Email crash  10.5.7

Recently received a huge email. Every time I open mail to try and delete it, it crashes. I can pick up my mail on my server, and have permanently deleted offending message there. Searched discussions, created new user account. Still crashes. How do I get rid of this offending email so my program won't keep crashing! Many thanks!

HI Faye,
How much free space on the startup disk? Control or right click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop. Click "Get Info". Under the General tab you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there is at least 10% available disk space, 15% is better.
You don't have to open mail in order to delete it. Just right or control click the mail in question and click delete.

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    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
    Date:          4/15/2014 5:47:10 PM
    Event ID:      1309
    Task Category: Web Event
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      CGC-SBS2008.cgclaw.local
    Event code: 3001
    Event message: The request has been aborted.
    Event time: 4/15/2014 5:47:10 PM
    Event time (UTC): 4/16/2014 12:47:10 AM
    Event ID: de0e4dd0fe794e7ca055e3436d6648eb
    Event sequence: 25221
    Event occurrence: 72
    Event detail code: 0
    Application information:
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        Trust level: Full
        Application Virtual Path: /EWS
        Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\exchweb\EWS\
        Machine name: CGC-SBS2008
    Process information:
        Process ID: 7528
        Process name: w3wp.exe
        Account name: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    Exception information:
        Exception type: HttpException
        Exception message: Request timed out.
    Request information:
        Request URL:
        Request path: /EWS/Exchange.asmx
        User host address:
        User: CGCLAW\ScottGrossberg
        Is authenticated: True
        Authentication Type: NTLM
        Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    Thread information:
        Thread ID: 44
        Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
        Is impersonating: False
        Stack trace:
    Custom event details:
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32768">1309</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-04-16T00:47:10.000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>The request has been aborted.</Data>
        <Data>4/15/2014 5:47:10 PM</Data>
        <Data>4/16/2014 12:47:10 AM</Data>
        <Data>C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\exchweb\EWS\</Data>
        <Data>NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM</Data>
        <Data>Request timed out.</Data>
        <Data>NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM</Data>
        <Data>NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM</Data>
    Jay Doyle

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    If you have a major problem with a system installed application, it is best to simply reinstall the entire OS using recovery which will place a new install over what you have. If you want to be 100% sure not to leave any correupt 'leftovers', the only sure way is to erase and reinstall from scratch. You might want to try to figure out why Mail crashed though - how large was the email you were trying to send? To how many people? Have you rebuilt your mailboxes lately - that might help? Depending on your ISP/email provider, most set limits as to the size of an email/attachment and the number of recipients (as well as how many in an hour or day, etc) - these are all measure to not only discourage spam, but to preserve the bandwidth available for everyone.
    PS Could you explain what you mean by "aborated"? I am not familiar with this term.

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    You’re welcome.
    Disabling the junk filter was meant just to identify the problem. It’s clearly not an acceptable solution. If the junk filter is crashing on you, try resetting the junk filter database (Preferences > Junk Mail > Reset) and re-enabling the junk filter. If Mail starts crashing again, proceed as follows to thoroughly get rid of all the files used by the junk filter, so that Mail creates them anew:
    1. If you have a .Mac account and .Mac synchronization of Mail data is enabled either in Mail > Preferences > General or in System Preferences > .Mac, disable it before proceeding.
    2. Quit Mail if it’s running.
    3. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/.
    4. Locate LSMMap2 and move it to the Trash. This file stores information about what does and doesn’t constitute junk, and allows the junk filter to learn. Deleting this file is what Preferences > Junk Mail > Reset does. The file was called LSMMap in early versions of Mail; delete that as well if you see it.
    5. Locate any MessageRules.plist (Mail 2.x) and/or MessageSorting.plist (Mail 1.x) files and move them to the Desktop. This is where Mail stores all the rules, including the rule that governs what the junk filter does.
    6. Locate DefaultCounts and move it to the Trash. This file keeps statistics about the number of messages that have been marked as junk, either automatically by the junk filter or manually by the user.
    7. Look for the account folders. The name of each account folder starts with the account type (POP, IMAP, Mac), followed by the account username and the incoming mail server. Open each of the account folders, locate the Junk.mbox or Junk.imapmbox folder within it, and move it to the Trash if present.
    8. Go to ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/. Locate any Junk.mbox mailboxes there (their name may include the account name in parenthesis), and move them to the Trash.
    Note: Steps 7 and 8 may be unnecessary. Also, messages in Junk mailboxes with an .mbox suffix are stored locally and will be lost forever as a result of doing steps 7 and 8. If there is a chance that you have legit messages there that you want to preserve, either try skipping those steps, or move the messages to another mailbox in Mail first, or move Junk.mbox to the Desktop (to be imported back later) instead of to the Trash. Junk mailboxes with an .imapmbox suffix aren’t a concern because they are stored on the server and Mail would rebuild them automatically.
    9. Open Mail. As a result of removing the rules file, the junk filter will be disabled now. You may want to either shut down the Internet connection before opening Mail or take Mail offline immediately after opening it, to prevent Mail from downloading anything until the junk mail filter has been enabled again.
    10. Go to Mail > Preferences > Junk Mail, enable junk filtering and configure it however you wish. I recommend choosing Automatic mode and leaving all the other options checked.
    11. Go online again if you went offline in step 9.
    12. If the problem is fixed now and .Mac synchronization of Mail data was enabled at the beginning, enable it again, go to System Preferences > .Mac > Advanced, click Reset Sync Data, and choose the appropriate options to reset the Mail data stored on the .Mac server with the data locally stored on the computer, i.e. sync data must flow from the computer to the .Mac server.
    If the above solves the problem and you don’t have any rules you’d like to preserve or recreating them is not a daunting task, the files moved to the Desktop in step 5 can be deleted.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

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    See if anything in this Adobe document helps:
    If not, see if the Windows Event logs have any more info -- Start...Control Panel...Administrative Tools...Event Viewer.  Expand the "Windows Logs" folder in the left panel and look at the "Application" and "System" logs for any item with a red icon and relating to PSE.  Post the error here.

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    It works OK now. Earlier today I received an email with an attached slide show. I downloaded the slide show, watched it, and closed the email. Afterwards I tried to create an email with an attached photo and it worked!
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    Thanks anyway for your help. Jim

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    Will need a bit more detail here.
    Are doing a Photo Mail, or email attachement?
    Are you using the Adobe Email Service, or a client (e.g. Outlook)?
    Is there an error?
    At what point in the creation of the email does it crash?
    Has it worked in the past?
    Has it (does it) work with different files?

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    1. Uninstall/reinstall Acrobat Pro XI. Had deleted anything related to "Adobe" including Flash player and still no avail.
    2. Update the version to 11.0.07 and still the error is there.
    3. Only happens when converting Word 2010 documents. Excel, Outlook and others are fine.
    4. Valid licensed product from Adobe
    5. Tried renaming the "Adobe Elements" folder and does not work at all.
    6. Tried registering ADIST.DLL but encountered error.
    I am running on a Win 7 Pro 64 bit PC and due to this error, when i try using mail merge with a word doc, it also crashes. Anyone can assist on this? Many thanks in advance!

    Crashes with distiller are pretty rare. Fonts can cause distiller to crash. A bad graphic in a file can cause distiller to crash. Maybe a corrupt job options file. Create a simple text file (one page), no graphics. Use the Times New Roman font. Print to Adobe PDF instance. Does the error still happen?

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    This happened ater I update to iOs 7.4

    Close all open apps by double-tapping the home button, then swiping up and off the screen with the app window (not the smaller icon).
    Then reset: hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until you see the apple, then let go. (No data loss)

  • Lightroom 5.3 email crashing problem

    If i try to e-mail from lightroom 5.3 on my windows 7 machine I get the cryptunprotectdata error.  If I select go to email account manager, lightroom crashes.

    Okay, I just figured-out a fix.  DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!
    1.  Close Lightroom.
    2.  Find your Lightroom preferences file named "Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs" which is located in "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences" on Windows 7.
    3.  Make a backup copy of it in case you screw something up.
    4.  Open "Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs" in a good text editor (such as Notepad++) and find all lines that looks something like this (try searching for ""):
    ["pw_pw_com.adobe.lightroom.export.email_AllAccounts_email_accounts"] = "AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAlezZ/P8jyUy/dnidXQPl6AAAAAAIAAAAcABzAHcAAAAQZgAAAAEAACAA AADU4E/WWf42luMfVxsjG4FgXYT2gEY4dky+sIg3YWzaPwAAAAAOgAAAAAIAACAAAAAt9FgiOe/XwrOqOklQ1ispW7 9ilywachqmXjzCVhniT1AAAACgiv+dHU+w+AjM+6bAL8x1HOHuXWkl8JCYn5Y0XpbjkB3bReIHopkECoI8iLEJqsL5 R9lCq0RxPmJ8MT8/Kyc+lWbbmc7D0nL8615r2ta6qUAAAABOn9CQGy9CtQh/lKVrMLUnstQhwbwxQEuVFm89RcJXSk y3tISiBjdp0/pl1ODEehfXAxrH4g8wUYwWyI+xxPoA",
         There should be one line for each email account that you have set up in LR.    
    5.  Delete the entire line, including the trailing comma.
    6.  Save and close "Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs".
    7.  Open Lightroom and *POOF* you should be able to open the email account manager dialog and re-enter your password.  At least, it worked for me. 
    I suspect that what happened is that the "cryptunprotectdata" error is related to an attempt to un-encrypt the email password for one (or more than one) email accounts that are stored in the preferences file.  For some reason, possibly because of a change to the system (in my case a PC crash and complete re-install of the OS and all apps) the decryption process fails and the failure is not properly handled by LR.  By deleting this line (or these lines) from the preferences file, you are essentially removing the stored password credentials and LR will prompt you for them again when you attempt to edit the email account settings.
    Good luck!

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    That is a browser issue and you should be able to fix it, If you can not, then as mentioned, use a different browser.   I like
    If Internet Explorer crashes, stops working, or closes immediately after being opened, you might get an error message about Internet Explorer not working or that it encountered a problem and needs to close. First make sure that you have a good connection to the Internet. If you can't open Internet Explorer or if it opens briefly and then closes, the problem might be caused by low memory, or corrupted or missing system files. Restart your computer to clear the memory and then open Internet Explorer by itself.
    If your Internet connection is good and you've restarted your computer butInternet Explorer is still having problems, try the following:
     Tips for solving problems when Internet Explorercrashes or stops working

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