Exchange 2013 Untrusted Cross-Forest Availability Intermittently Working

I’m attempting to configure cross-forest availability for Exchange 2013 using the instructions here:
At the very bottom of the page are three different methods.  I have tried the first (per-user) and the third (untrusted) methods, with identical results.  For various unfortunate reasons, I am unable to use the Microsoft Federated Gateway for availability
information (although that is configured in the production domain and I would use it if it were possible). 
When attempting to view availability information in either OWA or Outlook, the free/busy information typically isn’t visible.  If you open and close Outlook a few times, creating meetings with the users in other domains, sometimes the other user’s information
will be visible, and sometimes it will not.  When it is not, the area is filled with diagonal lines and hovering over it says “No Information”.  The situation is the same in both Adatum trying to access Contoso, and in Contoso trying to access either
Adatum or Fabrikam.
I’m currently close to finishing up my third week with Microsoft Support on this issue, and am starting over with a third first level support person.  They are quickly eroding what little confidence I had in them already.  I’m posting here because
I’m desperate, and web searches for my errors turn up zero results.  I fear this method of availability sharing doesn’t actually work correctly in Exchange 2013 as Microsoft is pushing organizations to use the Microsoft Federated Gateway, but I’d love
to heave about anyone getting this to work, or not.
There are three separate domains I am working with (names changed to protect the innocent).  Contoso.local is the production domain, containing Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2013 SP1 servers.  Adatum.local is a test domain set up fresh with Exchange
2013 SP1. is a remote Exchange system that I others are connecting to without issue using Exchange 2010.
The Contoso and Adatum domain controllers are running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and are running at a 2008 R2 functional levels.  The Exchange 2013 servers are all at SP1 (results were the same prior to SP1), and the OS is Windows Server 2012. 
Contoso has two sites, connected via 10Gbps links, and ~10ms latency, with Exchange 2013 CAS and mailbox servers in both sites.  Adatum has a single site, and has two CAS and two mailbox servers.  Fabrikam has one internet facing server to connect
to.  A handful of contacts have been created in both Contoso and Adatum for the other domains, to select to view availability.
Contoso and Adatum domains sit on different subnets, but there is no firewall or filtering between their subnets.  Routing between them is completely unimpeded.  The Fabrikam server sits on another network across the internet, but firewalls have
been configured and I can browse the availability website from the Contoso CAS servers.
The CAS servers were originally set up to be load balanced, but working with Microsoft they’ve had me specify a single CAS server for autodiscover/EWS/ECP/OWA/etc in both Contoso and Adatum.  The number of actual users on Exchange 2013 in Contoso is
~10.  In Adatum, there are only a handful of mailboxes configured.  The Exchange 2007 servers in Contoso are using Public Folders for free/busy replication for other domains right now, and we don’t care at the moment if they can use the 2013 availability. 
None of our testing/configurations have involved the Exchange 2007 servers.  There are no SPNs configured for the other domains in AD.
There are three basic errors that are returned in Outlook diagnostics.  The first is the timeout error.  For a given mailbox server, the first time it is queried for availability information for a remote domain (after some amount of time of being
idle) it might not respond for 70 seconds (actually somewhere between 69 and 70 seconds each time when viewing the IIS logs), and eventually fails with the timeout error.  If it doesn’t timeout, then it will respond with the Correct Response.
Once a particular mailbox server has timed out, it will typically immediately return the first Availability Error for all subsequent calls.  Less frequently, it will return Availability Error 2.  If a mailbox server returns the first Availability
Error, then it will continue to return that error until it times out again or starts working.  Similarly, if a mailbox server returns the second Availability Error, then it will continue to return that error until it times out again or starts working.
If an IISRESET is performed on a mailbox server, then it will either timeout at the next cross-forest availability request, or work.  There is never an issue accessing availability information for users in the same domain as the request.
If the remote Exchange is in an errored state, then the response includes the error.  For example, if the mailbox servers in the remote domain are turned off, and the local mailbox server that you are querying happens to be responding correctly
for the remote domain, then it will return an error about how no mailbox servers are available in adatum.local to service the request.
There are no Event Log errors that correspond to failed requests of any type.  IIS logs don’t show anything beyond what is shown in the Outlook diagnostics.  There are no DNS or Active Directory Replication errors in the Event Logs.
Timeout error:
CalendarEvents       : {}
ViewType             : None
MergedFreeBusyStatus : {}
WorkingHours         :
Result               : Error
ErrorCode            : ErrorTimeoutExpired
ErrorMessage         : Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.TimeoutExpiredException: Request could not be processed in time. Timeout occurred during 'LookupRecipientsBatchBegin'.
                       . Name of the server where exception originated: Mailbox01
ErrorDetails         : {}
ErrorProperties      : {}
Availability Error:
CalendarEvents       : {}
ViewType             : None
MergedFreeBusyStatus : {}
WorkingHours         :
Result               : Error
ErrorCode            : ErrorProxyRequestProcessingFailed
ErrorMessage         : Unable to send cross-forest request for mailbox <Free BusyTest>SMTP:[email protected] because of invalid configuration., inner exception: Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.AutoDiscoverFailedException:
AvailabilityAddressSpace 'adatum.local' couldn't be used because the Autodiscover endpoint couldn't be discovered.
                       . Name of the server where exception originated: Mailbox01
ErrorDetails         : {}
ErrorProperties      : {}
Availability Error 2:
CalendarEvents       : {}
ViewType             : None
MergedFreeBusyStatus : {}
WorkingHours         :
Result               : Error
ErrorCode            : ErrorProxyRequestProcessingFailed
ErrorMessage         : Unable to send cross-forest request for mailbox <Free BusyTest>SMTP:[email protected] because of invalid configuration., inner exception: Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.AddressSpaceNotFoundException:
Configuration information for forest/domain could not be found in Active Directory.
                          at Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.TargetForestConfigurationCache.FindByDomain(OrganizationId
organizationId, String domainName)
                          at Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.QueryGenerator.GetTargetForestConfiguration(EmailAddress
                       . Name of the server where exception originated: Mailbox02
ErrorDetails         : {}
ErrorProperties      : {}
CalendarEvents       : {Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.CalendarEvent}
ViewType             : FreeBusyMerged
MergedFreeBusyStatus : {Free, Free, Free, Free...}
WorkingHours         : Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WorkingHours
Result               : Success
ErrorCode            : NoError
ErrorMessage         :
ErrorDetails         : {}
ErrorProperties      : {}
Start : 04/09/2014 00:00:00
End : 04/12/2014 00:00:00
Subject :
Location :
Testing Methodologies:
While it is possible to dig through Outlook diagnostics and OWA, we ended up scripting out these requests to save time.  Microsoft support refuses to use the scripts, but they produce the same output that it takes them days to find in the logs, so I’ll
post them here to help anyone in the future.
Through reading the documentation and experimenting, it appears that the Exchange 2013 CAS servers really do just proxy availability requests from the client to the mailbox servers.  At least by default, it seems to pick a mailbox server in the same
site, but which mailbox server in the site appears to be random.  It will typically pick the same one repeatedly for a while.
The first script uses the Microsoft Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.1.
You specify a source email address, and a target address in the remote domain, and it creates a SOAP request that it sends to a CAS server of the source email address.  The CAS proxies the request to the mailbox server which either responds with a failure
or the free/busy data.
The second script takes the XML SOAP request generated by the first script, and uses that to query a mailbox server directly.  That allows you to test specific mailbox servers that are working or failing, instead of randomly using whichever mailbox
server the CAS happens to select.  I generated a SOAP request with the first script that I knew had some data, and then copy/pasted it into the second script to verify if data was being returned.
I’ve deleted and recreated the availability address spaces in Contoso and Adatum for each other and Fabrikam multiple times.  I’ve reset the password in the OrgWideAccount in both Adatum and Contoso, and viewed the lastBadPassword attribute in both
ADs to verify it wasn’t failing authentication.  (A failed authentication also generates a 401 error that is returned to the client.)  I can access the availability site of the other domain using the credentials of the OrgWideAccount without any
errors ever.
First Script:
# Import the Exchange Web Services module
Import-Module -Name "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.1\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll"
# Create the services object used to connect to Exchange
# You can specify a specific Exchange version, which I had to do to connect to 2007
# Exchange2007_SP1
# Exchange2010
# Exchange2010_SP1
# Exchange2010_SP2
# Exchange2013
# $ExchangeVersion = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2007_SP1
# $Service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService($ExchangeVersion)
$Service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService
$Service.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
# Specify an SMTP address. The autodiscover URL from the associated mailbox will be used to connect to Exchange
# This is used to distinguish resolving from the 2007 server versus 2013
#$Service.AutodiscoverUrl("[email protected]") # For Exchange 2007
$Service.AutodiscoverUrl("[email protected]") # For Exchange 2013
# Increase the amount output at the end to include the SOAP commands
$Service.TraceEnabled = $true
# Specify time frame to get free/busy for
$StartTime = [DateTime]::Parse([DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 0:00"))
$EndTime = $StartTime.AddDays(7)
# Create the various objects needed to perform the EWS request
$drDuration = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.TimeWindow($StartTime,$EndTime)
$AvailabilityOptions = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.AvailabilityOptions
$AvailabilityOptions.RequestedFreeBusyView = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FreeBusyViewType]::DetailedMerged
$Attendeesbatch = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.AttendeeInfo]"
$attendee = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.AttendeeInfo($userSMTPAddress)
# Specify SMTP addresses of accounts to request availability for
#$Attendeesbatch.Add("[email protected]")
$Attendeesbatch.Add("[email protected]")
#$Attendeesbatch.Add("[email protected]")
#$Attendeesbatch.Add("[email protected]")
# Clear out old results so that a failed request doesn't show information still
$availresponse = ""
# Request the availability information from Exchange
$availresponse = $service.GetUserAvailability($Attendeesbatch,$drDuration,[Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.AvailabilityData]::FreeBusy,$AvailabilityOptions)
# Show summary information that would include errors
# Show all of the appointments in the requested time period
foreach($avail in $availresponse.AttendeesAvailability){
foreach($cvtEnt in $avail.CalendarEvents){
"Start : " + $cvtEnt.StartTime
"End : " + $cvtEnt.EndTime
"Subject : " + $cvtEnt.Details.Subject
"Location : " + $cvtEnt.Details.Location
Second Script:
# Change the server in this URL to specify which mailbox server to access
$url = 'https://mailbox01.contoso.local:444/EWS/Exchange.asmx'
# Uncomment the below lines if you want to query EWS using credentials other than
# the ones used to run the script.
#If(!(Test-Path variable:global:cred))
# $cred = Get-Credential
function Execute-SOAPRequest
[Xml] $SOAPRequest,
[String] $URL
write-host "Sending SOAP Request To Server: $URL"
$soapWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($URL)
# These appear to be the only things needed in the headers when making the request
$soapWebRequest.ContentType = 'text/xml;charset="utf-8"'
$soapWebRequest.Accept = "text/xml"
$soapWebRequest.Method = "POST"
If(Test-Path variable:global:cred)
$soapWebRequest.Credentials = $cred
$soapWebRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
write-host "Initiating Send."
$requestStream = $soapWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
write-host "Send Complete, Waiting For Response."
$resp = $soapWebRequest.GetResponse()
$responseStream = $resp.GetResponseStream()
$soapReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]($responseStream)
$ReturnXml = [Xml] $soapReader.ReadToEnd()
write-host "Response Received."
return $ReturnXml
# The specing and line returns in the below variable are important for some reason
# For example, there must be a line return after the @' on the first line, or it's invalid...
# Change the line with this:
# <t:Address>[email protected]</t:Address>
# to the email address in the domain you want to query
$soap = [xml]@'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:soap="">
<t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2013_SP1" />
<t:TimeZoneDefinition Name="(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US &amp; Canada)" Id="Central Standard Time">
<t:Period Bias="P0DT6H0M0.0S" Name="Standard" Id="Std" />
<t:Period Bias="P0DT5H0M0.0S" Name="Daylight" Id="Dlt/1" />
<t:Period Bias="P0DT5H0M0.0S" Name="Daylight" Id="Dlt/2007" />
<t:TransitionsGroup Id="0">
<t:To Kind="Period">Dlt/1</t:To>
<t:To Kind="Period">Std</t:To>
<t:TransitionsGroup Id="1">
<t:To Kind="Period">Dlt/2007</t:To>
<t:To Kind="Period">Std</t:To>
<t:To Kind="Group">0</t:To>
<t:To Kind="Group">1</t:To>
<t:Address>[email protected]</t:Address>
$ret = Execute-SOAPRequest $soap $url
# Uncomment out one of the below two lines to get output in different alternative formats
#$ret | Export-Clixml c:\temp\1.xml;Get-Content c:\temp\1.xml
# If the request is successful, show the appointments, otherwise show the failure message
If ($ret.Envelope.Body.GetUserAvailabilityResponse.FreeBusyResponseArray.FreeBusyResponse.ResponseMessage.ResponseClass -eq 'Success')

In this case, the SMTP domain is the same as the AD domain.  If the wrong domain were configured then the connection would never work, as opposed to sometimes work.
RunspaceId            : abb30c12-c578-4770-987f-41fe6206a463
ForestName            : adatum.local
UserName              : adatum\availtest
UseServiceAccount     : False
AccessMethod          : OrgWideFB
ProxyUrl              :
TargetAutodiscoverEpr :
ParentPathId          : CN=Availability Configuration
AdminDisplayName      :
ExchangeVersion       : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                  : adatum.local
DistinguishedName     : CN=adatum.local,CN=Availability Configuration,CN=Wayport,CN=Microsoft
Identity              : adatum.local
Guid                  : 3e0ebc2c-0ebc-4be8-83d2-077746180d66
ObjectCategory        : contoso.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Availability-Address-Space
ObjectClass           : {top, msExchAvailabilityAddressSpace}
WhenChanged           : 4/15/2014 12:33:53 PM
WhenCreated           : 4/15/2014 12:33:35 PM
WhenChangedUTC        : 4/15/2014 5:33:53 PM
WhenCreatedUTC        : 4/15/2014 5:33:35 PM
OrganizationId        :
OriginatingServer     : dc01.contoso.local
IsValid               : True
ObjectState           : Unchanged

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    The page you're looking for couldn't be found on the server.
    X-FEServer: JVBMAIL01
    Date: 11-6-2014 11:54:48
    Fewer details..
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    From your description, I would like to verify the following thing for troubleshooting:
    Please make sure that the authentication is set to Basic Authentication and Forms Authentication is disabled on OWA and ECP virtual directly in IIS. After the above settings, please restart IIS by running IISReset /noforce command.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    If a CAS role server is down or unable to service clients, you have to remove it from  DNS round-robin consideration manually. There is no health check with DNS round-robin unlike a true load balancer.
    Also, I would set the TTL to a low value for the CAS servers in the round-robin.
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

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    In the error event, 5.4.6 means "Routing loop detected" (RFC1893).
    This issue occurs if the source Exchange organization is authoritative for the target domain. Because the source Exchange organization is responsible for mail delivery to target, the categorizer tries to find locally a recipient for
    that message. The categorizer does not succeed, and then you receive the NDR.
    More details in the following KB:
    You receive an NDR with a 5.4.6 status code when you send a message to a specific domain in Exchange
    Hope it is the solution.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can use New-MoveRequest to perform a cross-forest move. Here is a well post and step-wise explanation you can check for cross forest migration from exchange 2010 to exchange 2013(
    Moreover, you can try this utility ( ) to accomplish this task.

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    thank you for your help in advance

    okay, you can use 4 virtual servers. But there is no need to deploy dedicated server roles (CAS + MBX). It is better to deploy multi-role Exchange servers, also virtual! You could install 2 multi-role servers and if the company growths, install another multi-role,
    and so on. It's much more simpler, better and less expensive.
    CAS-Array is only an Active Directory object, nothing more. The load balancer controls the sessions on which CAS the user will terminate. You can read more at Also there is no session affinity required.
    First, build the complete Exchange 2013 architecture. High availability for your data is a DAG and for your CAS you use a load balancer.
    On channel 9 there is many stuff from MEC:
    Additional informations:
    Hope this helps :-)

  • Exchange 2013 disconnects externally after every hour but works fine internally

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    Has any one faced this issue, please help, i was thinking that something wrong with my firewall as i was not even able to connect to my ssl vpn so i thought that firewall is culprit, but i have replaced the firewall as well and still the same issue.
    Please help, i am trying to troubleshoot this problem since last 10 days but with no luck.
    Thank You. 

    Have you checked the network settings? Do you have multiple network adapters? May be DNS related also. Check, if you have configured DNS correctly.  
    Regards from|Windows Administrator Area | Skype:[email protected]

  • Calendar permission for cross-forest users

    How can I grant mailbox folder like doctor's Outlook 2010 calendar to a cross-forest user like a receptionist. 
    The reception accepts and manages all booking for about 10 doctors and they used to work perfectly.  When reception complained that she started seeing Busy status for say 3 out of 10 doctors, I noticed the other 7 working calendars have DomainB\Reception
    explicitly added on the Calendar permission while the 3 faulty ones don't.
    When I tried:
    Add-mailboxfolderpermission -Id 'DomainADoctor1:\calendar' -user 'DomainB\Reception' -accessrights editor
    I simply get the error "The user "DomainB\Reception" is either not valid SMTP address, or there is no matching information."
    Obviously, the cross-forest permission still works but I cannot make the powershell command to work.  I have also tried the ExFolder utility to no avail.  The old Exch admin has left the company.  We use Exchange 2010 SP2
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Just to add more info, the reception mailbox is hosted on DomainA and it is linked to an external account DomainB\Reception. 
    Alternatively, I tried:
    Add-mailboxfolderpermission -Id 'DomainADoctor1:\calendar' -user 'Reception @' -accessrights editor
    and the command works fine but when the Reception checks the calendar on both Outlook and OWA, she only sees "Busy" on each existing appointments and cannot add new. 
    For those calendars that work, the Editor permission shows "NT User: DomainB" while those that won't shows DomainB mailbox.
    Appreciate any help on this.

  • Exchange 2013 setup

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    And have hosted solution (
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    My plan is to migrate and add in accepted domain. Please suggest if this can be achieved by doing so and if yes, what other changes i need to plan as i want to have the same email address domain ( having the virtual directories by the same
    name (
    Please provide yours inputs.

    Thank you for your question.
    By my understanding, you want to use Exchange 2013 with domain to replace domain xyz, right? If I misunderstand, please be free to let me know.
    If that, we could refer to the following links to migrate Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013 by crossing domains:
    But we suggest you install Exchange 2010 in domain, then we perform cross domain migration from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010, then migrate to Exchange 2013.
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2007 - Exchange 2013 Mailbox Migration Issues

    Exchange 2013 -  Mail Flow is working.   OWA Access is great.   We have issues connecting Outlook 2010 Clients.  If I create a new user and mailbox Outlook 2010 works fine.   However, if we migrate a user's mailbox to the new Exchange
    2013 server.  Outlook Web (OWA) works and mail flow but "OUTLOOK 2010 can not connect to the new server"  There is something different about a newly created account and a migrated account.  Any help would be great.   I did check
    inheritance in AD and it was on for these accounts.  This occurs with any account migrated to the new server.

    1. Could you double check your Exchange 2007 Internal Autodiscover URI - it should be pointing to Exchange 2013. All clients should be receiving their autodiscover config from the Exchange 2013 server. Based on the client's mailbox location, Exchange 2013
    generates and provides the correct information.
    2. If the autodiscover URI is "" and you've configured Split-Brain DNS or Pin-Point DNS zones on the local network, make sure the name is resolved to Exchange 2013 internal IP address.
    Step by Step Screencasts and Video Tutorials

  • Exchange 2013 CAS incorrectly proxying after mailbox move to Exchange 2013

    I am moving Exchange 2010 mailboxes to Exchange 2013 SP1 in production. When I move 2010 mailbox Outlook, OWA works fine right after the move but ActiveSync (HTTPProxy log shows
    on CAS 2013 server that it is still re-directing it to Exchange 2010 CAS servers). Exchange 2013 CAS server ActiveSync takes hours before it starts to see that mailbox is moved to Exchange 2013. I am certain it is not ActiveDirectory replication since all
    other clients are working.
    This time I move another user this time it did not work for 3.5hrs.  I had to reboot Exchange 2013 CAS server after that it worked.
    There is must be something that is not refreshing on Exchange 2013 CAS server.  
    Is there anything I can do right after the move to make it quick, I can not re-start server after every mailbox move.  Currently we are in Pilot mode and only moving few
    mailboxes at a time.

    I am moving Exchange 2010 mailboxes to Exchange 2013 SP1 in production. When I move 2010 mailbox Outlook, OWA works fine right after the move but ActiveSync (HTTPProxy log shows
    on CAS 2013 server that it is still re-directing it to Exchange 2010 CAS servers). Exchange 2013 CAS server ActiveSync takes hours before it starts to see that mailbox is moved to Exchange 2013. I am certain it is not ActiveDirectory replication since all
    other clients are working.
    This time I move another user this time it did not work for 3.5hrs.  I had to reboot Exchange 2013 CAS server after that it worked.
    There is must be something that is not refreshing on Exchange 2013 CAS server.  
    Is there anything I can do right after the move to make it quick, I can not re-start server after every mailbox move.  Currently we are in Pilot mode and only moving few
    mailboxes at a time.
    Does simply recycling the ActiveSync app pool speed things up?
    Also, I would recommend installing CU6 instead of SP1.
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

  • Error 550 5.7.1 unable to relay with SMTP PORT 25 Exchange 2013

    Hi All,
    I know this issue has been posted for a while, but still can't resolved issue. We've new Exchange 2013 SP1 (CU4) installation, everything is working properly, the OWA, Exchange Client Connection, SMTP/POP with SSL, except with SMTP Using Port 25 Non-Encrypted
    If I'm using the SMTP Port 25 without TICK "My Outgoing Server (SMTP) Requires authentication", I've got the error: "550 5.7.1 Unable to relay", but if I TICK the option above, my message will be deliver without any error, how do i get
    rid this problem, I need to UN-TICK the option above for the time being, since we've hundreds email account, I want to avoid to educate and tell the user and even remote their PC, just to configure this issue, it will drive me crazy, we're going to use the
    Exchange Client Connection in the future, If everything is smooth and ok.
    I research this problem on the Internet and of course with TECHNET, but still can't, anyone can help me on this?
    fyi, I tried so many things, delete the default the Default Front End Transport for Port 25, it also not fix my issue.

    You can paste the output of below result
    Get-receiveconnector | fl name,bindings,PermissionGroups
    I think your default receive connector should be missing out some permissions.
    Also try to see if you get any message on protocol logs and paste them too
    Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts on Thanks Sathish

  • Update from Exchange 2013 Cu2 to SP1 - Outlook 2010 with SP2 clients disconnected

    we recently upgraded a standalone Exchange 2013 Server to SP1. Owa works fine, but all internal Outlook 2010 Clients (with SP2) get disconnected. Creating a new Profile, and testing the internal autodiscovery leeds to an Error 12030 (Connection reset) during
    the discovery process.
    I already checked the Service Point, the discovery URLs, even recreated the autodiscover virtual Directory in iis. But nothing changed.
    The self signed certificate, that was used before the update is further used, and well known to all Clients. As I tested, OWA is working well everywhere.
    Anyone some new ideas?
    Best regards

    How did you recreate outlook profile? Manually or Automatic?
    If automatic failed, please try to recreate manually and check the result.
    If manual failed, please refer to the following methods to troubleshoot the issue:
    1>Try to open the following link and check the result:
    2>Try to use RCA to test outlook autodiscover and check the result.
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Internal CA - Cross Forest Enrollment

    I'm trying to get cross-forest certificate enrollment working. My resource forest is built on Serer 2012 R2, and my accounts forest is built on Server 2008 R2.
    I have s simple setup with an offline Root CA, and an Enterprise subordinate CA.
    I have followed the steps in this article:
    While it seems to be mostly working, I'm getting many failed requests on the Enterprise CA. Each domain controller in the accounts forest is trying to enroll a certificate every 8 hours.
    with the error:
    The permissions on the certificate template do not allow the current user to enroll for this type of certificate. 0x80094012 (-2146877422 CERTCRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIED)
    If I right click the failure and try to issue it, the error changes to:
    Configuration informaiton could not be read from the domain controller, either because the machine is unavailable, or access has been denied. 0x80070547 (WIN32: 1351 ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO)
    The domain controller gets errors 13 and 6 in the event log.
    I have noticed that error 13 in the event log refers to the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account (the SID is listed in the details tab).
    Is there special permissions I need to apply to get this working? Any ideas on what I need to do?
    Sorry, I do not have a great deal of experience in Certificate Services yet.
    Thankyou for your help

    In a cross forest enrollment issue, there are a few possibilities on what you have missed in your configuration.
    1) As Amy stated, did you configure permissions on the certificate template to include global/universal groups from the remote forest (and assign the group the minimum of Read and Enroll permissions)
    2) Did you enable LDAP referrals on the issuing CA so that Kerberos will allow authentication of a security principal from the remote forest.
    3) Did you replicate the certificate templates, OIDs, and Enrollment services containers fully (and successfully) from the CA forest to the remote forest.
    4) Did you validate that a two-way,  bi-directional, cross-forest trust exists between the two forests.

Maybe you are looking for


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