Authorization control for batch master

Hello Experts,
I have a special requirement from client on authorization control on batch master. The requirement is user should not be allowed to change the batch header details but allow to change selected characteristic values. For e.g If I have a batch A, the header values such as prod date, country of orgin etc should not be allowed to change. In classification view few characteristics only should be editable, rest all should only be displayed.
Is there any option to do this. Either through authorization control or exits. We dont want to create a custom transaction to achieve this.
Thanks in advance

The following document explains how to check which authorization objects are called on each transaction:
How to analyze authorization issues in debug

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    I faced the problem with BATMAS03.  When drilling down to F'tn BAPI_BATCH_SAVE_REPLICA I could that one and similar BATMAS03 get to work with filling following set of fields.  Adapt of course the values to you're system.
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    Hi Ben,
    By SAP standard we do not have the control.  we also have the same situation.  We are venturing in to Realisation phase and we decided to have some kind of program (development) to control this.
    Please let me know if you find some better solution
    Best Regards

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    Dear ,
    You can do it through two option :
    1.Apply Screen variant -SHD0 at user level in which you can switch off menu path of TECO/REVOKE etc.
    Refer :
    2.You can try User Status at Production Order level .Refer : authorization for TECO
    You can also check by User Exit : PPCO0007 (Exit when saving Production Order)

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    Th evalidation should be at the source is the Purchase Order. I beleive it is standard SAP Config to put the validation there. So once the PO has been created with the correct account assignments the GR and IR will be correct.

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    Dear Madhu,
    Authorization objects can be added for an individual T Code also in SU24.
    Check with your Basis consultant,Also i think its possible to give the authorization for versions as well
    as requirement type also.

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    Hi Raghu,
    Here are DMS authorizatoins objects. For handle status it should be C_DRAW_STA
    C_DRAD_OBJ          Create/Change/Display/Delete Object Link                         
    C_DRAW_BGR          Authorization for authorization groups                         
    C_DRAW_DOK          Authorization for document access                         
    C_DRAW_MUP          Authorization for Markups                         
    C_DRAW_STA          Authorization for document status                         
    C_DRAW_TCD          Authorization for document activities                         
    C_DRAW_TCS          Status-Dependent Authorizations for Documents                         
    C_DRZA_TCD          Document Distribution: Authorization for Recipient Lists                         
    C_DRZI_TCD          Document Distribution: Authorization for Distribution Order                         
    S_ECL_CAT          ECL Viewer: Authorization Object for Stamp Categories                         
    S_ECL_STP          ECL Viewer: Authorization Object for Printing with Meta Data                         
    S_ECL_STP2          ECL Viewer: Authorization Object for Printing with Meta Data                         
    Hope that it will help you

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    Most probably it may not be possible.
    moreover, Why do you want this? Cost analysis will be in display mode only. Infact it benefits the user. They can analyse and correct the master if required.
    Think once again before making control. Because, everytime people has to come to authorised person to see the cost difference, which will disturb the authorised person.
    This is my personal opinion.

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    Dear All,
    My requirement is that,during material master creation/change,my user can change only certain characteristics in a class.What is the purpose of Authorization group field available in CT04.This what comes with F1 help,but I am not able to relate to it.I have assigned this authorization object in user role with relevant value,but nothing is happening.I am able to maintin all charac.
    Authorization Group for Characteristics Maintenance
    This key defines whether a user is allowed to maintain this characteristic.
    This authorization must be defined in the user master record.
    The authorization object is C_CABN_GRP.

    The object and values what you are taking about is to restrict the charectristucs change,,,This will not restrict value assignment in material master classification view.
    This is required for not to allow chages to that chateristics in CT04.
    If you want the material master chareostics value assignment restoction then you need to restict material master claasification maintaince view through the auth object - M_MATE_STA
    the values are as below
    A     Work scheduling
    B     Accounting
    C     Classification
    D     MRP
    E     Purchasing
    F     Production resources/tools
    G     Costing
    K     Basic data
    L     Storage
    P     Forecasting
    Q     Quality management
    S     Warehouse management
    V     Sales
    X     Plant stocks
    Z     Storage location stocks
    remove C from the value and assignthe role to user by whom you donot want the value not to be assigned
    come back if required

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    With thanks and Regards
    Sonia Agarwala

    It can be done. You have two options.
    1. SAP security - when your security person can limit a user by plant, profit center etc using authorization objects.
    2. Validations - Here you can create a validation where you define you logic. In your logic you can restrict set of users who can access a set of fields (profit center, plant etc). If he deviates, the system can issue error messages which is maintained in validations. Use transaction GGB0 to create validations.
    Hope this helps.

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    SAP SD Techno Functional.

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    We have appended a structure to VBAP; our requirement is to update these Z fields based on authorization control.
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    SAP SD Techno Functional.

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    Hi all I need your professional support
    When we execute the PV00 t-code and try to “Create Attendance “and it will allow the user to create it by going to PA40 which should not allowed and this has to be blocked.
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    We are using role based authorization. Please advice me how to resolve this issue.

    Hi there.
    what about restric access to one of the transactions at the role level. If you are using the role based approach for authorizations it should be based on the derived role concept.
    Basically you'll have a master role with as many derivations as the organization requires. The menu structure and transaction assignment willl be maintained at the Master role level which does not have any authorization profile. The authorizations are maintained at the derived role level.
    In other words your security concept will be based on transaction+Object access control following the derived approach.
    Consider running Virsa reports to identify security overlaps, and SOD breaches.

  • Authorization Control for MIGO

    Dear All,
    We are in process of controlling authorization of some users, so that they will be able to access transaction MIGO, only for posting material documents of Goods Receipt, Cancelling GRN & Posting RRD. The users should not be able to post material issue, material transfer through the transaction MIGO.
    When we changed the role assigned to the user by giving authority only for the specific trancaction code MIGO, it also allowed the users to post Goods Issue, Transfer posting through transaction MIGO, along with transaction of Goods Receipt, which is unwanted.
    We also can not control the authorization of users based on Movement Type, because, if we do it, the user will not be able to view the material documents other that Goods Issue & it will also restrict the report viewing for other movement types.
    Can anyone provide any valuable suggestions on this?
    Prashant Kolhatkar

    Dear All,
    Thank you very much for your instant replies.
    But, still, as I mentioned, I do not want to control authorization based on Movement Type. This would prohibit the user from displaying reports.
    Any other suggestions Pl.
    Prashant Kolhatkar

  • Authorization control for ordering specific materials

    Hi Experts
    Is it possible to set up control on specific materials, so that those materials can not be allowed for procurement unless the authorization is provided.
    In this context, can we use DG profile and assign certain authorizations?
    The specific requirement is intended for identifying such material as well as for providing authorization for ordering.
    warm regards

    If you want to control on ordering material, you can set up Release Procedure, so that without approval ,purchase order can not be processed.
    If you want to block the material for procurement, you can use Source list ( ME11), block the material , when ever required, you can remove the block and procure it and again block it.
    Biju K

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