Doubt Regarding Statistics Collection in 10g

Me Jr Dba i have a doubt regarding statistics calculation in 10g.As we know that if we set
the initilization parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL=Typical then AOS(Automatic Optimizer staistics) calculate the statistics for the tables, whose blocks are greater then 10% changed from the last calculation.Here my doubt is since already statistics are gathered,
is there any necessity for us to gather the statistics manually by using
DBMS_STATS.GATHER to see the tables or system statistics.
Can u plz assist me on the above

Please see here,
If the table/s are changing very frequently than its better to gather the stats manually.This would lead teh volatile table coming up into the stats job again and again.
For the system stats and data dictionary stats,they are not collected by default.So there is no choice but to gather them manually.

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  • Doubt   regarding   Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( installation

    my pc has following configurtion
    256mb ram
    60gb hdd
    p4 2.4 ghz
    win xp pro sp2
    I want to know if my pc will be able to run " Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( " standard edition on it.
    I thought of increasing RAM, but it is not feasible.
    I know i could run oracle XE, but can my pc also run the standard edition.
    I could not find minimum hardware requirements for standard edition on this site.
    anyway, i will use it for sql and and other advanced concepts in RDBMS which i may learn during my course in database. so i prefer standard edition instead of XE
    any help greatly appreciated
    thanks in advance

    I suggest you not to doubt   regarding   Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( installation.
    It is not necessary. If you don't receive an answer within a reasonable amount of time you could edit your thread with whatever ( a period is enough) to raise it to the top once again.
    It becomes difficult for us to track duplicated threads and unnecessarily duplicates efforts.
    ~ Madrid.


    작성날짜 : 2006-07-21
    이 문서는 10g의 new feature인 자동 통계정보 수집(Automatic Optimizer
    Statistics Collection)에 대한 소개와 기능에 대한 자료이다.
    1. 개요
    Optimizer statistics는 GATHER_STATS_JOB에 의해서 자동으로
    수집된다. 이 JOB은 SYS 소유로서 OBJECT_TYPE이 JOB이다.
    이 JOB은 통계정보가 없거나 stale 상태의 통계정보를 갖는 DB 내의
    모든 OBJECT들에 대한 통계정보들을 수집한다.
    2. 자동 통계정보 수집을 위한 설정과 방식
    2) 통계정보들은 predefined GATHER_STATS_JOB에 의해 수집된다.
    3) JOB이 수행될 때 JOB은 다음과 같은 사항들을 결정한다.
    - missing 또는 stale 상태의 통계정보를 갖는 object를 결정한다.
    - 좋은 통계정보를 생성하기 위해 필요한 적당한 sampling percentage.
    - histogram과 histogram의 사이즈를 요구하는 적절한 column.
    - 통계정보 수집에 대한 parallelism의 degree.
    - 어느 object에 대한 통계정보를 수집할지에 대한 우선순위
    3. GATHER_STATS_JOB에 대한 설명
    이 job은 데이타베이스 생성 시점에 생성되고 스케줄러에 의해 관리된다.
    call함으로써 통계정보를 수집한다.
    procedure와 아주 유사한 형태로 동작한다. 이것과 다른 점은
    GATHER_DATABASE_STATS_JOB_PROC procedure는 통계정보를 수집해야 할
    Object에 대해 우선순위를 두고 순서대로 처리한다. 즉, 가장 많이
    통계정보가 update가 되어야 할 object를 가장 먼저 처리하는 것이다.
    이것은 maintenance window가 close되기 전에 가장 필요한 통계정보가
    먼저 수집되도록 하기 위함이다.
    4. Dictionary Objects에 대한 통계정보
    1) Oracle Database 10g부터 최적의 performance 결과를 얻기 위해 dictionary
    table들에 대한 통계정보도 수집할 수 있다.
    언제라도, DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure를 사용하여
    dictionary table들에 대한 통계정보를 수집하는 것이 가능하다.
    이 때 GATHER_SYS argument는 TRUE로 셋팅되어 있어야 한다.
    2) DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DICTIONARY_STATS라 하는 새로운 procedure도 사용
    하는 것이 가능하다. 이것을 사용하기 위해서는 ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY
    라는 새로운 system privilege가 있어야 한다.
    이 권한은 만약 어떤 user가 SYSDBA 권한이 없는 경우 dictionary object와
    fixed object들을 analyze할 수 있도록 한다.
    argument를 가진다. 이 값은 default로 FALSE로 셋팅된다. 즉, 기본적으로
    fixed table들에 대해서는 통계정보를 생성하지 않도록 한다.
    전형적인 System WorkLoad가 있는 동안에는 fixed table들에 대하여
    한번만 analyze하면 충분하다.
    4) GATHER_FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS라는 procedure를 사용하여 fixed table들에
    대한 통계정보를 모으는 것도 가능하다. 또한 모든 fixed table들에 대하여
    통계정보를 delete하는 것도 가능하고, fixed table에 통계정보를
    export 또는 import하는 것도 가능하다.
    Reference Documents

    Please see here,
    If the table/s are changing very frequently than its better to gather the stats manually.This would lead teh volatile table coming up into the stats job again and again.
    For the system stats and data dictionary stats,they are not collected by default.So there is no choice but to gather them manually.

  • MBRC and SYSTEM STATISTICS in Oracle 10g database.

    Hi All,
    I am performing database upgrade from Oracle 8i Solaris to Oracle 10g HP-UX using exp/imp method.
    But i do have some doubts regarding MBRC and System statistics.
    MBRC in Oracle 10g is automatically adjusted if MBRC parameter is not set, but i found value 128 as shown below.
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> sho parameter multi
    NAME                                 TYPE                             VALUE
    db_file_multiblock_read_count        integer                          128Also i performed one simple full table scan to test it...but db file scattered read is performing on 128 blocks. So i dont think 128 is suitable and is automatic, i mean MBRC is not set accrodingly it always uses 128.
    Does this MBRC value affects whole database performance?
    Regarding SYSTEM STATISTICS i found below result:
    SQL> select * from AUX_STATS$
    SNAME                          PNAME                               PVAL1 PVAL2
    SYSSTATS_INFO                  STATUS                                    COMPLETED
    SYSSTATS_INFO                  DSTART                                    11-09-2009 04:59
    SYSSTATS_INFO                  DSTOP                                     11-09-2009 04:59
    SYSSTATS_INFO                  FLAGS                                   1
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  CPUSPEEDNW                     128.239557
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  IOSEEKTIM                              10
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  IOTFRSPEED                           4096
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  SREADTIM
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  MREADTIM
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  CPUSPEED
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  MBRC
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  MAXTHR
    SYSSTATS_MAIN                  SLAVETHRNow whether NOWORKLOAD or WORKLOAD is better, and this server is still under building how can i collect WORKLOAD stats as high load on this server can't be performed?? Is it really require to gather system statistics, what will happen with NOWORLOAD stats?
    I have not seen single database where system stats are gathered in our organisation having more than 2000 databases.

    Maybe this article written by Tom Kite helps:

  • How stop the automatic statistics collection job after the maintenance wind

    we are for a solution to stop the automatic statistics collection job after the maintenance window finished.
    we disable all jobs except the automatic statistics collection, because this is the only one we want to run. Then we define specific values for the interval and duration parameters of the maintenance window to customize this task.
    But for their systems it is very important that this job/task will immediately stop when the window is closed!!!
    So, how could we ensure this behavior.
    For Oracle 10g it is easy because the statistic job always exists and it is possible to set its duration and create an addtional event based job which kills all jobs that are running over duration.
    In Oracle 11g the statistic job is created by the system during the maintenance window is open.
    We are not able to modify parameters of this system job. After the maintenance window closed the job is already running - only with another resource priority - but it is running.
    Please help me in this scenario

    ?So basically you are saying is if none of the tables are changed then GATHER_STATS_JOB will not run, but i see tables are updated still the job is not running. I did >query dba_scheduler_jobs and the state of the job is true and scheduled. Please see my previous post on the output
    Am i missing anything here, do i look for some parameters settings
    So basically you are saying is if none of the tables are changed then GATHER_STATS_JOB will not run,GATHER_STATS_JOB will run and if there are any table in which there's a 10 percent change in data, it will gather statistics on that table. If no table data have changes less than 10 percent, it will not gather statistics.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to disable automatic statistics collections on tables

    I am using Oracle 10g and we have few tables which are frequently truncated and news rows added to it. Oracle automatically analyzes the table by some means which collects statistics of the table but at the wrong time(when the table is empty). This makes my query to do a full table scan rather using indexes since the statistics was collected when the table was empty.Could any one please let me know how to disable the automatic statistics collection feature of Oracle?
    Anantha PV

    I am using Oracle 10g and we have few tables which
    are frequently truncated and news rows added to it.
    Oracle automatically analyzes the table by some means
    which collects statistics of the table but at the
    wrong time(when the table is empty). This makes my
    query to do a full table scan rather using indexes
    since the statistics was collected when the table was
    empty.Could any one please let me know how to disable
    the automatic statistics collection feature of
    First of all I think it's important that you understand why Oracle collects statistics on these tables: Because it considers the statistics of the object to be missing or stale. So if you just disable the statistics gathering on these tables then you won't have statistics at all or outdated statistics.
    So as said by the previous posts you should gather the statistics manually yourself anyway. If you do so right after loading the data into the truncated table, you don't need to disable the automatic statistics gathering as it only processes objects that are stale or don't have statistics at all.
    If you still think that you need to disable it there are several ways to accomplish it:
    As already mentioned, for particular objects you can lock the statistics using DBMS_STATS.LOCK_TABLE_STATS, or for a complete schema using DBMS_STATS.LOCK_SCHEMA_STATS. Then these statistics won't be touched by the automatic gathering job. You still can gather statistics using the FORCE=>true option of the GATHER__STATS procedures.
    If you want to change the automatic gathering job that it only gathers statistics on objects owned by Oracle (data dictionary, AWR etc.), then you can do so by calling DBMS_STATS.SET_PARAM('AUTOSTATS_TARGET', 'ORACLE'). This is the recommended method.
    If you disable the schedule job as mentioned in the documentation by calling DBMS_SCHEDULER.DISABLE('GATHER_STATS_JOB') then no statistics at all will be gathered automatically, causing your data dictionary statistics to be become stale over time, which could lead to suboptimal performance of queries on the data dictionary.
    All this applies to Oracle 10.2, some of the features mentioned might not be available in Oracle 10.1 (as you haven't mentioned your version of 10g).
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle:

  • Optimizer Statistics collection after upgrade from 8i to 10R2

    I just upgraded database from 8.1.7 to 10R2 .
    What would the best approach for Optimizer Statistics collection. We would like to open database for test , but I afraid some quries going to run slow without latest stats. Should I run it manually or let Oracle run it’s default stats collection job later on.
    Any suggestions?

    You really need a strategy before an upgrade like this, but you have two options -
    a) try to make the 10g stats collection identical to the 8i stats collection. Check the code you used to run, check the 8i default values for the parameters in your current dbms_stats() calls, and write them in explicitly when you run the code under 10g.
    b) do a full 10g conversion. Get rid of your own collection code, clear out most of the old settings you had in your parameter file for fiddling with the optimizer, do a 'gather_schema_stats' then leave 10g to do its default thing and fix any problems that appear.
    If you have testing time on a non-production system, then (b) is the strategic option - although personally I think it tends to collect too many histograms and still needs some refinement; if you don't have any testing time and you're going straight into production then (a) is the least threatening option (and if someone's made you do that, you might also set the optimizer_features_enable to 8.1.7 until you can do some proper upgrade tests).
    Jonathan Lewis

  • CDMC - Activate Statistics Collection

    I have a question related to CDMC Statistics Collection.It is not clear for me, after activate the collection what are the periods to evaluate and period type?
    Please can you clarify?
    Best Regards,

    Hi Zsuzsanna,
    As shown in the screenshot in my first reply it will take input as per the given period and perid type and will fetch usage statistics data for the given time period but to shcedule the same for every three months you need to give inout in the next pop-up screen here you can give input to schedule three different jobs for future as per your requirement, According to the period and period type given these jobs will be scheduled and run in the statistics/production system and will update usage information in the CDMC table in the statistics system.
    According to the given input it will schedule jobs and run in the statistics/produdction system , if you give 1 day then job will run daily and will update and store usage statistics data in the CDMC database table in the statistics system itself and not in Solution manager system.
    This data will only get imported in the solman when you create and execute new Clearing analysis project and execute activities in the same.
    If you are expecting the latest usage results then yes,you need to create new CDMC Clearing Analysis project every time as this usage information will not get updated automatically in the CDMC project.
    Please let me know if you have any doubts.
    Best Regards,

  • How to genrate and check wait statistics in oracle 10g

    Dear all,
    how to genrate and check WAIT STATISTICS in oracle 10g on RHEL4.

    Oracle Kernel keeps track of these statistics. Query v$waitstat for overall system level wait statistics or v$session_wait for individual session wait statistics.

  • Doubt regarding SQL execution

    Hi Friends,
    Am using Oracle 10g DB -
    I have some basic doubts regarding sql query execution by Oracle.
    Say, Am executing a query from a toad/sqlplus session for the first time, it takes 10 secs then 1 sec and so on.
    Same thing happens for every 15 minutes.(Any specific reason for this ??).
    It takes more time when it executes first because of parsing and all those stuff but from then on it picks from the
    shared pool right??.. How long will it be there in Shared Pool does Oracle maintain any specific time period to clear that query from shared pool memory. How does Oracle handle this.
    Another thing is, say, I have a report query, I run this query monthly. What will be the execution time when I run this query each and every month. Will Oracle parse this query everytime I run. How do I improve the performance in this situation (May sound odd :)).

    Say, Am executing a query from a toad/sqlplus session for the first time, it takes 10 secs then 1 sec and so on.
    Same thing happens for every 15 minutes.(Any specific reason for this ??).
    It takes more time when it executes first because of parsing and all those stuff but from then on it picks from the
    shared pool right??.. How long will it be there in Shared Pool does Oracle maintain any specific time period to clear that query from shared pool memory. How does Oracle handle this. Share Pool caches the SQL statement. So when you execute the same SQL for the second time it goes for a soft parse. But this is not the only reason for the query to execute faster the second time. The time difference between a soft parse and hard parse is very minimal. So it really does not matter unless you are executing the same query several number of times.
    The thing that really matters is the Data Buffer Cache. That is the rows that are selected by your query are cached into the Data buffer that is available in the SGA. So for the next time when you run the same query the IO is reduced as the data is available in the memory and you don't have to go to your disk to get the data.
    But the data in Data Buffer is not persistent, meaning it follows the FIFO rule. That is first in first out. When the Data Buffer is full the content of the buffer is removed in the FIFO order.
    Another thing is, say, I have a report query, I run this query monthly. What will be the execution time when I run this query each and every month. Will Oracle parse this query every time I run. How do I improve the performance in this situation (May sound odd :)). Like the Data Buffer the Shared Pool is also maintained in the FIFO order. So if the query is still in the Shared Pool the query will be soft parsed else it will be hard parsed. But its very rare that you will have a query in your Shared Pool for a month.

  • Doubt regarding SHDB transaction

    Hi All,   
                I have a doubt regarding the Process Tab in the application tool bar of SHDB transaction. What is the use of the following check boxes?
    1)       Default Size
    2)       Cont.after commit
    3)      not a batch input session
    4)      END: Not a Batch Input session
    5)      Simulate Background mode

    Basically these are the properties for CALL TRANSACTION using. You need not worry about these unless you really need those.
    1) Default Size: it will set the Default screen size for CALL TRANSACTION USING...
    2) Cont.after commit : it will set indicator that CALL TRANSACTION USING... is not completed by COMMIT. after commit also the process will continue
    3) not a batch input session: sets indicator that present session is not batch input
    4) END: Not a Batch Input session
    5) Simulate Background mode : session will be run in foreground. but similar to back grpund
    you can see the documentation by placing the cursor on these and click f1.

  • I was looking at the "Find my iPhone" app and I have a doubt regarding how it works for the macbook. In order to detect the location, the macbook should remain signed into iCloud. What if the thief logs out of iCloud. Would we able to locate the macbook?

    I was looking at the "Find my iPhone" app and I have a doubt regarding how it works for the macbook. In order to detect the location, the macbook should remain signed into iCloud. What if the person who has stolen my macbook logs out of iCloud.
    It should work fine for iPhone/iPad because we can enable "Restrictions" to prevent the user from signing out of iCloud. Do we have simialr settings for the macbook?

    If it's not on the device list, it indicates that someone has gone to Find My iPhone on and manually deleted it from the device list (as explained here:, and it has not gone back online since (which would cause it to reappear on the device list; Find My iPhone has been turned of in settings on the device; the iClolud account has been deleted from the device; or the entire devices has been erased and restored.
    Unfortunately, there's no other way to track the phone other than through Find My iPhone.  You could call your carrier and see if they would blackliste it so at least the theif couldn't use it.


    HI ,


  • Doubt regarding  ALE SETTINGS in IDOC scenario.

    Hi Friends,
            I have some doubts regarding ALE settings for IDOC scenarios,  can anyone  please clarify my doubts.
    For exmaple take IDOC to FILE scenario
    The knowledge i got from SDN is --
    One need to do at the  R3 side is  --- RFC DESTINATION (SM59)  for the XI system.
                                                       --- TRFC PORT  for sending IDOC  to the  XI system
                                                       --- CREATING LOGICAL SYSTEM
                                                       --- CREATING PARTNER PROFILE 
                   at the XI side is  --- RFC  Destination ( For SAP sender system)
                                           --- CREATING  PORT  for receiving IDOC from the SAP sending system(IDX1).
    1. Do we create two logical systems for both Sender ( R3 system ) and Receiver( XI system ) in R3 system itself or in XI system or in both systems we create these logical systems? Is this a mandatory step in doing ALE configurations?
    In IDOC to IDOC scenario-------
      2.  Do we craete two RFC destinations in XI system? One RFC DESTINATION for the Sender R3 system and another RFC DESTINATION for the Receiver R3 System? and do we create RFC DESTINATION for the XI system in receiver R3 system? If not.....y we don't create like this........Please give me some clarity on this.............
      3.  If we use IDOC adapter ,since IDOC adapter resides on the ABAP STACK ,we don't need sender communication channel ,for the similar reason----
    y we r creating receiver communication channel in the case of FILE to IDOC scenario?
      4. Can any one please provide me the ALE settings for IDOC to FILE scenario,
                                                                                    FILE to IDOC scenario,                                                                               
    IDOC to IDOC scenario individually.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Yes, we create two logical systems for both Sender ( R3 system ) and Receiver( XI system ) in R3 system itself and
    it is a mandatory step in doing ALE configurations
    2. We create 1 RFC destination each in R3 and XI.
        R3 RFC destination points to Xi and
        XI RFC destination  points to R3
    3 We need to create Communication Channel for Idoc receiver as the receiver channel is always required but sender may not be necessary
    4. ALE settings for all IDOC scenarios are same  as follows....
    Steps for ALE settings:-
    Steps for XI
    Step 1)
         Goto SM59.
         Create new RFC destination of type 3(Abap connection).
         Give a suitable name and description.
         Give the Ip address of the R3 system.
         Give the system number.
         Give the gateway host name and gateway service (3300 + system number).
         Go to the logon security tab.
         Give the lang, client, username and password.
         Test connection and remote logon.
    Step 2)
         Goto IDX1.
         Create a new port.
         Give the port name.
         Give the client number for the R3 system.
         Select the created Rfc Destination.
    Step 3)
         Goto IDX2
         Create a new Meta data.
         Give the Idoc type.
         Select the created port.
    Steps for R3.
    Step 1)
         Goto SM59.
         Create new RFC destination of type 3(Abap connection).
         Give a suitable name and description.
         Give the Ip address of the XI system.
         Give the system number.
         Give the gateway host name and gateway service (3300 + system number).
         Go to the logon security tab.
         Give the lang, client, username and password.
         Test connection and remote logon.
    Step 2)
         Goto WE21.
         Create a port under transactional RFC.(R3->XI)
         Designate the RFC destination created in prev step.
    Step 3)
         Goto SALE.
         Basic settings->Logical Systems->Define logical system.
         Create two logical systems(one for XI and the other for R3)
         Basic settings->Logical Systems->Assign logical system.
         Assign the R3 logical system to respective client.
    Step 4)
         Goto WE20.
         Partner type LS.
         Create two partner profile(one for XI the other for R3).
         Give the outbound or inbound message type based on the direction.
    Step 5)
         Goto WE19
         Give the basic type and execute.
         fill in the required fields.
         Goto IDOC->edit control records.
         Give the following values.(Receiver port,partner no.,part type and sender Partner no. and type)
         Click outbound processing.
    Step 6)
         Go to SM58
         if there are any messages then there is some error in execution.
         Goto WE02.
         Check the status of the IDOC.
         Goto WE47.
         TO decode the status code.
    Step 7)
         Not mandatory.
         Goto BD64.
         Click on Create model view.
         Add message type.
    BD87 to check the status of IDOC.
    In case if not authorized then go to the target system and check in SU53, see for the missing object
    and assign it to the user.
    SAP r3
    sm59(status check)(no message)
    WE02(status check)
    WE05(status check)
    BD87(status check)
    IDx5(Idoc check)
    SU53(authorization check)
    Reward points if helpful

  • Doubt Regarding validation of IDOCS

    Hi Gurus,
               I have some doubts regarding IDOCS.
    1. If we are sending a IDOC from XI to R/3, where does we do validations from R/3 side and how do we do that.  Suppose if we are sending a Purchase order IDOC form XI to R/3, how to do validations for that particular IDOC for PO number and some other fields  from R/3 side.
    2. Do we need to do validations in a aABAP Program.
    please clarify me these Questions. Thanks in advance..

    Hi Santhosh,
    If you want to do any validations in ur IDOC,then from XI just push the IDOC,dont post it.
    (ie)Send the IDOC from XI in status 64 :IDoc ready to be transferred to application.
    Once R/3 Received this status then thru your ABAP progream just get this IDOC no: and do the validations then Post the IDOC manually.
    Note:Reward Points if you find useful.

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