Facebook not opening correctly...

i have nokia 701...and in nokia browser the facebook is not opening correctly.nor the page is displaying correctly niether the any other function can be used such as like,comment,share..etc..plzz help out with this and also tell me any app which have all these functions of facebook..plzzz help me for nokia browser.

Have you tried using the integrated facebook application on the phone? 
With regards to accessing facebook using your browser, you can try the following troubleshooting steps: 
1. Make sure that you have stable internet connection. Try using Wifi if you are currently using 3g.
2. Power cycle: turn off the device. Remove the battery. After a few minutes, turn the battery back and switch on the device.
3. If still the same, try restoring the phone back to its default settings (personal data will not be deleted.
If your phone is not working properly, you can reset some settings to their original values.
End all active calls and connections.
Select  > Settings and Phone > Phone management > Factory settings > Restore .
If prompted, enter the security code.
4. If no progress, you can check for updates or reinstall the software using Nokia Suite.

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    You must probably have to re-install your application.
    Next time you post, please at least mention your platform, Mac or Win.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, video card specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    A screen shot could be very helpful too.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    It is really not easy to understand what do you see exactly.
    Can you please make a pic and send some link where we can see it?
    I really don't understand what could be the problem but what you can try is to start your machine with F8 and enter advanced boot options. Choose the entry "Repair your Computer" and press "Enter". Go forward until you will enter System recovery options. Try to make system restore to earlier time. Maybe this will help you to fix described issue.

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      Thanks, ~UnsolvedCypher
    Last edited by UnsolvedCypher (2013-09-03 19:20:10)

    Here is the exact error message:
    Your profile could not be opened correctly.
    Some features may be unavailable. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents.
    I can't believe I didn't think of starting from terminal, but I did after reading your suggestions. Here is the output:
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:web_data_service_backend.cc(55)] Cannot initialize the web database: 1
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(212)] Gdk: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
    [10602:10656:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10656:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10656:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10656:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10656:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10656:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(212)] Gdk: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(212)] Gdk: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(212)] Gdk: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:password_store_factory.cc(110)] Could not initialize login database.
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(212)] Gdk: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
    [10602:10602:0903/141023:ERROR:profile_sync_service.cc(1242)] History Delete Directives, Sync Error: Delete directives not supported with encryption.
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: table HostQuotaTable already exists
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:quota_database.cc(464)] Failed to open the quota database.
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10645:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10626:0903/141023:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10657:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10657:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10657:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10657:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10657:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10657:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141024:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
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    [10602:10628:0903/141025:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/141026:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10642:0903/141033:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10642:0903/141033:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10642:0903/141033:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10642:0903/141033:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10642:0903/141033:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10642:0903/141033:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142528:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142536:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142540:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142543:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142544:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142557:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142608:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142610:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142610:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142610:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142610:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142610:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142610:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142611:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142612:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 778, errno 0: disk I/O error
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: no such table: meta
    [10602:10628:0903/142628:ERROR:connection.cc(799)] sqlite error 1, errno 0: SQL logic error or missing database
    Also, I have added the result of the deletion to the original post, thanks for catching that!

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