What is the difference between holding a invoice document (MIRO) and parking a document (MIR7).
I hope each having same function.
Again I want to see a report which will show me hold invoice document
Again what is the difference between parked and parked as complete.(MIR5)
please answer me ASAP.

You can refer to the help screen int the respective MIR7 scree to know definition of each function.
Holding Invoice Documents
If you are interrupted while entering or parking an invoice, you can hold the data you have already entered, such as the list field selections, header data, and item data. The system creates an invoice document but does not make any checks, updates, or postings. When you continue processing the held document later, the system proposes the data already entered.
Parking Invoice Documents
You create an invoice document in document parking. Choose the disk icon Save parked document to do this. Before saving the data, the system performs consistency checks.Subsequently, you can still change, delete, or post parked documents, or save them as complete.
Use document parking if:
1. Information required for posting the invoice document is missing in the invoice document and you do not want to have to enter again the data already entered
2. The balance is not zero
3. The following updates are to take place:
Log of document changes
Informative purchase order history
Data for advance tax returns
Index for checking for duplicate invoices
Vendor open items
Vendor open items for parked documents
Saving Invoice Documents as Complete
You create an invoice document in document parking. Choose Save as complete to do this. Before saving the data, the system performs consistency checks. In the event of errors, the data is not saved, but is presented for correction instead. Subsequently, you can still change, delete, or post Documents complete for posting.
Use Save as complete if:
1. No more changes are to be made to the invoice document
2. The balance is zero
3. The invoice document is to be parked for posting but not posted yet
Edited by: girang irawan on Dec 10, 2009 10:09 AM
Edited by: girang irawan on Dec 10, 2009 10:10 AM

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    Below given is the list of all transactions related to parked documents.
    FBV0                 Post Parked Document                 
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    You can use a BDC for the same. Create a recording using SHDB or SM35 => Recording.
    Best regards,

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    As suggested why are you not using the Options Invoicing party to search the vendor, you also have the other option for posting . i. e date of posting in the same screen, utilise them for your Process.
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    You can use MIR6.
    Specify the selection criteria and select the option as Held/Parked in entry type section
    You get the list of parked inovices.
    Click on the change icon infront of the invoice number and do the necessary modifications then post it to accounting.
    For your information you cannot post all the parked invoices at one time, since these invoices needs to be filled with the required information.
    Hope it helps you,

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    Best Regards
    Paresh Kumar G

       Please check whether the SES has been deleted or any subsequent changes has been done in the SES or PO. If so system may throw the mentioned error.
       Also refer the note:  501905 - MIR4: M8 008 for documents that are on hold or parked
       If you are in ECC 5 or lower, you may refer the notes:   750455 - MIR4/MR8M: M8 008 routine MRM_DRSEG_CR_CREATE  and 763293 - Service entry sheet + parked invoice
    Message was edited by: PRASOON AKPT

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    in fm MRM_INVOICE_PARK you have as export parameter TE_ERRPROT.
    in the documentation button of miro it says:
    If you are interrupted while entering or parking an invoice, you can hold the data you have already entered, such as the list field selections, header data, and item data. The system creates an invoice document but does not make any checks, updates, or postings.
    The key here is: The system creates an invoice document but does not make any checks
    Bear that in mindf if you just want to hold an invoice in MIRO.
    Best regards.
    Edited by: Pablo Casamayor on Dec 10, 2010 10:02 AM

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    I think what you describe is standar system behaviour. You nee to re-think how you use Invoice Parking  workflow - it is meant to manage incomplete documents, not for invoice release. You need to first post invoice doucument, only than open invoice qunatities will be updated and depending on tollerance limits and other setting release invoice for payment.

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    Hi Anil,
    When a parked document is created, SAP uses BO FIPP. So to attach any file to a parked document you need to use object services of FIPP. When we post document to G/L we create a document of type BKFP. So you need to pass attachment from FIPP to BKPF.

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    Hope you are getting the dump Please check this note 1687903 - MIR4: Dump while saving parked invoice
    also check the dump at ST21 for the ABAP statement whare it is getting an issue and rectify the same .

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    I am still researching this issue. Let me know if there are any options or ideas.

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    We did find a way to get this to work.
    In SE38 in SAPLMR1M, we added enhancements to the following:
    In includes:
         LMR1MTOP  - at the bottom of this top-include,  at enhancement point LMR1MTOP_02, we added
               include /nfm/lmr1mdat.  
    Shortly after, in the PBO sections
    2)   LMR1MO10-->LMR1MO1N-->LMR1MO2O-->LMR1MO2O (document read),  we added
           a new enhancement implementation that was named  ZMIRO_ES_SAPLMR1M 

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    1) Can any one guide me how to display Parked document which are deleted.
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    Please to table BKPF.
    Execute for the period.
    You will have the document status as Z for field BSTAT (Z is for deleted documents)

  • Error in workflow while linking goods receipt document with parked invoice

    Hi All,
    I parked document using Tcode MIRO, when WF has been executed and goods receipt document has been created.At the time that we tried to link this goods receipt to parked invoice document in the workflow,The problem happens with work item saying the status as Error. See the below error.
    MIRO Invoice: 801061193 2010 Item: 000001     13.09.2010     09:24:58     Error     AP Workflow for MIRO/MIRA Parked Invoice
    Can anyone advice why it is coming so?
    Thanks in advance.

    In SWEL go to workflow trace and see what exactly is the error. This error description is too generic to arrive at soln.

  • Park invoices that havent been Goods Receipted

    Dear Gurus,
    We are looking at a way of parking invoices on our system that havent been GRN'd but want to maintain Goods-Receipt-Based IV button ticked in the PO to ensure that the functionality around this are maintained.
    We also want to be able to allocate the PO line items to the Invoice but again if it hasnt been GRN'd MIRO doesnt pick up the PO in question.
    I have looked at transaction MIRA but this only Holds an invoice rather than Parking it and we need to be able to allocate a FI Document.
    Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
    Feel free to ask for additional information.

    The advantage of parking is that you are still able to modify while this is not possible with holding.
    You can distribute the work between 2 users
    Especially when working with EDI you often get the invoice much earlier than the goods, and those invoices are all parked.
    The SAP release notes 4.6c already explain:
    Update allocation
    If goods-receipt-based invoice verification has been defined and no goods receipt has been posted yet, you can park an invoice document simply by saving the allocation without any invoice items. If you want to process this parked invoice document further at a later time and a goods receipt has been posted in the meantime, the system can find this goods receipt. Choose the icon Update allocation to do this.
    And this docu explains as well in detail how documents are parked in case of GR based IV:
    Processing Invoice Documents - Logistics Invoice Verification (MM-IV-LIV) - SAP Library

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