ABAP objects design patterns

hi all,
    can any one send me the Design patterns used for ABAP objects programming in ABAP. eg mvc and sample code which uses the design patterns

Of course that program is not an object design pattern
(Its just a little ABAP Objects syntax demo that I wrote  years ago
I don't know about a list of OO design patterns implemented in ABAP Objects.
A very simple one, a Singleton might look like this:
<b>* cl_singleton: Eager Variant
                              CREATE PRIVATE.
    CLASS-METHODS: class_constructor,
                   get_singleton RETURNING VALUE(singleton)
                                           TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
    CLASS-DATA singleton TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
  METHOD class_constructor.
    CREATE OBJECT singleton.
  METHOD get_singleton.
    singleton = cl_singleton=>singleton.
cl_singleton: Lazy Variant
                              CREATE PRIVATE.
    CLASS-METHODS get_singleton RETURNING VALUE(singleton)
                                          TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
    CLASS-DATA singleton TYPE REF TO cl_singleton.
  METHOD get_singleton.
    IF cl_singleton=>singleton IS INITIAL.
      CREATE OBJECT cl_singleton=>singleton.
    singleton = cl_singleton=>singleton.

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    The way we do OO Programming in ABAP and other languages differ.
    In your case, it might be a better option to create these classes as global classes, so that you will not have this issue. You can SE24 to do the same.

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    I do not understand what you mean.
    A dto is just an object which you populate in one layer and use in another layer.
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    Hi all,
    After added in the o_model   TYPE REF TO zcl_test_model.. I am still having the same error message "Field "O_MODEL->GET_DATA" is unknown.".
    *& Report  ZTEST_OOP_MVC_ALV
    * Controller
    DATA: lo_control TYPE REF TO zcl_test_control,
          o_model   TYPE REF TO zcl_test_model.
    * Initiate controller
    CREATE OBJECT lo_control.
    * Get the object from Control
    CALL METHOD lo_control->get_object
        if_name = 'ZCL_TEST_MODEL'.
    * Model - Business Logic
    * Date Range
    DATA: r_erdat  TYPE RANGE OF vbak-erdat,
          la_erdat LIKE LINE OF r_erdat.
    la_erdat-sign = 'I'.
    la_erdat-option = 'BT'.
    la_erdat-low = sy-datum - 10.
    la_erdat-high = sy-datum.
    APPEND la_erdat TO r_erdat.
    * Get data method
    CALL METHOD lo_control->o_model->get_data
      EXPORTING      ir_erdat = r_erdat.
    * View - ALV output
    DATA: lo_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
          lx_msg TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg.
        r_salv_table = lo_alv
        t_table      = lo_control->o_model->t_vbak ).
      CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO lx_msg.
    *Displaying the ALV
    lo_alv->display( ).

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    Anton Pierhagen

    You can use dynamic reference to instantiate your objects.
    data: lo_ref type ref to object.
    create object lo_Ref type ('ZCLASS').
    call method lo_ref->('METH_1').
    But problem in this design would be that your class & method name is hardcoded and it would be only checked at runtime, not at the design time. To overcome, this you can use the [Factory Method Design pattern|http://help-abap.zevolving.com/2011/10/abap-objects-design-patterns-factory-method/].
    Naimesh Patel

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    Haider Syed

    Take a look at the following site:
    It has all the basic patterns from the GOF and a lot more. I can recommend the ones from Martin Fowler but be sure you start with the ones from the GOF.
    All patterns are described by using UML so it's very easy to translate them into ABAP OO code.
    Regarding your other question. For the observer pattern I used an interface which the SAP had already created if_cm_observer and created my own abstract observable class. The observable class is nearly a 100% copy of the java.util. one

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    <b>Design Patterns Explained</b> - Alan Shalloway
    I’ll be very grateful with any help.

    > And do you think these themes are a great combination
    > for ABAP development?
    Design pattern are very abstract and can be used with any OO programming language. The implementations will differ but the core concepts are always the same.
    XP is an agile development process and can also be used with any programming language.
    Learning what design pattern are and how to use them is very important in my opinion. Most companies expect that you are familiar and have experience with them.
    Extreme Programming (XP) on the other side is different. When I began to explore XP it got me started on how software should be developed in general. Since the concepts behind XP are quite different, it should at least stimulate you to start thinking about how you develop software at the moment and if there might be better ways of doing it.
    If you have only time to study one subject go for the design pattern. You might also consider reading the following books if you want to improve your OO coding skills:
    <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Refactoring-Improving-Design-Existing-Code/dp/0201485672/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-4989641-7820932?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1173448197&sr=8-1">Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (a true classic)</a>
    <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Refactoring-Patterns-Addison-Wesley-Signature-Kerievsky/dp/0321213351/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/102-4989641-7820932?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1173448197&sr=8-2">Refactoring to Patterns (Shows how to improve code by introducing design pattern)</a>

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    yes its not free, but its really worth the money.
    Other abap specific sources:

  • Design Patterns in ABAP.

    I want to know about the Design Patterns in ABAP.

    hi sourdi
    Below are the list of Design pattern in abap .
    Singleton: ensuring single class instantiation
    Adapter: making class interfaces compatible
    Factory: encapsulating object creation
    MVC: decoupling business logic from the view
    Facade: providing a simplified interface
    Composite: treating individual objects and compositions uniformly
    Decorator: forming a dynamic chain of components to be used as one by the client
    chinnaiya P

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    Has somebody already implemented this pattern in ABAP OO and can give me some input. Or is there any documentation how to implement it?
    Thanks and regards,

    Keshav has already outlined required logic, so let me fulfill his answer with a snippet
    An Interface
    INTERFACE lif_payment.
      METHODS pay CHANGING c_val TYPE p.
    Payment implementations
    CLASS lcl_payment_1 DEFINITION.
      INTERFACES lif_payment.
      ALIASES pay for lif_payment~pay.
    CLASS lcl_payment_2 DEFINITION.
      INTERFACES lif_payment.
      ALIASES pay for lif_payment~pay.
    CLASS lcl_payment_1 IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD pay.
        "do something with c_val i.e.
        c_val = c_val - 10.
    CLASS lcl_payment_2 IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD pay.
        "do something else with c_val i.e.
        c_val = c_val + 10.
    Main class which uses strategy pattern
    CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION.
        "during main object creation you pass which payment you want to use for this object
        METHODS constructor IMPORTING ir_payment TYPE REF TO lif_payment.
        "later on you can change this dynamicaly
        METHODS set_payment IMPORTING ir_payment TYPE REF TO lif_payment.
        METHODS show_payment_val.
        METHODS pay.
        DATA payment_value TYPE p.
        "reference to your interface whcih you will be working with
        DATA mr_payment TYPE REF TO lif_payment.
      METHOD constructor.
        IF ir_payment IS BOUND.
          me->mr_payment = ir_payment.
      METHOD set_payment.
        IF ir_payment IS BOUND.
          me->mr_payment = ir_payment.
      METHOD show_payment_val.
        WRITE /: 'Payment value is now ', me->payment_value.
      "hide fact that you are using composition to access pay method
      METHOD pay.
        mr_payment->pay( CHANGING c_val = payment_value ).
      ENDMETHOD.                   ENDCLASS.                  
    Client application
    PARAMETERS pa_pay TYPE c. "1 - first payment, 2 - second
    DATA gr_main TYPE REF TO lcl_main.
    DATA gr_payment TYPE REF TO lif_payment.
      "client application (which uses stategy pattern)
      CASE pa_pay.
        WHEN 1.
          "create first type of payment
          CREATE OBJECT gr_payment TYPE lcl_payment_1.
        WHEN 2.
          "create second type of payment
          CREATE OBJECT gr_payment TYPE lcl_payment_2.
      "pass payment type to main object
      CREATE OBJECT gr_main
          ir_payment = gr_payment.
      gr_main->show_payment_val( ).
      "now client doesn't know which object it is working with
      gr_main->pay( ).
      gr_main->show_payment_val( ).
      "you can also use set_payment method to set payment type dynamically
      "client would see no change
      if pa_pay = 1.
        "now create different payment to set it dynamically
        CREATE OBJECT gr_payment TYPE lcl_payment_2.
        gr_main->set_payment( gr_payment ).
        gr_main->pay( ).
        gr_main->show_payment_val( ).

  • Toools to Analysis and Design in ABAP Objects

    Hi All?
       Somebody knows about an "Analysis and Design Tools" from SAP? I need choice an tools to documentation class in ABAP Objects. Or, is there other like free tools for JAVA?
       Is there an Analysis and Design Model recomended from SAP?
       Fábio Ferri -
       Cosultant -  ABAP/XI/ Netweaver.

    Hi Fabio,
    SAP Recommends the use of UML (Unified Modeling Language). They worked with Rational Software in order to provide an external modeling tool to supports SAP's class.
    Check this link in order to get more information.
    <a href="http://www.sapinsideronline.com/archive/volume_03_(2002)/issue_03_(july-september)/v3i3a11.cfm?session=&promo=iz1321">http://www.sapinsideronline.com/archive/volume_03_(2002)/issue_03_(july-september)/v3i3a11.cfm?session=&promo=iz1321</a>

  • Observer Design Pattern: Looking for redesign ABAP OO code example

    Hello folks,
    I am looking for an example for ABAP OO code that has been redesigned by applying the Observer Design Pattern. I would be very interested in both the code before as well as the code after the pattern is being applied.
    Thanks in advance and kind regards, Alex

    Observer can be implemented using the EVENTS.
    I had recently implemented the observer at one of my client's place. I had screen with so many ALVs. One ALV was kind of editable and other were just showing the information of the current row as well as some total information. So, initially I started with the Main ALV and SUB(1 and 2) for other ALVs. Now, when I need to refresh my ALVs based on the main ALV data, I had to explicitly update the data of the each Sub ALV. The code was kind of static and requirement was not yet fixed.
    Later on we need to add one more ALV on the same screen. It was easy to change the existing method where I was doing the explicit refresh of each ALV. But I thought of using the Events.
    I created an event REFRESH_DETAILS for main ALV. so, when data gets changed (which I was catching by DATA_CHANGED event of ALV), I raise the event.
        exporting new_data = it_Data.
    In Sub ALVs, I created the event handler method to handle the event REFRESH_DETAILS of the main ALV.
      methods: handle_refresh_details
          for event REFRESH_DETAILS of ZCL_MAIN_ALV.
    I also had to register the Handler.
      SET HANDLER me->handle_refresh_details FOR ALL INSTANCES.
    I'll soon write a post on my [ABAP Help blog|http://help-abap.zevolving.com/] with all the details.
    Naimesh Patel

  • [disc]Design pattern - immutable objects.

    I`m working more often with immutable object because it doesn`t cost as much work to keep object consistent. But sometimes an object has to be build or a reference to his child objects has to be set.
    class A{
        private ArrayList bList = new ArrayList();  
        public A(){}
        public void addB(B b){
    class B{
        private A a;
        public B(A a){
             this.a = a;
    }It`s now more complicated to make a immutable version of A.
    My question is how this problem could be solved. One solution is to add an immutable flag that could be set to true if the last B is added. But this couldn`t be checked compile time.
    Maybe there is a design pattern for this problem.
    I would like to discuss about this problem, so every thought is welcome.

    I have an Immutable Collection wrapper class that I use when I want to have a Collection be read-only.
    If you look at the JavaDoc for AbstractCollection you'll see that the add and remove methods throw UnsuportedOperationException.
    So all you have to do is implement the iterator() and size() methods. i.e.
    public class ImmutableCollection extends AbstractCollection {     
         private Collection collection;
          * only constructor
         public ImmutableCollection(Collection collection) {
              this.collection = collection;
          * returns the size of the collection
         public int size() {
              return collection.size();
          * returns a non-modifiable iterator over the elements of the collection
         public Iterator iterator() {
              return new Iterator() {
                   Iterator iterator = collection.iterator();
                   public boolean hasNext() {
                        return iterator.hasNext();
                   public Object next() {
                        return iterator.next();
                   public void remove() {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  • Flex design pattern for BlazeDS transfer objects

    Dear Community,
    I have a question regarding the nature of objects transferd from BlazeDS backend to the Flex client.
    According to some adobe docs all the presentation logic should be in flex and BlazeDS should provide only services.
    The question is what kind of transfer objects should be used? with what level of abstraction?
    To make it more clear let's talk about a simple forum application like adobe forums.
    I have created a Forum service, which returns a Forum transfer object, which has a List of Threads, with each thread having a List of Messages.
    Flex gets the Forum transfer object and does all the presentaiton work.
    This is a very nice seperatin of concerns architecture BUT there are two major performance issues:
    - when the forum becomes bigger the transfer object will be huge
    - the flex will use huge client resources to create the presentation of the forum transfer object.
    So my question is what is your strategy/ design pattern for such a problem.
    An obvious answer would be create services that include the presentation logic and use transfor objects like ThreadListPage which will include only the first 10 threads.
    Thanks in advance

    I think you are going to get a few varied types of answers to a general question like this, but I will comment on a few things.  First, you should only be transmitting the data that you need to use or display to the user at the time.  If this forum was implemented in Flex (I wish) you wouldn't transfer the text for all the threads.  You might not transfer the thread text at all (just the subjects), you'd make calls back to the server to fetch that data when and if you need it.
    Also, I think you are overestimating the resources required for the Flex "presentation layer".  If you think about it, these workstations we have here are pretty idle most of the time when you're at a website.  Nowadays there's plenty of processing power just sitting there waiting, so as long as your design isn't flawed the CPU or memory are rarely going to be a bottleneck with Flex.
    The way I design, BlazeDS (or GraniteDS etc) should mostly just be "serving data".  There is some flexibility available, for example I don't see a problem with putting certain types of business rules (such as a limit on the number of results that can be recieved in a search) within server side code, and validation rules on the Flex side.  So there's not too many "industry standards" in Flex yet beyond maybe what's done in the various standard architectures, at least not that I'm aware of.
    You might find it beneficial to look into some of the various frameworks/architectures available like Cairngorm, Mate, Swiz, and so on.  Learning how they work (looking at examples) would probably answer some of your questions too.

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