Coldfusion, JSON, and the Amazon CloudSearch API

Hi all,
We are using Amazon CloudSearch service for our site search.  We created a front end which uses jquery to communicate with the server to display search results.
The problem we are running into is with creating and updating data on the backend.  We have been creating new domains and uploading whole data sets manually from spreadsheets which is obviously not going to work for us long term.
The cloud search uses has an API that we can send JSON to for updating the items.  I have created the nested json like this (the query name and data has been changed to protect the innocent):
  variables.dataFields = {};
          variables.dataFields['id'] = "";
          variables.dataFields['lang'] = "en";
          variables.dataFields['type'] = "add";
          variables.dataFields['version'] = " #DateFormat(Now(),"YYMMDD")##TimeFormat(Now(),"HHMM")#";
  variables.dataFields['fields'] = {};   
  variables.dataFields.fields['redfield'] = "#getsdata.redfield#";
          variables.dataFields.fields['blackfield'] = "#getdata.blackfield#";
  variables.dataFields.fields['purplefield'] = "#getdata.purplefield#";
variables.dataFields = serializejson(variables.dataFields);
When I dump that json out, it looks pretty good (there are many more fields).  For now, I added a space before numbers to work around a bug I read about in the serializedjson function in CF8 that sees all numbers as numbers even if they are expressed as strings.  I will figure that out later.
The code to post the json is:
<cfhttp url=" /documents/batch" method="post"  result="httpResp">
  <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json"  />
  <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Accept" value="application/json" /> 
  <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Length" value="#Len(variables.dataFields)#" />
  <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#variables.dataFields#" />
The response I get is "400 Bad Request"
I know that there aren't that many people using cloud search and Coldfusion but I was hoping somebody might see a noob mistake in my code or methods.

Hi Peter,
Thank you for your response.  For some reason, I was not able to reply to my own post.  Maybe I just wasn't signed in.
Anyway, the problem was with the json that I was uploading and not with my method for uploading it.  I was actually able to remove the "Accept" and "Content-Length" params.
I had added a space in front of the ID so that the serializedjson function would treat it as a string and not a number but the API required that field start with an alphanumeric character.  Since I am using the sku number for that product, I just changed it to sku12345 etc so that it was seen by the serializedjson function as a string and the API would accept it.
Also, I had to add brackets around the enitre body because the Cloudsearch API wanted the entry to be an array so I just added:
<cfset theuploaddata = "[" & variables.dataFields & "]">
Once I made those changes, the server responded with a 200 code and updated the item.  Now I just need to figure out how to get arrays past the CF json tag.  Some of our json is set up for the cloudsearch in arrays like colors.  The facets need to appear in the upload as "Colors" : ["Red","Blue"] but the serialized json tag automatically escapes the quotes in the facets.  I think I saw some third party custom tags that I can use as a work around. 
Thanks again for your help.  The Cloudsearch service has been awesome so far.  We are really happy with it.  We are a small to midsized company and the cost of a dedicated search company was 10-15 as much as the cloud search and they basically wanted total control of the site.  The cloudsearch required a considerable amount of work to set up but it works beautifully.  Since we use it for navigation too, I have been thinking about caching the json for the common requests.

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    As discuss above , we have to create the XML response  ,before that first you have to
    GetConfiguration() details of existing virtual network. 
    string.format("@<NetworkConfiguration xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns=''>
                <Dns />
                <VirtualNetworkSite name=""{0}"" Location=""{1}"">
                <Subnet name=""Subnet-2"">
                </VirtualNetworkSite>",Networkname,location)+(@"<VirtualNetworkSite name=""demodsf1"" Location=""West Europe"">
              <Subnet name=""Subnet-1"">
          </VirtualNetworkSite>  </VirtualNetworkSites>
    you have to append the node for existing node with new values , i got it its adding new virtual network 
    Best regards,

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    Error accessing the properties file. (The system cannot find the file specified). Using default values.
    Hyperion Provider Services - Release Build 168
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connection mode : EMBEDDED
    domain.db location: domain.db
    console log enable : false
    file log enable : false
    logRequest : false
    logLevel : ERROR
    java System properties -DESS_ES_HOME: null
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
    As you can see, this has worked (as I get the data I was looking for at the end), but when I had the url in the provider string, I just get the below, without the initial errors:
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
    Now that I can get both modes to work I intend to write a Windows application, place it in a shared drive, and allow multiple users to use it. Which mode should I use?
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    run: ..\bin\apsserver.log (The system cannot find the path specified)
    at Method)
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(
    at org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.setFile(
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.<init>(
    at org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.<init>(
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger.addAppender(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger.setFileLogEnable(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.DsfLoggingService.sm_initialize(Unknown Source)
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    at com.essbase.server.framework.EssServerFramework.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin.createPlugin(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn(Unknown Source)
    Hyperion Provider Services - Release Build 168
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn_internal(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn(Unknown Source)
    at esstest.Main.main(
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connection mode : EMBEDDED
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    domain.db location: ./data/domain.db
    console log enable : false
    file log enable : true
    logFileName : ../bin/apsserver.log
    logRequest : false
    logLevel : WARN
    java System properties -DESS_ES_HOME: null
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds)
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    Status: SUCCESSFUL
    Additional Notes: NOTE - Directory already existed
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    • 1416.tmp (folder)—always diff 4 nums—
    • .com.zerog.registry.xml
    • .cleanup.tmp(folder)
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    How do I request for a JSON response from the synonyms API. I could not find the answer in the documentation found here:!113&app=Word&authkey=!AAxXlP949CZOQyA
    I decided to try query param format=json and it did not work, neither did it work if I passed in the Content-Type: application/json
    Everytime the API sends back the response in XML.
    Please let me know,

    What I could get from the documentation is basically:
    A request to the HTTP endpoint consists of an HTTP GET request to the appropriate URI. There are two
    URIs, one for XML results and one for JSON results. These are and, respectively.
    Now the synonyms API URL is:
    what I am supposed to do here?

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    also i need to know which one is better jxl or apache poi.

    Hi Ricardo_Lorenzo,
    Whether to go for Multiserver instances or Single server, is totally a user requirement based decison. If a user has Single website, or multiple websites (of the same nature, in terms of functionality), usually the part of same domain, then they would go for Single sever installation. One single instance will handle the requests from all the websites (if there are multiple). There would not be a clustering/failover setup within ColdFusion and can use the ColdFusion Standard or Enterprise version.
    On the other hand, if a user has multiple websites, all with different functionality and have multiple applications (may or may not) running, then they can go for Multiserver installation. Each website can be configured with individual instances. Clustering can be done within ColdFusion if needed. One would need an Enterprise license of ColdFusion for the same.
    Hope this helps.
    Anit Kumar

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    Right click the Back / Forward buttons to get a list of sites you visited.
    To reinstate Google as your search engine, do the following.
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    * In the filter at the top, type: '''keyword.URL'''
    * Double click it and remove whatever's in there and replace it with
    * Go to File | Exit
    * Restart Firefox, go to the site you want to set as your homepage.
    * Go to '''Tools '''| '''Options '''| '''General'''.
    * Make sure it says "''Show My Homepage''" in the first dropdown menu.
    * Click the button called "'''Use Current Pages'''" to set the homepage to the one you have on the screen.
    The URL to add in "keyword.URL" becomes a link in this post, so right click it and choose "Copy Link Location" to copy it to the Windows clipboard. Then hit CTRL+V to paste it. Saves you having to type the whole thing.
    '''EDIT''': Remove the AmAzon button by right clicking a blank part of the tab bar and click '''Customize'''. Then drag it into the panel which opens.

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    If you don't have original install disks for your Mac, you can order replacements disks directly from Apple at a nominal cost. The original install DVDs are required to reset the password.
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    what type of application?
    Here is the basic of how to use a Web service in a JSF/ADF based application:
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    Hope it helps
         private void openSesionDFI() throws ProtocolNotSupportedException, AuthenticationException {
              if (directorySessionRol==null){
                             DirectoryPassport directoryPassport = DirectoryPassport.createWithIDAndPreset(props.getProperty("fuego.custom.replication.config.directoryId").trim(), props.getProperty("fuego.custom.replication.config.preset").trim());
                                  if (directoryPassport == null)
                                       throw new RuntimeException("Invalid directory passport for FDI");
                                  System.out.println("openSesionDFI: " +directoryPassport.getUrl());
                                  directorySessionRol = Directory.startAdminSession(directoryPassport);
              System.out.println("openSesionDFI: " +"fin");

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