BUG? JBO-25059 in extended read only VO

I have a read only VO with setManageRowsByKey(true) in create method and two attributes as key attributes. findByKey works.
I've extended VO and the new one VOExtended is throwing exception in findByKey:
WARNING JBO-25059: View Object VOExtended has ManageRowsByKey turned on, but its key definition is empty.
VOExtended has the same two attributes marked as key attributes.
Is it correct behaviour?

Thanks for your reply.
There's a Key Attribute in the VO, which was set by JDev when I was creating it with BCs from Tables wizard.
I have added the call to setManageRowsByKey(true), but that hadn't helped.

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    when i extend read-only vo, for example add a attribute , it will get error in step 4,
    the error :each row in the query result columns must be mapped to a unique query attribute in the Mapped entity columns.
    for example :the orgi vo is oracle.apps.irc.offers.server.OfferTemplateDetailsVO and the sql is "Select distinct XTM.Template_id,
    XTM.DS_APP_SHORT_NAME DS_App_Short_Name,
    XTM.DEFAULT_TERRITORY default_locale,
    fnd_profile.value('IRC_DEF_OFFER_LETTER_TYPE') default_offer_letter_type
    from xdo_templates_vl XTM
    where XTM.Template_id = :1
    and i extends vo is CUXOfferTemplateDetailsVO and the sql is "Select distinct XTM.Template_id,
    XTM.DS_APP_SHORT_NAME DS_App_Short_Name,
    XTM.DEFAULT_TERRITORY default_locale,
    fnd_profile.value('IRC_DEF_OFFER_LETTER_TYPE') default_offer_letter_type
    from xdo_templates_vl XTM
    where XTM.Template_id = :1
    my ebs is r12.1.1
    please help me .thanks.

    Try to append the new attribute to the end of the existing Attribute list.

  • Read only error

    using an Infobus Form developed with JDeveloper 2.0 I get a runtime error "DAC-105 ImmediateAccess: SetAttribute failed" on two columns of the RowSet. When I include a setUpdateable(true)line for the column the result is a runtime error "JBO-03110 Cannot update Read only attribute" accompanied by "DAC-104" similar to 105 above. I know I can use SQL to insert into those columns.
    a) where do I find the error messages indicated?
    b) How can I work around this problem?
    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Dave.

    Any luck with this?

  • BUG: ADF BC read-only VO with no Key attrs + af:table

    Hello all,
    I've got a bug to report - quite easily reproducable with the HR demo schema. To see it:
    1). Create a new application from the ADF BC + Faces template
    2). Create a read-only VO, use "SELECT employee_id, first_name from employees" and order by "employee_id" - take the defaults for everything - do not set any key attributes.
    3). Create an AM, add the VO to it's data model. Turn off AM pooling in the configuration.
    4). Create a JSPX page. Drag-drop the VO from the data control palette as an ADF read-only table - with selection
    5). Bind the actionlistener of the "submit" button to a backing bean method that just system.out.println's something.
    Now, run the app. Try selecting an employee from the first page (records 1-10) and clicking submit - it works. Now, scroll to the second set of records, select one and click submit - no message appears - the action listener is never called. No errors are thrown.
    Workaround: ensure the VO has employee_id selected as a key attribute.
    My code is at the bottom for reference.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"
      <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
                  doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
      <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
          <afh:head title="untitled1">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
                  content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
              <af:table value="#{bindings.emp1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                        emptyText="#{bindings.emp1.viewable ? 'No rows yet.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                <af:column sortProperty="EmployeeId" sortable="false"
                  <af:outputText value="#{row.EmployeeId}">
                    <f:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
                <af:column sortProperty="FirstName" sortable="false"
                  <af:outputText value="#{row.FirstName}"/>
                <f:facet name="selection">
                  <af:tableSelectOne text="Select and">
                    <af:commandButton text="Submit" actionListener="#{abc.click}"/>
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    public class abc
      public abc()
      public void click(ActionEvent actionEvent)
    }emp.xml (View Object):
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252' ?>
    <!DOCTYPE ViewObject SYSTEM "jbo_03_01.dtd">
       UseGlueCode="false" >
    select employee_id, first_name
    from employees
          <Attr Name="_isExpertMode" Value="true" />
          <Attr Name="_version" Value="" />
          <Attr Name="_codeGenFlag2" Value="Access|Coll|VarAccess" />
          SQLType="NUMERIC" >
             <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="22" />
          SQLType="VARCHAR" >
             <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="20" />
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252' ?>
    <!DOCTYPE AppModule SYSTEM "jbo_03_01.dtd">
       ComponentClass="model.AppModuleImpl" >
          <Attr Name="_isCodegen" Value="true" />
          <Attr Name="_version" Value="" />
          <Attr Name="_deployType" Value="0" />
          ViewObjectName="model.emp" >
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
          <AppModuleConfig name="AppModuleLocal">
       <ConnectionDefinition name="local_hr">
          <ENTRY name="JDBC_PORT" value="1521"/>
          <ENTRY name="ConnectionType" value="JDBC"/>
          <ENTRY name="HOSTNAME" value="localhost"/>
          <ENTRY name="DeployPassword" value="true"/>
          <ENTRY name="user" value="hr"/>
          <ENTRY name="ConnectionName" value="local_hr"/>
          <ENTRY name="SID" value="STGY"/>
          <ENTRY name="password">
          <ENTRY name="JdbcDriver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>
          <ENTRY name="ORACLE_JDBC_TYPE" value="thin"/>
          <ENTRY name="DeployPassword" value="true"/>

    reproduces for me. It appears that the parameter is not applied properly when executing the query.

  • Radio Group read-only bug?

    I appologize if this has already been posted - I couldn't find it in a search.
    It seems that when a radio group is set to read-only, the input elements have an empty name attribute. This causes all but the last radio group to have no checked value.
    Is this a known bug? or do I have something set up wrong? If it is a bug, is there a workaround?

    Eric - Didn't know about this. Thanks. Maybe don't use the read-only option and achieve a similar effect with your own attribues on the html.

  • Saving a reader extended PDF form as read-only

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    I've created a simple form in Acrobat and saved it with reader extended attributes so it can be saved by my colleagues in Adobe Reader once filled in. The problem now is they need to send these out to customers but in an unfillable state. I'm not sure if this is possible but I'm hoping for a simple solution if anyone could help me out, thanks.

    Create a button somewhere on the form and add the following to the Mouse Up event:
    // Set these fields to read-only
    getField("Text1").readonly = true;
    getField("Text2").readonly = true;
    getField("Check Box1").readonly = true;
    // continue for any other fields
    // Hide this button
    event.target.display = display.hidden;
    Only use the actual field names that you're using in your form. The users should be sure to save to a new file, and I would suggest that they set the blank form to read-only via the file system so they don't accidentally overwrite it.

  • How to set a extended attribute as read-only in runtime

    Hi Team,
    I would like to set a extended attribute as read-only in runtime based in a condition.
    I tried with "Criterion" in a extended model definition, but if the condition is false the content field disappear.
    Best regards

    Hi Bruno,
    About the first part of your problem : User with permission and user without permission.
    To meet your needs I would have defined a Group named "WithPermission" and associated this group to a Member (user) "A"
    While other users would not have been associated with this group.
    When an user login I would have checked what groups that are associated with. If the group "WithPermission" was found I would have allowed the current login user to write "My Example". If the current login user was not associated to group name "WithPermission". The user would not have been able to edit the field.
    I did a search in the metamodel object and I found nothing Method. Following my reading it seems that it is not possible. Read below.
    In Sybase Guide "Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner" - CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner you can read the following :
    Manipulating the Repository By Script
    PowerDesigner lets you access the Repository feature via scripting using the RepositoryConnection as BaseObject global property.
    It allows you to retrieve the current repository connection, which is the object that manages the connection to the repository server and provides access to documents and objects stored under the repository.
    The RepositoryConnection is equivalent to the root node in the Repository browser.
    You can access the repository documents, but you cannot access the repository administration objects, like users, groups, configurations, branches, and list of locks. In addition, only the last version of a repository document is accessible using scripting.
    As described by Dirk I think the only thing you can do is to make a check on a specific username. Unfortunately it will be "hard coded" in your program. Or If you can by vb script access the repository tables. You could resolve your problem by checking Group permission associated to each users logged in..

  • Lifecycle issue with table binding + read-only attributes: ADF BUG

    Hello all,
    I have found what I believe to be an easily reproducible bug in ADF that reproduces in 10.1.3.x, but not in 11g (at least not in drop 6). The best way to describe the bug would be to walk through a simple set of steps to reproduce the bug:
    1). Create a new application (ADF BC + ADF Faces).
    2). In the model project, create a new Entity Object from the Employee table in the default HR schema. Allow JDev to create an updatable view object and an AM as well.
    3). Put a validation rule on the first name attribute of the EO (can be anything, really - I made mine so that the first name cannot be "foo").
    4). Test everything using the BC tester if you like.
    5). In the UI project, create a new JSPX page.
    6). Drag the updatable VO on to your page as an updatable af:table.
    7). Put an af:commandButton on the page. Bind its Action or ActionListener to a method in a new backing bean. Put some simple code (I used System.out.println) in the backing bean method.
    8). Run the jspx page.
    9). Put some invalid data in (e.g. "foo" in the first name field) and click the af:commandButton. Verify that you get an error message and that the Action/ActionListener method DOES NOT fire. So far, so good.
    10). Now, to demonstrate the problem. First, look at the page definition for the jspx file. Identify the first attribute that is mentioned (in my case, it was the employee id).
    11). Go to the updatable view object and make the attribute from #10 read-only or updatable when new only.
    12. Now, repeat step 9 - you should see the error message AND also see that the Action/ActionListener method was executed. You will also see in the messages window that ADF attempted to set the value of the read-only attribute, and thus got a ReadOnlyAttrException.
    This issue only happens if the first attribute mentioned in the table binding is read-only. A workaround would simply be to re-order the attributes in the table binding of the pagedef so that the first attribute isn't read-only.
    Don't ask how I figured this out ;)

    Hi Frank,
    Yes, I simply scripted it out this way to contrast the behaviour if the first attribute was read-only vs not read-only. I found the issue on a page in our app that was simply drag-and-drop the VO from the data control on the page.
    It's quite annoying, because our particular use case that hit this error is a "save" button on the page. If the commit operation doesn't return any errors (and it doesn't in this use case!), we add a JSF message saying "save successful" - then the attribute errors are further added later in the page lifecycle, so we get 3 messages: "Save successful" and "Fix this error" and "Tried to set read-only attribute" - quite confusing to the end-user when the only message they should see is "fix this error."
    At any rate, the fix is to simply re-order the attributes in the page definition - that doesn't affect the UI at all, other than to fix this issue.

  • Problem with in-memory filtering: JBO-25016: View object is read only

    I have problem with implementation of Steve's Muench example #71 - Dropdown Lists in Table with Different Choices per Row.
    Source for the list is a read only view object.
    Invoking viewObject.findByViewCriteria throwing:
    javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: oracle.jbo.ReadOnlyViewObjectException: JBO-25016: View object ... is read only.
    What's wrong?
    Error stack:
    Caused by: oracle.jbo.ReadOnlyViewObjectException: JBO-25016: View object ... is read only.
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewDefImpl.newInstance(ViewDefImpl.java:991)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.createInstance(ViewObjectImpl.java:2784)
         at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.createRowWithEntities(QueryCollection.java:1271)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.createRowWithEntities(ViewRowSetImpl.java:1869)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.makeRowCopy(ViewRowSetImpl.java:1546)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.insertRowAtInternal(ViewRowSetImpl.java:1667)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.findByViewCriteria(ViewRowSetImpl.java:4126)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.findByViewCriteria(ViewObjectImpl.java:7033)
    My code:
    public RowIterator selectDetails(String code) {
    ViewObject vo = getVO();
    if (!vo.isExecuted()) {
    ViewCriteria vc = vo.createViewCriteria();
    ViewCriteriaRow vcr = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
    vcr.setAttribute("Code", "='"+code+"'");
    return vo.findByViewCriteria(vc,-1,ViewObject.QUERY_MODE_SCAN_VIEW_ROWS);

    check attribute settings of your VO...
    the attribute for wich you set view criteria must be set to queryable and updatable - always

  • APEX 4 Bug: Wrong quickpicks in Item Page's Read Only section

    This bug is an easy one
    In Edit Page Item page, Read Only section, the predefined option list (now quickpicks) is as follows:
    [PL/SQL] [item=value] [item not null] [request=e1] [page in] [page not in] [exists] [none] [never]
    But if you look carefully, Conditions section has same quickpicks. Right quickpicks for Read Only should be:
    [PL/SQL] [item=value] [item not null] [request=e1] [page in] [page not in] [exists] [always] [never]
    Best regards.

    Hi Oscar,
    this problem has already been filed as bug# 9752881 and will be addressed in a future release.
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX 4.0 Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins

  • Strange behavior when Popup LOVs has read-only condition and Bug Report

    I observed an inconsistent behavior of Popup LOVs when the read-only condition is true. In that case the defined lov query is used to map the internal value of the page item to the display value defined in the lov query.
    What is the reason for this behavior? Because if the Popup LOV is in "edit mode" the page item value is just displayed without looking up the display value. The display value is just used for the popup lov. Mapping the value is normally a behavior of the popup key lov.
    -> The result is that different values are displayed if the page item is in edit or read-only mode. That's not really the behavior someone would expect.
    BTW, there seems to be a bug with "Display Extra Values" set to "Yes" in the case read-only is true. If the lookup doesn't return a value it just displays [ ], but because the property is set to yes it should display the value. The Popup Key Lov has the same bug.
    Thanks for bringing some light into that behavior
    Oracle APEX Essentials: http://essentials.oracleapex.info/
    My Blog, APEX Builder Plugin, ApexLib Framework: http://www.oracleapex.info/

    I've added your comments to a task already in our queue to examine all item types for correct behavior in read-only mode. I've noticed the quirks with display extra values also.
    By the way, still interested in your thoughts re: Re: Bug Report: Images broke when using get_blob_file_src and not authentic .

  • XCM(Extended Configuration Management) Read Only Access for Webshop

    We dont hav e XCM admin access in our project.We need to have just the view(read only) access.This will help us immensly during any troubleshooting. Plus we will save a lot of time while troubleshooting if the view access is avaialable to us. In case of any issues in the XCM setting, we can easily pin point the issue and ask the ERP team to change it. In absence of it we can only speculate what could have gone wrong on the XCM side. Is there any role in XCM so that we can get just read only access.

    The below note will help you.
    Note 1014383 - Read only user in the XCM and Administration area of ISA
    Shanto Aloor

  • Bug? Folders created by transmission is read-only to Windows file sharing

    It's a nice thing that transmission is supported in the LenovoEMC version of firmware. The thing is, folders created by this transmission are read-only, which means file can't be added, deleted nor modified from Windows file sharing (They are still be deleted with transmission though, but that's irrelavant).
    From my experience, this issue is caused by the value of unmask not properly set up in the settings.json file. This file can be modified when transmission is not running, but I didn't find a way to stop transmission from running / restart itself even after being killed from SSH.
    Please help.

    You have to have root access (which will void your warranty) to modify settings.json, that's why I wish Lenovo can come up with an official solution.
    If you don't mind viod the warranty, then after you stop transmission, you can log in as root via putty, then use nano to modify settings.json as mentioned below:

  • Bug in applying read only security status to a PDF portfolio?

    A quick question about setting up a pdf portfolio as 'read only', so users cannot save amended versions of the document within the portfolio, they can only go to 'save as'.
    I have set this up, using Adobe Professional 9, using the following process = File > Portfolio Properties > Security tab and then selecting 'Password Security' (setting a password) and then setting the permission from 'Allow Changes' to 'None'.
    My colleague, who has Adobe X, can go into the portfolio, without knowing/entering any password and change documents. If she exits individual documents whilst still in the portfolio, and goes back into them, she can still see her changes (although when she exits her Adobe software completely and goes back into it, opening the portfolio, these changes have not been saved).
    Can anyone tell me why this happens, and how to stop it, so she can't even get to saving it within the portfolio in the first place? Or is it something that has to be set up on Adobe X, rather than Adobe 9?
    Thanks all!

    PDF files in the Portfoloio are treated as simple attachments. To Acrobat, a PDF attachment is basically the same as a Word or image file. When you open the attachment, the Portfolio just opens the corresponding application. If the file gets modified by that application and the Portfolio security is set to not allow changes, anything done in the external application is ignored.
    The best way to prevent this is to set security on the files prior to adding them to the Portfolio, this will prevent users from getting the idea that they can modify the contents. Then secure the Portfolio itself.

  • Editable and Read-Only Date Picker have different display formats -- Bug?

    Hi all,
    This is a follow on to a previous posting about getting a Date Picker field to display read-only (Date Picker and Read-Only Condition works on LAST state of element
    Now past that hurdle, I have noticed something about the date picker field when it is displays read-only. Namely, the date format is not the format selected, nor does the read-only date format comply with the format mask in the source section.
    I've modified my small test app to work as intended in order to demonstrate this feature. I also opened it up so everyone can see it <blush>. You can find it here: http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=42513: Please navigate to the Update Project tab.
    When a project in Program One through Four is selected (which has a Spec Committed date), the date is displayed DD-MON-YY format. When a project the other Programs (which do not have Spec Committed dates at the time of this writing) are selected, and a date value selected with the date picker, the date is displayed in the anticipated DD-MON-YYYY format.
    Anyone else notice this, or have I just missed something obvious?

    I'm not sure why this happens but to work around it I added this before header process code to the page:
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format = ''DD-MON-YYYY''';

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