Business object attribute assignment

Hi Al Experts,
We have a transaction in SAP called SWF_BAM where we can trigger a proxy call on the basis of events triuggered.
I created a z BO and i am trying to create the binding between my BO and proxy structure.
Here we can link the BO attributes with proxy structure.
In my proxy structure i have a table type .
Is there any way to create an attribute in Business Objetc of a table type??
Please guide me thanks in advance.

Thanks for reply.
It always ask for reference field.
its not working.
actually that table type of proxy structure is appearing as container element and we have business  object attributes comes as container element
we can do it in container element but it is not allowing me to do in business object.
Please tell me any way to do it.
One question
can we achieve this using ABAP class?
Thanks in advance

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    This problem can be solved by creating a BO method that makes a call to CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN.
    Using this FM change the value of the attribute and save the same using CRM_ORDER_SAVE.

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    Regards, Lars.

    Some more info to add to what Peter has already explained well.
    If you are going to call a method that has parameters (like a Create method as you mentioned) you would need to create and populate the container as follows.
    swc_container wa_container.
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    This forum is dedicated to Busines Objects, a BI company recently acquired by SAP. Please re-post your message in the ABAP forum.

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    Debidutta Mohanty wrote:
    > But Inside the class -> Can be assigned or changed -> Using Method -> Correct ?
    > That means, inside the Business Object aslo, we can have one method to assign or change attribute. Is there any Macro to change the attribute ?
    BOR attribuites are a piece of code. You can see this by hilighting an attribute and clicking on the "Program" button. That code returns the attribute value, usually something from a DB table, something calculated, or a private attribute.
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    Hello Huga,
    About maintaining the language in E-Rec  you can have a look at the table
    V_T77RCF_SELANGU, there you can maintain the different language.
    The exception you are getting might be coming from the TREX side. please check the following notes:
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    1249465   TREX 7.1: Installing TREX for Embedded Search
    Best Regards,

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    You have to go the workflow change container element of that BOR e.g. "BUS2010030" and on tab "properties" check the checkbox "IMPORT" and "MANDATORY".
    Doing the above BOR will be available in the F4 help of actions profile wizard or conditions.

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    data a type XXX.
    a = me->attribute
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    pointes are awarded

    thanks for your answer, but this too did not work, "=>" is for static attributes and the attributes i have are not static. Moreover, i tried it but it gave the same error :
    the abap error was when i was checking the code is :
    the type me=>documenttype is unknown
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    You can go inside the transaction called 'BAPI' and in the hierarchial view get inside the module under which the BAPI comes and then get to see the business object which is assigned to the BAPI.
    Hope it helps,

  • Attributes Problem in Business Object

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    2) The Virtual Attributes are getting created as per the Business Logic and I can see the desired result for this also.
    3) The methods are giving desired results.
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    Well, I am triggering the Workflow using the SWUD transaction and infact I am creating the required Instances in the first screen of SWUD.
    Can anyone make me clear why this is happening?
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

    Hi people,
    Thanks for immediate reply.
    Well, I think I didnt explain my problem clearly...
    Well, here is my clear explanation.
    I created a new Business Object named ZOBJECT say...
    It has 3 key fields...
    PERNR(Employee Number),BEGDA(Start Date) and ENDDA(End Date)
    It has 2 attributes...
    One is a Databsase Attribute - ENAME which gets populated from database PA0001.
    Another is a Virtual Attribute - EMAILID which gets populated from some Business Logic.
    And it has one Event...ZEVENT
    It has one method...
    SENDMAIL - Which sends the email to the EMAILID Attribute.So my coding looks something like this...
             W_TOEMAIL TYPE PA0105-USRID_LONG,
      W_FROMEMAIL = '[email protected]'.
      W_SUBJECT = 'Test Mail'.
    Populate the mail content into IT_TEXT Internal table
      call function 'YHSENDEMAIL'
            TOEMAIL   = W_TOEMAIL
            SUBJECT   = W_SUBJECT
            IT_TEXT   = IT_TEXT.
    So as shown above I designed my Business Object.
    And I tested this Business Object from SWO1(Business Object Builder) Transaction itself. I am able to get the desired result. Everything seems perfect till now.
    Now, I created my workflow with ZOBJECT-ZEVENT as the Start Event.
    I created one Standard Task to send EMail which in turn calls up my ZOBJECT-SENDEMAIL Method.
    So when I called this method, I found that OBJECT-EMAIL inside the method is not populated, ultimately, no mail is going.
    I dont understand why the attribute values are not populated when I call the same method from workflow.
    When I checked the workflow log, I can see my attribute values for the ZOBJECT. But in the Method, I cant access the attribute values as such...But I am able to access the Key fields of the method...
    Can anybody explain me the reason for this behavior?
    I checked the BINDING, Everthing seems perfect from this side...So I dont think it's a binding problem.
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>
    Message was edited by: Raja Sekhar

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