Crystal Reports access to SAP/CRM 6.0 with Integration with SAP Solutions

we are running Crystal Reports 2008 with SAP CRM 6.0.
To boost productivity or Report writeing we need especially access to:
- Function Modules
- the CRM Business Objects Repository (Transaction SW01).
What kind of SAP/CRM  ( or SAP / ERP )  Objects can be accessed with the Integration for
SAP Solutions ?
The BO Documentation  [BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions User's Guide|]  does not give a clue if this is possible.
However,  Ingo Hilgefort stated in his book that it is at least possible to access  ABAP Functions, SAP Querries and SAP InfoSets.
What is the minimum product portfolio and the necessary Version - Can I install the following products stand alone ?
Crystal Reports 2008
Integration for SAP Solutions
Tomcat / Jaco
Must I need at minimum BO Edge  and must install the CMS Server ?
Thank You

What kind of SAP/CRM ( or SAP / ERP ) Objects can be accessed with the Integration for
SAP Solutions ?
here is also a blog about this:
However, Ingo Hilgefort stated in his book that it is at least possible to access ABAP Functions, SAP Querries and SAP InfoSets.
>> correct. It is also in the Installation Guide / User Guide for the SAP Integration kit. You can use ABAP Functions, ABAP / SAP Queries, InfoSets, Tables
What is the minimum product portfolio and the necessary Version - Can I install the following products stand alone ?
Crystal Reports 2008
BusinessObjects Integration for SAP Solutions
BusinessObjects Edge or BusinessObjects Enterprise

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    Message was edited by:
            Yaroslav Zorenko
    mail deleted

    Why do you need screenshots? Check the official documentation at and read the notes.
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    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • SAP Business one 8.8 Integration for SAP Netweaver

    hi all,
    Where to download SAP Business one 8.8 Integration for SAP Net weaver Components(Installation Packages for 32 bit). I installed one B1iSN but its only Integration for SAP Business One Not for SAP Business one 8.8 Integration for SAP Net weaver.
    Please send me the link. Its urgent
    Thanks & Regards
    B.Lakshmi Narayanan

    Software Distribution Center >SAP Business One Products > Updates
    SAP Business One 8.8 >>>  SAP B1 8.8 INTEGRATION FOR NW >>>Comprised Software Component Versions
    Hope you find.

  • Crystal Reports: access to SAP BW tables in own namespace

    Hi BO experts
    we are running XI3.1 SP2 including reporting tools, integration kit and so on. The installation and the integration to SAP BW is working properly for most szenarios.
    Starting from Crystal Reports we would like to access a SAP BW table which was generated in an own namespace. By starting the database assistant we are connecting with the driver "SAP-tables,-clusters,or -functions" and see some tables in "DD (data lexicon)". But we can not find the self generated table in there. It is only possible to access the tables in namespace "/1CPMB/", "/B28/" and "/BI0/".
    How can we access tables from another namespace? Are there any restrictions for accessing SAP BW tables, e.g. namespace, configuration, settings stick to?
    Thank you very much for your suport in advance.
    Kind regards.

    Hi Markus,
    just go to the Database Expert, select the connection to your BW server on the left window, press the right mouse button and choose Options from the context menu. In the field Table name LIKE: you can restrict the names of the displayed tables:
    eg. assuming your namespace is /ZMYNSP then just give there /ZMYNSP% ( % is a wildcard)
    Close then the Options window and choose Refresh using again the context menu (or just press F5)
    CR can only display a limited number of tables when you expand your BW System and by using the Options panel as described above you can let the system display exaclty the tables you need.

  • Crystal Reports 9.0 in CRM 1.2

    Post Author: anuradan
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I'm currently using CRM 1.2 Action Pack which we bought in 2005. Crystal Reports 9.0 installed in CRM 1.2 was working for a while. But now its not working. Can anyone help me in figuring out how to solve this issue?
    This is little urgent...

    I would suggest using the Report Application Server(RAS) . RAS is a server which allows you to customize reports at runtime, just like you would in the Crystal Reports Designer. Most of the customization APIs are exposed which would allow you to add/remove database fields at runtime depending on the choices your end-users select. Business Objects also offers an out-of-the-box solution which essentially wraps these APIs called Ad-Hoc reporting. The Ad-Hoc application provides the end-user with a DHTML report creation page, allowing them to connect to a datasource and drag-and-drop the fields they would like to display into the appropriate sections. It also allows the user to add summaries and graphs. However, as I said above, this application wraps the exposed APIs so all of the functionality contained in Ad Hoc is available to any developer with access to the RAS jar files.
    For more information on using RAS I would check out the following PDF:
    You can also download some sample code from the following URL:
    Hope this helps

  • Crystal Reports Access

    Hi All,
    Can anybody help me with the solution for the following problem? We have problems with the following scenarios:
              If the table has a relation to only one session and this session happens to be a sensitive session the access to the session was removed per request to the approvers. As a result of this the Crystal user lost the access to keep on running a Crystal report that used this mentioned table.
    Question: Can we grant permission to the table that Crystal user is requesting to, without giving permission to a(BaaN) session.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

    Hi, Vijaya, I do not believe so.  If memory serves me right, it was one complaint on the first version of the BaaN driver that got addressed on the following release, as that is a serious security loophole.  The idea is that the BaaN driver would use the security model set in BaaN, so that access would be set by the session and not the table level.  In other words, a user would only be able to access a table from the BaaN driver if they have were granted access to the corresponding BaaN session that that table is linked to.  Tables that are not linked to any sessions, however, would be open to all.
    Edited by: Angelica Wu on Nov 18, 2008 1:24 AM

  • Is there any difference b/w Crystal reports accessed from Crystal reports XI R2 and Crystal reports accessed from BO Eneterprise Crystal Reports Explorer

    Post Author: Sriramkusumanchi
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Hi All,
    We are using BO XI R2 version.
    1. Under this version, the BO Enterprise product consists of Crystal Reports Explorer feature through which we can develop the crystal reports.
    2. And under the same version, the Crystal Reports XI R2 product consists of Crystal Reports feature through which we can develop crystal reports.
    I want to know, wheher there is any difference in the features for developing crystal reports through point 1 and point 2. If yes, then which product is the better option to go for Crystal reports development. (please note: I want the all the scheduling, automatic printing, printing on pre printed forms, etc features to be supported)
    Please help us to solve this confusion ASAP.

    Hi Nancy,
    The server info still needs to be updated. Are you setting location for each subreport also?
    Possibly this registry key will help, I only have CR 2008 installed so you'll have adjust for what ever you are using:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions - VerifyStoredProceduresOnFirstRefresh = No
    VerifyStoredProceduresOnSetLocation = No
    VerifyWhenDBDriverUpgraded = No
    ViewOutOfPlaceSubreports = No
    Close CR designer before making any changes. And the usual warning about modifying the registry.
    Thank you

  • SAP CRM - no confidence in UI by SAP?

    After reading this blog and looking at the article attached to the blog.  I had an interesting question:
    Can Rich Internet Applications finally be accepted as a credible application development platform for SAP?
    Does SAP have any confidence in its own CRM software?  Right now SAP is touting how easy to use the new version of SAP CRM is, and yet this article implies they don't use their own product's user interface.
    Now I know the eSOA mantra says this shouldn't matter, but I would say this is one of those cases where it doesn't.  If the vendor won't/can't use their own CRM software because the UI is too ugly/clumsy or other reason, why should I as a customer. 
    As a customer I don't want to purchase a CRM software and then have to purchase a better UI to go on top of the software.  I might as well spend the money on software that might have a better UI perceived by my sales folks(think siebel,, sugarcm, etc), and spend those dollars on integration instead.  It's a lot cheaper to do integration work, than completely rewrite the UI to meet my users needs.
    I'm also wondering why SAP would even send this message by displaying this article on SDN? I'm sure if the guys at oracle saw this article, we would see a press release from that says something of the like:
    "Even SAP acknowledges, that SAP CRM is too difficult to use".
    I bring this up because we are selling use of SAP CRM 2007 in house right now, and it makes it harder for me to sell the solution to my business users, if there are conflicting messages on the market. 
    Take care,

    > Wow, you almost have the "nightmare" scenario when it comes to maintenance.  I just have to ask what functional areas (high level) did you implement?  Was it the marketing module?
    I can tell you...
    We were using Mobiles Sales with activities, campaigns, sales documents and master data and we switched that to CRM 2005 and Portal (+ adding BI reporting functionality with BI-CRM content). For the Java part there's enough said (by me) already, I won't start again with that (mess). The CRM looked pretty well at first sight but devil's in the detail.
    > The marketing module in CRM 40 was so unstable on SP08 that basically we ditched the application and wrote something custom in the SAP GUI instead.  Any t-code that had over 400 related notes(segment builder) is just a nightmare not to mention just plain bugs in the PCUI that we weren't willing to wait a month for fixes.
    Well.. people have always be VERY helpful, especially the guys and girls in India were doing a very good job at fixing bugs - once the communication was done via email and not via phone...;) But you're right - it's taking sometimes too much time to get a fix and yet-another-note.
    > I still think the SAP GUI sometimes beats the web based interfaces, once you learn how to use it.  The problem was that everyone got obessed with zero-client installations and forgot about the benefits of "specialized" clients.  Now everyone is basically trying to make a web browser work like a desktop client, which puts you back full circle.  
    Everyone THINKS it's zero installation but in fact you have to configure proxy exceptions, add/install certificates, enable/disable Javascript things, add trusted sites, (re-)configure firewalls on Laptops, delete browser caches, install SVG viewer and other "plugins", install and maintain security fixes for the browser etc. etc. and this on a distributed environment where our sales reps are spread over the whole world in different time zones. So the "zero-installation" is nothing but marketing flowery because the maintenance you needed to put into Mobile Sales is now needed for the browser - nice antagonism
    > In would have been interesting to see how well SAP would have fared if they had made the mistake of making the original R/3 application 2-tier instead of a 3-tier client/server. 
    It's been like that @ R/2 times and I must tell you I loved the green screens ( and

  • Upgradation from SAP CRM 5.0 GUI/PCUI to SAP CRM Ehp3

    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement to upgrade SAP CRM 5.0 to SAP CRM Ehp3.
    We can do the technical adjustment by using tcode SPDD and SPAU.
    But how we can migrate from SAP GUI and PCUI screens to SAP WebUi screens ?
    Please tell me all the upgradation steps and challenges to upgrade from GUI/PCUI screens to Webui.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Akhilesh Bhagat.

    It's a tedious manual process to re-implement all your customizations over to the Webclient.  I will say if you were good and kept business logic in BADI's then all you need to worry about is screen customizations.  If not and you were like many folks, you are going to have to recode everything.
    I did this about five years ago from CRM 4.0 to CRM 5.2(the first CRM release with webclient) and if you look at the content under my profile with way older blogs, you can find some of my commentary on doing this.
    For EHP3, you need to learn/love/embrace the AET.  You are also going to need to learn the SAP Web Client stuff ASAP.  The great part for you  is SAP offer classes or there is a book or two on it.  You don't have to learn it from lean documentation like I did.
    I disagree with the system reimplementation comment.  There is no need to throw out your CRM instance.  That's why we have upgrades.  Keep your system, but reimplement the code in the SAP Web Client Logic.  The great part is since you are coming from 5.0 -> EHP3 it's going to be like having a new CRM system again, as all the parts that need to be enhanced don't exist in your 5.0 box and that section of the upgrade system will look like a brand new system(at least that's how my 5.2 box looked like coming form 4.0).
    Take care,

  • SLDCHECK error when configuring SAP-CRM 7.0 to Single Stack SAP-PI 7.31 Java only

    Hello Experts,
    This would be a usual exercise when we are connecting SAP application to SAP-PI 7.31 JAVA only and the most usually asked question in different ways. I had performed successfully connection test according to Michael Blog or
    Both SAP-CRM 7.0 and SAP-PI 7.31 JAVA only are hosted on the same physical hardware.
    Surprisingly , when tested with Tx SLDCHECK it shows error that RFC destination SAPSLDAPI and LCRSAPRFC are missing "SLD Configuration error".
    Do we  have to still consider creating the 2 RFC destination SAPSLDAPI and LCRSAPRFC

    Please refer to the following link:

  • SAP GRC AC 5.3 integrated with BW

    Hi all,
    Has anyone of you implemented integration between SAP GRC AC 5.3 and BW and develop custom reports?
    Thanks in advance. Regards,

    There is documentation available for the integration.  You can find that here:
    Also, there are numerous pre-delivered queries already developed.  However, if you wish to develop your own reports, then you will need a BW resource to do so.
    Pre-delivered queries:
    For RAR:
    Alert Detail Listing
    Alert Header Listing
    Critical Action Violations by User
    Critical Role Viols Analysis with Long Portal IDs
    Current User Permission Risk-Perm Violation Analysis Breakdowns
    Current User Permission Risk Violation Analysis Breakdowns
    Management Summary Total Listing
    Mitigated Users Analysis
    Risk Long Descriptions
    Risk-Rule Set Relationship Listing
    Role Permission Risk Violation Analysis
    Role (Portals) Permission Risk Violation Analysis
    Supplementary Rule Detail Listing
    Supplementary Rule Header Listing
    User Permission Risk Violation with Functions
    User Permission Risk Violation with Remediation by User
    User Permission Risk Violation with Remediation by User (Top 10)
    User Permission Violation with Remediation by Risk
    User Permission Violation with Remediation by Risk (Top 10)
    For CUP:
    Access Requests
    Risk Violations
    Role Provisioning
    Service Levels
    SOD Review
    User Access Review
    User Provisioning

  • SAP EP 6.0 SP12 Integration with SAP SRM 4.0

    Hi Buddys,
    When I am trying to create system in SAP EP for the backend SAP SRM Server using SAP Wizard in SAP EP, and testing the connection with test connection option, test is always failing.
    In system creation wizard (SAP system for dedicated application server), values for connector, user managemnet have been maintained as mentioned in How to guides for SAP EP and alias for system has been created.
    SAP EP has been installed with option to use SAP Backend SRM Server for Users.After SAP EP Installation, all SAP users in back end SAP SRM can be seen in SAP EP.
    Software versions:
    SAP EP :  EP 6.0 SP12
    SAP J2EE Engine : J2EE engine 6.4 SP13
    O/S : Windows 2003 Server
    SAP SRM : SRM 4.0 on SAP WAS 6.4
    Your help in this regard is much appreciated.

    Hi Venkat,
    When you create a system choose "SAP system using dedicated application server".
    The minimum parameters for creating the system are
    application host
    Logical System Name -
    Logon method - UIDPW
    SAP System ID
    SAP System Number
    server port
    System NAme
    System type - SAP_R3
    user mapping type - admin, user
    Create an alias, specify the userid and password for the system in Personalization and then do the test for the connection.
    Even then if it fails you can go to Sys Admin--> Support --> Sap Application --> SAP Transaction
    choose the system, specify the tcode, specify the gui type and hit go. If you execute the transaction code then the connection is OK.
    Hope this helps,
    PS.Dont forget to reward points

  • SAP R/3 4.7 Integration with PCMiler/Rand McNally

    Hello All,
    Is anyone aware of the SAP R/3 4.7 system integration with PCMiler Global Webservices/PCMiler TCP/IP software to obtain distances in SAP shipments? Also is anyone aware of the integration between SAP R/3 4.7 and Rand McNally Global solution?
    Response will be really appreciated.
    Nikhil Padwal

    Did you check this <a href="">link</a> explaining how you can do SSO between R/3 and EP7?
    Hope that helps,

  • SAP SNC Supplier Network Collaboration integration with SAP ERP via BizTalk - experiences?

    had anybody experience in integration of SAP SNC Supplier Network  Collaboration with SAP ERP via BizTalk Server?
    Versions: SAP ECC 6.0 Ehp5 SPS11, SAP SNC  current version (7.0?)
    We will have to integrate following processes:
    Master Data integration, PO Purchase Order, Forecast, SMI Supplier Managed Inventory
    Usually SAP takes an SAP PI middleware for this, where the full implementation can be downloaded from the SAP marketplace, but we want to avoid having an additional Integration Platform with maintenance etc.
    Are there experiences, success stories, pitfalls, issues to be known, recommendations, known efforts in this forum?
    Thanks in advance.

    HI Jens,
    In our forum, we discussed topic about BizTalk & SAP Integration before, hope it helps you.BizTalk
    & SAP Integration
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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