Creating a tab region within a page in APEX

Hi there,
Could someone please guide me to some examples on how i could create a tabbed region within a page?

Here is what i do...
In HTML Header I will add the below code
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<script src=""> </script>
<script src=""> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
   $x("tabs").appendChild( $x("tabs-1"));
   $x("tabs").appendChild( $x("tabs-2"));
</script>Then i will Create 3 Region.
Region 1 >>> Create an HTML Region ( REGION TEMPLATE = NO TEMPLATE) and add the below code in REGION SOURCE
<div id="tabs">
   <li><a href="#tabs-1">Employee</a></li>
   <li><a href="#tabs-2">Chart</a></li>
</div>Region 2 >>> Create HTML Region... Add two text field to this region .. now edit the region
Add the below code in region header of REGION 2
<div id="tabs-1">Add the below code in region footer of REGION 2
</div>Region 3 >>> Create HTML Region... Add two text field to this region .. now edit the region
Add the below code in region header of REGION 3
<div id="tabs-2">Add the below code in region footer of REGION 3
</div>Example :
I have used exactly the same code... except that my Region 2 contains REPORT insted of two text field and Region 3 contains CHART instead of text field.
Please reward the answer if it was helpful / correct

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    Apparently you can arrange items/portlets within a region but cannot re-arrange regions within a page.
    Given three regions: a,b,c is there any way to move region to the right of region [c]?
    [  a   ]
    [b] [c]
    Seems like only option is to split region [c] into [c] [d] then delete region [b] moving all its items to region [d] and manually copying all region properties of [b] onto [d]. If you have 3 regions on the right to move to the left then this becomes very time consuming and error prone if there are any custom forms or URLs within the portal that are referring to those region ids [e.g. hardcoded page/region ids].
    Editing views: Graphic, Layout, List do have options to move/arrange items and split regions NOT moving a region.
    When you end-up with multiple regions, some with tabs, it's not apparent how to add/move a region without re-creating the whole page.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Jason
    No real way to do this and save the region settings (maybe someone can prove me wrong). As you pointed out, you will need to create at least one new region, move the content into this region and update the region level settings. You should definitely avoid using hard coded URLs and instead use direct access URLs for linking to portal content.

  • Submitting a Form in a Spry Tabbed Region

    I have a spry tabbed region with 6 tabs.
    I have constructed a menu which targets and opens the specific tab using the ?tab=4 type notation.  I have also created links between tabs using the same notation.  All works fine.
    I have a form in one tab which, when I submit it, I want to return to the same tab.  However when I use the notation <form action="index.php?tab=4" > the page just reloads on the first tab, stripping off the ?tab=4 part of the url. I have searched the forums but can't find any reference to how to target a specific tab when submitting a form.
    Any help much appreciated.

    Thanks for your patience.
    Because there are 8 tabs on this page there is a lot of code, much of it irrelevant, so I have copied below the chunks which relate to this part of the page.
    When the form is submitted the data being returned from the database is correct and is loaded into the page. It is just that the page loads the first tab and you then have to click on the 'Results' tab to see the data which has been returned.
    Ok, from the top of the page the php code which filters the recordset is as follows;
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    // recordset for results
    $var1_rsCompResults = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET["event_ID"])) {
      $var1_rsCompResults = $_GET["event_ID"];
    $var2_rsCompResults = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET["age_group"])) {
      $var2_rsCompResults = $_GET["age_group"];
    $var3_rsCompResults = "-1";
    if (isset($_GET["gender"])) {
      $var3_rsCompResults = $_GET["gender"];
    mysql_select_db($database_connPublic, $connPublic);
    $query_rsCompResults = sprintf("SELECT tblResults.result_ID, DATE_FORMAT(tblEvents.event_start_date, '%%Y') AS year, tblResults.event_ID, tblEvents.event_name, tblResults.age_group, tblResults.points, tblIndividuals.forename, tblIndividuals.surname, FROM tblEvents INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblEvents.event_id = tblResults.event_ID INNER JOIN tblIndividuals ON tblResults.individual_ID = tblIndividuals.individual_id WHERE tblResults.event_ID = %s AND age_group = %s AND sex = %s ORDER BY tblResults.points", GetSQLValueString($var1_rsCompResults, "int"),GetSQLValueString($var2_rsCompResults, "text"),GetSQLValueString($var3_rsCompResults, "text"));
    $rsCompResults = mysql_query($query_rsCompResults, $connPublic) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsCompResults = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCompResults);
    $totalRows_rsCompResults = mysql_num_rows($rsCompResults);
    then the links to the Spry Assets and the  js which creates the datasets is as follows;
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryURLUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryDataExtensions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryHTMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryNestedXMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryXML.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryPagedView.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsYears = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("competitions_year_data_xml.php", "root/row");
    var dsCompetitions = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("calendar_competitions_data_xml.php", "root/row[year = '{dsYears::year}']");
    var dsAgeGroups = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("competitions_age_group_data_xml.php", "root/row[event_ID = '{dsCompetitions::event_ID}']");
    var dsGender = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("competitions_sex_data_xml.php", "root/row[age_group = '{dsAgeGroups::age_group}']");
    Then the html which creates the tabbed region is as follows;
                      <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels">
                          <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTabLeft" tabindex="0">News</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="1">Calendar</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="2">Rules</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="3">Competition Entries</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="4">Results</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="5">Rankings</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="6">Contacts</li>
                            <li class="TabbedPanelsTabRight" tabindex="7">FAQ</li>
                          <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
    Then the form which includes the four select statements is as follows;
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id ="results_data">
    <form name="selectForm" action="index.php?tab=4&" method="get">
    <span spry:region="dsYears" id="yearSelector">
            <select spry:repeatchildren="dsYears" spry:choose="spry:choose" name="year" onchange="dsYears.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);">
                <option value="{year}" spry:when="{ds_CurrentRowID} == {ds_RowID}" selected="selected">{year}</option>
                <option value="{year}" spry:default="spry:default" >{year}</option>
    <span spry:region="dsCompetitions" id="eventSelector">
            <select spry:repeatchildren="dsCompetitions" name="event_ID" onchange="dsCompetitions.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);">
                <option value="{event_ID}">{event_name}</option>
            Age Groups:
    <span spry:region="dsAgeGroups" id="agegroupSelector">
            <select spry:repeatchildren="dsAgeGroups" name="age_group" onchange="dsAgeGroups.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);">
                <option value="{age_group}">{age_group}</option>
    <span spry:region="dsGender" id="genderSelector">
            <select spry:repeatchildren="dsGender" name="gender">
                <option value="{sex}">{sex}</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    <?php if ($totalRows_rsCompResults > 0) { // Show if recordset not empty ?>
      <div id="result_ID" name="result_ID">
            <th>Athlete Name</th>
          <?php do { ?>
              <td><?php echo $row_rsCompResults['forename']; ?> <?php echo $row_rsCompResults['surname']; ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $row_rsCompResults['event_name']; ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $row_rsCompResults['points']; ?></td>
            <?php } while ($row_rsCompResults = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCompResults)); ?>
      <?php } // Show if recordset not empty ?>
           </div> <!-- end of TabbedPanelsContent div Results -->
    Then at the end of the page is this code;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1", {defaultTab: ? : 0});

  • Place a Tab Canvas within a Tab Canvas

    Oracle Forms 6i.
    I have a requirement to put a tab canvas within a tab canvas. However when I try to create a tab canvas within a tab canvas i get a 'FRM-13002: Stacked and Tab canvases must be created within content canvases.'
    Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?

    Got it working thanks.
    For anyone that wants the code:
    WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED - Form Level Trigger
         tb_name varchar2(30);
         tb_name :=get_canvas_property('CANVAS1', topmost_tab_page);
         if tb_name = 'TAB1' then
         elsif tb_name = 'TAB2' then
         end if;

  • Two tabs for the same page

    I have been spending the whole morning trying to find a solution for this problem but did not find any either by myself or parsing the forum messages.
    I am building an application with a two level tab for the navigation.
    Everything is fine as long as the pages referenced by the tabs have a different number.
    My problem is that i use the same dynamic page (let say 40) to be accessed through two different tabs.
    e.g Parent tab is labelled "Parent"
    Two other tabs are created linked to parent tab "Parent" and those are labelled "Action1" and Action2"
    Selecting "Action1" will result in rendering the page 40 with a parameter (let say page_type) set to the value 1.
    Selecting "Action2" will result in rendering the *same* page 40 with a parameter (let say page_type) set to the value 2.
    For the parent tab "Parent" let say that the default is to select "Action1"
    Is there any solution to implement that kind of behaviour?
    I have tried to create redirecting pages (empty page and a single branch) to achieve this but i always get stucked when trying to have page 40 displaying the proper tabs and parent tab.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi Andy,
    Thanks for your answer!
    Whilst it is fairly straightforward to create multiple tabs for the same page (this can be done through Shared Components, Tabs and click Add on the standard >>tabs bar, enter in any page number you like), the functionality of tabs does not provide the means to set item values. Additionally, as both tabs would be >>"current" for your page 40, once you've clicked on one, you can not click on the other.Yes this is exactly what i discover once my page 40 has been built.
    There may be ways to do what you need, but as tabs are really there for navigation purposes only, this may become rather complicated. What is the difference >>between Action1 and Action2? Can this be achieved in another way? Have you considered switching to lists for navigation (where you can set item values)?In fact, i can still duplicate this page and have a few changes within each new page. But as a matter of code design as both pages have around half in common, i wanted to share most of the items (build a single page) and then play for a few additional items with conditions encompassing the page type i have set before rendering the page.=> Most items in common, a few others whose display is conditionnal. For the end user, it looks like two different pages because in their business process the "Action1" and "Action2" are clearly different.
    I use lists in this application on the home page to reach most of the application pages but while some users prefer to use the links on the home page and go back to home page, other would like to use the tabs and a number of them use both navigation mechanisms.
    Sorry if it is not quite clear (english is not my mother tongue).

  • New region in a page

    I was trying to create a new region in a page. For that i create a region RG1 in Jdeveloper and in that page, i created FlexLayout and Flex Content using personalization. Before i extend the RG1 region in Flex Content i have imported the RG1 region into database using the following command.
    java \
    $JAVA_TOP/abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/webui/DsdPerInfoRG.xml \
    -username apps \
    -password pass1 \
    -rootdir $JAVA_TOP/abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/webui \
    -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address =(protocol = tcp) (host =XXXX)(port = XXX))) (connect_data = (sid = xx)))"
    I see that i get a message saying that the page is imported. Now when i try to extend the region RG1 through Flex content using personalization, i get an error saying that
    cannot be found. (oracle.adf.mds.MetadataDefException: Unable to find component with absolute reference = /abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/webui/AbcPerInfoRG, XML Path = null. Please verify that the reference is valid and the definition of the component exists either on the File System or in the MDS Repository.)
    Can someone please help me on this. I am really tired with this error. I also have placed the VO and AM Class and xml files in the $JAVA_TOP/abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/server.
    Thanks a lot in advance

    The following import command worked for me.
    java /ts01/u00/app/ts01/common/java/abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/webui/abcPerInfoRG.xml \
    -username apps -password pass1 -rootdir /ts01/u00/app/ts01/common/java/abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/webui \
    -rootPackage /abc/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/personalinformation/webui -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = = tcp) \
    (host =<XXX>)(port = <xxx>))) (connect_data = (sid = <xxx>)))"
    Edited by: user539616 on Jan 20, 2009 8:25 PM

  • Tab control with 2 pages

    I want to create a Tab control with 2 pages, in each page there are 2 buttons - "OK" and "Cancel".
    If on Page1, "OK" is clicked, Page2 will be disable and greyed, until "Cancel" is clicked. And vice-versa for Page2 buttons.
    How to do this?
    Thanks in advance...
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Splee,
    Please view the attached vi, I believe it's doing what you've asked. You can invoke properties using property node in order to change the value of variables.
    Hi Simply_me check your Vi will it really works. To make this VI in working condition you have to do some more coding in your code.
    Check your page selection technique.
    Hi Splee,
    First you have to find out on which Tab Page user clicking the buttons, the all operations you have to do on other page.
    Once your page is disable you can't access the controls of that page. As Geeta says make a code using event structure with Tab Control property and invoke nodes. 
    You have to do some coding to achieve your requirements.
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Goyal
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Goyal | LabVIEW Engineer- Power System Automation
    Values that steer us ahead: Passion | Innovation | Ambition | Diligence | Teamwork
    It Only gets BETTER!!!

  • Make the highlight bold when tabbing through items on page instead of tiny faint dotted line

    When you tab around within a page (i.e. with the Tab key) and things such as links get highlighted they are only indicated with an extremely thin faint dotted line. Is there a way to make the highlighting more prominent such as a thicker line or light shading of the boxed-in area?
    I don't even know what words to use for this in order to search for an add-on. What do you call it when you click on Tab to move the selection from one item on a page to the next? Highlighting? I don't think it's the cursor because the cursor is for typing words, right? I'm not talking about switching from one page or FF tab to another. I'm talking about when you move the selection (??) from one link to the next within a single page and then you can hit Enter which is like clicking on the highlighted link.

    You can set the browser.display.focus_ring_width pref to a higher value (default is 1) on the <b>about:config</b> page.

  • How to create Page, where will be 2 regions and 2 tabs on the same page?

    Hello to everyone!
    Please help me to resolve this problem. I want to create 2 separate Report regions on 1 page. But, I want to go to them using tab or region selector.
    Something like on
    I want that when I go to Page i see tab named TEST1 and TEST2. Automaticaly will show TEST1 Region on page, when I click on TEST2 on the tab within page, i see TEST2 region.
    APEX 4.0.
    Thank you!
    Edited by: Sabutmaster on 02-Sep-2011 04:42

    Maybe there is another variant? Without jQuery? I found something like in Region Selector, but I don't need SHOW ALL option .
    Or maybeI can somehow remove SHOW ALL tab???
    Thank you!
    Edited by: Sabutmaster on Sep 4, 2011 11:58 PM
    Edited by: Sabutmaster on 05-Sep-2011 23:42

  • In LiveCycle Designer ES4 how do you remove tabs within a page once they have been created?

    In LiveCycle Designer ES4 how do you remove tabs within a page once they have been created?

    Take a look at the troubleshooting tips on this page from the Infosemantics website: et-issues
    Pay particular attention to the section entitled: "My drag and drop question works correctly sometimes, but not other times. "
    From the appearance of your slide, it looks like you may have removed some of the components from the quiz slide that are necessary for it to function correctly.  Try the test that this section of the troubleshooting suggests so that you can see if this is the case.  If it turns out that you have deleted some items, you'll need to recreate your quiz slide to get them back again.
    Hope this helps.

  • Problem creating a new row when using tabbed regions

    I am new to JHeadstart and ADF and have been using the evaluation version of JHeadstart (in JDev to judge its efficacy for a new significantly-sized application. As part of that evaluation I have created a small application (you can do this with HR schema using say the Departments table) with a single entity and VO. On JHeadstart I have then placed some of the fields into multiple Item regions within a Tabbed region on the same page and below the Group (layout style Table, Table Overflow Style below With Splitter). Existing rows display fine and I can view the data on the separate tabs.
    However, if I try to create a row, I can fill in the data on the main region, but if I fill in data on the first tabbed region I cannot switch to the next tab without an error being generated.
    e.g. using Departments - fill in DepartmentId and DepartmentName on main region, fill in ManagerId on first tabbed region and try to switch to second tabbed region to fill in LocationId:
    Missing mandatory attributes for a row with key null of type HRModule.DepartmentsView1
    Attribute DepartmentId in HRModule.DepartmentsView1 is required.
    Attribute DepartmentName in HRModule.DepartmentsView1 is required.
    If you save, then you can navigate.
    You can also demonstrate something similar (different error message but probably the same root cause) on the myJHSTutorial demo. If you navigate to an employee off the regions page and try and create a new employee (using the '+' button below the 'Employees' label), then the tabs are not refreshed and any attempt to change the tabs results in an error
    Failed to validate a row with key oracle.jbo.Key[999 ] in HRModule.EmployeesView3
    Attribute Salary in HRModule.EmployeesView3 is required.
    Salary must be between 6000 and 12000 for this job.
    The JHS devguide does not help. Any thoughts? I can send the HR sample if you wish.

    OK, I was able to reproduce this. The problem is that when you switch tabs, a partial page request is send to the server which does not include the items filled in the table row itself, hence these items are not updated in the underlying view object row.
    Solution is to have a partial trigger at the table or group level listening to tab events. We will add that to the next release, but you can also apply the fix yourself by adding the following lines to the stackedRegionContainer.vm template:
    #if (${JHS.current.pageComponent.tableLayout} && !(${JHS.current.pageComponent.hasOverflowInline}))
    ## when creating a new row in a table, and using overflow right/below, when switching overflow tabs
    ## the items filled in the table itself must also be processed as part of JSF model update phase, to
    ## prevent required item error when clicking another tab in overflow area
    ## we can enforce this by making the whole group listen to tab events
    Add these lines just before the line starting with
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart team.

  • Sub-pages in a tab-region

    I'm working on Oracle 9iAS release 2. And I have to set up a company portal.
    The first page (the root page) should show/contain a banner, a region with 4 tabs and a footer. My problem is that in one tab I want to create something like a content area. I have three or more topics and for each topic there should be a possibility to add items (like a document management system).
    Well as far as I know the only possibility how I can manage this is through pages and subpages. However if I display a subpage in the tab-region and this subpage itself contains other subpages (like in a hierarchy) and I click on one link to a subpage, the subpage opens in a whole new window. But I want to open the subpage only in the tab-region... (like html and frames)
    Is there a possibility to manage this??

    Have you tried using a page portlet? I don't know what you asked support (if you provide the TAR number I can look it up), but a page portlet allows you to navigate through a series of subpages while remaining in the context of the containing page. The presentation of the page hierarchy will remain within the tab containing the portlet.
    One caveat: if the pages viewed through the portlet use a template, they must all use the same template.
    Portal PM

  • Adobe Version 10 - Creating a Scrolling Header within Page

    My company just recently upgraded from Adobe Robohelp version 8 to version 10. We are beginners in learning this product, while receiving very minimal help from Adobe support.
    Could someone please assist me (step by step) by advising how to create a "scrolling" header within a topic page. I'm sure there is a simple solution...I just need help.
    Thank you!

    Hi, usbank_prettylady and welcome to the forums.
    We call this the "Non-scrolling region". I have a post (#4) along with several other folks who contributed that should show you the way. Let us know if this works for you.
    John Daigle
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
    Evergreen, Colorado

  • Regions of a page dont render when multiple tabs open

    We have a search page with a query panel and an applications table to display the results.
    The page is accisible through a taskflow which can either be rendered as a region on the existing tab or opened as a new tab on the same page if the navigation panel is clicked.
    1. When we drilldown from the page setting a few parameters for the search, the search page works fine and displays results as expected.
    2. When we open the search page from the navigation panel on a new tab, it shows up fine.
    But when we try to switch back to the tab which is still drilled down to the search page when the new tab is open, the contents of the page are missing. Only the contents that are not part of the taskflow that is being drilled down to are shown.
    Is there any property on the VO/taskflow level which could cause this? That is to render only one instance of the given taskflow/vo or something on the same lines?

    Hi Frank,
    1. Jdeveloper version used :
    2. We do use dynamic tab shell for opening the new tab if setting Task type to dynamicMain creating a new tab is the way to go.
    3. Taskflow is not configured to share data controls with calling taskflow.

  • Open a page within a region on another page?

    Is it possible to open a page, within a region on another page? Similar to the way frames work? I have links in a column on the left side of a page and nothing on the right side (big white space), so I thought I would try to open up a page in the white space, depending on which link was clicked on the left side.

    Hi - aren't you in danger of overcomplicating this?
    If you put your links in an APEX List, you could branch to the different pages (and always have the list of links in a sidebar on the left), so the effect would be similar.
    The thing is, you need the pages in order to have the content to pull in, so you're not saving on the work of creating and maintaining the pages, plus you need to fiddle with the template for those pages to remove headings etc. Also, you can get some interesting side-effects if you implement branching on the pages.
    It is possible to have an iframe in a region on a page that references another page. For a reason I forget now we implemented this as a dynamic PL/SQL region, a bit like this (purists look away now):
      l_html VARCHAR2(4000);
      l_html := '<table><td><tr>';
      l_html := l_html || '<iframe name="Messages" height="220" width="950" frameborder="0" src="f?p=&APP_ID.:110:&SESSION.:::::" scrolling="auto">
      l_html := l_html || '</tr></td></table>';
    end;It wouldn't be hard to make the page number (110 in the above example) dynamic depending on what link or button you clicked.
    Another thing you could do is to have a completely dynamic PL/SQL region, using a function that perhaps retrieved a chunk of text from a database table, and then you'd probably want to implement it via Ajax...
    Wait, did I say something about not overcomplicating things? I don't know, APEX gets you that way...

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