Convert Sybase 11.5 to Oracle 9i in Solaris environment.

Is there any good documention that will make this process go smoother? Anybody have any pointers?

Migration Workbench Reference Guide for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server Migrations Contents / Search / Index / PDF
and all books for complete support:
Joel P�rez

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    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      3517/tnslsnr      Cheers

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    ( ($dbproc = &dblogin($SYB_USER,$SYB_PW,$SYB_SERVER)) != -1 );
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    sub Statistics
    # get distinct sub-cat counts
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    $row = DBROWS( $dbproc );
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    #include "sql.h"
    #include "unix.h"
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #ifndef SQL_INCLUDED
    #define SQL_INCLUDED
    #include <sybfront.h>
    #include <sybdb.h>
    /*#include "sybdbex.h"*/
    /* #include <syberror.h>*/
    /* LogonToServer(char server[]) */
    DBPROCESS *LogonToServer(char server[], char datab[], char user[],
    char passwd[], char appname[] )
    PCHAR szTemp;
    char data[1000];
    int result;
    long l;
    DBPROCESS *dbp;
    LOGINREC *login;
    /* initiailize library */
    if ( dbinit() == FAIL)
    printf("DB Initialization failed!\n");
    /* install user supplied error handling and message handling routines*/
    /* get LOGINREC structure and fill */
    login = dblogin();
    /* get a DBPROCESS structure for communicating with the server */
    if ((dbp = dbopen(login,server)) == NULL)
    printf("dbopen failed on server: %s\n",server);
    dbcmd(dbp,strcat("use ",datab));
    return dbp;
    /* LogoutOfServer() */
    void LogoutOfServer(DBPROCESS *dbproc)
    DBPROCESS *dbp2;
    dbclose( dbproc );
    int err_handler(DBPROCESS *dbproc,int severity,int dberr,int oserr,
    char dberrstr,char oserrstr)
    if ((dbproc == NULL))
    fprintf(ERR_CH, "DB-LIBRARY error:\n\t%s\n",dberrstr);
    if (oserr != DBNOERR)
    fprintf(ERR_CH,"Operating-system error:\n\t%s\n",oserrstr);
    int msg_handler(DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT msgno, int msgstate, int severity,
    char msgtext,char srvname,char *procname,DBUSMALLINT line)
    return 0;

    The "-D_BIG_ENDIAN" shows you that the code is endian-dependent. This means that the program cannot be ported 1:1 because x86 is little endian while Sparc is big-endian.
    I would first try to use "-D_LITTLE_ENDIAN" (or what flag ever I can find in the source codes) and to compile for x86.
    Because of the "-D_BIG_ENDIAN" different source code is used for both machines. Maybe the little-endian source code is wrong:
    #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN
    // correct source code for Sparc
    // INCORRECT source code for x86

  • Converting Sybase Stored procedures

    Our team has looked at the conv72.exe add-on that converts
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    procedures (packages). We like many aspects of the tool, but
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    conventions. We would still have to completely reformat and
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    there anyway that we can have access to the source code so that
    we can change how the output is formatted. Our team is familiar
    with virtually every programming environment, so we would not be
    looking for any support if we were to get the source code.

    We would be very interested in looking at your coding standards
    to see if there is something we should do with our new Sybase
    plugin to the Migration Workbench to improve the quality of
    PLSQL code generated.
    If you would be interested in following up on this please
    drop an email to the Workbench helpdesk, infomwb@ie,
    and we will discuss further.
    We are always looking to improve the Workbench and if there
    is something that we can do to help address this issue we
    would be very interested in persuing it.
    Julie Allen (guest) wrote:
    : Our team has looked at the conv72.exe add-on that converts
    : Sybase Transact Sql stored procedures to PL/SQL stored
    : procedures (packages). We like many aspects of the tool, but
    : the output does not meet with our coding standards and
    : conventions. We would still have to completely reformat and
    : rename about 1/2 of the output. This would take almost as much
    : time as converting the procedures manually. Is there any way
    : that we can modify how the output is presented? i.e. Has
    : written any tools that reformat the output of this tool, or is
    : there anyway that we can have access to the source code so that
    : we can change how the output is formatted. Our team is familiar
    : with virtually every programming environment, so we would not
    : looking for any support if we were to get the source code.
    Oracle Technology Network

  • Explicit cast needed to convert java.* to to oracle.*

    I am trying to compile and run the following JSP but keep getting the "Incompatible type for = Explicit cast needed ..." error. The JSP and oracle procedure code are as follows:
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.jdbc.driver.*" %>
    SimpleQuery JSP
    <TH BGCOLOR="white"> <I>Node ID</I> </TH>
         Connection con = null;
    OracleCallableStatement cstmt= null;
         ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
              String SYSTEM_DB_DRIVER =
    String SYSTEM_DB_URL =
    String SYSTEM_DB_USER = "UNAME";
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(SYSTEM_DB_URL +
              cstmt = con.prepareCall("call eaicl_p_requirement.open_rule_dtl(?,?)");
              cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
    <<I think I have to pass the p_product_id_in here but not sure how>>
              rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)cstmt).getCursor(1);
         <TD ALIGN=CENTER> <%= rs.getString(1) %> </TD>
         <TD ALIGN=CENTER> <%= rs.getInt(2) %> </TD>
    catch(Exception e)
    The Oracle PL/SQL package.procedure it is calling is:
         PROCEDURE open_rules_dtl (
              prc_rules_dtl_out          OUT     rc_fetch_rule_dtl,
              p_product_id_in          IN          NUMBER )
              vrc_rules_dtl               rc_fetch_rule_dtl;
              OPEN vrc_rules_dtl FOR
                        eaicl_rule r
                        r.is_old = 'N' AND
                        r.product_id = CHR( p_product_id_in )
                   ORDER BY
              prc_rules_dtl_out := vrc_rules_dtl;
    END open_rules_dtl;
    I keep getting the following error on the webserver:
    [05/Dec/2001:16:56:02] info ( 632): JSP: JSP1x compiler threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPC:\iPlanet\Server4\https-wacc\config\..\ClassCache\_jsps\ Incompatible type for =. Explicit cast needed to convert java.sql.CallableStatement to oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.
              cstmt = con.prepareCall("call eaicl_p_requirement.open_rule_dtl(?,?)");
    I'm not sure how to fix it. I also need to pass the p_product_id parameter to the procedure.
    Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.

    Here's how you do an explicit cast:cstmt = (OracleCallableStatement)con.prepareCall("call eaicl_p_requirement.open_rule_dtl(?,?)");

  • I want to convert number to hours in oracle 10 like this.

    Dear All
    Some can help me
    I want to convert below MS-SQL query in oracle 10g. please help me.
    for eg:
    Select numasdate,
    Cast(numasdate / 60 as Varchar) + ' hours ' +
    Cast(numasdate % 60 as Varchar) + ' minutes'
    as [TotalHoursAndMinutes]
    9436 157 hours 16 minutes
    537 8 hours 57 minutes
    9323 155 hours 23 minutes
    12525 208 hours 45 minutes
    Edited by: Parwez on Jan 1, 2013 5:33 AM

    I want to convert number to hours in oracle 10g like this.
    537 8 hours 57 minutes
    9436 157 hours 16 minutes
    12525 208 hours 45 minutesTry this...
    Ranit>> with xx as(
      2      SELECT 537 num from dual UNION ALL
      3       SELECT 9436 num from dual UNION ALL
      4       SELECT 12525 num from dual
      5  )
      6  select
      7       num,
      8       FLOOR(num/60)||' hrs' as "hrs",
      9       MOD(num,60)||' minutes' as "minutes",
    10       FLOOR(num/60)||' hrs  '||MOD(num,60)||' minutes' as "Hours.Mins"
    11  from xx;
           NUM hrs                                          minutes                                          Hours.Mins                                                                                                        
           537 8 hrs                                        57 minutes                                       8 hrs  57 minutes                                                                                                 
          9436 157 hrs                                      16 minutes                                       157 hrs  16 minutes                                                                                               
         12525 208 hrs                                      45 minutes                                       208 hrs  45 minutes                                                                                                Edited by: ranit B on Jan 1, 2013 6:51 PM
    --- Hey John... I just did it and saw your hint now !!!

  • How to convert varchar to BLOB in oracle 10g?

    Hi all,
    I have 2 columns A and B which are of varchar2(2000) dataype.
    I would like to concatinate these 2 columns and convert them into BLOB in oracle 10g.
    Any help is appreciated.

    don't use BLOB to store large text, use CLOB instead
    SQL> create table test
      2  (txt varchar2(10)
      3  ,other varchar2(10)
      4  );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into test values ('some text', 'other text');
    1 row created.
    SQL> create table test2
      2  (col blob)
      3  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into test2
      2  select utl_raw.cast_to_raw (txt||other)
      3    from test
      4  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select *
      2    from test2
      3  /
    SP2-0678: Column or attribute type can not be displayed by SQL*Plus
    SQL> select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(col)
      2    from test2
      3  /
    some textother text
    SQL> drop table test
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop table test2
      2  /
    Table dropped.

  • How to convert HTTP to HTTPS in Oracle Application Server 10g(10.1.3)

    Can you please suggest notes to convert HTTP to HTTPS in Oracle Application Server 10g(10.1.3) as we need this to integrate the custom apps with EBS(12.1.3)?
    Appreciate your quick response,

    For Oracle EBS R12, the docs provided above should be helpful. If you want to configure the application server with SSL (assuming you have 10gAS installed), please refer to Oracle AS10g documentation -- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
    Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 Documentation
    Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

  • OMW supports sybase ASE 15 to Oracle 10g migration?

    I want to migrate data from Sybase ASE 15 to Oracle 10g. Can i use OMW for this purpose if not then what is the other way of doing it?
    Kind regards

    No, not the current workbench. We will be bringing out support for Sybase 15 in SQL Developer at the next release.
    You could try bringing the db down to 12 if that was an option and then migrate from that.

  • To Convert Data From Access To Oracle

    Hi Allz,
    Is there any tool to convert mdb (microsoft data base) data to oracle 9i , because in oracle 8 there is Microsft Access Tool for Oracle, through that tool we can covert mdb data to oracle.How can we convert the same data in oracle 9i.

    You could use Oracles Migration Workbench

  • How can i convert data from DBF to oracle database 10g?

    How can i convert data from DBF to oracle database 10g?

    I assume you at least know how to dump the contents of foxpro dbf file into CSV format.
    Regarding SQL*Loader, hope this demo makes it a bit clear to you...
    I agree that it is an old web page (references Oracle 8.0.5) but basics remain the same.
    If it is still unclear to you after referring above link, then get an Oracle consultant.

  • Can I use SQL developer for a Sybase IQ migration to Oracle?

    Can I use SQL developer for a Sybase IQ migration to Oracle?
    Currently in the supported list appears only Sybase Adaptive Server 12 and 15.
    Florin D.

    Sorry, we don't support IQ migrations at this time.

  • Migrate peoplesoft sybase HR database to oracle 11g

    Hi All,
    We am looking to migrate from sybase 12 to Oracle 11g. We are not sure on which path to choose for this migration to be done. Ths sybase Database is around 55 GB. Below are few questions. Please let me know. The down time on this database can not be more than 2 days at the max.
    1. What is the best and fastest way to do this, if there is one?
    2. Any Documentation on steps involved in migration?
    3. Do we have to use any 3rd party tools for this?
    4. Can we achieve the data migration with sql loader, if yes is it the suggested way to do this and is there any documentation on this?
    I tried sql developer to do the migration but it did not go well and finally found that it is not the way to migrate a Database with peoplesoft environment, below is the link to explain more about what I have done with sql developer.
    If there is any other information required, below link has almost all the information.
    Re: Migrate peoplesoft sybase HRMS database to oracle 11g

    1)     Build an Oracle Demo system patched to the same release level as the current production system.
    2)     Launch Application Designer and compare the production system to the demo system so you may capture the modifications.
    3)     Load a custom table with the tables listed in the MVPRDEXP.EXP in the production system. Run a script to create an export script for all PSRECDEFN where the RECTYPE is 0. This identifies all application data tables. You may want to dms export large tables in parallel.
    4)     DMS Import the exported data into the Oracle instance.
    5)     Reapply the modifications.

  • Open sybase data base in oracle form

    How can I Open sybase data base in oracle form ?

    Its not possible to do it directly but you can do it by installing a Transparent Gateway in your Oracle database. You would then connect to the Oracle database and it would route the table references to the Sybase DB with the help of the gateway. You wouldn't be able to utilize all the functionality of the Sybase DB, only the ones exposed by the gateway.

  • Sybase ASE integrator to Oracle 10g use Synchronous mode?

    I want to use ODI to replicate Sybase ASE data into Oracle 10g, what I've done is using "JKM Sybase simple" and "LKM SQL to SQL" and "IKM Oracle Incremental Update", then create a interface, create a scenario, create a scheduling running in Scheduler Agent, every 5 seconds get the journalized data from Sybase and refresh to Oracle.
    This is acceptable, but my question is: Can I set this scenario in synchronous mode, not pulling changed data every 5 seconds but instead of pushing changed data to Oracle just after DML committed in Sybase?

    No, not the current workbench. We will be bringing out support for Sybase 15 in SQL Developer at the next release.
    You could try bringing the db down to 12 if that was an option and then migrate from that.

Maybe you are looking for