Extract value for Domain

I have to extract value for Domain Name attribute, Please give me the query to do it.
Thanks lot in advance
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="false"?>
<SiebelMessage MessageId="1-Y4BH" LineItemCount="" IntObjectName="MH Order Item Integration" MessageType="Integration Object" IntObjectFormat="Siebel Hierarchical">
<CreatedDateTime>10/19/2005 09:40:50</CreatedDateTime>
<LastUpdatedDateTime>10/19/2005 12:41:12</LastUpdatedDateTime>
<OrderCanvassDate>10/19/2005 00:00:00</OrderCanvassDate>
<ProductName>LHP Plus</ProductName>
<ReturnMessage>This URL already used by another organization.</ReturnMessage>
<ServiceAccountName>McEwing, David</ServiceAccountName>
<StreetAddress1>3200 Southwest Freeway, 2355 Phoenix Tower</StreetAddress1>
<Name>Number of Attorneys</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>100Number of Attorneys LHP Plus|1812</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Domain Name</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>103 Domain Name</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Tag Line</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>200 Tag Line</SiebelAttrName>
<Value>Intellectual Property, Divisional Applications, Trademark, Patent, Copyright, Internet Law</Value>
<SiebelAttrName>201Template Selection</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Registration Type</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>202Registration Type</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Contact First Name</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>250Contact First Name</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Contact Last Name</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>251Contact Last Name</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Contact eMail</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>252Contact eMail</SiebelAttrName>
<Value>[email protected]</Value>
<Name>Contact Fax</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>2533Contact Fax</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Contact Phone</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>253Contact Phone</SiebelAttrName>
<Name>Site Name</Name>
<Name>Future unique heads</Name>
<SiebelAttrName>Future unique heads</SiebelAttrName>

Once the problem is clearly stated the answer is simple...
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
  2     myXML XMLType := xmlType(
  3  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  4  <?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="false"?>
  5  <SiebelMessage MessageId="1-Y4BH" LineItemCount="" IntObjectName="MH Order Item Integration" MessageType="Integratio
Format="Siebel Hierarchical">
  6     <ListOfMhOrderItemIntegration>
  7             <OrderItem>
  8                     <AccountExecID/>
  9                     <ActionCode>Add</ActionCode>
10                     <AltRepID>20</AltRepID>
11                     <AddressRowId>1-4XL4-115</AddressRowId>
12                     <AttentionTo/>
13                     <CancelCode/>
14                     <CancelDate/>
15                     <City>Houston</City>
16                     <ContractDate/>
17                     <Country>USA</Country>
18                     <CreatedBy>SADMIN</CreatedBy>
19                     <CreatedDateTime>10/19/2005 09:40:50</CreatedDateTime>
20                     <CreditCardExpDate/>
21                     <CreditCardNumber/>
22                     <CreditCardType/>
23                     <CustomerNumber>5020047500</CustomerNumber>
24                     <EditionYear>2006</EditionYear>
25                     <GrossAmount>590</GrossAmount>
26                     <HoldBilling/>
27                     <HoldShipping/>
28                     <InceptionCode>N</InceptionCode>
29                     <LastUpdatedDateTime>10/19/2005 12:41:12</LastUpdatedDateTime>
30                     <LastYearTrackingNumber/>
31                     <LineAmount>590</LineAmount>
32                     <LineItemRowID>1-1DWIEK</LineItemRowID>
33                     <LineItemStatus>New</LineItemStatus>
34                     <ListingID>3803930</ListingID>
35                     <MigrationChildCode/>
36                     <MealeysSubId/>
37                     <MealeysPwd/>
38                     <MigrationType/>
39                     <OrderCanvassDate>10/19/2005 00:00:00</OrderCanvassDate>
40                     <OrderHeaderId>1-1DWHZU</OrderHeaderId>
41                     <OrderLastUpdatedBy>UMATTJA</OrderLastUpdatedBy>
42                     <OrderNumber>835905</OrderNumber>
43                     <OrderTaker>20</OrderTaker>
44                     <OrgID>2486393</OrgID>
45                     <POBox/>
46                     <PrimaryRepID>35</PrimaryRepID>
47                     <Producer>SIEBEL</Producer>
48                     <ProductCode>01807</ProductCode>
49                     <ProductContent>51</ProductContent>
50                     <ProductName>LHP Plus</ProductName>
51                     <PurchaseOrderNumber/>
52                     <Quantity>1</Quantity>
53                     <ReferenceNumber/>
54                     <ReinstatedDate/>
55                     <ReturnMessage>This URL already used by another organization.</ReturnMessage>
56                     <Revision>0</Revision>
57                     <RollupCount/>
58                     <ServiceAccountName>McEwing, David</ServiceAccountName>
59                     <ShippingCharges/>
60                     <SiebelAssetIntegrationId>1-1DWIEK</SiebelAssetIntegrationId>
61                     <SiebelID>2683171</SiebelID>
62                     <SiebelIntegrationId>1-1DWIEK</SiebelIntegrationId>
63                     <SiebelLineNumber>5</SiebelLineNumber>
64                     <SiebelLineNumber2/>
65                     <SignedBy/>
66                     <State>TX</State>
67                     <StateCode>48</StateCode>
68                     <StreetAddress1>3200 Southwest Freeway, 2355 Phoenix Tower</StreetAddress1>
69                     <Suite/>
70                     <TotalDiscountAmount>0</TotalDiscountAmount>
71                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFH</TrackingNumber>
72                     <UnitPrice>590</UnitPrice>
73                     <ZipCode>77027</ZipCode>
74                     <TaxableFlg/>
75                     <SolRept/>
76                     <ListOfAttribute>
77                             <Attribute>
78                                     <AttrProductCode>1812</AttrProductCode>
79                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFS</TrackingNumber>
80                                     <Name>Number of Attorneys</Name>
81                                     <SiebelAttrName>100Number of Attorneys LHP Plus|1812</SiebelAttrName>
82                                     <Value>1</Value>
83                             </Attribute>
84                             <Attribute>
85                                     <AttrProductCode/>
86                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFV</TrackingNumber>
87                                     <Name>Domain Name</Name>
88                                     <SiebelAttrName>103 Domain Name</SiebelAttrName>
89                                     <Value>davidmcewinglaw.com</Value>
90                             </Attribute>
91                             <Attribute>
92                                     <AttrProductCode/>
93                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFR</TrackingNumber>
94                                     <Name>Tag Line</Name>
95                                     <SiebelAttrName>200 Tag Line</SiebelAttrName>
96                                     <Value>Intellectual Property, Divisional Applications, Trademark, Patent, Copyrig
97                             </Attribute>
98                             <Attribute>
99                                     <AttrProductCode/>
100                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFO</TrackingNumber>
101                                     <Name>Template</Name>
102                                     <SiebelAttrName>201Template Selection</SiebelAttrName>
103                                     <Value>None</Value>
104                             </Attribute>
105                             <Attribute>
106                                     <AttrProductCode/>
107                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFN</TrackingNumber>
108                                     <Name>Registration Type</Name>
109                                     <SiebelAttrName>202Registration Type</SiebelAttrName>
110                                     <Value>NEW</Value>
111                             </Attribute>
112                             <Attribute>
113                                     <AttrProductCode/>
114                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFW</TrackingNumber>
115                                     <Name>Contact First Name</Name>
116                                     <SiebelAttrName>250Contact First Name</SiebelAttrName>
117                                     <Value>David</Value>
118                             </Attribute>
119                             <Attribute>
120                                     <AttrProductCode/>
121                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFU</TrackingNumber>
122                                     <Name>Contact Last Name</Name>
123                                     <SiebelAttrName>251Contact Last Name</SiebelAttrName>
124                                     <Value>McEwing</Value>
125                             </Attribute>
126                             <Attribute>
127                                     <AttrProductCode/>
128                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFM</TrackingNumber>
129                                     <Name>Contact eMail</Name>
130                                     <SiebelAttrName>252Contact eMail</SiebelAttrName>
131                                     <Value>[email protected]</Value>
132                             </Attribute>
133                             <Attribute>
134                                     <AttrProductCode/>
135                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFQ</TrackingNumber>
136                                     <Name>Contact Fax</Name>
137                                     <SiebelAttrName>2533Contact Fax</SiebelAttrName>
138                                     <Value>713-514-9840</Value>
139                             </Attribute>
140                             <Attribute>
141                                     <AttrProductCode/>
142                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFP</TrackingNumber>
143                                     <Name>Contact Phone</Name>
144                                     <SiebelAttrName>253Contact Phone</SiebelAttrName>
145                                     <Value>713-514-0137</Value>
146                             </Attribute>
147                             <Attribute>
148                                     <AttrProductCode/>
149                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFT</TrackingNumber>
150                                     <Name>Site Name</Name>
151                                     <SiebelAttrName>256URL</SiebelAttrName>
152                                     <Value/>
153                             </Attribute>
154                             <Attribute>
155                                     <AttrProductCode/>
156                                     <TrackingNumber>1-1DXOFL</TrackingNumber>
157                                     <Name>Future unique heads</Name>
158                                     <SiebelAttrName>Future unique heads</SiebelAttrName>
159                                     <Value/>
160                             </Attribute>
161                     </ListOfAttribute>
162             </OrderItem>
163     </ListOfMhOrderItemIntegration>
164  </SiebelMessage>'
165  );
166    result varchar2(64);
167  begin
168     select extractValue(value(attr),'/Attribute/Value')
169       into result
170       from table(xmlsequence(extract(myXML,'/SiebelMessage/ListOfMhOrderItemIntegration/OrderItem/ListOfAttribute/Att
171      where existsNode(value(attr),'/Attribute[Name="Domain Name"]') = 1;
172    dbms_output.put_line('Result = ' || result);
173  end;
174  /
Result = davidmcewinglaw.com
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL>This assumes that there is only one Attribute element with a Name node whose value is "Domain Name". If there was more than one such node you would have to use a cursor and process the results in loop.

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    pls use below table's and get detals you want
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    Hey guys,
    you're making things much to complicated. For extracting Domains with MDMGX, the TABLE NAME equals the DOMAIN NAME. Example for domain XFELD that is a common Yes/No Flag:
    CLIENT            000
    SYSTEM TYPE       R3
    OBJECT TYPE       Vendor
    MDM PORTCODE      LT_YesNoIndicator
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    Hi Mave!
    Normally there is no condition change, when something is sold.
    But sales price depends on sales conditions (not only price, but also surcharges, discounts, taxes - if customized).
    Nevertheless, after selling you have a invoice document, where correct values <i>should</i> be stored (see VBRP fields mentioned above). If here is a problem, then customizing of price determination is in question, not a programming of user-exits with MARD selection for costs (or some other tries to get a price).
    When you specify your requirements more in detail, you might get better answers - but currently only general hints are possible ('see in invioce / G/L accounts').

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    Hi Prashanth,
    Use FM : DDIF_DOMA_GET  to get the fixed values for that domain in an internal table, then you can process that internal table according to your requirement and display only those values, in AT SELECTION_SCREEN ON VALUE_REQUEST event in the report.
    I hope it resolves your problem.

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    You can use Function Module 'FM_DOMAINVALUE_CHECK' to get the fixed values of any domain.

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    For the periods with no data, HFM does not have a "0" to offer for the data extraction. Since the default data extract from HFM has each period on it's own row in the *.dat file, I don't understand your comment about rows starting with period 2 or 3. In the *.dat file the row for period 1 simply won't exist. Are you using a custom approach/tool for data extraction?
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  • [Forum FAQ] SharePoint 2013: Extracting values from a multi-value enabled lookup column and merge values to a multi-value enabled column

    For some business requirements, users want to extract values from a multi-value enabled lookup column
    and add items to another list based on each separate value. In contrast, others want to find duplicate values in the list and merge associated values to a multi-value enabled column and then
    add items to another list based on the merged value. All of these can be achieved using SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow.
    How to extract values from a multi-value enabled lookup column and add items to another list based
    on each separate value using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    Important actions: Loop Shape; Utility Actions
    Three scenarios
    Things to note
    Steps to create Workflow
    How to merge values to a multi-value enabled column and add item to another list based on the
    merged value using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    Important actions: Call HTTP Web Service; Build Dictionary
    Things to note
    Steps to create Workflow
    How to
    extract values from a multi-value enabled lookup column and
    add items to another list based on each separate value using SharePoint Designer 2013.
    For example, they have three lists as below. They want to
    extract values from the Destinations column
    in Lookup2 and add items to Lookup3 based on each country and set Title to current item: ID.
    Title (Single line of text)
    Title (Single line of text), Destinations (Lookup; Get information from: Lookup1 in Title column).\
    Title (Single line of text), Country (Single line of text).
    Important action
    1. Loop Shape: SharePoint Designer 2013 support two types of loops: loop n times and loop with condition.
    Loops must also conform to the following rules:
    Loops must be within a stage, and stages cannot be within a loop.
    Steps may be within a loop.
    Loops may have only one entry and one exit point.
    2. Utility Actions: It contains many actions, such as ‘Extract Substring from Index of String’ and ‘Find substring in String’.
    Three scenarios
    We need to loop through the string returned from the look up column and look for commas. There are three
    1.  No comma but string is non-empty so there is only one country.
    2.  At least one comma so there is at least two or more countries to loop.
    3.  In the loop we have consumed all the commas so we have found the last country. 
    Things to note
    There are two things to note:
    1. "Find string in string (output to Variable:index)"  will return -1 if doesn't find
    the searched for string.
    2. In the opening statement "Set Variable: Countries to Current Item:Destinations" set the return
    field as  "Lookup Values, Comma Delimited".
    Steps to create Workflow
    Create a custom list named Lookup1.
    Create a custom list named Lookup2, add column: Destinations (Lookup; Get information from: Lookup1 in Title column).
    Create a custom list named Lookup3, add column: Country (Single line of text).
    Create a workflow associated to Lookup2.
    Add conditions and actions:
    Start the workflow automatically when an item is created.
    Add item to Lookup2, then workflow will be started automatically and create multiple items to lookup3.
    See the below in workflow History List:
    How to merge values to a multi-value enabled column and add item to another list based on the
    merged value using SharePoint Designer 2013
    For example, they have three lists as below. They want to find duplicate values in the Title column in
    Lookup3 and merge country column to a multi-value enabled column and then add item to lookup2 and set the Title to Current Item: Title.
    Title (Single line of text)
    Title (Single line of text), Country (Single line of text).
    Title (Single line of text), Test (Single line of text).
    Important actions
    "Call HTTP Web Service"
    action: In SharePoint 2013 workflows, we can call a web service using a new action introduced in SharePoint 2013 named Call HTTP Web Service. This action
    is flexible and allows you to make simple calls to a web service easily, or, if needed, you can create more complex calls using HTTP verbs as well as allowing you to add HTTP headers.
    “Build Dictionary"
    The Dictionary variable type is a new variable type in the SharePoint 2013 Workflow.
    The following are the three actions specifically designed for the Dictionary variable type: Build Dictionary, Count Items in a Dictionary and Get an Item from a Dictionary.
    The "Call HTTP Web Service" workflow action would be useless without the new "Dictionary" workflow action.
    Things to note
    HTTP URI is set to https://sitename/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('listname')/items?$orderby=Id%20desc and the HTTP method is set to “GET”. Then the list will be sort by Id in descending order.
    Use Get
    d/results(0)/Id form
    Variable: ResponseContent (Output to
    Variable: maxid) to get the Max ID.
    Use Set
    Variable: minid to Current List:ID to get the Min ID.
    Use Copy from
    Variable: destianation , starting at
    1 (Output to
    Variable: destianation) to remove the space.
    Steps to create Workflow
    Create a custom list named Lookup1.
    Create a custom list named Lookup2, add column: Test (Single line of text).
    Create a custom list named Lookup3, add column: Country (Single line of text).
    Create a workflow associated to Lookup3.
    Add a new "Build Dictionary" action
    to define the http request header:
    Add a Call HTTP Web Serviceaction, click on
    this and paste your http request.
    To associate the
    RequestHeader variable, select the Call action property,
    set the
    RequestHeaders property to
    In the Call action, click on
    response and associate the response to a new
    variable: ResponseContent (of type Dictionary).
    After the Call action add Get item from Dictionary action to get the Max ID.
    Add Set Workflow Variable action to get the Min ID.
    Add Loop Shape (Loop with Condition) to get all the duplicate titles and integrate them to a string.
    Create item in Lookup2.
    The final Stage should look like this:
    Start the workflow automatically when an item is created.
    Add item to Lookup3, then workflow will be started automatically and create item to lookup2.
    See the below in workflow History List:
    SharePoint Designer 2013 - Extracting values from a multi-value enabled lookup column into a dictionary as separate items:
    Workflow actions quick reference (SharePoint 2013 Workflow platform):
    Understanding Dictionary actions in SharePoint Designer 2013:
    Working with Web Services in SharePoint 2013 Workflows using SharePoint Designer 2013:
    Calling the SharePoint 2013 Rest API from a SharePoint Designer Workflow:

    GREAT info, but it may be helpful to note that when replacing a portion of the variable "Countries" with a whitespace character, you may cause the workflow to fail in a few specific cases (certain lookup fields will not accept this and will automatically
    cancel).  I only found this out when recreating your workflow on a similar, but much more complex list set.  
    To resolve this issue, I used another utility action (Extract Substring from Index of List) to clear out the whitespace.  I configured it as "Copy from
    Variable: Countries, starting at
    1 (Output to Variable: Countries), which takes care of this issue in those few cases.
    Otherwise, WOW!  AWESOME JOB!  Thanks!  :)

  • Dropdown listbox getting values from domain

    I want to create a Dropdown listbox that gets its values from a dictionary domain. I usually get the values from a table but there's a case where I need to get them from a domain. Is it possible?

    Hi Carles,
    If you are talking about the Domain which is used inside a Data Element, while defining data types, and as far as my knowledge goes...
    We cannot store values in Domain...they are just for declaring Data types...And it is the Table Field which stores the values...
    Hope this helps...
    <b><i>Do reward each useful answer..!</i></b>

Maybe you are looking for