How can I restrict a device to one of the airport routers in my network?

I have a time machine (1st generation) and an AirPort Extreme as a network extender. I want to restrict an Apple TV to access the Internet through the time machine only.

Can I use Airport Utilyty 6 to block the bedroom Apple TV from the Airport Extreme router?
As I said, you can't specify which device the Apple TV connects with.
I was thinking of enabling access control and then adding the MAC address of the device.
Access Control works on the entire network. When you input the access control settings on one device, they auto populate to the other device. The result would be that the Apple TV would not connect at all.
Try powering off the Apple TV and leaving it off for a few minutes, then power it back up to see if it will pick up a signal from the Time Capsule.
If that does not work, then reset the Apple TV back to default settings and then re-configure it again to see if that will do what you want.
That's all you can do.

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        lr_salv_wd_table_usage->create_component( ).
      lr_salv_wd_table = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv( ).
      wd_this->alv_config_table = lr_salv_wd_table->get_model( ).
      lr_table_settings ?= wd_this->alv_config_table.
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      lr_table_settings->set_read_only( abap_false ).
    * Get Column reference
      CALL METHOD wd_this->alv_config_table->if_salv_wd_column_settings~get_column
          id    = 'CURR_ISO'
          value = lr_column.
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      CREATE OBJECT lr_chk_box
          checked_fieldname = 'CURR_ISO'.
    * Set the cell editor type to the check box.
      CALL METHOD lr_column->set_cell_editor
          value = lr_chk_box.
    and to set the check box as editable, do the following.
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    Reset the SMC and PRAM
    SMC Reset:
    Shut down the MacBook Pro.
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    Press the power button to turn on the computer. 
    Shut down the MacBook Pro.
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    Turn on the computer.
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    singer777 wrote:
    I believe I want to use TWO USB Hard Drives with my Airport Extreme, but it seems there is only 1 USB port.
    Use a (powered) USB hub.
    I am currently using that USB port for my backup external hard drive (works with Time Machine).
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    Hello marthadp
    The article below will assist with renaming your device in either iTunes or from within the device itself.
    iTunes and iOS: Change the name of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    - How to Recover Restrictions Forgotten iPhone Restrictions Passcode | The iPhone and iPad Blog

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    Now when I drag and drop the photo no red # shows up and the photo stays in project 1 and also shows up in project 2 apparently creating a duplicate.
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