File chooser on applet

Dear Sir,
I use the following coding on jdk1.4 it works well that is, while pressing the button it will work (display file chooser) perfectly on applet. while convert this coding into applet(executing in browser) the file chooser not visible on exploer. i doesn't know what is the wrong code. please help me.
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
* <applet code="AppletSample" height=100 width=100>
* </applet>
public class AppletSample extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
     public JButton b1;
     JFileChooser fileChooser;
     * @param args
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     public void init() {
          b1=new JButton("click");
          b1.setBounds(500, 50, 100, 20);
          setSize(800, 600);
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     public void list() {
               fileChooser = new JFileChooser(".");
                    int t= fileChooser.showOpenDialog(this);
          //     this.add(fileChooser);

Sounds like this bug that will be fixed in Firefox 10.0.1, possibly released later this week.
*[ Bug 718939] – Java applet causes text entry fields to become semi-unresponsive

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    Actually, you can use JFileChooser for remote filesystems. I've implemented it once using JDK 1.3.1 (accessing a remote Linux machine over RMI in an applet):
    (1) Create your own subclass of, hooking all methods that actually access the filesystem (isDirectory, getSize, ...) to your ftp-connection. (That's the main work, about 50 methods to overwrite, but you can skip many, e.g. createTemporaryFile).
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    but appletviewer told below error, (Access is dinied )
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    Signed applets seldom a good solution, though. I agree. I suspect most people who have this sort of problem chose applets for one of two reasons:
    1. Applets were the first thing covered in the book they were reading.
    2. They hoped it would be a short way to deploy their code.
    The correct reason to choose an applet would be because it was a useful feature for your web site.

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    Unless you sign your applet, I don't think the security manager will authorize access to the hard drive.
    Search this forum for "applet" + "JFileChooser" and you'll find many posts of people facing the same problem.

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    You could use an applet...
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    Just place a copy of the file on the local hard disk and update that. When you start the Applet you try to read from the hard disk. If the file exists then no problem otherwise copy it from the jar to the hard disk.

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    import java.awt.event.*;
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    }catch(IOException e){**/}

    I have almost the exact same problem, and I am in the same situation as you are with respects to the language.
    I am simply trying to create a file and output some garbage to it but my applet always spits back a security violation. I've tried eliminating the restrictions on the applet runner I use but I still get the error.
    My method:
    debug = new Label() ;
    debug.setLocation( 20, 20 ) ;
    debug.setSize( 500, 15 ) ;
    add( debug ) ;
    // output
         OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream( new File( "" + getCodeBase() + "output.txt" ) ) ;
         byte[] buffer = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } ;
         file.write( buffer ) ;
         file.close() ;
    } catch( Exception e )
         debug.setText( e.toString() ) ;
         Can anyone tell why this isnt working?

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    For JRE 1.4.0 you can use this fix:
    public class FileChooserFix implements PropertyChangeListener {
      private String fileName;
       * @see PropertyChangeListener
      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
        JFileChooser chooser = (JFileChooser)ev.getSource();
        if (JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY == chooser.getFileSelectionMode()) {
          if (JFileChooser.SELECTED_FILE_CHANGED_PROPERTY.equals(ev.getPropertyName())) {
            File selectedFile = (File)ev.getNewValue();
            if (selectedFile != null) {
              // remember fileName of selected file
              fileName = selectedFile.getName();
          if (fileName != null &&
              JFileChooser.DIRECTORY_CHANGED_PROPERTY.equals(ev.getPropertyName())) {
            // reset selected file
            File directory = (File)ev.getNewValue();
            chooser.setSelectedFile(new File(directory, fileName));
       * Convenience method to create a fixed file chooser.
       * @return      fixed file chooser
      public static JFileChooser create() {
        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
        chooser.addPropertyChangeListener(new FileChooserFix());
        return chooser;

  • File chooser to buffered image

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    Sorry about the total newbie question; I'm trying to figure out how to convert a jpg into a buffered image, while using the file chooser to select it. I'd like to do all this in a scrollpane. Does anyone have some sample code for this, at least so I can play around? I have ideas, but I'm getting tons of errors while trying things like:
    public class ImProc extends JComponent{
    private BufferedImage source, destination;
    private JComboBox options;
    public ImProc( BufferedImage image){
    source = destination = image;
    setLayout( new BorderLayout());
    JPanel controls = new JPanel();
    options = new JComboBox(
    new String[] {"[source]", "brighten", "darken", "rotate", "scale" }
    options.addItemListener(new ItemListener(){
    public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent ie){
    String option = (String)options.getSelectedItem();
    BufferedImageOp op = null;
    destination = source;
    else if(option.equals("brighten"))
    op = new RescaleOp(1.5f, 0, null);
    else if(option.equals("darken"))
    op = new RescaleOp(0.5f, 0, null);
    else if (option.equals("rotate"))
    op = new AffineTransformOp(
    AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI / 6), null);
    else if (option.equals("scale"))
    op = new AffineTransformOp(
    AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(.5, .5), null);
    if(op != null) destination = op.filter(source, null);
    add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    int imageWidth = destination.getWidth();
    int imageHeight = destination.getHeight();
    int width = getSize().width;
    int height = getSize().height;
    (width - imageWidth) / 2, (height - imageHeight) / 2, null);
    public static void main(String[] args){
    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
    String filename = chooser.getName();
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(filename);
    Image i = icon.getImage();
    int w = i.getWidth(null), h = i.getHeight(null);
    BufferedImage buffImage = new BufferedImage(w, h,
    Graphics2D imageGraphics = buffImage.createGraphics();
    imageGraphics.drawImage(i, 0, 0, null);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Image");
    frame.getContentPane().add(new ImProc(buffImage));
    frame.setSize(buffImage.getWidth(), buffImage.getHeight());
    So, I'm stuck. Any help from anyone is appreciated.

    Now, with:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    public class ImProc extends JComponent{
    private BufferedImage source, destination;
    private JComboBox options;
    public ImProc( BufferedImage image){
    source = destination = image;
    setLayout( new BorderLayout());
    JPanel controls = new JPanel();
    options = new JComboBox(
    new String[] {"[source]", "brighten", "darken", "rotate", "scale" }
    options.addItemListener(new ItemListener(){
    public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent ie){
    String option = (String)options.getSelectedItem();
    BufferedImageOp op = null;
    destination = source;
    else if(option.equals("brighten"))
    op = new RescaleOp(1.5f, 0, null);
    else if(option.equals("darken"))
    op = new RescaleOp(0.5f, 0, null);
    else if (option.equals("rotate"))
    op = new AffineTransformOp(
    AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI / 6), null);
    else if (option.equals("scale"))
    op = new AffineTransformOp(
    AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(.5, .5), null);
    if(op != null) destination = op.filter(source, null);
    add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    int imageWidth = destination.getWidth();
    int imageHeight = destination.getHeight();
    int width = getSize().width;
    int height = getSize().height;
    (width - imageWidth) / 2, (height - imageHeight) / 2, null);
    public static void main(String[] args){
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Image");
    frame.setSize(300, 300);
    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
    //String filename = chooser.getName();
    File f = chooser.getSelectedFile();
    //String filename = f.getName();
    //ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(filename);
    //Image i =;
    //int w = i.getWidth(null), h = i.getHeight(null);
    //BufferedImage buffImage = null;
    BufferedImage buffImage =;
    catch (IOException e){
    System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
    frame.getContentPane().add(new ImProc(buffImage));
    Graphics2D imageGraphics = buffImage.createGraphics();
    imageGraphics.drawImage(buffImage, 0, 0, null);
    With this, it doesn't seem to find my variable buffImage. However, it complains if I don't use the try{} catch{}. Am I not declaring something properly?

  • Default settings for File Chooser dialog

    I reach the file chooser dialog by selecting File-Open File.
    Under the toolbar-options menu in the Open File Dialog, I can select to have a bookmark icon appear on the toolbar.
    How do I set a default to have the Bookmark icon always appear?
    Firefox 11 on openSuSE 12.1

    I don't think so, if I hide the Menu bar I don't see a Bookmarks Menu.
    In this picture an arrow points to an Options menu button. Select that Button and a list of options opens, one of which is "Show Bookmarks". I would like the Show Bookmarks option to be "ON" by default.
    Be aware that I am running SuSE 12.1 and I believe this Menu is provided by KDE integration "kmozillahelper", so my menu may be different from the default Firefox menu.

  • Custom file chooser

    I need to design a custom file chooser. Infact, I cannot call it a file
    chooser, because this is not accessing local system files. I am uploading
    some files into a directory using ASP and I keep that file name in the database.
    I can even upload directores and directores with files too into the database.
    I need to display those files and folders in the "what is called as file chooser".
    The List should work as it works in file chooser. i.e when I click on a folder,
    it should show the files inside it. When I click on the file, the file should
    be selected. Infact there is nothing in the file. Its all virtual only. Its only
    the name that is selected.
    I should be given an option to select "directories only" also.
    The "file chooser" should not have show files of type, just the file name
    text field only. The combobox should display "user added" string message. And
    this is only one item in the combobox. I should be able to create folders, show
    lists,etc... as it appears in the file chooser. (buttons beside the combobox)
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    ok, this is just an'll probably need a different constructor and additional methods....
    public class VirtualFile{
      private String file ;
      private VirtualFile[] children;
      private VirtualFile parent;
      public VirtualFile(String file,VirtualFile parent,VirtualFiles[]children){
         this.file = file;
         this.parent = parent;
         this.children = children;
      public boolean isRoot(){
        return parent == null;
      public boolean isDirectory(){
        return children = null || children.length==0;
      public VirtualFile[] getChildren){
        return children;

  • File file chooser

    I have a JFrame (main frame), that opens another JFrame (popup frame) when u click a button, and in this frame I have a file chooser. The problem is, when i open the file chooser, the popup frame closes (shuts down) while the main frame stais put. How can i prevent the popup frame from closing when clicking the file chooser button?
    here's the code for the file chooser:
    FileChooser fc = new FileChooser();
    int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(this);
    if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
    String fileName = file.getName();
    JDialog chooseFileFrame = new JDialog();
    Container content2 = chooseFileFrame.getContentPane();;

    Nope. both main frame and popup frame are JFrames. Here's the rest of the code:
    I have a JFrame, fullcreen, contains a button Button_popup, that calls a new JFrame:
    //call file chooser button
    JButton chooseFileButton = new JButton("choose file");
    //popup frame (that closes when i opens the file chooser
    JFrame popUp= new JFrame("Heading");
    Container content = popUp.getContentPane();
    adds the file chooser button to my action listener, if hit:
    private void chooseFile()
    if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
    String file= file.getName();
    JDialog fileChooserDialog= new JDialog();
    Container content = fileChooserDialog.getContentPane();;

  • Add a jar file to an Applet

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to add a .jar file to my applet using the code:
    <applet name=myApplet.class archive=model.jar></applet>
    Both the .class and .jar files are in the same directory as test.html
    So, when the applet starts an exception is thrown:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: it/bizware/session/interfaces/HardwareLogManagerUtil
         at AppletPistolaL.getHardwareLogManager(
         at AppletPistolaL.init(
         at Source)
         at Source)
    The model.jar contains the path it/bizware/session.../HardwareLogManagerUtil!
    I can't understand why this exception is thrown
    Someone can help me?!?!?!
    thanks a lot!!

    just to add all path it/bizware/....
    and works!!!!

  • Exporting to a text file in an applet..

    Hey all,
    I've been working on an applet for simulating different nodal configurations on a 2D map. What I need to be able to do is export, on the click of a button, all of the nodal coordinates (x,y) to a text file. However, using the standard FileWrite hasn't been working for me. The code compiles and the applet runs fine, but I haven't been able to create the text file on the click of a button. Any ideas?
    Here's what I've got so far. Basically, on the button push, it's supposed goes through an array of ellipses (what I use for nodes) and gets the x and y coords for each and output them to a text file. The applet doesn't freeze or anything when I push the button either, it just does nothing.
    void stop_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                        String fileName = "NodeCoords.txt";
                        FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter( fileName );
                        BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter( fileWriter );
                        String tmpCoordinates;
                        int ID;
                        //for looop through x-y coordinates
                        for (int i = 0; i < node.length; i++){
                            ID = i+1;
                            tmpCoordinates = "Node: " + String.valueOf(nodeID[ID]) + "  X: " + String.valueOf(node.getX()) + " Y: " + String.valueOf(node[i].getY()) + "\n";
    catch( IOException p )

    I'm new to this type of programming. This is for simulation of a new MAC protocol that I've worked on, and is basically just serving as a visual. If I knew how to create a stand alone application that looks like the applet I would have...

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