Failed OVM Server Upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.1.1

I was trying to upgrade my OVM Server environment from *3.0.2* to *3.1.1* using the CD. I got the following error message after choosing the Upgrade option: Oracle VM server 3.0.2 (cciss/c0d0p2). The other option was to Reinstall System.
+"Error mounting device sda2 as /:+
+Device or resource busy+
+This most likely means this+
+partition hast not been formatted.+
+Press OK to reboot your system."+
My hardware is a HP BL465c G7 server, which is certified by Oracle to run the OVM 3.1.
Any advice that can help me find the way to upgrade my servers?
Thanks in advance,
Andrés L.

I tried "yum update -y" and after reboot I encountered a kernel panic after the following message: switchroot: mount failed: No such file or directory.
So I got to reinstall ovm 3.0.3 from scratch.
Maybe the hard disk drivers in 3.1.1 kernel version (uek2) are not compatible with my server disks.
If someone has an accurate explanation to this issue, could be helpfull.
Best Regards,
Andres Loaiza.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jay,
    I'd do the following:
    - free up one OVS by migrating all guests to the remaining OVS
    - upgrade OVM Manager straigh to 3.2.8
    - upgrade the idle OVS to 3.2.8
    - live migrate your guests from one 3.1.1 OVS to the new, idle 3.2.8 OVS - if not using OVMM, then using xm
    - round robin upgrade your remaining OVS
    I've done that a couple of times…

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    thanks in advance
    -Kiran Rane

    Upgrade installer from SP2 to SP3 is only available for paid BEA
    customers. You need a login at
    kiran rane wrote:
    Hi All
    We have weblogic server 6.1 SP2 installed on the solaris machine. Now we
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    - SRM (Java & ABAP)
    - Portal (Java only)
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    Thank You

    You need to go for 'Homogeneous System Copy' to achieve this, but since almost all the systems in your landscape include the Java Stack as well - so the system copy with Export/Import is to be carried out.
    Even if you are not going for file system change, but it is a Windows environment and you can't put SAP up on the target Windows (windows 2008 R2) just by copying the contents and file system from source to target. You need SAPinst to create the registry and all. - On top of that you have Java stacks involved, so for java stack you can't carry out just backup/restore method to put SAP up there on target - so you need Export/import because for java stack some OS level dump is to be collected during system copy from source and it needs to be imported on target OS.
    Are you clear on this one ?
    Read system copy guide once and Search in OSS for the Notes to check how to upgrade from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 R2.

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    I am not sure what you are doing is supported. You cannot upgrade a 10.0 to a 10.3.5 the way you are trying. The updater may be used to upgrade froma 10.3.x to 10.3.5 i believe. Check this out Upgrading WebLogic Server 9.x or 10.0 Application Environments to 10.3.5

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    As per the SDN Link
    for content server upgrade is by replacing latest dll files at the respective dir.
    Pls let me know your views and known issues.
    Thank You,

    Hello Mahesh,
    In note [735598|] you can see:
    If your source version is 7.3.00 or 7.4.03, read the upgrade guide "Upgrade to MaxDB Release 7.5" or "Upgrade to MaxDB Release 7.6" on SAP Service Marketplace: > Other Documentation > Database Upgrades > MySQL MaxDB
    Eduardo Rezende

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    Does it matter? And if so, why does it matter?
    From my previous experience with Glue you don't want to have it generate WSDLs anyway. It's not very good at it at all, generates WSDL that are full of errors.
    Better to write your own WSDL and tell Glue to use those.

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    This only concerns the host servers and not the guest VMs running on the hosts (they will be upgraded next year).
    This is what is running on our host servers:
    Host 1
    File,print & issuing CA server
    Exchange 2010
    SharePoint 2010
    Quickbooks server
    Domain controller 1
    Offline CRL CA
    Host 2
    SQL 2008
    Forefront TMG 2010
    Domain Controller 2
    Windows 7 client
    With this is mind, I have drafted a rough action plan as follows:
    Create a list of all file locations for VM memory, snapshots, virtual memory and Hyper-V config files
    Document all existing system settings
    Gather server information, download drivers, RAID controller and other boot drivers & firmware updates (in case the in-place upgrade fails)
    Test all software media
    Copy all VMs onto external data storage (NAS drive)
    As part of the upgrade process we will redistribute some hard drive space i.e.
    expand them to their new sizes and verify the data integrity of copied VMs by powering up each VM in a test environment
    Wipe and adjust the sizes of the host partitions to accommodate the expanded VMs
    Perform an in-place upgrade to Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
    Check EV, services etc
    Change the default locations for VM memory, snapshots, virtual memory and Hyper-V config files
    Upgrade Anti-virus and other system software
    Test the system
    Are there any glaring omissions? Does anyone have any tips they can give me?

    Hi Marco,
    always do a fresh Installation of your hyper-V Hosts, you could end up doing a lot of Troubleshooting with Drivers,Addons etc.. new Installation ist way faster.
    Depending if you have a Cluster or Standalone Servers there are different ways to do it.
    When you have installed your 2012 R2 Hyper-V Server you just can Import the VMs from the new Location.
    As far as i know VMs with snapshots are not supported, so you have to remove them before doing that move and commit the changes to the vhd files, the VM need to be offline on 2008R2 to do that.
    You do not Need to Export the VMs on 2008R2, just copy it, normaly you should have all Files of a VM in one Folder.
    A working Backup is always your friend on such Tasks.
    When the VMs are running on Hyper-V 2012R2 do not forget to Update the Integration Services.
    Make Sure your Servers Hardware are still supported with 2012R2, see Server Catalog and Support Matrix of the Vendor.
    And last one, where possible and supported convert the VHDs to VHDx Disks, after testing the first boot of the VM.

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    @the hatter: First of all: thanks for your assistance !
    What I have is: the MacPro 1.1 (2006)  and a MacBookPro (2009).
    Inside the MacPro:
    (1) Start Disc
    (2) 2nd Startdisk backed up by SuperDuper from (1) (without Parallels disk)
    (3) Media (backup on TimeCapsule)
    (4) TM backup of (1) without Parallels
    (5): USB-Cradle with my last SnowLeo system-hard disk.
    All tests to boot failed with: disk (1) Recovery HD (it is there!) , disk (2), external disk (5), Lion Install DVD , Recovery HD from a USB-Stick (created on my MBP).
    All tests ended with a grey blank screen :-(
    I'm German, so my English has limits.  What do you mean with:
    1. "Pull the bump system drive " ? Should I open my mac and put the old start disk aside ?
    (by the way: I have a backup-drive inside the MacPro from this start disk.)
    2. "Do a clean install of OS". On which disk ? A new one ?
    3. "Put the old working system in FW case". ? FW case ? FW=FireWire ? case? I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean.
    4. "Update and install". What has to be updated ? The new installed Lion ?
    5. "Import / Migrate with Setup Assistant or Migration Assistant" ? Can't I migrate from "2nd StartDisk" ?
    6. "I am sure there is an uninstaller for Parallels 7 though not whether it can run from another system." I cannot use the uninstaller, as I am not able to boot the Mac :-(
    7. The first OS on the MacPro was 10.4.6 (Tiger) I had Leo, SnowLeo and now Lion. So I believe it will be the moment to build a new clean Lion system.

  • Brarchive/brbackup fails after oracle upgrade from 9206 to

    I have upgraded database from 9206 to I have upgraded brtools
    to kernel release 7.00 (patch level 18). When I run brbackup/brarchive
    it is failing. Brarchive command I am trying to run is:
    brarchive -c -u / -r initTC8.utl.nbkp.ethp2038 -cs
    I have set trace level to 15 (BR_TRACE=15) and run it. I will upload
    log file with the trace (file_name=advxsuvv.cps)
    I am running brarchive as ORASID user with environment:
    [ac8558@ethp2038:/oracle/stage/102_64/client]$ env|grep oracle
    [ac8558@ethp2038:/oracle/stage/102_64/client]$ env|grep LIB
    [ac8558@ethp2038:/oracle/stage/102_64/client]$ env|grep NLS
    All other brtools actions works fine (brspace, brconnect...)
    From advxsuvv.cps file find error message:
    'Program:               /usr/sap/TC8/SYS/exe/run/backint 5.1^'
    'Input File:            /oracle/TC8/saparch/.advxsuvv.lst^'
    'Profile:               /oracle/TC8/102_64/dbs/initTC8.utl.nbkp.ethp2038^'
    'Function:              BACKUP^'
    'Backup Type:           BACKUP_FILE^'
    BR0248I BR_TRACE: level 4, function BrPipeClose entry with '/usr/sap/TC8/SYS/exe/run/backint -u TC8 -f backup -i /oracle
    /TC8/saparch/.advxsuvv.lst -t file -p /oracle/TC8/102_64/dbs/initTC8.utl.nbkp.ethp2038 -c'
    BR0248I BR_TRACE: level 5, function BrOraSigPatch entry with 'FALSE'
    BR0248I BR_TRACE: level 6, function BrZombieKill entry with 'void'
    BR0250I BR_TRACE: level 6, function BrZombieKill exit with 'void'
    BR0249I BR_TRACE: level 5, function BrOraSigPatch exit with 0
    BR0249I BR_TRACE: level 4, function BrPipeClose exit with 2
    BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2007-08-14 15.12.09
    BR0279E Return code from '/usr/sap/TC8/SYS/exe/run/backint -u TC8 -f backup -i /oracle/TC8/saparch/.advxsuvv.lst -t file
    -p /oracle/TC8/102_64/dbs/initTC8.utl.nbkp.ethp2038 -c': 2

    here is output from command:
    ethp2038:ac8558 28> file /usr/sap/TC8/SYS/exe/run/backint
    /usr/sap/TC8/SYS/exe/run/backint:       PA-RISC1.1 shared executable dynamically linked dynamically linked
    Once more for your reference, this is Itanium 11.23 HP UX server
    ethp2038:ac8558 30> uname -a
    HP-UX ethp2038 B.11.23 U ia64 3974368537 unlimited-user license
    ethp2038:ac8558 31> model
    ia64 hp server rx4640
    BRtools version:
    ethp2038:ac8558 32> brtools -V
    BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.00 (18)
    Patch   Date     Info
    10  2006-01-05  BR*Tools fail due to SAP license problems (note 912969)
    11  2006-01-11  Small functional enhancements in BR*Tools (note 914174)
    13  2006-03-29  BR*Tools support for MDM databases (note 936665)
    16  2006-08-11  BR*Tools start error: library libnnz10 not found (note 972136)
    release note               849483
    kernel release             700
    patch date                 2006-09-15
    patch level                18
    make platform              hpia64
    make mode                  OCI_102
    make date                  Sep 23 2006

  • Query about the steps for Weblogic Server Upgrade from 8.1 to 10.3

    We have planned to upgrade our Weblogic Server from 8.1 to 10.3. Could anyone advise me:
    1. How to upgrade the Weblogic Server from 8.1 to 10.3? Can the Weblogic Server 10.3 coexist with the Weblogic Server 8.1 in one physical server?
    2. Where can the upgrade software be downloaded?
    3. We have a web service currently running under Weblogic Workshop as the Weblogic Server is started via the workshop. Can this web service be run under Weblogic Server 10.3?
    4. Are there any foreseeable issues/problems that will happen?
    Please kindly help me. Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards

    Download location:
    You can upgrade the domain after you install wls 10.3 using QuickStart.
    When we migrated we have moved from windows to linux. We have installed, created domain, created managed servers, configured, etc. from scratch. We didn't face any 'show stopper' issues.

  • SCOM Gateway Server Upgrade from 2012 SP1 to R2

    I am upgrading our SCOM environment from 2012 SP1 to R2. But unable to upgrade the Gateway Server. The installation of R2 setup stops with error message: "The operation manager gateway can't be installed on a computer on which the Operation Manager
    management server, Operations Console, operational database, web console, agent, System Center Essentials, or System Center Service Manager is already installed."
    I checked none of the above component is installed on the gateway server. Please suggest what is the issue?
    Daya Ram

    Have you followed the steps below to upgrade a gateway server:
    Log on to a computer that hosts the gateway server with an Operations Manager Administrators role account for your Operations Manager management group.
    On the Operations Manager media, run Setup.exe.
    In the Optional Installations area, click Gateway management server.
    On the Welcome to the System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Gateway Upgrade Wizard page, click
    On the The wizard is ready to begin gateway upgrade page, click
    On the Completing the System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Gateway Setup wizard page, click
    You may check below directory:
    C:\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager
    Yan Li
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Install Failed - trying to upgrade from 10.4.11 to 10.5

    I have a MacBook "Core Duo" 1.83 13" running OS 10.4.11 that I need to upgrade to OS 10.5 in order to be able to sync my iPhone iOS 5.1.1 because it needs iTunes 10. I have the OS 10.5 install CD and everything appears fine when I start the install but nearing the completion of the install I get a screen that comes up saying "Install Failed" "Mac OS X count not be installed on your computer"  "The installer encountered an unknown error that failed to install. Contact the software manufacture for assistance." Then it gives you only the option to restart. I proceeded to have it restart but it launched from the CD again. I went into the Startup Disk to try and select my Macintosh HD rather then the Install CD but could not see it. I then proceeded to the Disk Utility to see if I could check the Macintosh HD there and I could not select it. I told the computer to restart again, knowing that it would load the install disc again because I didn't have the option of the HD. This time the HD appeared in the Disk Utility but not in the Startup Disk, so I proceeded to run Verify Disk Permissions which came up normal. I then launched the Startup Disk again and the HD appeared so I could get the full use of the computer back. So I don't know what to do now. I have not tried installing OS 10.5 again but do want and need to upgrade so I can sync my iPhone with my computer which I have never been able to do yet.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Was able to work on the computer this weekend, started by clearing out some space on the HD as you had recommended BDAqua. Freed up 31 GB of space but was at the point where I didn't know what else I could delete, moved iPhoto and iTunes libraries along with the whole documents folder off the computer, even ran OnyX to clear out cache, log files etc.
    Restarted the computer booting from the install DVD, then ran disk repair. Everything came back okay so proceeded with the update installation. Checking installation DVD took a while but started the installation okay. The installation its self took about an hour plus but did not fail at the end so that's a great.
    Did the update I wanted to iTunes 10.5 then 10.6 so that I can sync the iPhone to the computer now. The computer does appear a little draggy at times even though I have 512MB of RAM, which I know is not a lot any more. Is there anything else I can remove or clean up that was installed by this update that is not needed or can't run on this machine, in hopes of making it a little smoother.
    Thanks for all your help.

  • Mail can't find IMAP mailboxes after server upgrade from 10.3- 10.4

    For the past several years I've been running an IMAP server on my home network to allow me to keep all my mail in synch no matter which of my Macs I'm accessing mail from. (Bernard Teo's Postfix Enabler has been an amazing tool. See: ) Well, since I'm adding a RAID to the backup hardware on the same server later in the week, I decided to finally upgrade the server from Panther to Tiger. I can send and receive mail just fine. (I upgraded to MailServer from the site listed above.) However, all of my IMAP folders other than the associated inboxes have vanished, according to Now, when I check ~/Library/Mail the folders are still visible, and a quick Get Info tells me that they aren't empty. How do I get Mail to notice these folders?
    A shot of the offending folder should appear below:
    867 DP G4, Powerbook 1.67   Mac OS X (10.3.8)  

    More info: I've tried a variety of paths to the mailboxes, and this is the only one that has yielded anything. Still, it ain't usable, yet.
    867 DP G4, Powerbook 1.67   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Maybe you are looking for