External DVD Burners ?

My first post so please be patient!!! I have an Imac with ComboDrive and am looking to buy an external DVD drive to burn a couple of projects I'm working on in IMovie. Could anyone please offer any recommendations ? Also will I still be able to burn from IDVD using an external DVD writer or is there a way to upgrade my existing drive to Super drive ? Probably silly questions but I'm new at this!!!

Hi, and welcome to Apple Discussions.
You can upgrade to a Superdrive, but simply adding an external drive is much easier, and probably less expensive (no labor). You also don't have to be without the computer till 'they get to it' and you avoid the worry of packing up & transporting the computer.
Garyjr is right, there are many drives that will do fine with the iMac; I got the LaCie d2 for actually a bit less than the cost of an internal Superdrive (without even counting labor), and have been happy with it.
The only really silly question is the one not asked which would have saved unnecessary trouble/expense/unhappiness, just for the asking!

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    Hello Dave,
    iDVD 5 does not natively support external burners. What you have discovered concerning the creation of disk images, though, is not simply a workaround, but a widely recommended procedure, as it greatly reduces the risk of burn errors.
    hope this helps

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    so the battery is not there to prevent overload of the USB port,
    I doubt it, though having a functioning battery may do so
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    Perhaps the drive could power headphones so you could listen to music, but the battery is there to provide additional life when you aren't plugged in. If your MBP normally gets 4 hours of life from a full charge, add that bus powered burner and it will drop - bigtime I'd expect. The extra battery in the device gives you a bit longer life.

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    That's the beauty of it. No drivers required when you make your own. The OS already has everything you need. There is nothing required in terms of additional downloads to make your burner work via Firewire when you install a Pioneer S-Drive into a standard 400 0r 800 firewire enclosure. It works right out of the box!
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    I have successfully used apples external SuperDrive.
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    Software is the key to quality. Period, along with the quality of the original content, if it is good quality then you will get good quality, if it's poor quailty then you will get poor quality.
    Use the best.

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    I strongly recommend http://www.macsales.com/ Firewire burners. They are the only ones that out of the box are compatible with iDVD, and Apple's other DVD burning applications. Others may need http://www.patchburn.de/ and specific firmware updates to be compatible. Some of these are outlined in the website:
    It wasn't until the Intel Macs, that USB became bootable for Mac OS X.

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    Instead of using an external USB with iMacG3, I also recommend using a firewire one with it. iMac G3's are equipped with USB 1,1 and it is slow for cd/dvd burning. With a firewire case you can use all the speed of your writer.
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    Sony is not renowned for Mac support, even thogh Apple has used specific model drives, many do not have firmware that works well with a Mac.
    I would suggest looking at a Mac-vendor such as LaCie or OWC if you want an external drive; FireWire is preferable, because you can boot from it if need be.
    On the other hand, internal 16X DVD burners (DVR-111D or ND3550A) can be had for under $40 online; I would suggest replacing your stock drive with one of these. You can always get an external FireWire/USB 5.25" (BYTECC makes perfectly functional inexpensive casings, check out Newegg.com as one resource for both items) casing for your existing drive, if you want the option of having two drives available.

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