Creating a loop for this working script

I am successfully using this script I found to extract hyperlinks from RTF text:
however I need to copy each file to the desktop and change the file name to do so.
How can I add to the script the ability to
1 - choose a folder
2 - choose a destination folder
3 - loop the script to process all files found in the folder?
I am a new user and I have several students messages all with the same patterns. I will be very grateful to anyone.
set filePath to (path to desktop folder as text) & "students.rtf"
set startDelimiter to "{HYPERLINK \""
set endDelimiter to "\"}}"
set linkDelimiter to "Read this message"
set rtfText to read file filePath
set text item delimiters to startDelimiter
set theItems to text items of rtfText
if (count of theItems) is greater than 1 then
   repeat with i from 2 to count of theItems
       set text item delimiters to endDelimiter
       set a to text items of (item i of theItems)
       set theLink to item 1 of a
       set text item delimiters to linkDelimiter
       set b to text items of (item i of theItems)
       set text item delimiters to theLink
       set (item i of theItems) to b as text
   end repeat
end if
set text item delimiters to startDelimiter
set adjustedText to theItems as text
set text item delimiters to ""
writeTo(adjustedText, filePath, false, string)
(*==================== SUBROUTINES ===================*)
on writeTo(this_data, target_file, append_data, mode) -- append_data is true or false, mode is string etc. (no quotes around either)
       set target_file to target_file as text
       if target_file does not contain ":" then set target_file to POSIX file target_file as text
       set the open_target_file to open for access file target_file with write permission
       if append_data is false then set eof of the open_target_file to 0
       write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof as mode
       close access the open_target_file
       return true
   on error
           close access file open_target_file
       end try
       return false
   end try
end writeTo

etnad wrote:
the script finds the folder
chooses the destination folder
Opens the file for writing
But the result is always false
I am really new to applescript .... maybe there is something missing in the actual writing part of the script?
I just tried copy/paste the script, it works well here.
Uses the "on error" in the script, and the history of the editor to know the error.
like this
    on error tError
          log "Error : " & tError
               close access file open_target_file
         end try
         return false
    end try
end writeTo
In the "AppleScript Editor" :
1- click on the tab "Event Log"
2- Run the script
3- Check the text in  "Event Log" to know the error.

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    given name
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    1 Smith John
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    Hi W1zard,
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    1.) you could create a master block basing on your emp table and a detail block basing on your project table with the relation over emp_no. set the default_where clause of your detail block programmatically using
    set_block_property('project', default_where, 'status = ''assigned'' and <your_date_criteria>');
    Q1: where I pit this code? in pre-query trigger in detail block?
    2.) Of course you could create a view to join both of your tables if you don't want to use master detail blocks; Also do the join over emp_no
    create or replace force view v_emp as
    select emp.family_name, emp.given_name, project.start_date, project.end_date
    from emp, project
    where emp.emp_no = project.emp_no
    Q2 As I mentioned before, there are multipal entries for the same emp in project table and we only need the maching record from project table which has latest end_date. So I think I need something like
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    Hi Mark and others,
    What is the way to create the correct index for this kind of XML (I posted earlier)? I created the indexes without using those prefixes without any problems but they do not seem to be used during processing. For 300 statutes, it took about 10 minutes! For the smplier verion, I created indexes and it took no more than 30 seconds to process more than 4000 statutes.
    <AllStatuteQueryResponse xmlns="">
    <ns1:Statutes xmlns:ns1="">
    <ns2:StatuteId xmlns:ns2="">1</ns2:StatuteId>
    <ns3:Chapter xmlns:ns3="">84</ns3:Chapter>
    <ns4:Section xmlns:ns4="">82</ns4:Section>
    <ns5:Subdivision xmlns:ns5="">1a</ns5:Subdivision>
    <ns6:Year xmlns:ns6="">0</ns6:Year>
    <ns7:LegislativeSessionCode xmlns:ns7="">
    <ns8:SessionTextIndicator xmlns:ns8="">false</ns8:SessionTextIndicator>
    <ns9:HeadNoteIndicator xmlns:ns9="">false</ns9:HeadNoteIndicator>
    <ns10:EffectiveDate xmlns:ns10="">1859-01-01</ns10:EffectiveDate>
    <ns11:EnactmentDate xmlns:ns11="">1859-01-01</ns11:EnactmentDate>
    <ns12:RepealedIndicator xmlns:ns12="">false</ns12:RepealedIndicator>
    <j:DocumentLocationURI xmlns:j="">
    <j:ID xsi:type="j:TextType" xmlns:xsi=""></j:ID>
    <ns13:SummaryDescriptionText xmlns:ns13="">Snowmobiles-Snowmobile registration</ns13:SummaryDescriptionText>
    <ns14:StatuteFunction xmlns:ns14="">

    Hi Mark, here is the schema. I did not register the schema, because when I processed the simpler version, I did not either and I just created the indexes. I did not create an VARRAY in the table. The DDL is simply create table CStatute_XML(id number, xmldoc xmltype).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- CriMNet -->
    <!-- Minnesota Criminal Justice Statute Web Service Data Dictionary -->
    <!-- Dave Everson -->
    <!-- Version 3.0 -->
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="3.0" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
         <xsd:element name="StatuteCode">
                        This complex type is a generic structure representing code value sets defined in the Minnesota Criminal Justice Statute Service.
                        A single element of the value set contains both a code value (e.g. F) and a description (e.g. Felony).
                        The following concepts within the MNCJSS are represented by this complex type:
                        <xsd:element name="code" type="xsd:string"/>
                        <xsd:element name="description" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:element name="StatuteId" type="xsd:integer">
                   <xsd:documentation>Primary Key reference to Minnesota Criminal Justice Statute Service disseminated by CriMNet</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="StatuteIntegrationId" type="xsd:integer">
                   <xsd:documentation>Primary Key reference to the StatuteFunction object within the Minnesota Criminal Justice Statute Service disseminated by CriMNet</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="FunctionCode">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="OffenseSummaryCode">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="OffenseSummarySeverityLevelCode">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="OffenseLevelCode">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="OffenseSeverityLevelCode">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="LegislativeSessionCode">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="GeneralOffenseCode" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>An integer (1-9) identifier of a general statute category code used for statistical analysis.</xsd:documentation>
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="DetailedOffenseCode" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>An identification number associated with a statute offense type in the form of nnn.nnn. From a list of 350. Corresponds to the StatuteOffinseTypeText.</xsd:documentation>
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteCode"/>
         <xsd:element name="Chapter" type="xsd:string">
                   <xsd:documentation>A numeric identifier of a chapter within a statute.</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:appinfo>Statute.chapter; StatuteChapterSection.chapter</xsd:appinfo>
         <xsd:element name="Section" type="xsd:string" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>An integer number identifier of a section of a chapter of a statute.</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:appinfo>Statute.section; StatuteChapterSection.section</xsd:appinfo>
         <xsd:element name="Subdivision" type="xsd:string" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>An identifier of a subdivision within a code book.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="HeadNoteIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
         <xsd:element name="Year" type="xsd:int">
         <xsd:element name="EffectiveDate" type="xsd:date" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>The date a statute came into effect</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="ExpirationDate" type="xsd:date" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>The date a statute was not longer effective.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="EnactmentDate" type="xsd:date" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>A date a statute was signed into law.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="RepealedIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
                   <xsd:documentation>A date a statute number was repealed, amended, or renumbered.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="HeadNote" type="xsd:boolean">
         <xsd:element name="SummaryDescriptionText" type="xsd:string" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>A long description of a statute.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="LegislativeText" type="xsd:string" nillable="true">
                   <xsd:documentation>The legislative of a statute.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="SessionTextIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
         <xsd:element name="FunctionText" type="xsd:string" nillable="true">
         <xsd:element name="JuvenileOnlyIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
                   <xsd:documentation>An indicator identifying whether a statute applies to juveniles only.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="CrimeOfViolenceIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
                   <xsd:documentation>An indicator identifying whether a statute is a crime of violence under Minnesota statute 624 section 712 subdivision 5.</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="EnhanceableIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
                   <xsd:documentation>An indicator identifying whether the charges are enhanceable by specific factors (the definition of enhanceable is pending review).</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="TargetedMisdemeanorIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
                   <xsd:documentation>An indicator identifying whether a statute is a targeted misdemeanor as defined in Minnnesota Statute 299C.10, subdivision. 1(d).</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="MandatoryAppearanceIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
         <xsd:element name="RegisterableOffenseIndicator" type="xsd:boolean">
         <xsd:element name="StatuteFunction">
                        <xsd:element ref="StatuteIntegrationId" />
                        <xsd:element ref="FunctionCode"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="FunctionText" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>                    
                        <xsd:element ref="CrimeOfViolenceIndicator"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="EnhanceableIndicator"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="TargetedMisdemeanorIndicator"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="RegisterableOffenseIndicator"/>                    
                        <xsd:element ref="JuvenileOnlyIndicator"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="MandatoryAppearanceIndicator"/>                                        
                        <xsd:element ref="OffenseLevelCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="GeneralOffenseCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="DetailedOffenseCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="OffenseSummaryCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="OffenseSummarySeverityLevelCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                        <xsd:element ref="OffenseSeverityLevelCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    first part to get the statute ID numbers,
    insert into CriMNet_Statutes
         select cs.StatuteId, cs.Chapter, cs.Section, cs.Subdivision, cs.Year, cs.LegCode,
              cs.LegDesc, cs.SessionTextIndicator, cs.HeadNoteIndicator,
              to_date(cs.EffectiveDate, 'yyyy/mm/dd') as eDate,
              to_date(cs.EnactmentDate, 'yyyy/mm/dd') as EnDate,
              cs.RepealedIndicator, cs.SummaryDescriptionText
         from Cstatute_xml,          
                   default '',     
                   --- or '' as "cs"
                   '' as "cx",
                   '' as "ns1"                    
              --- '/AllStatuteQueryResponse//ns:Statutes' --- produces an extra row
              passing SXMLDOC
              StatuteId     varchar2(10)     path '//StatuteId',
              Chapter          varchar2(10)     path '//Chapter',
              Section          varchar2(20)     path '//Section',
              Subdivision     varchar2(20)     path '//Subdivision',
              Year          number          path '//Year',     
              LegCode          varchar2(10)     path '//LegislativeSessionCode/StatuteCode/code',
              LegDesc          varchar2(10)     path '//LegislativeSessionCode/StatuteCode/description',
              SessionTextIndicator varchar2(10) path '//SessionTextIndicator',
              HeadNoteIndicator varchar2(10)     path '//HeadNoteIndicator',
              EffectiveDate     varchar2(15)     path '//EffectiveDate',
              EnactmentDate     varchar2(15)     path '//EnactmentDate',
              RepealedIndicator varchar2(10)     path '//RepealedIndicator',
              SummaryDescriptionText varchar2(150) path '//SummaryDescriptionText'     
         ) cs;
    Second part to get the function code for each statute ID (one ID to many function codes).
              v_statuteID     number;
              v_statuteIDC     varchar2(10);
              cursor c_cmns is
              select statuteid from CriMNet_Statutes;
              for v_cmns in c_cmns loop
                   v_StatuteID := v_cmns.StatuteID;
                   v_statuteIDC := to_char(v_statuteID);
                   insert into CriMNet_Statute_Function
                   select v_StatuteID, cf.* from Cstatute_xml,
                             '' as "cs",
                             '' as "cx",
                             '' as "ns1"                         
                        'for $cxm in /cx:AllStatuteQueryResponse/ns1:Statutes/ns1:Statutes[cs:StatuteId = $val/pStatuteId]/cs:StatuteFunction
                        passing SXMLDOC, xmlelement("pStatuteId", v_statuteIDC) as "val"
                        StatuteIntegrationId     number     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:StatuteIntegrationId',
                        FunctionCode          varchar2(10) path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:FunctionCode',
                        FunctionDesc          varchar2(30)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:FunctionDesc',
                        CrimeOfViolenceIndicator varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:CrimeOfViolenceIndicator',
                        EnhanceableIndicator     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:EnhanceableIndicator',
                        TargetedMisdIndicator     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:TargetedMisdIndicator',
                        RegisterableOffIndicator varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:RegisterableOffIndicator',
                        JuvenileOnlyIndicator     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:JuvenileOnlyIndicator',
                        MandatoryAppIndicator     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:MandatoryAppIndicator',
                        OffenseLevelCode     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:OffenseLevelCode',
                        OffenseLevelDesc     varchar2(40)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:OffenseLevelDesc',
                        GeneralOffenseCode     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:GeneralOffenseCode',
                        GeneralOffenseDesc     varchar2(60)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:GeneralOffenseDesc',
                        DetailedOffenseCode     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:DetailedOffenseCode',
                        DetailedOffenseDesc     varchar2(60)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:DetailedOffenseDesc',
                        OffenseSummaryCode     varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:OffenseSummaryCode',
                        OffenseSummaryDesc     varchar2(60)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:OffenseSummaryDesc',
                        OffenseSumSeverityLevelCode varchar2(10)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:OffenseSumSeverityLevelCode',
                        OffenseSumSeverityLevelDesc varchar2(30)     path '/cs:CSFunction/cs:OffenseSumSeverityLevelDesc'          
                   ) cf;
                   ---dbms_output.put_line('Statute ID = ' || v_StatuteID);
              end loop;
    You mentioned that I should include the namespace in the existsnode function but I did not. I am going to try after including it. Thanks.

  • Is there a way to create a schema for this simple XML?

    Hi! A simple question. Suppose we have a XML that looks like that (simplified)
        <name>My document</name>
        <name>Another document</name>
    </documents>In this simple example, if the tag <total> had a numer of three, there would be a <doc_3> tag.
    Is it posible to create a XSD to this XML? And is it posible for JAXB to process that XSD?
    Thank you in advance

    There are some tools around to generate XML Schemas from instance documents, but I don't know if they are too smart. For example, XMLSPY created the following Schema from your sample:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
         <xs:element name="code">
                   <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                        <xs:enumeration value="1234"/>
                        <xs:enumeration value="5678"/>
         <xs:element name="doc_1">
                        <xs:element ref="name"/>
                        <xs:element ref="code"/>
         <xs:element name="doc_2">
                        <xs:element ref="name"/>
                        <xs:element ref="code"/>
         <xs:element name="documents">
                        <xs:element ref="total"/>
                        <xs:element ref="doc_1"/>
                        <xs:element ref="doc_2"/>
         <xs:element name="name">
                   <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                        <xs:enumeration value="Another document"/>
                        <xs:enumeration value="My document"/>
         <xs:element name="total">
                   <xs:restriction base="xs:byte">
                        <xs:enumeration value="2"/>
    </xs:schema>XMLSPY has done its best but this Schema could certainly be cleaned up and made more efficient. If your instance documents aren't going to be too complex, it's probably best to have a tool like XMLSPY start you off, then you can go in by hand.
    But, once you have the Schema in hand, you're ready to get started with JAXB.

  • Need to create multiple indexes - will this work?

    For a catalog of about 350 pages, I need both a manufacturer index and a product index. I have read some of the creative solutions already posted here and in other web discussions, and I have an idea.
    Why not create two Book files? one could be "Catalog-Product.indb" and the other could be "Catalog-Manufacturer.indb". Basically two separate contexts for the series of layouts. When in the Product book, do all the indexing for that context, update the Product index and close the set of files (saving the Catalog-Product.indb as well and then closing it). Then open the Catalog-Manufacturer book and do the indexing for the Manufacturer index, generate it, save and close.
    The question is: will each of the two book files be able to ignore the invisible index metadata that belongs to the other book when generating the index? will there be trash index entries in the Index palette - representing those of the other book file? Or, can these two sets of metadata be properly kept separate?
    One consequence that I predict is that the Hyperlinks option during PDF Export from InDesign will be compromised - I would expect whichever book was inactive during the PDF export from the Book file would be the one whose index links would be non-functional.
    Can anyone tell me though whether this strategy could generate two proper indexes at least for a print document?

    Bill Planey wrote:
    For a catalog of about 350 pages, I need both a manufacturer index and a product index. I have read some of the creative solutions already posted here and in other web discussions, and I have an idea.
    Why not create two Book files? one could be "Catalog-Product.indb" and the other could be "Catalog-Manufacturer.indb". Basically two separate contexts for the series of layouts. When in the Product book, do all the indexing for that context, update the Product index and close the set of files (saving the Catalog-Product.indb as well and then closing it). Then open the Catalog-Manufacturer book and do the indexing for the Manufacturer index, generate it, save and close.
    The question is: will each of the two book files be able to ignore the invisible index metadata that belongs to the other book when generating the index? will there be trash index entries in the Index palette - representing those of the other book file? Or, can these two sets of metadata be properly kept separate?
    One consequence that I predict is that the Hyperlinks option during PDF Export from InDesign will be compromised - I would expect whichever book was inactive during the PDF export from the Book file would be the one whose index links would be non-functional.
    Can anyone tell me though whether this strategy could generate two proper indexes at least for a print document?
    Hi, Bill:
    Search Google for terms like "InDesign multiple index" without quotes. There are some good links for this; admittedly they're workarounds. If you take the time to file a formal request for this feature at, there's a chance the developers will eventually run out of excuses or higher-priority tasks, and include it in a future release.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Can anyone create a Query for this?

    Can anyone help me to create a query for the followinf table info?
    I have tried to use joins but no success.
    Table Name: Org
    ID     Severity     Status
    1     Red     New
    2     Yellow     New
    3     Green     Closed
    4     Green     Open
    5     Yellow     Closed
    6     Red     Closed
    7     Red     Closed
    8     Red     Open
    9     Yellow     New
    10     Yellow     Closed
    The result of the query should look like this. The most important thing is that I want this result set in a single query and in this format.
    Severity     Total_Status     Total_Closed
    Red     4     2
    Green     2     1
    Yellow     4     2

    select severity,count(*) tot,sum(decode(status,'closed',1,0)) tot_closed
    from org
    group by severity;
    Not tested..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • How to write "for loop" for this block in as3?

    hello all, could you please help me to write a for loop for the following code?
    PS: bx1,bx,2bx3... are movie clips, xfir1,xsay1,xad1,xtip1,xdil1 are dynamic text boxes.
    var xmlLoader9:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xmlLoader9.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML99);
    xmlLoader9.load(new URLRequest("spops.xml"));
    function showXML99(e:Event):void
    XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
    var fir:XML = new XML(;
    bx1.xfir1.text =  fir.sno[0].aa.text();
    bx1.xsay1.text =  fir.sno[0].bb.text();
    bx1.xad1.text  =  fir.sno[0].cc.text();
    bx1.xtip1.text =  fir.sno[0].dd.text();
    bx1.xdil1.text =  fir.sno[0].ee.text();
    bx2.xfir2.text =  fir.sno[1].aa.text();
    bx2.xsay2.text =  fir.sno[1].bb.text();
    bx2.xad2.text  =  fir.sno[1].cc.text();
    bx2.xtip2.text =  fir.sno[1].dd.text();
    bx2.xdil2.text =  fir.sno[1].ee.text();
    bx3.xfir3.text =  fir.sno[2].aa.text();
    bx3.xsay3.text =  fir.sno[2].b.text();
    bx3.xad3.text  =  fir.sno[2].cc.text();
    bx3.xtip3.text =  fir.sno[2].dd.text();
    bx3.xdil3.text =  fir.sno[2].ee.text();

    And for the second, try this:
    var stThings:Array = [st1, st2, st3];
    var bxThings:Array = [bx1, bx2, bx3]
    var globalURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("tgs.aspx?st=1003")
    for each(var stWhat in stThings)
    stWhat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    stWhat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
    stWhat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT , outHandler);
    function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    function overHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    var index:int = stThings.indexOf(;
    bxThings[index].visible = true;
    function outHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    var index:int = stThings.indexOf(;
    bxThings[index].visible = false;
    It's difficult to interpret your code--you may want to take some time to write more readable code.
    For example, what is an 'st1'? Is it a button? What does it do?
    Consider if it were a button made to load Story 1... a much more readable name would be btnStory1.
    Also, there really is no advantage to identifying events as eeeeevt, zeeeevt and changing those.
    Pick a convention and stick to it. I prefer 'event', others use 'e' or 'evt'.
    And try to use function names that mean something, "function a1003mo(zeeevt2:MouseEvent):void {" is much more easily read as "function outHandler(event:MouseEvent):void"
    I'd be interested to see what it is you're making, I believe there are some real opportunities to optimize it.

  • How to create a constructor for this class?

    Hi everybody!
    I have an applet which loads images from a database.
    i want to draw the images in a textarea, so i wrote an inner class, which extends textarea and overrides the paint method.
    but everytime i try to disply the applet in the browser this happens:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: WohnungSuchenApplet$Malfl�che
         at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
         at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
    so my class has no own constructor, it just has the paint method overwritten.
    my class looks like this:
    public class Malfl�che extends javax.swing.JTextArea{
    public void paint(Graphics g){
    Color grey=new Color(220,220,220);
    how should a constructor for this class look like?
    sorry i am quite new to this, so i really dont have a clue!
    my class does not have any attributes or requires any so it doesnt need a constructor, doesnt it?
    thanks a lot

    If you have no constructor you cant instanciate (I know i just murdered that spelling) the object.
    Malfl�che thisHereThingie = new Malfl�che()assuming that you want to run that class by itself you will need a main method that has the preceeding code in it. If you are running it from another class you need to instanciate it... but anyway at the very least for a constructor you need.
    public Malfl�che(){

  • I have been a supporter of Firefox for over 10 years in the schools that I work in. Now you no longer support Mac OSX 10.5? Please create an update for this OS

    Please create an update to firefox for MAC OS X 10.5.8...I have so many labs that still use this OS and with budget cuts they are not planning to update for the next few years. It cannot be that difficult.

    You can use TenFourFox, which is a third-party build of Firefox that works on Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5.
    Mozilla already ended support for Leopard a month ago. The developers believe that the resources spent supporting the older operating system would be better used elsewhere. Realistically, one or more enthusiasts asking not to end support isn't going to change the fact the user base isn't large enough to make that kind of effort worthwhile.

  • Creating a report for linked work items...

    We are using TFS 2012 and need to create a report (either excel or SSRS) that shows all the user stories under the current sprint and any linked child items across two projects. I can do this easily per project in VS and open it in excel but excel won't
    let me copy/paste two projects work items in one spreadsheet. I tried searching and found a few suggestions but they don't seem to work.

    Hi Vik,  
    Thanks for your post.
    We suggest you create a such report using TFS API. Please refer to below code snippet:
                TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("UrI"));
                WorkItemStore workitemstore = tfs.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
                string wiql ="SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = 'TeamProject' ORDER BY [System.Id] ";
                WorkItemCollection wic = workitemstore.Query(wiql);
                foreach(WorkItem workitem in wic)
                    foreach (Link link in workitem.Links)
                        RelatedLink relatedLink = link as RelatedLink;
                        if (relatedLink != null)
    You can create your custom work item query to return all the parent work items, then save this query as a .wiq file in local path, then open this .wiq file and you will find the wiql string in it.
    For more information about work item query TFS API, please refer to:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to create more instances for this text game.  Help please!

    Hey guys, so far this code works great, but I'm trying to add more questions and answers to this and I'm having trouble doing that. I've tried using different methods and just going from method to another, but I can't seem to get it to work right. Should I be able to do it with different methods or is there another way I should be doing this?? I also want to add a score to this game as well. Adding points for each correct guess and I searched online trying to find a point to start, but couldn't quite get a hold on it. This is just something that would be cool to add, but isn't necessary if you don't think you can help me out. Thanks for checking this out and for the help!!
    public class TextShuffleGame
         private CinReader reader;
         public TextShuffleGame ()
              reader = new CinReader();
         public void go ()
              System.out.println("Welcome to Text Shuffle.");
              int tries = 0;
              boolean correctGuess = false;
              while (correctGuess == false && tries < 5)
              System.out.println("What 6-letter word is made up from the letters \"dunops\"?");
              String guess3 = reader.readString();
              String answer3 = "pounds";
                        if (guess3.equalsIgnoreCase(answer3))
                             System.out.println("Hooray! You are correct!");
                             correctGuess = true;
                             System.out.println("Sorry, Try again!");
              public static void main(String[] args)
              TextShuffleGame thisClass3 = new TextShuffleGame();

    If I understand you correctly, you want to add more words to the program. If so, then create an array or some other Collection to store a bunch of words. Then you need to randomly select a word from the list. Create another method to randomly shuffle the letters and display that instead of hardcoding it. Then when a user types a guess you compare it to the word in the list, once again instead of hardcoding it.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How to populate both key and text in drop down list in dialog prog screen

    Hi, Can anyone please advice how to display both key and text in the drop down list in dialog prog screen. I tried with below code. keys and texts are getting populated in values table but only text is appearing when click on drop down. need to displ

  • Message is not proposing automatically

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    as an example, if i'm in amazon, and at the top where it says "search all departments", if i click on the arrow to display the drop downs, they just flash on my screen. they don't stay open long enough to select one. the same happens on other website

  • Problems after TM restore

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  • Calendar ios 5 not working

    All data from calendar dissaperd and also did the button with calendars on the top left side and plus button on the bottom for adding new events. Icloud didn't work for this device and i did backup but i don't know how to restore. Thx