Database Access in Java (Count field incorrect)

Was given a stock tracking application to be edited for use as a Student/Admin login application which accesses a database and adds/deletes/edits student information. When I try to login, I get the following error: [Microsoft][OBDC Microsoft Access Driver]Count Field Incorrect
The driver was set up in the Admin tools in Windows XP.
The columns exist in the database.
  import java.sql.*;
  public class MakeDB
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
          String url = "jdbc:odbc:saad";
          Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
         Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
          // The following code deletes each index and table, if they exist.
          // If they do not exist, a message is displayed and execution continues.
          System.out.println("Dropping indexes & tables ...");
               stmt.executeUpdate("DROP INDEX PK_StudentUserBridge ON StudentUserBridge");
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Could not drop primary key on saad table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
                 stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE Student");
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Could not drop Student table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
                 stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE Users");
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Could not drop Users table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
                 stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE StudentUserBridge");
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Could not drop StudentUserBridge table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
          ///////// Create the database tables /////////////
          System.out.println("\nCreating tables ............");
          // Create Stocks table with primary key index
               System.out.println("Creating Student table with primary key index...");
               stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE Student ("
                                 +"IDNumber TEXT(8) NOT NULL "
                                 +"CONSTRAINT PK_Student PRIMARY KEY, "
                                 +"FirstName TEXT(50), "
                                 +"LastName TEXT(50)"
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Exception creating Student table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
          // Create Users table with primary key index
               System.out.println("Creating Users table with primary key index...");
               stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE Users ("
                                 +"userID TEXT(20) NOT NULL "
                                +"CONSTRAINT PK_Users PRIMARY KEY, "
                                +"FirstName TEXT(30) NOT NULL, "
                                +"LastName TEXT(30) NOT NULL, "
                                     +"pswd LONGBINARY, "
                                +"email TEXT(30) NOT NULL, "
                                     +"admin BIT"
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Exception creating Users table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
          // Create UserStocks table with foreign keys to Users and Stocks tables
               System.out.println("Creating StudentUserBridge table ...");
               stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE StudentUserBridge ("
                                 +"userID TEXT(20) "
                                   +"CONSTRAINT FK1_StudentUserBridge REFERENCES Users (userID), "
                                      +"IDNumber TEXT(8), "
                                   +"CONSTRAINT FK2_StudentUserBridge FOREIGN KEY (IDNumber) "
                                   +"REFERENCES Student (IDNumber)"
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Exception creating StudentUserBridge table: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
          // Create UserStocks table primary key index
               System.out.println("Creating StudentUserBridge table primary key index...");
               stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PK_StudentUserBridge "
                                    +"ON StudentUserBridge (userID, IDNumber) "
                                    +"WITH PRIMARY DISALLOW NULL");
         catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Exception creating StudentUserBridge index: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
          // Create one administrative user with password as initial data
          String userID = "admin01";
          String FirstName = "Default";
          String LastName = "Admin";
          String initialPswd = "admin01";
          String email = "[email protected]";
          Password pswd = new Password(initialPswd);
          boolean admin = true;
        PreparedStatement pStmt =
                   con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
             pStmt.setString(1, userID);
              pStmt.setString(2, FirstName);
              pStmt.setString(3, LastName);
            pStmt.setBytes(4, serializeObj(pswd));
            pStmt.setString(5, email);
              pStmt.setBoolean(6, admin);
          catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Exception inserting user: "
                                 + e.getMessage());
          // Read and display all User data in the database.
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Users");
        System.out.println("Database created.\n");
        System.out.println("Displaying data from database...\n");
        System.out.println("Users table contains:");
        Password pswdFromDB;
        byte[] buf = null;
               System.out.println("Logon ID         = "
                                 + rs.getString("userID"));
             System.out.println("Last name        = "
                               + rs.getString("FirstName"));
             System.out.println("First name       = "+rs.getString("LastName"));
             System.out.println("E-mail           = "+rs.getString("email"));
             System.out.println("Administrative   = "+rs.getBoolean("admin"));
             System.out.println("Initial password = "+initialPswd);
        // Do NOT use with JDK 1.2.2 using JDBC-ODBC bridge as
        // SQL NULL data value is not handled correctly.
            buf = rs.getBytes("pswd");
            if (buf != null)
                  System.out.println("Password Object  = "
                                  + (pswdFromDB=(Password)deserializeObj(buf)));
                  System.out.println("  AutoExpires    = "+ pswdFromDB.getAutoExpires());
                  System.out.println("  Expiring now   = "+ pswdFromDB.isExpiring());
                  System.out.println("  Remaining uses = "
                                    + pswdFromDB.getRemainingUses()+"\n");
                  System.out.println("Password Object  = NULL!");
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Student");
             System.out.println("Student table contains no records.");
             System.out.println("Student table still contains records!");
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM StudentUserBridge");
             System.out.println("StudentUserBridge table contains no records.");
             System.out.println("StudentUserBridge table still contains records!");
         stmt.close(); // closing Statement also closes ResultSet
    } // end of main()
     // Method to write object to byte array and then insert into prepared statement
    public static byte[] serializeObj(Object obj)
                              throws IOException
          ByteArrayOutputStream baOStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ObjectOutputStream objOStream = new ObjectOutputStream(baOStream);
        objOStream.writeObject(obj); // object must be Serializable
        return baOStream.toByteArray(); // returns stream as byte array
     // Method to read bytes from result set into a byte array and then
     // create an input stream and read the data into an object
    public static Object deserializeObj(byte[] buf)
                                  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
         Object obj = null;
        if (buf != null)
          ObjectInputStream objIStream =
            new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
          obj = objIStream.readObject(); // throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
        return obj;
  } // end of class
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class STLogon extends JFrame implements ActionListener, Activator
    StudentDB db;
    User user = null;
    String userID;
    String password;
    JTextField userIDField;
    JPasswordField passwordField;
    JButton jbtLogon;
    public STLogon()
        super("Stock Tracker"); // call super (JFrame) constructor
          int width = 300;
          int height = 100;
             db = new StudentDB();
        catch(ClassNotFoundException ex){
                "Class not found exception creating database object",
        catch(SQLException ex){
                "SQL exception creating database object",
          // define GUI components
        JLabel label1 = new JLabel("User ID: ");
        userIDField = new JTextField(20);
        JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Password:   ");
        passwordField = new JPasswordField(20);
        jbtLogon = new JButton("Log on");
          // set up GUI
        JPanel userPanel= new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel pswdPanel= new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel buttonPanel= new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
        JPanel contentPanel= new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
        contentPanel.add(userPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        contentPanel.add(pswdPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        contentPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         contentPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Log on"));
        // add listeners
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
                                   try {db.close();
                                catch(Exception ex)
          // Enable Enter key for each JButton
          InputMap map;
          map = jbtLogon.getInputMap();
          if (map != null){
               map.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER,0,false), "pressed");
               map.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER,0,true), "released");
          if( width < getWidth())                    // prevent setting width too small
             width = getWidth();
          if(height < getHeight())               // prevent setting height too small
               height = getHeight();
          centerOnScreen(width, height);
       public void centerOnScreen(int width, int height)
         int top, left, x, y;
         // Get the screen dimension
         Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
         // Determine the location for the top left corner of the frame
         x = (screenSize.width - width)/2;
         y = (screenSize.height - height)/2;
         left = (x < 0) ? 0 : x;
         top = (y < 0) ? 0 : y;
         // Set the frame to the specified location & size
       this.setBounds(left, top, width, height);
     private boolean validUser(String userID,String password)
                    throws PasswordException,SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
          boolean userOK = false;
          user = db.getUser(userID); // get user object from DB for this ID
          if(user != null)
               user.validate(password); // throws PasswordException
               userOK = true;
               if(user.pswdAutoExpires())     // if tracking uses
                    db.updUser(user);          // update DB for this use
         return userOK;
    private void doStockActivity()throws PasswordException,SQLException,
        StockTracker f = new StockTracker(user,this,db);
    public void activate()
        user = null;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               userID = userIDField.getText();
                        "Please enter a valid user ID.",
                       "Missing User ID.",
                    password = new String(passwordField.getPassword());
                             "Please enter a valid password.",
                            "Missing Password.",
                              // See if userID exists and validate password
                                                         user.getUserID()+" logon successful; "
                                            +user.getPswdUses()+" use(s) remaining.");
                                if(e.getSource() == jbtLogon)
                                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Invalid user.");
                         catch (PasswordExpiredException ex)
                              JPasswordField pf1 = new JPasswordField();
                              JPasswordField pf2 = new JPasswordField();
                              Object[] message1 = new Object[]
                                        {"Password has expired. Please enter a new password.", pf1};
                              Object[] options = new String[] {"OK", "Cancel"};
                              JOptionPane op1 = new JOptionPane(message1,
                                                          JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, null, options);
                              JDialog dialog1 = op1.createDialog(null, "Change Password");
                              if(op1.getValue() != null && options[0].equals(op1.getValue()))
                                   String pswd1 = new String(pf1.getPassword());
                                   if(pswd1 != null)
                                       Object[] message2 = new Object[]
                                                           {"Please verify new password.", pf2};
                                        JOptionPane op2 = new JOptionPane(message2,
                                                                   null, options);
                                        JDialog dialog2 = op2.createDialog(null, "Verify Password");
                                        if(op2.getValue() != null && options[0].equals(op2.getValue()))
                                             String pswd2 = new String(pf2.getPassword());
                                             if(pswd2 != null)
                                                    user.changePassword(password, pswd1);
                                                      "Both passwords are not identical.",
                                                     "Password not changed",
        }// end of try
        catch (PasswordUsedException ex)
                "Password Previously Used. Try again.",
        catch (PasswordSizeException ex)
                "Invalid password size. Try again.",
        catch (PasswordInvalidFormatException ex)
            if(ex.getCount() > 2) // allows only 3 tries, then exits program
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,ex.getMessage()+", count:"+ex.getCount(),
                                                    "Invalid password format. Try again.",
        catch (PasswordInvalidException ex)
            if(ex.getCount() > 2) // allows only 3 tries, then exits program
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,ex.getMessage()+", count:"+ex.getCount(),
                                                    "Invalid password. Try again.",
        catch (PasswordException ex)
        catch (IOException ex)
        catch (SQLException ex)
        catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
    public static void main(String[] argv)
          final STLogon f = new STLogon();
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class StudentDB
     private Connection con = null;
     // Constructor; makes database connection
    public StudentDB() throws ClassNotFoundException,SQLException
          if(con == null)
               String url = "jdbc:odbc:saad";
               catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
                    throw new ClassNotFoundException(ex.getMessage() +
                              "\nCannot locate sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
                    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
               catch(SQLException ex)
                    throw new SQLException(ex.getMessage()+
                              "\nCannot open database connection for "+url);
     // Close makes database connection; null reference to connection
     public void close() throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
           con = null;
     // Method to serialize object to byte array
    private byte[] serializeObj(Object obj) throws IOException
          ByteArrayOutputStream baOStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ObjectOutputStream objOStream = new ObjectOutputStream(baOStream);
        objOStream.writeObject(obj); // object must be Serializable
        return baOStream.toByteArray(); // returns stream as byte array
     // Method to deserialize bytes from a byte array into an object
    private Object deserializeObj(byte[] buf)
                         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
         Object obj = null;
        if (buf != null)
               ObjectInputStream objIStream =
                  new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
            obj = objIStream.readObject(); //IOException, ClassNotFoundException
        return obj;
     // Methods for adding a record to a table
    // add to the Student Table
     public void addStudent(String IDNumber, String FirstName, String LastName)
                 throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
           stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Student VALUES ('"
     // add to the Users table
     public boolean addUser(User user) throws SQLException,IOException,
       boolean result = false;
      String dbUserID;
      String dbLastName;
      String dbFirstName;
      Password dbPswd;
      String dbemail;
      boolean isAdmin;
      dbUserID = user.getUserID();
      if(getUser(dbUserID) == null)
            dbLastName = user.getFirstName();
            dbFirstName = user.getLastName();
          Password pswd = user.getPassword();
//          dbemail = user.getEmail();
            isAdmin = user.isAdmin();
          PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement(
              "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
          pStmt.setString(1, dbUserID);
          pStmt.setString(2, dbFirstName);
          pStmt.setString(3, dbLastName);
          pStmt.setBytes(4, serializeObj(pswd));
//          pStmt.setString(5, dbemail);
          pStmt.setBoolean(5, isAdmin);
          result = true;
            throw new IOException("User exists - cannot add.");
       return result;
     // add to the UserStocks table
     public void addStudentUserBridge(String userID, String IDNumber)
                 throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
           stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO StudentUserBridge VALUES ('"
     // Methods for updating a record in a table
    // updating the Users Table
     public boolean updUser(User user) throws SQLException,IOException,
       boolean result = false;
         String dbUserID;
      String dbLastName;
      String dbFirstName;
      Password dbPswd;
      String dbemail;
      boolean isAdmin;
      dbUserID = user.getUserID();
      if(getUser(dbUserID) != null)
            dbLastName = user.getFirstName();
            dbFirstName = user.getLastName();
          Password pswd = user.getPassword();
//          dbemail = user.getEmail();
            isAdmin = user.isAdmin();
          PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE Users SET FirstName = ?,"
                                       +" LastName = ?, pswd = ?, email = ?, admin = ? WHERE userID = ?");
          pStmt.setString(1, dbFirstName);
          pStmt.setString(2, dbLastName);
          pStmt.setBytes(3, serializeObj(pswd));
//          pStmt.setString(4, dbemail);
          pStmt.setBoolean(4, isAdmin);
          pStmt.setString(5, dbUserID);
          result = true;
            throw new IOException("User does not exist - cannot update.");
       return result;
     // Methods for deleting a record from a table
    // delete a record from the Student Table
     private void delStudent(String IDNumber)
                  throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
           stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM Student WHERE "
                             +"IDNumber = '"+IDNumber+"'");
    // delete a record from the Users Table
     public void delUser(User user) throws SQLException,IOException,
           String dbUserID;
        String stockSymbol;
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
          try {
               dbUserID = user.getUserID();
               if(getUser(dbUserID) != null)  // verify user exists in database
                     ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT userID, IDNumber "
                                       +"FROM StudentUserBridge WHERE userID = '"+dbUserID+"'");
                         stockSymbol = rs1.getString("IDNumber");
                              delUserStocks(dbUserID, stockSymbol);
                        catch(SQLException ex)
                              throw new SQLException("Deletion of user student failed: "
                      } // end of loop thru UserStocks
                {  // holdings deleted, now delete user
                         stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM Users WHERE "
                                       +"userID = '"+dbUserID+"'");
                   catch(SQLException ex)
                         throw new SQLException("User deletion failed: "+ex.getMessage());
                      throw new IOException("User not found in database - cannot delete.");
                catch(SQLException ex)
                    throw new SQLException("Transaction commit failed: "+ex.getMessage());
          catch (SQLException ex)
               catch (SQLException sqx)
                    throw new SQLException("Transaction failed then rollback failed: "
               // Transaction failed, was rolled back
               throw new SQLException("Transaction failed; was rolled back: "
    // delete a record from the StudentUserBridge Table
     public void delUserStocks(String userID, String stockSymbol)
                 throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
         ResultSet rs;
           stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM StudentUserBridge WHERE "
                             +"userID = '"+userID+"'"
                             +"AND IDNumber = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
           rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT IDNumber FROM StudentUserBridge "
                                 +"WHERE IDNumber = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
             if(! // no users have this stock
//               delStock(stockSymbol);
     // Methods for listing record data from a table
     // Ordered by:
     //           methods that obtain individual field(s),
     //           methods that obtain a complete record, and
     //           methods that obtain multiple records
     // Methods to access one or more individual fields
    // get a stock description from the Stocks Table
     public String getStockDesc(String stockSymbol)
                   throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            String stockDesc = null;
           ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT IDNumber, name FROM Student "
                                           +"WHERE IDNumber = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
               stockDesc = rs.getString("IDNumber");
            return stockDesc;
     // Methods to access a complete record
    // get User data from the Users Table
     public User getUser(String UserID) throws SQLException, IOException,
       Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
         String dbUserID;
      String dbLastName;
      String dbFirstName;
      Password dbPswd;
      String dbemail;
      boolean isAdmin;
      byte[] buf = null;
      User user = null;
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userID = '"
            dbUserID = rs.getString("userID");
             dbFirstName = rs.getString("FirstName");
             dbLastName = rs.getString("LastName");
             dbemail = rs.getString("email");
        // Do NOT use with JDK 1.2.2 using JDBC-ODBC bridge as
        // SQL NULL data value is not handled correctly.
          buf = rs.getBytes("pswd");
             dbPswd = (Password)deserializeObj(buf);
             isAdmin = rs.getBoolean("admin");
            user = new User(dbUserID,dbFirstName,dbLastName,dbPswd,isAdmin);
       return user; // User object created for userID
     // Methods to access a list of records
    // get list of selected fields for all records from the Users Table
     public ArrayList listUsers() throws SQLException,IOException,
      ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
       Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT userID, FirstName, LastName, admin "
                                      +"FROM Users ORDER BY userID");
              aList.add(new Boolean(rs.getBoolean("admin")));
      return aList;
    // get all fields in all records for a given user from the Userstocks Table
     public ArrayList listUserStocks(String userID) throws SQLException,IOException,

saaddani wrote:
No information popped up in the console window before, during, or after the error was given. The program compiled and ran and therefore no error information was provided in the complier window either.
If I am missing what you are asking then please provide instructions as to how to find this error information. You are posting the error message for the exception but not printing the stack trace.
Far as I can tell you are printing more information with each exception (for example "Exception creating Users table") but you did not post what that was, that info would localize the problem.
As a guess the problem is when you extract the fields via the query. You are using named values rather than indexes and you use "select *" rather than specifically naming the columns. Some databases (for example Oracle), require that using names must be in exactly the same order as the query returns them. You have no idea what that order is because you use "select *"
Finally it would be a LOT easier if you wrote classes that did nothing but the database operations. NO GUI CODE. You then test that code to make sure it works. Once that code works then you write gui code which uses those classes. Besides making it easier to understand you are also more likely to get assistance since there is less code to look at.

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    String dsn="Tritek1";
    String user="sa";
    String password="imcindia";
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         Input Parameter(s)          :     a. folder_type char(20)
         Return Parameter(s)     :     a. Recordset consist edit_mask and folder_type_code from folder_reference table / error
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         Programmer          :     Prashanth Kumar M.
         Creation Date          :     12/20/2005 (20th Dec, 2005)
         Tables Accessed          :     folder_reference
         Revised               :
              Programmer:     Date:     Description:
              Prashanth Kumar M.      12/21/2005 Modified the script as per the approved program specifications.
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              Declare @folder_type_code char(2)
              execute dms_ex_get_folder_info 'Policy Folder',@edit_mask output,@folder_type_code output
              Print 'Edit Mask : ' + @edit_mask
              Print 'Folder Type Code : ' + @folder_type_code
    CREATE PROCEDURE dms_ex_get_folder_info
         @folder_type char(20),
         @edit_mask char(15) output,
         @folder_type_code char(2) output
              -- Check if the record for @folder_type exists or not.
                   -- return the record from folder_reference
                        @edit_mask= IsNull(edit_mask,''),
                        @folder_type_code = IsNull(folder_type_code,'')
                   FROM      folder_reference
                        folder_decode = ltrim(rtrim(@folder_type))
                   -- return the error message
                   IF @@error <> 0
                             RAISERROR 100016 'Error in gettting the record from folder_reference table'
                             RETURN (@@error)
                   IF @edit_mask = '' AND @folder_type_code = ''
                             RAISERROR 100017 'No matching details in the folder_reference table'
                        RETURN (@@error)
    Here My Exception:
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecute(Unknown Source)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.execute(Unknown Source)
    Any one can help me to overcome this problem . Thanks in advance.

    Here's from one of those 10s of books.
    Quoted from JDBC 3.0 by Bernard Van Haecke:
    Stored procedures can return multiple result types because they can be composed of SQL statements that return diverse result types: resultsets and update counts (this includes special error codes).
    Now this doesn't sound very satisfactory. So I use Sybase since I don't have any other database at the moment, and write a simple stored procedure.
    CREATE proc testproc AS
    -- My return code
    return 7
    goThen a sample patchy buggy code to play around:
    import java.sql.*;
    public class ProcTesting {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String connUrl          = "jdbc:sybase:Tds:myserver:5150/dbinst";
            String userName         = "username";
            String password         = "password";
            Connection con          = null;
            CallableStatement stmt  = null;
            ResultSet rs            = null;
            String sql = "{? = call testproc}";
            try {
                con     = DriverManager.getConnection(connUrl, userName, password);
                stmt    = con.prepareCall(sql);
                stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
            } catch(Exception e) {
            } finally {
                closeAll(con, stmt);
        public static void closeAll(Connection con, Statement stmt) {
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {  }
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {  }
    }Followed by:
    java -cp "%CLASSPATH%;C:\jarutils\jconn2.jar" ProcTesting
    Didn't you know this could be done?
    Happy new year, grandpa!

  • MSAccess Count Field incorrect problem

    Hello I am trying an update of Details, I traced the code along to it populated fields and verified values as correct.I am getting an error on the
    int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate();
                if ( resultCount != 1 ) {Why is this ?
    My error line is :ClubBean: message = Unable to update item Swing
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect
    ClubBean: Fatal Error Occurred
    Please tell me if what i am trying to do is wrong.
    * Created on 31 March 2004, 14:45
    package com.soundstage;
    * @author  Andrew
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    public class ClubDAO implements Serializable, DataAccess {
        private transient TransactionContext globalTran = null;
        private transient ClubValue clubVal   = null;
         *Creates a new instance of DAO
        public ClubDAO(TransactionContext transactionContext) {
            globalTran = transactionContext;
        public Object findByPrimaryKey(Integer memberNumber)
        throws DAOSysException, DAOFinderException {
            if (itemExistsById(memberNumber)) {
                //log("CustomerDAO: returning " + clubVal.getMemberNumber());
                return clubVal;
            throw new DAOFinderException("Club Not Found = "
            + memberNumber);
        public void deleteObject(Integer id) throws DAOSysException,
            String queryStr = "DELETE FROM " + "Club" +
            " WHERE ClubName = "
            + id;
            log("queryString is: "+ queryStr);
            Statement stmt = null;
            try {
                stmt = globalTran.getDBConnection().createStatement();
                int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(queryStr);
                if ( resultCount != 1 )
                    throw new DAODBUpdateException("ERROR deleteing Club from" + " Club_TABLE!! resultCount = " + resultCount);
            } catch(SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("Unable to delete for item " + id + "\n" + se);
            } finally {
                log("ClubDAO: closeStatement");
        public void deleteObject(String clubName)
        throws DAOSysException, DAODBUpdateException {
            String queryStr = "DELETE FROM Club WHERE ClubName = " + "'"+clubName+"'";
            log("queryString is: "+ queryStr);
            Statement stmt = null;
            try {
                stmt = globalTran.getDBConnection().createStatement();
                int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(queryStr);
                if ( resultCount != 1 )
                    throw new DAODBUpdateException("ERROR deleteing Club from" + " Club_TABLE!! resultCount = " + resultCount);
            } catch(SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("Unable to delete for item " + clubName + "\n" + se);
            } finally {
                log("ClubDAO: closeStatement");
        public void updateObject(Object model) throws
        DAOAppException, DAODBUpdateException,
            ClubValue clubVal = (ClubValue) model;
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            try {
                String queryStr = "UPDATE " + "Club" +
                  " SET " + "ClubName = ?, " +
                  "NumberOfMembersEnrolled = ?, " +
                  "NumberOfCancelledYTD = ?, " +
                  "CurrentPromotion = ?, " +
                  "TotalUnitsSoldForClub = ?, " +
                  "MaximumPeriodOfObligation = ?, " +
                  "WHERE ClubName = ?";
                log("ClubDAO: Update String " + queryStr);
                stmt = globalTran.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(queryStr);
                log("ClubDAO: Prepare Worked ");
                stmt.setString(1, clubVal.getClubName());
                stmt.setInt(2, clubVal.getNumberOfMembersEnrolled());
                stmt.setInt(3, clubVal.getNumberOfCancelledYTD());
                stmt.setString(4, clubVal.getCurrentPromotion());
                stmt.setInt(5, clubVal.getTotalUnitsSoldForClub());
                stmt.setInt(6, clubVal.getMaximumPeriodOfObligation());
                log("ClubDAO: done setting items ");
                int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate();
                if ( resultCount != 1 ) {
                    log("ClubDAO: update failed");
                    throw new DAODBUpdateException ("ERROR updating ClubD in" + " Club!! resultCount = " + resultCount);
                log("ClubDAO: update worked...result count = " + resultCount);
            } catch(SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("Unable to update item " + clubVal.getClubName() + " \n" + se);
            } finally {
                log("ClubDAO: closeStatement");
        public void insertObject(Object model) throws
        DAOAppException, DAODBUpdateException,
            ClubValue clubVal = (ClubValue) model;
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            try {
                String queryStr = "INSERT INTO Club (ClubName, NumberOfMembersEnrolled, NumberOfCancelledYTD, CurrentPromotion," +
                "TotalUnitsSoldForClub, MaximumPeriodOfObligation)" +
                "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
                log("ClubDAO: Insert String " + queryStr);
                stmt = globalTran.getDBConnection().
                int i = 1;
                stmt.setString(i++, clubVal.getClubName());
                stmt.setInt(i++, clubVal.getNumberOfMembersEnrolled());
                stmt.setInt(i++, clubVal.getNumberOfCancelledYTD());
                stmt.setString(i++, clubVal.getCurrentPromotion());
                stmt.setInt(i++, clubVal.getTotalUnitsSoldForClub());
                stmt.setInt(i++, clubVal.getMaximumPeriodOfObligation());
                int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate();
                if ( resultCount != 1 )
                    throw new DAODBUpdateException("ERROR inserting Club in" + " Club!! resultCount = " + resultCount);
            } catch(SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("Unable to insert item " + clubVal.getClubName() + " \n" + se);
            } finally {
                log("ClubDAO: closeStatement");
         * Returns an CustomerValue initialized with the information
         * found in the database for the specified customer, or null if
         * not found.
        public Object findByName(String name)
        throws DAOSysException, DAOFinderException {
            //log("CustomerDAO: start findByCustomerNumber");
            if (itemExistsByName(name)) {
                //  log("ClubDAO: returning " + clubVal.getCustomerId());
                return clubVal;
            throw new DAOFinderException("Club Not Found = "
            + name);
        private boolean itemExistsById(Integer memberNumber) throws DAOSysException {
            String queryStr ="SELECT MemberNumber, MemberName, " +
            "FROM member " +
            "WHERE MemberNumber = " + memberNumber;
            return doQuery(queryStr);
        private boolean itemExistsByName(String clubName) throws DAOSysException {
            //  log("MemberDAO: before query creation");
            String queryStr ="SELECT * FROM Club WHERE ClubName = " + "'"+clubName+"'";
            return doQuery(queryStr);
        private boolean doQuery(String qryString) throws DAOSysException {
            Statement stmt = null;
            ResultSet result = null;
            boolean returnValue = false;
            try {
                //  log("CustomerDAO: before statement creationg");
                stmt = globalTran.getDBConnection().createStatement();
                // log("CustomerDAO: statement created");
                //log("CustomerDAO: query is" + qryString);
                result = stmt.executeQuery(qryString);
                // log("CustomerDAO: statement executed");
                if ( ! ) {
                    //log("CustomerDAO: customer not found");
                    returnValue = false;
                else {
                    // log("CustomerDAO: Club found");
                    clubVal = new ClubValue();
                    int i = 1;
                    returnValue = true;
            } catch(SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("Unable to Query for item " +
                "\n" + se);
            } finally {
                // log("CustomerDAO: prior");
                // log("CustomerDAO: closeResult");
                // log("CustomerDAO: closeStatement");
            return returnValue;
        private void closeResultSet(ResultSet result) throws DAOSysException {
            try {
                if (result != null) {
            } catch (SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("SQL Exception while closing " +
                "Result Set : \n" + se);
        private void closeStatement(Statement stmt) throws DAOSysException {
            try {
                if (stmt != null) {
            } catch (SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("SQL Exception while closing " +
                "Statement : \n" + se);
        private void log(String s) {
    }Thank You

    Sorry its the UpdateObject.
    public void updateObject(Object model) throws
        DAOAppException, DAODBUpdateException,
            ClubValue clubVal = (ClubValue) model;
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            try {
                String queryStr = "UPDATE " + "Club" +
                  " SET " + "ClubName = ?, " +
                  "NumberOfMembersEnrolled = ?, " +
                  "NumberOfCancelledYTD = ?, " +
                  "CurrentPromotion = ?, " +
                  "TotalUnitsSoldForClub = ?, " +
                  "MaximumPeriodOfObligation = ?, " +
                  "WHERE ClubName = ?";
                log("ClubDAO: Update String " + queryStr);
                stmt = globalTran.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(queryStr);
                log("ClubDAO: Prepare Worked ");
                stmt.setString(1, clubVal.getClubName());
                stmt.setInt(2, clubVal.getNumberOfMembersEnrolled());
                stmt.setInt(3, clubVal.getNumberOfCancelledYTD());
                stmt.setString(4, clubVal.getCurrentPromotion());
                stmt.setInt(5, clubVal.getTotalUnitsSoldForClub());
                stmt.setInt(6, clubVal.getMaximumPeriodOfObligation());
                log("ClubDAO: done setting items ");
                int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate();
                if ( resultCount != 1 ) {
                    log("ClubDAO: update failed");
                    throw new DAODBUpdateException ("ERROR updating ClubD in" + " Club!! resultCount = " + resultCount);
                log("ClubDAO: update worked...result count = " + resultCount);
            } catch(SQLException se) {
                throw new DAOSysException("Unable to update item " + clubVal.getClubName() + " \n" + se);
            } finally {
                log("ClubDAO: closeStatement");

  • COUNT field incorrect: error help

    Hi, im quite new to java and im building an application to connect to a database and perfom various searches. the program displays the database data by means of a table.
    I can imagine ive done something wrong with the prepaired statements but i cant see what, Any suggestions would be very helpful. Here is the method that i have a problem with:
    public void test()
    Vector columnNames = new Vector();
    Vector data = new Vector();
    // Connect to the Database
                   String url = "jdbc:odbc:ris1851";
                   Connection con;          
                   //String driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
                   Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
                   String querySEARCH = "SELECT * FROM RIS51 WHERE SURNAME = ? order by age";
         String SEARCH = txtUser.getText();
         con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);     
         PreparedStatement search = con.prepareStatement(querySEARCH);      
         Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
         ResultSet rs = search.executeQuery();
    ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
    int columns = md.getColumnCount();
    // Get column names
    for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                        columnNames.addElement( md.getColumnName(i) );
    //Get row data
    while (
    Vector row = new Vector(columns);
    for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
    row.addElement( rs.getObject(i) );
                        data.addElement( row );
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println(e );
    when i call the method i get:
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect

         public void test() {
              Vector columnNames = new Vector();
              Vector data = new Vector();
                   try {
                        // Connect to the Database
                        String url = "jdbc:odbc:ris1851";
                        Connection con;
                        // String driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
                        String querySEARCH = "SELECT * FROM RIS51 WHERE SURNAME = "+txtUser.getText()+" order by age";
                        con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
                        Statement search = con.createStatement();
                        ResultSet rs = search.executeQuery(querySEARCH);
                        ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
                        int columns = md.getColumnCount();
                        // Get column names
                        for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
                        // Get row data
                        while ( {
                             Vector row = new Vector(columns);
                             for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
                   } catch (Exception e) {
         }You should learn more JDBC:

  • COUNT field incorrect or syntax error while installing BO Xi3

    I am trying to install Boxi3. The cms and audit dbs are all in sql database. The dbs and accounts are setup properly. However while installing, after I selected the CMS and Audit DBs, I am getting
    "Database access error. Reason [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error."
    At the details the error is as below.
    Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     trace message: loading libary succeeded
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     trace message: AuditDatabaseSubsystem::Init()
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     trace message: initializing subsystem succeeded
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     trace message: AuditDatabaseSubsystem::Connect()
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\DBConnectionManager.cpp:802): trace message: DBConnectionManager - Setting total target number of connections for pool 0 to 1.
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:186): trace message: ExecDirect: SQL: SELECT * FROM APPLICATION_TYPE WHERE 0 = 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:186): trace message: ExecDirect: SQL: SELECT * FROM AUDIT_EVENT WHERE 0 = 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:186): trace message: ExecDirect: SQL: SELECT * FROM EVENT_TYPE WHERE 0 = 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:186): trace message: ExecDirect: SQL: SELECT * FROM SERVER_PROCESS WHERE 0 = 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:186): trace message: ExecDirect: SQL: SELECT * FROM AUDIT_DETAIL WHERE 0 = 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:186): trace message: ExecDirect: SQL: SELECT * FROM DETAIL_TYPE WHERE 0 = 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     trace message: AuditDatabaseSubsystem::CheckDBCredentials()
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\AuditDatabaseSubsystem_impl.cpp:1197): trace message: AuditDatabaseSubsystem::CheckDBCredentialsOnTable(AUDIT_EVENT)
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\SQLServerDatabase.cpp:515). (0 : Unexpected database column type for Duration type is decimal).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\SQLServerDatabase.cpp:515). (0 : Unexpected database column type for Event_Type_ID type is decimal).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\SQLServerDatabase.cpp:515). (0 : Unexpected database column type for Error_Code type is decimal).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:162): trace message: Prepare: SQL: INSERT INTO AUDIT_EVENT (Duration, Error_Code, Event_ID, Event_Type_ID, Object_CUID, Server_CUID, Start_Timestamp, User_Name) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:699). (0 : Unsupported SQL Server data type for binding.).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:699). (0 : Unsupported SQL Server data type for binding.).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:699). (0 : Unsupported SQL Server data type for binding.).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\AuditDatabaseSubsystem_impl.cpp:1344). (0 : no message).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\AuditDatabaseSubsystem_impl.cpp:1344). (0 : no message).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     assert failure: (.\AuditDatabaseSubsystem_impl.cpp:1344). (0 : no message).
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerStatement.cpp:171): trace message: Prepared statement Execute
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\SQLServerDatabase.cpp:119): trace message: SQLServer error found:  ErrorMessage([Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error), ErrorCode(0)
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\AuditDatabaseSubsystem_impl.cpp:92): trace message: DBConnectionHolder - (AuditDB) - Caught retryable error with Code 0, Msg: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error  Number of retryable errors on this connection is 1
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     (.\dbutils.cpp:922): trace message: Caught DatabaseSubystem Error: Database access error. Reason [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error.
    [Wed Jul 30 03:46:53 2008]     5220     192     trace message: AuditDatabaseSubsystem::Shutdown()
    This only happens for audit db and not for cms db. May I know what is the reason for this and how to resolve it?

    I am using Java 6 already.That's what I said in my last post.
    setClob() and setCharacterStream() are used for
    NVARCHAR and NTEXT tyesLike I said, the API talks about using setCharacterStream for LONGVARCHAR types, are NVARCHAR and NTEXT LONGVARCHAR types?

  • Help me , I got, exception  with message "COUNT field incorrect "

    exception I got
    *java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect*
    my code
    //here title , link,description are strings
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:dbase","","");
    Statement stmt=null;
    String query=null;
    query="insert into table1 values('"+title+"','"+link+"','"+description+"','nil1','nil2','nil3')";
    int count=stmt.executeUpdate(query);

    I tried with prepared statement and got following exception
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException( at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError( at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecute( at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.execute( at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate( at extractor.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at Method) at at at at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$000( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$ at Method) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invokeInternal( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke( at org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteAdapter.service( at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ProcessorTask.doProcess( at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ProcessorTask.process( at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ReadTask.executeProcessorTask( at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ReadTask.doTask( at at

  • How can I resolve Exception : "Count Field Incorrect" error

    Hi all,
    I am experiencing with "Count Field incorrect" error. What's wrong with it? How can I resolve it?
    This error is occured at UPDATE function of SQL. My JSP page is to update the old record.
    Sometimes, "Update statement error" message appear. These two problems I always confusing.
    What are the possible point of these error in my Java file and JSP page? I use package import to JSP Page.
    Pls help me.
    With thanks,

    Your URLs help me exectly. But after I have changed my code, the error is changed to "Too Few Parameters : Expected 35". What's wrong with it? The following is my code.
    try {                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    String DRIVER = ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");               
    String URL = "jdbc:odbc:Industrial_One_DSN";
    String sql = "UPDATE BusinessRegistration " +
    "SET [Date] = ?, ISIC = ?, BizName = ?, BizAddress = ?, " +
    "OwnerName = ?, OwnerNRC = ?, Investment = ?, EstablishedYear = ?, " +
    "L_Male = ?, L_Female = ?, F_Male = ?, F_Female = ?, " +
    "OwnershipType = ?, Remarks = ?, IndustialZoneName = ?, Unit = ?, " +
    "Fuel = ?, FactoryType = ?, FactoryName = ?, Township = ? " +
    "MainProductName = ?, MainProductCountType = ?, " +
    "MainProductQuantity = ?, MainProductValue = ?, RMName = ?, " +
    "RMCountType = ?, RMQuantity = ?, RMValue = ?, EnergyName = ?, " +
    "MachinePower = ?, AmountGallon = ?, StateDiv = ?, BizSize = ?  " +
    "WHERE RegistrationID = ?";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(URL);
    PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
    int ilmale = Integer.parseInt(lmale);
    int ilfemale = Integer.parseInt(lfemale);
    int ifmale = Integer.parseInt(fmale);
    int iffemale = Integer.parseInt(ffemale);
    int impq = Integer.parseInt(mpq);
    int impv = Integer.parseInt(mpv);
    int irmq = Integer.parseInt(rmq);
    int irmv = Integer.parseInt(rmv);
    int iamountgallon = Integer.parseInt(amountgallon);
    pstmt.setString(1, date);
    pstmt.setString(2, isic);
    pstmt.setString(3, bizname);
    pstmt.setString(4, bizaddress);
    pstmt.setString(5, ownername);
    pstmt.setString(6, ownernrc);
    pstmt.setString(7, investment);
    pstmt.setString(8, eyear);
    pstmt.setInt(9, ilmale);
    pstmt.setInt(10, ilfemale);
    pstmt.setInt(11, ifmale);
    pstmt.setInt(12, iffemale);
    pstmt.setString(13, ownershiptype);
    pstmt.setString(14, remark);
    pstmt.setString(15, izn);
    pstmt.setString(16, unit);
    pstmt.setString(17, fuel);
    pstmt.setString(18, ft);
    pstmt.setString(19, fname);
    pstmt.setString(20, township);
    pstmt.setString(21, mpn);
    pstmt.setString(22, mpct);
    pstmt.setInt(23, impq);               
    pstmt.setInt(24, impv);
    pstmt.setString(25, rmname);
    pstmt.setString(26, rmct);
    pstmt.setInt(27, irmq);
    pstmt.setInt(28, irmv);
    pstmt.setString(29, ename);
    pstmt.setString(30, mpower);
    pstmt.setInt(31, iamountgallon);
    pstmt.setString(32, statediv);
    pstmt.setString(33, bizsize);
    pstmt.setInt(34, Integer.parseInt(rid));
    }I have got 35 fields in my db. But i wanna edit 34 fields only. I have no primary key in my table. Is't alright?
    pls keep on helping me.
    With thanks,

  • COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

    PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("Insert into uQuestions values(?,?)");
    Reader rd=new StringReader(s.trim());
    stmt.setCharacterStream(2, rd );
    System.out.println( stmt.executeUpdate() );
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error
    In place of setCharacterStream If I use stmt.setString(2,s.trim()) then it works fine.
    Whats the problem there....

    I am using Java 6 already.That's what I said in my last post.
    setClob() and setCharacterStream() are used for
    NVARCHAR and NTEXT tyesLike I said, the API talks about using setCharacterStream for LONGVARCHAR types, are NVARCHAR and NTEXT LONGVARCHAR types?

  • Error could not access a java object field called allowAppDataInServContext after Applying Security

    After applying the security patch 12-26 I am getting the error "Could not access a java object field called allowAppDataInServContext".  When I removed the update the error goes away.  When I read the update it returns.
    The error states it occurred in the following line: cfapplication name="somename" clientmanagement="No" sessionmanagement="Yes" setclientcookies="Yes"

    Is it a linux server?  Look at the following, second comment.
    EDIT:  Also,

  • Error: COUNT field incorrect in jdbc

    please help me out!!!!!! am trying to retrive data (ID) which was updated before in this program. now am getting error:COUNT field incorrect. and can it be displayed by using JOptionPane?
    pst=con.prepareStatement("select ID from db1 where NAME=?,EMAIL=?");
    ResultSet rs=pst.executeQuery();

    pawankarra wrote:
    thnx for ur replay.........This should read:
    Thanks for your reply.Notice the corrected spelling of three of the four words in the sentence (you could have misspelled all of them by using "4" instead of "for") and the use of only one period/fullstop at the end of the sentence.
    In reply to your original question, the column numbers in JDBC start at 1, not at 0. So this line of code is the problem:
    System.out.println(rs.getString(0));It should read:
    System.out.println(rs.getString(1));And, being an autogenerated column, isn't it a numeric value? Do you really want to read it as a String?

  • Help...create database(access) using java

    i had developed an java application that capture packet using Jpcap but i dont know how to keep the packet captured into database(access).i can save the packet captured in text file but not in database(access).i already had the database conectivity but i don't know how to insert the packet caputred in the table in access, is it using sql statement like INSERT INTO? or else?i realy don't know.can someone help me....?

    i can save the packet captured in to text file but not in database(access).I guess that you wish to get a databse file with your data, not a simple insert sql question.
    1. commercial solution: HXTT Access(, which supports create database, create table sql, and batch insert data from any JDBC driver.
    2. free solution: jdbc-odbc bridge and dsn-less jdbc url, you need to prepare a blank mdb file with blank table, then copy that blank mdb file into new mdb file, then repeat insert sql for that new mdb file.

  • Frequent Database Access through  Java Mapping ?

    I have to implement a Java Mapping Program which will require frequent database Access to compare and read table data from some other  data base .
    What is the most optimum procedure to  implement it ?
    Should i make a jdbc  call every time from the code or should i use EJB(Session beans + Entity beans)...
    or  any other process besides these 2 to acheive maximum performance
    Please Suggest
    Nilesh Taunk.

    Hi Nilesh,
    I would suggest you to use XI DB Lookup API's for accessing Database.  Eventhough it will not give you maximum performance, it will be very easy to change the configuration parameters in JDBC Adapter (No need for hardcoding user id/password/Driver details etc.) and you can refer the same in your  Lookup API's.
    Please refer the link: <a href="/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/08/23/lookup146s-in-xi-made-simpler Weblog</a>

  • How to enable database access from Java or CSharp ?

    I set up an Oracle Express database on my local computer.
    Now I want to connect to this databsee from a CSharp (or Java) program.
    How do I have to specify the connection string?
    The following does NOT work:
    connectionstring = "Data Source=XE;User Id=karl;Password=mypassword";
    connection = new OracleConnection(connectionstring);
    I am getting an error
    "Invalid argument" ORA-12532 error
    How do I have to specify the connection string otherwise ?
    Is the sequence of the parameter Data Source, User Id and Password
    important ?
    How do I get a more detailed error message from Oracle ?
    Do I have to enable the accessibility from outside programs
    in Oracle somewhere ?

    about to the error:
    ORA-12532 TNS:invalid argument
    Cause: An internal function received an invalid parameter. This message is not normally visible to the user.
    Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

  • Database access with Jave Web Start

    Can a java application, that has been deployed by using Java Web Start, access information from a database that's located on the web server from where the application was deployed?

    Yes, if you use the type 4 (ie, thin) driver and include the driver's jar file as part of the app.
    Technically you can do it with a thick driver but then you have first install the driver on the client machine and I assume this isn't what you are looking for,

Maybe you are looking for

  • : java.lang.Exception in 10 g

    after succsfull installation of oracle 10 g when i connect to consol then thi serror comes plz can nay one help me the error is as error : java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: null Regards

  • Why do my playlist delete themselves after playing though the whole list?

    just downloader the most recent Itunes update and after taking a whie to figure out that the shuffle was working i went to sleep with itunes playing. when i woke up itunes had stop playing and deleted the playlist i had playing. im ask why it did thi

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    I have created a badge for AIR application.. It works fine in my url in the server IIS 6 windows server 2005. But when I am using the same in IIS 7 windows server 2008 it stars downloading and fails. I added the .air MIME type in the server. Also whe

  • Blank screen for few seconds then back for a few seconds (loopping)

    I just restarted from a situation where my screen went blank, after few seconds came back, but I cant do anything, then blank again (looping continuously) how can I know whats wrong? This is the 1st time it happens but I am quite worried of hardware

  • Using iphoto without visa/mastercard

    Hi is there any way that you can order books on iphoto without using a visa or mastercard? i only have a **** meastro! many thanks cam