Create Sound Spectrum in AS3

I'm trying to create a spectrum display for microphone
input/playback in ActionScript 3 but can't seem to get it to work.
I understand that the SoundMixer class does not control dynamically
created Sound objects, but surely there is a way around this! Has
anyone done this or have any ideas on how to approach this problem?
I can record and playback the sound using rtmp and net streams just
fine, but can't manage to create any form of sound spectrum from
this sound. I'm at a loss here...
Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

I have created the variable and set to 0.  However i'm not sure how to get it to add one when an item on the stage is clicked on??  What would this look like??  Any help would be great
Thanks in anticipation

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    DavidHenriques wrote:
    Ok i see. But how to create the graphics, exist some kind of free library related with this?You have a lot of learning to do and the FFT is the least of your worries. Check out Java implementations of the FFT from the source forge repository. Take a look at my second post in Perform Hamming window and FFT with Java for an outline of what you have to do to create the spectrum values. Take a look at JFreeChart for the display of the results though you might find it a bit slow when running real time (I use my own very very simple but fast charting).
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    In a discrete measurement system, the Nyquist criteria requires you to sample your signal at a rate that is at least twice the bandwidth (or span) you want to measure. In praxis values like 2.50, 2.56 (or higher if oversampled) are used.
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    Run away, run away.
    I created a sample for the Flextras DataSorter for editing YouTube Playlists.  It was a nightmare.  None of the API documentation was any good and the XML packets you had to send[and the ones you got back] were nothing worth documenting.
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    Hi Sathishkumar,
    You need to use Java code, so to manage audio you can use Java Sound API. Here smart links in order to implement the heterogeneous implemetations on Sounds:
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    That's easier than you think, and it does not involve scripting.
    Audio section:
    Cllick on a stereo mix button in menu editor. Go to Inspector and chose Audio stream that contains Stereo mix. Set button target to Subtitles off button.
    Do the same for 5.1 mix.
    Subtitles section
    Click on Subtitles off button. In the Inspector select an empty subtitles stream (32 for example) and set button target to Play Concert button
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    Very delayed reply on this one, but I thought still worth mentioning a year after the fact.  Over the last couple of years, working in a number of ad agencies, I've progressively built my own Flash CMS framework called Redblox ( 
    It's a framework I'm positive you've never seen the likes of before!  Redblox uses XML files as a blueprint to recursively build you're entire website.  Redblox framework concentrates on separating core functionality from behavioural functionality (see website for more info on that). Every component (ie, textfield, image, menu, layout, scrollbar, video player, everything!) is represented as an XML node within a larger XML structure and therefore its parameters, animations, behaviours and functionality can be added/updated/deleted directly within the XML. Consequently, using Redblox' integrated visual XML Editor allows users the ability to make these changes directly at runtime.  Simply CTRL+CLICK on any item/component while viewing the website in editor mode and the Redblox XML Editor tool will display all the information on that component to add/update/delete. Once users have made their changes, users can then save the XML blueprint of the website back to file.  Its really that simple.
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    It's really context. If you're on a website, you can't access a webcam or microphone at all unless the user allows you to in their preferences, and they are prompted when you do so.
    In an AIR application I would like these advanced techniques but as you pointed out yourself with the link, the way the OS handles device addressing under the hood can likely change, so they don't advise even a 'workaround' for choosing where to send audio.
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    As it is now, you're free to tinker with Adobe Native Extensions to see what added behavior it can extend AIR to regarding a desktop application.

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