APEX 4.01 Tabular form with select list error

When i create a tabular form and i add a select list(query based LOV) the form is not displayed but gives me the next error
report error:
ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
somebody have an idea what is happening here
is this still a bug in APEX 4.01?
hope to have an answer soon.
Hugo Perfors

Hi Jari,
It returns about 1100 records which i think is not much.
But even when i narrow the amount of records the problem is not solved.
it this a bug?

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    htmldb_item.select_list_from_query(10,column2, 'select descr d, column_value r from lookup_table where column_value = '||column1) column2
    from main_table
    The select list appears to work correctly but the new value is not saved to the database. I assume this is because the tabular form element display as field for column2 is set to "standard report column" but when I select any of the "display as text" or "LOV" options either the current data is not displayed or errors are generated.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Ian,
    As you have seen, sorting on the project_manager_id column will sort by the id value rather than the textual value. This is, of course, because this is the value in the field.
    I haven't tried this out, but one thing that may work is the fact that you don't have to include the ORDER BY fields within the SELECT statement. You could, for example, do:
    select p.project_number, p.project_manager_id
    from projects p, users u
    where p.project_manager_id = u.id (+)
    order by u.name
    Obviously, you won't be able to do this in the existing statement as you would then be blocked from using column sorting. However, it implies that if you could construct the SQL statement dynamically, appending appropriate ORDER BY strings to the end of the base select statement, you could sort by anything you like. This does, of course, mean that you would have to create a mechanism to allow the user to select the sort order, generate the appropriate string and reconstruct the entire sql statement.
    I had had a similar request quite a while ago. The underlying reason for that request turned out to be that the user just wanted to quickly locate records relating to one person. In the end, we agreed that a search filter was the best thing to do.

  • Tabular Form with Popup List Error

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    am getting message from Popup Item (DEPTNO) (Htlm Form Element Attributes -> onchange="getDname(this); ")
    but am not getting message from popup Item in the Tabular Form ,
    am calling same javascript funtion in both the Popup Item(Column Attributes/Element Attributes->onchange="getDname(this); ")
    but am getting message from LOV item in the tabular form, am calling same function (Column Attributes/Element Attributes->onchange="getDname(this); ")
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    Username/Password : test/test
    Is there an setting i need to change in Popup Item in Tabular Form?

    Still nobody knows what the bug in Tabular Form

  • Issue with my Tabular form Cascading Select List

    Hello Friends,
    I have implemented a Cascading select list in a tabular form with the below SQL ...
    SELECT apex_item.hidden(31,line_no)
      || apex_item.select_list_from_query(32, POLE_CODE_ID, 'select POLE,POLE_ID from CAP_PLAN_POLE_DETAILS', 'style="" '
      || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
      || 'f33_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0')
      || ')"', 'YES', '0', '- Select Pole -', 'f32_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) POLE_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.select_list_from_query(33, COUNTRY_CODE_ID, 'SELECT COUNTRY,COUNTRY_ID FROM CAP_PLAN_COUNTRY_DETAILS', 'style=""', 'YES', '0', '- Select Country -', 'f33_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) COUNTRY_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.text(34,LEGAL_ENTITY) LEGAL_ENTITY,
      apex_item.text(35,BUSINESS) BUSINESS,
      apex_item.text(36,COUNT_OF_NAMED_USERS,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_NAMED_USERS,
      apex_item.text(37,COUNT_OF_CONCURRENT_USERS,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_CONCURRENT_USERS,
      apex_item.text(38,INVENTORY_ORG) INVENTORY_ORG
    FROM cp_sites_details
    WHERE cap_plan_id = nv('P94_CP_ID')
    SELECT apex_item.hidden(31,NULL)
      || apex_item.select_list_from_query(32, 0, 'select POLE,POLE_ID from CAP_PLAN_POLE_DETAILS', 'style="" '
      || 'onchange="f_set_casc_sel_list_item(this,'
      || 'f33_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0')
      || ')"', 'YES', '0', '- Select Pole -', 'f32_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) POLE_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.select_list_from_query(33, NULL, 'SELECT COUNTRY,COUNTRY_ID FROM CAP_PLAN_COUNTRY_DETAILS WHERE POLE_ID=0', 'style=""', 'YES', '0', '-
    SELECT Country                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -', 'f33_'
      || LPAD (9900 + LEVEL, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) COUNTRY_CODE_ID,
      apex_item.text(34,NULL) LEGAL_ENTITY,
      apex_item.text(35,NULL) BUSINESS,
      apex_item.text(36,NULL,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_NAMED_USERS,
      apex_item.text(37,NULL,NULL,NULL,'onkeyPress="return OnlyNumbers(event)"') COUNT_OF_CONCURRENT_USERS,
      apex_item.text(38,NULL) INVENTORY_ORG
    FROM dual
      CONNECT BY LEVEL = 2The filters to list the countries[2nd col of SQL, field : f33] will work on Change of Pole after a selection is made..the whole list of countries will appear with out the Pole being considered. I understand that is the case because, I have not used PoleID in the query for f33
    SELECT COUNTRY,COUNTRY_ID FROM CAP_PLAN_COUNTRY_DETAILS'Now, how can I fix this to use the Pole Id every time the country Select List is touched..Can I just modify the query or should I add a Java Script OnChange function to handle this...
    Please please help..
    Thanks for reading the question...

    Isn't this given in my example:
    The second list is extended by adding:
    || 'WHERE deptno = '
    || c001to make sure it renders correctly once you call your report. In your case the second list would be extended by adding the following
    , 'style=""', 'YES', '0', '- Select Country -', 'f33_'
      || LPAD (line_no, 4, '0'), NULL, 'NO' ) COUNTRY_CODE_ID,and that should work.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Apex 3.2 Tabular form - dynamic selection based on prev selection

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    I am using apex 3.2. I am having difficulty in setting up a tabular form which provides an option to record information in other columns based on a value selected in the drop down.Here is an example
    I have a table product. All the products are added using a tabular form by selecting type from a drop down list.
    This allows the user to add multiple products without having to press save each time.
    product | type
    monopoly | game
    vase | home
    coffee | food
    cards | game
    Depending on the product type, I want the user to be able to multi-select other options using checkboxes based on the option selected.
    So for example if they add a product of type food, it should give additional options like beverage, cereal etc. If they select game, then they should get other options like for age_groups 10-12; 12-16; 18 and over;
    Is it posisble to do this on a tabular form in apex 3.2?
    If yes, please can someone help.


  • Bug in Apex 4.1 tabular form with rowid as PK

    I think this is a bug in Apex 4.1. I tested it on apex.oracle.com. This is the simple scenario.
    Create a simple table:
    create table dropme (code number, description varchar2(200));
    Now use the wizard to create a tabular form.
    Select Allowed Operations insert and update for this table.
    Select ROWID as Primary key type.
    After finishing the wizard click on Run and you get:
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00904: "APEX$ROWID": invalid identifier
    Note: this does not happen when you select insert, update and delete.

    >> Select Allowed Operations insert and update for this table.
    >> Select ROWID as Primary key type.
    It seems that you are correct. I was able to reconstruct your scenario on my local system. Now we need the verification of the dev team.
    ♦ Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    ♦ Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Disable columns in a tabular form on select list

    I am trying to void out or disable certain columns based on the option value selected from the select list. I have done this on a form with regualr page items. However, I am now trying to accomplish the same on a tabular form. I have tried the following function and onChange event but it doesn't seem to be working. Any idea what could be wrong?
    var htmldb_delete_message='"DELETE_CONFIRM_MSG"';
    function Disable()
    var sel = document.getElementById('f08_0001');
    if (sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value != '5' || sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value != '7') {
    document.getElementById("f04_0000").readOnly = true;
    document.getElementById("f05_0000").readOnly = true;
    } else {
    document.getElementById("f04_0000").readOnly = false;
    document.getElementById("f05_0000").readOnly = false;
    THe onChange event : onChange="Disable()"

    I've even gone ahead and tried th following code but still am having no luck
    function Disable(pThis)
    var currIndex = $('select[name="'+pThis.name+'"]').index(pThis);
    if (pThis.value=='2') {
    } else {

  • Tabular form, dynamic select list

    Direction as to how to tackle this problem politely requested please:
    I have a "choices" table of three columns. Sample data shown below:
    col1 col2 col3
    a b c
    a b d
    a b e
    f g h
    f g i
    The plan is to show these "choices" as a tabular form. With the example data shown above, this
    would be shown as a two row grid, with the first row showing "a b" and at the end of the row there
    would be a select box showing four possibilities: "c", "d", "e" or blank.
    The "blank" meaning "no choice".
    The second row would show "f g" and a select box for "h", "i" or "blank".
    Neither the first two columns are editable by the end user - they just get to alter the third column.
    How would I go about building this? Would it be a Report with a fancy piece of html for column three,
    or perhaps a tabular form?
    There can be more than two rows on the screen (of course) - beyond the sample data.
    Any directional help appreciated; thanks in advance.

    Hi Jure,
    On reflection, that mention of the "stragg" function was very useful.
    My first reply to you was a little uncharitable, for which I apologise.
    Tom Kyte seems to have moved away from the "stragg" function and
    has used "sys_connect_by_path" instead.
    See http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2007/03/stringing-them-up.html
    Once all that is in place (tested out via SQL Developer - not even a mention of Apex) it
    seems relatively straightforward to integrate this into an Apex region.
    Thanks again.

  • Tabular Forms and Select Lists

    I have an updateable tabular form, and one of the updateable columns I want as a select list. I need the SQL that populates this select list to be based on a hidden value in the tabular form. Is this possible?

    Hey Simon,
    Sounds reasonable, you'll have to end up using the HTMLDB_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_LOV function within the query that is populating your form.
    http://www.acs.ilstu.edu/docs/Oracle/appdev.101/b10992/mvl_api.htm#CHDFGAEC should give you a bit more help towards sorting it out. Don't hesitate to post again if you have anymore queries.

  • Select item on a Tabular form with a different dynamic LOV on each row

    I would like to use a tabular form where one of the columns is a dynamic LOV based Select, and where that dynamic LOV refers to one of the column values on each row.
    So if the tabular form represented a list of teams and the LOV-based Select column was the current team leader, I would want that select list to be populated only with the members of that team (different for each row). Since the list of team members is in some other table (all_players or something) I would want to populate the LOV with a query with a where clause that selected only those players records with a team-membership equal to the current tabular form's team id. So, on each row that select list's contents would be different.
    -- Justin

    I'm beating a dead horse here but I did get something to work with "less" code. My current needs do not require me to cascade drop downs, I only want 1. You can use the query like the in the first reply (but I don't have a table with joins) I created a simple two column table dept_emp with 4 records 10,null 20,null .... I want to fill the nulls with an employee but ONLY an employee that matches the dept. (Same concept of team leader and members).
    Here's the query:
    select apex_item.display_and_save(1,dept) dept,
    apex_item.select_list_from_query(2, name, 'select ename from emp where deptno='||dept) name
    from dept_emp
    I removed the code that was there already (ApplyMRU) and just put in this code:
    UPDATE dept_emp
    WHERE dept=to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i));
    The G_F01 matches the column 1 and so forth. There's more documentation but little explanation at:
    The thing I could not get to work was a dynamic message
    #MRU_COUNT# row(s) updated, #MRI_COUNT# row(s) inserted.
    Not sure when the MRU_COUNT gets populated (probably in the routine I removed ;))
    You're probably way past me by now but I like to have as little code as possible when it comes to maintaining an app. That's why I liked oracle forms so much. This kind of stuff was pretty easy to do.
    Thanks again everybody!

  • OnChanger="get_ajax_select_xml(this);" with  select list (query named LOV)

    i used Vikas'example Re: cascading lov for tabular form
    i have a problem with Select list (query based LOV)
    when run tabular form i have the following error:
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    the number of rows of the Lov are 900
    the display variable is 70 char
    is there any limit?
    Thank in advance

    Thanks for the response, but I don't think you quite understand my problem. If I go to the Column Attributes screen for the group_id field, I have the "Display As" drop down set to "Select List (query based LOV)", not "Select List (named LOV)". This requires that the sql query be written in the "List of values definition" text area below. Within that text area I have the following query:
    WHERE APP_ID = ?????
    ORDER BY 1
    The APP_ID that I need to reference is for the current row of data that is being processed. Therefore, I can't use a :PNNN_APP_ID variable, because that field does not exist on the page.
    Hopefully this explains it a little better.

  • Using enums in a form with select elements

    I am using an enum to define a discrete list of measurement units:
    public enum dUnits {
        }I also have a form with a list that takes the option values from the enum:
            <select size="1" name="E">
                for (Class.dUnits U : Class.dUnits.values()) {
                     <option value="<%=U%>"  <%=U==bound_bean.value()?"selected=\"true\"":""%>>
            </select>E is the field on the bound_bean object. This works without problem, and when I run the JSP page, it works with the initialized values of bound_bean.E (the default value is METERS, the generated code is this:
                 <select size="1" name="E">
                     <option value="METERS" selected="true">
                     <option value="FEETS" >
                     <option value="INCHES" >
                     <option value="CENTIMETERS" >
            </select>However, when I submit the page with different values on the select box, the values are never being sent to the bean, and it uses only the initialized value.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    The program is a little long to post, but If someone is interested in taking a look, please let me know.
    Best regards,

    I'm using UseBean SetProperties to set the values to the Bean, all the other fields are being populated as expected.
    I have getE and setE
    public void setE(Class.dUnits E) {
            this.E = E;
    public Class.dUnits getE() {
            return E;
        }If I call request.getParameter("E"), I get the value that is selected/expected as a String (i.e. "INCHES")... maybe that's the part where everything falls apart, I think the setE is not able to run due to the type differences. but I don't know what to do next. Overloading setE seems like a good idea, but I just tried that and didn't work.
        public void setE(String E) {
            this.E = Class.dUnits.valueOf(E);

  • Error tabular form with validation

    Hi everyone,
    I have built a tabular form with the wizard and I every time a validation check is done and fails,
    getting an error in the place where the tabular form should be. I get to see the tabular form again when pressing the cancel button or refreshing the page.
    I'm not quite able to reproduce this error, but I was wondering if anyone knows of this error and a workaround for it.
    The error that's displayed is: report error: User-Defined exception
    using Apex version 4.1.1. I've already tried building a new tabular form, but that didn't seem to resolve the issue.
    I would appreciate the help.
    Kind regards,

    Possible solution?
    Validation returns : no data found + unhandled user-defined exception
    See post by user 794496 there.

  • Bug: 4.1.1 Tabular form with all columns conditional

    I need to make all the columns in a tabular form conditional because in some situations the editable elements should not be shown. For some reason just changing the columns to conditional stops the form working, the ApplyMRU/ApplyMRD process runs but does not action the changed rows. I can't figure out why at all or any workaround.
    You can easily reproduce this in 4.1.1 by creating a tabular form with the wizard selecting one column in the form. Then make the row selector colunn and your editable column conditional using the plsql expression 1=1. The form is displayed the just the same with these true conditions but it doesn't work. How weird is that?
    Rod West

    In your scenario the tabular form rendering engine is unable to place the hidden, internal tabular form status columns in your form, i.e. the columns that contain checksums, etc. The logic that places these columns looks for the last unconditional, visible column in your tabular form, and includes the hidden fields there. So you need at least one column that's always shown for this to work. This can be an otherwise empty column. I filed a bug (#13881803) for this, so we can look into improving this logic.

  • Tabular form with onhover comment column

    Hi guys!
    I was wondering if anyone of you saw an example of onhover item help with query...I mean..lets imagine a tabular form with a text field Comment column. Comment column has width 50 but we all know that comment ale like to be long ;) I'd like to see full lenght comment every time I put my mouse pointer on a specific row. Is it possible ? If yes can you show me an example or point me in a good direciton...(I dont know javascript well..)
    With regards,

    Yes it is possible. Currently the ShowPopup script displays the value of current cell (hv_item.value). You can just simply replace with whatever you like.
    If you're talking about the value of other columns, you may have to use document.wwv_flow.fXX to refer to it. Again, see my other sample of [Tabular Form Column Read-only|http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=57043:4] . Patrick Wolf wrote about this as well in his [ Which Tabular Form Column is mapped to which Apex_Application.g_fxx array|http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com/which-tabular-form-column-is-mapped-to-which-apex_applicationg_fxx-array/] .

Maybe you are looking for