ABAP OO data fetch logic

Hi Experts,
                 I have normal report with dat fetch logic. I need to convert my normal code logic to OO abap logic using classes & methods..
      select knumh kotabnr vakey datab datbi knuma_bo
             from konh
             into corresponding fields of table i_konh
             for all entries in i_kona
             where knuma_bo eq i_kona-knuma.
Is there any easy way to write the code in OO using classes & methods.

Hi Khan,
Here is the code for your query with OO abap logic i.e. Class and methods.
TABLES: konh.
data: i_konh TYPE TABLE OF konh,
      i_kona Type TABLE OF kona.
CLASS-METHODS get_details.
METHOD get_details.
DATA: knumh   TYPE REF TO konh-knumh,
           kotabnr  TYPE REF TO konh-kotabnr,
           vakey    TYPE REF TO konh-vakey,
           datab     TYPE REF TO konh-datab,
           datbi       TYPE REF TO konh-datbi,
          knumabo TYPE REF TO konh-knuma_bo.
select knumh kotabnr vakey datab datbi knuma_bo
             from konh
             into corresponding fields of table i_konh
             for all entries in i_kona
             where knuma_bo eq i_kona-knuma.
*Global data.
  data: obj TYPE REF TO class_name.
*Event block.
CALL METHOD obj->get_details.
Edited by: K.Soundarya Singh on Mar 24, 2010 8:42 AM
Edited by: K.Soundarya Singh on Mar 24, 2010 8:43 AM

Similar Messages

  • Error while fetching data from Logical data base

    Hi All,
    I need to fetch the data from Logical data base DDF.First when i am trying demo code
    REPORT demo_program_read_tables_2.
    NODES: spfli, sflight.
    GET spfli FIELDS carrid connid cityfrom cityto.
      WRITE: / spfli-carrid,
    GET sflight FIELDS fldate.
      WRITE: / sflight-fldate.
    I am getting error like ""spfli is not a node of the logical data base __S""
    Should i declare anything esle?

    REPORT demo_logical_database.
    DATA wa_spfli TYPE spfli.
    SELECT-OPTIONS s_carr FOR wa_spfli-carrid.
    DATA: callback TYPE TABLE OF ldbcb,
          callback_wa LIKE LINE OF callback.
    DATA: seltab TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
          seltab_wa LIKE LINE OF seltab.
    callback_wa-ldbnode     = 'SPFLI'.
    callback_wa-get         = 'X'.
    callback_wa-get_late    = 'X'.
    callback_wa-cb_prog     = sy-repid.
    callback_wa-cb_form     = 'CALLBACK_SPFLI'.
    APPEND callback_wa TO callback.
    CLEAR callback_wa.
    callback_wa-ldbnode     = 'SFLIGHT'.
    callback_wa-get         = 'X'.
    callback_wa-cb_prog     = sy-repid.
    callback_wa-cb_form     = 'CALLBACK_SFLIGHT'.
    APPEND callback_wa TO callback.
    seltab_wa-kind = 'S'.
    seltab_wa-selname = 'CARRID'.
    LOOP AT s_carr.
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING s_carr TO seltab_wa.
      APPEND seltab_wa TO seltab.
              ldbname                     = 'F1S'
              variant                     = ' '
              callback                    = callback
              selections                  = seltab
              ldb_not_reentrant           = 1
              ldb_incorrect               = 2
              ldb_already_running         = 3
              ldb_error                   = 4
              ldb_selections_error        = 5
              ldb_selections_not_accepted = 6
              variant_not_existent        = 7
              variant_obsolete            = 8
              variant_error               = 9
              free_selections_error       = 10
              callback_no_event           = 11
              callback_node_duplicate     = 12
              OTHERS                      = 13.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      WRITE: 'Exception with SY-SUBRC', sy-subrc.
    FORM callback_spfli USING name  TYPE ldbn-ldbnode
                              wa    TYPE spfli
                              evt   TYPE c
                              check TYPE c.
      CASE evt.
        WHEN 'G'.
          WRITE: / wa-carrid, wa-connid, wa-cityfrom, wa-cityto.
        WHEN 'L'.
    FORM callback_sflight USING name  TYPE ldbn-ldbnode
                                wa    TYPE sflight
                                evt   TYPE c
                                check TYPE c.
      WRITE: / wa-fldate, wa-seatsocc, wa-seatsmax.

  • Attempt to fetch logical page (6:78) in database 5 failed.

    Hello every one:
    I am upgrading to SQL 2005 using sql 2000 datafiles in clustered environment.
    I have followd note 799058 hemogenious system copy. However after attaching the database, we are getting the following error message, when running SQL 2005 upgrade tools.
    I ran dbcheck on source database there is no issue, However dbcheck is failing in new database. I tried dbcheck with repais fast and dbcheck with data loss, however both attempts have failed with exact same message.
    I am not sure how to handle this error.
    Please advice.
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from master..sysdatabases where name = 'R3T'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from master..sysprocesses where dbid = db_id('R3T') and program_name like 'R3%' and uid = (select uid from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    DECLARE @n NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @ns NVARCHAR(4000) SET @ns = ''
    select case when serverproperty('Collation') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Edition') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Edition')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('InstanceName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('InstanceName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsClustered') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsClustered')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSingleUser') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSingleUser')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('MachineName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('MachineName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('NumLicenses') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('NumLicenses')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProcessID') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProcessID')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProductVersion') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductVersion')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProductLevel') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductLevel')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ServerName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ServerName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Release') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Release')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Patch') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Patch')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSysAdmin') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSysAdmin')) end
    BEGIN set @ns = @ns + @n + ';' FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @n END
    CLOSE c DEALLOCATE c select @ns
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from master..sysdatabases where name = 'R3T'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use R3T
    declare @info nvarchar(2000)
    declare @cs nvarchar(100)
    declare @tmp nvarchar(200)
    declare @rel nvarchar(100)
    declare @patch nvarchar(100)
    declare @sql nvarchar(2000)
    declare schema_cursor cursor for
    select name
    from dbo.sysusers
    where islogin = '1'
    open schema_cursor
    select @info = ''
    fetch next from schema_cursor into @cs
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    select @info = @info + @cs
    select @info = @info + ':'
    select @info = @info + cast(count(*) as varchar(20)) from sysobjects where uid = user_id(@cs) and name not in ('dtproperties')
    select @info = @info + ':'
    select @info = @info + cast(count(*) as varchar(20)) from sysobjects where uid = user_id(@cs) and type = 'U' and name not in ('dtproperties')
    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'CVERS' and uid = user_id(@cs) and type = 'U')
    select @info = @info + ':1'
    select @sql = 'select @rel = RELEASE, @patch = EXTRELEASE from ' + @cs + '.CVERS where COMPONENT = ''SAP_BASIS'''
    exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@rel nvarchar(100) output, @patch nvarchar(100) output', @rel output, @patch output
    select @info = @info + ':'
    select @info = @info + @rel
    select @info = @info + ':'
    select @info = @info + @patch
    else select @info = @info + ':0'
    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'BC_CVERS' and uid = user_id(@cs) and type = 'U')
    select @info = @info + ':1'
    else select @info = @info + ':0'
    select @info = @info + ';'
    fetch next from schema_cursor into @cs
    close schema_cursor
    deallocate schema_cursor
    select @info
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use [R3T] select count(*) from sysobjects where name like 'Y%' and type='P' and uid=user_id('r3t')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'SAPR3TDB'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    DECLARE @n NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @ns NVARCHAR(4000) SET @ns = ''
    select case when serverproperty('Collation') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Edition') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Edition')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('InstanceName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('InstanceName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsClustered') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsClustered')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSingleUser') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSingleUser')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('MachineName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('MachineName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('NumLicenses') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('NumLicenses')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProcessID') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProcessID')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProductVersion') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductVersion')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProductLevel') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductLevel')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ServerName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ServerName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Release') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Release')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Patch') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Patch')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSysAdmin') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSysAdmin')) end
    BEGIN set @ns = @ns + @n + ';' FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @n END
    CLOSE c DEALLOCATE c select @ns
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    DECLARE @n NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @ns NVARCHAR(4000) SET @ns = ''
    select case when serverproperty('Collation') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Edition') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Edition')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('InstanceName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('InstanceName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsClustered') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsClustered')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSingleUser') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSingleUser')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('MachineName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('MachineName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('NumLicenses') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('NumLicenses')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProcessID') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProcessID')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProductVersion') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductVersion')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ProductLevel') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductLevel')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('ServerName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ServerName')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Release') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Release')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('Patch') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Patch')) end
    union all select case when serverproperty('IsSysAdmin') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSysAdmin')) end
    BEGIN set @ns = @ns + @n + ';' FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @n END
    CLOSE c DEALLOCATE c select @ns
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
    reconfigure with override
    exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
    reconfigure with override
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    exec sp_dbcmptlevel 'R3T', 90
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use R3T select count(*) from sysobjects where type = 'P' and uid = user_id('r3t')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use R3T
    declare @name sysname
    declare allnames cursor for
    select name from sysobjects
    where type = 'P'
    and (name like 'Y%' or name like 'SAP%')
    and uid = user_id('r3t')
    open allnames
    fetch next from allnames into @name
    while (@@fetch_status =0)
    exec ('drop procedure [r3t].[' + @name + ']')
    fetch next from allnames into @name
    close allnames
    deallocate allnames
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Attempt to fetch logical page (6:78) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: cacgcbcrr518
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use R3T select count(*) from sysobjects where type = 'P' and uid = user_id('r3t')
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:

    2008-05-28 15:49:20.79 spid21s     Starting up database 'R3T'.
    2008-05-28 15:49:20.79 spid20s     Starting up database 'msdb'.
    2008-05-28 15:49:20.82 spid20s     1 transactions rolled forward in database 'msdb' (4). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:20.84 spid20s     0 transactions rolled back in database 'msdb' (4). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:20.84 spid20s     Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'msdb' (4). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:20.88 spid21s     Analysis of database 'R3T' (5) is 100% complete (approximately 0 seconds remain). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:20.90 spid21s     1 transactions rolled forward in database 'R3T' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid21s     0 transactions rolled back in database 'R3T' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid21s     Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'R3T' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid5s      Recovery of any in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has completed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid5s      Recovery is complete. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:25.60 spid51      Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
    2008-05-28 15:49:25.74 spid51      Using 'xpsqlbot.dll' version '2005.90.3042' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_qv'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:25.81 spid51      Using 'xpstar90.dll' version '2005.90.3042' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_instance_regread'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:49:25.82 spid51      Using 'xplog70.dll' version '2005.90.3042' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_msver'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
    2008-05-28 15:58:29.52 spid53      Setting database option SINGLE_USER to ON for database R3T.
    2008-05-28 15:58:29.52 spid53      Setting database option SINGLE_USER to ON for database R3T.
    2008-05-28 15:59:15.77 spid53      Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 3.
    2008-05-28 15:59:15.77 spid53      Attempt to fetch logical page (6:72) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
    2008-05-28 15:59:15.78 spid53      DBCC CHECKDB (R3T, repair_fast) WITH all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs executed by sa terminated abnormally due to error state 5. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 18 seconds.
    2008-05-28 16:02:17.43 spid54      Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 3.
    2008-05-28 16:02:17.43 spid54      Attempt to fetch logical page (6:72) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
    2008-05-28 16:02:17.44 spid54      DBCC CHECKDB (R3T, repair_allow_data_loss) WITH all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs executed by sa terminated abnormally due to error state 5. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 10 seconds.
    2008-05-28 16:04:53.26 spid54      Setting database option MULTI_USER to ON for database R3T.
    2008-05-28 16:04:53.26 spid54      Setting database option MULTI_USER to ON for database R3T.
    2008-05-29 00:00:06.31 spid15s     This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 2016 since 5/28/2008 3:49:21 PM (local) 5/28/2008 10:49:21 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
    2008-05-29 09:45:59.67 spid54      Error: 605, Severity: 12, State: 3.
    2008-05-29 09:45:59.67 spid54      Attempt to fetch logical page (6:72) in database 6 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
    2008-05-29 09:45:59.69 spid54      DBCC CHECKDB (R3T) WITH no_infomsgs executed by sa terminated abnormally due to error state 5. Elapsed time: 0 hours 1 minutes 20 seconds.

  • Data fetching from BSEG table

    I have used smartforms for generating suppler payment statement for financial department. more time duration is taken by the program when it is generating.
    I think this problem comes while data fetching from BSEG table. because, it has more records for one vendor ID.
    I want reduce this time duration.
    Please guide me.

    Have you tried this selection in se16? I'm quite sure that It will take
    a long time.
    The problem has been explained in this group before and I think you
    should search for bseg in the answers given.
    As a hint: It has to do with the selection universe. You are restricting
    only bukrs from the primary key (all the other restrictions in your
    where clause are filters that are applied on SAP's side (not on the
    database side)). The problem is that bseg isn't stored as separated
    fields in the RDBMS, but as a table with the primary key and a stream of
    bits in a raw field.
    You should review and change the logic you're using before reading bseg.
    It's the only way you'll improve the performance of this select. (for
    example, you could use one or more secondary index tables - bi or ba
    to retrieve belnr and access bseg with a better where clause).

  • How we can see the abap memory data

    How we can see the abap-memory data
    fine the code below
    import lsind
             from memory id 'LZUT5U11'.
    mail-id : [email protected]

    Dear Santosh,
    A logical memory model illustrates how the main memory is distributed from the view of executable programs. A distinction is made here between external sessions and internal sessions .
    An external session is usually linked to an R/3 window. You can create an external session by choosing System/Create session, or by entering /o in the command field. An external session is broken down further into internal sessions. Program data is only visible within an internal session. Each external session can include up to 20 internal sessions (stacks).
    Every program you start runs in an internal session.
    All "squares" with rounded "corners" displayed in the status diagram represent a set of data objects in the main memory.
    The data in the main memory is only visible to the program concerned.
    CALL TRANSACTION and SUBMIT AND RETURN open a new internal session that forms a new program context. The internal sessions in an external session form a memory stack. The new session is added to the top of the stack.
    When a program has finished running, the top internal session in the stack is removed, and the calling program resumes processing.
    The same occurs when the system processes a LEAVE PROGRAM statement.
    LEAVE TO TRANSACTION removes all internal sessions from the stack and opens a new one containing the program context of the calling program.
    The ABAP memory is initialized after the program is called. In other words, you cannot transfer any data to a program called with LEAVE TO TRANSACTION via the ABAP memory.
    SUBMIT replaces the internal session of the program performing the call with the internal session of the program that has been called. The new internal session contains the program context of the called program with which it is performed.
    When a function module is called, the following steps are executed:
    A check is made to establish whether your program has called a function module of the same function group previously.
    If this is not the case, the system loads the associated function group to the internal session of the calling program as an additional program group. This initializes its global data.
    If your program used a function module of the same function group before the current call, the function module that you have called up at present can access the global data of the function group. The function group is not reloaded.
    Within the internal session, all of the function modules that you call from the same group access the global data of that group.
    If, in a new internal session, you call a function module from the same function group as in internal session 1, a new set of global data is initialized for the second internal session. This means that the data accessed by function modules called in session 2 may be different from that accessed by the function modules in session 1.
    You can call function modules asynchronously as well as synchronously. To do so, you must extend the function module call using the addition STARTING NEW TASK ''. Here, '' is a symbolic name in the calling program that identifies the external session, in which the called program is executed.
    Function modules that you call using the addition STARTING NEW TASK '' are executed independently of the calling program. The calling program is not interrupted.
    To make function modules available for local asynchronous calls, you must identify them as executable remotely (processing type: Remote-enabled module).
    There are various ways of transferring data between programs that are running in different program contexts (internal sessions). You can use:
    (1) The interface of the called program (standard selection screen, or interface of a
    subroutine, function module, or dialog module)
    (2) ABAP memory
    (3) SAP memory
    (4) Database tables
    (5) Local files on your presentation server.
    For further information about transferring data between an ABAP program and your presentation server, refer to the documentation for the function modules WS_UPLOAD and WS_DOWNLOAD.
    Function modules have an interface, which you can use to pass data between the calling program and the function module itself (there is also a comparable mechanism for ABAP subroutines). If a function module supports RFC, certain restrictions apply to its interface.
    If you are calling an ABAP program that has a standard selection screen, you can pass values to the input fields. There are two options here:
    By using a variant of the standard selection screen in the program call
    By passing actual values for the input fields in the program call
    If you want to call a report program without displaying its selection screen (default setting), but still want to pass values to its input fields, there is a variety of techniques that you can use.
    The WITH addition allows you to assign values to the parameters and select-options fields on the standard selection screen.
    If the selection screen is to be displayed when the program is called, use the addition: VIA SELECTION-SCREEN.
    Use the pattern button in the ABAP Editor to insert a program call via SUBMIT. The structure shows you the names of data objects that you can complete with the standard selection screen.
    For further information on working with variants and further syntax variants for the WITH addition, see the key word documentation in the ABAP Editor for SUBMIT.
    You can use SAP memory and ABAP memory to pass data between different programs.
    The SAP memory is a user-specific memory area for storing field values. It is available in all of the open sessions in a user's terminal session, and is reset when the terminal session ends. You can use its contents as default values for screen fields. All external sessions can access SAP memory. This means that it is only of limited use for passing data between internal sessions.
    The ABAP memory is also user-specific, and is local to each external session. You can use it to pass any ABAP variables (fields, structures, internal tables, complex objects) between the internal sessions of a single external session.
    Each external session has its own ABAP memory. When you end an external session (/i in the command field), the corresponding ABAP memory is released automatically.
    To copy a set of ABAP variables and their current values (data cluster) to the ABAP memory, use the EXPORT TO MEMORY ID statement. The (up to 32 characters) is used to identify the different data clusters.
    If you repeat an EXPORT TO MEMORY ID statement to an existing data cluster, the new data overwrites the old.
    To copy data from ABAP memory to the corresponding fields of an ABAP program, use the IMPORT FROM MEMORY ID statement.
    The fields, structures, internal tables, and complex objects in a data cluster in ABAP memory must be declared identically in both the program from which you exported the data and the program into which you import it.
    To release a data cluster, use the FREE MEMORY ID statement.
    You can import just parts of a data cluster with IMPORT, since the objects are named in the cluster.
    In the SAP memory, you can define memory areas (SET/GET parameters, or parameter IDs), which you can then address by a name of up to 20 characters.
    You can fill these memory areas either using the contents of input/output fields on screens, or using the ABAP statement:
    The memory area with the name now has the value .
    You can use the contents of a memory area to display a default value in an input field on a screen.
    You can also read the memory areas from the SAP memory using the ABAP statement GET PARAMETER ID FIELD . The field then contains the value from parameter .
    The link between an input/output field and a memory area in SAP memory is inherited from the data element on which the field is based. You can enable the set parameter or get parameter attributes in the input/output field attributes.
    Once you have set the Set parameter attribute for an input/output field, you can fill it with default values from SAP memory. This is particularly useful for transactions that you call from another program without displaying the initial screen. For this purpose, you must activate the Set parameter functionality for the input fields of the first screen of the transaction.
    You can:
    (1) Copy the data that is to be used for the first screen of the transaction to be called to the parameter ID in the SAP memory. To do so, use the statement SET PARAMETER immediately before calling the transaction.
    (2) Start the transaction using CALL TRANSACTION or LEAVE TO
    TRANSACTION . If you do not want to display the initial screen, use the AND
    SKIP FIRST SCREEN addition.
    (3) The system program that starts the transaction fills the input fields that do not already have default values and for which the Get parameter attribute has been set with values from SAP memory.
    The Technical information for the input fields in the transaction you want to call contains the names of the parameter IDs that you need to use.
    Parameter IDs should be entered in table TPARA. This happens automatically if you create them via the Object navigator.
    Programs that you call using the statements SUBMIT , LEAVE TO TRANSACTION , SUBMIT AND RETURN, or CALL TRANSACTION run in their own SAP LUW, and update requests receive their own update key.
    When you use SUBMIT and LEAVE TO TRANSACTION , the SAP LUW of the calling program ends. If no COMMIT WORK statement occurred before the program call, the update requests in the log table remain incomplete and cannot be processed. They can no longer be executed. The same applies to inline changes that you make using PERFORM &#8230; ON COMMIT.
    Data that you have written to the database using inline changes is committed the next time a new screen is displayed.
    If you use SUBMIT AND RETURN or CALL TRANSACTION to insert a program and then return to the calling program, the SAP LUW of the calling program is resumed when the called program ends. The LUW processing of calling and called programs is independent.
    In other words, inline changes are committed the next time a new screen is displayed. Update requests and calls using PERFORM ... ON COMMIT require an independent COMMIT WORK statement in the SAP LUW in which they are running.
    Function modules run in the same SAP LUW as the program that calls them.
    If you call transactions with nested calls, each transaction needs its own COMMIT WORK, since each transaction maps its own SAP LUW.
    The same applies to calling executable programs, which are called using SUBMIT AND RETURN.
    The statement CALL TRANSACTION allows you to
    Shorten the user dialog when calling using CALL TRANSACTION USING .
    Determine the type of update (asynchronous, local, or synchronous) for the transaction called. For this purpose, use the addition CALL TRANSACTION USING UPDATE 'update_mode', where update_mode can have the values a (asynchronous), L (local), or S (synchronous).
    Combining the two options enables you to call several transactions in sequence (logical chain), to reduce their screen sequence, and to postpone processing of the SAP LUW 2 until processing of the SAP LUW 1 has been completed.
    When you call a function module asynchronously using the CALL FUNCTION STARTING NEW TASK ' ' statement, it runs in its own SAP LUW.
    Programs that are executed with a SUBMIT AND RETURN or CALL
    TRANSACTION statement starts their own LUW processing. You can use these to perform nested (complex) LUW processing.
    You can use function modules as modularization units within an SAP LUW.
    Function modules that are called asynchronously are suitable for programs that allow parallel processing of some of their components.
    All techniques are suitable for including programs with purely display functions.
    Note that a function module called with CALL FUNCTION STARTING NEW TASK is executed as a new logon. It, therefore, sees a separate SAP memory area. You can use the interface of the function module for data transfers.
    Example: In your program, you want to call a display transaction that is displayed in a separate window (amodal). To do so, you encapsulate the transaction call in a function module, which you set as to Remote-enabled module. You use the function module interface to accept values that you write to the SAP memory. You then call up the transaction in the function module using CALL TRANSACTION AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN. You call the function module itself asynchronously.
    Type &#8216;E' locks for nested program calls may be requested more than once from the same object. This behavior can be described as follows:
    Lock entries from function modules called synchronously increment the cumulative counter, And are therefore successful.
    Lock entries from programs called with CALL TRANSACTION or SUBMIT
    RETURN is refused. The object to be locked by the called program is displayed as already Locked by another user.
    Programs that you call using SUBMIT or LEAVE TO TRANSACTION cannot come into conflict with lock entries from the calling program, since the old program ends when the call is made. When a program ends, the system deletes all of the lock entries that it had set.
    Lock requests belonging to the same user from different R/3 windows or logons are treated as lock requests from other users.
    Please reward points if found helpful.

  • Insert data to Logical Database

    Hi all,
    can i insert the data throught logical database ? how to insert ?

    Check the below link .
    Sample program for fetching data using LDB

  • Attempt to fetch logical page ERROR

    Hi all !! there are many read error from my error log :
    Attempt to fetch logical page (1:106) in database 6 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 196608 not to 281474980642816.
    I read DBCC checkDB.... the it asked me to run dbcc checkcatalog,, however there is no error.
    any one has idea ??

    I think you need to drill down to to the object level to see what happened, perhaps rebuild index will solve the problem. Use Paul's stored procedure
        , i.name AS 'indexName'
        , p.partition_number
        , au.type_desc
        , CONVERT (VARCHAR(6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 1, 1))) AS 'firstPage'
        , CONVERT (VARCHAR(6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 1, 1))) AS 'rootPage'
        , CONVERT (VARCHAR(6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 1, 1))) AS 'firstIAM_page'
    FROM sys.indexes AS i
    Join sys.partitions AS p
        ON i.OBJECT_ID = p.OBJECT_ID
        And i.index_id = p.index_id
    Join sys.system_internals_allocation_units AS au
        ON p.hobt_id = au.container_id
    ----WHERE OBJECT_NAME(p.OBJECT_ID) = 'ProductReview'
    ORDER BY tableName;
    DBCC TraceOn (3604);
    DBCC Page (AdventureWorks, 1, 3038, 3);
    DBCC TraceOff (3604);
    USE AdventureWorks;
    EXEC sp_AllocationMetadata 'HumanResources.Employee';
    USE master;
    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_AllocationMetadata') IS NOT NULL
       DROP PROCEDURE sp_AllocationMetadata;
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_AllocationMetadata
       @object VARCHAR (128) = NULL
       OBJECT_NAME (sp.object_id) AS [Object Name],
       sp.index_id AS [Index ID],
       sa.allocation_unit_id AS [Alloc Unit ID],
       sa.type_desc AS [Alloc Unit Type],
       '(' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 1, 1))) +
       ')' AS [First Page],
       '(' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (20),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 1, 1))) +
       ')' AS [Root Page],
       '(' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (20),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 1, 1))) +
       ')' AS [First IAM Page] 
       sys.system_internals_allocation_units AS sa,
       sys.partitions AS sp
       sa.container_id = sp.partition_id
       AND sp.object_id =
          (CASE WHEN (@object IS NULL)
             THEN sp.object_id
             ELSE OBJECT_ID (@object)
    EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_AllocationMetadata;
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • ABAP System data is not showing in SLD

    Hi All,
    I need to see ABAP System data in to my Java SLD, but presently i cant may be due to 2 main issues--
    1. I have configured all the connections related to RFC properly & SLDCHECK is also giving Green status, but when i ran data collector job in RZ70,. it is giving me following logs
    SLD DS Start Program
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDRFC
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDMSGSRV
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDIPSERV
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDINSTSP
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDINSTSC
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDINSTPRD
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDGWSRV
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDDBSYS
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDCOMPSYS
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDCLIENT
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDBCSYS
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDAPPL_SERV
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Execute program: SLDASSOC
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Collection of SLD data finished
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Data collected successfully
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : RFC data prepared
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Used RFC destination: SLD_NUC
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : RFC call failed: Error when opening an RFC connection
        0: inmumsap18_BW2_00                         : Test mode: No batch job created
    i did created SLD_NUC entry in Visual admin of my source system then it gives me error of "RFC call failed: JCO.Server could not find server function 'SET_SLD_DATA'.
    So now i need to know, whether this job is actually fetching me data or not?
    Also, when i check in SLD-Administration-data supplier tab, there it shows me my RFC server threads are down, so what to do for it? I did saw in one note, saying Restarting complete server will help, but i think that should be last option, so need to any other solutions prior to that?
    Please also tell me, whether anything else to do for having ABAP system in NWA, i need to do basic activities from NWA for ABAP system?

    This is dual stack, but still i'm not able to see the system.
    Also tell me, in SLD when i'm checking SLD Data supplier in Details tab, it is showing me RFC Server threads as down.
    For example--
    RFC server threads:
    [DOWN] NUC:localhost_sapgw_SLD_NUC_160375285
    [DOWN] UC :localhost_sapgw_SLD_UC_1570432430
    [DOWN] NUC:localhost_sapgw_SLD_NUC_1566747572
    [DOWN] UC :localhost_sapgw_SLD_UC_131845580
    Is this hampering anything?
    Also, in SLD, i'm not able to see Server Settings button/option in main page along with SLD Data Supplier starting option. I have already given concerned roles to my User J2EE_ADMIN, by which i'm logging in to the SLD, as this is my Administrator user.

  • Deleting the data from logical file/unix file

    Hi all.
        I need to delete the all the data from logical file (application server file/unix file).But I dont want to delete the logical file ( only data in the logical file should be deleted, i.e making file empty)
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sami,
    Refer thsi document https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/4d7aeb7d-0c01-0010-fa8a-a4a8e8968a93.

  • OBIEE 11g - Data Fetch Issue.

    I am facing this weird issue regarding data fetching while executing Reports in OBIEE When I login to the BI user interface and execute any report for the first time, everything is working fine. Bt after that I am not able to execute any report later. Even the report executed for the first time, when I rebuilt and execute it I cannot see the data this time. The Results user interface says - The layout of this view combined with the data,selections,drills or prompt values choosen resulted in no data.
    Thanks in advance.

    I also encounter the same issue. When I view combined layout, I get the No Results message. But when I edit the table layout, I see that there are records returned. Does anyone had any luck in resolving this issue?

  • ABAP Query - addition of logic in infoset

    Hi Friends,
    I have generated a query and there is a problem. There is a field 'Cycle count date'. Each material can have more than 1 count date. So my report displays repeated lines with same material and other details remaining same except that there are different count dates. Hence the users think there is a repetition of entries.
    The requirement is to have only the most recent count date displayed and all the other lines should be removed.
    I tried coding for the internal table %G00 (the table in the system generated code) but the infoset is throwing an error that the table is not declared. And if I declare, the system says same internal table declared twice (since it is already declared in the system generated code).
    How do I code for this in the infoset.
    Appreciate your quick response.

    Here is what you should do:
    1. In the infoset, go to event END-OF-SELECTION(After list).
        Here you'll find table %G00 with final data to be displayed.
    2. You should enter the following ABAP code:
        data: str type string.
       field-symbols: <GOO> type table.
       field-symbols: <GOO_WA> type any.
       str = '%g00[]'.
       ASSIGN (str) TO <GOO>.
       loop at <GOO> assigning <GOO_WA>.
       ...do whatever you like here....
    3. Of course, you don't need to do a loop here, you can do whatever you want.
    This solution was created with the brilihant developer Hayit Yuzis.
    Good luck
    Yasmin Yezerski.

  • Data Conversion Logic

    I am now trying to implement a data conversion logic(such as UOM field), I want to load all the data conversion rules in the cache from file and keep them in the cache. So when mapping starts it just picks up the data conversion rules from the cache.
    Using GlobalContainer it is ok for one mapping even several UOM fields(just load from file once). But it will load from file again when the mapping is triggered again.
    Is there any logic I can use to implememt the data conversion just load from file once?

    Hi Arnold,
    normally every input should be made in LC, why you enter the data in group currency?
    However if you have to start from group currency the only solution to avoid this error is to put at the end of sprunconversion the ON_ERROR_CONTINUE clause.
    But remember he will stop to notify every type of error so you have to be very careful and have this clear in mind when some issue occurs with the currency conversion.

  • Pivot Table Data Fetching

    Greetings. I have problem with data fetching in pivot table.
    I can see only 25 rows in it. Any ideas with my problem.

    Try increasing the rangeSize of the iterator to some value like 150?

  • Data fetch problem from EBAN table

    Hi All,
    I have a problem in data fetching. My SQL statement is
            SELECT    A~BANFN
              FROM EBAN AS A
              WHERE     A~STATU IN S_STATU
              AND       A~EKGRP  = S_EKGRP
              AND       A~BANPR  = '05'
              AND       AFNAM  IN P_AFNAM
              AND       BEDNR  IN P_BEDNR .
    In EBAN table data in AFNAM field is like 'Mech', 'mech' & 'Mech'
    Now in selection screen if user give Mech then system picks only that data where 'Mech' is there but requirement is it should pick all data related to ('Mech', 'mech', 'Mech') in AFNAM field. How do I do?
    Thanks and regards,
    Rajesh Vasudeva

    What you ask is not easy but it is feasible.
    We had the same request to make a case-insensitive search on a text field.
    As a reference for our development we took the following example:
    In short : the purpose is that first of all you build up a list of all possible values in a separate internal table.
    Then use this separate internal table in the FOR ALL ENTRIES clause when you perform the select on the actual data.

  • How can i get my oxygen 8 to transfer data into Logic?

    i use an Oxygen 8 midi-keyboard and the Presonus firebox-interface with my Logic pro 7.
    how can i get my oxygen 8 to transfer data into Logic?
    its like there is no connection between the two.
    but its not the cables, since everything was running fine before.
    can anybody help me ?

    Go into the Audio MIDI Setup utility and check to see if you see it there. Considering that the Oxygen 8 is class compliant, you should just be able to plug it into the Mac. Perhaps, all it needs it to be recycled (turn it off and on again).

Maybe you are looking for

  • Oracle equivalent of "for xml auto, elements"

    Apologies if this is a bit of a "newbie" question. I have a .NET application that makes extensive use of the SQL Server syntax "for xml auto, elements" to retrieve data as an XML stream and then merge this with XSL to produce reports. I would like to

  • How to check apache pl/sql listener port

    hai can any tell me how to check apache pl/sql listener port Thanks BhanuChander

  • Playcount sync with WMP10- ZEN MI

    Hi, OK, i use WMP0 and have firmware 2.20.05- since the upgrade I have been using the improved functions of WMP0 a lot to create auto-playlists, a number of which revolve around how recently I listed to the tracks (eg 4* rated not heard for a month..

  • Accounts in Invoice Verification

    What are the various accounts used in Invoice Verification Regards Kapil

  • Why is text, icons and pictures pixelated on my retina macbook?

    I have a late 2012 retina macbook pro 15.4 inch. I have the nvidia 650m 1gb card. all mac icons and webpages look great except some icons, when I open a file and I am browsing for the icons for pictures, txt files or video are pixelated and of poor q