Column with blank values in a excel export.

I Export a Report to Excel.
That's work fine but i have a problem.
when in a detail section one value of one column is blank, the export discard the cell.
in result , the values after the blank do not corresponding any more with there header....
i find this source on this bug on the web
but the solution inside that post do not work ...
any idea ?

i work with VS2008 in c# with the FW 3.5
my bug is not in design mode
the code where i format the excel export option :
ExcelFormatOptions b_Format = new ExcelFormatOptions();
b_Format.ShowGridLines = true;
                        b_Format.ExcelTabHasColumnHeadings = true;
                        b_Format.ExcelUseConstantColumnWidth = true;              
                        b_Format.FirstPageNumber = p_intPageDepart;
                        b_Format.LastPageNumber = p_intPageArrivee;
                        if (p_intPageDepart != 0 && p_intPageArrivee != 0)
                            b_Format.UsePageRange = true;                                                                               
l_ExportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = b_Format;
the program is a .net DLL use by a VB6 program....
The Dll is used for all Crytal works.
i show the Rpt successfuly. but when i export the rpt to excel the bug is present in the exported file.

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    [Key] int not null primary key,
    PropertyKey int not null,    
    BoughtDate DateTime,    
    OwnerKey int null,    
    GroupKey int null   
    [Key] is primary key and combination of PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey and GroupKey is unique.
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    create table #result (PropertyKey int not null, BoughtDate datetime, OwnerKey int null, GroupKey int null, [Rank] int not null)Create index idx ON #result(OwnerKey ,rnk)
    insert into #result(PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey, [Rank])
    select PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey,
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    from PropertyOwners
    declare @ownerKey int = 1
    select PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey
    from #result as result
    where result.[Rank]=1
    and result.[OwnerKey]=@ownerKey
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
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    Remote DBA Services:
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    value2 VARCHAR(10))
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    ('B', 'aasdf'),
    ('C', 'sdfgs'),
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    ('C', '234')
    -- update the ID column with the values below
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    value1 VARCHAR(10),
    value2 VARCHAR(10))
    INSERT INTO ##tmp (value1,
    VALUES ('A', 'asdfasdf'),
    ('A', 'asdf'),
    ('A', 'VC'),
    ('B', 'aasdf'),
    ('C', 'sdfgs'),
    ('C', 'xdfbhsdty'),
    ('C', '23sdgfg'),
    ('C', '234')
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    FROM ##tmp
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    set Id = RowNumber;
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    Hi Pekch,
    I'm assuming you have VS2010 to build the custom web part. From there you will need to figure out the following:
    Get a SPList object for the Document Library (See below for code example)
    Loop through all the documents in the SPList object 
    If you have audience targetting enabled, then you'll need to determine if the user has access to the document by checking the "Target_x0020_Audiences" column)
    As you also want to group by metadata, you'll need to populate 2 datatables (one table with a column containing unique metadata values and another table with a metadata column and other document related columns).  Link these two tables via a dataset
    Set the dataset as the datasource for a repeater, add in some css and javascript for the group expand/collaspe and it should be close to what you need.
    This will be a time consuming task if you don't know where to start or have problems figuring out how to perform a certain operation.  So you may want to determine if the functionality you want is required or just a "nice to have".  Good
    luck and if I have some spare time, I'll create a blog post outlining how to do all the above.
    I got the below code from a sharepoint blog sometime in the past and you can use it to retrieve a list.
    You can use it like this: GetListByUrl(http://servername/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx)
    using    Microsoft.SharePoint;
    public SPList GetListByUrl(string listURL)
    SPList list = null;
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(listURL))
    if (site != null)
    // Strip off the site url, leaving the rest
    // We'll use this to open the web
    string webUrl = listURL.Substring(site.Url.Length);
    // Strip off anything after /forms/
    int formsPos = webUrl.IndexOf("/forms/", 0, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
    if (formsPos >= 0)
    webUrl = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf('/', formsPos));
    // Strip off anything after /lists/
    int listPos = webUrl.IndexOf("/lists/", 0, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
    if (listPos >= 0)
    // Must be a custom list
    // Strip off anything after /lists/
    webUrl = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf('/', listPos));
    // No lists, must be a document library.
    // Strip off the document library name
    webUrl = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf('/'));
    // Get the web site
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webUrl))
    if (web != null)
    // Initialize the web (avoids COM exceptions)
    string title = web.Title;
    // Strip off the relative list Url
    // Form the full path to the list
    //string relativelistURL = listURL.Substring(web.Url.Length);
    //string url = SPUrlUtility.CombineUrl(web.Url, relativelistURL);
    // Get the list
    list = web.GetList(listURL);
    catch { }
    return list;

  • To overcome column with null value-urgent

    hai all,
    when i query i get column with null value.
    how to solve it?
    thank in advance.
    Name Null? Type
    NAME VARCHAR2(100)
    2015               AAAA                04117     9083          10545.6     78                                   
    2016               BBBB                    04609     9087          25200     3600                                   
    2017               GGGG                    04609     9088          28175     4025                                   
    2018                                   36591371.64     2565017.27                                   
                                                                     00001/07-08     02/04/2007     14020362
                                                                     00002/07-08     02/04/2007     14020362
                                                                     00003/07-08     02/04/2007     14010254
                                                                     00004/07-08     02/04/2007     14010254
                                                                     00005/07-08     02/04/2007     14021458
    04609 15 51975 7425
    07969 17 154 11
    2015               AAAA                04117     9083          10545.6     78                         00001/07-08     02/04/2007     14020362                              

    Even accounting for the formatting, I'm not sure I even understand the question. It could be any number of different problems or non-problems.

  • How do you populate a page item in apex with a value read from excel

    Dear All
    I am working on application where I am uploading a csv file in oracle apex. I then need to access a value in Cell B2 of the csv file and populate a page item called
    :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID with this value. Many of the examples I have found upload the data using v_data-array into a table but I don't need to do that I just need to get the value from the csv file and then display additional information about the file allowing the user to either or continue or cancel the request to upload. I am running into a small problem that I can't explain and wondered if anyone had any ideas.
    Here is the code I am using to try and populate and item called :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID but when I poulate the item the value is always 0. But if I replace the line :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID:= v_data_array(2) with a raise_application_error(-20001,v_data_array(2)); The correct value is displayed in the eror. Any Help would be appreciate and I apologise in advance if this akes no sense at all:-)
    --variables needed to read excel data from flow files
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    v_rows number;
    v_sr_no number := 1;
    --------------------------------------get file info from www_flow_files
    select blob_content into v_blob_data from wwv_flow_files
    where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER) and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    --Read and convert binary to char
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(p_bl_wd_data_entry.hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
    v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':');
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    --get filename from wwv_flow_files
    select filename into :P2100_FILE_NAME from wwv_flow_files where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER) and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
    :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID:= v_data_array(2);
    -- Clear out
    -- v_line := NULL;
    --v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
    END IF;
    Best Regards

    Hi Joel
    Continuing on from my last question, there was something else I want to ask if you dont mind.
    Now that I have the v_data_array(2) value in a page item I would like to use as an input value to a procedure to return some information I need displayed on the page. To do this I need to convert it to a number but when I try to so this I get the following error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    When I use the wwv_flow.debug that you told me about it is outputting a value '4851 ' so it look like there may be some sort of asii character causing a problem. I have tried using trim(v_data_array(2)) and ascii(v_data_array(2)) but nothing seems to work.
    Would you know how to convert a v_data_array value to a number? At the moment I am attemting to do it withiin the same code I attached in my earlier post but I have replaced the assignment of :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID with the code below where P_BL_WD_DATA_ENTRY.getauthid is the procedure returning the values I need.
    :P2100_AUTHORISATION_ID:= P_BL_WD_DATA_ENTRY.getauthid(to_number(v_data_array(2)));

  • Pre-populating a date/time column with the value entered in the last added item

    I have a list with a column called "expected finish date". Whenever the user adds the very first item in a list, he/she should have to enter a value for this column.
    I want to make all new item entries to pre-poplate this field with the value entered in the previously added item. This way, he/she wont have to re-enter the date every time (which rarely changes). How can this be done?

    could create a second list ("state") with column ("default finish date")...
    create a workflow on main list... if column is blank/empty, pull from second list... otherwise, update second list with the value that was entered.
    Or, customize the form (InfoPath or JavaScript)
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

  • ORA-01400 - not null column with default value and item with authorization

    I've searched - I would think someone has run into this. APEX - I've created a simple form on a table. One of the column is a not null column with a default value. I have a select list on that item, but it has security on it - authorization scheme. So, it checks the user and if that user isn't of the right role, it will not even display that item. However, APEX appears to still send in the column in its sql! So, the default value is useless, it sends in null each time. Even if I set the default at the Item level, I get null. Argg. That's got to be a bug...
    In debug, I do not see the item listed at all. It's not used. That's fine - but why is it trying to insert the value? I would think it would leave it off??? I think because the item is associated with a database column. But, getting around this is ugly. Having to create a hidden item for each one, and then check to see if I need to take the list value... horrible. Any way to get around this???

    I should add - I guess I can always put my own custom process in to replace the DML. Just seems like a simple thing - if the value doesn't appear on the debug, isn't set with any default value... don't include it in the DML.

  • Problem with BLANK Value in SSRS Subscription

    I have a report that I designed in Vis Studio 2005 and have deployed to SSRS 2005.  I have no issues what so ever when running it interactively out of Report Manager.  However when running it scheduled via a subscription, I am running into trouble.
    This report has a parameter called "Label".  It is set up as a String parameter, Allow Blanks, and Multi-Value.  (It does not allow me to select Null values...tells me "The properties for the currently selected item are not valid.")  I am getting Available and Default values from a query I have created in a separate dataset.  This query pulls in all possible values for Label, including a BLANK value (there are values that are and should be Blank).
    In my subscription, I want to select all Labels but label 98, including the BLANK.  So when I go in to create or edit a subscription, I simply uncheck the 98 label.  I can see a blank checked as well.  However when the subscription runs, the subscription status tells me " Failure sending mail: Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'Label' is not a valid value."   This ONLY occurs when I have the BLANK label selected in my dropdown list!
    However, when I run this interactively out of Report Manager, doing the exact same thing (selecting all labels other than label 98, INCLUDING the Blank), it works properly.
    What could be going on here?  Kinda new at this and totally stumped.

    Hi Tony,
    I met a similar issue before. If I understand correctly, there has Null values in the list not Blank values.
    Using Null values in a parameter in subscription is not allowed.
    To solve the issue, please change the Null values to Blank values by modifying the query statement of report:
    SELECT ... IsNull(column, "") FROM...
    By the way, please update the SQL Server Reporting Services to latest version too.
    For SQL Server 2005, the latest version is Cumulative Update package 6 for SQL Server 2005 SP3.
    SQL Server 2005 SP3:
    Cumulative Update #6 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3
    For SQL Server 2008, the latest version is Cumulative Update package 4 for SQL Server 2008 SP1.
    SQL Server 2008 SP1:
    Cumulative Update #4 for SQL Server 2008 SP1
    Please feel free to ask, if you have any more questions.
    Jin ChenJin Chen - MSFT

  • How to Add column with default value in compress table.

    Hi ,
    while trying to add column to compressed table with default value i am getting error.
    Even i tried no compress command on table still its giivg error that add/drop not allowed on compressed table.
    Can anyone help me in this .

    Aman wrote:
    while trying to add column to compressed table with default value i am getting error.This is clearly explain in the Oracle doc :
    "+You cannot add a column with a default value to a compressed table or to a partitioned table containing any compressed partition, unless you first disable compression for the table or partition+"

  • Row To Column with distinct values

    Hi Oracle Gurus,
    Please help me on this regard.
    A table has columns statuscode,reasoncode,date with valid values as
    statuscode -> status1,status2,status3,status4,status5
    reasoncode -> a,b,c,d,e
    Date will be passed by runtime.
    Requirement is to take the stage report of statuscode by reasoncode.
    i.e., if status1 has value in reason it has to show the count else return null for eg. if status1 statuscode has a, b reasoncode report wil show like below.
         a      b      c      d      e
    status1      1     1     
    status2     2     2     1
    status3      4     5     5     2 3
    status4     3          2          2
    status5                    2     2
    Advanace thanx for the Gurus

    Isn't this a duplicate to the following thread posted by another user?
    Rows into columns

  • OBIEE 10g - Logical column with static value

    I created a logical column with static numeric value in it and added it to presentation layer. The column is not showing up in Answers. All other columns I added are showing up. The issue is with this one only.
    I have verified permissions on this column in presentation layer. I tried reloading server metadata in answers, restarting all services but it didn't help.
    One thing I noticed this column is showing fx icon instead of Σ icon.

    The fx means it is a calculated column/formula and the sigma means that you've added some aggregation type to the column.
    Either way it shouldn't matter and your column should be showing up.
    I would attempt to create a new column and in the fx field try entering static text and see if that allows the column to be visible after dragging it to the presentation layer subject area.
    Also what is the value that you are adding?

  • How to take the Average of a DATEDIFF column with NULL values?

    I am building an SSRS report that can display the average of a calculated datediff column in dd/hh/mm format with the following formula:
    =Avg(IIF(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value is nothing,0, DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) \(60*24) & ":" & DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) mod (60*24)\60  & ":" & DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) mod (60*24) - (((DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) mod (60*24))\60)*60) ))
    SSRS does not raise any errors with the formula and I have used the same formula for other columns without issue. I have noticed that this column includes null values which I think may be the problem. When the reports runs, it returns #ERROR on the column
    but does not give a reason why.  I am using SSRS report builder with visual basic logic as opposed to embedding SQL. Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi No Ragrets,
    According to your description, you want to calculate the average for the date time difference. Right?
    In Reporting Services, Avg() function is only available for numeric values. In this scenario, the DateDiff() function to calculate the minutes difference will return a number. So we can do average calculation based on the return values first. Then we format
    it as a time. We have tested this case in our local environment. Please try the following expression:
    =floor(avg(DateDiff("n",Fields!StartDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value))) \(24*60) &":"&
    floor(avg(DateDiff("n",Fields!StartDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value))/60 mod 24 )&":"&
    floor(avg(DateDiff("n",Fields!StartDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value))) mod 60
    The result looks like below:
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Issue with Blank Value selection in Dropdown List

    Hello Experts,
                        I am facing one strange issue in Adobe Forms Drop Down(DD) list. Foll. is the list data which contains a several item data & blank value. After item data selection user must be able to select blank value in case he doesn't want to set the value to Order Unit as shown in screen shot below.
                                  Now my issue is after any of the item values selection (for ex. BAG - BAG)  user is not able to set the blank value again at my client system. However its working fine in mine. When checked client is using Adobe Reader 8.0 which is same as mine.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Steve,
                   Thanks for the reply. We have a blank value in the DD as a list item, where key & description is empty space. As i posted above user must be able to select that blank item if doesn't want any value for Order Unit. This selection is working fine in my sytem, but my client facing the issue where he can not select the blank value from DD.

  • How to update a column with different values but all other row values r sam

    I have a table like this.
    Col1 col2 col3 col4
    10 20 30
    10 20 30
    10 20 30
    i need to update col4 with different values coming from other table like this
    Col1 col2 col3 col4
    10 20 30 xxxx
    10 20 30 yyyy
    10 20 30 zzzz
    how can i update the table. pls let me know how to use the where condition in the update stmt.
    Edited by: user2558790 on Nov 20, 2009 12:26 PM

    what is the logic for this kind of update...????

Maybe you are looking for