External swf constructor execution

I was wondering, if you load an external swf, would its document's class constructor execution stop the execution of a code in the main swf which loads the external one?

I think that's not true, prove me if I am not right. I have done the following test:
// constructor
stage.frameRate = 30
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
loader.load(new URLRequest('external.swf'))
var timer:Timer = new Timer(30)
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(e:TimerEvent):void{
var t = getTimer();
for (var j:int = 0; j < 10; j++) {
     trace('tick ' + (getTimer() - t))
var doSomeHardStaff:Function = function():void{
     for (var i:int = 0; i < 60000; i++)
          var a:int = Math.sqrt(Math.sin(33) / i * Math.random())
          var b:int = Math.sqrt(Math.sin(35) / i * Math.random())
          var c:int = Math.sqrt(Math.sin(13) / i * Math.random())
          var d:int = Math.sqrt(Math.sin(83) / i * Math.random())
          var e:int = Math.sqrt(Math.sin(323) / i * Math.random())
          a + b / c - d * e

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  • Transition_Manager and unloading external swf problems

    Hi there
    I´m having a few problems with my project which i although it work it has some unpleasant bugs that i´m trying to solve for days.
    When i load external swf´s they show up on top of the Menu button.Maybe because the button i´m pressing is inside the same movieclip as the Menu.
    Explaining better here´s a little diagram of my site:
    con2 MC (Instance of Menu) ---> cont3 MC (Instance of subMenu) and mainButton MC (Instance of Main)
    Here´s the general code which is inside the Painel.as
    package {
        import com.greensock.TweenLite;
        import com.greensock.TweenMax;
        import com.greensock.*;
        import com.greensock.easing.*;
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import fl.transitions.*;
        import fl.transitions.easing.*;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        public class Painel3 extends MovieClip
            private var inFocus:MovieClip;
            public function Painel3():void
                addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
            private function setupClips():void
            con2.mainButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onOver);
            con2.mainButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onOut);
            con2.mainButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
                var len:int = con2.cont3.numChildren;
                for(var i:int=0; i<len; i++)
                    var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(con2.cont3.getChildAt(i));
                    mc.buttonMode = true;
                    mc.loc = [mc.x, mc.y];
                    mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
                    con2.cont3.visible = false;
            private function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void
            private function onOut(e:MouseEvent):void
            private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
                con2.cont3.visible = true;
    TransitionManager.start(con2.cont3, {type:Wipe, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1, easing:None.easeNone, startPoint:5} );                       
            private function loop(e:Event):void
                var distx:Number = mouseX / 1400;
                var disty:Number = mouseY / 1400;
                TweenLite.to(con2, 2, {
                            rotationY:(-70 +(145*distx)),
                            rotationX:(70 -(145*disty)),
    And then inside the subMenu.as class for the movieclip subMenu i have the buttons that load the external swf´s:
    package  {
        import com.greensock.TweenLite;
        import com.greensock.TweenMax;
        import com.greensock.*;
        import com.greensock.easing.*;
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import fl.transitions.*;
        import fl.transitions.easing.*;
        public class subMenu extends MovieClip {
            public function subMenu() {
                // constructor code
                menu1.buttonMode = true;
                menu2.buttonMode = true;
                menu3.buttonMode = true;
                menu4.buttonMode = true;
            function link1(e:MouseEvent) {
               function startLoad()
                var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("AugmentedReality_v1.swf");
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
    var swf:DisplayObject = e.target.content;
    swf.x = -400;    
    swf.y = -300;    
    function onProgressHandler(mProgress:ProgressEvent)
           var percent:Number = mProgress.bytesLoaded/mProgress.bytesTotal;
            function link2(e:MouseEvent) {
                function startLoad()
                var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Fotos.swf");
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
    var swf:DisplayObject = e.target.content;
    swf.x = -400;    
    swf.y = -300;    
    function onProgressHandler(mProgress:ProgressEvent)
           var percent:Number = mProgress.bytesLoaded/mProgress.bytesTotal;
            function link3(e:MouseEvent) {
            function link4(e:MouseEvent){
                function startLoad()
                var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Texto.swf");
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
                mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(e:Event):void {
    var swf:DisplayObject = e.target.content;
    swf.x = -400;    
    swf.y = -300;    
    function onProgressHandler(mProgress:ProgressEvent)
           var percent:Number = mProgress.bytesLoaded/mProgress.bytesTotal;
    Like i said the swf´s show up on top of the Menu and i need it to dissapear.
    Also i want to unload the swf currently in scene so that when i load another one they don´t pile on top of each other.
    Pls help. Thanks

    Oh btw, i´m having an error 1069 Property TransitionManager not found in subMenu and there is no default value
    at fl.transitions::TransitionManager$/start()
        at Painel3/onClick()
    This doesn´t happen when i uncheck the Export for actionscript in the subMenu class but i can´t do that or else the buttons wont work.

  • What is or isn't possible on iOS?  (Not having Loader, loadBytes(), external swfs, etc)

    My basic question is:  "What are the classes which we should not use for iOS using the packager."
    I have been trying for a few days trying to get a simple Flash app to run on the iPad.  A very simple app (with sound!) with just 2 classes works fine (Performance is a whole other issue.  We will get to that).  But if I try anything else, all I get is a white/black screen on the iPad.  So it would be really nice to know what classes, functions, etc we CANNOT use for the Packager.
    I have fairly simple app (not as simple as 2 classes) which loads some art assets via URLRequest/Loader, puts them on the stage.  Fairly common standard practice in AS3.
    I've read about not able to load an external file using the Packager.  So to fix the situation of loading assets, I have looked into the [embed] tag, which seems to work.  I hope the blogger doesn't mind, but this page is an excellent source on what works and doesn't work with the [embed] tag in it's various flavors:  http://www.richardleggett.co.uk/blog/index.php/2010/03/08/flash_builder_and_flash_pro_asse t_workflows.  For example, AS3 in a swf is stripped out from an external swf using [embed].
    The best way to load an external swf file for iOS seems to be using [embed] with "application/octet-stream" and load the swf through ByteArray (Option #4 in the link above).  This works great on the PC.  HOWEVER, on iPad, it fails.  The [embed] tag works on the iPad with the other ways, so my guess is that loadBytes() does not work.  Is this true Adobe/Flash guys?  Can you confirm this?
    My initial question is "why is this not allowed on iOS?".  If it is because of the fact that it uses a Loader, can it be changed so it's not using a Loader to construct a MovieClip?  I have a ByteArray with the raw swf/MovieClip data.  Why can't I construct a MovieClip from it without going through Loader?
    This loadBytes() failure seems to be the only thing preventing me from using the normal pipeline of Flash development in loading external assets.  If there are other ways people have found, please share!
    Now on to performance.  Adobe, can you post some examples/samples of code which runs at decent performance?  Like a "tech demo" of what is possible using the Packager running on iPad/iPhone.  That would be extremely helpful for everyone.  I have done a lot of the optimizing suggestions on various sites and pages ( and by Adobe http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/optimize_content_ios.html), but I am not seeing the 30 fps performance that is MORE than possible on iPhone/iPad.  Displaying and moving around Bitmaps (I don't use any vector graphics) should be blazing fast.  Quake runs on iPad without any problems and that code is 10 years old.  Moore's law dictates that drawing Bitmaps using CPU should be faster than a 3D engine written 10 years ago...  I am trying out the new iOS 4.2 which is supposed to be "significantly" better, but I am still stuck on loadBytes().
    So at this point, I am blocked on loadBytes() and my performance for a simple app which draws a few Bitmaps and MovieClips is terrible.  I am hopeful some people out there have figured out some solution (there are lots of clever people out there) and I will stumble on to something.  But being forced to go native Objective-C seems to be my only option at this point.
    In summary, here are the questions I would like to ask the Adobe/Flash group for some more help/information/advise:
    - Why is Loader not allowed on iOS?  Is it a technical limitation of the hardware/os/Flash?  Will it never be supported?  What is the future of this class on iOS?
    - Why is loadBytes() not allowed on iOS?  I have the raw embedded data in memory.  I don't need to make a remote call so security should not be an issue.  Can I create a MovieClip without using Loader?
    - Why is AS3 stripped from the timeline when a Symbol is retrieved using [embed]?  Maybe this is the same reason loadBytes() fails, but if I could use [embed] and get a copy of the Symbol, that is what I need.  (There are issues with the mx.core.MovieClipLoaderAsset/Asset, but it is better than being blocked by loadBytes())
    - What are some apps you guys have written that we can use to compare PC vs iOS?  Again, a "tech demo" or sample code of what you as experts in Packager for iOS have done which runs at decent framerate (30+fps) would be of tremendous help.  If the Adobe/Flash group hasn't gotten the current Packager for iOS to handle more than 50+ 2D Bitmaps on screen running at 30+fps, that would be good to know.  Please let us know what the experts and owners of your software are capable of getting the most throughput using the Packager.  I'd hate to sound a bit fed up/angry, but I think you are wasting a lot of people's time and energy with a piece of software that, to me, seems like it was a bit early to release.  Flash can do some great things.  If it can do it on iOS, even better.  But PROVE it to us that it's possible, before having your customers run into barriers imposed on us by trial and error.

    I have hardly ever seen a post here from someone at Adobe, so you may need to be patient.
    Read this article, and get its associated demo files, to see some good performing tech demos:
    Back to your main point, loaders are working, what isn't working for you is accessing of things in the library of a successfully loaded swf, that have been set to Export for ActionScript. That means that the swf you have loaded has an ActionScript Class, to represent the library symbol. iOS Flash apps are native ARM code, and don't include the virtual machines that a browser plugin has, and so it's not able to interpret ActionScript. That may be why it would fail.
    Now, I can think of at least a couple of reasons why you might want to have external swfs with elements that you want to reuse in the main swf. One would be if you're intending to make a lot of them, like say if you wanted to have an Asteroids game and the ability to use artwork from a set of different swfs. Another reason might be if you want to skin your interface, by taking specific elements from the loaded swf and using them in the main swf. That way you could have artists preparing those swfs for you, and you just include them in your package, and load the one you want.
    There is a way to do either of those things. The second one can be done by having the item as a named symbol on the stage of the loaded swf. With a to-be-loaded swf named "inner.swf", that has a movieclip on its stage named "mc1", this script in the main swf would load that external swf and use its symbol on the main swf's stage, without having to make the inner swf's symbol use ActionScript:
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("inner.swf");
    var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    function loaded(e:Event) {
    var mc:MovieClip = e.target.content as MovieClip;
    var innermc:* = mc.mc1;
    innermc.x = 50;
    innermc.y = 50;
    For the other case, you can take the item off the stage of the loaded swf and draw it into a bitmapdata, and then make as many bitmaps from that as you like. Here's the above example, only it adds the original movieclip to the main swf stage, and also creates a bitmap that looks the same:
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("inner.swf");
    var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
    function loaded(e:Event) {
    var mc:MovieClip = e.target.content as MovieClip;
    var innermc:* = mc.mc1;
    innermc.x = 50;
    innermc.y = 50;
    var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(innermc.width,innermc.height);
    var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd);
    bm.x = 150;
    bm.y = 150;
    So, the thing to learn is that a native ARM code application does not have an ActionScript interpreter in it, and if you need to do something that normally requires interpreting ActionScript, find another way to do it.

  • How to externally trigger the execution of TestStand with a start and abort button through a digital interface?

    I'm Currently evaluating TestStand as an alternative for an in-house developed Test Sequencer.
    To start our own Test Sequencer we use a small box, connected to a DIO board. The box has a start button and an abort button. The box also has a pass, a fail and a running led.
    The interface with this box is made via some digital lines of a PCI-DIO-96.
    In our own Test Sequencer we have groups named Init, Run, Abort, Exit.
    The Init group is executed at startup (only once). It is used to initialize all the HW and SW. -> I guess this is the Pre UUT Loop callback in TestStand.
    The Exit group is only executed once at the end of the day when the application is terminated. It is used to free all the used hardware and cleanup all the resources. This probably is the Post UUT Loop Callback in TS.
    When a product needs to be tested, the operator presses the "start" button which triggers our own Test Sequencer and the run and abort group are being executed (first the run group, afterwards the abort group).
    When the product is being tested the "running led" of the little box lights up to indicate to the operator that the application is running. (only when the run and abort group are running)
    The Run group has all the functional tests in it. (MainSequence)
    The abort group is used to put everything back in it's original state after the test on this single product is done. (Post UUT)
    When executing the tests and something goes wrong (operator gets stuck in a clamper, ...) the operator can still press the abort button and then the execution immediately jumps from the currently executing step in the run group to the first step of the abort group. So, when something goes wrong, immediately the abort group is called.
    At the end of the run and abort group, if no errors occured, the "pass led" lights up. If one or more steps went wrong the "fail" led lights up.
    This setup can also be used to test multiple product in parallel. At that time all the different parallel testers have such a small box which contains a "start" and "abort" button and a pass, fail and running led. (it is possible that they are all connected to the same PCI-DIO-96 board. )
    My question:
    Is it possible to do something similar like this in Teststand? If yes, is there an example available that shows me how to do this in TestStand? (externally trigger the execution of TestStand)
    Typically, in the Init group (Pre UUT Loop) the digital interface box gets initialised.
    In the Close group (Post UUT Loop) the digital interface box is taken out of scope.
    Note: The PCI-DIO-96 board to which the digital interface box is connected will also be used in the rest of the developed application (MainSequence, ...)
    What's really important for me is that I can create a process model that all the application developers in our organisation can use. I really don't want any of the application developers (limited software experience) to mess around in all the features of TestStand.
    For them it's important that they just add the function DigitalInterfaceBoxInit () in the Pre UUT Loop Callback and the DigitalInterfaceBoxClose () in the Post UUT Loop Callback, and then everything works!
    It is important that the appliation developers do not have to create any global variables, other functions, synchronisations, parallel sequences, ... in TestStand. All this needs to be done with a simple call to the DigitalInterfaceBoxInit function.
    Thanks in advance for all the help!
    Best Regards,
    Dennis Vanotterdijk
    [email protected]

    Your application sounds very well suited to TestStand's abilities. I am also quite impressed with your knowledge of how TestStand's architecture is arranged when you are still just considering whether or not to use it.
    I think that TestStand would work really well for you in this application. Like you mentioned it will provide you with a form of standardization for your application developers to work from. It also provides the flexibility for you to add your custom routines in many different places. TestStand also makes parallel and batch testing much easier in TS 2.0 so that you could develop one test for your product and execute different instances of it in parallel to test multiple products at once.
    As for your specific question about how to c
    ontrol TestStand using a DIO board. I think this is very feasible and should not be too difficult. Since TestStand provides you the ability to create a custom operator interface your operator interface could monitor the status of your DIO board and launch/abort executions based on the read values. Usually the executions are launched/aborted when a button on the GUI is pressed however, I do not see any thing different about basing the action on a DI signal vs a mouse click. I am sure your application is more involved than this high level description but from the sounds of it I think it is very possible to do with TestStand.
    Based on my experience of building test systems with TestStand and your description of the application, I would feel very confident in using TestStand to achieve all the goals you mentioned. If you have further detailed questions on how one of your features might be implemented, feel free to contact one of our Application Engineers or email us at www.ni.com/ask
    and we would be glad to help you.
    Best regards,
    Richard McDonell
    National Instruments

  • Unable to load external swf which has runtime sharing with another swf.

    I am getting issues on loading external swf say "importer.swf" file into another swf file say "loader.swf" for second time like
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable testSymbol is not defined. VerifyError: Error #1014: Class testClass could not be found.
    at global$init()
    In the external swf "importer.swf", i am trying to import the symbol "testSymbol" from another swf file say "exporter.swf", which exports through runtime sharing option for the symbols.
    I am having some buttons in loader.swf file and on each button click i am loading different swf files into the loader.swf after unloading the previous one.
    I am able to load and unload different swf files but unable to load the importer.swf file which is sharing symbols from external swf and that too for the second time i.e., when i click the button twice.
    When trying to debug with flash debugger, all the other swf files are being unloaded before loading of another swf but the swf which is sharing symbols/classes with another swf is not getting unloaded.
    Output when i am trying to load two files example and importer files into loader.swf file on two different button clicks. On first button click example.swf is loaded. On second button click , example.swf is unloaded and importer.swf is loaded which is successful. On first button click again importer.swf is unloaded and example.swf is loaded. On second button click again, example.swf is unloaded and importer.swf is loaded, here i am getting issues shown above.
    Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL D:\runtime issue\loader.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\ loader.swf - 8181 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\example.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [UnloadSWF] D:\runtime issue\example.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 1920 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\ example.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [UnloadSWF] D:\runtime issue\ example.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 1920 bytes after decompression
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable xxxxxx is not defined.
    Debug session terminated.
    Code i am using
    b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b1Clicked);
    b2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b2Clicked);
    var ldr:Loader;
    function b2Clicked(e:MouseEvent)
        if(ldr != null)
        ldr = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("importer.swf"));
    function b1Clicked(e:MouseEvent)
        if(ldr != null)
        ldr = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("example.swf"));
    If i try to open the swf using IE, i am not getting any issues at all. But i need to open this loader.swf in a air application. Also when i use loaderContext for the loader instance i am able to get rid of this issue but i cant use it in my application.
    So, please help me in resolving this issue.

    I got my answer. I had to append the photo url to the 'movie' value of the javascript embed method. Like this:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
          'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0',
          'width', '550',
          'height', '400',
          'src', 'lesson2',
          'quality', 'high',
          'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
          'align', 'middle',
          'play', 'true',
          'loop', 'true',
          'scale', 'showall',
          'wmode', 'window',
          'devicefont', 'false',
          'id', 'lesson2',
          'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
          'name', 'lesson2',
          'menu', 'true',
          'allowFullScreen', 'false',
          'movie', 'lesson2?photo=http://www.flash-mx.com/images/image1.jpg',
          'salign', ''
          ); //end AC code

  • How can I get a preloader to launch a main (external) swf file, and have the main file remove the preloader once it's fully loaded?

    Using Flash MX, ActionScript 2:
    I’ve been struggling for several weeks, trying to get a preloader to work on a large (~80 MB) photo portfolio file (using the method where the preloader is on frame 1 of the file, and when loading is completed, it jumps to the content).  I’ve done countless tutorials, and none seem to work on my presentation.  I even tried downloading a trial version of CS4 so I could export every one of the file’s library movie clips and images so that they load on Frame 2 (a feature MX doesn’t have).  It takes about 20 seconds for the .exe to load from a CD, and no matter which preloader construction I use, it always seems to appear in the last few seconds before the movie loads completely.  During the initial wait time, there’s no indication that anything is happening:  no hourglass on the mouse, and not even a blank screen. This is only true for the first time that the file is loaded from the CD; on subsequent loads, the file must already be in RAM, because it loads within a few seconds. 
    I decided that I’m going to try and make the file which the user clicks on (one named Windows_Portfolio.exe or another called Mac_Portfolio.hqx) the preloader so that it would be tiny, and would load instantly.  I want that file to launch the external huge portfolio file (renamed files.swf), keep track of its loading progress, and cycle through a slideshow (10 thumbnail images that transition into each other over 100 frames) proportionally, based upon the percentage of files.swf that had been loaded.
    I assume that there should be a loadMovie() or a loadMovieNum() command on the preloader’s timeline to launch files.swf, and that the initial code of files.swf should have some sort of this._parent._visible=false or other way of deleting the preloader on level0.  Can anyone explain the steps to me, or direct me to a good Flash MX tutorial that explains how to launch another external swf from a preloader .exe, keep track of its load progress, and delete the preloader .exe once the external swf had been loaded?
    Also, I’ve read that, using this construction on a CD, every file has to be in the same place, and that I can’t nest files.swf in a folder named “files,” and reference it with files/files.swf.  Is this true?
    Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

    If you know JavaScript (ECMA Script) then you might be able to get it done applying a for loop and a random function
    to the for loop if you know how to get a page-loaded request into JavaScript.
    But an easier solution, if you know ActionScript 3.0, and if your SWF's don't need to be recoded and can load into a "container" SWF would be to create a master FLA file that loads your SWF's in a random fashion using Math.random() as a multiplier, though you won't see much variation if you only have 2-3 SWF's to load--if you had more than that then you would begin to benefit from the random function's capabilities.  In ActionScript 3.0 use the load() method along with addChild() to load the SWF and add it to the stage.  You will be able to search for specifics on how to code the FLA properly by using Flash's Adobe Help tool and also using an internet search.
    P.S. Once you have the master FLA coded you can Publish it to an SWF and an HTML and if the container/master SWF needs to be in a page with other content you can simply copy and paste the object and embed tags for the container SWF from the published HTML into any place on your master HTML that you need it to reside.  You can then use CSS to control placement of the SWF object if it is in a div tag.

  • How can I load an external SWF into a movie clip that's inside other movie clip?

    I creating my first flash (actionscript 3.0) website but I'm
    stuck with a visual effect I want to create.
    I have a window on my website called contentWindow. Every
    time you click a button this window is supposed to leave the stage,
    load the requested content and return to the stage.
    The sliding window is a movie clip with 83 frames, 21 to
    enter the stage, 21 to leave the stage again, 20 for nothing (its
    just to simulate the loading time) and 21 to return to the stage.
    Now my goal is, when the user clicks on a navigation button,
    the window exits the stage, loads an external SWF with the content,
    and then returns to the stage.
    I've the "window" movie clip with an instance name of
    "contentWindow". Inside there is another movie clip with an
    instance name of "contentLoader". The content that the user
    requested should appear inside the "contentLoader".
    Now, when the contentWindow leaves the stage, I get this
    error message:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    at rwd_fla::MainTimeline/trigger()
    If I switch
    "contentWindow.contentLoader.addChild(navLoader);" for
    "contentWindow.addChild(navLoader);" it works fine, but the
    external SWF doesn't move with the window.
    How can I load an external SWF into a movie clip that's
    inside other movie clip?

    Recently, I have been putting together a flash presentation.
    And I am just wondering if the following might help you, in your
    communication with the said swf file:
    function onComplete(event:Event):void
    event.target.content.thinggy_mc.y -= 100;
    Not the best example, but this allows you to target a mc
    within an external swf file. I think if you look up this code, you
    will have an answer ;)
    Kind Regards,
    Boxing Boom

  • How to load and unload more than one external swf files in different frames?

    I do not have much experience on Adobe Flash or Action Script 3, but I know the basics.
    I am Arabic language teacher, and I design an application to teach Arabic, I just would like to learn how to load and unload more than one external swf files in different frames.

    Look into using the Loader class to load the swf files.  If you want to have it happen in different frames then you can put the code into the different frames.

  • How to control timeline sound of external SWF

    Hi All,
    Basic Intro:
    I am new in Action Script and trying to create a video tutorial framwork. In this I have lots of animated SWF files in all the files I have multiple scenes as those are 5min. to 10 min. each and all the files have the relevent background and nurration voice place directly on the TIMELINE frame by frame to match lip syncing animated chreactors.
    My file structure :
    Login.swf with login box is embedded into the Index.html
    After logged in it will load another SWF which is Control panel.swf
    3. Controlpanel.swf has the controls to control the loaded external swf files i.e.: Chapter menu, Play, pause, replay, volume-bar, next and previous buttons.
    By Default Controlpanel.swf will open chapter1.swf as soon as user logged in so no one need to open 1st file.
    Here user can navigate to other chapter swf file through Chapter menu or Next and Previous buttons.
    All files are loading and playing properly, here I am trying to control the animation and Sound both at a same time with Pause, Play and Replay through relevant buttons.
    By pressing “Pause button” animation stops but not the sound. Sound remains playing, and if I replay the swf by “Replay button” than animation restarts but sound also restarts that overlaps already playing audio.
    Question: So could anybody help me finding out how to:
    1. Pause the sound with animation by the same click of Pause button, and
    2. Stop the sound with animation by the same click of Stop button, and
    3. On replay it should stop playing the previously running audio and restart it with the animation like fresh loaded file, it should not sound overlapping.
    Here I am using the sound file on the same time line of each individual swf file which I cannot add into any single movie clip because all the chapter swf file are having multiple scenes in it.
    For my problem I have already done a lot of browsing online in various forums and didn't find the solution. So here I am sharing the complete information regarding the project and wishing to get some good solution out here but if I missed any helpful information please ask me anytime and please help me to quickly find out the solution.
    Thanks a lot to all of you in advance to help me.

    create one global sound variable
    you can write when you are pressing pause button
    to play

  • AS3: How to access and control embedded sounds in an external swf?

    I rarely use sounds in AS3/Flash. I am using Flash Pro CS6, but I can't seem to figure out how to access, control (play, stop, etc) sounds embedded in an external SWF loaded into the main SWF.
    It's easy to control them when embedded on the main swf. However, on an externally loaded SWR, I get all kinds of errors. For this app, I really need to embed them in the external SWF.
    I read several solutions, but none seem to work.
    I embed the sound an mp3 file called soundSegment1.mp3 using Flash CS6 import tool and then open the actionscript properties panel on flash to select the class name: SoundSegment1. Then I edit the class code and create a file called SoundSegment1.as and it's saved right next to my document class main.as in the same directory. The code of the SoundSegment1 class looks like this:
    package  {
        import flash.media.*;
        public class SoundSegment1 extends Sound
            public function SoundSegment1 ()
                // no code in here
            public function playSound()
                var soundSegment1:Sound = new SoundSegment1();
                var channel:SoundChannel = soundSegment1.play();
    Then, in my main.as, I have done several attempts to play this sound such as:
    var fileLocation:URLRequest = new URLRequest(SWFToLoad); loader.load(fileLocation); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressListener); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeListener); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initListener); 
    function initListener(e:Event):void // I also placed this code on the completeListener and it didn't work {      loader.content.soundSegment1.playSound(); // doesn't work.  }
    I get:
    Line XXX 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method playSound through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
    or, I also read that I should be able to do something like this anywhere in the Main.as file:
    var theClass:Class = Class(loader.content.getDefinitionByName("SoundSegment1")); var theSound:theClass = new theClass(); theSound.play()  //doesn't work either.
    I also tried on the completeListener:
    var TheClass:Class = e.target.applicationDomain.getDefinition("SoundSegment1") as Class; var theSound:TheClass = new TheClass();
    theSound.play()  //doesn't work either.
    I get:
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable SoundSegment1 is not defined. at flash.system::ApplicationDomain/getDefinition()
    I am stuck and I really need to get this to work. I would be genuinely grateful for your help.
    Thank you in advance for any help provided. I really need to get it to work, because I can't simply embed them in the main SWF or load them individually externally one by one.
    Thanks again!

    I think your code may be over my head though. I think you are using an anonymous function which is not something I am familiar with (but I want to learn about if it's useful).
    I also don't know where the classS came from. I see that it's a parameter sent along with the event, but I don't really see where that came from.
    Someone at: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?305098-Playing-a-embedded-sound-in-an-external- swf&p=2658098#post2658098
    Is showing what seems to be an easier solution, but my problem there is I can't access the source file of the "child" swf....  ayayay.....
    I am going to tinker with your solution and see if it gets me anywhere. Thanks so much for your help again.

  • FAQ: How do I load an external SWF file into a parent SWF file?

    A ton of Flash users visit Adobe’s we site every month wondering  about how to load an external SWF file from within another SWF.
    Adobe's own TechNote on the subject attempts to answer the basic question, along with some common follow-up questions, including:
    How do I load more than one SWF?
    How do I load a SWF into a specific location in the display list?
    How do I resize the loaded SWF?
    How do I set its X and Y location?
    Here are some additional resources that elaborate on loading content and on working with the display list:
    Sample files for the above TechNote. A set of 3 FLA and 3 corresponding SWF files, including a parent SWF and 2 SWFs that the parent loads.
    Help > AS3 Developer’s Guide > Loading an external SWF file
    Help > AS3 Developer’s Guide > Loading display content dynamically
    Loading multiple external SWFs within a main SWF – CreativeCow.net forums
    Video tutorial: ActionScript 101 – Episode 6: Adding named objects to the Stage. By Doug Winnie. An example of how to add the loaded external asset to the Stage and modify its location or other properties.
    Video tutorial: Preloading in ActionScript 3.0.  By Lee Brimelow. A slightly more complicated example, showing how to  make the parent SWF display information about the progress of loading  the external SWF.
    Tutorial: Loading and unloading SWFs - FlashAndMath.com
    This article provides several examples of how to communicate between a parent SWF file and the loaded SWF:
    SWF to SWF Communcation via ActionScript 3.0 (by kglad)

    Originally posted by:
    You now seem to want to get rid of the swf once it has loaded
    and played itself thru. To do that you would need to have something
    in the swf itself that triggers its removal in its last frame. The
    following might work...
    Unfortunately I couldn't get this to work. I placed it on the
    last frame of the SWF to be called - is that right?
    I am not sure I am doing it correctly...

  • How do I find the width of an external swf file that I am loading in

    I have loaded in an external swf file and it works fine.
    However, when I get the width dimensions of the movieclip that is housing the external swf file it gives me a '0' for the width.
    Thanks for your time.

    you must wait until loading is complete before trying to access the loaded objects width.  at that point you can determine the width,height of the onstage/backstage objects in frame 1 of the loaded swf.

  • How do I load an external swf at a frame after ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame?

    Hi, I'm quite new in working with AS3.
    I am designing a site with a menupage with buttons.
    Some of these buttons are linked to a frame that contains an external swf, which is a portfolio.
    By pressing the buttons 'AQUAREL" and "OLIEVERF" you will go to another frame and the swf-portfolio shows up.
    Now the problem is: sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't.
    You can check out yourself at www.erwinvanzijl.nl
    Is there a better whay of programming these functions?
    Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way to do it?
    This is the actionscript that I put on the second frame where the swf is to show up:
    var Xpos_2:Number = 52;
    var Ypos_2:Number = 59;
    var swf_2:MovieClip;
    var loader_2:Loader = new Loader();
    var SWF_2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("aquaportfolio.swf");
    loader.x = Xpos;
    loader.y = Ypos;
    btn_menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadcontent_2);
    function unloadcontent_2(event:MouseEvent):void {

    For the unloading it is a simple matter of...
    function unloadcontent_2(event:MouseEvent):void {
    Follow what Dave has to say... he's far more experienced than I.  I was too hung up wondering what swf2 was all about to ntoice there were two loaders involved in the code.

  • Problem with volume handle and external SWF

    Hello I'm having 2 problems.
    The first is that when loading an external swf in my main SWF I get this in the output window:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at audio_fla::list_1/frame1()
    at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
    at flash.display::Sprite()
    at flash.display::MovieClip()
    at audio_fla::MainTimeline()
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at audio_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    But it still works. Its an mp3 player.
    The other problem is that the loaded SWF has a volume controller. When I test the external SWF by itself it works fine. When I load it on my main SWF when I start to drag the handle on my volume slider and MOUSE_UP outside the handle it still keep dragging the handle.
    The code of my main SWF is:
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    var _currentCategory:String = "";
    var percent:String = "";
    var loader = new Loader();
    cat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOverCat);
    cat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOutCat);
    cat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickCat);
    btnback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOverCat);
    btnback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOutCat);
    btnback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickBack);
    cat.buttonMode = true;
    btnback.buttonMode = false;
    btnback.visible = false;
    function onOverCat(e:MouseEvent):void{
         Tweener.addTween(e.target, {alpha:.5 , time:.5});
    function onOutCat(e:MouseEvent):void{
         Tweener.addTween(e.target, {alpha:.25 , time:.5});
    function onClickBack(e:MouseEvent):void{
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
         lcontent.visible = false;
         cat.visible = true;
         Tweener.addTween(cat, {alpha:1, time:1});
         btnback.buttonMode = false;
         btnback.visible = false;
         cat.buttonMode = true;
         toptxt.text = "SELECCIONE UNA CATEGORIA"
    function onClickCat(e:MouseEvent):void{
         cat.buttonMode = false;
         Tweener.addTween(cat, {alpha:0, time:1, onComplete:function(){
                                  cat.visible = false;                                                       
                                  btnback.buttonMode = true;
                                  btnback.visible = true;
    function loaderTweenIn (c:String):void{
         var category:String = c+".swf";
         loader.load(new URLRequest(category));
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, movieLoaded);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, movieProgress);
    function ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
         trace("ioErrorHanlder: "+e);
    function movieLoaded(e:Event):void{
         trace("The movie has loaded");
    function movieProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void{
         loadermc.visible = true;
    //     percent=String(Math.floor(e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal * 100)) + "%";
         trace("The movie is loading "+Math.floor(e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal * 100));
    The code on my external SWF is:
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    volume_mc.slider_mc.buttonMode = true;
    var myXML:XML;
    var thb:Thbs;
    var myThumbs:XMLList;
    var totalThumbs:Number;
    var thumbHeight:Number=50;
    var i:uint = 0;
    var preloader:LoaderAnim;
    var yCounter:Number = 0;
    var container:MovieClip;
    var musicReq:URLRequest;
    var music:Sound = new Sound();
    var sc:SoundChannel;
    var currentSound:Sound = music;
    var pos:Number;
    var songPlaying:Boolean = false;
    var songlist:XMLList;
    var currentIndex:Number = 0;
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    function initMediaPlayer(e:Event):void{
         myXML = new XML(xmlLoader.data);     
         myThumbs = myXML.*;
         totalThumbs = myThumbs.length();
         trace("The total thumbs are "+totalThumbs);
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("audio.xml"));
    function createContainer():void{
         container = new MovieClip();
         container.y = 0;
         container.x = 0;
         container.buttonMode = true;
    function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void{
         var t:Loader = Loader(e.target);
         Tweener.addTween(t, {alpha:.5, time:1});
    function onOut(e:MouseEvent):void{     
         var t:Loader = Loader(e.target);
         Tweener.addTween(t, {alpha:1, time:1});
    function callThumbs():void{
              var thumbURL = myThumbs[i].@thumb;
              var thumbTitle:String = myThumbs[i].@title;
              var thumbDesc:String = myThumbs[i];
              trace("Loading "+thumbURL);
              trace("Title "+thumbTitle);
              trace("Desc "+thumbDesc);
              var thumbLoader = new Loader();
              thumbLoader.load(new URLRequest(thumbURL));
              thumbLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, thumbLoaded);
              thb = new Thbs();
              thb.thb_title.htmlText = thumbTitle;
              thb.thb_desc.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
              thb.thb_desc.htmlText = thumbDesc;
              thb.y = (thumbHeight+2)*yCounter;
              preloader = new LoaderAnim();
              preloader.x = thb.x + 20;
              preloader.y = thb.y+ 20;
    function thumbLoaded(e:Event):void{
         var thbx:Loader = Loader(e.target.loader);
         thbx.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
         thbx.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOut);
         if (i<totalThumbs){
         if (i==totalThumbs){
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initMediaPlayer);
    function startAudio():void{
         songlist = myXML.*;;//this is the same as myXML.*;
         trace("This is the first song "+songlist[0].@song);
         musicReq = new URLRequest(songlist[0].@song);
         sc = music.play();
         sc.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSong);     
    next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextSong);
    prev_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevSong);
    function nextSong(e:Event):void
         if (currentIndex < (songlist.length() - 1))
              currentIndex = 0;
         var nextReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(songlist[currentIndex].@song);
         var nextTitle:Sound = new Sound(nextReq);
         sc = nextTitle.play();
         songPlaying = true;
         currentSound = nextTitle;
         sc.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSong);
    function prevSong(e:Event):void
         if (currentIndex > 0)
              currentIndex = songlist.length() - 1;
         var nextReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(songlist[currentIndex].@song);
         var prevTitle:Sound = new Sound(nextReq);
         sc = prevTitle.play();
         songPlaying = true;
         currentSound = prevTitle;
         sc.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSong);
    function pauseSong(e:Event):void
         pos = sc.position;
         songPlaying = false;
    function playSong(e:Event):void
         if(songPlaying == false)
              sc = currentSound.play(pos);
              sc.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, nextSong);
              songPlaying = true;
    function stopSong(e:Event):void
         pos = 0;
         songPlaying = false;
    var xOffset:Number;
    var xMin:Number = 0;
    var xMax:Number = volume_mc.track.width;
    volume_mc.slider_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sliderDown);
    volume_mc.slider_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, sliderUp);
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, sliderUp);
    function sliderDown(e:MouseEvent):void{
         stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, sliderMove);
         xOffset = mouseX - volume_mc.slider_mc.x;
    function sliderUp(e:MouseEvent):void{
         stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, sliderMove);
    function sliderMove(e:MouseEvent):void{
         volume_mc.slider_mc.x = mouseX - xOffset;
              volume_mc.slider_mc.x = xMin;
              volume_mc.slider_mc.x = xMax;
         var vol:Number = volume_mc.slider_mc.x*.01;
         var st:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(vol,0);
         sc.soundTransform = st;
         trace("The volume is "+vol);

    I found the solution.

  • Watching for a variable in an external swf

    I'm trying to load an swf game, and then repeatedly run a check to see if the game has ended by accessing one of it's variables.  Reading the forums and searching the web has gotten me this far:
    var myLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    myLoader.loadClip("game.swf", 2);
    function onLoadInit(mc:MovieClip)
    _root.onEnterFrame = function() {
    "testing" appears on the output window so I know it's being loaded correctly, the game is also playing correctly.  When I run the game in debug mode, it shows that the variable _level2.LOCAL exists and has a value, but the main loop just keeps kicking out "undefined."
    I appreciate any help.

    Ok I figured out that to access it I have to use: _level2._root.LOCAL.
    Now my question is if there is a better way to watch a variable than running a loop.
    Also I was wondering if it's possible to listen for a function call in the external swf.

Maybe you are looking for

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