Création dll sous CVI vers LabView (Callback function)

J'utilise un capteur de champ magnétique dont la communication se fait sous labwindows/CVI 2012.
Ensuite je dois récupérer la valeur de champ magnétique (mesure en continu) sous labview pour ensuite la traiter.
Je pense qu'il faut utiliser une dll, en regardant dans votre forum j'ai vu comment créer des dll, sauf que les fonctions callback (dans CVI) ne sont pas transformées.
Je ne sais absolument quelles modifications apporter au programme CVI, pouvez-vous m'aider ?

Bonjour Fabien65,
Que voulez vous dire par: La communication avec le capteur se fait sous Labwindows/CVI??
Quel système d'acquisition utilisez vous ?
Si vous avez vraiment besoin de créer une dll avec Labwindows/CVI, vous devez impérativement spécifier que vous créez une dll et non un .exe.
Voici un document qui pourrait vous être utile:
Aurélien Corbin
National Instruments France
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         const PARAM_IN_2: byte;
         out PARAM_OUT_1: Byte_Array_T;
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    Merci d'avance,

    muks wrote:
    function prototype in DELPHI:
    proceedings EXAMPLE_FCT (
         const PARAM_IN_1: byte;
         const PARAM_IN_2: byte;
         PARAM_OUT_1 out: Byte_Array_T;
         PARAM_OUT_2 out: Cardinal); cdecl;
      external 'nom_dll.dll';
    (Byte_Array_T is an array [1 .. 200] of Cardinal)
    I thought might set the "Call library function node" as follows:
    - C calling convention
    - Parameters:
         PARAM_IN_x: numeric; constant data type: 8 bit unsigned integer; Pass by value
         PARAM_OUT_1: array, data type: Full 32bit signed; Size: 1; Format table: Pointer to the table data, minimum size: <none>
         PARAM_OUT_2: type digital data type: 32 bit signed integer; Pass by value
    French Board
    First PARAM_OUT_2 needs to be passed by Reference (Pointer) as it receives a value from the function.
    Second stdcall might or might not be advisable here. Not sure what Delphi uses as default but I would have guessed they would use stdcall, unless if it is for the sake of being different than Microsoft default.
    Third you do need to allocate the array on the LabVIEW diagram using an Initilize Array Node. DLL Functions normally need all their parameters being provided by the caller unlike when working in LabVIEW or some more object oriented programming environments where the compiler does take care automatically about that. But when using the Call Library Node this does not apply since the shared library function calling mechanisme has no way of indicating to the caller anything in this direction, so the calling application can not take automatic measures for you.
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    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Merci pour vos réponses

    Je ne suis pas sur qu'une DLL créée avec LabVIEW puisse être executée sur LabVIEW RT... à voir.
    Pour cela je vous invite à vérfier que votre DLL est exécutable sur un système RT en regardant le lien suivant :
    How Can I Verify that My DLL is Executable in LabVIEW Real-Time?
    Version.dll fait partie de l'API Windows pour avoir des informations sur les versions de fichiers de DLLs ou d'exécutables, mais il est probable que ces fonctions ne soient pas implémentées dans le système RT de LabVIEW type Pharlap ou VxWorks.
    Da Helmut

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    L’utilisation d’une « commande d’onglet », ou « tabcontrol », ne pose pas de problème pour la définition d’une DLL à partir d’un VI.
    Selon la version de LabVIEW que vous utilisez, le processus de création de DLL sera différent.
    Si vous utilisez une version antérieure à la v8, vous pouvez vous reporter à ce lien : Construire une DLL avec LabVIEW 7.0.
    Sinon, vous devez enregistrer votre VI dans un projet, puis définir le connecteur de votre VI avec les paramètres d’entrées/sorties (cette opération est indépendante des différentes « commandes d’onglet » que vous avez pu implémenter).
    Sélectionnez, dans le projet les « spécifications de construction » dans le projet (via un click droit), pour créer une DLL. Dans la boite de dialogue qui s’ouvre alors, à l’onglet « fichiers source », vous pouvez ajouter votre VI parmi les « VIs exportés » et configurer, en fonction des E/S câblées sur le connecteur de votre VI, les fonctions contenues dans la DLL.
    J’espère que ces quelques éléments auront pu vous éclairer.
    Guillaume H.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> NIDays 2011, le mardi 8 février au CNIT de Paris La Défense

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    Pièces jointes : ‏8 KB
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    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
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  • MIDI in using DLL callback function

    I am trying to get MIDI into LV. The dll used is winmm.dll and the function midiinopen (plus others) is described here:
    The main problem is I don't know how to program the Call Library Function Node properly in order to perform the call
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    Please advice,

    Vedeja wrote:
    I am trying to get MIDI into LV. The dll used is winmm.dll and the function midiinopen (plus others) is described here:
    The main problem is I don't know how to program the Call Library Function Node properly in order to perform the call
    plus set it to start receiving callback data, being midi messages. I have tried creating and registering a User Event and
    passing the Event ref to the dll's "dwCallback" and then trapping the callback in an Event Structure, but nothing happens.
    Damn! Need to make this post shorter as this message
    board just silently told me that it needs to be shorter than 5000 words
    and ate up my lengthy repsonse with no way to get it back.
    You can't configure a Call Library Node to pass a Callback function to
    another function. Callback functions have been alien to LabVIEW for a
    long time with good reasons and what it has now as callback function in
    LabVIEw 7.1 and newer is not directly compatible with C callback
    Basically as you want to get data from the callback function back into
    LabVIEW there is really no way around some intermediate software layer
    which in this case almost surely means your own specific wrapper DLL
    written in C.
    If you use LabVIEW 7.1 you could use user events but not in the way you
    describe. Attached is an example of how you can use user events from
    external code. Note the extra DLL you will have to write. You have to
    watch out what data you pass back to the user event as it has to match
    exactly the type you configured the user event for, otherwise LabVIEW
    will simply crash on you.
    For numerics this is quite simply and also shown in the example. For
    strings you can't just pass back a C string pointer but you will have
    to allocate a LabVIEW string handle with
    handle = DSNewHandle(sizeof(int32) + <length of C string>)
    and then copy the C string into it. For specifics about how to do this
    you should refer to the External Code reference manual in your Online
    Bookshelf. Similar rules apply for arrays or clusters for that matter.
    If you want or need to do this for LabVIEW < 7.1 there are two
    possible approaches but both are even less trivial. You could either
    create a wrapper DLL that translates your callback events into LabVIEW
    occurrences and for the data transfer back to LabVIEW you would have to
    implement your own queing too, or you could use the Windows Message
    Queue example somewhere here in the NI examples and adapt it to return
    your specific data. That would solve the data queueing more or less for
    you without having to worry about that.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 05-22-2006 11:22 AM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

  • Import dll callback function

    Having trouble with this line "void   (*m_callback)(_t_pciCommand *cmd);" in PciApi.h file. I have replaced it with NULL and was able to import 2 functions, PciAllocCommand and PciSendCommand. I was then able to get valid information using GetValueByPointer.VI, but crash most of the time.
    typedef struct _t_pciCommand
                    t_pciCommandType                      m_command;
                    t_commandError                          m_error;
                    long                                               m_gpVal;
                    void                                                (*m_callback)(_t_pciCommand *cmd);
                    long                                              m_param[MAX_PCI_PARAMS];
                    int                                               m_state;
                    int                                               m_retries;
                    int                                               m_expected;           
                    long                                            m_origParam[MAX_PCI_PARAMS];
    } t_pciCommand;
    All files attached. Based on this callback funtion, I can't seem to resolve 2 functions, called PciAllocCommand and PciSendCommand.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏630 KB

    The manual is "pci_api_manual_jb.doc", The funtion I care most about is PciAllocCommand and the #1 issue I have is how to pass "m_param[0]" , "m_param[1]" and "m_param[2]" to the dll. The original h file is "PciApp(original).h" . The second issue would be if removing the callback functionality I need a VI to poll the status of "t_PciCommand "Function without writing to it.
    For example, PciAllocCommand(c_baudrate, NULL, 0). How do I set baud = m_param[0]?
    Also I am adding a TestApp.exe example of what I want to do in Labview, focusing on the Param1 and Param2
    Attachments: ‏630 KB ‏67 KB

  • How to implement a callback function using LabView's Call Library Function Node?

    I am trying to call a fuction from a SDK.dll library using the Call Library Function Node. The SDK was provided to
    me and I do not have the source code, just the .dll and .h files.
    The SdkSetPropertyEventHandler function has a callback fuction as one of its parameters. How do I implement the
    callback using the CLF node? I am a good LabView programmer but this is my first time using the Call Library
    Function Node. I have read all the info I can find on NI's web site and the discussion board but cannot figure
    this one out. I am using LabView 8.6.
    The SDK.h deacribes the function as:
    //  Function:   SdkSetPropertyEventHandler
    SdkError SDKAPI SdkSetPropertyEventHandler(
                SdkCameraRef                    inCameraRef,
                SdkPropertyEvent                inEvnet,          
                SdkPropertyEventHandler         inPropertyEventHandler,
                SdkVoid*                        inContext );
    //  Description:
    //       Registers a callback function for receiving status
    //          change notification events for property states on a camera.
    //  Parameters:
    //       In:    inCameraRef - Designate the camera object.
    //              inEvent - Designate one or all events to be supplemented.
    //              inPropertyEventHandler - Designate the pointer to the callback
    //                      function for receiving property-related camera events.
    //              inContext - Designate application information to be passed by
    //                      means of the callback function. Any data needed for
    //                      your application can be passed.
    //      Out:    None
    //  Returns:    Any of the sdk errors.
    A separate header file called SDKTypes.h contains the following data:
    typedef  SdkUInt32  SdkPropertyEvent;
    typedef  SdkUInt32  SdkPropertyID;
    typedef  void       SdkVoid;
    typedef  struct __SdkObject*    SdkBaseRef;
    typedef  SdkBaseRef    SdkCameraRef;
    typedef SdkError ( SDKCALLBACK *SdkPropertyEventHandler )(
                        SdkPropertyEvent        inEvent,
                        SdkPropertyID           inPropertyID,
                        SdkUInt32               inParam,
                        SdkVoid *               inContext );
    Thanks for your help.
    Go to Solution.

    alejandroandreatta wrote:
    I am trying to call a fuction from a SDK.dll library using the Call Library Function Node. The SDK was provided to
    me and I do not have the source code, just the .dll and .h files.
    The SdkSetPropertyEventHandler function has a callback fuction as one of its parameters. How do I implement the
    callback using the CLF node? I am a good LabView programmer but this is my first time using the Call Library
    Function Node. I have read all the info I can find on NI's web site and the discussion board but cannot figure
    this one out. I am using LabView 8.6.
    Basically you do not do that. LabVIEW does not know pointers and certainly not function pointers. What you should do instead is writing a C DLL that implements the callback and also exports a function to be called by LabVIEW that translates between the callback and a LabVIEW user event. Look for PostLVUserEvent() here on the NI site to find examples how to do that.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 02-11-2009 08:00 PM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Register a Callback function in LabVIEW

    Is there any way to register a callback function in LabVIEW. For example:
    I have a DLL on Win2k that run a thread. This thread is doing a certain task (it is not important what it does...) I can't predict when this task will end and I need to know when the task is over. The easy way would be to poll this DLL and ask: "Is it over? Is it over?" over and over again. No! I don't want to poll. Not because it's too easy. I want this DLL to wake me up on time.
    Any idea, solutions, function that I'm not aware of, new features...

    I think I have a much better solution for you. Here is an example program that show how to set a LabVIEW occurence in a dll. Therefore when your dll is done it can set the LabVIEW occurence, meanwhile your VI is just waiting on the occurence.
    More infomration on this is in the external code in LabVIEW manual Using External Code in LabVIEW
    NOTE:This will ONLY work in LabVIEW 7.
    Attachments: ‏165 KB

  • External Function with a Pointer to a Callback Function Inside a DLL

    I'm loading a DLL and trying to call a function with the following prototype:
    Func1(HANDLE, hHandle, LPVOID (*pCallback)(UINT, UINT LPVOID), CHAR* sPath)
    Now, I have no problem with the variable types, because CVI 9.0.1 recognizes all of them and I have no problem with LoadLibrary() nor with GetProcAddress().
    But, how do I pass a pointer to a callback that is inside the DLL I'm trying to use.
    I've tried to declare the callback like this:
    LPVOID (CALLBACK Callback)(UINT iDevNo, UINT evEvent, LPVOID pData);
    and call the function Func1 like this:
    (Func1)(hHandle, &Callback, NULL);
    but this gets me:
     Undefined symbol '_Callback@12' referenced in "source.c".
    Hope I can get some help.
    I appreciate your time on this issue.
    Daniel Coelho
    VISToolkit - - Your Real Virtual Instrument Solution
    Controlar - Electronica Industrial e Sistemas, Lda
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Daniel,
    First, you have to make sure that the callback function is exported by the DLL, so that the program that uses the DLL can access the function name identifier. Then, you have to make sure that you call GetProcAddress not just on Func1, but also on the exported callback function. You need to store both function address values in their respective function pointers. You then can pass the callback function pointer as an argument to the Func1 call.
    It's probably cleaner if you define typedefs for all your function pointers, in the calling program:
    typedef LPVOID (__stdcall *CallbackType) (UINT , UINT, LPVOID);
    typedef ??? (__stdcall *Func1Type) (HANDLE, hHandle, CallbackType, CHAR*);
    CallbackType     CallbackPtr;
    Func1Type        Func1Ptr;
    dllHandle = LoadLibrary ("...");
    CallbackPtr = (CallbackType)GetProcAddress (dllHandle, "Callback");
    Func1Ptr = (Func1Type)GetProcAddress (dllHandle, "Func1");
    Func1Ptr (..., hHandle, CallbackPtr, NULL);
    Boa Sorte!

  • Is it possible to make .dll file of .vi project then load it to CVI and use the APIs in the dll to CVI project

    Is it possible to make .dll file of .vi project then load it to CVI and use the APIs in the dll to CVI project?

    Hi Kumar,
    It is possible to make .dll from Labview and i think we can call the same from other programming application also.
    Pls refer the
    below link
    GAnesan KAni

  • Teststand cvi probleme de callback

    J'utilise TestStand(2013) en mode Batch parallel et mon interface utilisateur est gérée par CVI(2012).
    Quand j'ai besoin d'informations provenant de l'utilisateur, Teststand appel une de mes DLL CVI.
    Au debut de ma sequence (dans le model option) Je viens demander plusieurs informations à l'utilisateur et les échange entre teststand et cvi se passent très bien.
    Lorsque mes socket sont créés j'arrive bien à mettre à jour mon interface graphique via CVI, mais mes Callback ne fonctionne plus.
    Par exemple je souhaite seulement attendre l'appui par l'utilisateur sur un bouton de commande.
    J'utilise donc le RunUserInterface dans ma fonction, que ma callback vient acquitter lors de l'appui sur le bouton.
    Le problème est que l'appui sur le bouton ne fonctionne pas. Cela ressemble un peu à un problème de gestion des événements.
    Une chose étrange est que lorsque je passe en mode debug sur CVI, ma callback  fonctionne correctement.
    Je voudrai savoir si quelqu'un a déjà rencontré cette situation ou si quelqu'un à une idée?

    avez-vous déjà essayé ceci ?
    Error Code 145 - ActiveX Control Not Registered in LabWindows/CVI

  • Convert cvi to labview

    I have some C code that was developed using LabWindows/CVI and is controlled with TestStand 3.1.  We also have some new development that we want to begin soon.  Both efforts are do a great deal of communiction with hardware and test equipment.  We'd like to use LabView on the new development.  My questions...
    1) What types of issues should we expect to encounter if we try to convert the CVI / TestStand effort to LabView. 
    2) Does it make sense to do this, or should the CVI tests (currently in a DLL) remain and should the new tests be written in LabView (RealTime) and all tests coordinated through TestStand.

    The only way to convert CVI to LabVIEW is to use Tools>Instrumentation>Import CVI Instrument Driver. However, all this does is put a LabVIEW wrapper around the CVI DLL so the conversion will gain you nothing. The only real conversion is to completely rewrite your CVI functions in LabVIEW. I freely mix and match TestStand steps types with no problems. Some are CVI DLLs, C++ DLLs, LabVIEW DLLs, and some are LabVIEW VIs. I'd focus on the new development.

Maybe you are looking for