Erreur d'affichage caractéres Reader et Acrobat

depuis plusieurs moi, j'ai des caractéres qui ne s'affiche pas correctement :
n° s'affiche n!
au lieu d'une apostrophe, j'ai une sorte de rond avec une vague dessus
j'ai le même probléme avec reader XI et acrobat
mon PC a été reinstallé en windows 7 (avant XP) , j'ai toujours le probléme
si quelqu'un connait le probléme

merci pour cette réponse,
voila le type de caractéres intégrés
voila le type de symbole
j'ai le probléme pour des fichiers créés par pdf creator 1.7.1 surlequel j'ai posé une signature electronique, mais aussi sur des fichiers qui m'ont été envoyé (crés par pdfarchitec)
Aprés quelque recherche, je vois que mon reader XI est une version francaise, celui d'un collégue est une version 9 francais et on a le même soucis, et pour un autre c'est une version 9 en anglais et ca fonctionne!!!
est ce que ce probléme de "langue" peux être un probléme ?

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    Voir ci-dessous :
    Merci de l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter

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    J'ai pu reproduire ces deux problèmes sur ma machine. Les caractères accentués sont bien convertis depuis le document InDesign. Malheureusement, les caractères accentués entrés dans les champs du forumulaire sont en effet corrompus.
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    Sélectionner le menu (Outils > Formulaires > Modifier)
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    Merci d'avoir poster ce problème.

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    Ingénieur d'applications
    National Instruments France

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    envuk9$2hg$[email protected]..
    > Hello :)
    > Il faut encoder tes fichiers ou données XML en UTF8
    > Exemple :
    > EKA+ :)
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    OS X Mavericks: Saisir des caractères accentués
    Appuyez sur une touche du clavier (e, par exemple) et maintenez-la enfoncée pour afficher un menu d’accents.Si la touche que vous maintenez enfoncée n’offre aucune possibilité d’accentuation, le menu ne s’affiche pas.
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    Vous pouvez également saisir des caractères accentués en utilisant le Visualiseur de clavier ou le Visualiseur de caractères.

    dans l’app Terminal :
    defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true
    Déconnectez- et réconnectez-vous; avez-vous maintenant le menu des accents ?

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    Merci pour la réponse

    I can understand french, but I think I will be more clear by replying in English.
    You have to create a property node for your graph where you specify the Format&Precision for the X scale. you want to set Format=7 and Precision=0
    Then you have to specify the format string for the X scale. This is also a property node Xscale>>FormatString
    By following the instructions found on the LabVIEW online Help, to obtain this format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MMS AM, you can use the following format string
    <%d>/<%m>/<%Y> <%I>:<%M>:<%S> <%p>
    Then the only thing that is left to implement is to read the date/time values from your excel sheet (using activex Automation), select the X marker you want to write to (use Xscale>>Marker>>selection) and change its text value pas
    sing it the value retrieved from the excel sheet (using Xscale>>Marker>>text)
    Good luck,
    A. Deotto

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    Thank you very much.
    La m�me chose en fran�ais pour la communaut� fran�aise du coin.
    je souhaiterais utiliser des caract�res japonais dans mes applications et applets Java. Y-t-il des classes particuli�res � utiliser? Ou faut-il poss�der la version Japonaise du JDK?

    I do not know whether you need any special class as I have not done this before. However, if I am not mistaken, Java string and char are already in Unicode which indirectly means they can take almost all of the languages characters in this world.
    Check out "".

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    depuis quelques temps, lorsque j'ouvre Bridge, mes photos s'affichent avec un filtre rouge, comment y remédier.  Les polices de caractères sont beaucoup plus grosse que la grosseur demandé.
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    Illustrator CC uses the Pantone Plus series, there is no CMYK definition for the spot colours in these series.
    The CMYK conversion is now based on the CMYK profile in your Color Settings.
    This is a good thing, since most of the Pantone colours cannot be accurately reproduced in CMYK, colour management provides a way to simulate the spot colours as close as possible for your combination of ink, paper and press.
    The CMYK values that were previously given by Pantone were just one way of simulating the spot colours and would give different results when another ink, paper, press combination was used.
    Sometimes the CMYK values from Pantone were completely off and you give a perfect example with the Pantone 1797 U colour.
    Printing that ink on uncoated stock would never give you such a bright saturated red as the Pantone provided CMYK values would suggest
    If you want to have a better preview of the colour, use the Overprint Preview option, that comes closer to the final printed result. The Overprint preview in CC and CS versions give s you an almost identical preview (almost because the Lab values differ slightly).
    There are ways to use the old libraries, but why should you if Pantone itself stopped giving CMYK numbers?

  • PDFs look different in Adobe reader and Acrobat professional compared to the built in PDF viewer on windows 8

    Hi there,
    I have been trying to narrow down an issue we have been having for some time in printing PDF files and finding that they look different on paper compared to screen.  Up until today our big KIP plotter got the blame, but as I have been collecting notes on a little windows 8 tablet I noted that PDFs opened in the windows PDF viewer have the same visual defects as the printouts.  My example today is that on a CAD drawing there is a small box/frame with a number in their, I tried printing and the frame was completely blacked out.  As a test I tried saving the PDF as a TIFF file from Adobe Acrobat professional and this file had the same fault as the printed copy.  When I open it in the windows 8 pdf viewer I can see that there is a shading within this box that does not show on Adobe Reader (latest version, the adobe reader and acrobat pro version both show a white background to the box.  We have been having lots of issues with sections being missing from drawings and overly feint lines.
    I am not sure where to start trying to narrow down why we are getting different results in different PDF readers.  Is there anyone who maybe able to point me in the right direction?  It almost feels like the shading or colour density is not being consistent when PDFs are being opened in different packages.
    Thanks in advance

    Some PDF viewers comply with the PDF ISO Standard (ISO 32000) "just enough" while others (such as Adobe's) fully comply.
    As with anything there's a cost to using anything that comes from a "just enough" approach.
    Be well...

  • Adobe Reader and Acrobat Pro updates for 11.0.10 being pushed out through SolarWinds Patch Manager are not being recognized as applicable.

    I am trying to update our Adobe Reader and Acrobat Pro to 11.0.10 using the default MSP packages with SolarWinds Patch Manager.  All of the systems keep reporting as 'NOT APPLICABLE'.  All of the workstations have Reader11.0.09, with about 10% still on 11.0.08 (due to the fact that the reader 11.0.09 package only patched about 2/3 of the systems).  All systems that have Acrobat Pro are 11.0.09.
    In SolarWinds I am using the "Adobe Systems, Inc. Packages" node.
    Adobe Systems Acrobat 11 Catalog
    Adobe Systems Reader 11 Catalog
    and the SW Patch Manager downloads the msp's straight from Adobe.
    I have checked the msp's manually and they will update at least back to 11.0.07 in Reader, and 11.0.0 in Acrobat Pro. (I had an old stand alone system that still had Reader 11.0.07, and I did a new install of Pro and went straight to update 11.0.10)
    The SolarWinds Tech said, "Okay. That content is produced by Adobe. Any questions concerning applicability logic or diagnosing why a package reports as NotApplicable when that's not expected would need to be directed to Adobe, as they are solely responsible for that content and its behavior".
    I am new to SolarWinds Patch Manager, and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    It sounds like you are attempting to use the SCUP catalogs outside of the MS solution.  I can almost guarantee you that Adobe didn't test it if it's not referenced in the ETK:  11   SCCM-SCUP — Enterprise Administration Guide
    That being said there "should" be logging available in any deployment solution.   Since I am not familiar with Solar-Winds particular solution I can't say if it logs errors and how verbose those logs might be.    If you have logs then post the output and the forum members "might" be able to assist you.

  • While Installing adobe reader and acrobat im getting error 1406 this error. I had already tried every possible step including special permission in registry file. Please help..

    While Installing adobe reader and acrobat im getting error 1406 this error. I had already tried every possible step including special permission in registry file. Please help..

    What is your operating system?  Is there anything else beside the number 1406?

  • How does the Reader or Acrobat determine which plug-ins should be loaded

    I have a custom plug-in for Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
    The custom plug-in api file will be available in the plugins folder for all users.
    But I want the plug-in to load for few users only.
    Is there any registry key or any other property available to achieve this?
    How does the Reader or Acrobat determine which plug-ins should be loaded?

    Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat looks for files with extension .api in the plugins folder.

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    Is it that the Adobe apps are somehow set to default to CMYK?  i can't find anywhere in the Preferences that gives this choice.  But why would the PDF look different from Pages/Preview?

    This looks interesting fane–j.  I'm looking at Acrobat Pro's prefs right now.  Lots of choices.  Riight at the top it says Settings: Color Management Off
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Maybe you are looking for

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