Flex Spark Datagrid - Scalable (font size) with No scroll Bars

I was wondering what would be the most optimized way to scale (increase/decrease) the fonts size in a Spark DataGrid with NO Scroller, so as to make it when the User Resizes the DataGrid, the Fonts inside the Grid would increase/decrease. 
Is there a way to listen for the size change of the DataGrid? 
I would probably need to change the font size to increase/decrease as the event gets fired on Datagrid Resize. 
Any suggestions?

I've pasted as much code as I can legally can.  What i would like to achieve is that when the the window resizes, the Content & the DataGrid Scales. I am also aware of scalemode on the VBox, though it scale oddly with width more than height (this is internal).
Else, I tried:
protected function vgroup1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
            //stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            scaleX = .5;
            scaleY = .5; 
            /* if(stage.stageWidth != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width || stage.stageHeight != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height)
                var scaling:Number = 1;
                    scaling = stage.stageWidth / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width;
                    scaling = stage.stageHeight / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height;
                scaleX = scaleY = scaling;
== THIS IS All I can Post ==
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
        import mx.events.FlexEvent;
        import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
        import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder;
        import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
        import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
        import spark.components.ResizeMode;
        import spark.effects.Resize;
        // Skin Colors
        private const ALTERNATING_GRID_COLOR:Array = [ 0xF5F5F0 , 0xE7E4E9 ];
        private const ROLL_OVER_COLOR:int = 0x6D9960;
        private const SELECTION_COLOR:int = 0x668F59;
        private const TEXT_FONT_SIZE:int = 11;
        private const TEXT_COLOR:int = 0x080808;
        private const SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR:int = 0xFAAFFF;
        // First column width
        private var collectiveFirstColumnWidth:int = 160;
        private var collectiveValuesColumnWidth:int = 50;
        // XML data
        [Bindable] private var portfolioSummary1:XMLList;
        [Bindable] private var reconstructedAC:ArrayCollection;
        private function convertXmlToArrayCollection(file:String):ArrayCollection {
            var xml:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument(file);
            var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder();
            var data:Object = decoder.decodeXML(xml);
            var array:Array = ArrayUtil.toArray(data);
            return new ArrayCollection(array);
        private function convertToAC():void {
            var ac1:ArrayCollection = convertXmlToArrayCollection(psr1)
        private function restructureXMLIntoHierarchicalAC():void {
        private function addProperty(obj:Object, attribute:String, value:String):Object {
            var o:Object = obj;
            o[attribute] = value;
            return o;
        protected function httpservice1_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
            portfolioSummary1 = event.result.Analytics.Side.Analytic as XMLList;
            trace('-----\nSide: Sell' + ObjectUtil.toString(event.result.Analytics.Side.(@name=='Sell')));
            trace('-----\nSide: Buy: Analytic Values : \n' + ObjectUtil.toString(event.result.Analytics.Side.(@name=='Buy').Analytic.@value));
            //dg.dataProvider = new XMLListCollection(portfolioSummary1);
            //dg.requestedRowCount = dg.dataProviderLength;
        protected function vgroup1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
            //stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            scaleX = .5;
            scaleY = .5; 
            /* if(stage.stageWidth != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width || stage.stageHeight != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height)
                var scaling:Number = 1;
                    scaling = stage.stageWidth / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width;
                    scaling = stage.stageHeight / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height;
                scaleX = scaleY = scaling;
        protected function vgroup1_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
            (event.currentTarget as VGroup).resizeMode = ResizeMode.SCALE;
        <fx:XML id="psr1" source="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse1.xml" />
        <fx:XML id="psr2" source="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse2.xml" />
        <fx:XML id="psr3" source="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse3.xml" />
        <s:XMLListCollection id="headXMLListCol"
            source="{psr1.children()}" />
        <s:HTTPService id="portfolio_HS" result="httpservice1_resultHandler(event)"
            resultFormat="e4x" url="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse1.xml" />
    <s:VGroup id="vbox" width="100%" height="100%" top="0" left="0" bottom="0" gap="0" addedToStage="vgroup1_addedToStageHandler(event)">
        <!-- First DataGrid -->
        <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg"
                    <s:GridColumn id="field1" dataField="dataField1" headerText="Portfolio Summary"
                    <s:GridColumn id="field2" dataField="dataField2" headerText="Buy"
                    <s:GridColumn id="field3" dataField="dataField3" headerText="Sell"
                    <s:GridColumn id="field4" dataField="dataField4" headerText="Total"
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data1" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data2" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data3" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data4" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data5" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data6" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data7" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data8" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data9" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data10" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data11" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data12" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data13" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data14" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data15" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
        <!-- Summary Totals -->
        <components:SummaryRow >
            <s:Label text="Summary Totals" fontWeight="bold" color="{SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR}"/>
            <s:Spacer width="100%" />
            <s:ButtonBar click="convertToAC()"> 
                    <fx:String>Convert to AC</fx:String>
            <s:ButtonBar click="restructureXMLIntoHierarchicalAC()"> 
                    <fx:String>Parse XML</fx:String>
                    <fx:String>15% POV</fx:String>
        <!-- Second Datagrid -->
        <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg2"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField4"
                <fx:Object dataField1="data16" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                <fx:Object dataField1="data17" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
        <!-- Summary Totals - values -->
            <s:Label text="Summary Totals - Values" width="100%" fontWeight="bold" color="{SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR}"/>
        <!-- Third Datagrid -->
        <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg3"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField4"
                <fx:Object dataField1="data18" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data3"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                <fx:Object dataField1="data19" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
        <!-- Percent of Tops -->
            <s:Label text="Percent of Tops" color="{SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR}" width="100%" fontWeight="bold"/>
        <!-- Fourth DataGrid -->
        <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg4"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1"
                        itemRenderer="itemRenderers.LeftAlignGridItemRenderer"  />
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3"
                    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField4"
                <fx:Object dataField1="data20" dataField2="data1" dataField3="data1" dataField4="data20"></fx:Object>
                <fx:Object dataField1="data21" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2" dataField4="data21"></fx:Object>
                <fx:Object dataField1="data22" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data22"></fx:Object>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
             import mx.events.FlexEvent;
            /*import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
            [Bindable] private var oldWidth:int;
            [Bindable] private var oldHeight:int;
            protected function thisDatagrid_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                oldWidth = event.oldWidth;
                oldHeight = event.oldHeight;
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
                if (oldWidth < width) {
                    setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') + 0.5); // might wanna~ width % height to increase by a certain pt
                    //this.scaleX += .1;
                } else if (oldWidth > width) {
                    setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') - 0.5);
                    //this.scaleX -= .1;
                trace('unscaledWidth: ' + unscaledWidth);
                trace('unscaledHeight: ' + unscaledHeight);
                trace('explicitMinHeight: ' + explicitMinHeight);
                trace('explicitMinWidth: ' + explicitMinWidth);
                minHeight = measuredMinHeight;
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
            protected function thisDatagrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                requestedRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                requestedMaxRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                requestedMinRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                minHeight = measuredHeight;
            /* protected function datagrid1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
                /*                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
                 this.width = stage.stageWidth;
                this.height = stage.stageHeight;
You can Check other ExpandableDataGrids:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;
            import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
            protected function thisDatagrid_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                if (event.oldWidth < width) {
                    setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') + 0.5); // might wanna~ width % height to increase by a certain pt
                    //this.scaleX += .1;
                } else if (event.oldWidth > width) {
                    setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') - 0.5);
                    //this.scaleX -= .1;
                minWidth = measuredMinWidth;
            protected function thisDatagrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                requestedRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                requestedMaxRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                requestedMinRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                minHeight = measuredMinHeight;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
             import mx.events.FlexEvent;
             import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
            [Bindable] private var oldWidth:int;
            [Bindable] private var oldHeight:int;
            protected function thisDatagrid_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                oldWidth = event.oldWidth;
                oldHeight = event.oldHeight;
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
                if (oldWidth < width) {
                    setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') + 0.5); // might wanna~ width % height to increase by a certain pt
                    //this.scaleX += .1;
                } else if (oldWidth > width) {
                    setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') - 0.5);
                    //this.scaleX -= .1;
                trace('unscaledWidth: ' + unscaledWidth);
                trace('unscaledHeight: ' + unscaledHeight);
                trace('explicitMinHeight: ' + explicitMinHeight);
                trace('explicitMinWidth: ' + explicitMinWidth);
                minHeight = measuredMinHeight;
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
            protected function thisDatagrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                requestedRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                requestedMaxRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                requestedMinRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                minHeight = measuredHeight;

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              int y = evt.getY();
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    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems: <b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)
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  • Spark DataGrid Embedded Font Quandary

    01.  In everything that follows, I am talking about the latest [21328] version of the SDK, not that I believe that my problems have anything to do with that release, just so anyone interested and willing to help will know the version.
    02.  My application happens to be rooted in AIR's WindowedApplication, but again, I do not think that has any impact on my problems; I believe the same results would obtain for a Flex Application.
    03.  I have a custom renderer for the Spark DataGrid which extends DefaultGridItemRenderer.  It works fine. Its primary job is to change the font characteristics of each row in the list as a visual clue to the user as to the specific nature of the content that is accessible.  Some entries are just in the Regular font, some in Bold, some in Italic, and some in Bold-Italic.
    04.  I have, for most of the project, embedded the necessary fonts like this:
        [Embed (source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-Caption.otf", fontName="ArnoPro_BI_4",
            unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac")]
        private const ArnoPro_BI_4:Class;
    As I said, that all works just as advertized.  But, that method of embedding carries the somewhat painful burden of slower compilations, so for the last 24 hours I have unseccessfully been trying to replace that with:
    [Embed (source = "../resources/assets/ArnoPro_BI_4.swf", symbol="ArnoPro_BI_4")]
    private const ArnoPro_BI_4:Class;
    where the swf file was produced via fontswf, using this incantation:
    fontswf -4 -u U+0021-U+00ff,U+20ac-U+20ac -b -i -a ArnoPro_BI_4 -o ArnoPro_BI_4.swf C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-Caption.otf
    06.  By all that is holy, the two different means of embedding the font ought to yield the same result, but they do not.  I have debugging code inserted to print out the list of fonts upon initiation of the application, and they are identical.  Both means of embedding do succeed in getting the embedded fonts into the .swf, but the attempt to use the fonts fails using the second approach.
    There is, of course, no change being made to the code in the item renderer which merely uses setStyle() to effect the row-by-row result.  The result in the second case is that the only style of the embedded font that renders is 'regular'.
    07.  I have used the 'keep-generated' facility to look at the code being generated by the mxmlc compiler and can see that different code is emitted, but it does not help me find a fix to the problem.  Both forms of the meta-tag do something; both methods of embedding seem to correctly register themselves with the FontManager, but only the method of embedding which actually performs the transcoding during compilation seems to result in a set of registered fronts which can be found and correctly used to render output based on the runtime setting of the font style.

    Thank for the reply
    I hoped that my posting indicated how the fonts in the the .swf file were constructed.  The "-4", argument to the command-line tool, fontswf, as far as I can tell, is the precise analog to the "embedAsCFF" argument in the [Embed] syntax.  That is what makes it so perplexing.  Given all the external documentation that is available for each tool/methodology, I would have thought that the resultant bytecodes, classes, flags, whatever, would have been identical.  The only difference would be the timing of when the transcoding took place.
    Since it is clearly more efficient to only transcode whatever set of fonts an application needs once, not once per build/test turn-around, I would really like to make the fontswf workflow work.  For those of us outside the beneficial environment of your licensed tools, the kindly-provided alternative to the facilities built into Flash Professional and/or Flash Builder give us the greatest degree of productivity.
    Whoever has access to the source code for Font [I can only see the uninteresting FontAsset in the SDK] can probably determine what difference might result from mxmlc working with this intermediate output, when inline transcoding is 'tagged':
    import mx.core.FontAsset;
    [Embed(fontName="ArnoPro_IT_4", _resolvedSource="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", fontStyle="italic", _line="1189", _pathsep="true", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac", source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", _column="2", exportSymbol="AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4", _file="G:/FP/AIRZoom/src/AIRZoom_AS.as", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    public class AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4 extends mx.core.FontAsset
        public function AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4()
    versus this, when swf extraction is 'tagged':
    import mx.core.FontAsset;
    [Embed(fontName="ArnoPro_IT_4", _resolvedSource="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", fontStyle="italic", _line="1191", _pathsep="true", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac", source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", _column="2", exportSymbol="AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4", _file="G:/FP/AIRZoom/src/AIRZoom_AS.as", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    public class AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4 extends mx.core.FontAsset
        public function AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4()
    The only difference is that value for '_line' which probably only indicates that one of the two processes has a comment or empty line somewhere.

  • Questions about Spark DataGrid (Header Font Styles, Header Gradient)

    Just starting out in 4.5 SDK, and just a tad confused on the Spark DataGrid.
    1) Trying to set the font style for just the header, but don't see those properties in the designer....as they appear to apply to every part of the DataGrid.
    2) Want to set a linear gradient for the header utilizing two specific colors, alphas and ratios.  Not sure where to set them now.
    I think that is it for now.  From what I have done with it so far, I love it....just obviously not as much user documentation as the MX DataGrid.
    Thanks in advance!

    You can do per column header renderers by setting the headerRenderer property on the column. But if you want to swap out all the headers, the header renderer has to be specified in the skin. One neat trick you can do is subclass the DataGridSkin and replace the "headerRenderer" declaration. This also works with the other skin parts.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <skins:DataGridSkin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            <!-- See DataGridSkin for other possible parts -->    
            <fx:Component id="headerRenderer">
                <s:CustomGridHeaderRenderer />

  • Flex Spark DataGrid BUG skipping rows on refresh

    I have a small one file example that demonstrates this Flex DataGrid bug.
    I tried to report it to Flex bugs and the page timed out.
    I am filling a column in a spark datagrid with checkboxes to select that row.
    In the header of that column is a checkbox to select ALL the rows.
    However, the middle row is not getting refreshed so the display is wrong.
    The checkbox looks empty when the backing value is correct.
    I have added a print to the code that sets the values in the data and it is setting everyone.
    But when I print the isSelected code it is NOT being called on ONE (the middle) visible row.
    If I move away or scroll up and down the check box shows the check mark.
    So My only conclusion is that refresh has a bug.
    Here is the example that demonstrates the problem.
    Simply select the header checkbox and the 3rd checkbox does not get updated on refresh.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                                     xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  private static var values:Array = [
                                            {selected: false, position: 1},
                                            {selected: false, position: 2},
                                            {selected: false, position: 3},
                                            {selected: false, position: 4},
                                            {selected: false, position: 5}
                                  public static var datalist:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( values );
                                  public static function updateDataList( value:Boolean ):void
                                            for each( var item:Object in datalist ) {
                                                      trace( "updated: " + item.position );
                                                      item.selected = value;
              <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{datalist}">
                                            <s:GridColumn dataField="position" width="200"/>
                                            <s:GridColumn width="34" >
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer textAlign="center">
                                                                                                        private function changeSelection( data:Object, event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  data.selected = ! data.selected;
                                                                                                        private function isSelected( data:Object ):Boolean
                                                                                                                  trace( "isSelected: " + data.position );
                                                                                                                  return data.selected;
                                                                                              <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox id="selbox" label="" selected="{isSelected(data)}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeSelection(data, event)"/>
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer height="30">
                                                                                                        private static var selectAll:Boolean = false;
                                                                                                        private function changeAllSelection( event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  selectAll = ! selectAll;
                                                                                                                  Main.updateDataList( selectAll );
                                                                                              <s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox label="" selected="{selectAll}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeAllSelection(event)"/ >
    Here is an image of the failed result... after selecting the top checkbox.
    Below is an image of the output produced by the two traces.
    Notice that the refresh has not called isSelected on the 3rd element.

    I have a small one file example that demonstrates this Flex DataGrid bug.
    I tried to report it to Flex bugs and the page timed out.
    I am filling a column in a spark datagrid with checkboxes to select that row.
    In the header of that column is a checkbox to select ALL the rows.
    However, the middle row is not getting refreshed so the display is wrong.
    The checkbox looks empty when the backing value is correct.
    I have added a print to the code that sets the values in the data and it is setting everyone.
    But when I print the isSelected code it is NOT being called on ONE (the middle) visible row.
    If I move away or scroll up and down the check box shows the check mark.
    So My only conclusion is that refresh has a bug.
    Here is the example that demonstrates the problem.
    Simply select the header checkbox and the 3rd checkbox does not get updated on refresh.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                                     xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  private static var values:Array = [
                                            {selected: false, position: 1},
                                            {selected: false, position: 2},
                                            {selected: false, position: 3},
                                            {selected: false, position: 4},
                                            {selected: false, position: 5}
                                  public static var datalist:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( values );
                                  public static function updateDataList( value:Boolean ):void
                                            for each( var item:Object in datalist ) {
                                                      trace( "updated: " + item.position );
                                                      item.selected = value;
              <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{datalist}">
                                            <s:GridColumn dataField="position" width="200"/>
                                            <s:GridColumn width="34" >
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer textAlign="center">
                                                                                                        private function changeSelection( data:Object, event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  data.selected = ! data.selected;
                                                                                                        private function isSelected( data:Object ):Boolean
                                                                                                                  trace( "isSelected: " + data.position );
                                                                                                                  return data.selected;
                                                                                              <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox id="selbox" label="" selected="{isSelected(data)}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeSelection(data, event)"/>
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer height="30">
                                                                                                        private static var selectAll:Boolean = false;
                                                                                                        private function changeAllSelection( event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  selectAll = ! selectAll;
                                                                                                                  Main.updateDataList( selectAll );
                                                                                              <s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox label="" selected="{selectAll}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeAllSelection(event)"/ >
    Here is an image of the failed result... after selecting the top checkbox.
    Below is an image of the output produced by the two traces.
    Notice that the refresh has not called isSelected on the 3rd element.

  • Change Font Size with PDF attachment  via e--mail

    Hi experts,
    I want to send mail with PDF attachment . Now the attachment is ok but only the font size in PDF is a little small.
    Is that possible to Change the font size of PDF
    Below is my code:
    first the data comes from an internal table, then changed to an ABAP Pool.
    * Create a new spool from the data in gt_data_pdf
      new-page print on
      destination c_local               "<<== my printer
      cover text text-027               "<<== Title or Spool req. name
      list name space
      list dataset space
      immediately space                 " X means print now
      keep in spool c_checked           " X means keep spool
      new list identification c_checked
      line-size 255
      line-count 65
      no dialog .
      loop at gt_data_pdf.
        write: / gt_data_pdf-line.
      new-page print off.
      lv_spoolid = lv_spdel-rqident = sy-spono.
      lv_spdel-sys = sy-sysid.
    *Convert ABAP Spool to PDF
      call function 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
          src_spoolid   = lv_spoolid
          no_dialog     = c_checked
          pdf_bytecount = lv_pdf_fsize
          pdf           = lt_pdf_table
          others        = 0.
    call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1'
          document_data              = lv_doc_chng
          put_in_outbox              = space
          commit_work                = c_checked
          packing_list               = lt_objpack
          object_header              = lt_objhead
          contents_bin               = lt_objbin
          contents_txt               = lt_objtxt
          receivers                  = lt_reclist
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          others                     = 99.
    Anyone could help me?
    Thanks a lot.

    we don´t have many options for setting the font type and size in an ABAP list. One option is that you print the output using either SmartForms or AdobeForms, where you can control font type as well as size. This one requires additional work.
    Another option is to use the instruction Print-Control:
    WRITE: /10   'FONT 1 size 1 LPI 6 cpi 10'.
    WRITE: /10   'FONT 1 size 5 LPI 6 cpi 5'.
    WRITE: /10   'FONT 2 size 5 LPI 6 cpi 10'.

  • How to get reasonable font size with higher screen resolution

    I'm using my new Mac Mini as living room PC with 42" plasma screen and tv itself seems to support quite well the 'better' resolutions like 1024x768. Unfortunately then text is too small to read from sofa (which is about 3 meters away from tv). I have switched back to 800x600 resolution where font sizes are almost ok but many programs complaint about the resolution (e.g. Google Earth) and need to change the resolution back and worth to get some OK button pressed which is glumsy.
    I have also found pretty good Tinkertool to finetune font sizes but it does not affect all font sizes like I want. So question is there any better solution how I could find theme that suites better for living room purpose (have not find any theme possibilities for MacOSX). In Linux I could finetune X fontserver, in WIndows I could fine tune the theme used to have bigger fonts, how do I do it in this cool mac?

    I hear you! I would also like to see an answer for this. I am running Leopard on a Mac Mini on my 50 inch display in the living room. I have set the resolution to 1080p so that the video and photos are as sharp as possible. (man the videos look great)...
    But, I have a very hard time reading the menu bar, as well as safari and mail from this machine. I realize that there are ways to increase the font sizes, but:
    1) when I restart safari, I have to change the settings each time
    2) when I restart mail, I have have to change the setting each time
    3) I cannot figure out a way to make the menu bar larger
    I really don't want to bring the mac mini down to a resolution like 800X600 - I think it would look horrible on the large screen.
    What is a big screen lover to do?
    Any help would be most appreciated...

  • Font Size with LV 2014

       I'm still puzzled by why LV has a default 15pt font on some newer installs and newer OS's.  I don't know what exactly the condition for this is.  Is it the LabVIEW version, the OS version, some graphical setting within the OS?
       I had pretty much resigned myself to the reality that new installations of LabVIEW on W7 or W8 would have 15pt font by default.  However, I've recently installed LV 2014 on my W7 machine.  When I open a new VI, it says the default font is 13pt!  If I go into the Tools/Options, under "Environment", it says that I am using the default fonts.  When I open the LabVIEW.ini file in a text editor, I don't see any keys related to font size.  So how come this installation of LV thinks that LV 2014 on W7 should use 13pt fonts?
       I would have assumed that I would like this situation, since I've got a lot of code that was developed on XP using 13 pt fonts, so I generally reconfigure LV for 13pt fonts as soon as I install it.  But now I'm working with someone else on a set of code, and her machine (W7) installed LV 2014 with a 15 pt font default!  So now when we move code between us, it gets all mucked up.
        Can anyone clarify this?
    David Thomson Original Code Consulting
    National Instruments Alliance Program Member
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

        Thanks for the additional info.  This is consistent with my understanding of the situation.  Though my understanding of the situtation does have some gaps...  Which is why I'm here in the forum.
        Howevver, two issues remain:
    1) Why is LV 2014 on my W7 machine showing application font size 13, but on my colleague's it shows size 15?  Up until this install of LV 2014, I had seen size 15 as the default on all W7 and later OS's.  Your reply, and others, imply that all W7 installs should use size 15.  But on my machine, LV 2014, it shows 13, and the options still show that I'm using LabVIEW's defaults.  E.g. is there some OS setting, such that even on W7, it is possible that LV will decide to use 13?
    2) I half like your suggestion that we just define a specifi font, like Tahoma 13.  I'm not sure how that will translate to the customer's machine, though.  If they open a VI we created, I assume they'll see Tahoma 13 fonts on the front panel items.  But if they edit those VI's, will their LV setting prevail, such that they get 15 point font on new controls, or will our settings continue to be applied to VI's that we created and which they edit?  (Granted, I can figure out this second question with a little more testing, which I'll try to do soon...)
    Thanks again,
    David Thomson Original Code Consulting
    National Instruments Alliance Program Member
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  • Flex spark dataGrid gridColumn itemrenderer binding bug

    I hava a TextInput within mx DataGrid gridColumn itemrenderer and binding its text to {data.f1} ,
    when I set DataGrid dataProvider column (0,0) to "value1" by actionsript code,
    it will update "value1" to TextInput field.
    But if I change to spark DataGrid, TextInput Text won't be changed.
    Please see below two samples, when user click "set var" button, it set dataProvider column (0,0) to "value1",
    sample1 is in mx comopent, it works fine and will update "value1" to TextInput Text.
    sample2 is in spark component, it did not work.
    anyone can help for spark component ?
    many thanks.
    *** sample1 (mx componet): ***
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
    <mx:Button x="235" y="52" label="set var" click="setVar()"/>
    <mx:DataGrid id="grid_1" dataProvider="{ia_row}" x="25" y="52">
       <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="f1" headerText="Column 1">
          <mx:TextInput text="{data.f1}" width="95%"/>
       <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="f2" headerText="Column 2"></mx:DataGridColumn>
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       import mx.events.FlexEvent;
       private var ia_row:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
        {f1:"a1", f2:"b1"},
        {f1:"a2", f2:"b2"}
       private function setVar():void{
        var t_row:Object = ia_row.getItemAt(0);
        t_row.f1 = "value1";
        ia_row.setItemAt(t_row, 0);
    *** sample2 (spark componet): ***
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    minWidth="955" minHeight="600"     
    <s:Button x="267" y="94" label="set var" click="setVar()"/>
    <s:DataGrid id="grid_1" x="55" y="94" width="204" height="139" dataProvider="{ia_row}">
        <s:GridColumn dataField="f1" headerText="Column 1" width="120">
            <s:TextInput text="{data.f1}" width="95%"/>
        <s:GridColumn dataField="f2" headerText="Column 2"></s:GridColumn>
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       import mx.events.FlexEvent;
       private var ia_row:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
        {f1:"a1", f2:"b1"},
        {f1:"a2", f2:"b2"}
       private function setVar():void{
        var t_row:Object = ia_row.getItemAt(0);
        t_row.f1 = "value1";
        ia_row.setItemAt(t_row, 0);

    sir, I think it does not send CHANGE event to dataGrid, so my suggestion is following:
    private function setVar():void{
        var t_row:Object = ia_row.getItemAt(0);
        t_row.f1 = "value1";
        ia_row.setItemAt(t_row, 0);
        ia_row.refresh();//it is used to dispatch Event if dataprovider was changed.

  • The font size in the menu bar is too small (unreadable). How can I increase font size. I have a new Samsung PC with high resolution screen.

    Hi the fnt size in the menu bar is too small (unreadable). How can I increase the font size. I have a new Samsung PC with high resolution screen.

    You must mean Photoshop Elements 11, not Photoshop.
    There is no ability to change the size of the menu font in PSE 11.
    note to mod:
    Please move to the Photoshop Elements forum.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Time Capsule Bridge Mode

    I know this is one is really going to be silly but let me set up my situation. My TC crashed like a lot of people's did. I had the power supply (or whatever they did) replaced and reinstalled the unit and all is fine. There were setting changes howev