Data lost while moving between Tabs in a web part

We are developing a specific functionality where we have four different tabs...When user press button on first tab it generates a some data which is stored in a list. This list has a ID which is stored in the View State. Now when user presses next button
it goes to next tab where the same ID is used to retrieve the details from List.similar is the case for multiple tabs. There is a sporadic issues reported in this application. The issue is that sometimes data is not saved in the list first time. Secondly even
if the data is saved and user moves to second tab all the fields are coming blank. Looks like ID field is blank. Now sure how can the ID field is blank if we are on second tab after saving the data in first tab. This issue only happens once in a blue moon
for specific users.I can paste the code for button click
protected void imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
//int trackerIds = erossoperationtracker.StartOperation("Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click");
erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Start - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click - Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
//Check if the requested by field is valid before saving
//if (peRequestedBy.IsValid && peRequestedBy.ResolvedEntities.Count == 1)
if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartup)
(Container as StartupROSSUserControl).ShowStartUpTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithoutStartup)
(Container as MainROSSWithoutStartUpUserControl).ShowStartUpTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithStartup)
(Container as MainROSSWithStartUpUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartupRevision)
(Container as StartUpROSSRevisionUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainRevision)
(Container as MainROSSRevisionUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMain)
(Container as MainROSSUserControl).ShowStartUpTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
else if (ContentType == ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMainRevision)
(Container as DrugMainROSSRevisionUserControl).ShowTabs(TabIndex.BudgetTemplate, false);
erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("End - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click - Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
catch (Exception ex)
erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Error - imgSaveandProcedGeneralInfo_Click - " + ex.Message, erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
private void PrepareSave(bool isSaveAndProceed)
erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Start - Prepare data for saving(PrepareSave)- Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
int Id = erossoperationtracker.StartOperation("PerpareSave to List");
generalInfo = new GeneralInfoEnt();
if (WebpartMode == WebpartModes.Edit)
generalInfo.ROSSId = eRossId;
//Add mode but user already saved data once
else if (ViewState["ID"] != null)
generalInfo.ROSSId = (int)ViewState["ID"];
generalInfo.ROSSId = default(int);
generalInfo.ContentType = ContentType;
generalInfo.RossGroup = RossGroup;
//Check if statup ross has been changed
if (!hdnOldStartUpRossNo.Value.Equals(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
generalInfo.IsParentChanged = true;
hdnOldStartUpRossNo.Value = hdnStartUpRossNo.Value;
generalInfo.ProtocolName = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolName.Text);
generalInfo.TherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtTherapueticAreaName.Text);
generalInfo.PAID = Convert.ToString(txtPaid.Text);
generalInfo.PAIDName = Convert.ToString(txtPaidName.Text);
generalInfo.ProjectNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProjectCode.Text);
generalInfo.ProjectName = Convert.ToString(txtProjectName.Text);
generalInfo.ProgramName = Convert.ToString(txtProgramName.Text);
generalInfo.ProgramCode = Convert.ToString(txtProgramCode.Text);
generalInfo.Status = Convert.ToString(Utility.GetStatus(RossStatus.Draft));
DateTime requestedDate;
if (DateTime.TryParse(hdnRequestedDate.Value, out requestedDate))
generalInfo.RequestDate = requestedDate;
if (WebpartMode == WebpartModes.Add)
generalInfo.RequestDate = DateTime.Now;
generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCost = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(txtTotalEstimatedCost.Text);
generalInfo.PrimaryCRO = Convert.ToString(txtPrimaryCROServiceProvider.Text);
generalInfo.StudyObjective = Convert.ToString(txtObjective.Text);
generalInfo.StudyDescription = Convert.ToString(txtDescription.Text);
generalInfo.ProjectType = Convert.ToString(txtProjectType.Text);
if (peRequestedBy.ResolvedEntities.Count > 0)
string userAccount = peRequestedBy.CommaSeparatedAccounts.Split(',')[0];
generalInfo.RequestedByLoginName = userAccount;
hdnRequestedBy.Value = userAccount;
switch (ContentType)
case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainRevision:
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCode.Text);
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionStartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionStartYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionEndMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionEndYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.RevisionMonth = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionYear.SelectedValue);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
generalInfo.RevisionReason = txtReasonForRevision.Text;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartRossLink.Value))
generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnStartRossLink.Value;
generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.MarketedProduct))
if (generalInfo.MarketedProduct.ToLower() == YesOrNo.Yes.ToString().ToLower())
generalInfo.CAPAmount = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnFutureCAPAmount.Value);
/****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithStartup:
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlStartMonthMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue, ddlStartYearMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlEndMonthMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue, ddlEndYearMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCodeMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.MarketedProduct))
if (generalInfo.MarketedProduct.ToLower() == YesOrNo.Yes.ToString().ToLower())
generalInfo.CAPAmount = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(txtCAPAmount.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartRossLink.Value))
generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnStartRossLink.Value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.ROSSNumber))
lnkStartUpRossMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.InnerText = generalInfo.ROSSNumber;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.StartUpRossLink))
lnkStartUpRossMainROSSWithExistingStartUp.HRef = generalInfo.StartUpRossLink;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
generalInfo.LastApprovedStudyDescription = Convert.ToString(hdnApprovedDescription.Value);
generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantMainWithoutStartup:
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlstartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlstartYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlendMonth.SelectedValue, ddlendYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolNo.Text);
generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
if (ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text);
if (ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalInfo.MarketedProduct))
if (generalInfo.MarketedProduct.ToLower() == YesOrNo.Yes.ToString().ToLower())
generalInfo.CAPAmount = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(txtCAPAmount.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartup:
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlstartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlstartYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlendMonth.SelectedValue, ddlendYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolNo.Text);
generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
if (ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(ddlIIS.SelectedItem.Text);
if (ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text != "-")
generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(ddlMarketedProduct.SelectedItem.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantStartupRevision:
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCode.Text);
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionStartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionStartYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionEndMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionEndYear.SelectedValue);
/****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
generalInfo.RevisionMonth = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionYear.SelectedValue);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
generalInfo.RevisionReason = txtReasonForRevision.Text;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartRossLink.Value))
generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnStartRossLink.Value;
generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
generalInfo.SubTherapeuticArea = Convert.ToString(txtSubTherapeuticArea.Text);//for sub TA
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = Convert.ToString(txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text);
case ContentTypes.ClinicalGrantClose:
/****eROSS Phase 2 Beginning of change****/
generalInfo.IIS = Convert.ToString(txtIIS.Text);
generalInfo.MarketedProduct = Convert.ToString(txtMarketedProduct.Text);
/****eROSS Phase 2 End of change****/
case ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMain:
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlstartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlstartYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlendMonth.SelectedValue, ddlendYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolNo.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlRossType.SelectedValue) && ddlRossType.Text != "0")
generalInfo.DrugSafetyROSSType = ddlRossType.SelectedItem.Text;
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = ddlRossType.SelectedItem.Value;
case ContentTypes.DrugSafetyMainRevision:
generalInfo.ProtocolNumber = Convert.ToString(txtProtocolCode.Text);
generalInfo.ROSSStartDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionStartMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionStartYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.ROSSEndDate = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionEndMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionEndYear.SelectedValue);
generalInfo.RevisionMonth = Utility.GetDateFromDropdown(ddlRevisionMonth.SelectedValue, ddlRevisionYear.SelectedValue);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSStartDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedStartDate.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text))
generalInfo.ROSSEndDateLastApproved = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLastApprovedEndDate.Text);
generalInfo.RevisionReason = txtReasonForRevision.Text;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value))
generalInfo.ROSSNumber = Convert.ToString(hdnStartUpRossNo.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnParentRossId.Value))
generalInfo.ParentROSSId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnParentRossId.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnMainRossLink.Value))
generalInfo.StartUpRossLink = hdnMainRossLink.Value;
generalInfo.TotalEstimatedStudyCostLastApproved = Utility.ConvertCurrencyToDouble(hdnTotalEstimatedStudyCostApproved.Value);
generalInfo.DrugSafetyROSSType = txtRossType.Text;
generalInfo.ResponsibleCostCenter = txtResponsibleCostCenter.Text;
if (isSaveAndProceed)
(Parent as AbstractView).EventName = Constants.GeneralInformation_SaveAndProceed;
(Parent as AbstractView).EventName = Constants.GeneralInformation_Save;
(Parent as AbstractView).InvokePresentor();
erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("End - Prepare data for saving(PrepareSave)- Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
catch (Exception ex)
erossoperationtracker.LogToErrorList("Error - Prepare data for saving(PrepareSave)- Save And Proced GeneralInfo Button", erossoperationtracker.currentUser());
Do you see any issue in the code...We are not able to understand where is the issue.Amazingly this code was working absolutely fine in SharePoint 2010 and never given any problem but after migrating it to SharePoint 2013 it started
showing this sporadic issue.

Per my understanding, there is a sporadic issue in your custom web part solution.
As a common practice, I would suggest you debug this web part in Visual Studio and test different data input, as it is a sometimes issue, the most probably cause would
be an issued entry, debugging would make it easier to be noticed.
As you said, it “works absolutely fine in SharePoint 2010 environment”, you can repeat the same operations when issue occurs in the SharePoint 2010 environment to
see if it is we can get more information there.
Feel free to reply if there any progress.
Patrick Liang
Forum Support
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
contact [email protected]
Patrick Liang
TechNet Community Support

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    Firefox 3.5 versions and later have a feature called tear-off tabs.<br />
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    About how to redirect user to other page with an URL:
    How to get today’s date using JavaScript:
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    Hi ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you got an error when you edited the xsl for dataview web part.
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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Yes and no. With iPhoto 8 you can export with an option to include the keywords, titles and comments. But I don't know if geotags are included. Ask in the iPhoto 8 forum as I know geotags have been discussed there. Do a search in that forum for "geotags" or similar.
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    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to know which is the best way  to handle the large complication of SharePoint cross farm retrieving data.
    If you are developing the custom web part to retrieve data from other farm, I suggest you can firstly create a custom timer job to get data hourly in the backend and restore the data in a list. Then you can create a web part to link to the list to display
    the data.
    For cross farm accessing data, I suggest you can create a custom web service to achieve it.
    Also, you can use ajax to display the web part data asynchronously. It will improve the performance and reduce the server pressure.
    Here are some detailed articles for your reference:
    Create and Deploy Custom Timer Job Definition in SharePoint Programatically
    Creating a Custom ASP.NET Web Service
    Create asynchronous web parts for Sharepoint
    Best Regards
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Jerry Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    Try updating Flash. You appear to be running an older version dating from September 2010 which might be the cause of the problem. Download from
    If the problem persists after updating, try running Firefox in [[Safe Mode]]. If it functions properly in that configuration, then one of your add-ons is the culprit.

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  • Can a site use cookie info from separate Firefox windows, or just between tabs in the same window?

    I apologize for how crazy my question sounds,, (& for everything that follows), but I'm at a loss as to the correct wording...I hope my explanation will clarify things, at least enough so that someone understands what I'm trying to say! Wish me luck!
    I'm using Firefox 37.0.1 on Windows 8.1 & everything is up to date. The most important details for this problem will be my settings & addons for Firefox, so here goes:
    I allow all cookies, but it's set to clear them when Firefox closes.
    I do NOT save any history or passwords & I also have "Click & Clean" enabled, & I use it frequently, even though I don't save any history or anything else, just to add to my security/privacy, (guess I didn't use it often enough, huh?)
    I have the box checked for "Do Not Track", (but I just learned the hard way that even so-called "nice" companies don't honor this request)
    I have "Ghostery" as well as "Google Analytics Opt-out" enabled, (even though I don't use Google for my search engine, nor do I go to a Google site unless it's absolutely necessary, (I read about Google's penchant for following users everywhere in order to get their preferences, so I avoid them if at all possible).
    In other words, I thought I was protected from tracking-related problems, but I need to know if these precautions are effective when using Firefox & having several tabs open...then opening another tab/window...are cookies & any other info "readable", (I don't know what word should be used here), from tab to tab in the same window, (which just happened to me), & is the cookie info readable from window to window? In other words, do I have to completely close out Firefox, delete cookies, then open a brand new window so that any session cookie info has been deleted to protect my browsing info from being accessed?
    I know, I'm STILL not making much's what happened, (I won't divulge the site that did the 'cookie abuse', though.
    I had several tabs open, as I usually do, because I was gathering info for research on a report I was working on. Suddenly, I remembered I had to order my hubby's birthday gift, so I opened another tab, (in the same window), to my favorite site & started searching for the items I wanted. I found what I was looking for & was getting ready to check out when I noticed something very odd...there were several "suggestions" listed for items I "might be interested in, based on my browsing", but the funny thing was, I didn't search for anything related to these suggested items! Instead, they were related to items in the other tabs I had open. Scary, underhanded stuff, if you ask me! I always knew not to have banking/financial sites open while surfing, but the tabs I had open were from sites where I was getting research info for my report, so no red flags went up when I went to the site to place my order.
    So I guess the question I need answered cookie info accessible only between tabs in the same browser window OR is it even accessible from window to window? Did I make sense yet? I sure hope so, because this incident has me absolutely flapping around like a fish that's just been pulled out of the water & is just left on the deck! This obvious assault on my privacy has hit me like a punch in the stomach, because I thought this site was one I could trust...especially since I had "Do Not Track", "Google Analytics Opt-out" & "Ghostery" enabled!
    I just don't know how to deal with this, but obviously, I need to know the rules so this NEVER happens again. Luckily, there wasn't any finance-related breach, but my sense of trust has taken a BIG blow.
    If this made sense to anyone, please advise me on the rules of 'cookie abuse' so I don't EVER let this happen again!
    Also, is cookie info able to be shared between browsers, e.g. use Firefox for more personal/sensitive browsing & Opera for research activity?
    Any & all advice is desperately needed & gratefully accepted! I sincerely hope this doesn't happen to anyone else because it really takes the wind out of your trust bubble. I've never been as surprised & disappointed at a company as I am about this. So sad.
    Oh well, learn something new every day...too bad I learned not to trust. :(
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Nuts4Mutts :(
    P.S. If you need anything clarified, just ask

    Cookies are stored in a cookie jar and thus are shared among all open tabs and windows.
    Only all Private Browsing mode tabs/windows use a separate cookie jar that is used for all PB mode tabs.
    Note that session restore stores cookies of open tabs in the sessionstore.js file as part of stored session data.

  • Trouble: HD "Data Lost," DiskWarrior stumped, then a "Clean Install"

    Hello Classic Fans,
    Since installing OS 9.1 on my 1998 WallStreet PowerBook on 25 April 2005, I enjoyed a PERFECT computer until 3 days ago (16 Feb. 2006) when my Mac started badly acting up.
    I'll chart what happened and what I did to correct the problem in the hope it may help others. I would also appreciate feedback telling me if what I did was correct and if there's anything else I should do. Since I'm just now back up and running I'm not sure the problem is gone.
    Sequence of Events:
    16 Feb: While surfing in InternetExplorer 5.1.7 the program quit then the display froze. Ran DiskWarrior (5% out) and installed fresh copy of I.E. I had not had a freeze for many moons!
    17 Feb: Got "Data Lost" on HD error message twice. Ran DiskWarrior again (5% out).
    Backed up recent important "Documents" stuff to CD.
    (Note: From past experience I knew that the HD "Data Lost" error means certain trouble).
    18 Feb: It's back! Got HD "Data Lost" right away. This time the error box kept flashing and dinging like nuts and wouldn't stop.
    Forced restart.
    Flashing "Question Mark" appeared (HD can't recognize its own "System" software!)
    Booted to Zip Rescue Disk with DiskWarrior on it.
    DiskWarrior can't see HardDrive -- none of my normal desktop icons appear either.
    Shut down with Power Button.
    Tried to start/boot to HD ("System" folder) using Power Button.
    This time HD recognized its "System" folder and started normally! (How come it could normally boot this time but not last time?)
    Restarted to the Boot Rescue Zip. This time DiskWarrior COULD see HD, so I ran DiskWarrior (1% out) on the HD and successfully rebuild Directory.
    Almost certain now that something was wrong more than DiskWarrior could fix (I had run DiskWarrior twice in 2 days and the problem was still there and getting worse), I consulted the Apple TroubleShooting guide and decided to do a "Clean Install" of OS 9.1 before I lost EVERYTHING on my HD (that dire event happened before!)
    Did "Clean Install" of OS 9.1.
    Moved the following folders from the "Previous System" suitcase to the new clean install "System" Suitcase: Control Panels, Extensions, Favorites, Apple Menu Items, Startup Items, and Preferences.
    After doing that stuff and a restart, my desktop now looks the same as it did before the Clean Install and my applications, etc. are working like they did before too.
    Is the problem fixed? I don't know yet. But from past experience I do know that once the HD "Data Lost" error starts appearing bad stuff starts happening really fast.
    Als: Since installing OS 9.1 nearly a year ago, I have never rebuilt the desktop or reblessed anything. Was that a mistake? But this PowerBook just ran PERFECT better than when brand new!
    Until 3 days ago....then BANG!
    Did I follow the correct procedure? Any other suggestions for this eight year old PowerBook to keep it alive?
    Thanks and I hope this helps others....
    Wallstreet G3 Powerbook Series (1998)   Mac OS 9.1.x   233 Hz; 20 GB HD (16 GB free); 288 RAM:

    I have no expierence using a zip disk. I have always ran DW directly from the CD. Therefore, unknown if it would have made a difference.
    The reason why IE froze could have been because it needed more preferred memory. The newer version needs approximately 300%.
    If you were looking at a flash type site, those take up a lot of memory & can cause freezes if your browser does not have enough preferred memory.
    Then again, you could have had directory damage. 5% is not much. You could have run Disk First Aid directly from your System Install CD that originally came w/your computer. Whatever, DFA can't repair, then that is when you pull out the heavy artillary (DiskWarrior, etc.).
    I would just leave sleeping dogs lie for right now if your computer is running smoothly again.
    I would also do a monthly maintenance by running DW & Plus Optimizor.
    Rebuild your desktop after updating/upgrading an OS, running a 3rd party utility like DW, downloading & installations.
    You really need a backup browser. The following is from Microsoft's website:
    "Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer for Mac on December 31st, 2005, and is not providing any further security or performance updates. As of January 31st, 2006, Internet Explorer for the Mac is no longer available for download from Microsoft."
    Alternative OS 9.x Browsers:
    Mozilla v1.3.1(Wamcom)
    Netscape Browser Archive
    Netscape v7.0.2
    MacUpdate-NC v7.0.2
    iCab v3
    Opera v6.0.3

  • Text converts to Myriad when switching between tabs

    I've had an ongoing problem since our office upgraded to Illustrator CC. I will select a line of text with the open arrow, copy it and switch to another tab to place it into another file. I hit paste and go back to the original tab. The text, still selected with the open arrow will lose its font spec and change to Myriad in front of my eyes. Undo does not fix it. It is as though the file has lost any idea of what the font had been, and in order to fix it, I need to reassign the font in the character palette, or go into the document I'd pasted it into and copy and paste it back into the original file.
    The consistent aspects of the this glitch are that the text has not been in a text box, the text is selected with the arrow – not highlighted, and I'm switching back and forth between tabs – not simply clicking out of Illustrator and back into it.
    This issue hasn't been repeatable when I've tried to show people in the office so I don't think uploading a file will help.
    It's driving me nuts and I've had to remember to hit save before switching to another tab, or always deselecting the text after copying and jumping to another tab. Very disruptive to my workflow, if I can even remember to do either of these things.

    Please temporarily disable your Avast extension to see if this has to do with this.
    Then try Firefox Safe Mode:
    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that temporarily turns off hardware acceleration, resets some settings, and disables add-ons (extensions and themes).
    '''If Firefox is open,''' you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu:
    * Click the menu button [[Image:New Fx Menu]], click Help [[Image:Help-29]] and select ''Restart with Add-ons Disabled''.
    '''If Firefox is not running,''' you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, select "Start in Safe Mode".
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, theme, or hardware acceleration. Please follow the steps in the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.

  • Upgrading to osx 10.6.8 fails. I see errors in the /var/log/install.log of "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=5 "The operation couldn't be completed. Input/out

    upgrading to osx 10.6.8 fails. I see errors in the /var/log/install.log of "An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination." Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=5 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Input/out. Any thoughts on what is causing these errors and the upgrade failure?

    I have no idea what the specific error code means but input/output errors can sometimes mean a disk is failing. Make a couple of backups of all important data before doing anything else.
    Verify your startup disk using the First Aid tab in Disk Utility. If the disk needs repair boot from your Leopard DVD and repair your disk from Disk Utility under Utilities on the screen after you choose your language. Repeat the repair process until Disk Utility reports all is well.
    If Disk Utility doesn't find any errors you might want to try a new download of the update and keep a sharp eye on your HD for anything else that might indicate all is not well. Take special care to back up important data.
    If Disk Utility finds errors it would probably be a good idea to pay a visit to the Apple Store to have them check out your hard drive even if Disk Utility is able to repair the errors.

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