Flattening, correlated subquery

The following fields are key values on a table, with example data :
1234 6/6/05 HIR
1234 6/6/05 XFR
1234 6/10/05 DTA
1234 6/22/05 XFR
1234 7/30/05 TER
3456 6/6/05 HIR
I need to create a view to show the previous 5 rows of history per employee but flattened to be one line per Employee Number (EMPNO).
So the view would be something like :
1234 HIR 6/6/05 XFR 6/6/05 DTA 6/10/05
I have thought of aliasing the table and then using correlated subqueries, but this got complicated joining to >2 tables. Since joining to table 2 required that DATE1 <> DATE2 or ACTION1 <> ACTION2. But then alias 3 becomes more convoluted and then 4 and 5 OTT.
I also looked at some rownum trickery to get the <=5 rows, but I could not get this working.
What is the best solution for this problem ? Note that it does have to be a pure view, not PL/SQL etc.

I think you are after this. You must know the number of actions per output row. In this case five:
drop table t;
create table t( empno number, x_date date, action varchar2(3));
insert into t values (1234, to_date('6/6/05 01:00','mm/dd/yy hh:mi'),'HIR'); --need to have unique date values per empno
insert into t values (1234, to_date('6/6/05 02:00','mm/dd/yy hh:mi'),'XFR'); --need to have unique date values per empno
insert into t values (1234, to_date('6/10/05','mm/dd/yy'),'DTA');
insert into t values (1234, to_date('6/22/05','mm/dd/yy'),'XFR');
insert into t values (1234, to_date('7/30/05','mm/dd/yy'),'TER');
insert into t values (3456, to_date('6/6/05','mm/dd/yy'),'HIR');
create or replace view tv as
  select empno, x_date, action, dense_rank() over( partition by empno order by x_date ) e_rank
  from t
  order by empno;
SELECT  empno,
        max( decode( e_rank, 1, x_date||' '||action)) e_act1,
        max( decode( e_rank, 2, x_date||' '||action)) e_act2,
        max( decode( e_rank, 3, x_date||' '||action)) e_act3,
        max( decode( e_rank, 4, x_date||' '||action)) e_act4,
        max( decode( e_rank, 5, x_date||' '||action)) e_act5
FROM    tv
group by empno;
     EMPNO E_ACT1        E_ACT2        E_ACT3        E_ACT4        E_ACT5
      1234 06-JUN-05 HIR 06-JUN-05 XFR 10-JUN-05 DTA 22-JUN-05 XFR 30-JUL-05 TER
      3456 06-JUN-05 HIR

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  • Top n Analysis using correlated subquery

    Please explain this query. It is doing top n analysis using correlated subquery. I need explaination of execution of this query.
    Select distinct a.sal
    From emp a
    where 1=(select count ( distinct b.sal) from emp b
         where a.sal <=b.sal)
    Thanks in advance

    Try breaking the query down and rewriting it in order to follow the logic;
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Start by getting each salary from emp along with a count of all salaries in emp
    SQL> --
    SQL> select   a.sal,
            (select count (distinct b.sal) from scott.emp b ) count_sal
    from scott.emp a
    order by 1 desc
           SAL  COUNT_SAL
          5000         12
          3000         12
          3000         12
          2975         12
          2850         12
          2450         12
          1600         12
          1500         12
          1300         12
          1250         12
          1250         12
          1100         12
           950         12
           800         12
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> --
    SQL> --Add a condition to the count for only salaries below or equal to the current salarySQL> --
    SQL> select   a.sal,
            (select count (distinct b.sal) from scott.emp b where a.sal <=b.sal) rank_sal
    from scott.emp a
    order by 1 desc
           SAL   RANK_SAL
          5000          1
          3000          2
          3000          2
          2975          3
          2850          4
          2450          5
          1600          6
          1500          7
          1300          8
          1250          9
          1250          9
          1100         10
           950         11
           800         12
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Add a condition to only pick the nth highest salary
    SQL> --
    SQL> select    a.sal,
             (select count (distinct b.sal) from scott.emp b where a.sal <=b.sal) rank_sal
    from scott.emp a
    where (select count (distinct b.sal) from scott.emp b where a.sal <=b.sal) = 4
           SAL   RANK_SAL
          2850          4
    1 row selected.Hope this helps.

  • SQL Bug in "Minus" in correlated subquery presence of index (

    SQL Bug in "Minus" in correlated subquery presence of index
    (Oracle Database 11g Release
    Below, there is a small example that shows the bug. Further below,
    there are some more comments.
    drop table Country;
    create table Country
    (code VARCHAR2(4) constraint countrykey PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR2(35));
    -- if the key constraint is not given, the bug does not occur
    drop table City;
    create table City
    (name VARCHAR2(35),
    country VARCHAR2(4),
    population number);
    drop table Locatedon;
    create table Locatedon
    (city VARCHAR2(35),
    country VARCHAR2(4),
    island VARCHAR2(35));
    insert into country values('E','Spain');
    insert into country values('F','France');
    insert into country values('S','Sweden');
    insert into country values('GB','Sweden');
    insert into city values('Ajaccio','F',53500);
    insert into city values('Paris','F',2152423);
    insert into city values('Palma','E',322008);
    insert into city values('Madrid','E',3041101);
    insert into city values('Stockholm','S',711119);
    insert into city values('London','GB',6967500);
    insert into locatedon values('Ajaccio','F','Corse');
    insert into locatedon values('Palma','E','Mallorca');
    insert into locatedon values('London','GB','Great Britain');
    -- all countries that have a city that is not located on
    -- some island: should be E, F, S.
    Select c.name
    From country c
    Where exists
    ((Select name
    From city
    Where city.country=c.code)
    (Select city
    From locatedon
    Where locatedon.country=c.code)
    -- wrong answer: only Sweden; Spain and France not in the answer!
    select distinct country from
    ((Select name, country
    From city)
    (Select city, country
    From locatedon)
    -- correct answer: E, F, S
    The bug has been found by students in our SQL course.
    Using a larger database from that course, the bug can be reproduced
    (same queries as above) at
    (wrong: 142 answers, correct: 154 answers)
    During reducing it to a simple sample, there were some interesting
    observations: trying with smaller and simpler tables (without the keys)
    and synthetic data, the bug did not occur immediately. When
    restating the query after about one day, the bug occurred. Obviously,
    Oracle creates some index on its own in course of its internal
    optimization that (or more exactly, its usage) exhibits the bug. The
    query plan (showed in SQL Developer) was the same before and after.

    There's a typo in the test data - GB should presumably not be in Sweden. However....
    the bug did not occur immediatelyIt's possible. But what would have almost certainly happened is that the execution plan DID change at some point. There are various reasons why it might not be immediate.
    Obviously, Oracle creates some index on its own in course of its internal optimizationFar from obvious, what are you on about?
    The query plan was the same before and afterBet you it wasn't.
    A clear illustration of the issue and indication that it must be a bug is below.
    Simply by hinting a different access method, we can change the result. Therefore, bug.
    See [url http://support.oracle.com]Oracle Support and search for "wrong results".
    Please raise with Oracle Support to get confirmation of bug.
    There have been so many wrong results bugs recently, it's getting ridiculous.
    It's a real issue, IMHO.
    If you can't trust the DB to get your data right....
    Note that the query plan is very much NOT the same and it is the difference in query plan which s that is the root cause of the bug.
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> SELECT c.name
      2  FROM   country1 c
      3  WHERE  exists ((SELECT name
      4                  FROM   city1
      5                  WHERE  city1.country=c.code)
      6                  MINUS
      7                 (SELECT city
      8                  FROM   locatedon1
      9                  WHERE  locatedon1.country=c.code));
    SQL> SELECT /*+ full(c) */
      2         c.name
      3  FROM   country1 c
      4  WHERE  exists ((SELECT name
      5                  FROM   city1
      6                  WHERE  city1.country=c.code)
      7                  MINUS
      8                 (SELECT city
      9                  FROM   locatedon1
    10                  WHERE  locatedon1.country=c.code));
    SQL> explain plan for
      2  SELECT c.name
      3  FROM   country1 c
      4  WHERE  exists ((SELECT name
      5                  FROM   city1
      6                  WHERE  city1.country=c.code)
      7                  MINUS
      8                 (SELECT city
      9                  FROM   locatedon1
    10                  WHERE  locatedon1.country=c.code));
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 156929629
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |            |     1 |    27 |    12  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |            |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS               |            |     1 |    27 |    12  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    VIEW                      | VW_SQ_1    |     6 |    24 |    10  (20)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |     MINUS                    |            |       |       |            |          |
    |   5 |      SORT UNIQUE             |            |     6 |   138 |            |          |
    |   6 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL      | CITY1      |     6 |   138 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   7 |      SORT UNIQUE             |            |     3 |    69 |            |          |
    |   8 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL      | LOCATEDON1 |     3 |    69 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  9 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | COUNTRYKEY |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |  10 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| COUNTRY1   |     1 |    23 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       9 - access("VW_COL_1"="C"."CODE")
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=4)
    26 rows selected.
    SQL> explain plan for
      2  SELECT /*+ full(c) */
      3         c.name
      4  FROM   country1 c
      5  WHERE  exists ((SELECT name
      6                  FROM   city1
      7                  WHERE  city1.country=c.code)
      8                  MINUS
      9                 (SELECT city
    10                  FROM   locatedon1
    11                  WHERE  locatedon1.country=c.code));
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 1378726376
    | Id  | Operation            | Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |            |     1 |    23 |    14  (15)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  FILTER              |            |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL  | COUNTRY1   |     4 |    92 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |   MINUS              |            |       |       |            |          |
    |   4 |    SORT UNIQUE       |            |     1 |    23 |     5  (20)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  5 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| CITY1      |     1 |    23 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   6 |    SORT UNIQUE       |            |     1 |    23 |     5  (20)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  7 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| LOCATEDON1 |     1 |    23 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter( EXISTS ( (SELECT "NAME" FROM "CITY1" "CITY1" WHERE
                  WHERE "LOCATEDON1"."COUNTRY"=:B2)))
       5 - filter("CITY1"."COUNTRY"=:B1)
       7 - filter("LOCATEDON1"."COUNTRY"=:B1)
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=4)
    27 rows selected.Just to show that it's related to query transformation:
    SQL> SELECT /*+ 
      2             no_query_transformation
      3         */
      4         c.name
      5  FROM   country1 c
      6  WHERE  exists ((SELECT name
      7                  FROM   city1
      8                  WHERE  city1.country=c.code)
      9                  MINUS
    10                 (SELECT city
    11                  FROM   locatedon1
    12                  WHERE  locatedon1.country=c.code));
    SQL> Edited by: Dom Brooks on Jun 30, 2011 2:50 PM

  • JDOQL Correlated Subquery - Bad SQL

    When I execute a JDOQL correlated subquery, the generated SQL is either
    invalid or incorrect. Exactly what happens depends on the exact query, and
    on the target database type, but I believe it all stems from the same
    problem, which has to do with table aliasing.
    If you need further details to reproduce this, please let me know. I'll be
    glad to help in any way I can to get this situation remedied quickly, as I
    am depending on this functionality. I have a test application to
    demonstrate the problem.
    I'm using Kodo 3.3.3 and application identity.
    Paul Mogren

    For the record, this is in part due to a bug in Kodo's SQL92 joining.
    See http://bugzilla.solarmetric.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1156
    Paul Mogren wrote:
    Certainly... Here's a simple example using Microsoft's JDBC Driver for SQL
    Server 2000, and kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLServerDictionary, which produces invalid
    The query:
    "(select from Entry entry where entries.contains(entry) &&
    entry.containedId != 1).isEmpty()");
    The classes:
    class Contained {
    private int id; //pk
    class Container {
    private int id; //pk
    private Set entries = new HashSet(); //<Entry>
    class Entry {
    private int containerId; //pk
    private int containedId; //pk
    private Container container; //persistent-redundant
    private Contained contained; //persistent-redundant
    The result:
    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'. {prepstmnt 31598780 SELECT
    t0.container_id, t0.lock FROM  WHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT DISTINCT
    t2.contained_id, t2.container_id FROM dbo.entry t2 WHERE (t1.contained_id
    = t2.contained_id AND t1.container_id = t2.container_id AND
    t2.contained_id <> ?) AND t0.container_id = t1.container_id))
    [params=(int) 1]} [code=156, state=HY000]
    Patrick Linskey wrote:
    Hi Paul,
    Kodo's correlated subquery support does have some known limitations. Can
    you post a sample JDOQL statement + corresponding SQL statement?
    Paul Mogren wrote:
    When I execute a JDOQL correlated subquery, the generated SQL is either
    invalid or incorrect. Exactly what happens depends on the exact query, and
    on the target database type, but I believe it all stems from the same
    problem, which has to do with table aliasing.
    If you need further details to reproduce this, please let me know. I'll be
    glad to help in any way I can to get this situation remedied quickly, as I
    am depending on this functionality. I have a test application to
    demonstrate the problem.
    I'm using Kodo 3.3.3 and application identity.
    Paul Mogren

  • Performance of using a Select For Update vs a correlated subquery

    I was wondering wether or not it is more effecient to use the
    Select ... For Update (with a cursor etc.) versus a correlated
    I can accomplish the same thing with either however performance
    at our site is an issue.

    Use select for update cursor as that is faster as it updates
    based on the rowid. One thing to keep in mind is that rowid is
    session specific and the rows to be updated get locked so that
    nobody else can update them till the lock is released. I have
    had very good performance results with these cursors.
    Good luck !

  • How does oracle execute a correlated subquery .... some confusion

    How does oracle 10g execute a correlated subquery?
    I read some articles online & i am a little confused.
    select * from emp e
    where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno);
    My questions .......
    1.In the above example, does oracle read the entire outer table first and then run the inner query using the rows returned by the outer query?
    I read in some articles that they execute simultaneously.
    How does this work?
    2.Should the inner query have lesser amount of rows compared to the outer query for a good performance?
    3.Can every correlated subquery be converted to a join and if so which one to use?
    Truly appreciate any inputs on how oracle executes it at the backend.
    Thanks in advance.

    user10541890 wrote:
    How does oracle 10g execute a correlated subquery?
    I read some articles online & i am a little confused.
    select * from emp e
    where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno);
    My questions .......
    1.In the above example, does oracle read the entire outer table first and then run the inner query using the rows returned by the outer query?
    I read in some articles that they execute simultaneously.
    How does this work?SQL is not a procedural language. SQL code specifies what the system sill do, not how the system wlll do it; that's entirely up to the system.
    What does it matter to you whether the two are done together, or if one is completed before the other begins?
    The system will probably choose to run ucorellated subqueiris only once, and correlated queries multiple times as needed.
    2.Should the inner query have lesser amount of rows compared to the outer query for a good performance?That usually doesn't matter.
    It some cases, you may want to consider whether the subquery is correlated or not. If the subquery is very costly, and produces, say, 1 million rows, but you know the main query will only produce about 5 rows, then you may want to do a correlated subquery rather than an uncorrelated one.
    3.Can every correlated subquery be converted to a join and if so which one to use?I believe so.
    Use whichever is easier to code and debug. That will change depnding on the data and the requirements.
    If performance is an issue, try different ways. Usually, where I've noticed a big difference, join was fastest.
    By the way, it's unusual to have a correlated IN-subquery.
    Usually IN-subqueris are uncorrelated, like this:
    select  *
    from      emp     e
    where     e.deptno     in ( select  d.deptno
                        from    dept     d
                      );(This and the queries below produce the same resutls as your original query.)
    Correlated subqueries are usually used for scalar subqueries or EXISTS subqueries, like this:
    select  *
    from      emp     e
    where     EXISTS ( select  d.deptno
               from    dept     d
                    where   e.deptno = d.deptno
                );To do the same thing with a join:
    select  e.*
    from      emp     e
    join     dept     d     on     e.deptno     = d.deptno
    ;assuming dept.deptno is unique.

  • Difference between a regular subquery and a correlated subquery

    Can someone explain EXACTLY what is a correlated subquery and could you give me an example? I'm taking an Oracle DBA class and I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. :)

    "Normal" subquery (the subquery is executed only once for the statement):
    select name
    from emp
    where salary > (select avg(emp2.salary) from emp emp2);
    Correlated subquery (it is executed for each row of the main query):
    select name
    from emp
    where salary > (select avg(salary) from emp emp2
    where emp2.deptno = emp.deptno);
    Can someone explain EXACTLY what is a correlated subquery and could you give me an example? I'm taking an Oracle DBA class and I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. :)

  • Correlated Subquery Issue

    the following sample is from ORACLE DATABASE 10g SQL
    i don't understand how it works, the bellow is the table and the query
    SELECT Product_id pid, product_type_id ptid, name, price
    FROM products
    1 1 Modern Science 19.95
    2 1 Chemistry 30
    3 2 Supernova 25.99
    4 2 Tank War 13.95
    5 2 Z Files 49.99
    6 2 2412: The Return 14.95
    7 3 Space Force 9 13.49
    8 3 From Another Planet 12.99
    9 4 Classical Music 10.99
    10 4 Pop 3 15.99
    11 4 Creative Yell 14.99
    12 My Front Line 13.49
    the query
    SELECT product_id pid, product_type_id ptid, name, price
    FROM products outer
    WHERE price >
    (SELECT AVG(price)
    FROM products inner
    WHERE inner.product_type_id = outer.product_type_id)
    2 1 Chemistry 30
    5 2 Z Files 49.99
    7 3 Space Force 9 13.49
    10 4 Pop 3 15.99
    11 4 Creative Yell 14.99
    what i don't understand is HOW and WHEN the AVG function works and HOW AVG() function knows to calculate the average by grouping the PTID not the average of ALL PRICE column.
    tks for helping in advance

    The subquery
    (SELECT AVG(price)
       FROM products inner
      WHERE inner.product_type_id = outer.product_type_id)knows to create an average of all the products with the same product type because of the WHERE clause, which limits the rows returned to those with the product_type_id in the outer.
    Conceptually, what happens is
    - the outer query gets the first row of the table (PID=1)
    - it grabs the price (19.95)
    - now, it runs the subquery to determine whether this is above average
    - the subquery sees that outer.product_type_id is 1, so the WHERE clause eliminates all but the first two rows (PID 1&2). The average of 19.95 and 30 is 24.975.
    - Since the price of the first row is not greater than 24.975, Oracle knows that it does not meet the conditions of the WHERE clause in the outer query.
    - Repeat for each row in the outer query
    Obviously, since Oracle is doing set-based processing, it may not work exactly this way internally. Conceptually, though, this is how correlated subqueries work.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Correlated Subquery in ORDER BY

    The following is a valid sql. But, what is meant by a correlated scalar subquery in the ORDER BY clause?
    SELECT employee_id, last_name
    FROM employees e
    ORDER BY (SELECT department_name
    FROM departments d
    WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id);

    It is exactly the same in the ORDER BY clause as in any other part of a query. As biswabijay says, the correlated query is run once for each row in the result set.
    In essence, the fileds selected from the correlated query are added to the result for each row, then evaluated in the appropriate context (e.g. compared in a WHERE clause, used for sorting in an ORDER BY).
    A small addition to your original query makes this more apparent.
    SQL> SELECT employee_id, last_name, department_name
      2  FROM employees e, departments d
      3  WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id
      4  ORDER BY (SELECT department_name
      5  FROM departments d
      6  WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id);
            205 Higgins                   Accounting
            206 Gietz                     Accounting
            200 Whalen                    Administration
            100 King                      Executive
            101 Kochhar                   Executive
            102 De Haan                   Executive
            185 Bull                      Shipping
            144 Vargas                    Shipping
            143 Matos                     Shipping
            184 Sarchand                  ShippingHTH

  • Help with a correlated subquery. flawed results..

    Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here? I am trying to get the employees whos have above average salarys for there departments.
    SELECT first_name||' '||last_name  NAME,
    FROM employee
    WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG (salary)
                    FROM employee
                    GROUP BY department_id);I run this and get this:
    ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one rowHow can I amend this subquery to work for my needs? if i leave off:
    GROUP BY department_idthen it gives the average for all employees.
    Message was edited by:

    Your sub-query is not really correlated.
    You should join it by deptno with exetrnal query
    SELECT ename||' '||job,
    FROM scott.emp e
    WHERE sal > (SELECT AVG (sal)
                    FROM scott.emp
                    where deptno = e.deptno
                    GROUP BY deptno);ENAME||''||JOB DEPTNO SAL
    ALLEN SALESMAN      30     1600
    JONES MANAGER      20     2975
    BLAKE MANAGER      30     2850
    SCOTT ANALYST      20     3000
    KING PRESIDENT      10     5000
    FORD ANALYST      20     3000

  • Correlated subquery alternatives?

    Before I start, this is a production system and I am not allowed to alter ANY of the tables involved: so no new columns are allowed, tables can't be changed into being materialized views, and no I can't just re-design the entire application that I've inherited! The ONLY thing I can do is change the SQL code used to perform assorted tasks. The tables involved have all got fresh statistics computed, too, so this isn't a question about improving my DBA techniques. Nor is it a question about tuning the performance of existing code (which already has good execution plans).
    I have a large table, called SEARCH. It is a copy of a lot of data from a table called SOURCE (not all of the data, because some is filtered out). SOURCE has about 7 million rows. SEARCH has about 5 million. From time to time, records in SOURCE have their status changed from ACTIVE to INACTIVE. If they are marked INACTIVE, they are not allowed to be in SEARCH. Weekly, we re-synch the SEARCH data with the SOURCE -so, it's during that weekend refresh operation that this sort of query is issued:
    delete from SEARCH where IDENTIFIER in (select IDENTIFIER from SOURCE where STATUSCODE != 1);It's a delete using a standard correlated sub-query. It takes slightly over five minutes to run, which is OK, but I would like to know if there's any alternative SQL or SQL constructs/features/enhancements which could be used to perform the same sort of thing more quickly. As I say, I'm not asking how to tune this sort of thing: I'm asking rather if there are alternatives to it. If there isn't, that's OK.
    I should perhaps add that the STATUSCODE column is not found in the SEARCH table (because if the record's in SEARCH, it would be because the status was =1 in SOURCE originally)

    I tried very hard to prevent this sort of post, but clearly I have not succeeded.
    The question actually asked whether there were SQL constructs which could act as an alternative to a correlated sub-query. I see two people have been able to supply such alternatives.
    Those people did not need to double-think what 'active' and 'inactive' meant, or whether the value stored in the statuscode column was 'active' or '1' (I expect they were smart enough to work out that a "status" of active can be encoded in a column called "statuscode" with a value of '1')
    Those people did not read the words "I can't alter any of the tables" and then decide to ignore them as you have (creating an index on a table counts as altering the table in my book and in this context)
    Those people did not read the words 'fresh statistics have been computed' and decide to suggest calculating even fresher statistics that include histograms.
    Those people did not need to start guessing what my data distribution for inactive records is.
    Those people did not read the words "[This is not] a question about tuning the performance of existing code (which already has good execution plans)" and ignore them, deciding in their arrogance that maybe those execution plans needed to be discussed after all.
    Why can't you and others like you just stick to answering the question as asked for once? Two other people in this exchange have managed to do just that, yet so many of these 'thousands of posts to my name' frequenters of these forums seem completely incapable of doing so. It is very strange, very frustrating and I wish you wouldn't do it.

  • Nested Correlated Subquery

    Hi All,
    I have a SQL query that I am looking to amend. The query currently shows routes from an A end location and a Z end location. On those routes, orders are placed. I have been asked to show only the routes that have more than one order on them. For this I have written the following subquery in the WHERE clause...
    AND    (
            SELECT COUNT(*) qty
            FROM (
                SELECT *
                FROM SCHEMA.ROUTE R
                WHERE r.a_order_id = 457044
                SELECT *
                FROM SCHEMA.ROUTE R
                WHERE r.z_order_id = 457044)
                                                            ) > 1Due to the nature of the data, the UNION is needed to ensure orders that are built on either the A or the Z ends are counted.
    The problem here is that I would like to use the a_order_id and z_order_id from the parent query to feed the '457044' values in the subquery. As I'm sure you're all aware, Oracle will only let you use the parent query values one level deep.
    Can anyone see a way of doing this? I can't seem to see the wood through the trees on this one. Any help greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: kevino17 on 21-Nov-2012 03:23

    Hi, Kev,
    Welcome to the forum!
    kevino17 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have a SQL query that I am looking to amend. The query currently shows routes from an A end location and a Z end location. On those routes, orders are placed. I have been asked to show only the routes that have more than one order on them. For this I have written the following subquery in the WHERE clause...
    AND    (
    SELECT COUNT(*) qty
    FROM (
    SELECT *
    WHERE r.a_order_id = 457044
    SELECT *
    WHERE r.z_order_id = 457044)
    ) > 1Due to the nature of the data, the UNION is needed to ensure orders that are built on either the A or the Z ends are counted.It's unclear why you need a UNION. Why not
        SELECT  COUNT (*)
        FROM    schema.route  r
        WHERE   s.order_id  IN (r.a_order_id, r.z_order_id)
    )where s.order_id is a value (such as 457044) from the super-query?
    Whenever you have a question, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data, so that the people who want to help you can re-create the problem and test their ideas.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • How Correlated Subquery work with JOIN

    Hi, There,
    I use Northwind database, and the codes below executed good.
          USE Northwind
          SELECT c.Country, o.OrderID, o.CustomerID, o.OrderDate
          FROM Orders o
          INNER JOIN Customers c
          ON o.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
          WHERE o.CustomerID IN(SELECT c.CustomerID FROM Orders WHERE Country ='Germany')
    However, in the subquery,
    (SELECT c.CustomerID FROM Orders WHERE Country ='Germany')
    , if I replaced the "Orders" by "Customers",
    , then the Country will not be filtered to Germany as I need.
    I am curious to know why it cannot filter the Country in that way.
    Appreciate you for your explanation!!

    Hi TryToFly,
    Based on my test, I can reproduce the same issue in my local environment.
    To compare the difference between those two queries, we can see the Execution plans corresponding to the queries. Based on the Execution plans, I find this:
    The first query: SELECT c.Country, c.CustomerID  FROM Customers c   WHERE Country =N'Germany'
                           SELECT o.OrderID, o.CustomerID, o.OrderDate, o.CustomerID  FROM Orders o
                           SELECT c.Country, o.OrderID, o.CustomerID, o.OrderDate  FROM Orders o  INNER JOIN Customers c  ON o.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
    The second query: SELECT c.Country, c.CustomerID  FROM Customers c   
                                SELECT c.Country, c.CustomerID  FROM Customers c   
                                SELECT c.Country, o.OrderID, o.CustomerID, o.OrderDate  FROM Orders o  INNER JOIN
    Customers c  ON o.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
                                SELECT c.CustomerID  FROM Customers c   WHERE Country =N'Germany'
                                SELECT c.Country, o.OrderID, o.CustomerID, o.OrderDate  FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers
    c  ON o.CustomerID=c.CustomerID  WHERE o.CustomerID IN(SELECT c.CustomerID FROM Customers WHERE Country ='Germany')
    According to the Execution plans, the results make sense.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Correlated subquery help

    Hi I've the following tables and the requirement
    create table test1 (id number,rk varchar2(11),rk_cd varchar2(11))
    create table test2 (id number,rk1 varchar2(11),rk_cd1 varchar2(11))
    insert into test1 values(1,'I+','LG')
    insert into test1 values(2,'I-','SH')
    insert into test2 values(1,'I+','LG')
    insert into test2 values(1,'I+','LG')for a single id in TEST1 Table there could be multiple rows in TABLE2, so i need to get the matching records in both tables
    I tried the folloiwng query to achieve the same
    select * from test1
    where (rk,rk_cd) = all (select NVL(rk1,'X'),NVL(rk_cd1,'X')
                      from test2
                where TEST1.ID=test2.id  The above query is returning me even the id=2 , where id=2 doesn't exist in TEST2
    Could you hint me the changes i need to do in subquery.
    Expected output
    Only id=1 record Thank you

    Perhaps you meant to say ANY instead of ALL:
    SELECT  *
    FROM      test1
    WHERE  (rk, rk_cd) = ANY (
                                  SELECT  NVL (rk1,    'X')
                       ,         NVL (rk_cd1, 'X')
                               FROM    test2
                         WHERE   test1.id     = test2.id 
    ;Most people would use "IN" rather than "= ANY".
    Do you really mean what you're saying with NVL? If that's important, then include some examples in the sample data and results where it matters. For example:
    INSERT INTO  test1 (id, rk, rk_cd) VALUES  (3, 'I+', 'X');
    INSERT INTO  test2 (id, rk1, rk_cd1) VALUES  (3, 'I+', NULL);Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 9, 2012 6:15 AM

  • Correlated subquery execution problem

    In correlated subqueries which query executed first whether the inner query or outer query i.e while oracle processing the query
    give me example

    I would say the outer query would be executed first as the inner query is dependant upon that but I guess in some circumstances the CBO will turn this rule on its head
    SQL> select ename from emp
      2  where exists ( select null from dept where dept.deptno = emp.deptno )
      3  /
    14 rows selected.
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=4 Card=14 Bytes=16
       1    0   NESTED LOOPS (SEMI) (Cost=4 Card=14 Bytes=168)
       2    1     TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMP' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=14 Byt
       3    1     INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'PK_DEPT' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=
              1 Card=7 Bytes=21)
      1  select ename from emp
      2* where not exists ( select null from dept where dept.deptno = emp.deptno )
    SQL> /
    no rows selected
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=4 Card=1 Bytes=12)
       1    0   NESTED LOOPS (ANTI) (Cost=4 Card=1 Bytes=12)
       2    1     TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMP' (TABLE) (Cost=3 Card=14 Byt
       3    1     INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'PK_DEPT' (INDEX (UNIQUE)) (Cost=
              1 Card=7 Bytes=21)

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