Advertise OSPF with higher cost

hi all,
I need to implement following scenario and i really need your help in this regard.
My active path toward Branch Office should be via 'CORE ACTIVE' and 'WAN Edge Actve'.
In case of 'WAN Edge Acive ' failure , I need to traverse that traffic through 'WAN Edge Backup'.
I used AS path prepend to implement this in BGP Configuration.
I want to Advertise OSPF routes with higher cost from 'Core Backup'
1) How should I do this ?
2) Is there any other better alternate solution which I can use ?
Thanks a lot for your time and consideration.

Hello Harshaabba,
In the past, this is how I have accomplished this in similar situations.
Under the OSPF config, something similar to this.
 distance 15 99
access-list 99 permit
access-list 99 permit
(15) = AD = OSPF Router ID = wildcard bits
99 = Access list to match
Note: This isn't always the best solution, but after looking at your diagram, this should work just fine.

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  • Why optimizer select plan with higher cost?

    Why optimizer select plan with higher cost?
    SQL with hint:
    SELECT /*+ index(ordm ORDA_PK) */
    ordm.orders_id h_docid, ordm.customer_nr h_clientid,
    ordm.cl_doc_type_code h_doctype,
    ordm.cl_doc_status_code cl_doc_status_code,
    ordm.cl_external_error_code h_errorcode, ordm.sys_version_id h_version,
    ordm.doc_number po_number, ordm.curdate po_curdate,
    ordm.cl_currency_code po_curr,
    TO_CHAR (ordm.amount, 'FM999999999999990.00') po_amount,
    ordm.account_nr po_cust_accnum, ordm.customer_name po_cust_name,
    ordd.cl_currency_cust_code po_cust_curr,
    TO_CHAR (ordd.cust_rate, 'FM999999999990.0099999999') po_cust_rate,
    ordd.cust_confirm po_cust_conf, ordd.ben_name po_ben_name,
    ordd.ben_accnum po_ben_accnum,
    ordd.cl_external_payment_code po_cust_amk, ordd.ben_info po_ben_info,
    ordd.comments po_comments
    FROM FINIX_IB.orders_archive ordm, FINIX_IB.orders_archive_fields ordd
    WHERE ordm.orders_id = ordd.orders_id (+)
    AND ordm.orders_id = NVL (4353, ordm.orders_id)
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=4918 Card=1 Bytes=185)
    1 0 NESTED LOOPS (OUTER) (Cost=4918 Card=1 Bytes=185)
    2 1 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'ORDERS_ARCHIVE' (TABLE) (Cost=4916 Card=1 Bytes=87)
    3 2 INDEX (FULL SCAN) OF 'ORDA_PK' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=4915 Card=1)
    5 4 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'ORDAF_ORDA_FK' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=1)
    0 recursive calls
    0 db block gets
    4792 consistent gets
    4786 physical reads
    0 redo size
    1020 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    237 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    1 rows processed
    SQL without hint:
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=9675 Card=1 Bytes=185)
    1 0 NESTED LOOPS (OUTER) (Cost=9675 Card=1 Bytes=185)
    2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'ORDERS_ARCHIVE' (TABLE) (Cost=9673 Card=1 Bytes=87)
    4 3 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'ORDAF_ORDA_FK' (INDEX) (Cost=1 Card=1)
    1 recursive calls
    0 db block gets
    39706 consistent gets
    39694 physical reads
    0 redo size
    1037 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    237 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    1 rows processed

    The way you are comparing costs, is not the right way, as Billy already told you. Only for one query, the cost of different access paths can be compared, as can be seen in a 10053 trace.
    However, your problem seems to arise from the fact that you use the NVL function in the predicate "ordm.orders_id = NVL (4353, ordm.orders_id)". The NVL function always evaluates both expressions, so it has to do a "ordm.orders_id = 4353" and a "ordm.orders_id = ordm.orders_id". This is why both alternatives will show a full scan on your orders_archive table cq. orda_pk index.
    You are probably suppling a bind variable to this statement which in some cases contains a null and in some other cases contains a number. If by any chance you always supply a number, then the solution is easy: drop the NVL function and change the predicate to "ordm.orders_id = :<your bind variable>". If not, then you have combined two queries into one, where both variants each have its own optimal plan, but they have to share their plan due to bind variable peeking.
    To solve this, I think you have two options:
    1) Make sure your statement is reparsed everytime. If your statement doesn't get executed often, this strategy might work. You might implement this by doing unnecessary dynamic sql.
    2) Split your query into two queries where one handles the constant number input and the other handles the null/no input.
    Below are some test results I used for research:
    SQL> create table orders_archive
      2  as
      3  select l orders_id, lpad('*',100,'*') filler from (select level l from dual connect by level <= 10000)
      4  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> create table orders_archive_fields
      2  as
      3  select l field_id, l+500 orders_id, lpad('*',100,'*') filler from (select level l from dual connect by level <= 9000)
      4  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> alter table orders_archive add constraint orda_pk primary key (orders_id)
      2  /
    Tabel is gewijzigd.
    SQL> alter table orders_archive_fields add constraint ordaf_pk primary key (field_id)
      2  /
    Tabel is gewijzigd.
    SQL> alter table orders_archive_fields add constraint ordaf_orda_fk foreign key (orders_id) references orders_archive(orders_id)
      2  /
    Tabel is gewijzigd.
    SQL> create index ordaf_orda_fk on orders_archive_fields(orders_id)
      2  /
    Index is aangemaakt.
    SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'ORDERS_ARCHIVE',cascade=>true)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'ORDERS_ARCHIVE_FIELDS',cascade=>true)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    SQL> explain plan
      2  for
      3  SELECT /*+ index(ordm ORDA_PK) */
      4  ordm.orders_id h_docid, ordm.filler, ordd.filler
      5  FROM orders_archive ordm, orders_archive_fields ordd
      6  WHERE ordm.orders_id = ordd.orders_id (+)
      7  AND ordm.orders_id = NVL(4353,ordm.orders_id)
      8  /
    Uitleg is gegeven.
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
      2  /
    | Id  | Operation                    |  Name                  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                        |     1 |   209 |     8   (0)|
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS OUTER          |                        |     1 |   209 |     8   (0)|
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ORDERS_ARCHIVE         |     1 |   104 |     7   (0)|
    |*  3 |    INDEX FULL SCAN           | ORDA_PK                |     1 |       |    22   (5)|
    |   4 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ORDERS_ARCHIVE_FIELDS  |     1 |   105 |     2  (50)|
    |*  5 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | ORDAF_ORDA_FK          |     1 |       |            |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       3 - filter("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"=NVL(4353,"ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"))
       5 - access("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"="ORDD"."ORDERS_ID"(+))
    17 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
    SQL> exec dbms_lock.sleep(1)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    SQL> explain plan
      2  for
      3  SELECT
      4  ordm.orders_id h_docid, ordm.filler, ordd.filler
      5  FROM orders_archive ordm, orders_archive_fields ordd
      6  WHERE ordm.orders_id = ordd.orders_id (+)
      7  AND ordm.orders_id = NVL(4353,ordm.orders_id)
      8  /
    Uitleg is gegeven.
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
      2  /
    | Id  | Operation                    |  Name                  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                        |     1 |   209 |    47   (7)|
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS OUTER          |                        |     1 |   209 |    47   (7)|
    |*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL          | ORDERS_ARCHIVE         |     1 |   104 |    46   (7)|
    |   3 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ORDERS_ARCHIVE_FIELDS  |     1 |   105 |     2  (50)|
    |*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | ORDAF_ORDA_FK          |     1 |       |            |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - filter("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"=NVL(4353,"ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"))
       4 - access("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"="ORDD"."ORDERS_ID"(+))
    16 rijen zijn geselecteerd.So this shows I reproduced your situation. Because the decode function doesn't evaluate all its arguments, but evaluates the first argument to see which arguments to evaluate, you'll see different behaviour now.
    SQL> exec dbms_lock.sleep(1)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    SQL> explain plan
      2  for
      3  SELECT
      4  ordm.orders_id h_docid, ordm.filler, ordd.filler
      5  FROM orders_archive ordm, orders_archive_fields ordd
      6  WHERE ordm.orders_id = ordd.orders_id (+)
      7  AND ordm.orders_id = decode(4353,null,ordm.orders_id,4353)
      8  /
    Uitleg is gegeven.
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
      2  /
    | Id  | Operation                    |  Name                  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                        |     1 |   209 |     3  (34)|
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS OUTER          |                        |     1 |   209 |     3  (34)|
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ORDERS_ARCHIVE         |     1 |   104 |     2  (50)|
    |*  3 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | ORDA_PK                |     1 |       |     2  (50)|
    |   4 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ORDERS_ARCHIVE_FIELDS  |     1 |   105 |     2  (50)|
    |*  5 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | ORDAF_ORDA_FK          |     1 |       |            |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       3 - access("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"=4353)
       5 - access("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"="ORDD"."ORDERS_ID"(+))
    17 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
    SQL> exec dbms_lock.sleep(1)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    SQL> explain plan
      2  for
      3  SELECT
      4  ordm.orders_id h_docid, ordm.filler, ordd.filler
      5  FROM orders_archive ordm, orders_archive_fields ordd
      6  WHERE ordm.orders_id = ordd.orders_id (+)
      7  AND ordm.orders_id = decode(null,null,ordm.orders_id,null)
      8  /
    Uitleg is gegeven.
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display)
      2  /
    | Id  | Operation                    |  Name                  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                        |     1 |   209 |    46   (5)|
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS OUTER          |                        |     1 |   209 |    46   (5)|
    |*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL          | ORDERS_ARCHIVE         |     1 |   104 |    45   (5)|
    |   3 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ORDERS_ARCHIVE_FIELDS  |     1 |   105 |     2  (50)|
    |*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | ORDAF_ORDA_FK          |     1 |       |            |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - filter("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"="ORDM"."ORDERS_ID")
       4 - access("ORDM"."ORDERS_ID"="ORDD"."ORDERS_ID"(+))
    16 rijen zijn geselecteerd.So two different plans depending on the input.

  • Product costing with components purchased in countries with high inflation

    Hi guru,
    I have the following problem. My company produced in Italy but buy some component from India, that is a country with high inflation.
    When I run the product costing for a finished product in Italy, in which way I can consider the high inflation in India? My doubt is that I can have a wrong product costing because the value of component is not correct

    Product costing allows recursive BOM with certain restrictions. Kindly check the following link for more information on recursiveness:

  • Key Pad Problem with my Curve 8520 & the HIGH COST of owning a BB

    I used to keenly watch RIM and its progress and how it created a niche for itself and how it started successfully fighting the goliaths who were entering into this niche. 
    This love culminated in me buying a Curve 8520  through Airtel, my GSM service provider against the wishes of my wife. I paid a huge (per my standards) Rupees (Rs) 12500 for the instrument.
    This Monday, while I was responding to a text message I realised that 2 of the keys ( R & H)  are not responding. I thought this is a temporary glitch and I switched off and switched on to realise that this has not changed. Added to the problem was that the faulty key is part of the PIN and the device cannot be activated.
    I contacted my service provider who quoted  Rs 7000 for repairing the key. Since I am maintaining a strict diet and a healthy lifestyle I did not get a cardiac arrest though I could feel a numbness in my head when I heard the estimate.
    When I told the person on the other side of the phone that this is unfair...He also agreed and said that many customers have complained about the high cost of ownership and that RIM might reduce their prices in Jan 2012.. But I can't hold on without using the instrument till jan 2012
    Now I remember that my car (Ford Fiesta) was also bought during the same month as my BB phone. Let me confess that I have not spend even Rs 3000 on maintaining that car so far despite me driving  80 kilometers 5 days a week..
    My Request:
    Sorry for the rambling...Coming to my request.
    I cannot afford to spend Rs 7000 for a repair and I expect RIM to do this free (why should key pad of a carefully used phone fail in 14 months) or a maximum of Rs 500. While I love the features and by now I am sort of addicted to this pet of mine, I am also practical enough to realise that I should not spend out of my means.....So I will have to switch back to a normal phone....
    Is there any other way out ?
    Chennai, India

    OK, it may not be a powered USB socket on the PC. You will need to check you have the right driver. One way to check the connection is in the settings in the BB under memory there is a mass storage mode support which needs ot be on and the auto enable mass storage mode when enabled when connected. This will usually allow you to see the BB like a external hard drive or camera in windows explorer when you connect it.
    If that fails check in the PC device manager for an appropriate device with a problem - usually has a yellow exclamation mark next to it

  • I want to create a HD disc with my Adobe Premier Elements but I am getting low resolution.  When I go to share the DVD to disc the form only offers 8pixels at the bottom.  How do I burn this DVD in HD with higher number of pixels?

    I want to create a HD disc with my Adobe Premier Elements but I am getting low resolution.  When I go to share the DVD to disc the form only offers 8pixels at the bottom.  How do I burn this DVD in HD with higher number of pixels?  I have read other forums on burning HD DVD's but I do not see the option to turn the 8 pi into 40 pi the one forum recommended.  I want my DVD to be HD so I may sell these videos online for my business.  I can't sell them the low quality they are burning now.  Hopefully you can help me.  Thanks.

    Thank you for your reply.
    You cannot burn your high resolution video that you can view on your computer to an AVCHD on DVD disc
    that will replay through a regular DVD player. But players are marketed under a variety of names with
    different support opportunities. One manufacturer may call its product MultiMedia Player, media player, Blu-ray player,
    etc.The bottom line is the specifications for each of the players that are candidates for the playback of
    the AVCHD format on DVD disc or the format of interest.
    If you upload your HD (1920 x 1080) video to YouTube, YouTube converts the video to flash format, but it goes up as the HD video.
    But, beware. Look at the YouTube viewing setting when your uploaded video is playing back. The YouTube default is not
    HD. It might be 360p, 480p. If you have a 1080p video, then before the YouTube playback, you should be looking
    at the video with the YouTube 1080p HD setting for best viewing. That is a YouTube matter.
    Best results depend on you
    a. setting up the Premiere Elements project preset to match the properties of the source media. That means, if
    you have 1080p source, you (manually) or the project (automatically) set the project preset at
    DSLR [email protected]
    or the PAL counterpart, depending on your region need.
    b. if you upload your video to YouTube using the Premiere Elements feature, there is a HD preset, but you cannot
    customize it.....if you need customization, then you can export your Timeline to a this example
    with Presets = MP4 H.264 1920 x 1080p30 or PAL counterpart
    and then customize the preset under the Advanced Button/Video Tab of that preset. In increase quality, you might look to increase
    the Bitrate under Advanced Button/Video Tab settings - without compromising the file size.
    Then you would upload that file to YouTube at the YouTube web site.
    All of the above are factors that need looking into in order to determine the why for what you wrote
    I have published a shortened advertisement video to YouTube- say 5 minutes-
    and it is low quality
    Often SD video upscaled to HD can present poorly. But, you are dealing with a HD workflow so that should not be introduced into the matter. The setup of the project and
    the properties of the source video are important, but let us start with the above and rule in or out those considerations first.
    Thank you. As always, any clarification needed, please do not hesitate to ask.

  • CK24 - mark and release with different costing version

    We are currently using standard costing variant PPC1 and costing version 1 to mark and release the standard costs. However when we try to recost the material cost due to price changes, system does not allow to mark & release revised standard cost if we try to mark & release on same day. pls note standard cost estimate is already released for the month. And we do not want to delete existing standard cost estimate. Instead we want to explore other options. We are using 4.7.
    My questions are :
      a) Can recost using costing version 2? CK11N allows to save the costing result. However in CK24 Marking allowance, system does not allow to change Costing Version. is there any config option to change this.
    b) If  we cannot use different cost version, can we update material cost with same costing variant (PPC1) and costing version (1) in this case. However when we tried to do recost with same costing variant & verison on same day, system gives an error 'Material AAAA in plant MMM has a released cost estimate.'
    Any inputs on above issue highly appreciated.

    While, you can use any of the Costing versions to mark & release Standard cost estimate, you can release Cost estimate only once in a fiscal period. If you want to release correct prices, then you have delete existing released cost estimates using CKR1 transaction and then re-run CK40N to release.
    Hope this helps.

  • Infrared picture with high resolution

    I'm very familiar with LabVIEW programming, have set up a couple of applications with ordinary cameras, but have never worked with IR  before. Now I'm interested in a infrared picture with as high resolution as possible, and I don't really need a video-film, one picture every 10 seconds is probably more than good enough. What's out there on the market for anything like this ?

    If by IR you mean thermal, high resolution and high cost are the norm.
    FLIR is probably the largest supplier.  you can get HD resolution from a FLIR SC8300, but the cost in $200K+.  The FLIR SC line typically have resolutions of 640x512, but they are cooled cameras, which is part of the reason why they are so expensive.
    On the lower end, still at around 640x480, you have the A615, around $20K, or the A65 at around $9K.  The A6x5/A3x5, and Ax5 series cameras all support GENiCAM, and work very well with NI Vision Development Module. 
    Machine Vision, Robotics, Embedded Systems, Surveillance - Custom Imaging Solutions

  • How to treat high cost materials as AuCs/Assets

    We purchase high cost materials from a vendor.
    Our business requiement is
    1) When these materials are in storage , it should be treated as AuCs?
    2) When they are installed on an equipment , it should be treated as a capitalized asset?
    3) Visibility is required on numbe of items in storage and insalled
    We tried capital internal orders but they do not suit requirements as they hit P&L account upon issue and also on settlement , it goes to AuC account, Business wants to treat this as asset on installation.
    Is there a way to map the above scenario?

    Thanks for the answer.
    In procuring an AuC with a purchase order , can we have the option of sub-contracting
    (Item cateogy=L) where we send child parts to a vendor and the vendor sends the finished part  and we receive it as an AuC in our stores?

  • Anyone using durable topics with high data volumes?

    We're evaluating JMS implementations, and our requirements call for durable subscribers, where subscribers can go down for several hours, while the MQ server accumulates a large number of messages.
    Is anyone using Sun MQ in a similar scenario? How is it holding up?
    Sun folks, do you know of production installations that use durable topics with high data volumes?

    We are using a cluster of Sun�s JMS MQ 3.6 with durable message queues and persistent topics. In a 4 hour window each night we run over 20,000 messages through a queue. The cluster sits on two Windows servers, the producer client is on a AIX box and the consumer is running on a iSeries. Within the 20,000 messages are over 400,000 transactions. Each message can have many transactions. Yes, the iSeries client has gone down twice and the producer continued with the message queue pilling up, as it should. We just use the topic to send and receive command and status inquiries to the clients. So every thing works fine. We have only had a couple issues with a client locking and that maybe fixed with sp3, we are in the process of installing that. The only other issue we have had is that once in a while the producer tries to send an object message with to many transactions and it throws and JMS exceptions. So we put a cap on the size of the messages, if its over a set number of transactions it send each transaction as separately, otherwise it sends all the transactions in one object type (linked list of transactions) message. Compare the cost of this JMS system with Tibco or Sonic and you�re looking at big savings.

  • Create at runtime a job to run at the central instance with high priority

    Hi All
    Using the function modules  (  job_open, job_submit and job_close )  or ( job_open, submit via job  jobname number jobcount, job_close) I need that this job runs in the central instance and with high priority.
    I would like to know how to  inform  it using the statements above?  How to pass the parameters to make the job run in the central instance with high priority?
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thanks in advance.
    João Gaia

    I hadn't realized about the parameter TARGETSERVER of  the function module JOBCLOSE. I am going to make some tests.
    thanks in advance

  • CO-PA Cost Component do not match with Standard Cost Component Values

    Dear Members,
    The CO-PA Cost Components (as mapped through KE4R), do not match with Standard Cost Component values for the Group Currency. In local currency the values match.
    System is correctly picking up VPRS value, both in local currency and Group Currency, which is equal to the total of Standard Cost Components however, it is the Value Fields linked to the Standard Cost Components in Group Currency that do not match.
    In KE40, the Indicator is 4:Released Standard Cost Estimate matching Goods issue Date.
    I have verified KEPH/CKMLPKEPH tables. The values are same as that of VPRS.
    Any help/clues?

    In case of billing documents the group valuation approach is managed in the data structures of the legal valuation in additional value fields. To control costs and revenues in the different views separately, you must create additional value fields and assign them to the data structures.
    The field contents must be filled via the CO-PA user exit, they cannot be entered by assigning conditions to value fields. The profit center valuation is updated in a separate ledger. No separate value fields are necessary.
    The exit to be used is function module 'EXIT_SAPLKEII_002' ( enhancement COPA0005 ). Within the exit you have the complete SD data avaialble in the tables 'T_ACCIT' and 'T_ACCCR'. The conditions can be found in T_ACCIT and the corresponding values ( linked via 'POSNR' ) in table T_ACCCR. The PA line item and the corresponding SD item in table ACCIT
    can be mapped via the line item field 'RPOSN' and the field 'POSNR_SD' in table ACCIT.

  • Sales order display-how to change color of item with high level 0

    Please does anyone know how can i chenge the color of item with high level 0 in display of sales order in red or yellow so it can be seen better for better searching on page?
    thank you in advance...

    You'd probably have to do a modification in SD for that. But what you can do, is make the higher level item not changeable. You could also set the display range to UHAU to only see the main items, do this in transaction VOV8. Or you could change your item category in VOV7 only to show main items.
    good luck

  • Compare with my cost of goods sold account to my sales revenue account

    i want to compare with my cost of goods sold account to my sales revenue account.
    After PGI my COGS a/c will be debited INVENTORY a/c will be credited so after sales my SALES a/c credit & customer a/c debit . I want to see what is the difference value of COGS a/c with respective billing Sales A/C
    No doudt we can see in Profit of margin in billing doc. It is quite impossible to see all document in respective wise. Please give a solution for which i can know what is profit of margin with comparing values in both of Account.

    This is possible through CO-PA report. You can get the result per sales order.
    Also the same can be achieved in FI as follows:
    Outbound delivery document thr" VL01N is captured in "Reference field" of FI doc (BKPF-XBLNR) generated through delivery.
    If the settings are done by SD person to capture the outbound delivery no. in "Reference field" of FI doc generated through Billing document (VF01), then there will be a common field to compare the documents in both accounts.
    In transaction FAGLL03, select the account COGS & Sales revenue account. Once the report displays, sort or take sub total on this common field "Reference".
    This will give you difference between COGS & Sales revenue per document.
    Hope this resolves your query.

  • Windows 7 and Networks with High Latency

    We are currently trying to rollout Windows 7 on our network to replace XP but have encountered an issue whereby we have remote clients that access the network over high-latency satallite links (BGAN and Vocality/Satellite). The latency of the links (based
    on ping results) can be 600ms for Vocality and 1-3s for BGANs.
    The particular services that don't work are a full motion video solution using TVI Viewer 7.9.1 and Outlook 2003 or 2007. These work fine on Windows XP. Shares can be accessed but are significantly slower than XP and ping does respond fine.
    Windows 7 is running on Panasonic Toughbook CF52 and CF74 and I've tested in with a vanilla install with no updates and not on the Domain (2008R2 native) to eliminate GPO interference and tried it with all MS updates as of about 2 months ago.
    I've tried removing the extra services on the network card (Topology Discovery, ipv6 and QoS), updated to the latest NIC drivers from Panasonic and drivers from Intel themselves. Reduced the MTU to as low as 500 and increased the Frame size (I forget what
    to but was following a guide for slow links).
    I've successfully replicated the issue on out development system using a satallite simulator.
    Windows 7 with Outlook and TVI work fine on our network when connected via the LAN, ADSL, 3G and WiFi.
    I'm currently analysing Wireshark captures but they don't seem any different to the XP ones.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I noticed that your issue just happened when you use satellite transmission connection.
    The fact is that this kind of connection in Windows 7 use TCP protocol. Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) under ideal conditions can provide reliable data delivery, but it is inherent in the existence of a throughput bottleneck, with the emergence on
    the long-distance WAN packet loss and latency increases, the bottleneck is becoming more prominent and serious. In satellite networks with high loss, effective throughput may be as low as 0.1% - 10% of available bandwidth.
    However, FASP can be the solution.
    This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore,
    Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you
    completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.
    Thanks for your understanding. 

  • Valuation with material cost estimate: error with product

    Hi Experts,
    Message no. KE350, Valuation with material cost estimate: error with product "2286940000". Please suggest me to resolve this issue.
    Points will be provided for good solution.

    Hi Jaya
    This means that your customization is wrong then...
    In KE4J or KEPC you have assigned costing keys to your material types or some other combination... You should have done this config in a way that costing key is not called  for in the case of non valuated materials...
    In Ke40 you have defined costing key where in you have specified "Issue error msg if no cost estimate found".. This costing key is assigned in KE4J or KEPC in a way that it is getting called even in case of non valuated materials...
    Do you have a separate mat type for non valuated material? If yes, remove this mat type from KE4J/KEPC..
    If you dont have separate mat type i.e. in the same mat type if you have both valuated and non valuated, then you have a problem.. You would get stuck in that case
    Ajay M

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