I am trying to do Update in batches, but with very little success. I did some reading and tried using BULK COLLECT and FORALL to accomplish the task. I am not sure where I messed up but only one row is being updated. Also I am not sure if there is a better wasy of doing this.
I am currently using 10.2.
Any help would be appreciated. The goal is to update "temp_emp_new" based on "temp_emp_base".
Create the base tables:
CREATE TABLE temp_emp_base AS
     , SYSDATE - (365 * ROWNUM) AS emp_dob
  FROM all_objects
CREATE TABLE temp_emp_new
    emp_id NUMBER,
    emp_dob DATE
INSERT INTO temp_emp_new
   SELECT emp_id
        , NULL AS emp_dob
     FROM temp_emp_base;
COMMIT ;Try to update temp_emp_new based on temp_emp_base:
   TYPE emp_id_tab IS TABLE OF temp_emp_new.emp_id%TYPE;
   TYPE emp_tab IS TABLE OF temp_emp_new%ROWTYPE;
   CURSOR emp_cur
      SELECT emp_id
        FROM temp_emp_new;
   t_emp_id       emp_id_tab     := emp_id_tab ();
   l_start           NUMBER;
   l_size            NUMBER            := 5;
   l_cnt             NUMBER            := 0;
   dml_errors        EXCEPTION;
   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (dml_errors, -24381);
   l_start := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
   OPEN emp_cur;
      DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_client_info ('processing ' || l_cnt || ' thru ' || (l_cnt + l_size));
      FETCH emp_cur
      BULK COLLECT INTO t_emp_id
           LIMIT l_size;
         FORALL i IN t_emp_id.FIRST .. t_emp_id.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS
            UPDATE temp_emp_new mza
               SET (mza.emp_dob) =
                      (SELECT NVL (mza.emp_dob, m.emp_dob) AS emp_dob
                         FROM temp_emp_base m
                        WHERE mza.emp_id = m.emp_id
                          AND m.emp_id = t_emp_id (i));
         WHEN dml_errors
               DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Error occurred during iteration '
                                     || SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (i).ERROR_INDEX
                                     || ' Oracle error is '
                                     || SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS (i).ERROR_CODE);
            END LOOP;
      EXIT WHEN t_emp_id.COUNT = 0;
      l_cnt := l_cnt + l_size;
   CLOSE emp_cur;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Bulk Updates   : ' || (DBMS_UTILITY.get_time - l_start));

Managed to correct my mistake.
I just thought about it a little more and got the answer. Actually I think it was just about taking a fresh look in the morning.
Thanks for the suggestions anyways.
The table types and cursor are now created from "temp_emp_base".
I am also creating a Table Type for the column whose values I need for the UPDATE.
   TYPE emp_id_tab IS TABLE OF temp_emp_base.emp_id%TYPE;
   TYPE emp_dob_tab IS TABLE OF temp_emp_base.emp_dob%TYPE;
   TYPE emp_tab IS TABLE OF temp_emp_base%ROWTYPE;
   CURSOR emp_cur
      SELECT emp_id, emp_dob
        FROM temp_emp_base;
   t_emp_id                      emp_id_tab := emp_id_tab();
   t_emp_dob                     emp_dob_tab := emp_dob_tab();
   l_start                       NUMBER;
   l_size                        NUMBER := 5;
   l_cnt                         NUMBER := 0;
   dml_errors                    EXCEPTION;
   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(dml_errors, -24381);
   l_start := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
   OPEN emp_cur;
      DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_client_info('processing ' || l_cnt || ' thru ' ||(l_cnt + l_size) );
      FETCH emp_cur
      BULK COLLECT INTO t_emp_id, t_emp_dob LIMIT l_size;
  The UPDATE statement updates "temp_emp_new" and the BULK COLLECT
  has the data from "temp_emp_base"
         FORALL i IN t_emp_id.FIRST .. t_emp_id.LAST SAVE EXCEPTIONS
            UPDATE temp_emp_new mza
               SET mza.emp_dob = NVL(mza.emp_dob, t_emp_dob(i) )
             WHERE mza.emp_id = t_emp_id(i);
         WHEN dml_errors THEN
               DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error occurred during iteration '
                  || SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX
                  || ' Oracle error is '
                  || SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_CODE);
            END LOOP;
      EXIT WHEN t_emp_id.COUNT = 0;
      l_cnt := l_cnt + l_size;
   CLOSE emp_cur;
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Bulk Updates   : ' ||(DBMS_UTILITY.get_time - l_start) );
END base;

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    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: user8848256 on Nov 13, 2009 6:15 PM

    No Data Found isn't an exception raised when an UPDATE cannot find any records to process.
    SQL%ROWCOUNT can be used to determine the number of rows affected by an update statement, but if 0 rows are updated then no exception will be raised (it's just not how things work).
    If you post your actual CURSOR (casualty) declaration, it's quite possible we can help you create a single SQL statement to meet your requirement (a single SQL will be faster than your current implementation).
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    Any tips from the pros?

    This one might help.
    Allow configuration of Automatic Updates in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

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    Many thanks : ) Lee

    Yes, you can create a script in Acrobat that loops through the links and adjusts the link's "rect" property to suit your needs. You'll want to consult the Acrobat JavaScript Reference, and look at the doc.getLinks method in particular: http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/JS_API_AcroJS.88.479.html
    along with the Link object properties: http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/JS_API_AcroJS.88.802.html
    Post again if you get stuck.
    I don't know what control you have over this on the InDesign side of things. You may want to ask in one of the InDesign forums if you haven't already.

  • Regd bulk update of values in the table..

    HI ,
    I have a search page.. Have used autocustomization to create it ..This page will be used to query data from a table and then we also need to update couple of results table fields and save them.
    THere is a results region . i have included the multiselect option of table which has got me a select column as the first column in the table. Also have included a tableaction and an upate button with that ..
    Next to the table actions , Update button , I need to have a field , where in i can enter value and it shud update the updatable fields of rows in the table as bulk .. with the same value in the field next to update..
    SOme what like batch update for the table with same values..
    Could you please tell me hw do we do this ?

    As the update button is clicked then :
    if(pageContext.getParameter("Update")!= null)
    // Grab the value of the field next to update button
    String value = pageContext.getParameter("<id of text input>");
    //then loop through the rows
    for ( int i=0;i<row.length;i++)
    // then set the value of Attribute which you want
    row.setAttribute("<Attribute name>",value);//if this Attribute is on a text input in table then automatically it will be reflected for all rows of the table. (Bulk Update)

  • Problem in bulk update on partitioned table

    As per my old discussions on my huge table t_utr with 220 million rows,
    I'm running a bulk update statement on the table which may update 10 to 10 million rows in a single update statement.
    The problem is that when the statement has to update more number of rows, the update statement take more time.
    Here I want to know, when a update statement has to update more rows, will it impact the performance?

    > I'm running a bulk update statement on the table
    which may update 10 to 10 million rows in a single
    update statement.
    Bulk updates does not make SQL statements execute any faster.
    > The problem is that when the statement has to update
    more number of rows, the update statement take more
    It is not a problem, but a fact.
    > Here I want to know, when a update statement has to
    update more rows, will it impact the performance?
    You have a car capable of traveling 120km/h. You drive from point A to point B. These are 10 km apart. It takes 5 minutes.
    Obviously when you travel from A to Z that are a 1000 km apart, it is going to take a lot longer than just 5 minutes.
    Will updating more rows impact performance? No. Because you cannot compare the time it takes to travel from point A to B with the time it takes to travel from point A to Z. It does not make sense wanting to compare the two. Or thinking that a 1000km journey will be as fast to travel than a 10km journey.
    Updating 10 rows cannot be compared to updating 10 million rows. Expecting a 10 million row update to be equivalent in "performance" to a 10 row update is ludicrous.
    The correct question to ask is how to optimise a 10 million row update. The optimisation methods for a large update is obviously very different than those of a small update. E.g. 5 I/Os per row updated is insignificant when updating 10 rows. But is very significant when updating 10 million rows.

  • BULK updates

    Hi All,
    I have a table which has around 50 million rows. I want to update a particular column for all the rows in the table based on some join conditons with other tables.
    the conventional update method is taking too much time. no matter if i use a indexed column based update etc etc.. i came to know about BULK updates may be faster.
    can anyone please help me on this? bulk update example code would be helpful.. any example document also would be better.

    The conventional syntax can sometimes force a nested-loop/filter plan:
    UPDATE table1 t1
    SET    col1 =
           ( SELECT col2 FROM table2 t2
             WHERE  t2.x = t1.x );in which case updating a view may give you more flexibility and a more efficient join:
    ( SELECT t1.col1, t2.col2
      FROM   table1 t1
             JOIN table2 t2 ON t2.x = t1.x
      WHERE  ... )
    SET col1 = col2Have you also made sure you are only updating the rows you need? i.e. those that are different to the desired value (bearing in mind nulls etc).
    Edited by: William Robertson on Sep 21, 2010 7:26 PM

  • Bulk Update query

    Hello Friends,
    Can some one suggest me is that any possible bulk update query which consumes less timings?
    Table - MyTable
    id - PK.
    orderid - Order Id.
    Subid - Sub Id for an Order.
    lineitem - LineItemId.
    ProducId - Product Id.
    Now i want to update the Subid to My Table for Every Order on Basis of LineItemId..
    For Ex:
    I will be having the records in MyTable as for a single Order...there can mutilple Subid's.
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 1 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem = 1;
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 1 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem = 2;
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 5 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem = 2000;
    I worked out three scenarios as follows,
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 5 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem = 2000;
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 1 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem in(1,2,3.....1000);
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 2 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem in(1001,1002,.....1100);
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid= CASE WHEN lineitem = 1 THEN 1 WHEN lineitem = 2 THEN 2 .....WHEN 1000 THEN 1000 END WHERE orderid = 123;
    Please suggest me which update consumes less time and helpful for updating more records nearly 5000 - 10000 at a single table.

    You are comparing three cases that are not equal to each other:
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 5 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem = 2000;
    Here you update the records with orderid = 123 and lineitem = 2000
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 1 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem in(1,2,3.....1000);
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid = 2 WHERE orderid = 123 AND lineitem in(1001,1002,.....1100);
    This are multiple update statement to update all records with orderid = 123 and lineitems between 1 and 1100.
    UPDATE MyTable SET subid= CASE WHEN lineitem = 1 THEN 1 WHEN lineitem = 2 THEN 2 .....WHEN 1000 THEN 1000 END WHERE orderid = 123;
    And here all records with orderid = 123, regardless of the lineitem are updated.
    So my guess is that 1 will be the fastest as it is updating the least amount of records, followed by 2 and then 3. But it is a really weird comparison.
    I think you'd better make up your mind first about which records need to be updated and how. And then it is best to use one update statement to do the job.

  • Bulk Update Connected SharePoint Sites via powershell

    Is there a way to Bulk Update Connected SharePoint Sites via powershell?

    Sure you can, call the following PSI method from PowerShell passing in the correct parameter values:
    Paul Mather | Twitter |
    http://pwmather.wordpress.com | CPS

  • Best practice: bulk update (inverse of REF CURSOR SELECT)??

    To move data from the database to the application, there are REF CURSORS. However, there is no easy way to move updates/inserts from a dataset back to the database.
    Could someone provide some guidelines or simple examples of how to do bulk updates (and I'm talking multiple columns for multiple rows).
    I guess the way to go is arraybind. Are there any guidelines on how to handle them in .Net and PL/SQL ?

    You don't use the DECLARE keyword when defining stored procedures. The IS/ AS keyword is what you use instead.
        SELECT *
         WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID > 100;
    END TEST_REF;will compile. It seems a bit odd that you are opening a cursor and only fetching the first row from it. I would tend to suspect that you want to loop over every row that is returned.

  • Doubt on bulk update

    We have the below code block to do one of our bulk updates. Its taking way too long to finish. its 10g version.
    can anyone pls suggest any other alternatives to make this code run faster ?
    CURSOR s_cur IS
    SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(item_dscr_copy_t 4) */ id.item_dscr_id,rdc.dscr_id
    FROM   rgn_t r
    INNER JOIN item_t i
    ON    i.item_origin_rgn_id = r.rgn_id
    INNER JOIN item_dscr_t id
    ON    i.item_rec_id = id.item_rec_id
    INNER JOIN dscr_config_t dc
    ON    dc.dscr_id   = id.dscr_id
    AND   dc.enty_dscr = 'ITEM'
    INNER JOIN rgn_t eur
    ON    dc.rgn_id = eur.rgn_id
    AND   eur.rgn_mnm = 'EU'
    INNER JOIN dscr_config_t rdc
    ON    rdc.dscr_name = dc.dscr_name
    AND   rdc.rgn_id    = i.item_origin_rgn_id
    AND   rdc.enty_dscr = 'ITEM'
    WHERE r.rgn_mnm LIKE 'EU%'
    AND   r.rgn_mnm != 'EU';
    TYPE t_item_dscr_id IS TABLE OF item_dscr_t.item_dscr_id%TYPE;
    TYPE t_dscr_id IS TABLE OF item_dscr_t.dscr_id%TYPE;
    ar_item_dscr_id t_item_dscr_id;
    ar_dscr_id t_dscr_id;
      OPEN s_cur;
        FETCH s_cur BULK COLLECT INTO ar_item_dscr_id, ar_dscr_id LIMIT 10000;
        FORALL i IN ar_item_dscr_id.FIRST .. ar_item_dscr_id.LAST
        UPDATE item_dscr_copy_t
        SET    dscr_id = ar_dscr_id(i)
        WHERE  item_dscr_id = ar_item_dscr_id(i);
        EXIT WHEN s_cur%NOTFOUND;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE s_cur;

    did you try it without the hint? Are there maybe triggers on the table item_dscr_copy_t? How is the table item_dscr_copy_t indexed? And also the others?
    Look at the first poster, and maybe you can give us more information.*yes i did. but didnt help. there are no triggers. pls find below regarding the index information of this table.
    i am not able to generate the explain plan for this code block !
    i tried to generate but its telling ORA-00905: missing keyword error.*
    OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_PK_IDX     NORMAL     OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_T     TABLE     UNIQUE     DISABLED          TS_OGRDSTEST     2     255     65536          1     2147483645                              10     YES     3     574360     248371394     1     1     4075325     VALID     248371394     471350     9/22/2010 11:23:33 PM     1     1     NO     N     N     N     DEFAULT     NO                              YES                    NO     NO     NO
    OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_AK1_IDX     NORMAL     OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_T     TABLE     UNIQUE     DISABLED          TS_OGRDSTEST     2     255     65536          1     2147483645                              10     YES     3     899469     253494137     1     1     229355809     VALID     253494137     313109     9/22/2010 11:23:52 PM     1     1     NO     N     N     N     DEFAULT     NO                              YES                    NO     NO     NO
    OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_IE2_IDX     NORMAL     OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_T     TABLE     NONUNIQUE     DISABLED          TS_OGRDSTEST     2     255     65536          1     2147483645                              10     YES     3     765890     132524340     1     1     247182885     VALID     275152467     433984     9/22/2010 11:24:23 PM     1     1     NO     N     N     N     DEFAULT     NO                              YES                    NO     NO     NO
    OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_IE3_IDX     NORMAL     OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_T     TABLE     NONUNIQUE     DISABLED          TS_OGRDSTEST     2     255     65536          1     2147483645                              10     YES     3     1571028     48695047     1     3     175338510     VALID     268330841     201031     9/22/2010 11:25:12 PM     1     1     NO     N     N     N     DEFAULT     NO                              YES                    NO     NO     NO
    OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_IE4_IDX     NORMAL     OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_T     TABLE     NONUNIQUE     DISABLED          TS_OGRDSTEST     2     255     65536          1     2147483645                              10     YES     3     656319     16631783     1     2     44415572     VALID     277273348     514143     9/22/2010 11:25:46 PM     1     1     NO     N     N     N     DEFAULT     NO                              YES                    NO     NO     NO
    OGRDSTEST     CTXT_ITEM_DSCR_CP_TXT_IDX     DOMAIN     OGRDSTEST     ITEM_DSCR_COPY_T     TABLE     NONUNIQUE     DISABLED               0     0                                                  0     YES                                   VALID               9/22/2010 11:25:47 PM     1     1     NO     N     N     N          NO               CTXSYS     CONTEXT     STOPLIST CTXSYS.EMPTY_STOPLIST     NO     VALID     VALID          NO     NO     NO

  • Bulk Update Validation

    Is it possible to keep the latest changes to fields user makes on bulk updatable forms when submit fails because of one field validation. For example, if I'm checking one of the field 'x' to be correct email address, also user might have changed some other fields, so if the validation fails on field x while submitting, then it will erase the latest changes in other fields also. Is there way we can avoid this?.

    Thanks for quick reply Scott. Right, it's multi-row updateable reports and trying to preserve the values. I'm not uisng the wizard to generate the updateable report, because the of conditional columns. There was known issue with bulk updates, if the updateable columns are conditional. Here is the description of the page.
    1. Region
    1. Page with a region sql query(updatetable report) contains about 40 columns and columns are conditionally dispalyed. These condinal columns condtions are set in "report atrributes". I've created this region with my own select statement. The region display and conditions works fine.
    2. Process
    I've written a corresponding process to update the table, this works fine.
    3. Validation
    Type : function returning boolean
    when submit button is pressed
    validation :
    v_error_flag BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    FOR i IN 1 .. wwv_flow.g_f01.COUNT LOOP
    IF i BETWEEN wwv_flow.g_flow_current_min_row AND
    wwv_flow.g_flow_current_min_row + wwv_flow.g_flow_current_max_rows THEN
    IF (wwv_flow.g_f02(i) IS NULL) THEN
    v_error_flag := FALSE;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_error_flag;
    basically the above condition checking for wwv_flow.g_f02(i) is null or not and returning true or false. The error message will be displayed inline with field and notification. The validation works fine, but does not retain values of the validation field and other fields also, this is the main problem.
    4. branch
    onsubmit: After processing(after computation,validation and branching)
    branch to page or url and using the page number.
    Please let me know if you need any further information. I've an example page in my application, incase if you want to take a closer look at it. Any quick help is really appreciated.

  • Oracle 9i Problem when using multicolumn bulk update with "save exceptions"

    I'm running into a problem with Oracle 9i when running a multicolumn update with "save exceptions". The problem occurs when updating 4 or more fileds. (The data being updated are 40 character text strings)
    I'm updating 1000 records at a time, in bulk.
    The problem goes away when I don't use "save exception" (i.e. catch the exception the normal "pre-Oracle 9i" way) or when I use "save exception" with 3 or fewer fields.
    (I don't get any exceptions when running without the "save exception")

    The problem is an ORA-14403 error detected during bulk updates only when "save exception" is used with more than 3 fields being updated.
    Remove the "save exception" I can update any number of fields.
    Reduce the number of fields being updated to 3 or less and use save exceptions and the 14403 error goes away.
    (I'd like to use "save exception" without having to break the "update" into two separate 3 field updates.)

  • Bulk update of CLI Credentials in Prime 2.1

    I have a number of devices in Prime 2.1 which use a managment TACACS account plus SNMP to talk with Prime. The managment TACACS account password has now been changed and thus Prime is not able to use this account to manage the devices. This there a way to update all of my devices in Prime with the new password at once?
    Many thanks MIke 

    Hi Mike ,
    Bulk update is unfortulately not possible  ,there is an enhancement BUG for the same::
    CSCuh80466    Bulk telnet/ssh credential update for wired devices not there in PI 2.0
    You can try to do this via Template .
    Design >Feature design >cli template > system template
    select TACACS server template , edit it as per your need and click " save as new Template" and then you will find that save template under "My template" . try deploying it
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