Custom host summary report

Hi is there a way to do a host summary report that gives me a list of all of the hosts and their current status.
I know I can run a detail report but this gives me pages and pages of information, and I can run a management report (host count) which is great.
But... What I would like is a one page report that provides me with the host name description and if the are active or not. Similar to the information contained on the system/host screen on CSA.
I am running v6.0.1.106
Many thanks
Ian Vickery

Probably the easiest way to get a report with just these 3 data fields would be to query the database directly. Otherwise you could use the API and parse the output for those fields:
If you are looking for this report just to find which hosts are not active the I would recommend using the host search with your criteria.

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    FI -AR:
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    Could some one explain about what does the meaning of Arrears with cash discount and Arrears with out cash discount key figures.

    The report looking like as bellow.
              Paymt w. Cash Discnt     Arrears w Cash Disct     Paymnt w/o Cash Dist     Arrears w/o Cash Dct
    code     Customer     £                      £     
    2000     2001     0.00                                        0                                              5,104.93     152
    2000     2002     0.00                                       0                                             3,272.46         0
    2000     2002     49,609.74                                      12                                               0.00        0
    2000     4999     2,637.88                                     29                                               0.00        0
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Customer Balance Summary Report

    I have this query for custom report from receipt screen under receivable responsibility, but i need to view the organization code that create the invoice and the org. code that receive it, any help to modify this query ?
    SELECT   mpv.organization_code org_code, gcc.segment2 branch, z.customer_id,
             z.segment2 branch_acc, xba.description, z.customer_number,
             z.customer_name, z.invoice_amt, z.cm_amt, z.receipt_amt, z.balance
        FROM (SELECT         /*main.type,
                             rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name,   --main.value,
                       main.customer_id, gcc.segment2,
                       hca.account_number customer_number,
                       hp.party_name customer_name,
                       --SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),1, main.VALUE,0),0)) invoice_amt,
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice',main.VALUE,0)) invoice_amt,
                       --SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),-1, main.VALUE,0),0)) cm_amt,
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'CM_Manual',main.VALUE,0)) cm_amt,
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE, 'Receipt', main.VALUE, 0)) receipt_amt,
                       --SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),1, main.VALUE,0),0))
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice',main.VALUE,0))
                       --+ SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),-1, main.VALUE,0),0))
                       + SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'CM_Manual',main.VALUE,0))
                       - SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE, 'Receipt', main.VALUE, 0))balance
                         (SELECT 'Invoice' AS TYPE,
                                 rct.cust_trx_type_id trx_type_id,
                                 rct.bill_to_customer_id customer_id,
                                 SUM (ROUND(DECODE (NVL (rctl.quantity_invoiced,0),0, rctl.quantity_credited,rctl.quantity_invoiced)
                                           * NVL (rctl.unit_selling_price, 0),2)) VALUE
                            FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
                                 ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl
                           WHERE rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
                             AND trx_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:fdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                                              AND TO_DATE (:tdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                             AND rct.org_id = '102'
    and (rct.bill_to_customer_id = :p_cust_id or  :p_cust_id is null)
                             AND rctl.sales_order IS NOT NULL
                        GROUP BY rct.cust_trx_type_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id
                        UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'CM_Manual' AS TYPE,
                                 rct.cust_trx_type_id trx_type_id,
                                 rct.bill_to_customer_id customer_id,
                                 SUM (ROUND(DECODE (NVL (rctl.quantity_invoiced,0),0, rctl.quantity_credited,rctl.quantity_invoiced)
                                           * NVL (rctl.unit_selling_price, 0),2)) VALUE
                            FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
                                 ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl
                           WHERE rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
                             AND trx_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:fdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                                              AND TO_DATE (:tdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                             AND rct.org_id = '102'
    and (rct.bill_to_customer_id = :p_cust_id or  :p_cust_id is null)
                             AND rctl.sales_order IS NULL
                        GROUP BY rct.cust_trx_type_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id
                        UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Receipt' AS TYPE,
                                 rcta.cust_trx_type_id trx_type_id,
                                 rcta.ship_to_customer_id customer_id,
                                 SUM (NVL (araa.amount_applied, 0)) VALUE
                            FROM ar_receivable_applications_all araa,
                                 ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
                                 ar_cash_receipts_all acra
                           WHERE araa.status = 'APP'
                             AND araa.display = 'Y'
                             AND araa.applied_customer_trx_id = rcta.customer_trx_id
                             AND acra.receipt_date
                                    BETWEEN TO_DATE (:fdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                                        AND TO_DATE (:tdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                             AND rcta.org_id = '102'
                           and (rcta.customer_trx_id = :p_cust_id or  :p_cust_id is null)
                             AND araa.cash_receipt_id IS NOT NULL
                             AND araa.cash_receipt_id = acra.cash_receipt_id
                        GROUP BY rcta.cust_trx_type_id, rcta.ship_to_customer_id
                       ) main,
                       hz_cust_accounts hca,
                       hz_parties hp,
                       ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt,
                       gl_code_combinations gcc
                 WHERE main.customer_id =hca.cust_account_id
                   AND hca.party_id=hp.party_id
                   AND main.trx_type_id = rctt.cust_trx_type_id
                   AND gcc.code_combination_id = gl_id_rec
                   AND rctt.org_id = 102
              GROUP BY gcc.segment2,
                       hp.party_name) z,
             xx_branch_acc xba,
             mtl_parameters_view mpv,
             gl_code_combinations gcc,
             hr_organization_units_v houv
       WHERE xba.branch_acc = z.segment2
         AND gcc.code_combination_id = mpv.material_account
         AND houv.organization_id = mpv.organization_id
         AND gcc.segment2 = xba.branch_acc
         AND mpv.organization_code BETWEEN NVL (:forg, mpv.organization_code)
                                       AND NVL (:torg, mpv.organization_code)
         AND date_to IS NULL
    ORDER BY mpv.organization_code, z.customer_name

    According to (Solution for China Accounting Software Data Interface Standard for R12 [ID 858435.1]) those reports are available without applying any new patches. Have you checked from (System Administrator > Concurrent > Program > Define) if you have those reports or not?

  • Summary Report by Cost Element/Cost Center.

    Hi SAP Experts,
    Could you please help me in generating the following report.
    I/Customer need the cost center + the cost element + the dollars + the quantity (SKF) + the currency - in the same report.
    Could you please tell me from which table I need to retrieve the above fields.
    Thanks for all your help in advance

    Hi Akhilesh,
    Thanks for your help. Your answer helped me very much.
    The customer wants summary report by Cost Element i.e
    SKFActual(SKF Qty)Cost CenterCostElementDollars+Report Currency.
    First 2 fields (SKF+Actual - SKF Qty) we got from S_ALR_87013611 report. Then we double clicked on SKF then it will take to KSB1 transaction code(as said by you) there we got the rest of the fields.
    Currently we are developing the same Custom Report but it should show by summary i.e by Cost Element.
    Could you please tell me what Tables and Data types we need to refer?
    Again, I wish to hear from you soon.
    Thanking you,

  • Custom Template for Third Party Balance Summary Report(Java type executable

    Hi Al,l we have a requirment to have a layout with some of the fields from
    Third Party Balance Summary Report( Which is a Java type executable and
    Data definition has Data Template attached(.xml)).
    I tried in below way.
    Coppied the Third Party Balance Summary Report program with same application and parameters
    with. Then defined a Datadefinition with my concurrent prog short name
    attached the same standard .xml file(Not sure what it is) and developed a custom template with
    a custom rtf(excel output type), and submitted the program
    the output is generated in excel but my custom .rtf layout is not getting applied
    rather it is showing same layout as in standard.
    Some thing I am missing here or else it is not the way of changing the
    If any one know how to do this please let me know.
    My client want only some files from the standard report(no need of new fileds)
    with output type xls.
    Thanks in Advance.
    The same content is posted in Custom Template for Third Party Balance Summary Report(Java type executable sorry for duplicating the thread, just for increase the visibility for my issue I did this.

    I gave up on using a different font or figuring out if I could use Times New Roman's built-in fractions visible in Font Book (as unicodes) and did a work-around based on Michael Wasley's tips in this discussion.
    I adapted it however and think it looks a little better.
    Font: Times New Roman 12 point
    I used the fraction bar in 12-point (Shift-Option-1) for automatic kerning.
    For the numerator, I changed the font style to superior (12-point).
    For the denominator, I changed the font style to subscript (Shift-Command-hyphen) and reduced the font size to half, or 6-point using the short-cut Shift-Command-<.
    When the fractions occured in my footnotes (9-point), I used 4-point in the denominator; 10- and 11-point, I used 5-point in the denominator. This seemed to produce the best result when printing.
    Thank you, Michael.

  • Is it possible to create a custom header on the summary report in Adobe FormsCentral?

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    Thank you,

    Sorry this is not supported.

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    In Cisco Prime, can I run a Unique Clients and Users Summary report customized by both floor area and SSID?

    Allright guys. I appreciate the quick responses. I've worked a lot in CR however i am not understanding the solution so I'd appreciate if you can dumb it down for me. If i understand it correctly you guys are suggesting to make a formula, that either return my group by string (which is a formula in my report) or the Quantity. I tried writing a formula like this
    if ({@param} = 1 then
    GroupName ({@GroupBy})
    but it seems like CR does not allow you to return 2 different data types. Even if it had worked i would not know what to do from there. Can anyone please dumb it down for me. To make my situation more clear below is an example of how my data is..
    MN 100
    MN 200
    MN 50
    CA 300
    CA 500
    when the data shows in the report, its grouped by state, so it comes out like
    MN 350
    CA 800
    I want the users to decide whether they want it sorted by state  (ascending)
    CA 800
    MN 350
    or Total quantity (asc)
    MN 350
    CA 800

  • Creating custom summary reports

    Using a 360 feedback performance review template, I received over 300 responses with feedback on about 70 employees.  I would like to create a summary report for each employee that collates the information received from survey respondents.
    So, for example, if one person has 3 reviews, I want to collate into a report - one for each person that consolidates all the information & comments received.

    >>So, for example, if one person has 3 reviews, I want to collate into a report - one for each person that consolidates all the information & comments received.
    FormsCentral does not support customization of the summary report as you mentioned above.
    You could export the responses to say, Excel, and then use Excel to edit/rearrange your data and generate the graph/report.

  • Customizing the "US Gross To Net Summary" report

    I want to customize "US Gross To Net Summary" report. I could not find the design time file for the report. Where can I find it and how can I customize it if I want to? I want to change the group by clause of the main query.
    Appreciate your suggestions and thank you in advance.
    - CAH

    The report is spawned from PYUGEN. What you could do is create a new cuncurrent request a copy from the "US Gross To Net Summary" and experiment with the parameters passed to PYUGEN.


    Thanks & Regards
    Rekha Sharma

    by these t.code i not found any result pls do needful.
    i want vendorwise/customerswise purchase/sale summry. It should show Purchase/Sale Qty. & amount.
    Thanks & Regards
    Rekha sharma

  • Summary Report using Master-Detail Data on Siebel BI Publisher Report

    I have to create a Summary Report using Master-Detail relationship. Report fields are Account Name, Special Need Type, Customer Status, No of Customers, No of Claims. I am using rtf to create template and any help is highly appreciated
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ListofIO>
    - <ListOfBipCustomerSpecialNeeds>
    - <Account>
    - <ListOfContact>
    - <Contact>
    <SpecialNeedsType>Large Text</SpecialNeedsType>
    - <ListOfContact_Claims>
    - <Contact_Claims>
    <ClaimGBPAmount />
    - <Contact>
    - <ListOfContact_Claims>
    - <Contact_Claims>
    <AccountNumber />
    - <Contact_Claims>
    <AccountNumber />
    <ClaimStatus />
    - <Contact>
    <SpecialNeedsType>Large Text</SpecialNeedsType>
    - <ListOfContact_Claims>
    - <Contact_Claims>
    Edited by: user2298324 on 13-Aug-2010 09:36

    Thanks for the reply. The many to many relationship between Claims and Payments are achieved through intersection table in siebel. When Customer has multiple claims, single payment issued for both claims. Also single claim can multiple payments such (part compensation, interests, final compensation etc)

  • Customized drill-down report cannot go to line item level (FGI4 and FGI1)

    Hi Expert,
    I created a customized drill-down report using New GL features, as follows:
    FGI4 create form, with reference to form: 0SAPBLNCE-01
    FGI1 create report for the form created.
    After that I set some things like characteristic, variables, and output type.
    When I execute the report, the data shown cannot be drill-down to line item level:
    Goto > Line Item (this function is disabled).
    Kindly advise why I cannot goto line item level, where I copy from standard form: 0SAPBLNCE-01, which ha sthe features of drill-down to line item level.

    Hi sbmel,
    For calling up a line item report in a drill down report you need to make the below settins:-
    - You first have to generate the line item report with program RGRGENSI for your summary table.
    - Then assign the generated line item report to the summary report.
               Assiging the report is part of the 'Change drilldown report' function, which you reach by activating the characteristic selection field and then Extras -> Report assignment.
                In the dialog box that appears, choose the 'Other report type' function and insert the line item report generated earlier, as an ABAP report
    Edited by: gka2707 on Jul 19, 2010 8:07 AM

  • Customer master list report

    1) How can I generate the customer master report?
    2) How can I generate the blocking/deletion customer mater list report?
    Can I get any standard report as mentioned above.

    Some of the Standard reports in SD are:
    Sales summary - VC/2
    Display Customer Hierarchy - VDH2
    Display Condition record report - V/I6
    Pricing Report - V/LD
    Create Net Price List - V_NL
    List customer material info - VD59
    List of sales order - VA05
    List of Billing documents - VF05
    Inquiries list - VA15
    Quotation List - VA25
    Incomplete Sales orders - V.02
    Backorders - V.15
    Outbound Delivery Monitor - VL06o
    Incomplete delivery - V_UC
    Customer Returns-Analysis - MC+A
    Customer Analysis- Sales - MC+E
    Customer Analysis- Cr. Memo - MC+I
    Deliveries-Due list - VL04
    Billing due list - VF04
    Incomplete Billing documents - MCV9
    Customer Analysis-Basic List - MCTA
    Material Analysis(SIS) - MCTC
    Sales org analysis - MCTE
    Sales org analysis-Invoiced sales - MC+2
    Material Analysis-Incoming orders - MC(E
    General- List of Outbound deliveries - VL06f
    Material Returns-Analysis - MC+M
    Material Analysis- Invoiced Sales - MC+Q
    Variant configuration Analysis - MC(B
    Sales org analysis-Incoming orders - MC(I
    Sales org analysis-Returns - MC+Y
    Sales office Analysis- Invoiced Sales - MC-E
    Sales office Analysis- Returns - MC-A
    Shipping point Analysis - MC(U
    Shipping point Analysis-Returns - MC-O
    Blocked orders - V.14
    Order Within time period - SD01
    Duplicate Sales orders in period - SDD1
    Display Delivery Changes - VL22
    Reward points if useful
    Amrish Purohit

  • AR Aging 7 Bucket Summary Report Outstanding Amount Query

    Hi All,
    Please help me on below query,
    I want to do a report based on AR Customer Outstanding Balance/Amount and it should tally with AR Aging 7 Bucket Summary Report Outstanding Amount.
    7 Bucket Report used Parameters - (1000, 2025, ARXAGS, 50308, , Customer, C, B, 2013/03/19 00:00:00, Collections, SUMMARY, , , , , , , , , , , , NONE).
    I tried my maximum, But some customers are tallying and some are not.
    Please help me to write the query, to find the Customer Outstanding Balance which is tallying with Aging 7 Bucket Summary Report Outstanding Amount.

    A UNION needs to have the same data types and number of columns in all of the SELECT statements. You added to the top half of the select, but not the bottom half. In your case it looks like there is a package generating dynamic SQL for the bottom half of the UNION. This code must be defined by a package:
    &common_query_invYou will need to track down the package and see if you can determine what it is doing. Looks like you may have to copy this report if it is seeded, because you are not going to want to modify the seeded Oracle package.

Maybe you are looking for