Convert ITF-Url to HTML-Url

Is it possible to convert an ITF-Url (BITMAP 'ENJOY' OBJECT GRAPHICS ID BMAP TYPE BCOL) to a HTML-Url by using the FUBA "CONVERT_ITF_TO_HTML"?

When I read the comment for this function, it says: "convert internal SAP script format to HTML". It does not talk about URLs, but about HTML content. You can even see that there are exporting parameter for the HTML text (or a table for same HTML text). I can not see anything about an bitmap.
You can also press that "documentation" button to see a little about the parameters, what they do, and a reference onto an example program.

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    Thank you very much for your prompt reply and for the link u have provided.

  • How to display URL images and URL link (html) from Smartforms?

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm having difficulty on how to display targeted URL images and URL link from the smartforms, after i sending it out as html mail. The mail i sent just can be preview as a plain text, which can't execute the html code that i put inside the smartforms itself. I follow a few step from this very useful blog.. Hopefully, you guys can give me some solutions or ideas on this.
    /people/pavan.bayyapu/blog/2005/08/30/sending-html-email-from-sap-crmerp -thanks to Pavan for his useful blog.
    My code is like this..
    <--- Start Code.
    FORM call_smartforms.
      DATA : lv_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
             lc_true(1) VALUE 'X',
             lw_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             lw_output_options TYPE ssfcompop,
             lc_graphics(8) VALUE 'GRAPHICS',
             lw_xsfparam_line TYPE ssfxsfp,
             lc_extract(7) VALUE 'EXTRACT',
             lc_graphics_directory(18) VALUE 'GRAPHICS-DIRECTORY',
             lc_mygraphics(11) VALUE 'mygraphics/',
             lc_content_id(10) VALUE 'CONTENT-ID',
             lc_enable(6) VALUE 'ENABLE',
             lw_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl,
             lw_html_data TYPE trfresult,
             lw_graphics TYPE ssf_xsf_gr,
             lt_graphics TYPE tsf_xsf_gr,
             lv_html_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_html_raw LIKE LINE OF lw_html_data-content,
             lv_incode TYPE tcp00-cpcodepage VALUE '4110',
             lv_html_str TYPE string,
             lv_html_len TYPE i,
             lc_utf8(5) VALUE 'utf-8',
             lc_latin1(6) VALUE 'latin1',
             lv_offset TYPE i,
             lv_length TYPE i,
             lv_diff TYPE i,
             lt_soli TYPE soli_tab,
             lw_soli TYPE soli,
             lc_mime_helper TYPE REF TO cl_gbt_multirelated_service,
             lv_name TYPE mime_text VALUE 'sapwebform.htm',
             lv_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_raw TYPE bapiconten,
             lt_solix TYPE solix_tab,
             lw_solix TYPE solix,
             lv_filename TYPE string,
             lv_content_id TYPE string,
             lv_content_type TYPE w3conttype,
             lv_obj_len TYPE so_obj_len,
             lv_bmp TYPE so_fileext VALUE 'BMP',
             lv_description TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'Graphic in BMP format',
             lc_doc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
             lc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lc_send_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root,
             lw_adsmtp TYPE lty_adsmtp,
             lv_mail_address TYPE ad_smtpadr,
             lc_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
             lc_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lv_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
      DATA : v_language TYPE sflangu VALUE 'E',
             v_e_devtype TYPE rspoptype.
      v_form_name = 'ZTEST_EMAIL'.
          formname           = v_form_name
          fm_name            = v_namef
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    starting here. ***
    Set title for the output
      lv_subject = 'Smartforms.'.
    Set control parameters to "no dialog"
      lw_control_parameters-no_dialog = lc_true.
    IF lw_service_subject-code = lc_fm1.
    *--- To get output device type
          i_language    = v_language
          i_application = 'SAPDEFAULT'
          e_devtype     = v_e_devtype.
      lw_output_options-tdprinter = v_e_devtype.
      lw_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    Set output options
      lw_output_options-xsf        = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfcmode   = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutmode = 'A'.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutdev  = space.
      lw_output_options-xsfformat  = lc_true.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_extract.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics_directory.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_mygraphics.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_content_id.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_enable.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
    Get the smartform content
      CALL FUNCTION v_namef
          control_parameters   = lw_control_parameters
          output_options       = lw_output_options
    *pass other application specific parameters (eg order number, items ).
          job_output_info    = lw_job_output_info
          tt_tabh              = tt_tabh
          tt_tabb              = tt_tabb
          tt_tabf              = tt_tabf
          formatting_error = 1
          internal_error   = 2
          send_error       = 3
          user_canceled    = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
      lw_html_data  = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-trfresult.
      lt_graphics[] = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-xsfgr[].
      CLEAR lv_html_xstr.
      LOOP AT lw_html_data-content INTO lw_html_raw.
        CONCATENATE lv_html_xstr lw_html_raw INTO lv_html_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
      lv_html_xstr = lv_html_xstr(lw_html_data-length).
          inbuff       = lv_html_xstr
          incode       = lv_incode
          csubst       = lc_true
          substc_space = lc_true
          outbuff      = lv_html_str
          outused      = lv_html_len
          OTHERS       = 1.
    CALL METHOD html_control - >load_mime_object
         object_id  = 'ZWN'
         object_url = 'ZWN.GIF'
         OTHERS     = 1.
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH lc_latin1.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH 'iso-8859-1'.
       break mhusin.
      lv_html_len = STRLEN( lv_html_str ).
      lv_offset = 0.
      lv_length = 255.
      WHILE lv_offset < lv_html_len.
        lv_diff = lv_html_len - lv_offset.
        IF lv_diff > lv_length.
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_length).
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_diff).
        APPEND lw_soli TO lt_soli.
        ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
      CREATE OBJECT lc_mime_helper.
      CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->set_main_html
          content     = lt_soli
          filename    = lv_name
          description = lv_subject.
      LOOP AT lt_graphics INTO lw_graphics.
        CLEAR lv_xstr.
        LOOP AT lw_graphics-content INTO lw_raw.
          CONCATENATE lv_xstr lw_raw-line INTO lv_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
        lv_xstr = lv_xstr(lw_graphics-length).
        lv_offset = 0.
        lv_length = 255.
        CLEAR lt_solix[].
        WHILE lv_offset < lw_graphics-length.
          lv_diff = lw_graphics-length - lv_offset.
          IF lv_diff > lv_length.
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_length).
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_diff).
          APPEND lw_solix TO lt_solix.
          ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_filename.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_content_id.
        lv_content_type = lw_graphics-httptype.
        lv_obj_len      = lw_graphics-length.
    *Add images to the email
        CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->add_binary_part
            content      = lt_solix
            filename     = lv_filename
            extension    = lv_bmp
            description  = lv_description
            content_type = lv_content_type
            length       = lv_obj_len
            content_id   = lv_content_id.
          lv_subject = lv_subject.
          lc_doc_bcs = cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated(
                   i_subject          = lv_subject
                   i_multirel_service = lc_mime_helper ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_bcom_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_gbt_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
    Create send request
          lc_bcs = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->set_document( i_document = lc_doc_bcs ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Set-up email receiver
      lv_mail_address = '[email protected]'.
    TRANSLATE lv_mail_address TO UPPER CASE.
          lc_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
              i_address_string = lv_mail_address ).
        CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->add_recipient( i_recipient = lc_recipient ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Send smartforms as HTML email
          lc_bcs->send( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
      WRITE:/ 'Mail sent'.
    ENDFORM.                    "call_smartforms
    End Code --->
    Thanks and Regards.

    1- put your images in a directory under the web app directory. Example: app/images/
    2- in your jsp, use: String file = application.getRealPath("/images/"); to get the images directory. See
    3- it's not the right forum to post this kind of question. Post them in the JSP/Servlet JSTL forum instead

  • Is there a way to select MULTIPLE tabs and then copy ALL of the the URLs and titles/or URLs+titles+HTML links? This can be done with the Multiple Tab Handler add on; However, I prefer to use a Firefox feature rather than download an add on. Thanks.

    Currently, I can copy ONE tab's url and nothing else (not its name). Or I can bookmark all tabs that are open. However, I'd like to have the ability to select multiple tabs and then copy ALL of the the URLs AND their titles/or copy ALL of the URLs+titles+HTML links? This can be done with the Multiple Tab Handler add on; when I download the add on, I get a message saying that using the add on will disable Firefox's tab features. I prefer to use Firefox features rather than download and use an add on. Is there a way to do this without an add on?

    Hi LRagsdale517,
    You should definitely be able to upload multiple files by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking the files you want to upload. Just to make sure you don't have an old version of the service cached, please clear the browser cache and then log in to After clicking the File Upload icon in the upper-right corner, you should be able so select multiple files for upload.
    Please let us know how it goes.

  • How to hide ms crm base url in html

    Hi, Actually we are using some crm web resources in html is it possible to hide crm urls?. please see the below details. Please help me to build dynamic url in html
    we are using like this
    <script src=""></script>
    Now i want to hide like this
     <script src= window.parent.sessionStorage.getItem("myurl"); + "PolicyInfo"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function call() {
            sessionStorage.myurl = "";
      var vamurl  = sessionStorage.getItem("myurl");
      return vamurl;
        window.onload = call;
            <script src= window.parent.sessionStorage.getItem("myurl"); + "PolicyInfo"></script>
    <script src= call(); + "biz_PolicyInfo"></script>
    Both methods are not working. Please help me on these.

    If someone knows how to view the source code he probably knows also to check the network traffic from the browser console, so it's kind of useless trying to hide the full url of a WebResource
    My blog: -
    Rockstar 365 Profile

  • How could I convert pdf file to real url?

    How could I convert pdf file to real url?

    Many thanks Gilad
    But the link of Acrobat is not working in facebook, that is Why I mentioned a real URL " Web-page

  • URL without .html

    We are building our site in Muse as we speak. Our current site was build in WordPress.
    We'd love to go live in a few days, but there's a running campaign in which people our directed to a certain URL.
    This URL is But when we go live with our Muse website this URL will change into
    So if we'd go live; when people type in .../zomeractie ( without HTML ) they will end up on a 404 page.
    What can I do to NOT show .html on our Muse website, so that we can go live with it, during this campaign?

    I think I missed it the first time, but I found it, thanks (

  • Changeing swf url in html

    I have swf file written AS3 and clickTag leading to some url. Now I would like to change that url in html using params of that swf file. I've added:
    <param name="flashvars" value="clickTag="/>
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
    and it worked with file that had empty url and (I supose) it had AS2.
    Any ideas how i could change URL in my swf?

    Hello, It seems that the problem in my case was either different name for clickTag in .swf AS or more likely wrong For everyone that would like to test their clickTag there is a way: ues_Flash_ad.html.

  • Invalid URL The requesed URL "/?qs=20920211...", is invalid

    I received an email from Newegg with the following link;
    The response when I click on the link is that Firefox opens and displays the following:
    Invalid URL
    The requested URL "/?qs=2092021128449e4cb0bd4d4a59cd9edac0a3605d20252e322f8f64d64f3af97ec5927e200f4e494c", is invalid.
    Reference #9.75094a17.1401382471.4b0169b
    I am using Thunderbird mail 24.3.0, in Ubuntu 12.04, and Firefox 28.0. If I copy the link and paste it into Google Chrome I get a similar error message.
    Invalid URL
    The requested URL "/?qs=2092021128449e4cb0bd4d4a59cd9edac0a3605d20252e322f8f64d64f3af97ec5927e200f4e494c", is invalid.
    Reference #9.75094a17.1401383188.4cc8af0
    Then for some unknown reason pasting the exact same link into Chrome worked, while Firefox keeps failing.

    I got thru using your original like and ended up at;
    It could be the work of one of your add-ons, or even add / mal-ware.
    Look thru your add-ons list and make sure you know what each one is
    there for. Also, check the programs that are on your computer
    '''Windows > Start > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs.'''
    '''(Mac: Open the "Applications" folder)'''
    Go thru the list and use a web search to check any that you don't
    know what they are.

  • Problem converting a JSP to html file

    I want to save my jsp page as a html file so that I can later send it as email body. This jsp page is a dynamic page.
    I am giving a few code lines below that i'm using.
    url = new URL("http://localhost:9080/ndw/jobsum/" bean.getId().toString()";jsessionid=" +id );
    in = new BufferedInputStream( url.openStream() );
    try {
    file = new File("C:/myfile.html");
    out = new BufferedOutputStream ( new FileOutputStream ( file ));
    } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) {
    System.out.println( "Invalid save file requested: " +
    e.getMessage() );
    try {
    bytesRead = bytes, 0,
    bytes.length );
    while ( bytesRead != -1 ){
    out.write( bytes, 0, bytesRead );
    bytesRead = bytes, 0,
    bytes.length );
    } catch ( IOException e ){
    System.out.println( "Error saving to "
    +"file: " + e.getMessage() );
    This should save the JSP given by URL as html file.
    A html file by name "myfile.html" is indeed being created in C drive but the html is of loginpage of my application and not the html file of the JSP required.
    I guess this is happening because server is not convinced that i hv logged in before accessing tht JSP. Is there any servlet API which would bypass the access control mechanisms.
    Folks, please help me in this.Its quite urgent.
    Thanks in advance

    This has nothing to do with JavaMail. You'll probably get a better
    answer from the JSP support forum.
    You might have to convince the server that you've logged in before
    you can access the JSP page. That could be fairly complicated.
    Alternatively, you might be able to access the page using one of
    the servlet APIs, which would bypass the access control mechanisms.

  • How can i run VisualScript of one URL against another URL

    hi folks,
    could anybody tell me how can we run the visual script of one url against another url ?
    eg: visual script recorded for must be run against
    thanks in advance,

    You can right click the address node select properties on page one and change the url there. Since the tool is DOM based all following urls will automatically update when you play the script back. You can also use the script updater utility (in the etest icon group) if you have 8.20.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to change the URL of a URL-iView over Code ?

    Hi all,
    i am getting started with the Portal-Application-Developement and want to change the URL of an URL-iView on runtime with java-code.
    i have read the context and can get the Property url with this statement.
    But if i change this property, nothing is done.
    endContext.getProfile().setProperty("url", "");
    Where is my fault.
    Thanks for help.
    Regards Jürgen

    the context is of Type IPortalComponentContext.
    I cant find no method getParameter() at the context or the profile.
    The methods to read the properties of the URL-iView are
    But if i want to set (change) this attribute, nothing is done.
    Regards Jürgen

  • How do I pass the part of the url that matched url-pattern to JSP?

    I have a web app called ptest.war deployed in JBoss. In my web.xml I have:
    In DoImageRequest.jsp, I want to know what was requested by the user (so I can set some response headers and then re-direct to the image they requested), so if I go to:
    I want to have "/images/i1.jpg" available to me in the JSP, so that I can do a jsp:forward to the requested image, but none of the getters on the request object give me that string.
    request.getServletPath() returns "/images" and request.getPathInfo() returns "/i5.jpg".
    So do I need to construct what the user asked for by concatenating these two values?
    The reason I was testing this was because I wanted to set no-cache in the response to the request for the image. Is there an easier way of doing that without having to direct the request to a jsp so that the jsp can set the response headers, which seems a little long-winded to me?
    Many Thanks,
    Paul Smith

    I want to have "/images/i1.jpg" available to me in the JSP, so that I can do a jsp:forward to the requested image, but none of the getters on the request >object give me that string.Even if you manage to construct that, such a request path would be intercepted by your jsp because it maps to /images/*.
    You would end up with infinite recursion.
    To circumvent that, you can change the folder that stores the image - call it something like img and then you just need append the request.getPathInfo().
    The reason I was testing this was because I wanted to set no-cache in the response to the request for the image. Is there an easier way of doing that >without having to direct the request to a jsp so that the jsp can set the response headers, which seems a little long-winded to me?You could have a filter intercept all requests for *.img, add the response headers and pass the request along to the actual resource. That would be easier and more intuitive. If your web app has a good fronting like an apache web server, I think you can cache your images on the web server and set a property that would instruct the web server to set a no-cache header in response when it serves the image.
    Edited by: Madathil_Prasad on Mar 26, 2010 7:20 PM

  • Is it possible to convert PDF file into HTML

    Dear friends
    Is it possible to convert PDF file into HTML. I have few hundread PDF files i like to convert this files into HTML. I hope it can be done through Java but i don't know how to start this coding. anybody can give me a brief idea to go ahead.

    Why do you want to do this yourself? I quick search on Google showed several utilities to do this, some freeware, some commercial.

  • Since upgrading Firefox, it no longer accepts URLs in the URL bar - it works if I have a bookmark, a link or from History, but not if I enter or paste a URL.

    Firefox 33.0.2 on Windows 8.1 64 bit. Since upgrading Firefox, it no longer accepts URLs in the URL bar - it works if I have a bookmark, a link or from History, but not if I enter or paste a URL and hit <enter>, in which case nothing happens at all.
    I have found that issue reported for Ubuntu ( but not for Windows. The solution there to change the keyboard is not feasible since it's a laptop with a built-in keyboard.
    I did not have this issue with FF 28 (I finally upgraded because I was getting BSODs) and I don't have this issue with any other Browser on same platform.
    Any help appreciated.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings, disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu:
    * Click the menu button [[Image:New Fx Menu]], click Help [[Image:Help-29]] and select ''Restart with Add-ons Disabled''.
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, select "Start in Safe Mode".<br>
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.

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