Help-XML report which uses XSL-FO and XSL-FO contains OAF VO

Hello All,
I want to know functionality of one XML report developed by Oracle.
From one oracle form after clicking one button, it is populating PDF file output of report to open.
Here is what Oracle has done to achieve this:
On the click of button on oracle form, it is calling one OAF form. (fnd_function.execute(function_name=> 'ONT_PRINT').
This OAF form contains nothing on its layout. One CO (File is attached) and AM is attached to this OAF page.
In CO, may be it is somehow it is calling RTF file.
I got the RTF file from XML publisher, RTF imports one XSL-FO (ONTBSAEXSL is a Template of XSL-FO type in Oracle apps in XMP Publisher administrator responsibility) file using <?import:xdo://ONT.ONTBSAEXSL.en.00/?>
In the XSL file, OAF View Objects has been used like,
<xsl:variable name="LinesVO" select="/*/HeaderVO/HeaderVORow/LinesVO/LinesVORow"/>
What is the meaning of " /*/HeaderVO/HeaderVORow/LinesVO "? Does it mean LinesVO is getting called by HeadersVO. But in OAF this never happens.
I want to add some columns in the RTF from LinesVO. But "Unit price" is not available in LinesVO.
Do I need to extend this VO in JDeveloper and upload the .JPX and extended VO files?
I have done extending the VO, but no use..
In short my question is,
If I extend the VO LinesVO by XXLinesVO, then will this <xsl:variable name="LinesVO" select="/*/HeaderVO/HeaderVORow/LinesVO/LinesVORow"/>
statement in XSL-FO use my XXLinesVO or LinesVO?

I want to customize one RTF template by adding some columns. This RTF imports one XSL-FO stylesheet.
RTF has tags like <?for-each:/*/HeaderVO/HeaderVORow/LinesVO/LinesVORow?>
and XSL file has tags like <xsl:variable name="InternalOrgName" select="/*/HeaderVO/HeaderVORow/InternalOrgVO/InternalOrgVORow/Name"/>
If I want to add one colun in LinesVO, what are all things I need to do?
I customized it by adding the new columns through JDeveloper and extending the VO's and substituting them, importing JPX and bounced apache.
But the XSL-FO file is very strange (attached herewith). Those changes are not reflecting in report even after extension.

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    That's the general work around, basically fully qualifying the database.user info.
    Have a look at these links, lots of great samples on how to use all of them:
    Root Page
    Enterprise Samples (including managed and unmanaged ras)
    Non-Enterprise Samples
    Exporting Samples (RAS)
    Thank you

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                      MRTR                            Transformer problem         2
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                      MRTR                            Transformer problem         2
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    <b>XSL in ABAP</b>
    refer these links
    for <b>XSL in JAVA</b>
    XSLT Mapping:
    Java Mapping:
    Links of blogs on java mapping...
    Have a look at this blog on XSLT mapping in ccbpm:
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    /people/pooja.pandey/blog/2005/06/27/xslt-mapping-with-java-enhancement-for-beginners(xslt with java enhancement function)
    XSLT Mapping:
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    Java Mapping:
    Message Mapping:
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    XSLT-transformation in Java-Mapping with javax.xml
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    Solved it by myself:
    the problem was not the import but the following:
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    i am getting the error. Can any body tell how to use
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    <xsl:call-template name="selected-unselected">
    ram name="currentTag">motor-carrier</xsl:with-param>
    Here is the template definition:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
    m name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='false'">
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    <motor-carrier selected="true"/>
    <motor-truck selected="false"/>
    <sched-mobile-equip selected="false"/>
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    attribute of the tag has value true then one message
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    should be displayed.try this:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
         <xsl:paramm name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./*[name()=$currentTag]/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./*[name()=$currentTag]/@selected='false'">

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    How do I retrieve or reset the password?
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    I think you're slightly misunderstanding something, so maybe I'll try to chime in, even though everyone has said it in various ways.
    Before OSX 10.7 (aka Lion) came out, the upgrades to OSX belonged to the Mac and not the user. Probably there was a technical legality in the user agreement that you couldn't do that, but everyone did. I could sell a Mac with Snow Leopard (or anything before that) by just erasing the hard drive, and reinstalling OSX. Then ship it to the buyer. Now, I was pretty honest as a seller, and including not only the original installation discs but also any upgrade. I would only sell a Mac if I was replacing it, so I always was getting the brand new version.
    With OSX 10.7, upgrading was done online, with no disks. So the upgrades were tied to an Apple ID rather than the machine. Recently, I sold a MacBook Pro (to upgrade to a 27" iMac), which came with Lion. I had promised the buyer that it would come with Mountain Lion, but I didn't know that the upgrade was tied to my Apple ID. I made good with the buyer by sending along a $20 Apple App Store card so that she could upgrade to Lion.
    So what everyone is saying here is that you need the original Installation discs or Snow Leopard disk to reinstall and wipe out the Mountain Lion that is on your Mac. It doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the seller, and without his Apple ID and password, you cannot use it. Once you do a reinstall of Snow Leopard, then you can upgrade to Lion and then to Mountain Lion. I do not believe you can upgrade directly to Mountain Lion from Snow Leopard, but I'm not sure.
    If the seller claimed that you were getting Mountain Lion, then he was lying to you (or being more civil, maybe he just didn't know like I did). If you bought the used machine from Amazon Sellers or from eBay, then you have recourse through the feedback system or through PayPal. If you bought it any other way, you're on your own.

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        [Date].[Date].CHILDREN*[Measures].[C]),1).ITEM(0) ,visible=1;
        [Date].[Date].CHILDREN,[Measures].[C]),1).ITEM(0).MemberValue ,visible=1;
    Please help with Scope statement to limit the aggregation of A+B for dates > MaxDateofC? Also further how to add this aggregation value to LatestC calc measure?
    Thank You

    Hi Peddi,
    I gave TRUNC to both of the dates. But still the same issue. I think the problem is in returning the BolbDomain.
    return blobDomain;
    } catch (XDOException xdoe) {
    System.out.println("Exception in XDO :");
    throw new OAException("Exception in XDO : "+xdoe.getMessage());
    catch (SQLException sqle) {
    System.out.println("Exception in SQL :");
    throw new OAException("SQL Exception : "+sqle.getMessage());
    catch (OAException e) {
    System.out.println("Exception in OA :");
    throw new OAException("Unexpected Error :: " +e.getMessage());
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hi guys please I need help basically I was using my ipad and decided to download an app I clicked it and hit install and the circle thing started moving but it just stopped and the app said free please I need help

    Guys I was using my ipad today and I decided to install an app so I started it and the circle came and it stopped and the app again said free
    And my App Store turned Chinese
    And when I tried to make a new Apple ID it gave me a warning you might be connected to a server pretending to be at put your private information at risk
    PLEASE help me!!

    Your friend and whomever they talked to are wrong.  That message occurs when your device is locked to another carrier, and only that carrier can authorize an unlock request.
    Apple does not unlock devices for consumers - they merely process unlock requests submitted by authorized carriers.  Your friend needs to contact his carrier and request an unlock for that phone, assuming the carrier offers unlocking (not all do nor are they required to).
    See Apple's own documentation -

  • Need help solving Error 3005 using activex server and automation open.

    I am trying to use a master vi to call a slave vi by using the activex server option. The steps i have taken are:
    1. In the slave vi, go to advanced tab in build options and check enable activex server.
    2. After building the .exe go to the command prompt and type the path to the .exe followed by /RegServer. Ex: C:\slavevi\applicatoin.exe /RegServer. This will add it to the activex plugin list.
    2.a restart labview if it was open.
    3. In the master vi use automation open, create a constant for the automation refnum and right click it. Select browse. Browse to the name you chose in the enable activex server field from step 1. Choose “show creatable objects only” and pick the _application one.
     4. use an invoke node and connect automation open to it. Choose getVIReference. This will drill down to the actual vi you want to control.
    5. The path will be the install path + the vi name. Ex: \slavevi.exe\
    These steps actually worked on the machine that I built the vis on but if I build the exes and transfer them to another computer I get error 3005 when it tries to open the slave.exe program. In each instance the master and slave vis are both local (not trying to go through a network or anything). I have registered the slave.exe and .tlb file on the new computer, rebooted etc and nothing seems to work. I also tried running the master vi as source code but that didn't work.
    The master vi was originally built in labview 7.1 and the slave is built in LV 9.01 but I have since upgraded the master vi to 9.01 to try and resolve the problem.
    Is there something that happens during a build that needs to be replicated on the new computer?
    Thanks for any help.
    Go to Solution.

    Help needed ..
    am also getting this error 3005 in automation open in LV.
    i am trying to design a GPS software by integrating Google Earth Application in LV. i am successful in that. but when i am trying to use its properties like drawing a pilygon or point at particular longitude and latitude am getting error.
    I read that mass complie thing was for older LV versions.
    am using LV2009.
    Attached is the part of code thats creating trouble.
    GE.JPG ‏19 KB

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