing. 
    I understand, and this is not the case this time, because the affected files are already present in the backup data set (= I have mounted the backup data as VHD, and I could clearly see them present in the mounted VHD file)
    Plus, these files are completely restoreable via "selective file restore" in Windows Server Backup.
    Things I want to know/confirm:
    > The recovery will overwrite the partitions
    If I understand this correctly, in case that the files in question are already present in the backup data set, these files SHOULD be restored after full system restore, right? (If these files could not be restored, Windows Server Backup SHOULD show some errors.)
    What do you think, Ms. Mandy? :)

  • How are Windows Server Backup and Command Line Tools used in vCSHB installation?

    How are Windows Server Backup and Command Line Tools used during the installation of vCSHB?  Is it required in all types of deployments (PtoV, VtoV, PtoP)? Is it used to create the files that are put in the file share for the second node to use during vCSHB installation or is it only used during a vCSHB clone operation of a Physical to Physical deployment?  Are these tools not used in some deployments?

    You need Windows Server Backup installed on source and destination, and during the installation of vCSHB the installer will invoke the wbadmin (Windows Server Backup Utility) and will backup configuration and application data (application data is optimal but can decrease the sync time after installation of secondary node). On the secondary node you will need only run the vCSHB installer and everything will be restored.
    Check this blog entry for some more info about some problems in P2P deployment:

  • Error using Window Server Backup on 2012R2 Hyper-V to network share

    I have a Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V server. It runs a Windows 2012 R2 VM (called
    I want to backup the VM to a network location (\\network-1\server-1_backup$). To do this, I installed Windows Server Backup from the command line and configured a backup to look like this:
    C:\Users\admin>wbadmin enable backup
    wbadmin 1.0 - Backup command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    The scheduled backup settings:
    Bare metal recovery : Not Included
    System state backup: Not Included
    Volumes in backup: (null)
    Components in backup: HyperV\server-1
    Files excluded: (null)
    Advanced settings: VSS Backup Option (FULL)
    Location to store backup: \\network-1\server-1_backup$\
    Times of day to run backup: 04:00
    But when I run this backup manually, I get the following error:
    C:\Users\admin>wbadmin start backup
    wbadmin 1.0 - Backup command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Do you want to create a backup using the same configuration that you use for
    scheduled backups?
    [Y] Yes [N] No y
    The backup operation to Scheduled backup target is starting.
    Creating a shadow copy of the volumes specified for backup...
    Summary of the backup operation:
    The backup operation stopped before completing.
    The backup operation stopped before completing.
    Detailed error: A component critical volume failed to snapshot.
    Log of files successfully backed up:
    Log of files for which backup failed:
    ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x8100010c)
    No valid component or volume to snapshot.
    A component critical volume failed to snapshot.
    The log file then looks like this:
    Writer Failures
    Writer Id: {66841CD4-6DED-4F4B-8F17-FD23F8DDC3DE}
    Instance Id: {3976D373-854E-4527-B85D-7B61924C8597}
    Writer Name: Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer
    Writer State: 0
    Failure Result: 81000112
    Application Result: 0
    Application Message: (null)
       Component: 1DAF1C56-0635-4043-A933-E97A62EBC139
       Logical Path:
       Component Result: 8100010D
       Component Message: Component reports path on network share which cannot be snapshotted. (0x8100010D)
       Component: 30144C93-56A2-4259-B276-86D59AC767E9
    Application backup
    Writer Id: {66841CD4-6DED-4F4B-8F17-FD23F8DDC3DE}
       Component: 1DAF1C56-0635-4043-A933-E97A62EBC139
       Caption     : Offline\server-1
       Logical Path:
       Error           : 8078001D
       Error Message   : The operation ended before completion.
    The odd thing is that if I set this up from a Windows 2012 Server using the GUI to exactly the same network destination, the backup works no problem. It just doesn't work when using Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V configured through a command line.
    Any help appreciated,

    Hi Andrew,
    I tested this in my lab server 2012R2  , but there's no error .
    I would suggest you to create a new share folder on other server then check if the issue persists .
    Writer Name: Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer
    Writer State: 0
    Failure Result: 81000112
    Application Result: 0
    Application Message: (null)
       Component: 1DAF1C56-0635-4043-A933-E97A62EBC139
       Logical Path:
       Component Result: 8100010D
       Component Message: Component reports path on network share which cannot be snapshotted. (0x8100010D)"
    According to this error , please check if the VM's resource (such as VHD file) was restored on network share .
    I also searched the error "ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x8100010c)" , but I can not find it within following article :
    Any further information please feel free to let us know .
    Best Regards,
    Elton Ji
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] .

  • A fatal error occurred during a windows server backup snap-in operation;

    Unable to get windows server backup to work, I believe it was running fine not too long ago.  
    getting the following errors in the event log;
    Faulting application name: wbengine.exe, version: 6.3.9600.17415, time stamp: 0x54504543
    Faulting module name: wbengine.exe, version: 6.3.9600.17415, time stamp: 0x54504543
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000000000011e4d7
    Faulting process id: 0x1a20
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d01a1b546c5049
    Faulting application path: C:\Windows\system32\wbengine.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\wbengine.exe
    Report Id: 99e58796-860e-11e4-80c4-40167e73010e
    Faulting package full name: 
    Faulting package-relative application ID: 
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: wbengine.exe
    P2: 6.3.9600.17415
    P3: 54504543
    P4: wbengine.exe
    P5: 6.3.9600.17415
    P6: 54504543
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 000000000011e4d7
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    Analysis symbol: 
    Rechecking for solution: 0
    Report Id: 8a7a7549-860e-11e4-80c4-40167e73010e
    Report Status: 0
    Hashed bucket: 

    It seems that there is an error accessing the catalog. You could run the "wbadmin delete catalog" to delete the catalog to resolve the issue.
    For more detailed information, please refer to the thread below:
    Windows Server 2k8 Backup Errors
    Please note: The command "wbadmin delete catalog" will remove all backups existed on your server.
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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