XSD:Pattern Question

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Jan 13 15:25:04 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
I'm putting together a simpler test case for this, but I figured I'd start by asking the question and seeing if the answer is simple...
I have an XML document with the date elements:
                <entryDate>2009-09-22</entryDate>the documentDate is defined as PartialDateType.
     <xsd:simpleType name="PartialDateType">
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
               <xsd:pattern value="\d{4}|\d{6}|\d{8}"/>
     </xsd:simpleType>When I try to validate the document, I get
“literal "20080808" is not valid with respect to the pattern”.
If I shorten the date to "2008", the document validates.
What part of <xsd:pattern value="\d{4}|\d{6}|\d{8}"/> do I not understand?

Workaround is to reverse the pattern.. See below
c:\xdb>sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 19 13:55:30 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> set echo on
SQL> spool testcase.log
SQL> --
SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdba
SQL> --
SQL> set define on
SQL> set timing on
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> drop user &USERNAME cascade
  2  /
old   1: drop user &USERNAME cascade
new   1: drop user XDBTEST cascade
User dropped.
Elapsed: 00:01:40.47
SQL> grant create any directory, drop any directory, connect, resource, alter session, create view to &USERNAME identified by &PASSWORD
  2  /
old   1: grant create any directory, drop any directory, connect, resource, alter session, create view to &USERNAME identified by &PASSWORD
new   1: grant create any directory, drop any directory, connect, resource, alter session, create view to XDBTEST identified by XDBTEST
Grant succeeded.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.08
SQL> alter user &USERNAME default tablespace &USER_TABLESPACE temporary tablespace &TEMP_TABLESPACE
  2  /
old   1: alter user &USERNAME default tablespace &USER_TABLESPACE temporary tablespace &TEMP_TABLESPACE
new   1: alter user XDBTEST default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP
User altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> set long 100000 pages 0 lines 256 trimspool on timing on
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> begin
  2    :SCHEMAURL:= 'http://xmlns.example.com/testcase.xsd';
  3    :XMLSCHEMA :=
  4  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  5  <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
  6     <xs:element name="T1" type="T1_TYPE"/>
  7     <xs:complexType name="T1_TYPE">
  8             <xs:sequence>
  9                     <xs:element name="TEST" type="PartialDateType"/>
10             </xs:sequence>
11     </xs:complexType>
12     <xs:simpleType name="PartialDateType">
13             <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
14                     <xs:pattern value="\d{8}|\d{6}|\d{4}"/>
15             </xs:restriction>
16     </xs:simpleType>
17  </xs:schema>';
18  end;
19  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> declare
  2    V_XML_SCHEMA xmlType := XMLType(:XMLSCHEMA);
  3  begin
  4    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema
  5    (
  6      SCHEMAURL        => :SCHEMAURL,
  7      SCHEMADOC        => V_XML_SCHEMA,
  8      LOCAL            => TRUE,
  9      GENBEAN          => FALSE,
10      GENTYPES         => FALSE,
11      GENTABLES        => FALSE,
14    );
15  end;
16  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:04:26.10
SQL> create table TEST_TABLE of XMLTYPE
  3  XMLSCHEMA "http://xmlns.example.com/testcase.xsd" ELEMENT "T1"
  4  /
Table created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.70
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "9" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Elapsed: 00:00:06.08
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "99" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Elapsed: 00:00:06.70
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Elapsed: 00:00:07.67
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
1 row created.
Elapsed: 00:00:24.30
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "99999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Elapsed: 00:00:08.02
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
1 row created.
Elapsed: 00:00:11.60
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9999999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "9999999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Elapsed: 00:00:05.60
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
1 row created.
Elapsed: 00:00:06.18
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999999999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31061: XDB error: XML event error
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "999999999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
Elapsed: 00:00:05.61
  2  /
Table dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.14
SQL> call dbms_xmlSchema.deleteSchema(:SCHEMAURL)
  2  /
Call completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
SQL> declare
  2    V_XML_SCHEMA xmlType := XMLType(:XMLSCHEMA);
  3  begin
  4    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema
  5    (
  6      SCHEMAURL        => :SCHEMAURL,
  7      SCHEMADOC        => V_XML_SCHEMA,
  8      LOCAL            => TRUE,
  9      GENBEAN          => FALSE,
10      GENTYPES         => TRUE,
11      GENTABLES        => FALSE,
13    );
14  end;
15  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.87
SQL> create table TEST_TABLE of XMLTYPE
  3  XMLSCHEMA "http://xmlns.example.com/testcase.xsd" ELEMENT "T1"
  4  /
Table created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
SQL> create trigger DO_VALIDATION
  2  before insert
  3  on TEST_TABLE
  4  for each row
  5  begin
  6   :new.object_value.schemavalidate();
  7  end;
  8  /
Trigger created.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31154: invalid XML document
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "9" is not valid with respect to the pattern
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 354
ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION", line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION'
Elapsed: 00:00:05.39
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31154: invalid XML document
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "99" is not valid with respect to the pattern
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 354
ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION", line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION'
Elapsed: 00:00:05.52
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31154: invalid XML document
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 354
ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION", line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION'
Elapsed: 00:00:05.50
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
1 row created.
Elapsed: 00:00:05.95
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31154: invalid XML document
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "99999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 354
ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION", line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION'
Elapsed: 00:00:05.53
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
1 row created.
Elapsed: 00:00:05.40
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>9999999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31154: invalid XML document
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "9999999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 354
ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION", line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION'
Elapsed: 00:00:05.37
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>99999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
1 row created.
Elapsed: 00:00:05.74
SQL> insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999999999</TEST></T1>') )
  2  /
insert into TEST_TABLE values ( XMLTYPE('<T1><TEST>999999999</TEST></T1>') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-31154: invalid XML document
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
LSX-00333: literal "999999999" is not valid with respect to the pattern
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 354
ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION", line 2
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.DO_VALIDATION'
Elapsed: 00:00:05.49

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    If it was me I would post such questions in the XML forum.
    If I understand the question it is not possible.
    In general you cannot describe all possible data validation using only an XSD.

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    Hi myQA,
    what exactly are you considering the client?
    The one calling readFile and writeFile?
    If you are concerned about explicitly creating FileXReaderWriter
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    Although this really belongs in its own class Converter I guess one could add It to the Factory, which then shouldn't be named Factory anymore. If the other classes and Interfaces aren't needed anywhere outside your Converter you should make them private to the converter.

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    Teri Petit has a sort of tutorial on how to do this do a search for Teri Petit Pattern Fill.

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    typically it is more common to just cache Homes and Factories in the ServiceLocator pattern.
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    Hi Udi,
    If I am reading your question correctly, you want to know if XI can take the user context from the sharepoint portal and pass it on to the R/3 backend, i.e. logging on to R/3 using the same user as is logged on to sharepoint. The answer, unfortunately, is no. AFAIK the only current way to accomplish this is to include the username in the actual message content and pass this on to the R/3 system; then on the R/3 system code the necessary authority checks against the provided username. Be aware though, that you cannot use the usual authority-check functionality for this.

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    Darryl.Burke wrote:
    From the UK:
    Durham University's page on SLAC-HEPNAMES database of EMAIL-IDs in HEPDATA
    {color:#0000ff}http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/HEPDATA/ID{color}That line is only in the title. The text says
    worldwide directory of email addresses
    From the US:
    University of California's page on Mail ID Name Changes
    {color:#0000ff}http://email.ucdavis.edu/forms/mailidnamechange.php{color}They use MailID (not email id, is an internal identifier) and the text says
    change in your email address then after your old email address expires
    University of North Carolina's page on UNCW E-mail ID Retrieval
    {color:#0000ff}https://appserv02.uncw.edu/dasapps/sec/getid.aspx{color}Once again, Email-ID is again an internal term refering to the use of an email address as a logon id.
    The text, once again, says
    UNCW e-mail username (your e-mail address without the @uncw.edu)
    From Belgium:
    Username: (Email ID) on
    Once again, I see this more as simply an internal reference to an email used as a logon id (so a composite term).
    Madison Area Technical College's page on Student Network/Email ID Choices
    From page
    ... ... like: change in eMail ID, ... ...
    These site seems to be using like you feel (although the first does not contain enough context to be sure), but they, and every other site listed here, is hardly definative.
    Edit: This is not to be combative, so please don't take it that way. Just expanding on my viewpoint.

  • AQ - XSD Schema Questions

    What I am looking to do is use BPEL for messaging (and manipulation of said messages) in the backend for data synchronization to disparate sources.
    Currently, we are investigating the following:
    Oracle 9i DB with a stored procedure that accepts a number of parameters (or XML Document in CLOB format), processes the document (updates, typically), and before returning, writing the output XML document to an AQ setup on that DB instance.
    BPM (installed on an OAS 10g server instance) would be utilizing the AQ adapter to dequeue this message for processing through the orchestration.
    This is where our difficulty begins. The message the SP generates is based on an enterprise schema (EBOD - currently), which is a relatively robust XSD. Currently, we're looking how to get the AQ adapter to pick up this message (should it be a clob?) off the queue and essentially cast it into our schema that we've imported into the BPM. We haven't had much success doing this so far. Implementing a ADT that is "typed" in the 9i DB by retyping the entire schema is unacceptable, for obvious reasons.
    I think what we're looking to do is take this clob and essentially "cast" it into a message format defined by our schema. Maybe there is a better way to tackle this problem, by using something besides a CLOB (XMLType isn't supported yet, but even then... would that solve our problem?), but I am unsure. We need the message in a manipulatable form in order to call additional web services (that have differing interfaces) by extracting certain elements and passing those. Additionally, we may wish to do some business logic, routing, etc.
    I can clarify what I'm looking to do, but basically 9i DB Stored Proc writes an XML doc to an AQ. BPEL is monitoring said AQ, picks up the CLOB (that type for now) and casts the message to it's schema that we've loaded (no transformation necessary, the schema is for the specific XML doc - ie. the doc validates to that schema) and we basically go forward and process the rest of the orchestration based on this message.
    Can anyone help me with this approach? Any other suggestions?

    Hi Todd,
    The AQ Adapter allows the user to pick a CLOB field within an ADT as the payload and supply a schema for its definition.(pick "Field within Object" for the Business Payload in the AQ Adapter wizard)
    Your 9i DB Store Proc would write to the queue which is defined based on the ADT, with xml payload stored in the CLOB field. The BPEL process would be able to pick up this payload thru the AQ Adapter.
    There is a sample illustrating this scenario in the installation.
    Note the sample also uses payload header which is defined by the ADT structure to access fields other than the payload field. The use of headers is optional.
    Let me know if this is what you're looking for.

  • Interactive pattern question

    hey all, i need help, i have a school project, which is making website. i need a tutorial on how to make moving interactive pattern like this http://andy.thlndr.com
    i appreciate any advice, please help! thks

    Hello, I have a couple points of advice for you...
    First I think your aiming a little high, that's more then a pattern and the load time on it is long...
    It is very cool, no doubt! If you have your heart set on it I would contact him and ask him for a breakdown if he's willing, because he is a coder and if your in school I'm just going to assume its over your head at the moment..
    If your some kind of a lil genius then more power to you
    If your new in edge id suggest that you follow available tutorials, there are plenty..and some are very well done.

  • XSD/JAXB question

    I'm just starting out on using XSD/JAXB, and I was wondering how best to approach this:
      <like val="color">red</like>
      <like val="number">7</like>
    </likes>That is, the value of the val attribute determines the type of content that the like element should accept. For example:
    <xs:simpleType name="colors">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="red"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="orange"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="yellow"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="green"/>
    <xs:simpleType name="numbers">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
        <xs:minInclusive value="3"/>
        <xs:maxExclusive value="20"/>
    </xs:simpleType>But how to use the attribute value to determine the acceptable element content? I have managed to use union to define element content that is a union of acceptable input types, but since this is not restricted by the attribute, you could end up with invalid XML like:
      <!-- invalid xml when content is a union of types -->
      <like val="color">7</like>
      <like val="number">red</like>
    </likes>Any takers?
    Thanks, Neil

    <xs:element name="likes">
    <xs:element name="like" type="colors"/>
    <xs:element name="like" type="numbers"/>

  • DAO pattern question

    According to the DAO pattern, all fields of the table has to be put in the class, e.g. if I have a table called customer, I have to create a Customer class and then I have another class called CustomerDAO class. In CustomerDAO, I should have a method called getCustomer that returns Customer. But if my table is quite large, and I don't need to get all the attributes of the customer every time, what approach should I use, do I define another method to return, e.g. customer name. customer age etc.? Is there any standard convention?

    according to my understanding, u should use Value Object pattern.
    for Example:
    In Customer table if u have Id, name.
    then u have CustomerVO in which u have the following code.
    public class CustomerVO
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    public Long getID()
    return this.id;
    public String getName()
    return this.name;
    public void setID(Long id)
    return this.id=id;
    public String setName(String name)
    return this.name=name;
    So now u have craete object of CustomerVO and get ur required fields only and Enjoy!!!!!!!!!

  • Translation pattern question

    Good afternoon - I had an urgent request to forward a number out of our DID pool to a satellite phone, which I was attempting to do with a translation pattern. When that didn't work, I tried setting that DID up as a regular DN, but not assigning it to a phone, and configuring the CFWALL to forward to the international number, making sure the cfw partition is set to all international calls.... Is there an easy way to do this? Other than configuring that number on a phone of course and doing a good old-fashioned CFWall.

    Yes, I ensured that I had the correct CSS and number mask. As a quick fix, I put an extension on the employees phone, and created a temporary cfw CSS with international calling capabilities and forwarded all calls to the satellite phone number.

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