Delivery from Project for the Assembly: sales order item

When I create a sales order lets say for material "A".
And I want to deliver this component from sales order. With Production order.
I have attached the material "A" in Project to an activity with a positive quantity, in MD04 I am unable to see the planned order for that.
Project is released and it has created a order reservation but i am unable to convert it into the Planned order how it can be achieved.
Material is not relevent for the MRP.
Please suggest some solution.

Please run project MRP (MD51), selecting option 3 (planned orders) against create P.req. field under MRP control parameters tab.
Planned orders will be created automatically & u can see in MD04 also.

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    Please read SAP Help for a better under standing...
    I mentioned below a line from SAP help for your info.
    ...... it selects material components, the system takes components into account that have been assigned to either a network or ...... ...
    Please follow the below path to access the help..
    SAP Help Portal >>> Logistics >>>> Project System >>> Material >>>> Delivery from Projects......

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    If the components are Inhouse production then you can think of using collective orders by assigning special procurement key 52. If raw material exists then your requirement cannot be i think your scenario is of assembly processing. The idea of assembly processing is that component materials will always be available and only assembly will be done based on Sale Order.

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    anikaushi wrote:
    > Hi,
    > The delivery is done for this salesorder. Is it because the reason for rejection field is not as an input field when delivery done?
    >  error in return table is " Field 'ABGRU' cannot be changed, VBAPKOM 000010  ready for input"
    > Thanks
    Yes, Most likely.. You can confirm this by trying to change a order without delivery and see if it goes thru (to ensure that you have passed correct parameters)...
    you may have to delete the delivery (and if billing document exist, cancel it), before you can reject the line item... it would be safer to raise an error message and let the users manually delete delivery document as long as you don't have large volumes of this scenario..
    Please see the SDN thread for how you can avoid this error...
    Re: Cancel Sale Order after Issued Billing

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    Anish Parikh
    Edited by: anish parikh on Jan 24, 2008 5:16 AM

    Hi Anish,
    This can be achieved through the roles and authorization.
    This can be done through the basis team. they can create user profiles and roles.
    For the roles they assign some transaction codes so that they can view the only assigned tr. codes.
    Like that ur requirement can be done.
    Also u can prevent the user to change any fields in the sales order screen (VA02). for that please modify the authorisations.
    Hope i answers.
    Reward points if useful.
    Edited by: kaleeswaran bhoopathy on Jan 24, 2008 9:57 AM

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    Hi sunil
    Do the following customization for the Document type RE in VOV8
    1) Immediate delivery  -  X
    2) Lead time in days   -  Blank
    3) Shipping conditions - 10 (immediately)
    Also check the shipping point days (picking time , packing time etc) in shipping point details .As system will consider those days and give the delivery date after considering all those days also

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    I am in a desperate situation and would really appreciate a quick response.
    Thanks very much for your help.

    Hi Shiva Ram,
    Thanks very much for your reply.
    When I change the schedule line category on the items, the overall status on the line item changes to "Open". The credit status of the order will be "not performed".
    If I were to create an advance order with items consuming inventory, it goes through a credit check with the existing configuration.

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    If I want to report on different statuses of an sales order item which extractor you will use.

    Use the following:
    2LIS_11_VASTH for header status and 2LIS_11_VASTI for item status.

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    Dear Saso,
    I think, instead using Report: VA05/ VA05N; its better to use Report: VL10C
    In this report, you will get all the Sales Orders along with Materials - relevant for open delivery, along with Open Qty. and various other options can be selected from "Change Layout - (Ctrlt+F8)".
    Best Regards,
    Note: Don't maintain any Field-Entry (while executing the Report: VL10N; in order to list all Sales Orders. But, if you want to list Sales Orders based upon some criterias, maintain the Field-entries, as reqd.

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    LSMW object: 0090, Method: 0000
    Business Object : BUS2032, Method : CREATEFROMDAT2,
    Jyoti Shankar

    Dear Saso,
    I think, instead using Report: VA05/ VA05N; its better to use Report: VL10C
    In this report, you will get all the Sales Orders along with Materials - relevant for open delivery, along with Open Qty. and various other options can be selected from "Change Layout - (Ctrlt+F8)".
    Best Regards,
    Note: Don't maintain any Field-Entry (while executing the Report: VL10N; in order to list all Sales Orders. But, if you want to list Sales Orders based upon some criterias, maintain the Field-entries, as reqd.

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    Practically it should not allow to do it. How to handle this? please help.

    Dear Pratap,
    Enusre that in OVAK, you have the check credit as D and the credit group as 01.
    The credit check will be either static or dyanmic based on which indicator you are choosing in the transaction OVA8.
    Open order:Orders which are not delivered and relevant for credit check.
    Open delivery: Delivery which is not invoiced and relevant for credit check.
    Open billing doc: Invoice to which accounting document is not genereated yet in the system.
    Open Items: Accounting documents which are due from the customer, and cleared in the system yet.
    These are all the basic definitions to explain the difference between static and dynamic check.
    The difference between the static and dynamic check is as below.
    In case of static check, all the open order, open delivery, open billing document, opn item will be considered during the credit check.
    In case of dynamic check, you will be specifying the HORIZON period which will restrict the open orders to be considered for a certain period.
    That is to say, if you keep the HORIZON as 2 M, then the orders which are due for delivery beyond 2 months will be ignored; remaining open orders, open delivery, open billing document, open itms will be taken into consideration as it is.
    If you don't use the HORIZON period, I would suggest you to activate the indicator STATIC rather than dynamic. Hope this clarifies.
    Please do revert if need any more clarification.
    thank you
    Venkatesh SP

  • 2 deliveries created for the same sales order

    2 Return Del docs & 2 credit notes were created for one return order no.  
    Posted: Apr 17, 2008 5:33 PM       E-mail this message      Reply 
    Dear SAP Support,
    I would like to know why does the system created 2 return deliveries with the same qty for a single return order document no.? One return delivery was created 2 mins earlier than the 2nd return delivery document no. on the same day. After these 2 return deliveries were created, a credit note was also created for each return delivery doc. number. Here is the document flow:
    On Jan. 10, 2008, the Return Order was created
    The Delivery block field is set to 90- (Return block)
    The Billing block field is blank
    On Jan. 14, 2008 @ 12:08:44, the 1st return delivery doc. no. was created. And on the same day also @ 12:10:44, the 2nd delivery doc. was again created.  These 2 deliveries were created by 2 users. 1st delivery is by manual job, the 2nd is by background job processing.  there was a 2 mins. interval for these 2 deliveries.  
    On Jan. 21, 2008 @ 9:47:33, the 1st Credit Return Note was created. And on the same day also @ 9:48:00, the 2nd Credit Return Note was again created.
    In my initial investigation, I found out that there were changes made on the return order document before the 2 return delivery documents were created. Below are the changes that happened:
    On Jan. 14, 2008, @ 9:25:22 hour, the following changes occurred:
    a) Delivery block was changed from 90 - (Return block) to blank
    b) Billing block was changed from blank to 08 - (check credit memo)
    On Jan. 14, 2008, @ 12:08:44, T-Inv Comb field was changed from DC to C
    On Jan. 21, 2008, @ 9:47:20, the Billing Block was changed again from 08 - (check credit memo) to blank
    Will the above changes, contribute to this issue?
    I am also suspecting that the timing on the creation of deliveries via manual job and scheduled background job processig could be the root cause because of the slim time frame between the two job?  
    I hope you can help me get an explanation to this and how this can be avoided.
    Thank you very much in advanced for your help on this matter.
    Hoping to hear from you soon.
    Kind regards,
    Cynthia M. Ondillo
    SAP SD Functional Support

    Hello Jonathan,
    Yes, the  'update document flow' box is ticked and the entry in the 'Pos./negative quantity' field is '+'
      Target delivery type is LR - Returns Delivery    Source sls doc. type is ZRE - Coats Returns Order
      Item category is ZREN - Coats Returns Item
    Since we do not see anything missing in the above setting, can we say that it is a system bug when running manual delivery job close to the time for running the scheduled background job? 
    If it is a system bug, how can this be corrected?

  • While filling up the set uptables ran twice for the same sales order number

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    I ran the set up tables for a sales order number in the morning and then ran again in the evening by mistake so when i see in the rsa3 i can see 2 sales order number.
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    If you load your ODS in overwrite mode, there should not be any problem.

  • Report or table  for the changed sales orders

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      Does anyone know of the standard report with which we can track all the sales orders where the changes have been made in particular date range?
      If not standard report then atleast the table or the structure where the value is stored.
    I know that we can track the orders one by one but I am looking for a list of orders.
    Thanks in advance.

    Try CDHDR for header and CDPOS for items.
    The only trick here is finding the object.
    Reward points if useful
    Amrish Purohit

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    Problem Solved.

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