A Question about contacts that are in the history

Hi, I am a novice in the Mac world and have a 2 part questions.
1- I deleted my bosses Pop Account and lost all his email. I used File Salvage to get them back. No problem I found all 3235 of them. I cannot figure out how to get them back into the Mac Mail program? I tried hiring two Mac companies and they still could not do it. Any suggestions?
2- When I re-created his Pop account in the Mac Mail program all his contacts were still there in the history. So when you start to type the persons name it brings up the whole name and Email address. Where can I find the hidden historyfile with all the information in it so I can import them into Entourage. Even if I could not import them I would like to be able to print them out and wwill type them in individually myself. I really need to make my boss happy again. Any Suggestions

Hi Combreeze2.
I cannot figure out how to get them back into the Mac Mail program?
Mail doesn’t import individual messages, only entire mailboxes. In order to import .emlx messages in Mail, they must be organized as if they were in an .mbox mailbox, i.e. they must be in a Messages folder within an .mbox folder. You may create a folder called Recovered.mbox, then a Messages folder within this folder, then put the .emlx files within the Messages folder, then import that.
In Mail, do File > Import Mailboxes, choose Mail for Mac OS X as the data format, and follow the instructions. Note that Mail wants you to select the folder that contains the mailboxes to be imported (i.e. the folder where the .mbox folders to be imported reside), not the .mbox folders themselves nor the Messages folders within them.
Given the circumstances, however, there could be something wrong with one or more of the recovered messages and that might cause the import to fail. If that’s the case, you may try organizing the recovered messages in several smaller mailboxes and try to identify the messages that Mail has trouble with. Alternatively, you may try using emlx to mbox Converter or Emailchemy to convert the .emlx files to standard mbox format, then import that in Mail as Other.
Where can I find the hidden historyfile with all the information in it
Window > Previous Recipients
I don’t think there is a way to print that info or import it into another application without adding them to Address Book as regular contacts first.

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    For the ones that give you an option, select the option you want (keep on the Mac or Delete). For the ones that are simply warning you, click on Delete from Mac.
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    How is everything going? Have you checked this issue from OWA? If so, please let me know the result.
    In adition, please also try to use the following powershell commands to check if the assistant has right permissions:
    Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity
    CEO’s email address:\Calendar -User assistant’s email address
    Also check with:
    Get-Mailbox -Identity CEO’s mailbox
    | fl *GrantSendOnBehalfTo
    Please let me know the result.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    it's less powerful than your average computer. THink of it like a netbook but with a better processor.
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    Good luck & happy computing!

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    Hi I have answered you questions inline below:
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    Yes when you first set up the account or when you first add a device to the cloud, if it is not the first time, it will merge with the other data
    Does the second computer/pad/cell then download the information from the cloud overwriting the information on the second device even if some of the information is different?
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    Contacts are designed to be synced to a supported application on the computer or a cloud service.
    Pictures taken with the device are designed to regularly be copied off the device to a computer as would be done with any digital camera.
    If you have failed to use the device as designed it may be too late to recovery anything.
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    The phone is trying to be smart but sometimes it overthinks things.
    If this is the case just go to the contact, click on links(x) and then click on unlink next to the one you want as a seperate contact.
    If you've been helped click on , if you've been saved buy the app.
    Developer of stokLocker, Sympatico and Super Sentences.

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    On the surface, it doesn't sound like you're reaching a limit in the number of contacts you can have.
    I would first create a contacts archive (file >> export) for a backup.  Then, go to system preferences >> icloud and uncheck contacts.  Reboot.  Return to those preferences and recheck contacts.
    Also, review http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4489 just in case you have some contact cards that are reaching a different limitation.

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    Yes......I do so all the time.

Maybe you are looking for