Here i need to convert from EA to CS.

Hi Dear friends,
iam having one requirement. that is conversion.
here is need to convert from EA to CS, for that one iam using FM: conversion_factor_get
But this is not converting and when i run program it was showing the error is "conversion of dimensionless units is possible".
Here i need to convert from EA to CS.
this is Eg:
       LV_DEC(100) TYPE N,
       LV_NUM(100) TYPE N.
   NO_TYPE_CHECK              = ' '
   UNIT_IN                    = 'EA'
   UNIT_OUT                   = 'CS'
   ADD_CONST                  = LV_SS
  DECIMALS                   = LV_DECI
   DENOMINATOR                = LV_DEC
  DIMENSION                  =
   NUMERATOR                  = LV_NUM
  OVERFLOW                   = 2
  TYPE_INVALID               = 3
  UNITS_MISSING              = 4
  UNIT_IN_NOT_FOUND          = 5
  UNIT_OUT_NOT_FOUND         = 6
  OTHERS                     = 7
if SY-SUBRC <> 0.
write : lv_ss, lv_dec, lv_num.

first ensure that the both values CS and EA exist in the table T006
then only the conversion of the units is possible using the fun module
Since the unit CS is not available in T006 table it is not working
This fun module in turn uses the table data T006 for the conversion of units

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    Here's our current code... (I warned you it was a beast)
    set Ad_Props to {¬
         {Ad_Label:"SPREAD – ", Ad_Width:2.495, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"FULL – ", Ad_Width:1.225, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"SPREAD – ", Ad_Width:2.495, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"JUNIOR – ", Ad_Width:0.90625, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/2H – ", Ad_Width:1.225, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/2V – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/3V – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:1.2025, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/4 – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/4 Strip – ", Ad_Width:0.26875, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/8H – ", Ad_Width:0.5875, Ad_Height:0.3675, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/8V – ", Ad_Width:0.26875, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"Junior (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.8, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/3V (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.375, Ad_Height:1.62, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/3sq. (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.8, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"1/6V (GOLF) – ", Ad_Width:0.375, Ad_Height:0.785, Ad_Text_Angle:90}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"Directory Listing Only – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"INSERT (# in notes) – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"Other (See Notes) – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}, ¬
         {Ad_Label:"------------ – ", Ad_Width:0.3, Ad_Height:0.3, Ad_Text_Angle:0}}
    set Position_Width to number
    set Position_Width to 11.375
    set Position_Height to number
    set Position_Height to 1.875
    set Jump_Height to number
    set Jump_Height to 0
    set Variable_Count to number
    set Variable_Count to 0
    set Variable_Height to number
    set Variable_Height to (1.875 + (1.62 * Variable_Count))
    set Last_Ad to number
    set Last_Ad to 0
    tell application "QuarkXPress"
              display dialog "WARNING: This version of 'Dummy Square Maker' runs much slower than the last version, a confirmation will tell you when you are finished. Please be patient." & return & return & "Make sure to have the text box selected" buttons {"Cancel", "Accept"} default button 2 with icon caution
              set ThisBox to object reference of current box
              tell story 1 of ThisBox
                   set (every paragraph where it is return) to ""
                   set style sheet of every text to null
                   set style sheet of every text to "DUMMY TEXTS"
                   repeat with i from 1 to (count of paragraphs)
                             tell paragraph i
                                  set ThePage to my get_CurrentPage()
                                       if it contains " – " then
                                            set style sheet to "AD SIZE"
                                            set Ad_Size to contents
                                            set {This_Width, This_Height, this_angle} to {"", "", ""}
                                            repeat with This_Ad in Ad_Props
                                                 if Ad_Size contains (Ad_Label of This_Ad) then
                                                      set This_Width to Ad_Width of This_Ad
                                                      set This_Height to Ad_Height of This_Ad
                                                      set this_angle to Ad_Text_Angle of This_Ad
                                                      exit repeat
                                                 end if
                                            end repeat
                                            set Ad_Box to my Make_Box(ThePage, {1.875, 10.875, This_Height + 1.875, This_Width + 10.875}, this_angle)
                                            duplicate contents to (end of Ad_Box)
                                       else if it contains "—" then
                                            set style sheet to "AD REP/PLACEMENT"
                                            duplicate contents to (end of Ad_Box)
                                       else if it starts with "©" then
                                            set style sheet to "AD REP/PLACEMENT"
                                            delete (character 1)
                                            duplicate contents to end of Ad_Box
                                            if Position_Width ≤ 19.75 then
                                                 set Jump_Height to Jump_Height + This_Height
                                                 (*_________________This is where Ad Boxes Stack_________________*)
                                                 if (Jump_Height ≤ 1.62) then
                                                      set origin of bounds of Ad_Box to {Position_Height, Position_Width}
                                                      set Position_Height to Position_Height + This_Height
                                                      (*_________________This is where Ad Boxes more right_________________*)
                                                      set Position_Height to Variable_Height
                                                      (*set Position_Width to Position_Width + This_Width + 0.05*)
                                                      set Position_Width to Position_Width + Last_Ad + 0.05
                                                      set origin of bounds of Ad_Box to {Position_Height, Position_Width}
                                                      set Jump_Height to This_Height
                                                      set Position_Height to Variable_Height + This_Height
                                                 end if
                                                 set Last_Ad to This_Width
                                                 (*_________________This is where New Row appears_________________*)
                                                 set Position_Width to 11.375
                                                 set Variable_Count to Variable_Count + 1
                                                 set Variable_Height to (1.875 + (1.62 * Variable_Count))
                                                 set Position_Height to Variable_Height
                                                 set origin of bounds of Ad_Box to {Position_Height, Position_Width}
                                                 set Position_Height to Position_Height + This_Height
                                                 set Jump_Height to This_Height
                                                 set Last_Ad to This_Width
                                            end if
                                            duplicate contents to (end of Ad_Box)
                                       end if
                                  end try
                             end tell
                        on error errmsg number errnum
                             display dialog "There has been an error " & "[" & i & "] (" & errmsg & " [" & errnum & "])" buttons {"Okay"} default button 1 with icon stop
                        end try
                   end repeat
                   delete contents
                   set style sheet of every text to null
              end tell
              beep 2
              display dialog "Automation Finished" & return & return & "IMPORTANT NOTE: Color your Ad Squares according to Sales Rep, and select them all and 'BRING TO FRONT [F5]', this is VITAL." buttons {"Okay"} default button 1 with icon stop
         on error errmsg number errnum
              beep 3
              if errnum ≠ -128 then
                   display dialog errmsg & " [" & errnum & "]" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
              end if
         end try
    end tell
    on Make_Box(ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle)
         local ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle
         tell application "QuarkXPress"
              tell page ThePage of document 1
                   set Ad_Box to make new text box at end with properties {bounds:TheBounds, vertical justification:centered, color:"Rep_Other", shade:100, opacity:10, text angle:this_angle, frame:{style:solid line, color:"Black", shade:60, width:0.1}}
              end tell
         end tell
         (*end tell*)
         return Ad_Box
    end Make_Box
    on get_CurrentPage()
         tell application "QuarkXPress"
              tell document 1
                   return page number of current page
              end tell
         end tell
    end get_CurrentPage

    I think with this, you can already make good progress in your work.
    Good luck!
    global mydocument
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
         set mydocument to active document
         tell mydocument
              set myParaStyle to paragraph style "DUMMY TEXTS"
              tell page 1
                   set TheBounds to {0, 0, 20, 50}
                   set Ad_Box to make text frame
                   tell Ad_Box
                        set geometric bounds to TheBounds
                        set vertical justification of text frame preferences to center align
                        set contents to "This is the contents"
                   end tell
                   set myStory to parent story of Ad_Box
                   set applied paragraph style of every paragraph of myStory to myParaStyle
              end tell
         end tell
    end tell
    Your two handlers then look like this:
    on Make_Box(ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle)
         local ThePage, TheBounds, this_angle
         tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              tell page ThePage of mydocument
                   set Ad_Box to make text frame
                   tell Ad_Box
                        set geometric bounds to TheBounds
                        set vertical justification of text frame preferences to center align
                   end tell
              end tell
         end tell
         return Ad_Box
    end Make_Box
    on get_CurrentPage(CurrentTextFrame)
         tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              tell mydocument
                   return name of parent page of parent page of CurrentTextFrame
              end tell
         end tell
    end get_CurrentPage
    Shorter version:
    on get_CurrentPage(CurrentTextFrame)
         tell mydocument of application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              return name of parent page of parent page of CurrentTextFrame
         end tell
    end get_CurrentPage
    Ce message a été modifié par: OlivierBerquin

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    I can convert these for you, as I have 7.1 and 8.5.1. However, there are many controls missing as I do the converts - so the version in 8.5.1 have large numbers of vi's missing. So a better option maybe to build the vi's in the newer version. Not ideal I know. Let me know what you think, or if you can attach the library which will cause me the problems.
    Kind Regards
    James Hillman
    Applications Engineer 2008 to 2009 National Instruments UK & Ireland
    Loughborough University UK - 2006 to 2011
    Remember Kudos those who help!

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    Symbol 'MoneySlider', Layer 'AS', Frame 1, Line 7, Column 3
    1120: Access of undefined property ratio.
    Symbol 'MoneySlider', Layer 'AS', Frame 1, Line 7, Column 20
    1180: Call to a possibly undefined method number.
    Symbol 'MoneySlider', Layer 'AS', Frame 1, Line 7, Column 27
    1120: Access of undefined property _root.
    Symbol 'MoneySlider', Layer 'AS', Frame 1, Line 9, Column 27
    1120: Access of undefined property ratio.
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    this.ratio = 0;
    this.loadBar._width = 0;
    this.dragger.ratio.text= "$0";
                        ratio=Math.round(number(_root.transitBenefitLimit/100)*(thi s._x/(line._width/100)));
                        loadBar._width = Math.round(this._x);
                        dragger.ratio.text= "$"+ratio;
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    this.ratio = 0;
    this.loadBar.width = 0;
    this.dragger.ratio.text= "$0";
    var dragged_mc:MovieClip;
    function downF(e:MouseEvent):void{
    function enterframeF(e:Event):void{
                        ratio=Math.round(Number(MovieClip(root).transitBenefitLimit/100)*(dragged_mc.x/(line.widt h/100)));
                        loadBar.width = Math.round(dragged_mc.x);
                        dragger.ratio.text= "$"+ratio;
    function upF(e:MouseEvent):void{

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    thank you in advance
    QAM ‏30 KB
    QAM ‏30 KB
    rx ‏57 KB

    The conversion was done here:
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Convert from 2009 to 2013

      I have a drvier code from Watlow that I need to convert from 2009 to 2013 and is attached.  Could someone help with this?
    Example Cntl.ctl ‏5 KB

    Just open them up in LabVIEW 2013 and save them.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions

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    I need to convert from NVARCHAR2 column data to Unicode format in a queryMaybe with convert:
    SQL> select convert(n'ABC', 'utf8') abc from dual;

    1 row selected.?

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    Currently the Acrobat version is "XI" (no "12").
    With Acrobat XI installed:
    "File - Save As Other"  --- from here you pick the supported file format for the export.
    If a PDF has content that is the output of a scanner then that output (as is the case for All scanners' output) is a picture of text and not real text.
    During an export all that can be processed is the picture. As a picture of text is not text it is understandable why Word (or other word processors) cannot edit the content.
    So, for such, prior to export run Acrobat's OCR and save.
    The export will be of the OCR content.
    Do expect to do clean of the text, spelling, punctuation, layout etc.
    This may be minor. This may be major. But, there will be some.
    Adobe as some online subscription services that can take a "proper" PDF (NOT all are eh) and export to supported file formats.
    Two are "ExportPDF" and "PDF Pack".
    Be well...

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    Do you want text in Thailand , when your logon language is English that to dynamic text ? is it so.
    If not  I think  you can do this using Translation  .
    Mintain text-elements and then GOTO -> Translation.
    When you logon in that particular language then it will be displayed in that language only.

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    Go for ETL solution. There are couple of ways to implement.
    If helps mark

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    No, it isn't telling you that you need a PostScript printer. It's telling you that you need a PostScript printer DRIVER, which is software, not a printer.
    Use the Add Printer function to add an Apple LaserWriter IINTX. That's a PostScript printer. Then try again.
    I don't quite understand the Windows 7 connection, though. What are you hoping to achieve by making a PDF. You WON'T be able to edit them, if that's the idea.

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    FILE=${1:?'Parameter 1 should be set to file name'}
    BLOCK=${2:?'Parameter 2 should be set to block to be corrupted''}
    BLOCKSIZE=${3:?Parameter 3 should be set to blocksize'}
    dd of=$FILE bs=$BLOCKSIZE conv=notrunc seek=$BLOCK <<EOF
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    dd of=$FILE bs=$BLOCKSIZE conv=notrunc seek='expr 3 + $BLOCK' <<EOF

    Look up the SimpleDateFormat class:
    Arwinder wrote:
    This is absolutely necessary... any help plz..For you maybe, not others. Please refrain from trying to urge others to answer your queries. They'll do it at their own pace ( if at all ).
    People on the forum help others voluntarily, it's not their job.
    Help them help you.
    Learn how to ask questions first:
    (Yes I know it's on JavaRanch but I think it applies everywhere)

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    Change iTunes Store Country on an iDevice
    1. Tap Settings;
    2. Tap iTunes & App Stores;
    3. Tap View Apple ID;
    4. Enter your user name and password;
    5. Tap Country/Region;
    6. Tap Change Country/Region;
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    8. Tap Done.
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