Function does not return leadership objid

Let me know what is the error in the following code
.sy-subrc returns 1.
DATA: DATE type p0001-pernr.
if sy-tabix EQ 1.
else .
            PLVAR             = C_01
            OTYPE             = 'S'
            SOBID             = X_PLANS
            DATE              = DATE
            LEADING_POS       = T_LEADERS
            NO_LEAD_POS_FOUND = 1
            OTHERS            = 2.
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
  WRITE:/ 'ERROR MSG' , sy-subrc.

IF  u have specified object id as personnel no .i.e in above case if u have specified the x_plans to personnel no then u should specify the relationship type as 'P'
So in the following case OTYPE Should be:-
PLVAR = C_01

Similar Messages

  • Function does not return a value

      FUNCTION Promo_Version_Logo_Rule(Rc IN test.Ot_Rule_Context)
        RETURN Ot_Rule_Activation_Result
        v_Result NUMBER;
        CURSOR Cur_Promo_Logos IS
          SELECT Pvlo.Promo_Id,
            FROM Event                  Evt,
                 Event_Technical_Data   Etd,
                 Promo_Version_Logo_Opt Pvlo,
                 Promo_Timing           Pt
           WHERE Evt.Event_Technical_Data_Id = Etd.Event_Technical_Data_Id
                 AND Etd.Promo_Timing_Id = Pt.Promo_Timing_Id
                 AND Pt.Promo_Timing_Id = Pvlo.Promo_Timing_Id
                 AND Evt.Channel_Id = Rc.Channelid
                 AND Evt.On_Date >= Rc.Fromdate
                 AND Evt.On_Date <= Rc.Todate
                 AND Evt.Day_Type_Id = Rc.Daytype;
        FOR Each_Record IN Cur_Promo_Logos LOOP
          v_Result := Testing_Pkg.Insert_Event(v_Channel_Id   => Each_Record.Channel_Id,
                                                           v_Tx_Time      => Each_Record.Start_Time,
                                                           v_Tx_Date      => Each_Record.On_Date,
                                                           v_Content_Id   => Each_Record.Logo_Id,
                                                           v_Duration     => Each_Record.Duration,
                                                           v_Event_Type   => Uktv_Tools_Pkg.c_Logo_Kind_Code,
                                                           v_Container_Id => Each_Record.Promo_Id);
          IF v_Result = -1
          END IF;
        END LOOP;
      END Promo_Version_Logo_Rule;
    END Promo_Version_Logo_Pkg;why do I get this "Hint: Function 'Promo_Version_Logo_Rule' does not return a value" after I compile it? The Testing_Pkg.Insert_Event should insert some values somewhere...I just want to try to test it before I move on onto the next bit of it, but I do not understand what I am doing wrong...

    You need something like:
        END LOOP;
        RETURN v_Result;  -- if this is what you are trying to get the function to do
          <exception handling/logging - whatever you want>
          RAISE;  --this with then raise an error back to the calling process
      END Promo_Version_Logo_Rule;This way the function either returns a value, or an exception which can be handled in the calling procedure

  • Function Does Not Return any value .

    Hi ,
    I am wrtting the below funtion without using any cursor to return any message if the value enters by parameters
    does not match with the value reterived by the function select statement or it does not reterive any value that
    for the parameters entered .
    (p_empno IN NUMBER,p_deptno IN NUMBER)
    v_dname varchar2(50);
    v_empno varchar2(50);
    V_err varchar2(100);
    v_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    SELECT d.dname,e.empno
    INTO v_dname ,v_empno
    FROM scott.emp e , scott.dept d
    WHERE e.empno=p_empno
    AND d.deptno=p_deptno;
    --RETURN v_dname;
    IF p_empno IS NOT NULL AND p_deptno IS NOT NULL
    THEN IF v_dname is NULL THEN
    v_err :='Not Valid';
    RETURN v_err;END IF;
    ELSIF p_empno IS NOT NULL AND p_deptno IS NOT NULL
    THEN IF v_dname is NOT NULL THEN
    RETURN v_dname; END IF;
    RETURN v_dname;
    END IF;
    Sql Statement
    SELECT TEST_DNAME(1234,30) FROM dual
    AND IF I enter a valid combination of parameter then I get the below error :
    SQL> SELECT TEST_DNAME(7369,20) FROM dual
    2 .
    SQL> /
    SELECT TEST_DNAME(7369,20) FROM dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06503: PL/SQL: Function returned without value
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TEST_DNAME", line 24
    Where I am missing .

    Format you code properly and look at it:
                           p_empno IN NUMBER,
                           p_deptno IN NUMBER
            v_dname varchar2(50);
            v_empno varchar2(50);
            V_err varchar2(100);
            v_cnt NUMBER := 0;
            SELECT  d.dname,
              INTO  v_dname,
              FROM  scott.emp e,
                    scott.dept d
              WHERE e.deptno=d.deptno
                AND e.empno=p_empno
                AND d.deptno=p_deptno;
            --RETURN v_dname;
            IF p_empno IS NOT NULL AND p_deptno IS NOT NULL
                IF v_dname is NULL
                    v_err :='Not Valid';
                    RETURN v_err;
                END IF;
            ELSIF p_empno IS NOT NULL AND p_deptno IS NOT NULL
                IF v_dname is NOT NULL
                    RETURN v_dname;
                END IF;
               RETURN v_dname;
           END IF;
    /Both p_empno and p_deptno in
    SELECT TEST_DNAME(7369,20) FROM dualare not null. So SELECT will fetch some v_dname and v_empno. Since p_empno and p_deptno iare not null your code will go inside outer IF stmt and will execute its THEN branch. That branch consist of nothing but inner IF statement. And since v_dname is NOT NULL it will bypass that inner IF and exit the outer IF. And there is no RETURN stmt after that outer IF. As a result you get what you get - ORA-06503. Also, both if and elsif in your code check same set of conditions which makes no sense.

  • DATE type returned from function does not return the time component

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    FUNCTION ReturnDate return Date is
    dReturn Date;
    select sysdate into dReturn from dual;
    return dReturn;
    end ReturnDate;
    When I call this function from .NET using ODP.NET the date value I get does not have the time component included only the day-month-year components.
    This is a code-snippet that calls the function :
    I use the OracleDbType.Date type which I think is the most logical choice, because the type in the Database is after all DATE.
    However this does not include the time componet. But if I change the OracleDbType.Date to OracleDbType.TimeStamp I get the time component. I'm not happy with this "hack" because I'm not sure what will happen when we upgrade our version of the Database to Oracle 9i which uses the new TimeStamp datatype.
    Is this a bug that the OracleDbType.Date does not include the time component??

    How do you examine the output Date value?
    If it is from the string, then the time components will
    not show because the NLS_DATE format in the client
    machine does not contain the time components.
    In American, the Date format is 'DD-MON-RR' by default whereas, the TimeStamp format is 'DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM' by default.
    Can you take a look at the time components from the OracleDate by accessing the time properties, eg. OracleDate.Hour, OracleDate.Minute..etc to see if the time values are there?

  • PLSQL function does not return the correct number of rows?

    Hey folks. I'm still green when it comes to writing PLSQL. It's fun, rewarding and very frustrating. Hence, I'm turning to the experts. If you folks can help me understand what I'm doing wrong here, I'd really appreciate it.
    The code is somewhat specific to my company's product, but I think it should be easy to read and understand what I'm doing. If not, please let me know what I can clarify.
    All i'm trying to do is determine if the most recent iteration of data available for a particular host is a full scan or not (level2). I go about this in the following manner:
    1. get the operatingsystem id, it's scandate (preferred), the most recent scandate and it's scan status from a table of where all operating systems data lives. Loop through all the Oses
    (from this I set v_osid, v_mostrecentscandate, v_scandate).
    2. Before doing the crazy logic, pick the low hanging fruit
    2a. if the the level2 status of the host is N, then v_level2 = 'N';
    2b. if the level2 = 'Y' and the mostrecentscandate and scandate are identical, then v_level2 = 'Y';
    2c. for all other cases, go to 3
    3. Using v_mostrecentscandate, find all table id that may hold the most recent instance of data for the host
    4. Loop through through the concatenation of that id + _base. If you find the id in those tables, then store the id for the next step.
    5. When you I find the right id, I now concatenate the id + attrdata. For the host id, I look for any rows where attribute_value in (..) and the corresponding number_value is not null.
    5b. set v_level2 = 'Y'
    5c. otherwise, set v_level2 = 'N'
    6 end the loop
    7 wash, rinse, repeat for each OS.
    create or replace package body mostrecentlevel2 as
    function getMostRecentL2 return bdna_mostrecent_level2 pipelined IS
    v_lsid NUMBER;
    v_sql VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_sql_baseid NUMBER;
    v_sql_numv NUMBER;
    v_lsidt VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_lsidt2 VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_sql_rec VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_osid NUMBER;
    v_anchor DATE;
    v_ls CHAR(2);
    v_level2 CHAR(1);
    v_mostrecentscandate DATE;
    v_scandate DATE;
    cursor getOSinfo_cur is select operatingsystem_id, scandate, mostrecentscandate, level2 from bdna_all_os;
    cursor getlsID_cur is select id from local_scan where
              ((trunc(collect_start_time) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60) <= ((to_date(v_mostrecentscandate) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60)
              ((trunc(collect_end_time) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60) >= ((to_date(v_mostrecentscandate) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60);
    getOSinfo_rec getOSinfo_cur%rowtype;
    getlsID_rec getlsID_cur%rowtype;
    v_ls := 'ls';
    v_anchor := '01-JAN-01';
    FOR getOSinfo_rec IN getOSinfo_cur LOOP
         v_osid := getOSinfo_rec.operatingsystem_id;
         v_mostrecentscandate := getOSinfo_rec.mostrecentscandate;
         v_scandate := getOSinfo_rec.scandate;
         IF getOSinfo_rec.level2 = 'N' THEN
              v_level2 := 'N';
         ELSIF getOSinfo_rec.level2 = 'Y' THEN
              IF v_mostrecentscandate != v_scandate THEN
                   FOR getlsID_rec IN getlsID_cur LOOP
                        v_lsid :=;
                        v_lsidt := v_ls||v_lsid;
                        v_sql := 'select id from '||v_lsidt||'_base where id = '||chr(39)||v_osid||chr(39);
                        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql into v_sql_baseid;
                        IF SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 THEN
                             v_lsidt2 := v_lsidt;
                             v_sql := '';
                        END IF;
                   END LOOP;
                   v_sql := 'select number_value from '||v_lsidt2||'_attr_data where
                             lower(attribute_name) IN ('||chr(39)||'numcpus'||chr(39)||', '||chr(39)||'totalmemory'||chr(39)||', '||chr(39)||'cpuutilpercent'||chr(39)||', '||chr(39)||'numprocesses'||chr(39)||')
                             number_value is not NULL
                             element_id = '||chr(39)||v_osid||chr(39);
                   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql into v_sql_numv;
                   IF SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 THEN
                        v_level2 := 'Y';
                   ELSE v_level2 := 'N';
                   END IF;
              END IF;
              v_level2 := 'Y';
         END IF;
         PIPE ROW (mostRecentLevel2Format(v_osid,v_mostrecentscandate,v_level2));
    /Now some will ask why I'm using pipelining? Again, I'm green.. I was reading around, looking for a way to make this code run as fast as possible (because it's potentially got to go through 56K records and perform the expensive work on).
    I also realize I'm not providing the type or package code, and that's because I think I'm good on that. The code above compiles just fine without errors and when it runs, it only returns 6 consecutive rows.. I'm expecting 70K lol. So I know I'm doing something wrong.
    Any thoughts?
    Oh forgot to add this is on 11g R1 Enterprise Edition
    Edited by: ErrolDC on Nov 14, 2011 4:52 PM
    Edited by: ErrolDC on Nov 14, 2011 5:07 PM

    ErrolDC wrote:
    Hey folks. I'm still green when it comes to writing PLSQL. It's fun, rewarding and very frustrating. Hence, I'm turning to the experts. If you folks can help me understand what I'm doing wrong here, I'd really appreciate it.
    The code is somewhat specific to my company's product, but I think it should be easy to read and understand what I'm doing. If not, please let me know what I can clarify.Post a complete script that peoople who aren't as familiar with the application as you are can run to re-create the problem and test their ideas. In this case, that includes CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for the tables used (just the columns needed for this job), a query that uses the function, and the results you want from that query given the data you posted.
    All i'm trying to do is determine if the most recent iteration of data available for a particular host is a full scan or not (level2). I go about this in the following manner:
    1. get the operatingsystem id, it's scandate (preferred), the most recent scandate and it's scan status from a table of where all operating systems data lives. Loop through all the Oses
    (from this I set v_osid, v_mostrecentscandate, v_scandate).
    2. Before doing the crazy logic, pick the low hanging fruit
    2a. if the the level2 status of the host is N, then v_level2 = 'N';
    2b. if the level2 = 'Y' and the mostrecentscandate and scandate are identical, then v_level2 = 'Y';
    2c. for all other cases, go to 3
    3. Using v_mostrecentscandate, find all table id that may hold the most recent instance of data for the host
    4. Loop through through the concatenation of that id + _base. If you find the id in those tables, then store the id for the next step.
    5. When you I find the right id, I now concatenate the id + attrdata. For the host id, I look for any rows where attribute_value in (..) and the corresponding number_value is not null.
    5b. set v_level2 = 'Y'
    5c. otherwise, set v_level2 = 'N'
    6 end the loop
    7 wash, rinse, repeat for each OS.
    create or replace package body mostrecentlevel2 as
    function getMostRecentL2 return bdna_mostrecent_level2 pipelined IS
    v_lsid NUMBER;
    v_sql VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_sql_baseid NUMBER;
    v_sql_numv NUMBER;
    v_lsidt VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_lsidt2 VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_sql_rec VARCHAR2(5000);
    v_osid NUMBER;
    v_anchor DATE;
    v_ls CHAR(2);
    v_level2 CHAR(1);
    v_mostrecentscandate DATE;
    v_scandate DATE;
    cursor getOSinfo_cur is select operatingsystem_id, scandate, mostrecentscandate, level2 from bdna_all_os;
    cursor getlsID_cur is select id from local_scan where
              ((trunc(collect_start_time) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60) <= ((to_date(v_mostrecentscandate) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60)
              ((trunc(collect_end_time) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60) >= ((to_date(v_mostrecentscandate) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60);
    getOSinfo_rec getOSinfo_cur%rowtype;
    getlsID_rec getlsID_cur%rowtype;
    v_ls := 'ls';
    v_anchor := '01-JAN-01';
    FOR getOSinfo_rec IN getOSinfo_cur LOOP
         v_osid := getOSinfo_rec.operatingsystem_id;
         v_mostrecentscandate := getOSinfo_rec.mostrecentscandate;
         v_scandate := getOSinfo_rec.scandate;
         IF getOSinfo_rec.level2 = 'N' THEN
              v_level2 := 'N';
         ELSIF getOSinfo_rec.level2 = 'Y' THEN
              IF v_mostrecentscandate != v_scandate THEN
                   FOR getlsID_rec IN getlsID_cur LOOP
                        v_lsid :=;
                        v_lsidt := v_ls||v_lsid;
                        v_sql := 'select id from '||v_lsidt||'_base where id = '||chr(39)||v_osid||chr(39);
                        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql into v_sql_baseid;
                        IF SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 THEN
                             v_lsidt2 := v_lsidt;
                             v_sql := '';
                        END IF;
                   END LOOP;
                   v_sql := 'select number_value from '||v_lsidt2||'_attr_data where
                             lower(attribute_name) IN ('||chr(39)||'numcpus'||chr(39)||', '||chr(39)||'totalmemory'||chr(39)||', '||chr(39)||'cpuutilpercent'||chr(39)||', '||chr(39)||'numprocesses'||chr(39)||')
                             number_value is not NULL
                             element_id = '||chr(39)||v_osid||chr(39);
                   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql into v_sql_numv;
                   IF SQL%ROWCOUNT > 0 THEN
                        v_level2 := 'Y';
                   ELSE v_level2 := 'N';
                   END IF;
              END IF;
              v_level2 := 'Y';
         END IF;
         PIPE ROW (mostRecentLevel2Format(v_osid,v_mostrecentscandate,v_level2));
    /Now some will ask why I'm using pipelining? Again, I'm green.. I was reading around, looking for a way to make this code run as fast as possible (because it's potentially got to go through 56K records and perform the expensive work on).
    I also realize I'm not providing the type or package code, and that's because I think I'm good on that. The code above compiles just fine without errors and when it runs, it only returns 6 consecutive rows.. I'm expecting 70K lol. So I know I'm doing something wrong. You're calling TO_DATE with a DATE argument. Why are you calling TO_DATE at all?
    It seems like this condition:
    ((trunc(collect_start_time) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60) <= ((to_date(v_mostrecentscandate) - to_date(v_anchor))*24*60*60) is equivalent to
    TRUNC (collect_start_time) <= v_mostrecentscandateThat probably has nothing to do with why you're only getting 6 rows.

  • SSRS report with tabular model – MDX query CoalesceEmpty function does not return the provided string value

    Hello everyone,
    I created following calculated member in MDX query. I am using it in one of the report parameter in dataset (single select dropdown list as report parameter).
    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS
    CoalesceEmpty([Customer].[National Account Code].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION,'None')
    I would like to display 'None' text at the top of the dropdown list values. So that when user selects 'None' then this parameter will not considered in MDX query else the selected National Account Code will be considered to filter report data. But,
    the above return blank/empty value for  [Customer].[National Account Code].&  member though I specified 'None' as text in CoalesceEmpty function. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Ankit Shah
    Inkey Solutions, India.
    Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professionals

    Hi Ankit,
    It seems that you issue had been solved in your another thread.
    iif([Customer].[National Account Code].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION="","None",[Customer].[National
    I marked this reply as answer, it will benefit to other members who have the similar issue.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Gpib, wait does not return after timeout

    I use this code line:
    gpibDevice.Wait(GpibStatusFlags.DeviceServiceRequest | GpibStatusFlags.Timeout);
    I want to wait for a Service Request or a Timeout.
    The IOTimeout is set to 1s, but the Wait function does not return after 1s.
    What is the problem? Do I have to set any other timeout?

    Hi Gregor,
    I am sorry but this link that you send, did not help me. I am using this code within a c# application. This is a bit
    different to LabView. Here is my full code:
    gpibAddress = 1;
    timeoutValue = TimeoutValue.T1s;
    gpibDevice = newDevice( 0, gpibAddress , 0 , timeoutValue );
    gpibDevice.IOTimeout = timeoutValue;
    gpibDevice.DefaultBufferSize = receiveBufferSize;
    gpibDevice.SerialPollResponseTimeout = timeoutValue;
    gpibDevice.Wait(GpibStatusFlags.DeviceServiceRequest | GpibStatusFlags.Timeout);
    And I still have the Problem, that this Wait Function does not return after the
    timeout value - here 1s. Do I have to configure anything else from the GPIB device?

  • Basic Function Generator does not return current time stamp

    The Basic Function Generator .VI file does not return the current time stamp.Instead it counts from 1904.
    Is there a solution to this so that the basic function generator returns a current time stamp?

    "Is there a solution to this" ...  yes, if you expand that to include "workarounds":
    Example_VI.png ‏5 KB

  • FM HRTRV_IF_GET_TRIP does not return USERDATA

    Hi, it's me, yet again...
    I'm using the FM "HRTRV_IF_GET_TRIP" in FITE_VC_GENERA_DATA in a post exit of comp-controller method "ON_SHOW" to get the structure/Table USER/PTK99 from the TE Cluster for binding to the context afterwards. At least that's the plan. The FM does not return me the data I expect in parameter USERDATA, although there is data in the TE Cluster and within the FM, I can see the global Table USER being filled whilst the macro RP-IMP-C1-TE. But this data is not further process neither is seems the strucutre USERDATA to be touched at any point of the FM. Am I calling the FM 'wrong' in any way? I'm close to making an implicit enhancement at the end and forcefully fill userdata from user....
    Too long, didn't read: USERDATA is not returned filled --> WHY?
        employeenumber             = wd_assist->GS_COMMON_RFC_INPUT-employee_number
        tripnumber                 = lv_tripno
    *   LANGUAGE                   = SY-LANGU
    *   CALCULATE_AMOUNTS          = 'X'
    *   GET_TRIP_FROM_MEMORY       = ' '
    *   FRAMEDATA                  =
    *   STATUS                     =
        USERDATA                   = ls_user " should contain cluster values, but it doesn't
    *   RECEIPTS                   =
    *   ADDINFO                    =
    *   GUESTS                     =
    *   TEXT                       =
    *   MILEAGE                    =
    *   STOPOVER                   =
    *   DEDUCTIONS                 =
    *   COSTDIST_TRIP              =
    *   COSTDIST_STOP              =
    *   COSTDIST_RECE              =
    *   COSTDIST_MILE              =
    *   AMOUNTS                    =
    *   ADVANCES                   =
        return                     = lt_bapiret " says method was executed successful
    In the insides of the FM:
    * import the trip because it was NOT imported before
      TE-KEY-PDVRS = T_PERIO-PDVRS. " Once this line is executed, the global table USER is fileld with the data I expect
    *  ENDIF. "XJY
      if t_perio-abrec = '0' or
         t_perio-abrec = '1'.
        clear te-key-pdvrs.
        import beler from memory id te-key.
    I hope somebody has ever used this one and can tell me what I'm doing wrong...
    Cheers, Lukas

    good to know. that you have already implemented similar thing. In our case if employee want to pick a manager he will only be given option from a custom table entries.
    They way i was thinking was that there will be a checkbox that will say "Override Approver"
    and when that will be checked text filed will be enabled with search help restricted to custom table entries.
    I have one question. When I am enhancing FITE_VC_REVIEW and adding field in that view, I m finding it hard to track it. Looks like adding to General data screen will be much easier.
    R u using ABAP memory to track field and use it at SMOD or you are using SAP memory ?
    I am just starting on this one and not expert at webdynpros.. will ping you if i need any more help
    and yes i just added following like in FM HRTRV_IF_GET_TRIP
    read TABLE user INTO userdata INDEX 1
    to get it to load userdata..

  • WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS does not return values

    DB v
    OWB repository/client v
    A DB function has a call to the Control Center transformation WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS to extract and preserve the metadata of number of records inserted/updated/deleted in a DB table.
    The control center transformation WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS does not return any values when used under the Post-Mapping Process(mapped to the DB function describe above) in a Map.
    The input parameter ;Audit Id' to the Map is passed from a calling Process Flow. The following query is used to retrieve the Audit Id of the Map.,
    SELECT execution_audit_id
    INTO l_audit_id
    WHERE parent_execution_audit_id = P_AUDIT_ID;
    And the retrieve l_audit_id is passed to the WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS transformation to extract the number of records inserted/deleted/updated with the execution of the map.
    Gurus, please advice if the approach is appropriate to retrieve the number of records inserted/deleted/updated by the execution of the map. If not, any alternate method.
    2. The control center transformation WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS returns values when used in a standalone pl/sql block with the appropriate audit_id.
    Is this because the metadata for the Map execution is complete, whereas in the earlier attempt, the transformation is called within the map using the Post-Mapping process.
    3. Since the option 1 did not return any value, tried other option of calling/executing a transformation(call the the DB function mentioned earlier) after the Map activity is successful in a ProcessFlow. Here, the transformation does not seem to be executing, any tips of correcting this issue.
    Request the forum for some helpful tips to resolve the problem. TiA (Thanks in Advance) for the response.
    Message was edited by:

    In a process flow, passed the pseudo variable to a transformation to run the WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS after the map execution. I am not sure if this is the best solution, but it worked for me.
    Still trying to figure how to use the pre-defined transformation when working on expression.

  • OCIStmtExecute does not return immediately when client is busy.

    I'm testing a very busy multi-threaded client server that consistently generates
    a large number of simple queries through oci. The problem is that, when the
    server(client) is busy, OCIStmtExecute does not return immediately in
    non-blocking mode.
    Of course I have set non-blocking mode and OCIStmtExecute does return
    OCI_STILL_EXECUTING immediately when the server is not busy. But
    when log rotation occurs which concatenates a large text file (~500MB)
    onto an even larger text file (up to several giga bytes), or when I simply copies
    or concatenates large text files manually, OCIStmtExecute returns very slowly.
    (roughly about after 100~200ms)
    However, while log rotation takes place, everything else including other oci
    calls that come before OCIStmtExecute (prepare, define) return fast. So
    for me it really seems that only OCIStmtExecute becomes extremely slower
    when local server (especially the disk) is busy.
    Is there any way to let OCIStmtExecute immediately return all the time?
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, I knew that OCIStmtExecute would be the only function that causes such
    delay and that was why I traced that call. And so far, I checked several times
    what happens at the exact moment on the server but everything was ok.
    Actually OCIStmtExecute becomes slower exactly when crontab-ed log rotate
    occurs so I think this delay must be a client-side problem for now.
    This server is quite busy and has to respond fast, so it is important to
    guarantee fast response time while a small number of timeout losses are tolerable.
    But as OCIStmtExecutes' first OCI_STILL_EXECUTING return takes hundreds of
    ms it has become more like a blocking call and currently I cannot find any way to do what I want.
    So now everytime such thing happens, the thread waits
    quite long, after the first OCI_STILL_EXECUTING return
    the time difference exceeds timeout limit, and the thread
    calls OCIBreak() and OCIReset() and returns.

  • Recently, I can't get any sound from my game applications.  Sound works fine with video, streaming, etc, but not my game applications.  I've tried powering down and re-booting, but the sound does not return.  Can anyone help me?

    Recently, I can't get any sound from my game applications.  Sound works fine with video, streaming, etc, but not my game applications.  I've tried powering down and re-booting, but the sound does not return.  Can anyone help me?

    Have you got notifications muted ? Only notifications (including games) get muted, so the Music and Videos apps, and headphones, still get sound.
    Depending on what you've got Settings > General > Use Side Switch To set to (mute or rotation lock), then you can mute notifications by the switch on the right hand side of the iPad above the volume switch, or via control centre : swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen and it's the right-most of the 5 icons in the middle of it (if the icon is white then it's 'on', tap it to turn it grey and 'off'). The function that isn't on the side switch is set via control centre instead :

  • Fsbtodb macro in ufs_fs.h does not return correct disk address

    I'm using fsbtodb to translate the file inode block address to file system block address.
    What I've observed is fsbtodb returns corretct disk address for all the files if file system size < 1 TB.
    But, if ufs file system size is greater than 1 TB then for some files, the macro fsbtodb does not return correct value, it returns -ve value
    Is this a known issue and is this been resolved in new versions
    Thanks in advance,

    returns corretct disk address for all the files if file system size < 1 TB.and
    if ufs file system size is greater than 1 TB then for some files, the macro fsbtodb does not return correct value, it returns -ve valueI seem to (very) vaguely recall that you shouldn't be surprised at this example of a functional filesize limitation.
    Solaris 9 was first shipped in May 2002 and though it was the first release of that OS to have extended file attributes I do not think the developers had intended the OS to use raw filesystems larger than 1TB natively.
    That operating environment is just too old to do exactly as you hope.
    Perhaps others can describe this at greater length.

  • _api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle does not return People or Group lookup value with $expands

    I have a list in SharePoint 2013 with a people picker field. I am trying to retreive the list info on cient side in javascript. URL does not take lookup field display name (as stated in some articles) but it was taking AssignedPAId instead. However further
    expands does not return any thing. I need to return the assigned to user name in this case.
    List columns
    AssignedPA (People or Group field)
    REST Query URL:
    It keeps returning me Id only regardless i am asking /Name.
    Any help on query? Please suggest a working query only. i have already googled/binged enough.........................
    Moonis Tahir MVP SharePoint,MCTS SharePoint 2010/2007,,, MCTS BizTalk 2006,SQL 2005

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to get the user name of the people picker control.
    To get the user name in the people picker control, we can use the SPService to achieve it.
    There is a function called
    SPFindPeoplePicker , we can use this function to get the display name.
    There is an article about this topic, you can refer to it.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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