Business Process of different Industries

Well,I know the answer of this question will require huge articles but I just need a general introduction.
As we know SAP is deployed in number of different industries can anyone name them and explain the major differences between them considering the business process

Tyre industries business processes are same as a manufacturing industries..............
Like Export Sales, Local Sales, Scrap Sales and Stock Transfer etc.
If you have any specific problem then let me know

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       PLZ ANSWER ME ASAP......

    Tyre industries business processes are same as a manufacturing industries..............
    Like Export Sales, Local Sales, Scrap Sales and Stock Transfer etc.
    If you have any specific problem then let me know

  • MM Business Process

    Can someone help me out in getting some docs where i can find the Bussiness Process in MM.
    Kindly let me know abt that??

    Hi Sekhar,
    When u say business process it differs from company to company like certain things are as given below.
    1) Procure to Pay for raw materials
    2) Procure to pay for spares
    3) procure to pay for assets
    4) sub contracting process
    5) Inventory management process
    6) physical inventory process
    7) Stock transport order process.
    it the client business process what we are going to study & map it into SAP, u can find documents by searching in

  • Business Process harmonization

    My Client operates in multiple SAP environments from 4.6c to ECC 5.0 across the globe apart from many other legacy applications. Legacy applications interface with SAP on predominantly accounting functions They want to consolidate and reduce the number of instances to 3 or 4 and also streamline the business processes and reduce the cost. Please let me know whether the BPM model will work as a possible solution to this scenario

    Hi Jayaram
    The first thing to ask your client before suggesting anything is whether the client has a clear knowhow of what they want? If there is a knowhow of what the objectives are the next question is about articulation of the same and devising a clear roadmap of what would be the final outcome. In your case at a broad level the client wants to cut the cost of maintaining hundreds of legacy applications and to standardise its business process over different geographies. But these are again very broad level statements. There might be a lot of hidden wants that need to be brought on to the table before an actual business process harmonization exercise can be suggested. Do keep in mind that any such activities are met with strong resistances from different quarters of the business. The thing to understand in this case is that once the client knows what he is planning to acheive, you can then propse a cost benefit analysis to show how it would help the client to have an effective IT spend. But the process does not stop there, it is the clients onus to drill down this message through the organisation about this harmonization exercise. Being an outside vendor if you suggest changes to the way people have been working for years it would be met with resistance. So the way ahead would be to form a steering committee including members of both the client side and vendor side. The vendor side can provide the solution, but the leadership should be driven from the client side.

  • Business Process Monitering

              My company has decided to implement BPM (Business Process Monitering). Can we implement BPM for the Template Project.
               What is the difference between "Solution" and "Template project"? Please provide me helpful answers.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sreekala
    In Solution Manager, we have 2 different areas. One is project and another one is solution.
    In both area, we can maintain business process. And we can also copy existing business process from different sources
    (Business Process Repository, Project, Solution).
    <Project is more used for implementation and test scenario. Operation is used for operation scenario like busines process monitoring>
    So if you have something in project side (template project), you can copy existing processes into solution. And then
    you can configure business process monitoring
    (remember, business process monitoring uses business process in solution. not project side).
    In case, you do not have anything yet, you can also try template BPMon setting that is avaialble in service market place.
    It contains important application monitor (transactional document monitor).
    If you are enterprise support contract or max attention contract and your SAP backend system is already go live,
    I recommend you to take Business Process Analysis  service to have insight of you backend system.
    Then it become much clear where to start and how the tool can provide additional benefit.
    (in more detail, contact SAP Support Advisory center)
    I list up some important information sources. So please take a look at link below.
    One of topic is about the project. So you can get some information in here
    >"Can business processes from the project part (SOLAR01) be reused for Business Process Monitoring? "
    2)BPMon functional scope
    More detail info about BPMon.
    3)BPMon template
    About BPMon template
    4)BPMon setup guide and general introduction
    Technical information --> Media Library --> Technical Information (contains configuration guides)
                                                                             -->Customer Information (contains overview and avaialble monitor info)
    Best Regards
    Keiji Mishima

  • Business Process book

    I would like to know more about the business process on SAP. For example, from create a SO, then delivery, billing... what if the delivery goods have somethings wrong, then how to handle in general purpose. what if wrong posting, how to handle and so on. Actually, I would like to know the operation in best practices, not in technical side. Thanks!

    You can take the help of and from this forum only you can have tons of documents describing the basic business processes of different verticals.
    Please let me know in case of any specific concern.

  • Use of BPMN diagrams on different levels (Business Process Architect 11gR1)

    I have an issue regarding the representation of different levels of diagrams in BPA... I have been using following types of diagrams from the highest level to the lowest:
    - Structuring model,
    - Value-added chain diagram,
    - Business process diagram (BPMN),
    - Business process diagram (BPMN),
    - Function allocation diagram (this is generated automatically).
    Those levels are linked with use of "Assignment" function on individual elements and that enables the user to drill-down to the last level (except between Structuring model and Value-added chain diagram - I can't find a way to link those two).
    As you might have noticed from the list of diagrams above, I have used two BPMN diagrams to represent two successive levels. Is this OK? On the first of those two diagram types, I represented activities with "Function" elements (I also used Start, Intermediate, End events and Rule elements).
    I linked every "Function" element to a more detailed BPMN diagram on the next level. That one includes "Human task", "Automated activity" elements (and also Start, Intermediate, End events, Rule elements and also others) and is eventually meant to be transformed into BPEL.
    That is how I understood the "Oracle_BPA_Suite_QuickStart_Sample_Guide.pdf" and samples included in Architect 11gR1. Is that the right way to do it? Does anybody have a better suggestion on how to represent the whole chain of diagrams?
    How can "Assignees" be represented in the BPMN diagram, where I used "Function" elements? Is it possible to link "Structuring model" elements to Value-added chain diagrams?
    I hope this describes my dilemma well enough and doesn't frighten you all away... I thank you all for your feedback in advance.

    It is possible to assign Structural Elements to any Model Type in BPA. If you are not able to make this assignment it is not active in your Method Filter. You can log in with the Entire Method filter to check this out. You can also modify the filter you are using to include this ability.
    The hierarchy you are using is fine and is a commonly used one. Some people use the EPC model, which is specifc to BPA and not a standard, at the level below the value-chain but many use BPMN as you have. If your intent is to use the first BPMN as a pure business process model then you may consider creating a separate custom Model Type, based on the BPMN model, with a scaled down set of allowable objects. This is also done through customizing the filter. If you do this you can also rename the model types in the filter if you wish to have different names at each level.
    Note of caution, modifying a method filter can have impacts and should generally be done by someone with a working knowledge of the meta model. If you chosse to change a filter supplied with the tool, copy it and rename it, then update the copy. Always retain the original filter provided with the tool. If you are doing something as simple as adding the ability to use the assignment between Structural Elements and Value-Added Chain models, that would be no big deal. If you get into reusing object and model types that has more impact on the functionality of the tool.

  • Reservation of Stock for different business processes

    We have a scenario  like two types of sales processes are there
    1. Direct Sales
    2. E-sales
    From Plant-A  both sales will happen, but while creating sales order for   direct sales 70% of the plant capacity  and E-sales 30% of the plant capacity.
    plant capacity we are mapping with planned orders
    how can we acheve this.

    I doubt that Reservation of Stock is possible for different business processes. Based on Sales Orders, the stock will be consumed.
    Rajesh Banka

  • Different business processes of SD!!

    Hi SD experts,
    i am PI resource...and i am very very curious to know about the different key areas of Sales and Distribution.if any 1 have some ppt. or some good document please pass it to me..
    just want to know "Outbound delivery" falls under  which part of business process.

    hi das
    Outbound delivery is the part of sd business process.  In bound delivery is the process of wm business processs.   or mm business process inventory business process.   \
    you can get more clarity on this slideshow
    Reward points if you feeel this answer solve your query
    Thanks & Regards

  • FICO business processes in IS-OIL

    Hi Oil experts,
    I want to know about the business processes in IS OIL, how it is different from general FICO,
    Please give me the pdf  material if any,
    thanks in advance,

    Hello Amjad ..
    These links will tell you for the  Business processes in IS OIL -->
    1. The documentation ..
    2.The white papers ..
    3.Some external help
    Hope this helps you ..
    Ps my extensive Google search did not yield any PDF's for the same ..
    Best Regards

  • Effective Language for Business Process Modelling in a Web Community

    It's a very exciting idea of having business process definition/innovation a community driven process.
    Just Imagine a stituation where somebody can innovate a process on a theoritical level which is then perfected by   business community opinion/examples for benchmarking, effectiveness, relevance etc.
    The ultimate business community dream would be Finding their process in the community. Finding merits and demerits of their process. Explore for a refinement to the process. Getting a copy of their newly created process and
    droping it into their IT system and the wonderful IT system upgrading itself to the new process and executing it.
    The Impact of simplification would be enormous:
    Just check out the possibilities
    Every businessman would be an IT user to get ideas for business and business execution
    The IT Guy would be recognized as process maker
    For a business entity Presentation during AGM could be extra transparent :-).
    A very concrete step in this direction would be to have a language or tool which is very easy to understand and drives people for exploration.
    My Wish would be a Visual web tool which defines a specific business process in the most simple form, and from there somebody can explore the enhancements to the process.
    For example a simple selling process done in medicine shop is
    listening the order verbally , delivering it immediately, getting cash immediately and [typing the Invoice on XL or Word or POS machines], printing it and then giving to Customer.
    after selecting this business process on the tool one should be able to explore the possible process
    enhancements with known business benefits
    a) offer credit facility to customer--> just a worklist to collect pending money
    b) take order now and supply later for non available medicines
    c)Start home delivery
    The businessman should be able to select (1) or (2) which then becomes his new process.
    This can be sent to his IT landscape which should be able to interprete it and then grow itself Ah.... 
    [or atleast the model should tell the IT guy what to do!!].
    The generic business Process enhancements Options are not too many and can be defined and classified
    See the Options in the above mentioned business process context
    1)Automation[Create Purchase order from ]
    2)Increasing depth [The above example a,b,c are for increasing depth]
    3)Step simplification[In the above example instead of word using the POS Machine is simple]
    4)Resource utilization[If you have a PC and don't want to buy POS Machine then type the invoice on a Word :-)]
    5)Workforce optimization {any examples :-)community driven}
    7)Process optimization (How to deliver the medicine route wise)
    8)Colloboration (Using courier to send medicine)
    9)Knowledge provision (giving sales/payment trends,)
    The idea is so simple but making this tool highiely context(business) sensitive and intuitive is challenge.
    But anyway it's not impossible to have a business process language which is effective and an IT systems for which starting point is a business process. The IT system which takes your business process and executes them
    looking forward for this future
    Message was edited by: Anand Rai
    Message was edited by: Anand Rai

    Hi Dilip,
    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    I'm also interested to know from community what are different tools used by them for process modelling?
    What are their merits?
    1)are they easily understandabale
    2) do they come with business context
    3)whether they can be used in a web comunity? Like somebody can give feedback or business case for a particular business process/step.
    4)Does it drive the IT automation
    5)Are there any appservers which take business model and generate/grow applications
    6)How the different modelling applications should communicate?
    7)Common standards
    For example
    I have used rational rose and RAD like VB they are complicated/simple enough to generate model based applications but the business representation and business context is totally missing. I would seek something with more business context or knowledgebase.
    Regards Anand

  • Error while converting BPMN to BPEL in Business Process Architect

    I am using Business Process Architect 11gR1 where I have modeled my process. Now that I have to move this model to BPM, I am using the option SOA -> share blueprint with IT in BPA. A dialog appears that asks to validate the model. I confim with "Yes" and it shows the conversion progress bar but after the while an error appears (a java exception). A report opens in my browser that has the following message
    Validation of a service-oriented BPMN model in Oracle BPA Suite
    Structure rules for BPMN in Oracle BPA Suite
    Rules for a service-oriented BPMN model in Oracle BPA Suite
    String not found: RULEKIND_NAMEd89733d0-d605-11db-0505-000fb0c4ad32
    The java exception is "Error while creating report:
    report: oraclebpmn2bpel, line 632
    Type error: cannot find function getErrNo in (oraclebpmn2bpel#632)
    can anyone please help me as to why this happens and how it can be sorted out?
    Edited by: user10303310 on Dec 13, 2011 3:10 AM

    Hi Julika,
    The error message might not be related to the activities itself. I assume your model is not well structured. Consider that the following points aren't disregarded:
    * Never "jump" out of a particular branch into a different part of the model or into another branch
    * All functions/events have only one incoming/outgoing connection
    * Process parallel flows should be specified by splitting and joining AND/XOR rules, or they should contain either one splitting AND/XOR rule only for which there is no other connection between their paths, or one joining AND/XOR rule only that is met by all connections.
    Let me know if it did not help to fix your problem.
    Best regards,

  • Business process ...

    I have a central warehouse and about 8 retail outlets.I receive goods at central warehouse(St Loc) and transfer these goods to the 8 retail outlets.I sell the goods from these retail outlets and also I sell it from Central loaction  as a direct sale.
    I have 2 options of mapping a business process for MM and SD.
    I have one plant created with a St Loc for the central Warehouse(location) and remaining 8 retail outlets as different plants  with one St Loc each.
    I have to maintain some 10k materials in all the plants since I sell them directly from Central plant or the 8 retail plants.
    I will receive goods against PO in Central warehouse and transfer them to all other 8 locations(plants) against STO.
    Now I can sell them from those plants as cash sell.
    I have a central warehouse to be treated as plant and for all the other 8 retail outlets I will create one plant(say B) and under that I will create 8 loactions to be treated as retail outlets.
    I will continue to receive the goods aginst PO in central WH as in case 1 and also transfer them to plant B against STO with Storage Location enetered per line item otherwise the goods will notmove to proper retail outlet.
    Once received in each Storage location I will sell the goods from these loactions as acash sell.
    I have to maintain business area linked to each plant to capture business information.
    If i go by option 1, then I will have to create 9 business areas per plant and if I go by option 2 then only 2.
    Considering all this I require some inputs/suggestion to choose the option between 1 and 2.
    Which should be used and why ?
    In any option the materilas will have to be created in all the 9 loactions whether I treat them as plants or one plant and one plant with 8 storage locations as to sell materials I need to have them in each storage location specifically in the option B
    Thanks in advance

    I am sorry but this is a particular subject that I have VERY strong views on.
    If the different sites have different addresses (even if they are in the same town) DO NOT use storage locations for them.
    You will have stock movements between them and these are much better handled by plants.
    Also consider the following;
    If you use astorage location for a site you have no way of breaking down that storage area further. You would not use WM and you cannot therefore have any further breakdown on where the stock is (such as cold store, warehouse, display window, retail shelves etc.).
    Also consider (especially for the sites that are not in the same town) Info records.
    What if one site is substantially further away from the vendor than the others? Lead times MAY be different, prices MAY be different etc.
    Even if none of the above applies in your business NOW, can you be 100% sure that things might not change in the future.
    Storage locations for sites definitely reduces the functionality available from MM.
    Use plants for each address that is likely to hold stock and if this means more master data then manage that (by using mass uploads and changes). You maintain data far less frequently than you do receipts, issues, transfers, stock takes etc.
    Steve B

  • Using ARIS process models as the foundation for Business Process Monitoring

    Do anyone know if you can use IDS Scheer ARIS process models and the integration between IDS Scheer ARIS and SAP Solution Manager as the starting point for end-to-end Business Process Monitoring (BPM) so that you get the process description/model automatically in Solution Manager BPM and just need to configure the monitoring (more or less that you monitor against the modelled process in ARIS)?
    Is there an API for SAP Solution Manager BPM so that non-SAP solutions/systems can be part of the end-to-end process monitoring?
    If not, how do you usually integrate non-SAP solutions that are part of an end-to-end process that you want to monitor into SAP Solution Manager BPM, or do you not use Solution Manager BPM for this?
    What is the roadmap for SAP around SAP Solution Manager BPM when it comes to non-SAP systems/applications/solutions and the new SAP NetWeaver BPM functionality?
    Markus Johansson

    Hello Markus,
    I just paste my answer form the other forum entry Re: Business process management strategy in SAP?
    in a nutshell BPM Netweaver is focussing on so called edge-processes (usually
    SOA-based and often workflow related). These edge-processes a thought to enhance exisitng core business processes and should provide the fast competitive edge versus competitors. Examples would be also xApps. For this Netweaver provides process modelling tools, where you can get exectuable code through the integration between CE and PI. The monitoring part for these processes is mainly targeting business end-users and business manager.
    Business Process Monitoring with Solution Manager focusses on core business processes which are realized with the "conventional", "old" SAP Architecture, e.g. Order-to-Cash or Procure-to-Pay. You get a combination of technical monitors (average response times of transactions, background job runtimes, monitors for IDOC or qRFC processing) and application related monitors (you get more than 200 pre-configured application monitors out-of-the-box like number of overdue customer orders or outbound deliveries or number of deliveries with goods issue posted but no invoice). The target group here is the support organization of the customer, from Basis-Support over application support on IT side to process owner on business department side.
    Overview presentations can be found under --> Media Library --> Customer Information -->
    "Business Process Monitoring - Part 1 & 2".
    Or look under
    In the end BPM Netweaver and BPMon SolMan are complementary for different purposes and different target groups.
    Best Regards

  • 2 Logical Components for 1 Business Process Step

    Hello All,
    I'm looking for a way to assign in SolMan --> transaction Solar01 - Tab Structure - Business Process Step, 2 logical components for 1 business step. When creating the business step I have to assign 1 specific logical component to this step. Once I have done this I can only select  the chosen logical component ffor SAP Transactions, configuration object etc.. As my business step is running on 2 different systems I need to find a way to link transactions etc. in the step to the different systems. Is there any way to change this for the Level 3 elements, like it is for level 2 (business processes) where I can choose in the different tabs between all the logical components?
    Thanks in advance

    I've seen people use some absolute craziness to get more than three levels. The most extreme being using multiple projects at the highest level (i.e. a project for PTP Accounts Payable). Don't go there.
    I personally like to have 1 transaction per process step. Don't use the transaction tab as another process level, use it to better describe the process step (like all the other tabs are uses). It results in a better understanding of the system as you go forward. To do that I make teams break up things they think are one step (this can take some arm twisting, so hit the gym and maybe take a few judo classes).
    This allows you to use SolMan in more powerful ways. For instance, if you attach development objects to a step with 5 transactions, you cannot tell which transaction is modified by the development object. However, one transaction per node provides you this link. There are other examples, but basically the "where used" button becomes very useful when you have 1 transaction per node.
    Maybe you could provide a specific example of your process and we can think of a better way to collapse it.
    Such as:
    - PTP Non-Merchandise Purchasing
    -- Expense Purchasing
    --- Create Purchase Requisition
    --- Create Purchase Order (Assign Vendor & Price)
    --- Send to Vendor
    --- Post Goods Receipt
    --- Perform LIV
    --- Process Payment
    Some companies have 6 level processes already defined in models and putting it into SolMan can be a pain for sure. Your naming convention is usually the best route.
    The system role and template work around doesn't apply to your situation.

Maybe you are looking for

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