ClassCastException problem...

Ok, here's my problem. The method in question, processFindBookTransaction, is supposed to search go into a binary search tree and find a "book" with a certain key. Here's the code for that method:
  private static Book processFindBookTransaction(Transaction aTransaction)
    Book aBook = (Book) library.findByKey(aTransaction.getISBN());
    if (aBook != null)
      System.out.println(aTransaction.getISBN() +
                         " found: " + aBook );
      System.out.println(aTransaction.getISBN() +
                         " cannot be found");
    return aBook;
  }The problem is in the line reading:
Book aBook = (Book) library.findByKey(aTransaction.getISBN());Here is the code for the method that is accessed in the binary search tree (library being the binary search tree object):
  public Object findByKey(Comparable aKey)
    Node currentNode = rootNode;
    Node parentNode = null;
    boolean found = false;
    while(!found && currentNode != null)
      if(aKey.compareTo(currentNode.getNodeKey()) < 0)
        parentNode = currentNode;
        currentNode = (Node)currentNode.getLeftChild();
        if(aKey.compareTo(currentNode.getNodeKey()) > 0)
          parentNode = currentNode;
          currentNode = (Node) currentNode.getRightChild();
          found = true;
          return currentNode;
    }It throws a ClassCastException, and I can't figure out why. For some reason, it's having a problem explicitly casting an object of type Object to one of type Book. This problem is beyond my comprehension, so I hope someone can help. I appreciate any input. Thank you.

It's happening at runtime, unfortunately. From what I can follow, it start by taking a Transaction object, and just pulling a String from the attributes of it. Then, it takes the String and gives it to the findByKey method, which takes it in as a Comparable. The Comparable is then used in a series of comparisons, narrowing down the potential Nodes for a match. Then, at the end of the find method, it returns a Node, which is then attempted to be cast as a Book. Now, I don't know if it casts it as an Object before returning it, or if it's just giving back the Node to be cast as the Book. (I'm not that fluent in Java to understand the specifics)
By the way, I accidentally cut off the last 2 lines from the find method. The first one read return parentNode; and the second line was just the closing bracket for the whole method.

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    DESCRIPTION/ZB (only)                                   X                       X
    DATA_CONTROL_NAME/ZBModuleDataControl (only)            X                       X
    (both)                                                  X                       XPlease correct me where I did wrong. I wonder what is. I even tried
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    Edited by: user1587779 on Oct 3, 2008 9:59 AM

    Thanks for the response.
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    Caused by: weblogic.xml.query.exceptions.XQueryDynamicException: {err}XQ0027: Validation failed: error: cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected element 'RECV_DT' instead of 'REQ_FL' here in element
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    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.message.Text
    at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.onEndChild(
    at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(
    at Source)
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         declare $message as xs:string;
         set $message :="failed";
         } catch (* into $err , $msg, $obj){
    fn:concat("Update failed on due to: ", $err, $msg), $obj);
    set $message := "success";
    return value $message;     
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  • Another ClassCastException problem

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    at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbReferenceDescriptor.getJndiName(
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    at com.sun.ejb.codegen.GeneratorDriver.preDeploy(
    at Source)
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    I think you have wrong definitions of beans in ejb-jar.xml

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    oracle.sql.BLOB.DURATION_CALL); while trying to store a BLOB value I'm using Oracle 9i. (JDBC classes12.jar).
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    String sql = " update test set code = ? where id = ?  ";
                 BLOB   newBlob = BLOB.createTemporary(dbcon, false, BLOB.DURATION_CALL);
                  stmt = dbcon.prepareStatement(newsql);
                 stmt.setBlob(1, newBlob);
                 stmt.setInt(2, Studid );
                 stmt.close();Can any one tell me how can I get this code to work with the datasource implementation.

    I think this could be a problem with the class loader . Take a look at this thread It should solve your problem.

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    OutputStream out = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new SQLException("failed write to blob" + e.getMessage());
    ((oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement)(st)).setBLOB(index, blob);
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    thanks in advance for any help.

    If you are using OCI driver, you may check whether using thin driver would avoid ClassCastException.

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    [java] at
    [java] at abc.PeriodCTCodec.invokeSetter(
    I try to modify the PeriodCTCodec to determine the ClassCastException
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    If I use non-blank enumeration option, the class is abc.PeriodAreaCodeST.
    What's wrong when I use blank enumeration option? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!
    My modified PeriodCTCodec is also attached
    My sample xsd file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:complexType name="Period.CT">
    <xsd:element name="Year" type="v4com:Period.AreaCode.ST"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="Period.AreaCode.ST">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:enumeration value=""/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="A"/>
    <xsd:enumeration value="B"/>
    The java exception:
    <faultstring>Exception during processing:
    java.lang.ClassCastException (see Fault Detail for
    [java] at
    [java] at abc.PeriodCTCodec.invokeSetter(
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at
    [java] at

    Can anyone please tell me the solution for this ?
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    Please help on this. Thanks in advance.

  • ClassCastException While Narrowing

    I have my application deployed as EAR file, with a WAR and two JAR for the statelesss session beans. On Server start up I call a servlet (in the WAR), which invokes the EJB deployed in one of the JAR file. At that instance it is giving the following Error:
    Exception :Cannot narrow remote object to
    java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot narrow remote object to
         at weblogic.iiop.PortableRemoteObjectDelegateImpl.narrow(
         at javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.createServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.createInstances(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.preloadServlet(
    The same code used to work fine before, but I had some class loader issues to resolve which i set the 'prefer-web-inf-classes' to true in the weblogic.xml of the WAR. However after that I started getting the ClassCastException problem..
    Any Help Would be Hghly Appreciated

    here's the weblogic-application.xml that i have used to specify different classloaders
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-application PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic Application 8.1.0//EN' ''>

  • WARs and ClassCastException redux...

    so i've been poring through messages in this newsgroup.. and i've
              noticed that many people have run into the ClassCastException problem
              with WARs that have servlets forwarding on to jsps using objects
              stuffed away in sessions..
              i've been trying to get my web application working as a WAR, but i've
              run into this very problem. (jsps try to retrieve object from session
              that was stored away by controlling servlet, but get a
              ClassCastException) is it true that, because weblogic uses different
              classloaders for servlets and jsps in a WAR, WARs are essentially
              worthless for my app? is there a solution to this? is bea addressing
              this too?

    i read your solution on previous posts, and it works.. but is this the
              only solution? it seems odd that the classloading behavior would
              differ depending on whether you executed a JSP or servlet first. do
              you mean that i have to invoke JSPs controlled by all my servlets
              first? or just one of them, and the rest will behave accordingly?
              On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Cameron Purdy wrote:
              > After starting the server, invoke a JSP before invoking the first servlet.
              > Peace,
              > --
              > Cameron Purdy
              > Tangosol, Inc.
              > +1.617.623.5782
              > WebLogic Consulting Available
              > "Leo Kim" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:Pine.OSX.4.30.0012191647220.1267-100000@ginormous...
              > > so i've been poring through messages in this newsgroup.. and i've
              > > noticed that many people have run into the ClassCastException problem
              > > with WARs that have servlets forwarding on to jsps using objects
              > > stuffed away in sessions..
              > >
              > > i've been trying to get my web application working as a WAR, but i've
              > > run into this very problem. (jsps try to retrieve object from session
              > > that was stored away by controlling servlet, but get a
              > > ClassCastException) is it true that, because weblogic uses different
              > > classloaders for servlets and jsps in a WAR, WARs are essentially
              > > worthless for my app? is there a solution to this? is bea addressing
              > > this too?
              > >
              > > thx
              > > leo
              > >

  • ClassCastException on Serializable Object

    I access an Ejb method that return a List of DictionaryClassDTO.
    I've got a ClassCast Exception on line * on the code below
    List varListFromServer = this.loadFromServer(varListOfDictionaryClassNameForServer);
    for(Iterator i = varListFromServer.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
       Object varObject =;
       DictionaryClassDTO varServerDictionaryClass = (DictionaryClassDTO)varObject; // *
    }NB. DictionaryClassDTO implements Serializable interface.
    I think the exception is link to ClassLoader :
    varObject classloader is instance of sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler$Loader
    varServerDictionaryClass classloader is instance of org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseClassLoader
    Can someone have an idea how perform the cast ?

    Did you find a solution/workaround for your ClassCastException problem? I'm running into a similar problem.
    In my case, the object from the EJB method call is loaded by sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader, while I'm casting it to a variable loaded with org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseClassLoader (parent: org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.core.AbstractFrameworkAdaptor$ParentClassLoader). I'm still trying to sort out the classloaders used by an Eclipse plugin.
    Thanks, Steve

  • Weblogic6.0 classloader

    I can't seem to find any documentation on the mentioned
    improvements of the classpath and classloader on weblogic6.0.
    Could someone please explain these improvements or help to
    provide me with an appropriate link?
    Has the dreaded ClassCastException problems been eliminated?
    Igor Zavialov, [email protected]
    Consulting Services available
    "Jas" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I can't seem to find any documentation on the mentioned
    improvements of the classpath and classloader on weblogic6.0.
    Could someone please explain these improvements or help to
    provide me with an appropriate link?
    Has the dreaded ClassCastException problems been eliminated?

  • Problem with ClassCastException in web application

              I'm trying to deploy a web application in WLS 5.1 and I'm getting the
              "dreaded" ClassCastException every time when JSP tries to read a bean
              from the request or session. Under my architecture (actually it's just
              the regular "model 2" ) bean is populated by a servlet, set on the
              request and then retrieved by JSP (servlet forwards to JSP). Everything
              work fine when I register servlets in, but
              ClassCastException is thrown on any attempt to read from the request if
              the same JSPs and servlets are deployed as web application.
              Has anybody come across the same problem?
              Thanks in advance for help.

              This is all well and good as a temporary bug, but it's totally unrealistic for
              the future. Two points:
              * The ClassLoader doesn't need to be discarded, it just needs to be cleared.
              * Other servlet engines seem to be able to handle this.
              Hope it's on its way to resolution!
              TDoan wrote:
              > Alexander:
              > I had some problem with ClassCastException, and recently I found out what it
              > was that causing it. I'm sure if this is the same problem you are having,
              > but please read the following paragraph.
              > I cutted this from
              > ClassCastException and HTTP Sessions
              > You might encounter a ClassCastException while developing servlets that use
              > HTTP sessions. This could happen as a result of the following set of events:
              > a.. You store a reference to a custom class, myFoo, in an HTTP session.
              > b.. While in mid-session, you change your servlet (or JSP or JHTML),
              > causing it to be reloaded. In fact, it is necessary for it to be reloaded by
              > a completely new class loader, and the old class loader that had previously
              > loaded it must be discarded.
              > c.. Because your custom class myFoo is also located under the servlet
              > classpath, it too is reloaded by the new class loader.
              > d.. Now, when you retrieve myFoo from the HTTP session, you cast it to the
              > expected type, but you recieve a ClassCastException. The exception is thrown
              > even if class myFoo has not changed. Because it has been loaded by a
              > different class loader, it is regarded by the JVM as incompatible.
              > Note: If you are using session persistence, the class contents must be
              > serialized, and you will not encounter this exception.
              > Here are some suggested work-arounds to this problem:
              > a.. Do not place your class myFoo in the servlet classpath. Instead, place
              > it in the system classpath or the weblogic.class.path, which are accessible
              > by WebLogic Server. The class will not be reloaded when the servlet is
              > modified. This drawback to this solution is that you cannot prototype the
              > myFoo class, because you must restart the server in order to reload the
              > class after it is modified.
              > b.. If you need to prototype the class, you can write a wrapper method
              > within it to store and retrieve its contents to and from the session. You do
              > not access the class directly from the session, but instead call it is
              > wrapper methods to store or populate it is contents from the session. As
              > long as you use standard Java class types to store the class contents, they
              > will not be reloaded when the servlet is reloaded. This approach has
              > performance drawbacks because your wrapper methods would need to set or get
              > multiple name=value pairs for each class's attributes.
              > c.. Another work-around is to catch the ClassCastException, and replace
              > the old class that is stored in the session with a newly instantiated class,
              > or remove it from the session. Unfortunately, you lose the session data that
              > was previously stored in the class, so you must write your application to
              > handle this scenario. This is the easiest solution to the problem-remember
              > that you should not be storing critical information in an HTTP session, but
              > rather storing it in a database.
              > Note: The ClassCastException generally occurs while you are developing
              > your servlets, and should not be an issue in a stable production system. If
              > you are upgrading your system online, you might wish to warn your customer
              > base.
              > Hope it helps,
              > Tin
              > "Alexander Ananiev" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > Hello,
              > >
              > > I'm trying to deploy a web application in WLS 5.1 and I'm getting the
              > > "dreaded" ClassCastException every time when JSP tries to read a bean
              > > from the request or session. Under my architecture (actually it's just
              > > the regular "model 2" ) bean is populated by a servlet, set on the
              > > request and then retrieved by JSP (servlet forwards to JSP). Everything
              > > work fine when I register servlets in, but
              > > ClassCastException is thrown on any attempt to read from the request if
              > > the same JSPs and servlets are deployed as web application.
              > > Has anybody come across the same problem?
              > >
              > > Thanks in advance for help.
              > > Alexander
              > >

  • ClassCastException error problem

    Hi all,
    I am relatively new to java and confused with the following problem. The below code compilers but returns a ClassCastException error when run.
    private List<TableOne> query = new ArrayList<TableOne>();
           private TableTwo tableTwo;
    //create an array of values
            for (Double value : array) {
              query = ..result from sql query (needs to be list using hibernate)
             for (TableOne queryValue :  query ) {
    public List<TableOne> getTableOne() {
            return query;
        public List getQuery()
            return this.Query;
               The ClassCastException error occurs on the second for loop? Is this because the wo objects are not of the same type? Any suggetions would be great, thanks in advance

    look, List<TableOne> should mean that You have a list of TableOne objects. It seems like logic mistake. In addition, You are already have instance of query why do You need to assign it once more?
    Now about ex. You sayed it is in the second loop and put almost nothing there. It seems like You have a mistake in //something ;)

  • Sun One EJB problem - PortableRemoteObject.narrow ClassCastException...

    Hi all,
    I'm using Sun One app server 7 for the first time and am having a bit of difficulty. I have deployed a very simple EAR containing one stateless session bean just to test it. The ear appears to have deployed correctly but PortableRemoteObject.narrow is throwing a ClassCastException when trying to do a remote lookup on the bean.
    I'm using the following env settings...
    initialContextFactory = com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
    providerUrl = iiop:// lookup appears to work okay - this line of code executes successfully
    Object objref = initialContext.lookup(jndiHomeName);...objref appears to initalise succesfully (if I toString() it I get an iiop stream of some sort). However, it is the next line that is failing...
    Object obj = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, homeClass);...this is the exception I get...
         at Source)
         at javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(Unknown Source)
         at com.scorlog.ServiceLocator.getRemoteHome(, when PortableRemoteObject.narrow() executes, I get the following console exception on the server...
            at org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPOA._invoke(
            at com.iplanet.ias.util.threadpool.FastThreadPool$
    FINE: No SAS context element found in service context listI have seen the forum that other users have had similar problems and the suggestion was that the client can't see the ejb stubs. I don't think this is the problem in my case as I deployed the same ear on weblogic 7 (obviously substituting sun-ejb-jar.xml for a weblogic-ejb-jar.xml) and successfully executed the same client code for the remote lookup.
    My feeling is that the problem revolves around the JNDI binding. Could it be the case that even though the object is binding properly, the app server doesn't realise it is an ejb and not a jdbc/jms/mail object? The documentation gives details on looking up a JDBC, javamail, URL, JMS resource ( but not ejb so I could be doing something simple wrong here...
    My sun-ejb-jar.xml is as follows....
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Generated by XDoclet -->
    </sun-ejb-jar>However, I noticed on another thread, a user had some additional elements under their <ejb> tag like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    </sun-ejb-jar>However, when I tried to add and <ejb-ref> element to my xml doc the ear failed to deploy. This is the error I get in the admin console...
    Deployment Error -- Error while running ejbc -- Fatal Error from EJB Compiler -- --
    Failed to load deployment descriptor for: testApp cause: Error converting J2EE-
    specific ejb xml to object representation: testApp.jar app_testApp Generated by
    XDoclet This bean has no ejb reference by the name of [ejb/SBtest]
    ejb/SBTestSBTestThis problem is eating up my time and being made all the more frustrating by the fact that a) it deploys on weblogic and b) the documentation is terrible. Even the sample application that comes with sun one only provides the .class files for the code that does the ejb look up and not the .java so you can't see how they hell they do it!
    Unfortunately I am tied to using Sun One so I really need to solve this problem fast. If anyone can provide any help I'd greatly appreciate it.
    John :)

    I am having the same problem after upgrading to Sun One from iplanet. Any clue?

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