Displaying Summary Column Values

I have just learned about summary columns in Developer 2000...But I can't complete the task...
I'd like to display the # of records for each value in the status column of my report. I have created the break group with Status column. Then I added a summary column choosing function: "count", source: Status, and reset at: g_status (at the group level).
What should I do next? I'd like to display counts of records (for each status value) in a separate field? How do I filter each status set? Do I need to create a separate summary column for each possible value of status?

Is this what you are trying to achieve?
record_id Status
========= ========
rec01     Active
rec02     Closed
rec03     Pending
rec04     Active
rec05     Closed
rec06     Pending
rec07     Active
rec08     Closed
rec09     Pending
rec10     Active
rec11     Closed
rec12     Pending
rec13     Closed
rec14     Pending
rec15     Closed
Active    4
Closed    6
Peding    5If so, you will need two groups, one for the Status, and another for the records.
Then, create a summary column in the status group of function 'count' and the source = record_id, and reset at g_status.
Then, in your report layout, have a repeating frame with source = status group.
Inside that repeating frame create 2 text items, one for the status text and another for the status summary.

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    As per my understanding...
    You Would like to see this 
    SELECT COALESCE(Salary,0) from Employee;
    Shivaprasad S
    Please mark as answer if helpful

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    Hi Venky,
    How did you create your look up  column? Which column type is the column which your look up column looks for?
    By my test, it is default behavior that the InfoPath form display the value of the lookup column.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
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    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    try this...
    put a summery column outside the quey.
    & take sum of "CS_Total_quantity".
    set its reset at property to "report". & print object on "last page".
    hope this 'll work for u.

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    In general this shouldn't happen. Did you define proper ALIAS'es for the column the summaryitems are based on?

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                             Kindly help me with this.
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 22, 2011 10:47 PM

    Please consider the following when you post a question. This would help us help you better
    1. New features keep coming in every oracle version so please provide Your Oracle DB Version to get the best possible answer.
    You can use the following query and do a copy past of the output.
    select * from v$version 2. This forum has a very good Search Feature. Please use that before posting your question. Because for most of the questions
    that are asked the answer is already there.
    3. We dont know your DB structure or How your Data is. So you need to let us know. The best way would be to give some sample data like this.
    I have the following table called sales
    with sales
          select 1 sales_id, 1 prod_id, 1001 inv_num, 120 qty from dual
          union all
          select 2 sales_id, 1 prod_id, 1002 inv_num, 25 qty from dual
    select *
      from sales 4. Rather than telling what you want in words its more easier when you give your expected output.
    For example in the above sales table, I want to know the total quantity and number of invoice for each product.
    The output should look like this
    Prod_id   sum_qty   count_inv
    1         145       2 5. When ever you get an error message post the entire error message. With the Error Number, The message and the Line number.
    6. Next thing is a very important thing to remember. Please post only well formatted code. Unformatted code is very hard to read.
    Your code format gets lost when you post it in the Oracle Forum. So in order to preserve it you need to
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    The usage of the tag is like this.
    <place your code here>\
    7. If you are posting a *Performance Related Question*. Please read
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       Following those guide will be very helpful.
    8. Please keep in mind that this is a public forum. Here No question is URGENT.
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    wwv_flow.debug('1: ' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(1));
    wwv_flow.debug('2: ' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02(1));
    wwv_flow.debug('3: ' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_F03(1));
    wwv_flow.debug('4: ' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_F04(1));
    wwv_flow.debug('5: ' || APEX_APPLICATION.G_F05(1));
    wwv_flow.debug('*** ENDING MY DEBUG HERE ***');
    With that process in place, whenever I run the page I get an error that says ORA-01403: no data found. When I comment out the five lines that reference APEX_APPLICATION.G_Fxx the page runs, but I cannot see the remaining debug comments UNLESS I place the process to run before or after the Footer.
    I hope that all makes sense.
    So, what am I doing wrong about displaying the contents of the array that is storing the table?

    You can't reference a package variable in a SQL statement like you do in:
    SELECT 'Code: '||apex_application.g_f03(1) F1
    You can only reference it in a PL/SQL block (like you did in a Before/After Footer process). If you try to use the variables before they are instantiated you'll get the no-data-found error.

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    Edited by: Mark T. on Mar 15, 2013 6:13 AM - didn't know I could use the tag                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Try the following :
    give a name to the following formula like @getvalue
    Numbervar x;
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("ANI"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0 and
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Offshore Other"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0 and
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Syntel"), CurrentSummaryIndex)= 0 and
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Employee"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0 and
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Contractor"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0 and
    //(GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Mgt consult"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0 and
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Clerical"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0 and
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Other"), CurrentSummaryIndex) = 0
    x:=(GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("ANI"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Offshore Other"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Syntel"), CurrentSummaryIndex))
    (GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("ANI"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Offshore Other"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Syntel"), CurrentSummaryIndex)+
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Employee"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Contractor"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    //GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Mgt consult"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Clerical"), CurrentSummaryIndex) +
    GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, GetColumnPathIndexOf("Other"), CurrentSummaryIndex)
    ) * 100
    Now create a new formula and check the value of the above formula :
    if {@getvalue} > 50 Then
    Hope this will resove the issue.

  • Problem in displaying multiple column values using Narrative View

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where in I need to display column 1 of an Answers report as a header and all values of column 2 below tht.
    There are multiple values from column 2 for every value in column 1
    Grp (This is column 1)
    Act3 (These are values from column 2)
    I have used narrative view for this which looks like:
    Group: @1
    But this displays the value of column1 along with every value of column 2. I want column 1 value to be displayed only once.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi see this link it may helpful
    Re: Narrative view not showing up in the report
    Re: how to transpose columns to rows in OBIEE

  • Spool ALV not displaying two column value

    In spool ALV is getting displayed. But the output is not printing the value of 2 columns , both are MATNR values. I checked the output table it is fetching the material number but ALV is not displaying it. please help its urgent. The GI material is not getting displayed.

    HI Aparjitha,
    As per the above screenshot I assume there should be only 2 possible cases as said by Jyoti. Apart from that there is no other chance of missing data, especially for couple of columns in the output.
    If you are passing the value at run-time to MATNR and you are able to see that in output, hence your final internal table which you are passing to the ALV is not filled appropriately with MATNR values. May be those values are cleared somewhere.
    It would be better if you could share some piece of your subroutine FIELDCATFILL code. Also place a breakpoint before ALV display and check if the fieldcatalog and the final internal table are having the appropriate values.

  • To display the column value though it is null

    Hi all,
    lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName is having null in this case
    When I execute this query I get zero records returned,the problem lies in lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName :
    select lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName,C.VDealNumber CPRNumber, W.created SubmitDate, lineItems.VLineID LineItemNumber,lineItems.VProduct.Description Product from com.eastman.pricing.CprForm C,com.vendavo.platform.workflow.VWorkflow W where C.objectId=W.VWorkflowEntity.objectId and VID = 'CPR-013005'
    When I execute after removing lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName then the query returns one record:
    select C.VDealNumber CPRNumber, W.created SubmitDate, lineItems.VLineID LineItemNumber,lineItems.VProduct.Description Product from com.eastman.pricing.CprForm C,com.vendavo.platform.workflow.VWorkflow W where C.objectId=W.VWorkflowEntity.objectId and VID = 'CPR-013005'
    One more observation is when I include the column as lineItems.ShipToCustomer i.e after omitting only vname then I get one record returned.ShipToCustomer is a vector field.Anything to do with vector.
    How do I get one row returned even though the lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName is included in the query?
    Thanks in advance

    This query is specific to the project i'm working it is called VQL which mostly follows the SQL standards that is why i'm not able to use nvl() which is not implemented in VQL....
    The problem which i'm facing i have explained below:
    lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName is having null in this case
    When I execute this query I get zero records returned,the problem lies in lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName :
    select lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName,C.VDealNumber CPRNumber, W.created SubmitDate, lineItems.VLineID LineItemNumber,lineItems.VProduct.Description Product from com.eastman.pricing.CprForm C,com.vendavo.platform.workflow.VWorkflow W where C.objectId=W.VWorkflowEntity.objectId and VID = 'CPR-013005'
    When I execute after removing lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName then the query returns one record:
    select C.VDealNumber CPRNumber, W.created SubmitDate, lineItems.VLineID LineItemNumber,lineItems.VProduct.Description Product from com.eastman.pricing.CprForm C,com.vendavo.platform.workflow.VWorkflow W where C.objectId=W.VWorkflowEntity.objectId and VID = 'CPR-013005'
    One more observation is when I include the column as lineItems.ShipToCustomer i.e after omitting only vname then I get one record returned.ShipToCustomer is a vector field.Anything to do with vector.
    How do I get one row returned even though the lineItems.ShipToCustomer.VName is included in the query?

  • How to display a column value with in string?

    Hai all,
    Select name from TAB1;
    output:  JAGAN
    So my requirement is to display these data in string(With in single Quotes) like below.
               ' JAGAN'
               ' SIVA'
    Let me know if it is possible.......
    Thanks in Advance.....
    Jagadekara Reddy

    Like this ,
    SELECT ''''||ENAME||'''' FROM TAB1;

  • How to display item when mouse moves over Column value??

    Hi there
    It would be helpful if you could resolve the following :
    i) I need to display the column 'A' values of my report in a Text field when mouse moves over column B of my report.
    ii) I can able to display the same column value when mouse moves over or onclick happens. but my requirement is something like i have to display the other column value when mouse moves over.
    iii) Also i noticed that, i can able to display the item only on "Display only Item" and not on Text field.
    Any pointers to display my column value in Text field when onclick happens on my report column?
    iv) One more thing that i noticed, i can able to perform onclick or mouse over only on Editable column and not on
    non editable columns.
    Any pointers on how to achieve the same when mouse moves over Non editable column of report?
    Reference: I have created a dummy application (refer the following link), where i can able to display column value Salary on display only item using mouse move Event.
    My requirement: when i click column Ename , the text field should show salary.
    Pswd: apex_demo
    Any pointers on this would be appreciated.

    If you use Jquery then this should do the trick.
    $(document).ready(function() {
       $(".t20Report t20Standard tr").hover(function() {
         $("#P2_SALARY").attr("innerHTML",$(this).find("td:last input").attr("value"));
    after looking at the source of your page it seems that your class for your report region is *class="t20Report t20Standard"* I am not 100% sure but you might have to correct that in the template. I am not sure how the selector will handle the space in the class name.
    Hope this helps,

  • Display Column Value Once

    I am trying to only display a column value one time for a record, not a static value. The value changes and there can be many values. I do not think grouping will work since the Date value is dynamic. I am using Oracle for Toad 10.5. There are 4 records with this test data.
    select Date, Person, Language, Country
    from TableA
    Date            Person  Language   Country
    01/25/2013       James   English
    12/20/2012       James   English
                                         AFWould like to only display
    Date            Person  Language   Country
    01/25/2013       James   English
                                         AFThanks for reading this thread!
    Edited by: Nikki on Jan 7, 2013 1:08 PM

    You can use the analytic ROW_NUMBER function to see if a given row is the 1st row in a group, and only display the person and language columns when it is:
    WITH     got_r_num     AS
         SELECT       dt          -- DATE is not a good column name
         ,       person, language, country
         ,       ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  person
                                      ,          language
                               ORDER BY          dt
                             )  AS r_num
         FROM      table_x
    SELECT       dt
    ,       CASE WHEN r_num = 1 THEN person   END)     AS person
    ,       CASE WHEN r_num = 1 THEN language END)     AS language
    ,       country
    FROM       got_r_num
    ORDER BY  person, language, dt     -- If wanted
    ;Your front end may also have a way to hide those values when you want. The BREAK feature in SQL*Plus does this; I don't know if Toad has anything comparable.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) where the query above produces the wrong results, and also post the right results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

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